Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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A deep sigh was heard, flying above you all was a creature that looked to be form a world like Applejacks. He looked right at the Earth Pony;

"One of the elements of Harmony survived?" he asked in a annoyed voice.

"That's just my fate; those dam Reapers can't even end the magic of 'friendship'' annoyingly shot the creature.

@Archmage Jeremiah @Bomb
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Archmage Jeremiah
Dust & Fidget - Prologue; An Unusual Arrival...
@TheColourlessRainbow @DapperDogman @Others?

"C'mon Dust! Get up!"
Shouted a desperate sounding Fidget... Dust was in quite the pickle indeed... Practically stranded near a quickly overflowing basin of lava, and Fidget did not have the strength to pull him out... The basin was too deep for those that could not fly to enter... Fidget was beginning to recognize this, looking rather sad...

"We... We did everything right, Dust!... Everything we were supposed to do..." She said quietly... Almost as if protesting against this hopeless situation... This brought a rather sad smile across Dust's face as he spoke "And sometimes... That's not enough, Fidget... When the Life Thread Calls-..." he said... Seeming to cut himself off, it looked like Fidget already knew the rest of what he had to say... Though, the poor Nimbat looked like she was just about ready to cry... "Fidget... Thank you..." He said softly, smiling as he closed his eyes, already feeling the heat around him as the lava below him begun to rise... Faster and faster... Seeing that they were out of time, Fidget almost looked to be in tears as she regretfully realized they had to part ways here... One way... Or another... "Goodbye... Dust..." She said softly, closing her eyes as she flew up and out of the pit, not being able to bear even looking to see what was going to happen to Dust... And then... As Dust was enveloped in the sea of rising magma... Both Fidget, and Dust's vision suddenly went dark...


"Dust...? DUST!!! GET UP!!! THERE'S BIG SCARY THINGS OUTSIDE!!!" Fidgets distressed shouts shouts suddenly brought Dust back to the realm of consciousness, and he opened his eyes, the first thing he noticed was that he was back in the Glade somewhere... Only, he could hear large, blaring "inception" style airhorns going off in the background... Was he... Dead? Was this some sort of afterlife? He had no idea... But, some strange machines were descending from the skies, setting fire to the forest around him... For some reason, a distinct name came to mind "Reapers"... Though he had no idea what Reapers were, or why these strange metallic machines, resembling the technology Gaius's army once possessed were doing, but, he had a feeling they would be an immediate threat to them... Though there appeared to be a strange ship in front of them, with the name "Normandy" in front of them... Much like the Bombers he had faced during his battle with Gaius's army, it seemed to be able to lift itself up into the air, using some sort of force field, or magical power... He wasn't sure which.


"Fidget? But... How? I thought-" Dust started, but, he couldn't finish his sentence as his practically sentient sword, Ahrah, had mysteriously made it's presence known in his hand, by speaking... "Dust... Save your questions for later... I sense it is urgent you must board the ship in front of you... I fear that whatever is happening to Elysium now... It is beyond my own power..." Ahrah said, it almost sounded like there was an regretfull tone, but, it seemed to get the point through to dust.

"Yeees... Enter the big scary alien ship... Even when we're being ATTACKED BY BIG SCARY ALIEN THINGS!!!" Fidget shouted, clearly getting worked up... Dust just sighed, heading over to the ship, who he presumes is called "Normandy", considering the name it had painted on the side... Fidget, somewhat tentatively followed...


Looks like the ship crew weren't bad after all! Though, frankly, Fidget wasn't too pleased about having to do "chores" while staying around Normandy... Though, well, after their briefing, and a little exposition on what was going on, leaving poor Fidget confused, and Dust thoughtfull... With some consideration they decided to stay in the war-room, and talk to Elizabeth.

"Um... Excuse me... M'am... But... What are these... Reapers?" Dust asked, deciding to speak first... Fidget in the meanwhile looked around in awe "So... Uh... Does this ship run on magic? Or... The uh... Way of the Flameless... Whatchamacallit?" she asked... Completely oblivious to how crazy she might sound to those who aren't very familiar with what she was talking about...​
Elizabeth frowned as yet another refugee asked her the same question.

"The Reapers are massive beings; they think they deserve to live while they reset every lifeforms clock. Other then that; not much is known. Expect that these particular Reapers have more power then they should." answered Elizabeth truthfully. When the other creature asked what the ship was powered by, Elizabeth smiled;

"Its run by electricity. Other then that; I'm not sure." she said.
"Damn, who randomized the Pony Generator?" Producer comments. "I guess DeviantArt was destroyed too, huh?"


"I don't think... that's polite..." Shouko tugs at Producer's coat.

"I guess so... brings me back to the days of chuunibyou. Many are in pain when they recall it, but I relish in it."

@Bomb @TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah

"Is that a cat?" Noticing the little girl looking at a felinoid being, Producer chimed. "Kind of wish my sister wasn't allergic to them. They're just so lovely. I always have to settle for Pero, and that's someone else's pet cat."

@The Great Detective

"Seeee? Such a cute... innocent... little... kitty..."

Esper was really into cats for reasons unknown, and it was hard to feel comfortable near a guy that's gone completely insane fantasizing about cats. Though, he took a moment to stop with the wonderful pets for the cat to see Little Girl...He didn't even take in mind with the fact that his... strangely colored eyes would startle her...


"So what's a little girl like you doing around here? In a place like this, it would be an absolute shame if something happened to you... especially if it were something dreadfully terrible... kekek..."

Even for a girl that young, it was easy to tell that he wasn't good company at all, especially nearby kids.

@Lizzy @Hospes @Gwazi Magnum @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Bomb

Pfft. Sanity was overrated. No, Kofuku was too caught up in petting and rubbing the cute little cat to care about how far off the rocker Esper seemed to be. Hardly noticing his shift in demeanor as he addressed the child, the god just kept contently petting his pet. It was probably a good idea to get her to stop and to focus on her surroundings again..

@The Great Detective @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Bomb

"Seeee? Such a cute... innocent... little... kitty..."

Esper was really into cats for reasons unknown, and it was hard to feel comfortable near a guy that's gone completely insane fantasizing about cats. Though, he took a moment to stop with the wonderful pets for the cat to see Little Girl...He didn't even take in mind with the fact that his... strangely colored eyes would startle her...


"So what's a little girl like you doing around here? In a place like this, it would be an absolute shame if something happened to you... especially if it were something dreadfully terrible... kekek..."

Even for a girl that young, it was easy to tell that he wasn't good company at all, especially nearby kids.

@Lizzy @Hospes @Gwazi Magnum @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Bomb

"Umm... I don't know..." the girl answered. What is up with this guy. He looks like he's dangerous...

Deemo also came up in front of the girl, like he was protecting her.

@The Great Detective @Lizzy @Hospes @Gwazi Magnum @CrunchyCHEEZIT

Pfft. Sanity was overrated. No, Kofuku was too caught up in petting and rubbing the cute little cat to care about how far off the rocker Esper seemed to be. Hardly noticing his shift in demeanor as he addressed the child, the god just kept contently petting his pet. It was probably a good idea to get her to stop and to focus on her surroundings again..

@The Great Detective @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Bomb

"Umm... I don't know..." the girl answered. What is up with this guy. He looks like he's dangerous...

Deemo also came up in front of the girl, like he was protecting her.

@The Great Detective @Lizzy @Hospes @Gwazi Magnum @CrunchyCHEEZIT
An interested eyebrow was raised once Esper saw that Deemo had stepped in-between him and the girl. Weird, and what exactly did Deemo have in relation to this little girl? Deciding to toy around with them more, Esper slipped the cat over to Kofuku's care as he took a single step forward.

"What's wrong? Afraid of what can pop out at you? Well, certainly I'm a trustworthy person, or else I won't be... warning you of the terrible possibilities that could happen here. And besides... with my ability to traverse time, I don't believe that I am the major threat here. Think of me as... a beneficial factor to all of us present~"

All of these false words were a part of something that brought enjoyment out of this Esper, that being the uncertainty stemming from those around him. It was... marvelous. Exciting. Esper couldn't get enough of it.

@Bomb @Lizzy @Hospes @Gwazi Magnum @CrunchyCHEEZIT


A flash of yellow light lit up the room, bouncing off the metal walls and casting its glow in every corner of the metal chamber. Its source was a bolt of volatile concentrated plasma, crackling with enough unstable power to completely disintegrate a humanoid into nothing more than bones and ash if it struck, and hurtling directly for the newly-resurrected blonde girl standing before Qrow. He wouldn't give it a name.

Whatever it had been before, it certainly wasn't that person now.

A figure clad head-to-toe in faded green armor stood on the other end of the room, a smoking overclocked EE-3 carbine with a sawn-off barrel held in one hand and leveled steadily for where the girl had been standing. Key word being had. He didn't so much as flinch at his handiwork, slowly lowering the gun as the smoldering wreckage of wherever the superheated beam struck reflected off his visor. He spoke, his voice modulated, low and coarse like nails on a chalkboard, faintly accented with some foreign dialect.

"What's gone should stay gone. Don't toy with what you don't understand, or you'll put us all at risk."

That was all he said, turning his back on whoever remained in the room. He didn't even care if his execution was successful or not. If the girl somehow dodged, then it served as a warning. This job meant credits. And he wasn't gonna let some girl come between him and his credits.

@C.T. @TheColourlessRainbow
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An interested eyebrow was raised once Esper saw that Deemo had stepped in-between him and the girl. Weird, and what exactly did Deemo have in relation to this little girl? Deciding to toy around with them more, Esper slipped the cat over to Kofuku's care as he took a single step forward.

"What's wrong? Afraid of what can pop out at you? Well, certainly I'm a trustworthy person, or else I won't be... warning you of the terrible possibilities that could happen here. And besides... with my ability to traverse time, I don't believe that I am the major threat here. Think of me as... a beneficial factor to all of us present~"

All of these false words were a part of something that brought enjoyment out of this Esper, that being the uncertainty stemming from those around him. It was... marvelous. Exciting. Esper couldn't get enough of it.

@Bomb @Lizzy @Hospes @Gwazi Magnum @CrunchyCHEEZIT

What did Esper mean? Was he really a good guy?

"Umm... I think I'll trust you..." the girl replied, not knowing what else to say.

Deemo released his hand from blocking the girl. He then looked around... for something.

@The Great Detective @Lizzy @Hospes @Gwazi Magnum @CrunchyCHEEZIT

What did Esper mean? Was he really a good guy?

"Umm... I think I'll trust you..." the girl replied, not knowing what else to say.

Deemo released his hand from blocking the girl. He then looked around... for something.

@The Great Detective @Lizzy @Hospes @Gwazi Magnum @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Good... I can assure you... nothing will go wrong while you're in my watch... to see the future... is my specialty"

Esper had the time powers, so he could play along with this lie, as he knew that such power wasn't in his control just yet. A girl like her should be able to buy the lie...

"Good... I can assure you... nothing will go wrong while you're in my watch... to see the future... is my specialty"

Esper had the time powers, so he could play along with this lie, as he knew that such power wasn't in his control just yet. A girl like her should be able to buy the lie...

"You can see the future?" the girl asked.


"Then can I ask you a question... can you see what happened to me?" the girl asked, referring to her amnesia.

@The Great Detective
Deadpool sat on his front porch, his on his chin as he tapped his foot impatiently.

No Reapers were in his skies. No gods were accosting his planet.

What the hell.

"Grrr... SCREW IT I'M CALLING HIM!" He finally belted, hopping to his feet and whipping out his phone. He paced back and forth, fingers twitching as he muttered various shit talk under his breath, until finally the other side picked up.



Oh. Wait shit its me he's calling.


Dude. Chill. Its all about dramatic timing. This round doesn't even end till the fucking 30th. We've got forever. Like literally forever February 30th doesn't actually exist.

"Ok, yea, but what if something happens?"

Nothing's happening. Here, lemme check the thread really quick.



The internal fire burned for what seemed like hours, but was actually a solid three mintues; and as it died, a older verison of Yang stood next to Ruby.


"Uncle...?" questioned Yang as her eyes opened.


Ok. Nevermind change of plans. You're going in right now.

"Eeyy, much better! Why though."

We're going on a god damn rescue mission.



Team RWBY. Or at least team RY


"Wait. So they're on the ship? Isn't that supposed to be, like, the safe place in this mess? There's no way they'll die there"

Yea. Thats the problem. We need a mercy killing.

"... Uh. Ok look I know I'm not really supposed to be the voice of reason in ANY situation, but getting into a pissing match with a god on his own space tugboat could like. Kill me. Like actually kill me I don't have a fucking clue how gods work."

Too bad this is too important.


"...I DON'T EVEN KNOW THESE BITCHES THOUGH! AND THEY'RE FICTIONAL TO YOU! Sorry I'm not about to die for your not-anime waifus. Lets just stick to the dramatic entrance near the end of the round, so everyone can see how fucking cool I am WITHOUT me having to try to commit diecide."


"Seriously its a couple posts in a giant ass nerdy RP thing that this random kid is going to have a thousand other things to be posting about. You are way too attached to these chicks."

I don't know what you're talking about


But fine. be that way. Your entrance is gonna suck now.

"Oh fuck off you can't even write aaaAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAAOOOOWWW FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" Deadpool screamed as his spine suddenly started breaking over and over again for no apparent reason, as if some cruel god of his fate was getting seriously tired of his whining.​
"You can see the future?" the girl asked.


"Then can I ask you a question... can you see what happened to me?" the girl asked, referring to her amnesia.

@The Great Detective
"Certainly, if that'll put you at ease. Just... Relax, and I'll have your answers for you shortly. I only need a simple scan from you..."

A smile growing on his face, Esper's Dynamos began to take position above the girl, cackling with electrical static...


"Huh?" the girl was surprised at Add's actions.

@The Great Detective

Esper couldn't help himself but laugh as his Dynamos got to work instantly. A flash of purple went off, and a fatal amount of electricity was aimed for the girl's head. Such amounts of electricity would've literally break her mind.

Except, the one drone sent by Mastermind to keep an eye on Esper got in the way, being electrocuted and put offline once it took the hit for the girl. As the powerless drone dropped to the ground, Esper did not see this coming, and was irritated greatly by this...



A Dream Deterred
Asgore gave a cheesy smile as he left Toriel to go and fetch the others, although it faded away, knowing this was the first time he's seen her in years, and is merely brushed aside by her, and to go be immature like the hurt him deeply, but after all the thing's he's done, he probably deserved it.

However, he kept his head held high, following where the others went, for today was a great day to be had! Today was the first into the overworld! The Barrier is destroyed not through death, but it was instead defeated with nothing but kindness and friendship, much as he too, was moved by the human. The Underground was free forever, the world was once again new and an interesting place to explore.

But all that...suddenly changed, in fact, his whole world did.

Asgore was ready to take on the world, while still giving a most generous rule over those he loved so dearly.

But alas, amidst all of his thinking, he tripped, and fell down the longest hole...ever! The beautiful blue skies of the overworld above him, the singing of the birds and the rustling of the trees, everyone he loved so dear, slipping further and further away from his reach until it all became but a field of bleak darkness surrounding him, he fell aimlessly and hopelessly through the air, until, when what seemed like hours passed, landed with a *THUD*on the ground.

Asgore sat himself up and groaned, he had literally fell into a whole new world, a world completely without his rule, or influence for that matter. The fall should've killed him, given the great distance he had falling down into here, but, aside from some sore buns and a confused brain, He was intact! He propped himself back up with his trident before sliding it back under his cape. He looked around this new world. He was standing on top of some building, and, while looking out, found a whole cluster of very tall and funky-looking spires out in the distance, as well as some black ones that move and shoot giant red beams of light for...celebration?

Soon after, and in all of a sudden as well, bullets whizzed by his head to and fro, one of them slightly grazing and tinging his fur. When that happened, he turned toward the source, maddened at the sudden brashness of these now suddenly hostile creatures, and smites the...thing with his trident. He was then yelled at by some men in uniform to "Come over here, quickly!" To which he pointed at himself, surprised, for validity. Indeed, they wanted him to come on board the ship, and just like that, that world too, was gone before his eyes. If this thing continues, he may be tempted to think if he even exists anymore...

Asgore didn't know any of the people, but he noticed that most of them were humans, carrying guns, there were some people who looked out of place, but none as much as he was. He tried to strike up a conversation with this group of people, but to no avail...

Eventually, he arrived in a 'Spaceship' as described to him during his time in the underground with his royal scientist, who would teach him all the things of the human world in return for his company. Instead this company was...most strange, to say the least. The ship was as if Halloween was hosted by the space military. There were mostly humans, although Asgore can spot a few monsters like least he thought they were monsters, he knew so little about this current state, and what it is he CAN say to these people. Perhaps it's like going to college for the first time, and besides, it's not like he's the only one out-of-place in this supposed 'military' setting.

He tried to find a way to access as much information on this place as he can, but it only left him more confused...He just recently found out what a 'DS' was just last week! Now there's computers without keyboards! and holograms that accurately displayed his face (the last one he used displayed a very detailed blob of some sort) Eventually, his confusion was calmed by a simple, yet charming female voice on a speaker, telling pretty much everyone to cram into the War room for some debriefing on the current situation: That being that there are Reapers (those laser-beam black spires he saw earlier he is assuming) destroying everything mercilessly in their path and that we have to do something to stop this! Asgore took it into note, but also took into note the very technologically advanced hologram that is being used to display the various worlds in this even a world now?

Planes of Existence aside, he decided to take serious note of the tool and put a footnote beside this, 'Note to self: ask Alphys to make this thing, and have Mettatons face on it!' After the conversation ended, the crew was free to explore the ship as they pleased. Asgore, however, Stayed in the War room as there was what looked like a Tea Station nearby that he intended to use.

Before reaching the station, though, he came across (more like bumped into) a rather...strange human. He was big and muscly, with red hair coming well...everywhere? He smelt of burnt wood and sweat...a working man, and wore overalls. Overall he seemed like a pretty tough guy, the type a guy that Asgore, with a nickname like 'KING FLUFFYBOY' shouldn't probaby mess with.

But he was in the way of that TEA MACHINE!!!

So Asgore did what any Evil Monster King would do to a human...

He politely asked the man "Excuse me, but you are in the way...I wish to make me a drink!" He says, with a sheepish grin and an innocent blush.

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Raven @TheColourlessRainbow @CO-GMS (I'm sorry idk who y'all are) @Everyone in the War Room!​

The ship's walls began to rumble as Broly's power was coming back out in full force. Their could have been two Kakarots and Broly wouldn't have been able to notice the difference. It was just the one singular pest that had gotten under Broly's skin since they were babies in incubation back on Planet Vegeta. The ship's metal floor thundered with every step Broly took as the entire room would suddenly glow bright green before Broly condensed it downwards into a usable energy blast as he barreled forward with energy back in hand.


The Simulation!Goku spread his feet apart and waited as his opponent came towards him. This Goku wasn't the real saiyan that defended Earth from various threats. But simply a hologram with Goku's skillset that would give Broly the fight he was looking for. Vanishing as Broly swung his massive arm in his direction, the blast went flying off in the distance. An explosion rocked the shuttle bay as the blast collided with the wall and Broly glanced around for his opponent as his body heaved up and down. This is what he was waiting for ever since he survived Planet Vegeta's demise! He would make Kakarot kneel before him like the swine that he was!

Seeing the shadow looming over him, Broly looked over his shoulder and saw Simulation!Goku floating over him in SSJ form with his hands cupped at his side.


Broly threw his head back and laughed at the Simulation!Goku using his signature technique. It didn't exactly look all that impressive to the legendary super saiyan! One of his ki blasts could have overpowered one of those in an instant! Broly blasted upwards with a mad grin on his face.

"You're not the real Kakarot but you'll die just as he will! HAHAHAHAHAH!"



The blast engulfed Broly but Simulation!Goku stayed on the ready just in case that wasn't enough to take Broly down so the simulation would end. As the smoke faded away however, a hand reached out to grip the holographic Goku by the head and began to squeeze tightly. Broly's skin didn't seem to be much worse for wear apart from some burns here and there as he threw back his head and cackled.

"What was that supposed to be, Kakarot?!"

Flying downwards, Broly sought to smash the Simulation!Goku onto the ship floor and hurl him into the closest wall. He didn't know how much damage these things could take before they dissipated or the simulation ended but he hoped it wasn't anytime soon! He was having the time of his life.

"Get up! You're supposed to represent Kakarot! SHOW ME YOU'RE WORTH MY TIME!"

@Kaykay @Atomyk @Jeremi @Mari
Haruka bit her lip as Broly yelled back at her, tempted to shout back but a little too intimidated. Sulking back into her corner, which was now devoid of Karasu, and just pouted as she watched Legion conjure up a hologram. Presumably of this "Kakarot" the guy kept yelling about.

The fight seemed so real that Haruka almost jumped up to stop it, but she caught her body and words before they could get anywhere. It was just a simulation. Better the hologram than him continuing to pick fights with real people or breaking furniture like that other guy.

"Haaah, whatever, just do whatever you want..."

@Kakarot! @Atomyk @Jeremi @Mari @shuttle bay​

Esper couldn't help himself but laugh as his Dynamos got to work instantly. A flash of purple went off, and a fatal amount of electricity was aimed for the girl's head. Such amounts of electricity would've literally break her mind.

Except, the one drone sent by Mastermind to keep an eye on Esper got in the way, being electrocuted and put offline once it took the hit for the girl. As the powerless drone dropped to the ground, Esper did not see this coming, and was irritated greatly by this...


This person tried to kill her? Now little girl scared.

Meanwhile Deemo held out his hands in the air... And musical energy flowed out of it and tried to blast the Esper away from the girl.

"Deemo... How did you... "

@The Great Detective
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"Different worlds, huh? Well, I guess if there are a buncha different worlds where there's weird magic guns and evil villains with names like Eric, then it wouldn't be that far-fetched that there's a world out there where the Joestar family lived in America instead'a England, right? Though... who woulda thought the American one is waaaay scrawnier than Grandpa!" He exclaimed, also giving Johnny a rather rough pat.

"In any case... If such a thing like fate decreed that we would meet like this, and that the Zepelli would continuously die for us, then perhaps Dio, in whatever world he is known as, is also fated to die, so perhaps worrying about your own Dio Brando would be a waste of time," Lisa Lisa said to Johnny, "In any case... I suppose that would mean if your so-called Diego Brando is our world's equivalent of Dio Brando, then you must be my father's equivalent as well. You wouldn't happen to be well versed in the Ripple as well, would you?"


Before doing anything else, Jonathan first gave Joseph's shoulder a quick chop.
"Joseph, this man is still, in some way, family! So refrain from teasing!" The new grandfather ordered his grandson before turning to his daughter and Johnny.

Johnny, who was trying to rub the sore spot that Joseph smacked, faced his supposed counterpart, feeling that somehow he was cheated in the body department.
The young was about to talk to Jonathan before jolting to glance at Lisa Lisa.

"Z-Zeppeli?! Do you know Gyro? Or some counterpart of him?"
Johnny desperately before hearing the rest of her question.
"The 'Ripple'? I don't know what that is. All I have is the Spin and my Tusk."
He explained, showing his spinning finger and explaining exactly what the Spin was, as well as the abilities of Tusk.

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The Master watched the dialogue proceed among the people present, clearly these girls were starting to trust someone they shouldn't.
But he wasn't going to stop it, watching people foolishly get their lives ruined was fun.

He just gave the Esper a 'I know what you're doing' look, but never said a word.

@The Great Detective @Lizzy @Hospes @Bomb @CrunchyCHEEZIT

Wanting to explore the ship he was currently on board now with the determination to save his own home world from these Reapers, Sal began to move away from where he had woken up. The ship seemed to have several floors and he had no idea where the ship was heading or when it was landing. He assumed he didn't have much time, so the white shark began floating towards the hallways and entrances to other floors. He entered the Crew's Quarters upon finding it, already spotting a few people inside who were talking. Maybe he should introduce himself as well. Most people get used to talking to a shark that can talk back, but of course he could always change back to a human if they were too uncomfortable.

Didn't mean he liked to see them uncomfortable.

But good first impressions were necessary in his job.

He approached a rather tall looking woman with a rather fancy hairstyle with equally fancy accessories, intending to introduce himself. Sal needed to make a few friends, he didn't want to be too alone. "Hi there! I'm Sal!"

@The Silver Paladin
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