Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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"Look out!"

As soon as he noticed danger, Karasu immediately grabbed Haruka, using his black wires to keep them in place and prevent anything from hitting them. Upon landing, he brought the tendrils back and walked out of the ship with Haruka. No reason to just hang out on the ship after all.

She just arrived here, what's she calling "bullshit" for when they're the ones who live here...?

Haruka frowned at Shepard's rudeness, but didn't voice those thoughts for now. Arriving inside the vault, the girl just looked around confused. She wasn't sure where to go and there weren't any instructions or maps around. Maybe she'd just wander randomly until she found something?

Though before she or Karasu could act on any thoughts, Broly chose to mock the refugees.

"Why that-" Haruka started, about to storm over there before Karasu extended his hand in front of her. He didn't plan to have her in harm's way. Clearly his behavior was bothering her a lot though, and he couldn't claim to care for it himself. Such loud-mouthed arrogance...

Karasu took a few steps towards the large Saiyan, each step making a strange buzzing or humming sound instead of a normal foot step.


"Cool it. There's nothing to gain with your copious amount of words." Hopefully he could do this with minimal words.

In the meantime, Haruka just stood around where she was, noting the cowardly tall guy was around. Well, might as well try to make friends, right?


"Hi mister, I'm Haruka! We didn't get to introduce ourselves on the ship. Nice to meet you!"

@Kakarot! @Verite @whoever else wants to join​

"We didn't, did we? Nice to meetcha, Harry... Err... Haaaruuuka..." He spoke, as though the name was a completely foreign word to him. Personally, Joseph had no experience with Japanese people. In fact, he had completely no idea how he was communicating with this girl. Was she somehow speaking English and not realizing it? Or was he somehow speaking Japanese and not realizing it? And what was with Asian people and weird names anyway? And their weird big-small eyes too?

Ugh. When Holy grows up, Joseph could only wish she won't end up marrying a damned Japanese.

"I'm Joseph. Joseph Joestar! Friends call me JoJo though! Who's the grouchy lookin' guy?" He inquired, glancing at Karasu curiously as though he were an exotic animal of sorts.

@Kaykay @DBZ7 @Kakarot!

"Wowww, a wolf?" Kofuku drawled in response, seeming to be in awe of this fact. "Are you a werewolf?" she asked in a less than serious manner, waggling her fingers as she asked like she was telling some sort of ghost story. There was likely no other explanation in the closed minds of humans, but Kofuku was very open-minded as a god. But, that didn't mean she paid attention to every little detail of every little thing - she was too carefree and aloof for that, it appeared, which was likely why she didn't seem to notice Toboe's fear.

Humming softly, Kofuku nodded in response to Shizuo, starting to pat herself down in search of something. Since Daikoku had been a smoker, himself, it wasn't uncommon for Kofuku to pick up cigarettes... Something she hadn't stopped doing since leaving her world, out of habit and likely to just have a close reminder of her Regalia. Eventually, she pulled a pack of them out of god-knows-where, offering it to her new friend with a smile. "Here you go, Shizuo-kun~"


"...I wonder where the lighter went," she murmured under her breath.

@The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Prince Shattered Charming @TheColourlessRainbow @Dorm folk​

"Heh, thanks, Kofu-chan, the cigs are enough for now," It looked like the gift had cheered up Shizuo immensely as he pocketed the pack. Without waiting for a response, he gave the smaller woman the thing that she loved most; head pats, head pats for days, "You're a pretty great friend, ya know?"
Seeing as everything have finally seem to calm down, with him knocking some kind of sense into his brother and the pink haired girl calming down Blonde male, Elijah went back over to the vacant bed. He rubbed his temples, out of annoyance and more annoyance. "Now... since that is settled with, can we all try to find some way out of here... or move around and look for something that can help us here. Maybe someone knows something about this place." Elijah had a few doubts that after the little display, anyone here who would want to help them, most likely were insane, clueless or both.

Klaus stood near the exit of the dorm room, looking back at everyone. Right now all he needed was a drink and to get the hell out of here. "Well this is just grand, no bar in sight." Klaus wondered if this place had any form of alcohol the only thing that would keep him from wanting to rip the place a part with his hands.

@Bomb @The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Hospes @Dorm People
"Wow damn that's rough... Well pretty poorly myself I guess.... Since we're bein' honest and all my home was are burnt down 'fore I was even born in nuclear fire..... Just when things were turnin' around those damn Reapers hit and wiped out everyone else I knew... Or so I thought at least." Six had spoken but paused as he listened to a bit of her blues performance. "You're pretty good ya know.." he comments changing the subject quickly since it was a subject he'd rather not go into detail about.

@Archmage Jeremiah @TheColourlessRainbow


Being on generally the same level as Six, she merely nodded solemnly in response, wishing not to dwell on the destruction of Ponyville for too long. Applejack even managed a chuckle once she was complimented on her handle of the banjo. "Shucks...thank you mister. My distant cousin Tree Hugger taught me not a few months back, sayin' the banjo "matched my vibe" er some hippie hockey like that," she mentioned with a weak laugh, pushing her hat back up, exposing her dewy eyes, "I often don't take what she spits for truth, but...the thing's been growin' on me..." Applejack's voice trailed off, staring at her hooves as they idly ran along the strings, "It just me a way to vent all my stress, y'know? To sit back and put all my feelin's into song," Applejack chuckled a little more heartily, "Boy, I'm startin' to sound like one o' her poems,"

@Crimson Spartan @TheColourlessRainbow @Hallways​
  • Love
Reactions: Crimson Spartan

"Heh, thanks, Kofu-chan, the cigs are enough for now," It looked like the gift had cheered up Shizuo immensely as he pocketed the pack. Without waiting for a response, he gave the smaller woman the thing that she loved most; head pats, head pats for days, "You're a pretty great friend, ya know?"
Seeing as everything have finally seem to calm down, with him knocking some kind of sense into his brother and the pink haired girl calming down Blonde male, Elijah went back over to the vacant bed. He rubbed his temples, out of annoyance and more annoyance. "Now... since that is settled with, can we all try to find some way out of here... or move around and look for something that can help us here. Maybe someone knows something about this place." Elijah had a few doubts that after the little display, anyone here who would want to help them, most likely were insane, clueless or both.

Klaus stood near the exit of the dorm room, looking back at everyone. Right now all he needed was a drink and to get the hell out of here. "Well this is just grand, no bar in sight." Klaus wondered if this place had any form of alcohol the only thing that would keep him from wanting to rip the place a part with his hands.

@Bomb @The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Hospes @Dorm People


"You're welcome, Shizuo-kun~" she hummed, looking as cheerful as ever. She likely would've been content with just the thanks alone, but Shizuo took it to another level with petting her yet again and complimenting her. In response, the god giggled lightly, seeming to bask in the affection. "Hehe, thank you, Shizuo-kun!" That's right. Praise the god of poverty, friends.

Pausing in her embracing of the affectionate mannerisms when Elijah spoke up, the god seemed to contemplate this. "Good idea," she hummed. "Where should we start looking..?"

@The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Prince Shattered Charming @TheColourlessRainbow @Dorm folk​
  • Love
Reactions: Justin

"You're welcome, Shizuo-kun~" she hummed, looking as cheerful as ever. She likely would've been content with just the thanks alone, but Shizuo took it to another level with petting her yet again and complimenting her. In response, the god giggled lightly, seeming to bask in the affection. "Hehe, thank you, Shizuo-kun!" That's right. Praise the god of poverty, friends.

Pausing in her embracing of the affectionate mannerisms when Elijah spoke up, the god seemed to contemplate this. "Good idea," she hummed. "Where should we start looking..?"

@The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Prince Shattered Charming @TheColourlessRainbow @Dorm folk​
"Up to you guys..." Shizuo shrugged, still wondering what exactly was in the dorm.​

"You're welcome, Shizuo-kun~" she hummed, looking as cheerful as ever. She likely would've been content with just the thanks alone, but Shizuo took it to another level with petting her yet again and complimenting her. In response, the god giggled lightly, seeming to bask in the affection. "Hehe, thank you, Shizuo-kun!" That's right. Praise the god of poverty, friends.

Pausing in her embracing of the affectionate mannerisms when Elijah spoke up, the god seemed to contemplate this. "Good idea," she hummed. "Where should we start looking..?"

@The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Prince Shattered Charming @TheColourlessRainbow @Dorm folk​

With Klaus settled down for the moment, Elijah went into thought. "I doubt that anything in the dorm could be of use... we would of spotted it or found it by now." He looked around the bed he was sitting on. "There aren't that many places to hide things in here... I don't think." Standing up, moving to the dorm, exit where Klaus was, Elijah turned to the group. "Maybe we should go and ask one of the people around the place for answers."

Klaus was still in a annoyed mood, sulking like a beaten child. "Or maybe we can just smack some people around and get answers instead of ask for them." He winked at Elijah, before going back into his sulky mood. Giving an aggravated sigh, Klaus went to search around the dorm, throwing sheets to the floor. "Might as well search the top bunks first if anything."

@Bomb @The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Hospes @Dorm People
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron

"We didn't, did we? Nice to meetcha, Harry... Err... Haaaruuuka..." He spoke, as though the name was a completely foreign word to him. Personally, Joseph had no experience with Japanese people. In fact, he had completely no idea how he was communicating with this girl. Was she somehow speaking English and not realizing it? Or was he somehow speaking Japanese and not realizing it? And what was with Asian people and weird names anyway? And their weird big-small eyes too?

Ugh. When Holy grows up, Joseph could only wish she won't end up marrying a damned Japanese.

"I'm Joseph. Joseph Joestar! Friends call me JoJo though! Who's the grouchy lookin' guy?" He inquired, glancing at Karasu curiously as though he were an exotic animal of sorts.

@Kaykay @DBZ7 @Kakarot!
Meanwhile, in Crow's RP

Jotaro suddenly looks up.


"Christ, old man, I can feel your irony from here."

Daily shitpost.



"Wowww, a wolf?" Kofuku drawled in response, seeming to be in awe of this fact. "Are you a werewolf?" she asked in a less than serious manner, waggling her fingers as she asked like she was telling some sort of ghost story. There was likely no other explanation in the closed minds of humans, but Kofuku was very open-minded as a god. But, that didn't mean she paid attention to every little detail of every little thing - she was too carefree and aloof for that, it appeared, which was likely why she didn't seem to notice Toboe's fear.

Humming softly, Kofuku nodded in response to Shizuo, starting to pat herself down in search of something. Since Daikoku had been a smoker, himself, it wasn't uncommon for Kofuku to pick up cigarettes... Something she hadn't stopped doing since leaving her world, out of habit and likely to just have a close reminder of her Regalia. Eventually, she pulled a pack of them out of god-knows-where, offering it to her new friend with a smile. "Here you go, Shizuo-kun~"


"...I wonder where the lighter went," she murmured under her breath.

@The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Prince Shattered Charming @TheColourlessRainbow @Dorm folk​

Toboe laughed.

"No, not quite. I'm just a wolf with the ability to appear human." He replied with a bright smile. Deep down he was happy that Kofuku wasn't at all scared of him and that Shizuo had calmed down.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Dorm folk
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron
Chapter One: A Shelter in a Universe of Atomic Fallout

Currently on another world...

This Galaxy was large, and even as the Reapers smashed and burnt their way through the worlds and their timelines; they could only move so fast. This gave time for the movement of a small group.

"We have too move!" shouted a female voice.

"We have to gather all the relics that remain!" sharply replied a high toned voice, it sounded to be a small male child.

"We already have three of them; if we dont return the Reapers will surly find us." answered a new; and third voice.

"Then we hide! There, I've found a vault we can retreat too; come on." quickly replied the small child.

currently on Shepard's ship...

The Normandy's fuel was at its tipping point, the tanks have began to make foul noises; and the ship was still far from its landing point. This did not go unnoticed by either the passengers or the crew; with the cause to worry Edi's voice came over the ships intercom.

"This is Edi; any and all passengers and crew members prepare for the ship to hit emergency warp drive. Ship damage calculated to be 15.6%, areas of incoming damage unknown." stated Edi as you felt a hard push. The push would be able to knock over almost everyone; while at the least items flew from their positions. While the jump would scare some, it seemed Edi was correct about the ships damage. The Combat Information Center seemed to catch fire; burning Ruby and Yang alive. Engineering was the second to go; as its engines began to explode. The explosions caused rapid fires to spread. The final room was the captains room, which was completely in flames.

"Warp Drive successful; incoming landing." stated Edi as you all felt the very light tap of the Normandy's wheels hitting ground. However the light tap soon turned into thrashing as the wheels encountered more and much larger rocks. The thrashing only worsened; until finally the ship come to a quick and blunt stop. Causing many to fling from their positions.

"We've managed to stop. detecting previous signal only a mere 25 feet away." calmly spoke Edi over the intercom; shortly after stopping her sentence, Shepard's voice replaced Edi's.

"Okay; listen everyone. My crew members are looking for people who cant move or call out, if your well enough to move; follow the glowing trial of lights to the exit. We're going to go see if this place is truly a safe haven." as you began to walk out; or carried out, you would notice as you exited the Normandy that you all now stood in a narrow and dark cave. However, something else caught your attention; Tali seemed to be lifeless in Garrus's arms. It looked like her suit had been ripped open, and a snarly burn was placed on her chest. Hopefully the Sticher could discover more details. After seeing the lifeless Tali, you noticed a large gear shaped door at the end of the cave.


Looking to it, you would notice in the center read 11111(I couldn't get a picture what that number). Shepard signaled everyone to stay back, quickly pulling her gun from her side she approached the door slowly, and as she was within a few foot of it; the door made a horrific noise as it began to open.

and as it did, what was inside seemed to be a ton of people. But the man that stood in front of them all was a tall blond, the male seemed to be in his late teens; and was staring directly at Shepard.


"Welcome." was all he simply stated. Shepard immediately pointed her gun at the mans chest,

"What is this place?" asked Shepard, but her tone signaled that she demanded an answer; and a good one at that.

"Its a shelter for all those that seek refuge from the Reapers. Vault Tech has built walls capable of withstanding an attack from the Reapers."

"That's bullshit!" shouted Shepard.

"Nothing can stop them, especially not some dam walls!" continued Shepard; her gun still pointed at the mans chest.

"I promi-" started the man before Shepard cut him off.

"Listen here kid, nothing will stop them; and I wont let you lead people into your lie. I'm going to find proof; and when I do, I'm going to make sure these people find their way to safety." Sharply shot Shepard as she pushed passed the kid; which was sign for everyone to follow. As you entered the vault you noticed it was packed beyond its capabilities; the halls were packed with so many people you could Barely walk side by side with one person. As you all came to a large circle room, you noticed signs above each of the hallways. However before any of you could decide where to head off too, a man approached Garruss


"Hey..if you need too; you can take her to my lab. I can do something called a Stitch; and you can see how this happened to her." offered Cameron; Garrus nodded and followed Cameron down the hallway with the sign reading Stitch lab.

It seemed you had these places to visit/interact with, The Infirmary, Overseer Office, Dorms, Medical Lab, Science Labs, Hallways, or you could stay and talk to someone amongest the Room. The Creature, Shepard, Legion, Edi, Arcade, Steve, Kaidan, and a few others.

Round will end on 2-3-2016!

@TheColourlessRainbow as Codarus [Original Character]
@Atomyk as Steven Cortez [Mass Effect]
@Hospes as Hiyori Iki and Kofuku Ebisu [Noragami]
@Verite as Joseph "JoJo" Joestar and Lisa Lisa [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
@Kaykay as Haruka Kaminogi and Karasu [Noein]
@Bomb as Deemo and Little Girl [Deemo]
@The Silver Paladin as Emmeryn [Fire Emblem]
@Crow as Producer Kido and Hoshi Shouko [The Idolmaster]
@Prince Shattered Charming as Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson [The Vampire Diaries/The Originals]
@CCC Kouhai as Sugar [OFF]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Applejack and Applebloom [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
@Lizzy as Toboe [Wolf's Rain]
@Sen as Sal [Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Big Daddy [Bioshock]
@Gwazi Magnum as The Master [Doctor Who]
@C.T. as Qrow Branwen [RWBY]
@Jeremi as Skeletor [He-Man and the Masters of the Universe]
@The Tactician as Shizuo Heiwajima [Durarara!!]
@DapperDogman as Koro-Sensei [Assassination Classroom]
@Josh M as Starman/Thom Kallor [DC Comics]
@OrlandoBloomers as Boba Fett [Star Wars]
@BarrenThin as Gregory House [House]
@Sir Ni!-ck as The Tenth Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Raven as Ezekiel Jones [The Librarians] and Deathstroke/Slade Wilson [DC Comics]
@Crimson Spartan as Courier Six [Fallout]
@The Great Detective as Esper and Mastermind [Elsword]
@york as Dust and Fidget [Dust: An Elysian Tail]
@Mari as Rey [Star Wars]
@Librarian Goat as Asriel Dreemurr [Undertale]
@DBZ7 as Jonathan Joestar and Johnny Joestar [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Deadpool [Marvel Comics]
@Krieg as Bane [Nolanverse Batman]
@Hazel-rah as Jeen [Super Mario RPG (AU)]
@Gibbons as Sogiita Gunha [Raildex]
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as "Manly" Dan Corduroy [Gravity Falls]
@Kakarot! as Broly [Dragon Ball]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Roy Harper.

Chapter One: Stay Positive?


"No problem, Emmeryn~ During times like these we all need to stay positive and push through~" Sal said with enthusiasm. How strange how their worlds were in the danger of being destroyed yet the white shark seem to smile and laugh about it with happiness.


The smile was wiped clean from the white shark's face when a voice. He wasn't even aware the ship had been damaged, though now with the way it was shuddering and that loud sound in the background wailing in his ears it sounded as if it the person was correct. And now they were about to land? Where? Everything in his ears were voices and sounds that were too loud for the shark to bear. Even though he was floating, the force that pushed him forward as the shipped suddenly stopped flung him forward, smashing snout first into Emmeryn. "Ugh- sorry! I'm a bit heavy..." He shook his head until it stopped spinning and pushed himself away from the woman with his flippers until he was steady, hovering just a few inches above the ground, offering a flipper for Emmeryn. "W- We should get going."

He followed the glowing red path, his face turning into disgust at the narrow and dark cave as if it brought back bad memories. All that was missing was the red gate they called a portal. Good old times. He turned to see a lifeless figure in someone's arms. He had no idea who either of them were, or whether or not she died banging her head when the ship stopped so suddenly. Impossible with the ripped suit. But he had no time to ask questions as the rather large gear-shaped door in front of them creaked open, revealing a crowd of people inside.


"I find it amusing you think a cave and some walls made out of... whatever this is," he said to the blond man as he gently tapped the gear door with his tail, "can protect you against those huge Reaper things. But it's better than nothing~" Sal peeped inside, grimacing at the large amount of people already inside. "How well will it stand against a flood, I wonder? Hee hee." It didn't look like it had resources that could even benefit the Red Sea anyway. They had plenty of caves. Instead he looked around and spotted a crying pink-haired woman, moving to comfort(?) her. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

@The Silver Paladin @TheColourlessRainbow @Hospes

Emmeryn nodded at staying positive. It would be necessary in a time like this. Staying positive and calm without resorting to violence.

When the ship went down, Emmeryn stayed near Sal. Buddy System always works!

When they finally landed, Emmeryn decided to go to The Medical bay[/b
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron

Klaus followed the small group of guys to the Dorms, not caring if others were in there sleeping or not... they would not dare mess with him. While he waited for Red and Horn to get to wrestling, he noticed more people starting to show up. A girl with bright pink hair, her happiness was something new for Klaus to witness... since most people he knew were never this happy. There was a blonde man and than a few other people around them. The dorms were starting to get full now, but whatever.

Putting up his arm to signal to Red and Horn that he would be over next to the other group, he jumped behind the pink haired girl. Walking in front of her, he gave a small smirk. "Hello Love, you're rather... energetic if I might say." He nodded his head towards the others around as well. "Haven't seen any of you yet, it's a pleasure to meet such interesting faces and creatures."


Elijah was pleased to see his brother playing nice for a change, maybe this new dimension changed his attitude for the better. Not wanting to seem like a standoff individual, he walked over to the little girl and her friend. "If I might ask... what is your friend?" Elijah had never seen something like the creature standing next to the girl, a long black figure. "Is he your shadow... are you a witch?" He gave a small smile, not wanting to frighten the girl with his words in the slightest.

@Librarian Goat @Raven @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Bomb @The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Hospes @Dorm People

Asgore nodded at Mr.Muscle's response as well as that of the watching bystander who for some reason struck him as 'ominous'. He gave them both a warming smile and followed the bystander human to the vault's DORMS, as there are obviously tables therefor arm wrestling (and possibly tea!).

The Vault looked about just as sad and depressing as the Underground, just with more humans and less waterfalls and rocks. If this whole 'Vault' idea really works in repelling the 'reapers', than he has at least ONE reason to have kept everyone in the Underground for so long...

There were more people than he'd expect to see crammed into the dorms, and, as he hoped...there were tables and a place to make tea! Oh the joy and wonders of being calmed with the soothing taste of buttercup tea (He wondered if they even had buttercups here?) He brushed the thought aside and awaited for Manly Dan's arrival (although NOT having to arm wrestle today would be preferable!)

Meanwhile, during the wait, he decided to strike up a conversation with...somebody? But there was so many people here! Especially in comparison to that of the Castle which only had him and his garden for a vast majority of the time in an area so large and empty...

There were some pretty cool hairstyles and sweet looking suits in the crowd, and Asgore blushed to himself, as he thought that none of them, although very cool, just couldn't compete with those nice, flowing locks of his!
There was at least one non-human in the crowd, a tall, black and white...stick figure? complete with bowtie and two cute eyes. This peaked his interest, especially with the little girl, adorable as one of those plush animals and playful and happy, even during a time where Reapers destroyed the land. It warmed his heart to see such a beautiful sight going on, and made him wish the same(having someone at your side) could happen to him as well! There was also an avid animal lover, as that what seems to be the topic of most discussion with him (I wonder how he would feel about me?).

He decided that the non-human and the little girl were to be who he could strike a conversation with, as he thinks that he can relate to these guys (even though his family at this point is beyond destroyed...and does the tall one even have a mouth?).

He walked over to the two of them, with a blushed, nervous look on his face and his hand scratching the back of his head and a smile as an attempt to hide the obvious. After an awkward giggle, he regained his calm and spoke to them in his deep, kingly voice.

"Hello! What brings you two to the dorms?"

@Librarian Goat @Raven @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Bomb @The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Hospes @#dormpeeps​
  • Love
Reactions: Justin
"Up to you guys..." Shizuo shrugged, still wondering what exactly was in the dorm.​

With Klaus settled down for the moment, Elijah went into thought. "I doubt that anything in the dorm could be of use... we would of spotted it or found it by now." He looked around the bed he was sitting on. "There aren't that many places to hide things in here... I don't think." Standing up, moving to the dorm, exit where Klaus was, Elijah turned to the group. "Maybe we should go and ask one of the people around the place for answers."

Klaus was still in a annoyed mood, sulking like a beaten child. "Or maybe we can just smack some people around and get answers instead of ask for them." He winked at Elijah, before going back into his sulky mood. Giving an aggravated sigh, Klaus went to search around the dorm, throwing sheets to the floor. "Might as well search the top bunks first if anything."

@Bomb @The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Hospes @Dorm People
Toboe laughed.

"No, not quite. I'm just a wolf with the ability to appear human." He replied with a bright smile. Deep down he was happy that Kofuku wasn't at all scared of him and that Shizuo had calmed down.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Dorm folk


A wolf with the ability to remain human, hmm? The thought was unusual, but nothing was impossible. Kofuku knew this fact very, very well, and everything since the Reaper invasion only served to reinforce that. So she took this quite lightly, just giving a friendly smile as she spoke. "A wolf with the ability to look human, huhhh?" she repeated, taking a brief pause. However, it was quickly ended by another cheerful and absentminded comment. This time, a compliment. "You're a very cute wolf, Toboe-chan~!"

A more challenging statement to make was on the topic of what they should do. Man, this was like predicting where vents would pop up next for Bishamonten. Difficult, but not impossible. In any case, there was one bit of advice she knew she could give. "Things aren't always obvious.. There might be something more we just haven't seen yet."

@The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Bomb @Prince Shattered Charming @TheColourlessRainbow @Dorm folk​
  • Love
Reactions: Takumi and Justin


Being on generally the same level as Six, she merely nodded solemnly in response, wishing not to dwell on the destruction of Ponyville for too long. Applejack even managed a chuckle once she was complimented on her handle of the banjo. "Shucks...thank you mister. My distant cousin Tree Hugger taught me not a few months back, sayin' the banjo "matched my vibe" er some hippie hockey like that," she mentioned with a weak laugh, pushing her hat back up, exposing her dewy eyes, "I often don't take what she spits for truth, but...the thing's been growin' on me..." Applejack's voice trailed off, staring at her hooves as they idly ran along the strings, "It just me a way to vent all my stress, y'know? To sit back and put all my feelin's into song," Applejack chuckled a little more heartily, "Boy, I'm startin' to sound like one o' her poems,"

@Crimson Spartan @TheColourlessRainbow @Hallways​
"Well she sure taught you somethin' good. Once met a drifter durin' my travels... One of the few times I came across someone who didn't want to kill me fer my stuff." He paused chuckling a bit with a small joke. "That drifter could play the guitar like no other. Kind of reminded me of him in a way. Both good with string instruments. Drinkin' is more my thing though..." Six comments before falling into an awkward silence.

@Archmage Jeremiah @TheColourlessRainbow @Hallway

A wolf with the ability to remain human, hmm? The thought was unusual, but nothing was impossible. Kofuku knew this fact very, very well, and everything since the Reaper invasion only served to reinforce that. So she took this quite lightly, just giving a friendly smile as she spoke. "A wolf with the ability to look human, huhhh?" she repeated, taking a brief pause. However, it was quickly ended by another cheerful and absentminded comment. This time, a compliment. "You're a very cute wolf, Toboe-chan~!"

A more challenging statement to make was on the topic of what they should do. Man, this was like predicting where vents would pop up next for Bishamonten. Difficult, but not impossible. In any case, there was one bit of advice she knew she could give. "Things aren't always obvious.. There might be something more we just haven't seen yet."

@The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Bomb @Prince Shattered Charming @TheColourlessRainbow @Dorm folk​

"Thanks, Kofuku." Toboe replied warmly, his smile still remaining.

When it came to the topic of what to do next, it didn't seem like there was much to do here so far. Kofuku had a good look on things so far though.

@Hospes @The Tactician @Sen @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Prince Shattered Charming @Dorm folk

With Klaus settled down for the moment, Elijah went into thought. "I doubt that anything in the dorm could be of use... we would of spotted it or found it by now." He looked around the bed he was sitting on. "There aren't that many places to hide things in here... I don't think." Standing up, moving to the dorm, exit where Klaus was, Elijah turned to the group. "Maybe we should go and ask one of the people around the place for answers."

Klaus was still in a annoyed mood, sulking like a beaten child. "Or maybe we can just smack some people around and get answers instead of ask for them." He winked at Elijah, before going back into his sulky mood. Giving an aggravated sigh, Klaus went to search around the dorm, throwing sheets to the floor. "Might as well search the top bunks first if anything."

@Bomb @The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Hospes @Dorm People

Hmm... maybe that guy is right. the girl thought. It would be best if they started searching for clues. And so the girl looked around, while Deemo was still playing on the piano.

@Prince Shattered Charming @The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Hospes @Dorm People​
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"It's true, they were too weak, and now they're paying the price. But I'm not telling you to tell them lies. I'm telling you to shut up."

Unfazed by Broly's aura, Karasu simply continued to stare him down. He didn't feel intimidated nor obligated to answer Broly, but aside from occupying him with talking he wasn't sure how to convince him to shut up. Violence against an unknown foe would be a last resort.

"I can't explain it. But I do know this: She is the Dragon Torque. And that is something you do not want to fight against."

@Kakarot! @whoever

"Want me to shut up, huh? How long are you gonna tell me, though? Because telling me isn't going to do anything but get me angry. You and that child of yours saw first hand what could go wrong if you get on my bad side. If it hadn't been for that ship going down when it did, that squid wouldn't have had to worry about surviving the crash. Heheheheheh.."

This Karasu had caught Broly's interest for the moment. So no more refugees would be flung around like ragdolls. But this also meant that the Legendary Super Saiyan's attention was focused solely on Karasu for the moment as he folded his massive arms over his chest.

"The Dragon Torque? Well, if you don't know..I guess I'll have to ask someone who does."

Turning away from Karasu, Broly cackled to himself as he started towards wherever Haruka had ended up. He was aware he'd likely be depowered due to this 'Torque' but if he could learn more about it in the process then he supposed it'd be worth the trade-off.

@Kaykay @Verite

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. Being a man who survived by lying, he saw right through her. He knew from her clothes that she was no space traveller. Probably wouldn't even know which authority to turn it into. Besides, even if she did, she wouldn't have referred to Luke as 'Master Skywalker'.

"I am friend of Skywalker's astromech droid, Artoo-Detoo," he said to them before grinning and holding at out his hand to Rey and Roy. "I'm the Doctor, by the way, pleased to meet you both."


@Mari @Cromartie Sarkissian @Krieg

As evidence by the wary glares of a young, pretty woman with some makeshift quarterstaff fashioned out of steel beam, Bane acknowledged that was inherently an usually frightening sight. Standing well above six foot, towering with a massive form reflecting his merciless personality, the terrorist once was a force to be reckoned with. Indeed, he still carried himself with a certain aura of distrust, the radical revolutionary not keen on corrupt rulers and preferring bloodshed over diplomacy.

Alas, though, Bane had little motives outside of survival and the continuing of the League of Shadows within his veins. With his world mostly scorched, Talia having perished in the flames, the sole survivor reluctantly was on his own. In some ways, he felt like a failure, like a dog without it's master, lost and confused. Closing his eyes, Bane huffed, eventually succumbing to his rage. Lurching forwards, he pounded his right fist into a nearby wall, the steel bending as the ungodly behemoth forced a dent into the structure.

Fully aware of the deafening echo of such a movement, Bane paused, turning around to face the rest of the inhabitants of the Science Labs. Holding his arms out carelessly, he lightly chuckled underneath the confines of his mask. "Ah, apologies, strength and fury are one in the same, after all." he spoke gracefully, holding a showing amount of intelligence, or more accurately, the illusion of intelligence through superb oratory skills. "I am glad to see others turning to science for troubled times such as this. It shows that perhaps some of the other crew here are far less...unsavory than I previously imagined." Bane remarked with a hearty chuckle, clutching his hands to the firm straps of his ballistic vest.

Growing closer, he announced briefly, curiously.

"Have any of you found anything noteworthy, at all? Or perhaps seen anything, ah....suspicious?"

@Mari @Sir Ni!-ck @Cromartie Sarkissian @TheColourlessRainbow @Atomyk @Science Labs

Rey remembered R2D2 very well, it was not that long ago that the astromech came back to "consciousness" after what seemed like a long time, according to the Resistance members. She smiled at the memory. "Well, Doctor," she said, "you might appreciate this news, that Artoo is doing well." She nodded to the doctor. "And I am Rey. Nice to meet you."

@Sir Ni!-ck

When the masked man finally spoke, she thought, he was not as bad as one would imagine. Not quite a positive light, but the negative was someone in question. Not likely to be one of the Sith. She turned to the man. "Nothing suspicious that we know of", she said in response. She then turned to Roy, and whispered.

"At least, aside from him"

@Krieg @Cromartie Sarkissian

Asgore nodded at Mr.Muscle's response as well as that of the watching bystander who for some reason struck him as 'ominous'. He gave them both a warming smile and followed the bystander human to the vault's DORMS, as there are obviously tables therefor arm wrestling (and possibly tea!).

The Vault looked about just as sad and depressing as the Underground, just with more humans and less waterfalls and rocks. If this whole 'Vault' idea really works in repelling the 'reapers', than he has at least ONE reason to have kept everyone in the Underground for so long...

There were more people than he'd expect to see crammed into the dorms, and, as he hoped...there were tables and a place to make tea! Oh the joy and wonders of being calmed with the soothing taste of buttercup tea (He wondered if they even had buttercups here?) He brushed the thought aside and awaited for Manly Dan's arrival (although NOT having to arm wrestle today would be preferable!)

Meanwhile, during the wait, he decided to strike up a conversation with...somebody? But there was so many people here! Especially in comparison to that of the Castle which only had him and his garden for a vast majority of the time in an area so large and empty...

There were some pretty cool hairstyles and sweet looking suits in the crowd, and Asgore blushed to himself, as he thought that none of them, although very cool, just couldn't compete with those nice, flowing locks of his!
There was at least one non-human in the crowd, a tall, black and white...stick figure? complete with bowtie and two cute eyes. This peaked his interest, especially with the little girl, adorable as one of those plush animals and playful and happy, even during a time where Reapers destroyed the land. It warmed his heart to see such a beautiful sight going on, and made him wish the same(having someone at your side) could happen to him as well! There was also an avid animal lover, as that what seems to be the topic of most discussion with him (I wonder how he would feel about me?).

He decided that the non-human and the little girl were to be who he could strike a conversation with, as he thinks that he can relate to these guys (even though his family at this point is beyond destroyed...and does the tall one even have a mouth?).

He walked over to the two of them, with a blushed, nervous look on his face and his hand scratching the back of his head and a smile as an attempt to hide the obvious. After an awkward giggle, he regained his calm and spoke to them in his deep, kingly voice.

"Hello! What brings you two to the dorms?"

@Librarian Goat @Raven @IntrusivePenDesperateSword @Bomb @The Great Detective @The Tactician @Sen @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum @Hospes @#dormpeeps​

"Umm... hello..." the girl said to the... goat-guy?


Deemo stared at Asgore, but didn't say anything as always.

@Librarian Goat
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After another but lighter chop to his crude grandson's neck, Jonathan politely introduced himself to Haruka, doing his best to pronounce her name correctly despite his thick english accent.

Johnny, meanwhile, simply waved from his position atop Jonathan's broad and hard back.
@Verite @Kaykay
"Well she sure taught you somethin' good. Once met a drifter durin' my travels... One of the few times I came across someone who didn't want to kill me fer my stuff." He paused chuckling a bit with a small joke. "That drifter could play the guitar like no other. Kind of reminded me of him in a way. Both good with string instruments. Drinkin' is more my thing though..." Six comments before falling into an awkward silence.

@Archmage Jeremiah @TheColourlessRainbow @Hallway


Applejack smiled genuinely, "Well, I'm glad my banjo coulda cheered ya up that way mister," she responded, setting her instrument aside before Six brought up his pass-time. It gave the mare a good giggle as she reached into her saddlebags, pulling out a few bottles of something, "Yer a drinker then huh? Ever had zap apple cider before?" asked Applejack, handing him one of the bottles. Past the murky glass, he'd be able to see some kind of prismatic fluid inside. It looked thick, too, and it was bubbling... "Cuz if ya haven't, boy howdy are you in fer a treat!"

@Crimson Spartan @TheColourlessRainbow @Hallways​
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