Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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Emmeryn knocked another Rachni away, jabbing the bottom of her staff into its mouth. She tried to push it away, before Launching another Fireball from her tome.

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Lizzy @DBZ7 @Jeremi @Josh M @Verite

Toboe would charge at one of the Rachni, evading any stray bullets and kick off one of the walls in an attempt to jump on the creatures back and deliver a punch to it's head, as hard as he could while under his disguise he'd be swiping his claws at it's head repeatedly.

@Josh M @Verite @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @DBZ7 @The Silver Paladin @Anyone I missed
Easily enough, with that, the Rachni creatures would die down, taken out by everyone's combined efforts as their bodies would litter the hallway leading into the Hospital.


With the enemy taken care of, Joseph would swap his gun for his Clackers, which he would charge with his Ripple energy, before spinning them around in order to gain momentum. After a small period of time, he would bash the steel balls into the door, crashing them open, much to the surprise of everyone inside.

Inside the hospital area itself, you would come across a number of ordinary people, some dressed in lab coats and none of them named Riley while others had more comparatively casual clothing, presumably just patients.


"Hi ho! We're here to save you, everyone!" JoJo would enthusiastically exclaim to the people inside upon stepping forward in front of you all, as though he believed himself to be the leader of this... ragtag group.


The people didn't respond for some time, just awkwardly staring at you all. You could even hear someone cough uncomfortably, but before long, you would see a young woman step up.


"Excuse me, but... Who even are you people? Did Aria send you?"

@DBZ7 @Josh M @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Hospital Folk

The weapons being used while crude seemed effective against the creatures. However it was inevitable that some stray shots would be fired and one of the Ravagers sacks burst open revealing its contents to the group.


A swarm of, well, Swarmers would emerge from the sack and make their way towards the group.

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan

After finding suitable hiding spots they would be out of sight as the footsteps got louder and louder until they saw a figure approaching holding a shotgun.

"Det kazuat." The figure explained, and despite not knowing the language the Adds could assume that it was something crude in the way it was said.


"Ugh...why can't I find anything on this damn ship?" Wait wasn't that Tali'Zorah? The girl who had been killed on the Normandy?​

@The Great Detective
For a moment, Mastermind appeared... surprised to see someone that was killed earlier... Was this really somewhere that people that... die appear in?

"... Tali?"

Mastermind stepped out of his hiding place, not taking into mind that he would startle her. Yet, he did not have his Dynamos or drones out... so he didn't bother worrying that much.


The weapons being used while crude seemed effective against the creatures. However it was inevitable that some stray shots would be fired and one of the Ravagers sacks burst open revealing its contents to the group.


A swarm of, well, Swarmers would emerge from the sack and make their way towards the group.

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan

"Great more bugs"

"Goddammit, more of these things?!" Seeing as how there were now a dozen or more of the even smaller bugs scurrying about, Shizuo's hurling phase came to a close as he released a roar, "Why don't you all just fucking die already!" His shield was back in his hand and slamming into the floor, releasing a echoing thump of a sound as he set to work crushing the maggots between his weapon and the metal beneath it.​


Big Daddy was having none of this.

The giant charged forward once more, still flying in a fury of rage after the last combat encounter. He seemed to have no regard for Shepard's warning of avoiding close-quarters combat, as the Big Daddy proceeded to charged down one of the Ravagers with no regard for his own safety-- only the safety of others. Tanking a few shots in the shoulders and chest, the Big Daddy proceeded to raise its weapon into the air, bringing down the might of the drill unto the Ravager that it approached


The drill pierced the "head" of the former rachni, black ooze spilling throughout the air in a gratuitous display of gory combat as the screaming, screeching abomination tried to escape. Bubba did not respond, only roaring in pure rage as it forced the drill down on the Ravager.



And more.

The Ravager could only screech in unending pain as the spinning blades of the drill rended its cybernetics and organs, and the weight of the Big Daddy crushed the crumpled sack into the cold steel floors. However, Bubba would get what he deserved for disregarding the commander, as the Ravager's sack suddenly shuddered and pulsed before exploding right in Bubba's face. The Big Daddy roared in shock as black ooze stained its portholes, blinding him. He stumbled back a few steps, blinded by the blood and allowing for the clutch of Swarmers to make their move.

The small black abominable insects began to swarm the Big Daddy, creeping up his wide legs and leaping up onto his back. The swarmers were small, but their numbers began to overwhelm the beast as Bubba's movements slowed and froze, still blinded by the synthetic blood of the Ravagers.

So, what did Bubba do?

The monster channeled all of his might into his drill arm, slowly raising it high in the air, above his head. The drill began to spin and spin, the engine roaring in protest as it took the toll from the sheer friction of the spinning weapon. The base of the drill suddenly bursted, causing the drill to be launched off Bubba's hand. A black wire connected it to his arm, as the steel drill soared through the air like a torpedo, striking a solid metal wall/ceiling that lay above the beast.

Bubba clenched his fist, and the wire suddenly began to contract.

Faster, and faster.

The momentum of the drill shot and the reeling of the wire suddenly caused Bubba to be lifted off the ground, soaring towards the drill like it was a grappling hook. The ooze on his portholes and the swarmers suddenly flew off of the Big Daddy, now becoming something of a super heavy cannonball, the drill disconnected from the wall and flew back towards its owner, and its owner flew forwards towards its weapon. The two forces connected mid-air, letting out a resounding slotting noise as he timed it just right.

The forward momentum ceased, and now Bubba began to drop like a meteor, the weight of the Big Daddy sending him dropping at an extreme rate. Sticking out his fist, Bubba posed for a superhero landing.


The behemoth made impact with the floor, causing a huge dent to be made, and also releasing a massive quaking shockwave throughout the entire room, causing everyone within-- both friend and foe -- to stumble around and become disoriented. In addition, every Swarmer in the area of the shockwave would most likely be detonated, wiping them out before they can get too close to the others.

@Jeremi @The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah
"Or tough guy and big metal guy could deal with them.." Six had spoken recovering from the shockwave. He shook his head a moment trying to figure out what was going on.
That seemed to do the trick, though one of the Swarmers seemed to make it and leaped towards Shizuo.

Bubba's attack would knock out most of the Swarmers and the Ravagers themselves had all about been taken care of. Except on that would aim it's cannons right at Shepard.

Before it could fire its salvo however it would be disintegrated by one of Skeletor's magical blast. "I do so hate fighting against pests." He replied looking over towards Shepard before looking at the path ahead of them.

Shepard meanwhile would look around to see if there was anyone wounded or any stragglers. After noticing that wasn't the case she'd speak up. "Those were Reaper modified Rachni. I guess we know why the Rachni Queen ran..." She'd point towards an area in front of them where smoke was rising to the sky.

"I'm pretty sure we'll find the meteor and the Rachni Queen once we reach that area, and when we do I think it's pretty clear what we have to do."

@The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Can't say i'll enjoy this but we do what must be done..." Six spoke slowly reloading each revolver. He wasn't sure if the queen of this species could be reasoned with but given the creature's hostility he felt that wasn't going to be possible.

@Jeremi @Archmage Jeremiah @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Tactician
"Keep your distance!", Rey yelled to the group, as she realized what those little creatures were capable of. She then lifted her goggles and brought down her face covering, as she needed to be able to see better, considering what she would try to do next, as these creatures were of a relatively smaller size than them. And if she did things right, she wouldn't need to have the additional protection at this time, anyway.


After quickly shedding her upper covering, she quickly started to fire General Solo's blaster at the creatures. "Take cover!", she said, noting the bad after effect the death of the creatures would bring about.


@york @Cromartie Sarkissian @Atomyk
Getting rejected by Rey could wait; game of life and death was taking hold. The Mirakuru in my blood stream shousl protect me from any serious acid burns, but the rest of the group don't have that luxury; we must fight back. I raise my bow to my eye level and extend the bowstring back to its maximum length. The taught wire ran alongside my fingers once again, adrenaline flooding my body.

I take aim

I fire

I watch as the explosive head hits the centre of the hoard; bullseye. Flames would engulf the short radius within seconds, and we would have at least brought ourselves a little bit of time.

Before I know it the next wave is upon us, not even giving me enough time to reload before the onslaught begins again. I switch my bow into my left hand, ready to change forward and fend them off hand to hand. Acid burns or not, keeping everyone else safe for as long as I could was all that mattered.

"Fall back everyone! I'll hold 'em off! Just find a vantage point or something!" I make a slight smile towards Rey, then jump into the chaos

@Mari @york @Atomyk
Mobile post
View attachment 99785
@Power Station People
@Mari @Atomyk @Cromartie Sarkissian @Others

The group's efforts were able to keep these creatures from getting too close... Dust and Fidget were also getting into the fray, with Fidget firing white energy pellets of sorts, and Dust spinning his blade, creating a small vortex of air, sending the pellets flying towards the creatures... In the end, only a few creatures managed to get close enough to do any damage... But, fortunately didn't, do much more than sear at their clothes, and possibly their flesh a little bit... Harper being the one to take the brunt of the burns, but, thankfully... It wasn't anything serious, as he managed to keep just out of range of the worst of the acidic explosions.

The area was clear for now, however... It was time to decide whether to go left, or right down this hall... One had to lead to the generators, right? Restoring power was top priority... But, there was also the Rachni infestation they had to take care of... And something seemed to give off the indication that there were more Rachni on their way to them, though the skittering noises have stopped for the time being.
@Power Station People
@Mari @Atomyk @Cromartie Sarkissian @Others

The group's efforts were able to keep these creatures from getting too close... Dust and Fidget were also getting into the fray, with Fidget firing white energy pellets of sorts, and Dust spinning his blade, creating a small vortex of air, sending the pellets flying towards the creatures... In the end, only a few creatures managed to get close enough to do any damage... But, fortunately didn't, do much more than sear at their clothes, and possibly their flesh a little bit... Harper being the one to take the brunt of the burns, but, thankfully... It wasn't anything serious, as he managed to keep just out of range of the worst of the acidic explosions.

The area was clear for now, however... It was time to decide whether to go left, or right down this hall... One had to lead to the generators, right? Restoring power was top priority... But, there was also the Rachni infestation they had to take care of... And something seemed to give off the indication that there were more Rachni on their way to them, though the skittering noises have stopped for the time being.

"Are you okay?", Rey asked the others as the area was finally cleared of the deadly creatures. She looked at each of them one by one, and seemed to get a visual confirmation by looking them in the eyes... maybe a bit shaken, but they all seemed to be okay, relatively. She took some burns to some parts of her body but the acid seemed to go away quickly, as it had only gotten onto her in small quantities. It could have been much worse, she thought. She looked to Roy, waiting for him to answer with something witty and funny, no doubt... she sensed that about him and had gotten to know that about him in the short time they were here together.

Then, she heard the noises.

"We can not stay here long", she said, as she started to quickly down the right side of the hall. She had a way of running into things fortunately as of late, and she hoped that luck would continue here.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Atomyk
@Power Station People
@Mari @Atomyk @Cromartie Sarkissian @Others

The group's efforts were able to keep these creatures from getting too close... Dust and Fidget were also getting into the fray, with Fidget firing white energy pellets of sorts, and Dust spinning his blade, creating a small vortex of air, sending the pellets flying towards the creatures... In the end, only a few creatures managed to get close enough to do any damage... But, fortunately didn't, do much more than sear at their clothes, and possibly their flesh a little bit... Harper being the one to take the brunt of the burns, but, thankfully... It wasn't anything serious, as he managed to keep just out of range of the worst of the acidic explosions.

The area was clear for now, however... It was time to decide whether to go left, or right down this hall... One had to lead to the generators, right? Restoring power was top priority... But, there was also the Rachni infestation they had to take care of... And something seemed to give off the indication that there were more Rachni on their way to them, though the skittering noises have stopped for the time being.
The acid tears at my skin like a vulture to a carcass, flooding my whole body with pain. I knew it was a bad idea, I really did, but I did it anyway. Why? Because I let myself get distracted by something as stupid as love! When has it done anything for me? When has it ever brought me sanction or save my life? When has it put money in my pocket or helped me stay safe? Never
Now my left arm has been engulfed in acid....
My torso burns like a campfire
My face burns like hell
My left eye burns hotter than both of them combined

Should I be greatful I'm alive? Greatful that I'll be disfigured permanently? The Mirakuru will heal my wounds but not the scars. The burns may be 'Minor', but they still hurt
They still scar
They still blurr

The vision in my right eye begins to fade as the chemicals finally enter it. The blackness sets in. So much blackness. So blind
So blind

I clentched my face and cast my bow aside; it's too mangled to use anyway. I let out a silent scream. No doubt it'll fall on deaf ears....
Who here tried to save me?
Tried to heal me?
To warn me?
No. Nobody ever warns Roy Harper. Nobody misses the worthless street urchin from Starling. I'm no hero. I'm no survivor. My home is gone. My world is gone. My team is gone. The left half of my face is gone. And all because I let myself get distracted. Well not anymore.

Mirakuru can heal a lot of things, but it never was good with the face....just ask Wilson....and it's far worse with the heart. It's going to kill me....if the creeps on this ship don't get to me first....

I must get to them first....

I'm loosing it....
I'm seeing red again....
"Arrrefffghh!!!!! Stay....away......AWAY!!!!!!!!"
@Mari @Atomyk @york
Mobile post
(Although the wounds are minor, Mirakuru increases scarring and melodrama)
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron
The acid tears at my skin like a vulture to a carcass, flooding my whole body with pain. I knew it was a bad idea, I really did, but I did it anyway. Why? Because I let myself get distracted by something as stupid as love! When has it done anything for me? When has it ever brought me sanction or save my life? When has it put money in my pocket or helped me stay safe? Never
Now my left arm has been engulfed in acid....
My torso burns like a campfire
My face burns like hell
My left eye burns hotter than both of them combined

Should I be greatful I'm alive? Greatful that I'll be disfigured permanently? The Mirakuru will heal my wounds but not the scars. The burns may be 'Minor', but they still hurt
They still scar
They still blurr

The vision in my right eye begins to fade as the chemicals finally enter it. The blackness sets in. So much blackness. So blind
So blind

I clentched my face and cast my bow aside; it's too mangled to use anyway. I let out a silent scream. No doubt it'll fall on deaf ears....
Who here tried to save me?
Tried to heal me?
To warn me?
No. Nobody ever warns Roy Harper. Nobody misses the worthless street urchin from Starling. I'm no hero. I'm no survivor. My home is gone. My world is gone. My team is gone. The left half of my face is gone. And all because I let myself get distracted. Well not anymore.

Mirakuru can heal a lot of things, but it never was good with the face....just ask Wilson....and it's far worse with the heart. It's going to kill me....if the creeps on this ship don't get to me first....

I must get to them first....

I'm loosing it....
I'm seeing red again....
"Arrrefffghh!!!!! Stay....away......AWAY!!!!!!!!"
@Mari @Atomyk @york
Mobile post
(Although the wounds are minor, Mirakuru increases scarring and melodrama)


Rey turned around and stopped in her path when she heard Roy's voice, the way he sounded. She looked at him. He was, somewhat mysteriously to her, getting a lot worse than the rest of them. Maybe he wasn't of the same species as most of them? She wondered, but put the wondering aside as she would try to see what she could do.

She looked into her pack. Did she have anything that could help? A container of water, not much else. She had no magic or healing powers under her control at all. Was she going to need to convince him to move along, before the creatures would swarm them again and he would be subjected to even more of this? She was certain that was the only option now.

"Do you hear that!?", she said in an urgent voice to Roy. "Those are hundreds of terrible things headed this way, and they'll do the same things the other ones did to us. We need to move, now!" She grabbed his hand, and tried to pull him along with her towards the right side as she originally was doing until this happened with Roy.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Atomyk

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" With a swing of his makeshift weapon, Shizuo slammed the metal into the underside of the Swarmer hard, sending it flying up and away. It almost seemed to shatter with a satisfying crunch against the ceiling high above them and was certainly dead now.


Taking a breath to calm himself after the encounter, Shizuo couldn't hold back a smirk as he realized how close they were to their target, "So the Rachni Queen's over there, huh? Well, time to introduce ourselves to the Queen, come on!" The idea that they would have to defeat the almost assuredly giant bug queen didn't seem to bother the bartender, instead energizing him as he ran in the direction Shepard pointed them in.​

As the trek continued it was quite clear that something had crashed landed nearby. Debris was scattered all over and fires were erupting on the streets.

Soon enough however they would've reached the epicenter of the crash where their goal was looming over them.


The Rachni Queen. For the moment she didn't seem hostile. What would they do?​

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah @The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @TeamShepard

Easily enough, with that, the Rachni creatures would die down, taken out by everyone's combined efforts as their bodies would litter the hallway leading into the Hospital.


With the enemy taken care of, Joseph would swap his gun for his Clackers, which he would charge with his Ripple energy, before spinning them around in order to gain momentum. After a small period of time, he would bash the steel balls into the door, crashing them open, much to the surprise of everyone inside.

Inside the hospital area itself, you would come across a number of ordinary people, some dressed in lab coats and none of them named Riley while others had more comparatively casual clothing, presumably just patients.


"Hi ho! We're here to save you, everyone!" JoJo would enthusiastically exclaim to the people inside upon stepping forward in front of you all, as though he believed himself to be the leader of this... ragtag group.


The people didn't respond for some time, just awkwardly staring at you all. You could even hear someone cough uncomfortably, but before long, you would see a young woman step up.


"Excuse me, but... Who even are you people? Did Aria send you?"

@DBZ7 @Josh M @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Hospital Folk

Garrus looked surprised when the woman stepped forwards. "Kelly Chambers?" He asked recognizing her as the former yeoman of the Normandy. "What are you doing on Omega?"

For a moment, Mastermind appeared... surprised to see someone that was killed earlier... Was this really somewhere that people that... die appear in?

"... Tali?"

Mastermind stepped out of his hiding place, not taking into mind that he would startle her. Yet, he did not have his Dynamos or drones out... so he didn't bother worrying that much.


Mastermind would be met by a shotgun pointed at his face. "Mastermind?! Keelah, you scared me half to death." She'd lower her weapon before she continued. "What are you doing here? Is the rest of the crew with you?"

@The Great Detective
"Are you okay?", Rey asked the others as the area was finally cleared of the deadly creatures. She looked at each of them one by one, and seemed to get a visual confirmation by looking them in the eyes... maybe a bit shaken, but they all seemed to be okay, relatively. She took some burns to some parts of her body but the acid seemed to go away quickly, as it had only gotten onto her in small quantities. It could have been much worse, she thought. She looked to Roy, waiting for him to answer with something witty and funny, no doubt... she sensed that about him and had gotten to know that about him in the short time they were here together.

Then, she heard the noises.

"We can not stay here long", she said, as she started to quickly down the right side of the hall. She had a way of running into things fortunately as of late, and she hoped that luck would continue here.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Atomyk
The acid tears at my skin like a vulture to a carcass, flooding my whole body with pain. I knew it was a bad idea, I really did, but I did it anyway. Why? Because I let myself get distracted by something as stupid as love! When has it done anything for me? When has it ever brought me sanction or save my life? When has it put money in my pocket or helped me stay safe? Never
Now my left arm has been engulfed in acid....
My torso burns like a campfire
My face burns like hell
My left eye burns hotter than both of them combined

Should I be greatful I'm alive? Greatful that I'll be disfigured permanently? The Mirakuru will heal my wounds but not the scars. The burns may be 'Minor', but they still hurt
They still scar
They still blurr

The vision in my right eye begins to fade as the chemicals finally enter it. The blackness sets in. So much blackness. So blind
So blind

I clentched my face and cast my bow aside; it's too mangled to use anyway. I let out a silent scream. No doubt it'll fall on deaf ears....
Who here tried to save me?
Tried to heal me?
To warn me?
No. Nobody ever warns Roy Harper. Nobody misses the worthless street urchin from Starling. I'm no hero. I'm no survivor. My home is gone. My world is gone. My team is gone. The left half of my face is gone. And all because I let myself get distracted. Well not anymore.

Mirakuru can heal a lot of things, but it never was good with the face....just ask Wilson....and it's far worse with the heart. It's going to kill me....if the creeps on this ship don't get to me first....

I must get to them first....

I'm loosing it....
I'm seeing red again....
"Arrrefffghh!!!!! Stay....away......AWAY!!!!!!!!"
@Mari @Atomyk @york
Mobile post
(Although the wounds are minor, Mirakuru increases scarring and melodrama)

Rey turned around and stopped in her path when she heard Roy's voice, the way he sounded. She looked at him. He was, somewhat mysteriously to her, getting a lot worse than the rest of them. Maybe he wasn't of the same species as most of them? She wondered, but put the wondering aside as she would try to see what she could do.

She looked into her pack. Did she have anything that could help? A container of water, not much else. She had no magic or healing powers under her control at all. Was she going to need to convince him to move along, before the creatures would swarm them again and he would be subjected to even more of this? She was certain that was the only option now.

"Do you hear that!?", she said in an urgent voice to Roy. "Those are hundreds of terrible things headed this way, and they'll do the same things the other ones did to us. We need to move, now!" She grabbed his hand, and tried to pull him along with her towards the right side as she originally was doing until this happened with Roy.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Atomyk
@Power Station Folks
@Atomyk @Cromartie Sarkissian @Atomyk

Dust & Fidget
Looks like Dust wasn't exactly scott free from this too, he looked to be in a state of disarray really, patches of skin having been burnt in places, and his clothes looking a bit charred... He reached into his pockets, trying to find any ice-cream dishes he had left... Apparantly they were good for healing burns... Sadly he had none left after that fight with Gaius... Fidget looked concerned.

"Uh... Don't you have ant quick-items left on your hotbar?" Fidget asked Dust in a small voice... Dust shook his head, looking a bit pained.

"I... I'm out... That fight with Gaius made me use all of them... But... I'll live..." He groaned... Seeing that the others were headed to the right... He also headed off to the right...



As everyone stepped down the corridor, a pair of doors hung open, thankfully stuck in an accessable state when most of the power had gone down... Here, it would seem was the control room for the station's reactiors, probably a good place to start when one wanted to get the power up and running...

Though, before they could explore around, that skittering noise occurred again, and a few more of those green colored creatures appeared... Though, they appeared to have backup with them, judging by the thundering sounds of much larger creatures coming down the corridor towards them, looks like the bulk of the Rachni forces had arrived...

A pair of larger looking creatures managed to squeeze their way down the hall, beginning to launch what looked like Acidic Projectiles towards the group... And judging from the projectiles hat had hit the walls, eating away at the mettalic alloys, this stuff was no joke; it was recommended to avoid the projectiles at all costs really... Whenever possible that is.

@Power Station Folks
@Atomyk @Cromartie Sarkissian @Atomyk

Dust & Fidget
Looks like Dust wasn't exactly scott free from this too, he looked to be in a state of disarray really, patches of skin having been burnt in places, and his clothes looking a bit charred... He reached into his pockets, trying to find any ice-cream dishes he had left... Apparantly they were good for healing burns... Sadly he had none left after that fight with Gaius... Fidget looked concerned.

"Uh... Don't you have ant quick-items left on your hotbar?" Fidget asked Dust in a small voice... Dust shook his head, looking a bit pained.

"I... I'm out... That fight with Gaius made me use all of them... But... I'll live..." He groaned... Seeing that the others were headed to the right... He also headed off to the right...



As everyone stepped down the corridor, a pair of doors hung open, thankfully stuck in an accessable state when most of the power had gone down... Here, it would seem was the control room for the station's reactiors, probably a good place to start when one wanted to get the power up and running...

Though, before they could explore around, that skittering noise occurred again, and a few more of those green colored creatures appeared... Though, they appeared to have backup with them, judging by the thundering sounds of much larger creatures coming down the corridor towards them, looks like the bulk of the Rachni forces had arrived...

A pair of larger looking creatures managed to squeeze their way down the hall, beginning to launch what looked like Acidic Projectiles towards the group... And judging from the projectiles hat had hit the walls, eating away at the mettalic alloys, this stuff was no joke; it was recommended to avoid the projectiles at all costs really... Whenever possible that is.


Rey turned around and stopped in her path when she heard Roy's voice, the way he sounded. She looked at him. He was, somewhat mysteriously to her, getting a lot worse than the rest of them. Maybe he wasn't of the same species as most of them? She wondered, but put the wondering aside as she would try to see what she could do.

She looked into her pack. Did she have anything that could help? A container of water, not much else. She had no magic or healing powers under her control at all. Was she going to need to convince him to move along, before the creatures would swarm them again and he would be subjected to even more of this? She was certain that was the only option now.

"Do you hear that!?", she said in an urgent voice to Roy. "Those are hundreds of terrible things headed this way, and they'll do the same things the other ones did to us. We need to move, now!" She grabbed his hand, and tried to pull him along with her towards the right side as she originally was doing until this happened with Roy.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Atomyk
I writhe my hand from Rey's grasp the moment we reach the control room. "No....I'm too dangerous like this.....leave me behind...." I turn to face the rising hoards of acid-insects entering the room. They're big, dangerous. Probably a lot more dangerous than all of the previous ones combined. "I'm not important" I cry, as I limp towards the creatures. They may be powerful, but so am I....if I can just direct my rage...embrace it.....

Tearing My quill from from my leg, I pelt it towards the creatures with enough force to tip a car; the leaver may be weak, but the variety of explosives, needles and electric shock heads it contained we not so flimsy. Besides, what good were they wthout a bow?

I throw my hands into the steel beneath me, and begin to try tearing it up; it's best to have some sort of defences form when they start attacking, even if it does break easily. My strength is returning to me, but not my sight, nor is my skin healing; I could fight now, not as well as I used to, but I can fight.

I need to direct my rage...I need to get angry...

"Rey..." I mutter, slowly loosing my grip...."I need you to make me as angry as possible...." I needed to red out again....I needed that blind rage, that instinctual power, to guide me again. I've tried to fight it for too long, but not anymore.
"Don't ask why, me...."
@Mari @york @Atomyk mobile post image.jpeg
@Power Station Folks
@Atomyk @Cromartie Sarkissian @Atomyk

Dust & Fidget
Looks like Dust wasn't exactly scott free from this too, he looked to be in a state of disarray really, patches of skin having been burnt in places, and his clothes looking a bit charred... He reached into his pockets, trying to find any ice-cream dishes he had left... Apparantly they were good for healing burns... Sadly he had none left after that fight with Gaius... Fidget looked concerned.

"Uh... Don't you have ant quick-items left on your hotbar?" Fidget asked Dust in a small voice... Dust shook his head, looking a bit pained.

"I... I'm out... That fight with Gaius made me use all of them... But... I'll live..." He groaned... Seeing that the others were headed to the right... He also headed off to the right...



As everyone stepped down the corridor, a pair of doors hung open, thankfully stuck in an accessable state when most of the power had gone down... Here, it would seem was the control room for the station's reactiors, probably a good place to start when one wanted to get the power up and running...

Though, before they could explore around, that skittering noise occurred again, and a few more of those green colored creatures appeared... Though, they appeared to have backup with them, judging by the thundering sounds of much larger creatures coming down the corridor towards them, looks like the bulk of the Rachni forces had arrived...

A pair of larger looking creatures managed to squeeze their way down the hall, beginning to launch what looked like Acidic Projectiles towards the group... And judging from the projectiles hat had hit the walls, eating away at the mettalic alloys, this stuff was no joke; it was recommended to avoid the projectiles at all costs really... Whenever possible that is.

I writhe my hand from Rey's grasp the moment we reach the control room. "No....I'm too dangerous like this.....leave me behind...." I turn to face the rising hoards of acid-insects entering the room. They're big, dangerous. Probably a lot more dangerous than all of the previous ones combined. "I'm not important" I cry, as I limp towards the creatures. They may be powerful, but so am I....if I can just direct my rage...embrace it.....

Tearing My quill from from my leg, I pelt it towards the creatures with enough force to tip a car; the leaver may be weak, but the variety of explosives, needles and electric shock heads it contained we not so flimsy. Besides, what good were they wthout a bow?

I throw my hands into the steel beneath me, and begin to try tearing it up; it's best to have some sort of defences form when they start attacking, even if it does break easily. My strength is returning to me, but not my sight, nor is my skin healing; I could fight now, not as well as I used to, but I can fight.

I need to direct my rage...I need to get angry...

"Rey..." I mutter, slowly loosing my grip...."I need you to make me as angry as possible...." I needed to red out again....I needed that blind rage, that instinctual power, to guide me again. I've tried to fight it for too long, but not anymore.
"Don't ask why, me...."
@Mari @york @Atomyk mobile post View attachment 99911

Rey looked at Roy, confused. "Get you mad?", she wondered. "That's a joke! We don't have time for your drama!" She didn't want to have to use Luke's lightsaber, but she felt she had no choice this time. She reacted quickly to the projectiles launched towards them. "Take cover!", she yelled, as she stepped forward in front of the group to try her best to absorb the acidic projectiles with the Jedi Master's lightsaber.


She continued to stay in front of the group as she let the lightsaber take care of the threat, but she really hoped she would have a chance to work on the power controls that they came here for. She had some experience with machinery and power sources after all, even on old disposed space ships. She decided to let them know.

"I can work the power situation," she said to them, "but I can't do it with those things attacking us!"

@Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Atomyk
  • Nice Execution!
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Rey looked at Roy, confused. "Get you mad?", she wondered. "That's a joke! We don't have time for your drama!" She didn't want to have to use Luke's lightsaber, but she felt she had no choice this time. She reacted quickly to the projectiles launched towards them. "Take cover!", she yelled, as she stepped forward in front of the group to try her best to absorb the acidic projectiles with the Jedi Master's lightsaber.


She continued to stay in front of the group as she let the lightsaber take care of the threat, but she really hoped she would have a chance to work on the power controls that they came here for. She had some experience with machinery and power sources after all, even on old disposed space ships. She decided to let them know.

"I can work the power situation," she said to them, "but I can't do it with those things attacking us!"

@Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Atomyk
Wow. She is really making me without meaning to...

"What the hell are you talking about 'My Drama'? I'm sorry princess, but you're not the one who just had acid thrown in their eye! I can hold those things off if you'd just....." I can feel it slipping... it's working..... "Fuck you, Rey! You just don't get it? Going blind in one eye tends to create some bloody drama!" I cry, as I throw some of my remaining arrows into the chaos
@Mari @Mighty Roman @york @Atomyk
Mobile post
Pardon my French!
Easily enough, with that, the Rachni creatures would die down, taken out by everyone's combined efforts as their bodies would litter the hallway leading into the Hospital.


With the enemy taken care of, Joseph would swap his gun for his Clackers, which he would charge with his Ripple energy, before spinning them around in order to gain momentum. After a small period of time, he would bash the steel balls into the door, crashing them open, much to the surprise of everyone inside.

Inside the hospital area itself, you would come across a number of ordinary people, some dressed in lab coats and none of them named Riley while others had more comparatively casual clothing, presumably just patients.


"Hi ho! We're here to save you, everyone!" JoJo would enthusiastically exclaim to the people inside upon stepping forward in front of you all, as though he believed himself to be the leader of this... ragtag group.


The people didn't respond for some time, just awkwardly staring at you all. You could even hear someone cough uncomfortably, but before long, you would see a young woman step up.


"Excuse me, but... Who even are you people? Did Aria send you?"

@DBZ7 @Josh M @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Hospital Folk

As the trek continued it was quite clear that something had crashed landed nearby. Debris was scattered all over and fires were erupting on the streets.

Soon enough however they would've reached the epicenter of the crash where their goal was looming over them.


The Rachni Queen. For the moment she didn't seem hostile. What would they do?​

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah @The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @TeamShepard

Garrus looked surprised when the woman stepped forwards. "Kelly Chambers?" He asked recognizing her as the former yeoman of the Normandy. "What are you doing on Omega?"

Mastermind would be met by a shotgun pointed at his face. "Mastermind?! Keelah, you scared me half to death." She'd lower her weapon before she continued. "What are you doing here? Is the rest of the crew with you?"

@The Great Detective

Toboe looked between Kelly and Garrus, then to the rest of the people in the room. So, Garrus knew this woman? If so, wouldn't she be able to recognize him as well? Or at least sooner?

@Josh M @Verite @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @DBZ7 @The Silver Paladin @Anyone I missed @hospital crap post blegh

As the trek continued it was quite clear that something had crashed landed nearby. Debris was scattered all over and fires were erupting on the streets.

Soon enough however they would've reached the epicenter of the crash where their goal was looming over them.


The Rachni Queen. For the moment she didn't seem hostile. What would they do?​

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah @The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @TeamShepard

Garrus looked surprised when the woman stepped forwards. "Kelly Chambers?" He asked recognizing her as the former yeoman of the Normandy. "What are you doing on Omega?"

Mastermind would be met by a shotgun pointed at his face. "Mastermind?! Keelah, you scared me half to death." She'd lower her weapon before she continued. "What are you doing here? Is the rest of the crew with you?"

@The Great Detective

Shizuo glared up at the beast before them, the supposed queen of the hive, "So it really is like a bug... Shepard, anything we need to worry about when fighting, besides it being giant?"

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah @The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @TeamShepard
Mastermind would be met by a shotgun pointed at his face. "Mastermind?! Keelah, you scared me half to death." She'd lower her weapon before she continued. "What are you doing here? Is the rest of the crew with you?"

@The Great Detective

"To be honest, I have no idea how I got here exactly... or the current status of the crew and the others..."

Despite his mind currently getting the picture that this is some sort of afterlife, as he and Esper were killed... and Tali no doubt was killed some time before that as well... However, it all didn't make sense to him at first...


"That's because we're all considered dead~ Killed off by people that were being influenced in some way or the other~ Probably from the Reapers!"

Without much warning, Esper would pop out of another time rift, hanging upside-down to greet Mastermind and Tali.


"Esper, how can we be sure that you're on point with your facts here?"

For a moment, Mastermind wanted to doubt that, since this wasn't really a standard afterlife to begin with... However, the Esper put a finger up to Mastermind's lips, as if to shush him. Exiting his time rift, he turned himself around in order to stand normally like the rest...


"Have a little faith in your alternate self, Addy~ I've gone through this type of thing before in the past... "

Garrus looked surprised when the woman stepped forwards. "Kelly Chambers?" He asked recognizing her as the former yeoman of the Normandy. "What are you doing on Omega?"
Toboe looked between Kelly and Garrus, then to the rest of the people in the room. So, Garrus knew this woman? If so, wouldn't she be able to recognize him as well? Or at least sooner?

@Josh M @Verite @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @DBZ7 @The Silver Paladin @Anyone I missed @hospital crap post blegh
"Garrus? Is that really you?" The woman whom Garrus identified as Kelly Chambers responded in surprise, her eyes widening a bit, before her lips curled into a smile, "It's so good to see you again. And I guess if you're here, Shepard can't be too far away, huh?" She asked, before listening to the Turian's question.

"As for why I'm here... Well, it's not like I particularly want to be in a place like this, but... Even if this isn't the most subtle of locations, it's a surprisingly good place to disappear in. I came here from the Citadel for a number of reasons, mostly to get away from Cerberus and the growing Reaper threat," Kelly explained, "It's wearing bacon pants in a dog-eat-dog world, but I'm just glad to hear you and Shepard are okay."


"Hey, hey!~ Who do we have here? So your name's Kelly? What's a nice girl like you doing in a dump like this?" Joseph asked, before Lisa Lisa smacked him in the back of the head, before pulling at his ear rather harshly.

"Pay attention more, and you'll observe that she has just answered your question before you even asked it, JoJo."

"Ow ow ow! Sorry, sorry!"

@DBZ7 @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Josh M @Hospital
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I writhe my hand from Rey's grasp the moment we reach the control room. "No....I'm too dangerous like this.....leave me behind...." I turn to face the rising hoards of acid-insects entering the room. They're big, dangerous. Probably a lot more dangerous than all of the previous ones combined. "I'm not important" I cry, as I limp towards the creatures. They may be powerful, but so am I....if I can just direct my rage...embrace it.....

Tearing My quill from from my leg, I pelt it towards the creatures with enough force to tip a car; the leaver may be weak, but the variety of explosives, needles and electric shock heads it contained we not so flimsy. Besides, what good were they wthout a bow?

I throw my hands into the steel beneath me, and begin to try tearing it up; it's best to have some sort of defences form when they start attacking, even if it does break easily. My strength is returning to me, but not my sight, nor is my skin healing; I could fight now, not as well as I used to, but I can fight.

I need to direct my rage...I need to get angry...

"Rey..." I mutter, slowly loosing my grip...."I need you to make me as angry as possible...." I needed to red out again....I needed that blind rage, that instinctual power, to guide me again. I've tried to fight it for too long, but not anymore.
"Don't ask why, me...."
@Mari @york @Atomyk mobile post View attachment 99911
Rey looked at Roy, confused. "Get you mad?", she wondered. "That's a joke! We don't have time for your drama!" She didn't want to have to use Luke's lightsaber, but she felt she had no choice this time. She reacted quickly to the projectiles launched towards them. "Take cover!", she yelled, as she stepped forward in front of the group to try her best to absorb the acidic projectiles with the Jedi Master's lightsaber.


She continued to stay in front of the group as she let the lightsaber take care of the threat, but she really hoped she would have a chance to work on the power controls that they came here for. She had some experience with machinery and power sources after all, even on old disposed space ships. She decided to let them know.

"I can work the power situation," she said to them, "but I can't do it with those things attacking us!"

@Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Atomyk
Wow. She is really making me without meaning to...

"What the hell are you talking about 'My Drama'? I'm sorry princess, but you're not the one who just had acid thrown in their eye! I can hold those things off if you'd just....." I can feel it slipping... it's working..... "Fuck you, Rey! You just don't get it? Going blind in one eye tends to create some bloody drama!" I cry, as I throw some of my remaining arrows into the chaos
@Mari @Mighty Roman @york @Atomyk
Mobile post
Pardon my French!
@Power Station People
@Atomyk @Mari @Mighty Roman @Cromartie Sarkissian @Others?

Rey's lightsabre proved to be a formideable defense against the projectiles, as they practically fizzled and hissed as they were vaporized by it's super-heated blade... Though when she turned to the controls that seemed to regulate and direct the flow of power throughout the facility, it turned out to be a bit more... Complex than one would expect.

Rey would notice the control panel was alot more cluttered than expected... Though, some of the switches appeared to have problems functioning... And, well, the source of the problem was clear... There was a gaping hole near the bottom of the "board" of buttons, indicating an stray acidic projectile may have damaged the circuitry. Though, on the other hand, it would be an relatively simple fix, presuming one could pull it off during the Rachni attack... Speaking of which, it looked like four more larger creatures joined the first pair, considering that Harper's arrows had effectively torn through the first two... Dust seemed to be helping hold them off though, seeing as he realized the importance of defending this area.

Dust & Fidget

"Phew... Tired... Need... Rest..." Fidget huffed; she had been launching streaks of lightning, pillars of fire, and white energy pellets at those creatures, helping with Harper's efforts... However, since Dust was unable to get as close to the enemy, Fidget had exhausted whatever magical energy she used to maintain her attacks. Though she was able to get rid of the smaller, exploding green creatures, in combination with stray arrows, and

"Don't worry Fidget... I'll score some combos on those guys! You'll have your energy back in no time!" Dust said, he looked concentrated for a moment as the advancing creatures began spewing another volley of acidic projectiles, he concentrated his efforts on the second pair that had entered the room, moving at rather incredible speeds as he alternated between slashing one to another... Even spinning in the air, and leaving an massive amount of lacerations on his targets... Looks like there was only two creatures for Harper to worry about, for now anyways...​

Shizuo glared up at the beast before them, the supposed queen of the hive, "So it really is like a bug... Shepard, anything we need to worry about when fighting, besides it being giant?"

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah @The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @TeamShepard

"To be honest I've never actually fought one of these head on." Shepard admitted before drawing her rifle. "But I bet it falls like anything else."

Before any shots could be fired however they would hear someone shouting. "Stop!" From behind the Queen an alien would emerge. She was an Asari much like Aria.


"Please don't hurt her! She didn't mean for any of this to happen!"

Shepard would aim her rifle at the Asari. "What do you mean? She crashed into Omega and sent the hive out to kill people!"

"They were just confused! You got to believe." She looked up at the Rachni Queen. "Yes...I'll let you explain."

After she said that the Asari womans eyes would black over and the voice would sound sound distorted. "I am the Rachni Queen. I am using this woman to speak with you."

"Yeah I've seen this before." Shepard remarked. "What happened? Why are you here?"

"I was trapped by the Reapers as a means for them to create their abominations. I fled from them, but I was injured and had to find away to travel...the meteor. I had no control and crashed on Omega. My children were erratic, I couldn't call out to them...and the Ravagers was after us. I did not mean for any of this to happen. I just...wanted peace for me and my children."

"Ha! a likely story!" Skeletor scoffed. "The bug is trapped in the corner and is now trying to save its own skin!"

"Garrus? Is that really you?" The woman whom Garrus identified as Kelly Chambers responded in surprise, her eyes widening a bit, before her lips curled into a smile, "It's so good to see you again. And I guess if you're here, Shepard can't be too far away, huh?" She asked, before listening to the Turian's question.

"As for why I'm here... Well, it's not like I particularly want to be in a place like this, but... Even if this isn't the most subtle of locations, it's a surprisingly good place to disappear in. I came here from the Citadel for a number of reasons, mostly to get away from Cerberus and the growing Reaper threat," Kelly explained, "It's wearing bacon pants in a dog-eat-dog world, but I'm just glad to hear you and Shepard are okay."


"Hey, hey!~ Who do we have here? So your name's Kelly? What's a nice girl like you doing in a dump like this?" Joseph asked, before Lisa Lisa smacked him in the back of the head, before pulling at his ear rather harshly.

"Pay attention more, and you'll observe that she has just answered your question before you even asked it, JoJo."

"Ow ow ow! Sorry, sorry!"

@DBZ7 @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Josh M @Hospital

"She's taking care of a little pest problem and will be with us shortly I'm sure." Garrus replied. "We're fine...considering the circumstances though I have some bad news to tell you." He hesitated to tell her about Tali and instead changed the subject. "Never mind that...How's everyone in the hospital doing? Any casualties from the Rachni attacks?"


"To be honest, I have no idea how I got here exactly... or the current status of the crew and the others..."

Despite his mind currently getting the picture that this is some sort of afterlife, as he and Esper were killed... and Tali no doubt was killed some time before that as well... However, it all didn't make sense to him at first...


"That's because we're all considered dead~ Killed off by people that were being influenced in some way or the other~ Probably from the Reapers!"

Without much warning, Esper would pop out of another time rift, hanging upside-down to greet Mastermind and Tali.


"Esper, how can we be sure that you're on point with your facts here?"

For a moment, Mastermind wanted to doubt that, since this wasn't really a standard afterlife to begin with... However, the Esper put a finger up to Mastermind's lips, as if to shush him. Exiting his time rift, he turned himself around in order to stand normally like the rest...


"Have a little faith in your alternate self, Addy~ I've gone through this type of thing before in the past... "


"No what Esper saying sounds about right." Tali replied to Mastermind. "But it doesn't make any sense! How can we be alive if we know that we died? We are alive now I'm certain of that and I even think I know where we are."

@The Great Detective
"To be honest I've never actually fought one of these head on." Shepard admitted before drawing her rifle. "But I bet it falls like anything else."

Before any shots could be fired however they would hear someone shouting. "Stop!" From behind the Queen an alien would emerge. She was an Asari much like Aria.


"Please don't hurt her! She didn't mean for any of this to happen!"

Shepard would aim her rifle at the Asari. "What do you mean? She crashed into Omega and sent the hive out to kill people!"

"They were just confused! You got to believe." She looked up at the Rachni Queen. "Yes...I'll let you explain."

After she said that the Asari womans eyes would black over and the voice would sound sound distorted. "I am the Rachni Queen. I am using this woman to speak with you."

"Yeah I've seen this before." Shepard remarked. "What happened? Why are you here?"

"I was trapped by the Reapers as a means for them to create their abominations. I fled from them, but I was injured and had to find away to travel...the meteor. I had no control and crashed on Omega. My children were erratic, I couldn't call out to them...and the Ravagers was after us. I did not mean for any of this to happen. I just...wanted peace for me and my children."

"Ha! a likely story!" Skeletor scoffed. "The bug is trapped in the corner and is now trying to save its own skin!"

"She's taking care of a little pest problem and will be with us shortly I'm sure." Garrus replied. "We're fine...considering the circumstances though I have some bad news to tell you." He hesitated to tell her about Tali and instead changed the subject. "Never mind that...How's everyone in the hospital doing? Any casualties from the Rachni attacks?"

"No what Esper saying sounds about right." Tali replied to Mastermind. "But it doesn't make any sense! How can we be alive if we know that we died? We are alive now I'm certain of that and I even think I know where we are."

@The Great Detective

The story, though almost certainly false, did hold some sway over Shizuo's heart. For some reason, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the creature and its childeren, and the fact that it simply wanted peace and not violence touched him as well. Wasn't it his desire for there to be no violence, especially on his own part? Would killing the Queen and her children now that they knew the situation really further that idea?

"... Shepard, we should try and help it. I don't think it's lying to us, and we can't just let it die here. It's scared, terrified for its children's safety like any mother would be," He began lowering his weapon, keeping an eye on the Rachni, "Hell, maybe it can help us against the Reapers. It seems to hate them just as much as you or me."
[BCOLOR=transparent]Dan wouldn't even flinch as the Rachni grabbed his arm; in fact he was about to punch it, before it was hit by Emmeryn's fireball. Noticing Johnny grabbing some sort of gun he stepped back, not wishing to be caught in the fire. Instead he prepared his axe to slash at any incoming Rachni that got past the bullets.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As the doors were opened and speech commencing, however, Dan stuffed away his axe in his belt, and ventured inside. Seeing his current group leader speak with what seemed to be someone he knew, he stayed out of the conversation, directing his focus towards the reason they came there, the patients. "The Rachnis are gone. Who needs saving?" As grim as the situation was, Dan tried smiling to brighten the otherwise pretty dark mood.[/BCOLOR]

@DBZ7 @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Josh M @Hospital
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