Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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Startled, Starman would push his hand towards Broly. The Saiyan of legend felt a strong force of gravity shoving him away and causing him to tumble onto the floor before sliding to a halt opposite the wall. Starman watched and winced.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm doing."

Grabbing his head, he would move to leave the area. He needed to be alone.

@Kakarot! @Kaykay @theColorlessrainbow @Atomyk @Mari @Jeremi

As Rey looked out from the shuttle, she could not help but notice this. A forceful action, from what seemed to be nothing but air? She looked at the Starman, wondering.... him as well? It was certainly possible, from what she could tell. She was not well versed in this herself so she could not really determine so, and she went back to focusing on familiarity with the shuttle.

@Josh M
Rey didn't want to leave the war room, she felt that was the place to learn about their destination. However, she did not seem have a choice in the matter, along with the others, so she went along to this shuttle bay. Upon arriving it seemed, already some of the others here were at odds with each other, arguing, posturing for advantage. Rey herself could very well understand that, as that was the life on Jakku. If you had something of value, you had to protect it or risk losing it all. Sometimes the illusion of value, or the hint of power, could cause others to think you had something of value, and treat you with respect.


Something in her told her to stay away for now. Was it the Force, or was it an inner sense? She didn't know, but she stayed away from the activity for now. The holograpic simulators were tempting for her to use, but she instead walked towards the shuttles. Flying was an interest of hers, something she was passionate about before she discovered something else, something far bigger and possibly more important than piloting. And, she thought, familiarity with the shuttles might be very important here.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Kakarot! @Kaykay @Jeremi @Mari @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @The Tactician @Josh M @Atomyk

"You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost" I met eyes with the strange woman the moment she entered the hanger. She looked so cold, so lost in thought. If she was here, the odds were that her world had also been destroyed, just like mine. It's clear to see she's not coping as well as some of the rest of us.....

@TheColourlessRainbow @Kakarot! @Kaykay @Jeremi @Mari @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @The Tactician @Josh M @Atomyk[/QUOTE]
Mobile post
"You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost" I met eyes with the strange woman the moment she entered the hanger. She looked so cold, so lost in thought. If she was here, the odds were that her world had also been destroyed, just like mine. It's clear to see she's not coping as well as some of the rest of us.....

@TheColourlessRainbow @Kakarot! @Kaykay @Jeremi @Mari @Cromartie Sarkissian @C.T. @The Tactician @Josh M @Atomyk
Mobile post[/QUOTE]

Rey looked from the shuttle at the man that was speaking to her, seemingly out of concern. He seemed good, at peace compared to the others that were in the shuttle bay with them. She would usually keep to herself, as she had grown accustomed to on Jakku, but for this person she would make an exception.


"I'm perfectly fine", she said in response, as she continued to test the levers and buttons on the shuttle. "I've been through a lot since leaving Jakku, but I'm here and doing okay. Trying to get familiar with this space craft in case we need a pilot, which I have a feeling we may need. I'm a pilot but I haven't flown this type of ship before."

@Cromartie Sarkissian
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Joseph would exclaim in surprise when Jonathan would pull everyone into a massively strong hug. If Joseph were any bit smaller than he actually was, he feared that he would have died right on the spot, because now he felt like he was choking. Jonathan would be able to feel Joseph desperately tapping his arm, muffled years of "Uncle! Uncle! Lemme go already!" being heard, before a pause, and then a "Grandpa! Grandpa! Lemme go already!"

Lisa Lisa would also be a bit excited at Jonathan's sudden reaction, but said nothing, naturally remaining much more calm than her son. When the time would come to let go, the woman would clear her throat. Admittedly, she did feel somewhat overwhelmed by the situation as well. Who would have thought that she would wake up today and meet her deceased adoptive father? Still, she couldn't very well break down and cry over this. Not in public anyway.

"Anyway..." Lisa Lisa began, "It really is good to see you, Jonathan, or rather... Would Father be more fitting? Well, either way... I do wish it was under better circumstances. And I do wish that we have more time to talk, but this kind of situation that we're in... I doubt it's a festive one."

And one more thing to wrap up.

"But tell me, Jonathan... You wouldn't happen to have had a relative in America, would you? A man named Johnny Joestar who shares our same birthmark?" She asked, her grip on Johnny's collar tightening as she pushed him forward a bit.

As the smaller Johnny Joestar was pulled in for a bearhug, he couldn't help but cry for fresh air as he smacked Jonathan's arm repeatedly, like a defeated wrestler tapping out of a match.
"P-please! My spine is still recovering!" He gasped, letting out a loud sigh of relief when Jonathan finally let him go.

Wiping the tears from his face, Jonathan beamed as Lisa Lisa debated on what to call him.
Holding her by her shoulders, the man nodded.
"Father would be perfectly fine, Elizabeth!" He smiled brightly.
"You are my daughter after all!" He chuckled, before turning to his grandson.
"And Joseph! I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you, but you've grown into a fine man! A bit smaller than myself and a wild mouth, but don't worry, I'll fix both of those issues for you!" He laughed, just ecstatic that all of this was happening.

But before the new grandfather could go on, he was interrupted when Lisa Lisa asked her question regarding an American relative.
"W-Why no, dear. Our family has been of English descent for generations! Why do you..." His eyes went wide when Johnny's birthmark was presented.

Now that the attention was placed on his, Johnny Joestar, still leaning against Lisa Lisa, looked at his larger counterpart.
"Yes, my name is Joestar, too. But...I believe I am not of the same world as the three of you. Because..."
The young man's fist clenched as he thought out his next sentences carefully.
"The Diego 'Dio' Brando that I know could not have possibly been on your ship. He was in America for the continental Steel Ball Run Race. In fact, I know that the man died!"
He declared, getting a shocked gasp from Jonathan.

"A-another world?! And another Dio, of all things?! C-can this even be possible?" Jonathan asked, turning to his family members for some sort of confirmation, as he still felt out of the loop.
Toboe peeked inside the room to which seemed to be where the crew stay. To most they'd see a shy looking thirteen year old. But in reality it was shy slim looking wolf that could easily be mistaken as a fog in disguise.

"Oh...this room seems pretty packed." The male said sheepishly under his breath.

@Hospes @The Great Detective @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow

The Master noting the God's confusion simply gave a playful smile and explained "Oh don't worry! This is how me and the Doctor tease each other before the big finale".

@Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @TheColourlessRainbow @Lizzy @The Great Detective @Bomb


Smiling brightly at the Master, Kofuku placed a hand to her chin, seeming to return to her typical light-hearted state. "Ohh," was all she replied, before something seemed to occur to her. "Oh, but-.." Whatever she'd been about to say to the man was cut off abruptly, and the god tilted her head, looking around the room. She swore that--...



Within moments, Toboe would find the god in front of him, leaning close to his face. "There's always room for one more~!"

@Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @The Great Detective @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow @Atomyk
"Well..." Producer hands a business card to the two. "Just call me Producer. I do have a first and last name, but please just call me Producer. I'm the one who will deduce that you have the voice of an idol. Oh! Do a 'Nico Nico Nii'!"


"Ehehe... shrooms... oh? Sorry... my name is... Hoshi Shouko... I hope to be your friend... ehehe..."

@Archmage Jeremiah @Bomb

"I thought I heard the boss' daughter..." Producer begins to panic.

"Oh... you mean them?" Shouko points at what appears to be Lisa Lisa. "They don't look like... such bad people..."

@Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT


"Well it's mighty nice to meet you two Mr. Producer!" Applebloom exclaimed before emitting a gasp, "I have the voice of an idol? Sis! D'you think I could get my cutie-mark in singin'?!"


"Uh...a neecko neecko whatnow? Wut's that s'posed to mean?" Applejack asked confusedly, before Applebloom burst out repeating the phrase like a parrot, "Nico nico nii!~ Nico nico nii!~ Nico nico nii!~"

@Crow @Bomb @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Toboe peeked inside the room to which seemed to be where the crew stay. To most they'd see a shy looking thirteen year old. But in reality it was shy slim looking wolf that could easily be mistaken as a fog in disguise.

"Oh...this room seems pretty packed." The male said sheepishly under his breath.

@Hospes @The Great Detective @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow

Smiling brightly at the Master, Kofuku placed a hand to her chin, seeming to return to her typical light-hearted state. "Ohh," was all she replied, before something seemed to occur to her. "Oh, but-.." Whatever she'd been about to say to the man was cut off abruptly, and the god tilted her head, looking around the room. She swore that--...



Within moments, Toboe would find the god in front of him, leaning close to his face. "There's always room for one more~!"

@Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @The Great Detective @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow @Atomyk
And suddenly the Master was the one left in a situation of the others knowing each other.
"A worshipper? Disciple? Another God?" The Master questioned now noticing the new person in the room.

Then continuing "And buuuut? But what? Well, I guess I just use the Sonic to read your mind and figure it out... But that'd be no fun... Who just reads everyones mind any ways?"

@Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @TheColourlessRainbow @Lizzy @The Great Detective @Bomb
  • Nice Execution!
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If it was an introduction he wanted he'd surely get one. "I, my barbarian friend, am Skeletor! Overlord of Evil! And I am well beyond any demon that has clawed its way out of hell." Skeletor boasted to the Legendary Sayian. "And I think you have noticed in our short time here that I am not one you'd want to make an enemy of...much like you."

@Josh M @Jeremi @Kaykay @Mari @Atomyk @TheColourlessRainbow

Who did this whelp believe he was talking to? Just some common brute? Broly was many things, a murderer on a galactic scale with too many planets to count that'd been destroyed by his hands, a monster to the few survivors of his wrath, and a true and utter freak! That last one was a title he bestowed upon himself and one he wore with pride. No reason to try to act like it wasn't what he was, right? All of this showed that he was far more than just a simple barbarian! His energy flaring around him all the while.

"Overlord of Evil? Hah! If you believe yourself worthy of such a title, then perhaps the power I sensed from you was not misplaced. You would do well to take note of my own. I'm more than a mere barbaric brute! I'm a true freak! Broly!"

As Skeletor went on to assure Broly that he was an opponent Broly wouldn't want to mess with, the saiyan sneered.

"Oh? You made that fool from before kneel before you. Try to do the same to me and you'll get a body to match that skull." The warning was there but Broly didn't act on it. At least not at the moment. He was admittedly a bit wary of whatever 'magic' this being had used to make Shizuo kneel like he did. Nevertheless if Skeletor got in his way, Broly would not hold back for any reason. "But I shouldn't need to tell you that. You seem fully aware of the power I wield, heheheheheh.."

Having said all he felt needed to be said to the self-proclaimed overlord of evil, Broly turned away from him. That robot mentioned something about holographic simulations or something of the like that he could vent his frustrations through? Did this include..him?


Even the thought of that bastard made Broly's blood boil! Even as far back when they were infants Kakarot's incessant wailing bothered the young Broly. Taking into account being stabbed for his worrisome power level and then having to save his father and himelf from their planet exploding. It gave some explanation as to why Broly was the way he is. Still if that Geth could run a simulation involving Kakarot then invading this ship was truly worth it!

@Kaykay @Jeremi @TheColourlessRainbow @Mari @Josh M
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Bane's Prologue
The Reckoning

For hours upon hours, the inhabitants of the Normandy scrambled like pests, flocking to their stations, conversing among one another with an almost frantic sense. From pastel-colored ponies to hunters to all those between, the Normandy floated freely through the vast cosmos, carrying with her a plethora of lost and weary souls. Yet among the travelers, out of their own intention or not, one among them stood out respectfully, as did the others.

Emerging from the steel confines of his room, he walked with a certain aura of overwhelming strength and ego. Metal met flesh, the bulky, towering man walking slowly yet confidentially, like a stern and ruthless warlord. Breaths of heavy air flowed in and out through a specialized gas mask, filtering the air around him, giving his voice an eerily sonorous echo. With a flak jacket strapped to his nearly bare torso, the social revolutionary paused, lifting his bald face upwards, speaking mostly to himself yet his voice stretching far, echoing off the claustrophobic corridors of the Normandy.


"And now more join our ranks...fools and cowards, by our so gracious captain." the sophisticated brute sarcastically remarked, continuing his lonesome trek down outside of his quarters. Resting his hands on the straps of his ballistic vest, the man merely known as Bane spoke up once more, not an ounce of sympathy in his voice.

"Peace has granted us the illusion of strength and prosperity. Gotham did not see the filth before it's stained eyes, and even as I liberated it from it's shackles, the beams of retribution eradicated from it's existence. Gotham did not endure, but I did, the one to fulfill Ra's al Ghul's destiny! The League of Shadows runs through my veins, and yet around me I see nothing more than frighten children not ready for the war ahead of them. There is no army to raise, only mouths to feed and lost souls to vainly save."

With disgust, Bane entered the War Room, searching for Commander Shepherd. Seeing a clothed woman in robes carrying a strange staff enter a elevator, Bane watched her, his stern eyes glaring at the newcomer. With a soft grumble, the man idly walked by himself, anger and spite filling his heart. There were simply not enough supplies in his eyes to go around, not enough people to take into consideration. With a strike of ego, the terrorist held his arms out, continuing his soliloquy.

"And now here we stand, free of the corrupted and filth, no shackles or strings holding us back. We each our own, free of will, free of everything, facing only the frightening abyss above. Gotham may be lost, but others remain, others to feel the embrace of the Fire. It is my destiny to bring them to the light, to the truth of it all, to come as liberators, not conquerors. If these children and cowards will no do it, I will be the instrument of the universe's liberation. It is my destiny, my fate, to never let another plunge into the darkness I was born in."

Growing silent and heavy with his voice, passionate yer frustrated at the circumstances, Bane stood alone in the War Room.

A man with nothing behind him but titles and feverish revolutionary ideals. A man whose sole existence now only matched his namesake....


@Atomyk @TheColourlessRainbow @Mari (briefly) @The War Room (even though they moved ahhh)
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Thom would stumble his way towards the two. While he did have his mask on, it would be easy to tell he was feel sad by the impression his face made on the mask, plopping himself like a child on the ground, he would look at Rey and the man. In a soft spoken tone, he was ask for help. The feeling of helplessness just rang of his whole tone and body language.

"I've lost my mind. I can't find. My name, my mission, who am I? I know, yet I don't. It's whirl. It comes and goes like day and night, mixed with a black hole of sucking sadness. The treatment is ending, and soon i'll won't be me anymore . It'll be a me that is me., ya know what I mean. I Think, I think, I think; no ,no, no!"

Thom popped up, he would look at Rey.


" My dream girl, where is she!? I mean, her name. Where is her name? Wait! I know my dreamer's name, but I can't reach it! why can't I reach it! Why?! Everything I do is for her and the legion, yet I can't find her name!"

The way man looked at Rey was a man at the end of his rope. The earnestness of his feelings could be felt. was a mess. he need help. Yet he was alone in the universe.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mari @Jeremi @Kakarot! @Atomyk

Smiling brightly at the Master, Kofuku placed a hand to her chin, seeming to return to her typical light-hearted state. "Ohh," was all she replied, before something seemed to occur to her. "Oh, but-.." Whatever she'd been about to say to the man was cut off abruptly, and the god tilted her head, looking around the room. She swore that--...



Within moments, Toboe would find the god in front of him, leaning close to his face. "There's always room for one more~!"

@Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @The Great Detective @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow @Atomyk

And suddenly the Master was the one left in a situation of the others knowing each other.
"A worshipper? Disciple? Another God?" The Master questioned now noticing the new person in the room.

Then continuing "And buuuut? But what? Well, I guess I just use the Sonic to read your mind and figure it out... But that'd be no fun... Who just reads everyones mind any ways?"

@Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @TheColourlessRainbow @Lizzy @The Great Detective @Bomb

Toboe was caught off guard by Kofuku's sudden appearance and instinctively leaned back a bit.


What the Master said confused him as well, but Toboe didn't focus on that for the moment as there was something about Kofuku that the young male couldn't help but pick up. She was slightly different compared to the rest in the room.


"Oh, okay then." Toboe said to Kofuku's statement with a slightly sheepish chuckle following afterwards.

@Hospes @The Great Detective @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow
Startled; Starman push his hand I front of Broly. The Saiyan of legend felt a force of gravity shoving him away, tumbling onto the floor, before sliding into opposite wall like it was first base. Starman watched and winced.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm doing."

Grabbing his head, he would to leave the area. He needed to be alone. Or tried to be.

@Kakarot! @Kaykay @theColorlessrainbow @Atomyk @Mari @Jeremi
Fortunately, this time the problem resolved itself with neither Haruka nor Karasu having to do anything. Well, kind of solved itself. Whatever Starman was doing had a pretty good chance of invoking Broly's rage once more. If the damage would affect Haruka. the Dragon Torque would probably prevent it, but it was best not to test it out.

"Geez, is it possible to not fight here...?" Haruka sighed, more than a little disappointed with the conduct of most of the people here.

Karasu in the meantime didn't have much interest in the squabbling. Unlike Haruka, he couldn't care less if they beat each other up. As long as one person was safe, that was all he cared about. So wordlessly, he just walked to a corner and sat down, keeping his eye on Haruka just in case.

Who did this whelp believe he was talking to? Just some common brute? Broly was many things, a murderer on a galactic scale with too many planets to count that'd been destroyed by his hands, a monster to the few survivors of his wrath, and a true and utter freak! That last one was a title he bestowed upon himself and one he wore with pride. No reason to try to act like it wasn't what he was, right? All of this showed that he was far more than just a simple barbarian! His energy flaring around him all the while.

"Overlord of Evil? Hah! If you behind such a title, then perhaps the power I sensed from you was not misplaced. You would do well to take note of my own. I'm more than a mere barbaric brute! I'm a true freak! Broly!"

As Skeletor went on to assure Broly that he was an opponent Broly wouldn't want to mess with, the saiyan sneered.

"Oh? You made that fool from before kneel before you. Try to do the same to me and you'll get a body to match that skull." The warning was there but Broly didn't act on it. At least not at the moment. He was admittedly a bit wary of whatever 'magic' this being had used to make Shizuo kneel like he did. Nevertheless if Skeletor got in his way, Broly would not hold back for any reason. "But I shouldn't need to tell you that. You seem fully aware of the power I wield, heheheheheh.."

Having said all he felt needed to be said to the self-proclaimed overlord of evil, Broly turned away from him. That robot mentioned something about holographic simulations or something of the like that he could vent his frustrations through? Did this include..him?


Even the thought of that bastard made Broly's blood boil! Even as far back when they were infants Kakarot's incessant wailing bothered the young Broly. Taking into account being stabbed for his worrisome power level and then having to save his father and himelf from their planet exploding. It gave some explanation as to why Broly was the way he is. Still if that Geth could run a simulation involving Kakarot then invading this ship was truly worth it!

@Kaykay @Jeremi @TheColourlessRainbow @Mari @Josh M
The two evils weren't exactly the kind of company Haruka was looking for. What kind of adults wore silly costumes, ran around half-naked, gave themselves weird titles? And she thought she was the kid around here. With nobody to talk to that didn't seem like a total creep, she simply took a seat next to Karasu.

By now, Haruka understood they were no longer in her universe nor in La'Cryma. If that was true, where were they? She needed to get back, or soon everyone would be in a panic looking for her. Bringing her knees up and wrapping them with her arms, she just nestled her head in her arms and let out a sigh. So tiring. Maybe she'd just take a na-


She suddenly jolted up as she heard a loud scream, which proved to be the crazy spiky-haired guy. Pouting at him once more, she shot back a shout of her own.

"Can't you at least not yell,!"
Thom would stumble his way towards the two. While he did have his mask on, it would be easy to tell he was feel sad by the impression his face made on the mask, plopping himself like a child on the ground, he would look at Rey and the man. In a soft spoken tone, he was ask for help. The feeling of helplessness just rang of his whole tone and body language.

"I've lost my mind. I can't find. My name, my mission, who am I? I know, yet I don't. It's whirl. It comes and goes like day and night, mixed with a black hole of sucking sadness. The treatment is ending, and soon i'll won't be me anymore . It'll be a me that is me., ya know what I mean. I Think, I think, I think; no ,no, no!"

Thom popped up, he would look at Rey.


" My dream girl, where is she!? I mean, her name. Where is her name? Wait! I know my dreamer's name, but I can't reach it! why can't I reach it! Why?! Everything I do is for her and the legion, yet I can't find her name!"

The way man looked at Rey was a man at the end of his rope. The earnestness of his feelings could be felt. was a mess. he need help. Yet he was alone in the universe.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Mari @Jeremi @Kakarot! @Atomyk
Nothing good would come of that, Karasu figured. Starman's confusion however had piqued his interest. Rising from his slump against the wall, he slowly made his way over to him. As the Dragon Torque had already proven it would react to that "Broly" person, he figured Haruka should be alright for now in that regard.

"No matter how hard you look, some things you just won't find," Karasu told Starman as he approached the group. "It's just not possible. Not possible at all. You're best off forgetting about it."

@Kakarot! @Jeremi @Atomyk @Mari @Josh M @Cromartie Sarkissian @shuttle bay​
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Toboe was caught off guard by Kofuku's sudden appearance and instinctively leaned back a bit.


What the Master said confused him as well, but Toboe didn't focus on that for the moment as there was something about Kofuku that the young male couldn't help but pick up. She was slightly different compared to the rest in the room.


"Oh, okay then." Toboe said to Kofuku's statement with a slightly sheepish chuckle following afterwards.

@Hospes @The Great Detective @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow

"... *sigh* Now things are becoming boring."

Esper gave out a sigh, as if he liked the chaos earlier. Well, at least he didn't go ballistic that things had died down in terms of activity, but he was still here...

Off to the side, one of Mastermind's drones began to survey the room, and then suddenly locking onto Esper with a barely audible beeping noise.

@Hospes @Lizzy @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow
From behind Mastermind, Tali let out a small gasp upon seeing the holographic screen. Garrus let out a low murmur of disapproval as Tali moved forward to crowd in beside Mastermind. "Keelah... Are those drones you're sending out?" she had to ask. She held up her hand, it glowing as if she were wearing some kind of tool over it.


"Would you like to meet Chatika?"

"Oh, boy. Are you about to suggest a droid competition, Tali?"

The girl scoffed. "No! That would be ridiculous. Nothing can beat Chatika vas Paus."

@The Great Detective

"Sure, why not? Go ahead with yours, my signature drone can wait once... Chatika makes an appearance."

Leaning a bit back on some idle Dynamos, Mastermind held a single small purple cube, his ready eyes waiting to see what Tali had to show. At the same time, he saw that one of his lesser drones had found Esper's location, and soon had it lock onto Esper for now.

Mobile post
Rey looked from the shuttle at the man that was speaking to her, seemingly out of concern. He seemed good, at peace compared to the others that were in the shuttle bay with them. She would usually keep to herself, as she had grown accustomed to on Jakku, but for this person she would make an exception.


"I'm perfectly fine", she said in response, as she continued to test the levers and buttons on the shuttle. "I've been through a lot since leaving Jakku, but I'm here and doing okay. Trying to get familiar with this space craft in case we need a pilot, which I have a feeling we may need. I'm a pilot but I haven't flown this type of ship before."

@Cromartie Sarkissian

"Good to know you're holding out" I run my palm along the steel wall of the shuttle, grinding my nail into the metal. The wall begins to shred, raining down onto my palm; I always knew that I could cut through steel with my fingernails, but I had no idea whether or not I could destroy alien materials. If I can destroy a ship, it doesn't exactly stand much of a chance against the end of the universe.

I dust of my hands and reach forward, touching the girls shoulder. I think it'll be smart to stick to with her; she seems to know what shrs doing.
"The name's Roy. Roy Harper"
Mobile post
Everyone else
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And suddenly the Master was the one left in a situation of the others knowing each other.
"A worshipper? Disciple? Another God?" The Master questioned now noticing the new person in the room.

Then continuing "And buuuut? But what? Well, I guess I just use the Sonic to read your mind and figure it out... But that'd be no fun... Who just reads everyones mind any ways?"

@Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @TheColourlessRainbow @Lizzy @The Great Detective @Bomb
Toboe was caught off guard by Kofuku's sudden appearance and instinctively leaned back a bit.


What the Master said confused him as well, but Toboe didn't focus on that for the moment as there was something about Kofuku that the young male couldn't help but pick up. She was slightly different compared to the rest in the room.


"Oh, okay then." Toboe said to Kofuku's statement with a slightly sheepish chuckle following afterwards.

@Hospes @The Great Detective @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow

"... *sigh* Now things are becoming boring."

Esper gave out a sigh, as if he liked the chaos earlier. Well, at least he didn't go ballistic that things had died down in terms of activity, but he was still here...

Off to the side, one of Mastermind's drones began to survey the room, and then suddenly locking onto Esper with a barely audible beeping noise.

@Hospes @Lizzy @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow


The questions from the Master just made Kofuku laugh lightly. "No, silly~ I don't know him," she explained, smiling as brightly ever. But if that was so, why had she up and moved to him so abruptly? Simply smiling at the boy as he replied and laughed lightly, the god wasted no time with kicking off a conversation. "I'm Kofuku~ And what's your name, hmm?"

Not bothering to even turn her gaze to the Master as she spoke, Kofuku replied smoothly, seeming unbothered by the suggestion of mind reading. "Oh, I was just going to ask what your finally was, Master-chan~"

@Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @The Great Detective
The two evils weren't exactly the kind of company Haruka was looking for. What kind of adults wore silly costumes, ran around half-naked, gave themselves weird titles? And she thought she was the kid around here. With nobody to talk to that didn't seem like a total creep, she simply took a seat next to Karasu.

By now, Haruka understood they were no longer in her universe nor in La'Cryma. If that was true, where were they? She needed to get back, or soon everyone would be in a panic looking for her. Bringing her knees up and wrapping them with her arms, she just nestled her head in her arms and let out a sigh. So tiring. Maybe she'd just take na-


She suddenly jolted up as she heard a loud scream, which proved to be the crazy spiky-haired guy. Pouting at him once more, she shot back a shout of her own.

"Can't you at least not yell,!"
Broly stopped as Haruka called out to him. Turning towards the child, Broly's face scrunched up in annoyance. As soon as this child approached him, he could feel his energy draining away from him again. Trying to calm down the beast that was the Legendary Super Saiyan. But he couldn't be contained! Not when the possibility of fighting Kakarot was so close to him! He didn't even care if it wasn't the real one! The lingering goal at the back of Broly's head behind the orders his father planted into him was simple. To find Kakarot and brutalize him.

"...Stay...Quiet..Girl!" Broly stammered out as he struggled to keep his restrained super saiyan form active. It was straining on his already fragile mental stability.

"KAKAROT! GETH! Bring..Me..Kakarot!"

Digging his boots into the floor, Broly took slow stomp after stomp towards wherever Legion was. Once he arrived before the A.I, Broly towered over him with his massive frame leaving a shadow hanging over Legion.


"You said this ship had simulations? Bring me the warrior I seek! He's a strong one who'll fall before my hands in due time! BRING ME KAKAROT!"

@Atomyk @Kaykay @Jeremi @Josh M

"Yes. The Reapers."

EDI confirmed this with a slight edge to her voice, the first falter in her otherwise aloof exterior. The creatures that were to be their enemies had already taken so much from her galaxy. "I can't provide an exact location, but they are no doubt on our trail. We have been eluding them for some time, but intelligence has stated that we will not be able to run for much longer. With the Citadel Council in disarray and Alliance on its last legs, our current objective is to escape destruction for as long as it takes for a solution to come to us."

EDI then took a measured pause. "... As an organic would put it, we are waiting for a miracle." Frowning, she fixed a look on Klaus. "The Reapers are both synthetic and organic. This is rather unique, and not something that is greatly understood at this time. Comparing them to myself or any other synthetic within modern history would likely be an exercise in futility. It is probable that millions of years exist between us and the first Reapers. However, it is believed that the Reapers as we know them are more capable than they should be. It is theorized that a third party has assisted the Reapers in some manner."

@Prince Shattered Charming

Elijah looked down at the ground, he was in deep thought. The more EDI told him, the more his brain started to spin and come up with ideas... none of them stuck or seemed good enough to speak upon yet. "We are greatly unprepared for any form of an attack... with most people not knowing each other and being confused." Rubbing his chin, Elijah walked a little closer to EDI. "So the Reapers have assistance and they are stronger than what was thought in the first place... these creatures sound like more of a problem than I thought." Brushing some loose hair from out of his face, Elijah started to survey the cabin more. "Is there a place for the... "people" on the ship to come together and make a plan? The only way to find some form of order is to come together and try to figure out what is going on."

Elijah wanted to find these Reapers and ripped them apart, piece by piece, but for now he needed to come up with a plan, a plan that needed assistance from everyone. "Instead of hoping for a solution... we should make our own solution, we shouldn't sit around and wait for some "Hero" to come along and save us. That will only bring our demise to fruition."


Most would think this situation wasn't a laughing one... but most people are not like Klaus, The Original gave a huge grin and a small chuckle to EDI's next words. "So we were brought here to runaway in hopes of something or someone coming to our rescue... marvelous!" Clapping his hands, the grin on his face was more of a sarcastic one than anything else. "So not only are the Reapers nearly impossible to defeat... they are being helped by some unknown force... even greater news." Klaus gave an annoyed sigh, flopping on the floor. "What do we do... sit here and be killed or do we try to come up with a plan, like my dear brother Elijah has stated?"

All Klaus wanted to do right now was jump off the ship and find his own way of survival, if these people were going to be his "partners" for survival, he didn't see them getting too far along in life. "If only I was still Immortal in this realm... then I could just walk away from all of this ridiculousness... but sadly that was somehow stripped from me." Giving EDI a sinister glare, blaming her and whoever else on the ship for stripping him of his Immortality.


"... *sigh* Now things are becoming boring."

Esper gave out a sigh, as if he liked the chaos earlier. Well, at least he didn't go ballistic that things had died down in terms of activity, but he was still here...

Off to the side, one of Mastermind's drones began to survey the room, and then suddenly locking onto Esper with a barely audible beeping noise.

@Hospes @Lizzy @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow

Toboe glanced to Esper for a brief moment, then at what appeared to be a little drone, before his attention went back to Kofuku.


The questions from the Master just made Kofuku laugh lightly. "No, silly~ I don't know him," she explained, smiling as brightly ever. But if that was so, why had she up and moved to him so abruptly? Simply smiling at the boy as he replied and laughed lightly, the god wasted no time with kicking off a conversation. "I'm Kofuku~ And what's your name, hmm?"

Not bothering to even turn her gaze to the Master as she spoke, Kofuku replied smoothly, seeming unbothered by the suggestion of mind reading. "Oh, I was just going to ask what your finally was, Master-chan~"

@Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @The Great Detective

"I'm Toboe." The boy replied, smiling in a rather friendly manner. Behind the guise his tail wagged happily at meeting someone new that seemed rather friendly themselves. It's been a while since he remembered meeting a human (or at least he thought Kofuku was possibly human) so nice.

Then he remembered Leara, and her reaction to him once she saw the real was a bit saddening but what happened afterwards Toboe knew was something normal and to be expected from most.

@Hospes @The Great Detective @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow

The questions from the Master just made Kofuku laugh lightly. "No, silly~ I don't know him," she explained, smiling as brightly ever. But if that was so, why had she up and moved to him so abruptly? Simply smiling at the boy as he replied and laughed lightly, the god wasted no time with kicking off a conversation. "I'm Kofuku~ And what's your name, hmm?"

Not bothering to even turn her gaze to the Master as she spoke, Kofuku replied smoothly, seeming unbothered by the suggestion of mind reading. "Oh, I was just going to ask what your finally was, Master-chan~"

@Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @The Great Detective

The Master simply shook his head going "Tsk tsk! I can't just give away spoilers like that! It kills all the fun! Try using your imagination until we get there".

@Hospes @The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @TheColourlessRainbow @Lizzy @The Great Detective @Bomb
  • Nice Execution!
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