Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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Surprisingly the team with Shepard made short work of the Rachni attacking them. Once it was certain no more were showing up Shepard would give them the clear.

"It's strange." She started turning towards the group. "If these Rachni came here with a meteor...why didn't Omega's automated defenses destroy it before it even got close?" She let the question linger in the air as they continued on down the street.


Despite being a residential area this place looked just like any other area of Omega, dark, shady and orange. "I could take this den of scum and villains and form them into my image!" Skeletor exclaimed. "Perhaps when this is all over I'll return to this rock and do just that?"

"I'd like to see you try." Was Shepards only response to him.​

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @AnyoneElse @TeamShepard

As the carnage reached a lull for a few moments as the first wave of Rachni had been killed off, Shizuo looked over his makeshift shield and grinned at Bubba, "Nice work, Bubba! We need to work together more often, because that drill of yours does two things I love; saves time and gets rid of pests!"


However, the glee disappeared as Shepard pointed a disturbing bit of information. Lifting his shield up to carry it more easily, the bartender frowned at the possibility, "... You think a traitor's in the shadows, don't you? If you're right, that begs the question... Why help these pests?"


"I wouldn't try it, Skeleton Man. You've got a whole station of the scum of the universe, all apparently in awe or in terror of that blue chick Aria who doesn't seem to like people dicking with what she sees as hers, and you want to walk in here and try to take over without a name for yourself among them? You'd be shot at your first recruitment drive."

"Maybe there's 'sabotage' at play here.... I think blonde's assumption is right and that a traitor may have caused this. It'd be the perfect cover up to split us all up and kill some of us." Six spoke as he thought about this. He didn't actually didn't sound or look drunk anymore due to the state of focus he entered. He strapped his rifle back to his back and went for his revolvers. These things seemed squishy enough so he thought he might as well conserve .50 cal ammo.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah
[BCOLOR=transparent]Turning around to see the approaching Rachnis, Dan was not the slightest bit surprised, nor scared. He was merely happy he'd both get to help out at the hospital, AND smash interplanetary insects. "These are Rachni?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Reaching on his back, he pulled out a rather big woodcutter's axe, swinging it around in his hand a few times before holding it between himself and the closest bug. "I'll show you how a REAL man deals with pests!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]With his axe on his side, he leaped forward, thrusting his arm towards a Rachni.[/BCOLOR]

@Jeremi @Josh M @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Verite

Lisa Lisa, along with Joseph, also made their way to the Hospital. Rachni? Hmph. Sounded like a name for a bothersome alien race. And it seemed that that was precisely what it was. Joseph could barely hold back his excitement, the situations becoming more and more like the old Flash Gordon serials he caught in the theaters, it really was like he was living those moving pictures! This was so cool! On the other hand, Lisa Lisa was a little less enthusiastic, a little grouchy that her break seemed to be over.

"Let us get this over with," she muttered, pocketing her gloved hands, "The sooner we breeze through this unpleasant business, the sooner we may reach that Elliot and teach him a valuable lesson about wasting people's times."

"You'd think he'd at least have the decency to show his face once in a while, but it's almost like... He's just making other people do his work for him while he just does his own stuff in the background!" Joseph added in, holding his chin as he thought about something, "Looking back... He just sorta showed up and left during the Metaphotosynthesis thing too. I wonder what the deal was with that..."

Doo dee doo.

When you would all reach the doors leading into the hospital, you would find that it was locked, possibly barred shut from the other side. Upon realizing this, Joseph would bang his fist on the door repeatedly.


"HEEEY! Is anyone in there?! Let us in! What's the big idea, shutting us out here like this?!"

"I-It's not to shut you out..." A voice stammered on the other side of the doors all of a sudden, "It's to keep them out..."

"Keep what out?"



If you would all turn around, you would see a number of strange, alien creatures gathering behind you.


The doors were locked to keep out the Rachni, to answer Joseph's question. They didn't look very friendly, or in a particularly talkative mood, as evidenced from the way they quickly began crawling towards you all!

@Jeremi @Josh M @The Silver Paladin @IntrusivePenDesperateSword

Was what Emmeryn was thinking. But, she didn't actually say.

What Emmeryn did say was, "For my people."

Emmeryn held her fire tome out, and prepared to launch a fireball at the Rachni.

They would pay for this, Emmeryn would help the people trapped in the hospital.

@Jeremi @Josh M @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Lizzy @Verite

As the carnage reached a lull for a few moments as the first wave of Rachni had been killed off, Shizuo looked over his makeshift shield and grinned at Bubba, "Nice work, Bubba! We need to work together more often, because that drill of yours does two things I love; saves time and gets rid of pests!"


However, the glee disappeared as Shepard pointed a disturbing bit of information. Lifting his shield up to carry it more easily, the bartender frowned at the possibility, "... You think a traitor's in the shadows, don't you? If you're right, that begs the question... Why help these pests?"


"I wouldn't try it, Skeleton Man. You've got a whole station of the scum of the universe, all apparently in awe or in terror of that blue chick Aria who doesn't seem to like people dicking with what she sees as hers, and you want to walk in here and try to take over without a name for yourself among them? You'd be shot at your first recruitment drive."

"NYEHAHAHAHAHA! Fool! I have nothing to fear of these scum! If I wanted to I could simply walk into her little club and dispose of her with the snap of my fingers!" Skeletor exclaimed with a laugh. "Perhaps when we've got the information I'll do just that! She seems like someone that needs to be humbled ever so slightly!"

"Maybe there's 'sabotage' at play here.... I think blonde's assumption is right and that a traitor may have caused this. It'd be the perfect cover up to split us all up and kill some of us." Six spoke as he thought about this. He didn't actually didn't sound or look drunk anymore due to the state of focus he entered. He strapped his rifle back to his back and went for his revolvers. These things seemed squishy enough so he thought he might as well conserve .50 cal ammo.

@The Tactician @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah

"Wouldn't be the first time Aria had a rat in her midst." Shepard replied.

The talked would be cut short however by a three round burst of fire from in front of them. From the woodwork more Rachni emerged. These however looked different.


These looked like some sort of techno organic mesh. "This is worse than I thought..." Shepard replied pulling her rifle before she started opening fire. "Try not to hit the sacks! Otherwise we're going to have a very bad time! No close quarter combat! Trust me on this!"
@The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah

Lisa Lisa, along with Joseph, also made their way to the Hospital. Rachni? Hmph. Sounded like a name for a bothersome alien race. And it seemed that that was precisely what it was. Joseph could barely hold back his excitement, the situations becoming more and more like the old Flash Gordon serials he caught in the theaters, it really was like he was living those moving pictures! This was so cool! On the other hand, Lisa Lisa was a little less enthusiastic, a little grouchy that her break seemed to be over.

"Let us get this over with," she muttered, pocketing her gloved hands, "The sooner we breeze through this unpleasant business, the sooner we may reach that Elliot and teach him a valuable lesson about wasting people's times."

"You'd think he'd at least have the decency to show his face once in a while, but it's almost like... He's just making other people do his work for him while he just does his own stuff in the background!" Joseph added in, holding his chin as he thought about something, "Looking back... He just sorta showed up and left during the Metaphotosynthesis thing too. I wonder what the deal was with that..."

Doo dee doo.

When you would all reach the doors leading into the hospital, you would find that it was locked, possibly barred shut from the other side. Upon realizing this, Joseph would bang his fist on the door repeatedly.


"HEEEY! Is anyone in there?! Let us in! What's the big idea, shutting us out here like this?!"

"I-It's not to shut you out..." A voice stammered on the other side of the doors all of a sudden, "It's to keep them out..."

"Keep what out?"



If you would all turn around, you would see a number of strange, alien creatures gathering behind you.


The doors were locked to keep out the Rachni, to answer Joseph's question. They didn't look very friendly, or in a particularly talkative mood, as evidenced from the way they quickly began crawling towards you all!

@Jeremi @Josh M @The Silver Paladin @IntrusivePenDesperateSword

The Dawnstar would have been up in the air as the attack happened. Swooping down she'd try her best to harass the creature and attract their attention for the rest of them to give them a good trashing. "I'll try to get their attention! Everyone do your best to rescue those in the hospital!"

@Josh M @The Silver Paladin @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Verite @Lizzy

"Oh great. Where the hell are we now?"

Mastermind didn't like this at all, being dropped into a place this vast and not having any sign of assistance whatsoever. He wasn't so sure on where to begin, due to the fact that he knew nothing on where they were... but he did notice that Esper had also moved on from the corpse room and going about in a random direction in this vast atmosphere.

"H-Hey! Don't just go off alone like that Esper!"

Prompted to follow the insane time-traveller, Mastermind ushered himself to go after him, keeping an eye out for anything funny or suspicious.


The chasm they found themselves walking over was vast and really showed them the scope of the area. The Adds could see more paths opening up to the left and right of them yet they still hadn't seen anyone living in this place.

Suddenly however they would hear footsteps coming their way. What would they do?

@The Great Detective
"NYEHAHAHAHAHA! Fool! I have nothing to fear of these scum! If I wanted to I could simply walk into her little club and dispose of her with the snap of my fingers!" Skeletor exclaimed with a laugh. "Perhaps when we've got the information I'll do just that! She seems like someone that needs to be humbled ever so slightly!"

"Wouldn't be the first time Aria had a rat in her midst." Shepard replied.

The talked would be cut short however by a three round burst of fire from in front of them. From the woodwork more Rachni emerged. These however looked different.


These looked like some sort of techno organic mesh. "This is worse than I thought..." Shepard replied pulling her rifle before she started opening fire. "Try not to hit the sacks! Otherwise we're going to have a very bad time! No close quarter combat! Trust me on this!"
@The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah

The Dawnstar would have been up in the air as the attack happened. Swooping down she'd try her best to harass the creature and attract their attention for the rest of them to give them a good trashing. "I'll try to get their attention! Everyone do your best to rescue those in the hospital!"

@Josh M @The Silver Paladin @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Verite @Lizzy

The chasm they found themselves walking over was vast and really showed them the scope of the area. The Adds could see more paths opening up to the left and right of them yet they still hadn't seen anyone living in this place.

Suddenly however they would hear footsteps coming their way. What would they do?

@The Great Detective

"No close quarter combat? Then what the hell am I supposed to do then? All I've got is this panel from the wa-" He paused for a moment, an idea having suddenly popped into his head. Setting aside his makeshift shield, he began punching out the panels of the walls, one by one, building a stack of them as the Rachni approached. He knew what he could do, and soon the others would too as he began to line up shots and haul the heavy metal straight at groups of the pests, "Not as easy as slamming them, but crushing them's just as good!"

@Jeremi @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah
The chasm they found themselves walking over was vast and really showed them the scope of the area. The Adds could see more paths opening up to the left and right of them yet they still hadn't seen anyone living in this place.

Suddenly however they would hear footsteps coming their way. What would they do?

@The Great Detective

This might not be the best to simply meet and greet these approaching people...

Mastermind didn't like this whole place so far, and definitely had a bad feeling on what were to happen if they walked up to whoever was approaching them by the sound of their footsteps. So, Mastermind would go and try to signal Esper that they should try and find a suitable hiding place... Buuut, Esper seemed to have done that already without telling him.


Oh... I see how it is, Esper. No wonder Shizuo insisted on calling you an asshole...

Mentally annoyed, Mastermind tried to see if he could get a good hiding spot in this area, because clearly he wanted to know if this upcoming group were good in any sense or not.


"Fingers crossed" I mutter, readjusting my bowstring between my fingers. Part of me should regret calling her 'Hot' and 'Cute', but deep down...I don't? Something tells me, something deep in my, my heart, that that wasn't an accident. It wasn't an accident at all. Maybe it's the circumstance, or maybe it's because I can relate to her, or maybe there's no reason at all, but I'm thinking....maybe...just maybe....

I might be in love with Rey?

No, no, impossible. There's no way it would work out. I mean, I'm me! I'm too unpredictable. This Mirakuru running though my makes me a danger, a monster, but I don't feel that way around her. I feel as if I can be Roy Harper again, as well as the Vigilante. She's bringing out the best in me....I haven't hurt anyone since I met her...(unless you count Larfleeze, but who does?). Perhaps I'm wrong...perhaps this is right?

No matter what, it's now or never.
"Maybe, when all of this is over, we could get something more than just drinks..." I know, I don't exactly have the money, but money to offer her what she deserves yet, but times change! I'm on a spaceship now; the impossible is happening all around; Maybe this working out is another impossible event made possible
"You know, like a date or something..."
@Mari @Mobilepost

A date?

This was getting more interesting, Rey thought to herself. Would she truly entertain such thoughts with a man like Roy? She realized, there was a lot to like about the man. He was handsome, fun, and he brought his own set of skills and abilities in a very unique way. At the same time though, she was going through so much just in herself, discovering who she really was, who she once was, and the future itself for her was so clouded. Her mind wasn't letting her think too much about him.

But her heart? It would at least let him know the words were nice to hear and very much appreciated by the woman underneath all the coverings, which he couldn't see right now.

"Don't worry about it too much right now. We can talk about the date later, Roy. When we've done what we need to do here, alright?"

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Atomyk @york @powerstationcrew
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron
"NYEHAHAHAHAHA! Fool! I have nothing to fear of these scum! If I wanted to I could simply walk into her little club and dispose of her with the snap of my fingers!" Skeletor exclaimed with a laugh. "Perhaps when we've got the information I'll do just that! She seems like someone that needs to be humbled ever so slightly!"

"Wouldn't be the first time Aria had a rat in her midst." Shepard replied.

The talked would be cut short however by a three round burst of fire from in front of them. From the woodwork more Rachni emerged. These however looked different.


These looked like some sort of techno organic mesh. "This is worse than I thought..." Shepard replied pulling her rifle before she started opening fire. "Try not to hit the sacks! Otherwise we're going to have a very bad time! No close quarter combat! Trust me on this!"
@The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah
"Can't be any worse than a pack of Deathclaws" Six spoke opening fire with his revolvers. He had hoped his .44 magnums would be enough for this cause if they weren't... Then he was in trouble. He had considered popping some Psycho but he wanted to save it since while boosting his damamge it....did things to him... Made him act like he shouldn't.

@Jeremi @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah
Mini update - Did someone call for an exterminator?

The group would suddenly be approached by a weird looking alien with multiple eyes that you would later find out was called a Batarian. "Lady Aria will see you all now."

They would be lead into a big private room where they would find Shepard and the Asari woman called Aria waiting for them.


"When you talked about your new crew, I really wasn't expecting the sad sack of shit this group is."

"We don't have time for your games Aria, just tell us what we need to know." Shepard replied.

"Now now, like I told you Shepard I have information about Elliot, but there's something I need you to do for me first."

"Well of course, as always the great and powerful Aria T'Loak needs me to clean up her mess."

"Don't fuck with me Shepard, unless you want to leave empty handed you'll do what I say."

Shepard just sighed, there wasn't much they could do and they were running out of time. "Fine, what is it Aria."

"Pest control." Aria started. "A week or so ago a meteor hit Omega and not long after that they showed up."

"What showed up?" Shepard asked.

"The Rachni." To the others in the room the name meant very little but Shepard and her crew suddenly got a grim look on their faces. "Got your attention now didn't I? Basically I want you to get rid of this infestation for me. We've got them quarantine into one sector but it's only a matter of time until they break through and Omega is their brand new nesting ground. I'd rather carpet bomb this entire place until I let that happen. So that's where you and your little friends come in."

Shepard would be quiet for a moment glancing over to her crew before nodding. "Fine we'll do it."

Aria would smirk. "I knew you would." She'd motion towards the Batarian. "Bray will give you more details as he takes you to the sector. Good luck, better not die on me."

With that the group would be lead by Bray from the club into Omega proper and after some more walking they'd be at the elevator that would lead them into the Rachni infested sector. It seemed they were ready for them break through because the door was heavily guarded by soldiers and turrets. "Aria didn't tell you this but there are still citizens left in there...and you'll probably have an easier time if you restore the power to the area."

"This just gets better and better by the second." Shepard lamented.

Bray said nothing else before he motioned for the guards stationed in the area to open the door to the sector. "Watch your step."

With Shepard incoming with an alien woman, Cortez moved away from the bar to join her while Junko remained, smiling away at Qrow. She nodded along with what he was saying, her mouth slightly agape. He certainly put more thought into the dancer's positions in life than she'd even thought to. It was pretty great; who better than this guy to relate to them? "Oh, hey, I mean--"


"Do you think I could do it? I am the Ultimate Fashionista and all! I could make a campaign out of it... bring some mad respect for these dancers! The men ogling them should be worshiping them!" Grinning away at the thought, Junko leaned away from the counter and stood up straight, bringing her arm up to point straight at Qrow. "How would you like to be a part of it? I have a fan club, you know-- The Junko Enoshima Fan Club! Members get free updates on all my upcoming public appearances... Once I figure out how to actually control where I appear and how to message people across universes."

Clearing her throat, Junko moved her arm so that she was pointing at the dancers instead. "See, I'll need some of these hot babes for my campaign. I've already got the Ultimate Pop Star, Nicki Minaj, on board! Once I find her."

Junko positively beamed, excitement clear in her eyes.



Having been assigned to the power station team, Steve and Kaidan made sure to keep Rey, Roy, and others following them close behind them. "I've dealt with Rachni before," Kaidan was explaining. "They're smarter than they look and can end things quickly if you underestimate them. Do not let them get close." Glowing blue, the biotic was ready to go to town on these creatures if needed. "Can't say how many we'll run into or what the situation will be, but I'll make sure to protect you guys best I can. Cortez, stick by me. We'll likely need you to help get the power working."


Steve nodded, a rifle clasped confidently in his hands. "Yes, sir." To Rey and Roy, he said, "You'll both be invaluable, I'm sure. I'm from this world and probably will have a better time with the technology if needed, but both of you be careful in case we need you to step in."

@york @Mari @Cromartie Sarkissian @Power Station Crew

"Let's go", Rey said simply to the group, as she moved along with the group towards the power station. Taking note of the need to be careful, she already covered herself up even more just in case, but she would keep her hand close to General Solo's blaster, in case a quick reaction to danger was needed.

She also noted how Roy put a hood over his head, which she thought was... cute, but cool at the same time.

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Atomyk @york @powerstationcrew
"Don't let 'em get close? Gotcha" I cry, withdrawing my bow from back back, and loading it with an explosive arrow. This should be more than enough to keep one of those freaks at bay. I aim my weapon towards the floor with my right arm, pulling back the bronze string with my left. It feels so...familiar, so....right. It's been so long since I've needed to pull out the old girl; it's time to put my skills to good use "Who know? Maybe by the end of this, we'll be the ones protecting you...."
View attachment 99692

I swiftly notice Steve's statement...was that a complement? Did invaluable mean something good or bad? I'm not exactly an expert, but I'm pretty sure it's a compliment "Right back at ya, Steve. I'll be ready if you need me"
@york @Atomyk

I turn towards Rey, and watch her wrap herself up like an Eskimo. Maybe it was a coping thing? Maybe it made her feel safe or confident, like I did whenever I put on my mask back home....the transformation from human to symbol always meant something to me. It made me feel safe....immortal.
"You alright in there?" I joke "Are you not hot, or something" only after the words leave my lips do I notice their double meaning. "I mean, of course you're hot hot, as in cute and stuff, but are you hot temperature wise?" I let out a short chuckle. I really wasn't thinking straight today "Sorry, I guess I'm a little worked up today; we've all been real busy..."
View attachment 99693
Mobile post
Rey wasn't feeling too hot, after all she was used to these coverings in the much hotter environment of Jakku. But hearing those words... she felt unusual, different, her body seemed to get warmer in a different way. Weird...

"I'm alright," she replied, "I cover myself up like this all the time when I'm at work, searching through wrecks or fixing things. To protect from the elements, from bad things." She didn't know how to react to being called cute... underneath the layers of her covering though, she could afford to smile and blush, without Roy even knowing it...

"And I guess we are busy. But I'm sure we'll have those drinks very shortly. You'll see."

@Cromartie Sarkissian @york @Atomyk
A date?

This was getting more interesting, Rey thought to herself. Would she truly entertain such thoughts with a man like Roy? She realized, there was a lot to like about the man. He was handsome, fun, and he brought his own set of skills and abilities in a very unique way. At the same time though, she was going through so much just in herself, discovering who she really was, who she once was, and the future itself for her was so clouded. Her mind wasn't letting her think too much about him.

But her heart? It would at least let him know the words were nice to hear and very much appreciated by the woman underneath all the coverings, which he couldn't see right now.

"Don't worry about it too much right now. We can talk about the date later, Roy. When we've done what we need to do here, alright?"

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Atomyk @york @powerstationcrew
@Powerstation Crew
@Atomyk @Mari @Cromartie Sarkissian
It looks like Dust and Fidget have also joined those visiting the power station.

As the entire group ventured further into the power station, it quickly became clear that things weren't very... Stable here, some sorta klaxon was blaring, and red lights were flashing left and right... The main power, was obviously not on... Considering the poorly lit area, which meant they would most likely need to venture further and further inside to restore power to the generator... However, looks like their simply task wasn't so simple... Considering that skittering sound they could hear down the hallway... Speaking of which, the hallway branched off into two seperate paths, one had a flashing red light closer to it than the other... While one seemed to have some sorta fan near it... Other than that, the two paths looks nearly indistinguishable from one another...

"Huh... Looks like we've got a choice... Again... Should we-..." Dust was interrupted by a much louder skittering sound, coming from both of the corridors... This seemed to startle Fidget a little.

"W-What's with all that skittering..." Fidget said, worriedly looking around... And then.

She spotted what looked like an overgrown... Green cockroach, then another, and another... And another!

"Yaaah! What the heck are those things?!" She shouted, seeing the rate they were advancing upon them at an alarmingly quick rate... And in her panic, she shot lightning at one of them, causing it to explode in some sort of splash of acid... The corrosive substance ate away at the metal around them, making it clear that this was not something one would want to come into contact with...

"Those must be the Rachni things we were told about... We better be carefull..." Dust said, quickly pulling a rather scared Fidget away from the rest of those creatures before they got too close... He wasn't sure why, but, he had a feeling he shouldn't let those things get too close... Rightfuly so too... These creatures were quickly advancing on the group! They appeared to be aiming to get close to them, though... It was uncertain exactly why...
@Powerstation Crew
@Atomyk @Mari @Cromartie Sarkissian
It looks like Dust and Fidget have also joined those visiting the power station.

As the entire group ventured further into the power station, it quickly became clear that things weren't very... Stable here, some sorta klaxon was blaring, and red lights were flashing left and right... The main power, was obviously not on... Considering the poorly lit area, which meant they would most likely need to venture further and further inside to restore power to the generator... However, looks like their simply task wasn't so simple... Considering that skittering sound they could hear down the hallway... Speaking of which, the hallway branched off into two seperate paths, one had a flashing red light closer to it than the other... While one seemed to have some sorta fan near it... Other than that, the two paths looks nearly indistinguishable from one another...

"Huh... Looks like we've got a choice... Again... Should we-..." Dust was interrupted by a much louder skittering sound, coming from both of the corridors... This seemed to startle Fidget a little.

"W-What's with all that skittering..." Fidget said, worriedly looking around... And then.

She spotted what looked like an overgrown... Green cockroach, then another, and another... And another!

"Yaaah! What the heck are those things?!" She shouted, seeing the rate they were advancing upon them at an alarmingly quick rate... And in her panic, she shot lightning at one of them, causing it to explode in some sort of splash of acid... The corrosive substance ate away at the metal around them, making it clear that this was not something one would want to come into contact with...

"Those must be the Rachni things we were told about... We better be carefull..." Dust said, quickly pulling a rather scared Fidget away from the rest of those creatures before they got too close... He wasn't sure why, but, he had a feeling he shouldn't let those things get too close... Rightfuly so too... These creatures were quickly advancing on the group! They appeared to be aiming to get close to them, though... It was uncertain exactly why...

"Keep your distance!", Rey yelled to the group, as she realized what those little creatures were capable of. She then lifted her goggles and brought down her face covering, as she needed to be able to see better, considering what she would try to do next, as these creatures were of a relatively smaller size than them. And if she did things right, she wouldn't need to have the additional protection at this time, anyway.


After quickly shedding her upper covering, she quickly started to fire General Solo's blaster at the creatures. "Take cover!", she said, noting the bad after effect the death of the creatures would bring about.


@york @Cromartie Sarkissian @Atomyk
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron
"Keep your distance!", Rey yelled to the group, as she realized what those little creatures were capable of. She then lifted her goggles and brought down her face covering, as she needed to be able to see better, considering what she would try to do next, as these creatures were of a relatively smaller size than them. And if she did things right, she wouldn't need to have the additional protection at this time, anyway.


After quickly shedding her upper covering, she quickly started to fire General Solo's blaster at the creatures. "Take cover!", she said, noting the bad after effect the death of the creatures would bring about.


@york @Cromartie Sarkissian @Atomyk
Getting rejected by Rey could wait; game of life and death was taking hold. The Mirakuru in my blood stream shousl protect me from any serious acid burns, but the rest of the group don't have that luxury; we must fight back. I raise my bow to my eye level and extend the bowstring back to its maximum length. The taught wire ran alongside my fingers once again, adrenaline flooding my body.

I take aim

I fire

I watch as the explosive head hits the centre of the hoard; bullseye. Flames would engulf the short radius within seconds, and we would have at least brought ourselves a little bit of time.

Before I know it the next wave is upon us, not even giving me enough time to reload before the onslaught begins again. I switch my bow into my left hand, ready to change forward and fend them off hand to hand. Acid burns or not, keeping everyone else safe for as long as I could was all that mattered.

"Fall back everyone! I'll hold 'em off! Just find a vantage point or something!" I make a slight smile towards Rey, then jump into the chaos

@Mari @york @Atomyk
Mobile post
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Mari
Toboe had followed the hospital group. He wasa bit surprised to see the Ranchi up close like this.

'Oh my gosh that thing is huge!' He thought as he saw it coming towards them before growling at it.

@Josh M @Verite @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @The Silver Paladin @Jeremi
[BCOLOR=transparent]Turning around to see the approaching Rachnis, Dan was not the slightest bit surprised, nor scared. He was merely happy he'd both get to help out at the hospital, AND smash interplanetary insects. "These are Rachni?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Reaching on his back, he pulled out a rather big woodcutter's axe, swinging it around in his hand a few times before holding it between himself and the closest bug. "I'll show you how a REAL man deals with pests!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]With his axe on his side, he leaped forward, thrusting his arm towards a Rachni.[/BCOLOR]

@Jeremi @Josh M @The Silver Paladin @Lizzy @Verite

Was what Emmeryn was thinking. But, she didn't actually say.

What Emmeryn did say was, "For my people."

Emmeryn held her fire tome out, and prepared to launch a fireball at the Rachni.

They would pay for this, Emmeryn would help the people trapped in the hospital.

@Jeremi @Josh M @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Lizzy @Verite
The Dawnstar would have been up in the air as the attack happened. Swooping down she'd try her best to harass the creature and attract their attention for the rest of them to give them a good trashing. "I'll try to get their attention! Everyone do your best to rescue those in the hospital!"

@Josh M @The Silver Paladin @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Verite @Lizzy
An agile creature, the Rachni that Dan would attempt to punch would quickly snake to the side, evading the arm thrust, before grabbing the scruffy man with its limbs, though before it could attack, it would be hit by Emmeryn's fireball, letting out a high-pitched, pained shriek as its body was sent flying a few feet away. It seemed to have a notable weakness against fire, conveniently enough.

"Yes, it would be ideal to open the door and let everyone out if it can be helped," Lisa Lisa nodded, staying behind Joseph with her arms poised on her hips, "In the meantime... JoJo, I think it's time to lay down some firepower."


"You think so?" The tall man replied, pulling a certain object out of what seemed like nowhere, his lips curling into his signature cocky grin as he brushed his nose lightly with his thumb, before holding his new weapon up, "Alright then! Since you insisted...!"


"Say hello to my little friend!"


With that, Joseph would fire his tommy gun at the Rachni creatures that Dawnstar would harass and divert their attention, the rapid fire sending the creatures into disarray. Don't worry. He made sure to try to not hurt everyone around. Emphasis on try.

In the meantime, the Rachni creatures would attempt to swarm you all, screeching loudly as they would attempt to attack you.

@Lizzy @DBZ7 @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Josh M

"No close quarter combat? Then what the hell am I supposed to do then? All I've got is this panel from the wa-" He paused for a moment, an idea having suddenly popped into his head. Setting aside his makeshift shield, he began punching out the panels of the walls, one by one, building a stack of them as the Rachni approached. He knew what he could do, and soon the others would too as he began to line up shots and haul the heavy metal straight at groups of the pests, "Not as easy as slamming them, but crushing them's just as good!"

@Jeremi @Crimson Spartan @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah
"Can't be any worse than a pack of Deathclaws" Six spoke opening fire with his revolvers. He had hoped his .44 magnums would be enough for this cause if they weren't... Then he was in trouble. He had considered popping some Psycho but he wanted to save it since while boosting his damamge it....did things to him... Made him act like he shouldn't.

@Jeremi @The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah

The weapons being used while crude seemed effective against the creatures. However it was inevitable that some stray shots would be fired and one of the Ravagers sacks burst open revealing its contents to the group.


A swarm of, well, Swarmers would emerge from the sack and make their way towards the group.

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan


This might not be the best to simply meet and greet these approaching people...

Mastermind didn't like this whole place so far, and definitely had a bad feeling on what were to happen if they walked up to whoever was approaching them by the sound of their footsteps. So, Mastermind would go and try to signal Esper that they should try and find a suitable hiding place... Buuut, Esper seemed to have done that already without telling him.


Oh... I see how it is, Esper. No wonder Shizuo insisted on calling you an asshole...

Mentally annoyed, Mastermind tried to see if he could get a good hiding spot in this area, because clearly he wanted to know if this upcoming group were good in any sense or not.


After finding suitable hiding spots they would be out of sight as the footsteps got louder and louder until they saw a figure approaching holding a shotgun.

"Det kazuat." The figure explained, and despite not knowing the language the Adds could assume that it was something crude in the way it was said.


"Ugh...why can't I find anything on this damn ship?" Wait wasn't that Tali'Zorah? The girl who had been killed on the Normandy?​

@The Great Detective

The weapons being used while crude seemed effective against the creatures. However it was inevitable that some stray shots would be fired and one of the Ravagers sacks burst open revealing its contents to the group.


A swarm of, well, Swarmers would emerge from the sack and make their way towards the group.

@The Tactician @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan

After finding suitable hiding spots they would be out of sight as the footsteps got louder and louder until they saw a figure approaching holding a shotgun.

"Det kazuat." The figure explained, and despite not knowing the language the Adds could assume that it was something crude in the way it was said.


"Ugh...why can't I find anything on this damn ship?" Wait wasn't that Tali'Zorah? The girl who had been killed on the Normandy?​

@The Great Detective

"Goddammit, more of these things?!" Seeing as how there were now a dozen or more of the even smaller bugs scurrying about, Shizuo's hurling phase came to a close as he released a roar, "Why don't you all just fucking die already!" His shield was back in his hand and slamming into the floor, releasing a echoing thump of a sound as he set to work crushing the maggots between his weapon and the metal beneath it.​


Big Daddy was having none of this.

The giant charged forward once more, still flying in a fury of rage after the last combat encounter. He seemed to have no regard for Shepard's warning of avoiding close-quarters combat, as the Big Daddy proceeded to charged down one of the Ravagers with no regard for his own safety-- only the safety of others. Tanking a few shots in the shoulders and chest, the Big Daddy proceeded to raise its weapon into the air, bringing down the might of the drill unto the Ravager that it approached


The drill pierced the "head" of the former rachni, black ooze spilling throughout the air in a gratuitous display of gory combat as the screaming, screeching abomination tried to escape. Bubba did not respond, only roaring in pure rage as it forced the drill down on the Ravager.



And more.

The Ravager could only screech in unending pain as the spinning blades of the drill rended its cybernetics and organs, and the weight of the Big Daddy crushed the crumpled sack into the cold steel floors. However, Bubba would get what he deserved for disregarding the commander, as the Ravager's sack suddenly shuddered and pulsed before exploding right in Bubba's face. The Big Daddy roared in shock as black ooze stained its portholes, blinding him. He stumbled back a few steps, blinded by the blood and allowing for the clutch of Swarmers to make their move.

The small black abominable insects began to swarm the Big Daddy, creeping up his wide legs and leaping up onto his back. The swarmers were small, but their numbers began to overwhelm the beast as Bubba's movements slowed and froze, still blinded by the synthetic blood of the Ravagers.

So, what did Bubba do?

The monster channeled all of his might into his drill arm, slowly raising it high in the air, above his head. The drill began to spin and spin, the engine roaring in protest as it took the toll from the sheer friction of the spinning weapon. The base of the drill suddenly bursted, causing the drill to be launched off Bubba's hand. A black wire connected it to his arm, as the steel drill soared through the air like a torpedo, striking a solid metal wall/ceiling that lay above the beast.

Bubba clenched his fist, and the wire suddenly began to contract.

Faster, and faster.

The momentum of the drill shot and the reeling of the wire suddenly caused Bubba to be lifted off the ground, soaring towards the drill like it was a grappling hook. The ooze on his portholes and the swarmers suddenly flew off of the Big Daddy, now becoming something of a super heavy cannonball, the drill disconnected from the wall and flew back towards its owner, and its owner flew forwards towards its weapon. The two forces connected mid-air, letting out a resounding slotting noise as he timed it just right.

The forward momentum ceased, and now Bubba began to drop like a meteor, the weight of the Big Daddy sending him dropping at an extreme rate. Sticking out his fist, Bubba posed for a superhero landing.


The behemoth made impact with the floor, causing a huge dent to be made, and also releasing a massive quaking shockwave throughout the entire room, causing everyone within-- both friend and foe -- to stumble around and become disoriented. In addition, every Swarmer in the area of the shockwave would most likely be detonated, wiping them out before they can get too close to the others.

@Jeremi @The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah
An agile creature, the Rachni that Dan would attempt to punch would quickly snake to the side, evading the arm thrust, before grabbing the scruffy man with its limbs, though before it could attack, it would be hit by Emmeryn's fireball, letting out a high-pitched, pained shriek as its body was sent flying a few feet away. It seemed to have a notable weakness against fire, conveniently enough.

"Yes, it would be ideal to open the door and let everyone out if it can be helped," Lisa Lisa nodded, staying behind Joseph with her arms poised on her hips, "In the meantime... JoJo, I think it's time to lay down some firepower."


"You think so?" The tall man replied, pulling a certain object out of what seemed like nowhere, his lips curling into his signature cocky grin as he brushed his nose lightly with his thumb, before holding his new weapon up, "Alright then! Since you insisted...!"


"Say hello to my little friend!"


With that, Joseph would fire his tommy gun at the Rachni creatures that Dawnstar would harass and divert their attention, the rapid fire sending the creatures into disarray. Don't worry. He made sure to try to not hurt everyone around. Emphasis on try.

In the meantime, the Rachni creatures would attempt to swarm you all, screeching loudly as they would attempt to attack you.

@Lizzy @DBZ7 @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Josh M
Emmeryn knocked another Rachni away, jabbing the bottom of her staff into its mouth. She tried to push it away, before Launching another Fireball from her tome.

@IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Lizzy @DBZ7 @Jeremi @Josh M @Verite
  • Nice Execution!
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"Goddammit, more of these things?!" Seeing as how there were now a dozen or more of the even smaller bugs scurrying about, Shizuo's hurling phase came to a close as he released a roar, "Why don't you all just fucking die already!" His shield was back in his hand and slamming into the floor, releasing a echoing thump of a sound as he set to work crushing the maggots between his weapon and the metal beneath it.​

That seemed to do the trick, though one of the Swarmers seemed to make it and leaped towards Shizuo.



Big Daddy was having none of this.

The giant charged forward once more, still flying in a fury of rage after the last combat encounter. He seemed to have no regard for Shepard's warning of avoiding close-quarters combat, as the Big Daddy proceeded to charged down one of the Ravagers with no regard for his own safety-- only the safety of others. Tanking a few shots in the shoulders and chest, the Big Daddy proceeded to raise its weapon into the air, bringing down the might of the drill unto the Ravager that it approached


The drill pierced the "head" of the former rachni, black ooze spilling throughout the air in a gratuitous display of gory combat as the screaming, screeching abomination tried to escape. Bubba did not respond, only roaring in pure rage as it forced the drill down on the Ravager.



And more.

The Ravager could only screech in unending pain as the spinning blades of the drill rended its cybernetics and organs, and the weight of the Big Daddy crushed the crumpled sack into the cold steel floors. However, Bubba would get what he deserved for disregarding the commander, as the Ravager's sack suddenly shuddered and pulsed before exploding right in Bubba's face. The Big Daddy roared in shock as black ooze stained its portholes, blinding him. He stumbled back a few steps, blinded by the blood and allowing for the clutch of Swarmers to make their move.

The small black abominable insects began to swarm the Big Daddy, creeping up his wide legs and leaping up onto his back. The swarmers were small, but their numbers began to overwhelm the beast as Bubba's movements slowed and froze, still blinded by the synthetic blood of the Ravagers.

So, what did Bubba do?

The monster channeled all of his might into his drill arm, slowly raising it high in the air, above his head. The drill began to spin and spin, the engine roaring in protest as it took the toll from the sheer friction of the spinning weapon. The base of the drill suddenly bursted, causing the drill to be launched off Bubba's hand. A black wire connected it to his arm, as the steel drill soared through the air like a torpedo, striking a solid metal wall/ceiling that lay above the beast.

Bubba clenched his fist, and the wire suddenly began to contract.

Faster, and faster.

The momentum of the drill shot and the reeling of the wire suddenly caused Bubba to be lifted off the ground, soaring towards the drill like it was a grappling hook. The ooze on his portholes and the swarmers suddenly flew off of the Big Daddy, now becoming something of a super heavy cannonball, the drill disconnected from the wall and flew back towards its owner, and its owner flew forwards towards its weapon. The two forces connected mid-air, letting out a resounding slotting noise as he timed it just right.

The forward momentum ceased, and now Bubba began to drop like a meteor, the weight of the Big Daddy sending him dropping at an extreme rate. Sticking out his fist, Bubba posed for a superhero landing.


The behemoth made impact with the floor, causing a huge dent to be made, and also releasing a massive quaking shockwave throughout the entire room, causing everyone within-- both friend and foe -- to stumble around and become disoriented. In addition, every Swarmer in the area of the shockwave would most likely be detonated, wiping them out before they can get too close to the others.

@Jeremi @The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah

Bubba's attack would knock out most of the Swarmers and the Ravagers themselves had all about been taken care of. Except on that would aim it's cannons right at Shepard.

Before it could fire its salvo however it would be disintegrated by one of Skeletor's magical blast. "I do so hate fighting against pests." He replied looking over towards Shepard before looking at the path ahead of them.

Shepard meanwhile would look around to see if there was anyone wounded or any stragglers. After noticing that wasn't the case she'd speak up. "Those were Reaper modified Rachni. I guess we know why the Rachni Queen ran..." She'd point towards an area in front of them where smoke was rising to the sky.

"I'm pretty sure we'll find the meteor and the Rachni Queen once we reach that area, and when we do I think it's pretty clear what we have to do."

@The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @CrunchyCHEEZIT
An agile creature, the Rachni that Dan would attempt to punch would quickly snake to the side, evading the arm thrust, before grabbing the scruffy man with its limbs, though before it could attack, it would be hit by Emmeryn's fireball, letting out a high-pitched, pained shriek as its body was sent flying a few feet away. It seemed to have a notable weakness against fire, conveniently enough.

"Yes, it would be ideal to open the door and let everyone out if it can be helped," Lisa Lisa nodded, staying behind Joseph with her arms poised on her hips, "In the meantime... JoJo, I think it's time to lay down some firepower."


"You think so?" The tall man replied, pulling a certain object out of what seemed like nowhere, his lips curling into his signature cocky grin as he brushed his nose lightly with his thumb, before holding his new weapon up, "Alright then! Since you insisted...!"


"Say hello to my little friend!"


With that, Joseph would fire his tommy gun at the Rachni creatures that Dawnstar would harass and divert their attention, the rapid fire sending the creatures into disarray. Don't worry. He made sure to try to not hurt everyone around. Emphasis on try.

In the meantime, the Rachni creatures would attempt to swarm you all, screeching loudly as they would attempt to attack you.

@Lizzy @DBZ7 @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Josh M


Toboe would charge at one of the Rachni, evading any stray bullets and kick off one of the walls in an attempt to jump on the creatures back and deliver a punch to it's head, as hard as he could while under his disguise he'd be swiping his claws at it's head repeatedly.

@Josh M @Verite @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @DBZ7 @The Silver Paladin @Anyone I missed
That seemed to do the trick, though one of the Swarmers seemed to make it and leaped towards Shizuo.

Bubba's attack would knock out most of the Swarmers and the Ravagers themselves had all about been taken care of. Except on that would aim it's cannons right at Shepard.

Before it could fire its salvo however it would be disintegrated by one of Skeletor's magical blast. "I do so hate fighting against pests." He replied looking over towards Shepard before looking at the path ahead of them.

Shepard meanwhile would look around to see if there was anyone wounded or any stragglers. After noticing that wasn't the case she'd speak up. "Those were Reaper modified Rachni. I guess we know why the Rachni Queen ran..." She'd point towards an area in front of them where smoke was rising to the sky.

"I'm pretty sure we'll find the meteor and the Rachni Queen once we reach that area, and when we do I think it's pretty clear what we have to do."

@The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" With a swing of his makeshift weapon, Shizuo slammed the metal into the underside of the Swarmer hard, sending it flying up and away. It almost seemed to shatter with a satisfying crunch against the ceiling high above them and was certainly dead now.


Taking a breath to calm himself after the encounter, Shizuo couldn't hold back a smirk as he realized how close they were to their target, "So the Rachni Queen's over there, huh? Well, time to introduce ourselves to the Queen, come on!" The idea that they would have to defeat the almost assuredly giant bug queen didn't seem to bother the bartender, instead energizing him as he ran in the direction Shepard pointed them in.​
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That seemed to do the trick, though one of the Swarmers seemed to make it and leaped towards Shizuo.

Bubba's attack would knock out most of the Swarmers and the Ravagers themselves had all about been taken care of. Except on that would aim it's cannons right at Shepard.

Before it could fire its salvo however it would be disintegrated by one of Skeletor's magical blast. "I do so hate fighting against pests." He replied looking over towards Shepard before looking at the path ahead of them.

Shepard meanwhile would look around to see if there was anyone wounded or any stragglers. After noticing that wasn't the case she'd speak up. "Those were Reaper modified Rachni. I guess we know why the Rachni Queen ran..." She'd point towards an area in front of them where smoke was rising to the sky.

"I'm pretty sure we'll find the meteor and the Rachni Queen once we reach that area, and when we do I think it's pretty clear what we have to do."

@The Tactician @Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah @CrunchyCHEEZIT

Well, seemed as though Applejack's help wasn't needed to fight off whatever the hay those things were. Regardless, she managed to shrug it off, as did Applebloom. Pests were pests, whether they came in the form of timberwolves, parasprites, cockatrices, or these 'rachni'. What was off-putting, however, was just how violent everyone in the group was. Though, they would be lying if they said they were surprised by the fact, considering how much infighting there was between everyone. The rachni barely even stood a chance against them.

Something about that scared the two earth ponies, but they set the feelings aside. Such power was the only thing keeping the two of them alive in these dark times.


"So, we're off to nip this li'l pest problem in the bud then huh?" she thought out loud, adjusting her grip on what looked to be an oddly shaped, and incredibly out of date shotgun. It looked built to fit a pony better than a human which, considering where she hails from, made sense. It was still peculiar however, as Applejack was using the ends of her mane and tail to hold it steady, with all her hooves planted on the ground. "Sounds good to me commander. Let's show these nosy Reapers some whatfor!"

"Yeah! Let's teach 'em not to mess with us!" Applebloom chimed in, scrambling back over to Bubba's side after being knocked away. The girl had a few cuts and bruises from the whole ordeal, but it was nothing she wasn't used to, "Squish those pesky little critters!"

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @The Tactician @Crimson Spartan
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