Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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Having watched Bubba leave intently, Garrus then stared at the Doctor for a long moment. "... If you say so." Turning around, the alien stepped into engineering, the pair of you passing by the window that offered a glance of the hectic shuttle bay. Garrus shook his head at this before heading down a flight of stairs where the sounds of a girl yelling could be heard beyond a large metal door. As Garrus placed a hand on on the center, the door opened with a beep, revealing a scene similar to the one in the shuttle bay.


Two drones were battling it out, electricity flying between them. Across the room and rapidly touching at a tool attached to her arm was another alien in a full-body suit. "Garrus, there you are!" she cried, body shaking with anxiety. "Something is wrong-- the drones are going haywire! Chatika isn't listening!"

Pulling a rifle attached to his back into his grip, Garrus carefully aimed at the battling drones. "I'm sorry, Tali, but I may have to take her out."


"No! I can fix this! I just--" Tali was cut off by a flurry of sparks erupting from the tool on her arm. She cried out, stumbling backward.

@Sir Ni!-ck
Man or machine, there wasn't going to be a death on the Doctor's watch. "You don't need to destroy her," He stated, stepping forward and drawing his Sonic Screwdriver. One small pulse from the sonic device should suffice in deactivating them.


With a *BzZZzz* from his Screwdriver, the Doctor deactivated both drones.

"See? No need for lethal action." He grinned before kneeling down to pick up Chatika.


The Time Lord let out a whistle upon picking up. "Beautiful!" He exclaimed upon examining the robot. "A small low-level VI equipped with a small mass effect generator to hold it together and give it mobility." He let out a depressed sigh as he set it on a nearby workstation and held up the Sonic. "Oh, taking it apart is definitely going to feel like we're committing some horrible crime."


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Elizabeth frowned as yet another refugee asked her the same question.

"The Reapers are massive beings; they think they deserve to live while they reset every lifeforms clock. Other then that; not much is known. Expect that these particular Reapers have more power then they should." answered Elizabeth truthfully. When the other creature asked what the ship was powered by, Elizabeth smiled;

"Its run by electricity. Other then that; I'm not sure." she said.
Dust & Fidget
@TheColourlessRainbow @Others


"I... Don't quite understand... Unless you mean...-" Dust said, suddenly a realization dawned upon him as he saw those giant metal creatures descent upon Elysium; perhaps... What Elizabeth meant by "reset", was to... Destroy all those that lived... So things may start from anew... But... How would they make worlds reform again? It was all a bit confusing, but, Fidget interrupted his train of thought rather quickly. "Ooooh... Greaaaat! Another crazy army... Trying to KILL EVERYTHING!!!!" Fidget sighed... "Well... Maybe the last one didn't want to kill eeeverything, but... You know... Same thing, right? Except... More places?... Aaanyways, we better get a new map..." she said, looks like she wasn't going to get a break from any of these crazy ventures... Eventually, she looked up again, deciding to focus on Elizabeth's explanation of how the ship worked...

"Hey! Wait a minute! If this thing runs on electricity! Can't I just give the engine a few blasts if it ever runs out? Or... Or even gite it a blast of electricity right now! So it'll go faster!" Fidget suggested, but, more like shouted, this didn't seem to sit very well with Dust thought...

"Uh... Fidget... That might not-..." Dust started, but the Fidget interrupted again "Of COURSE it will! I mean, if this ship runs on electricity... This must be like the way of the flameless watchamacallit stuff! Now let's do this!!!" she shouted... Oh dear... Looks like Fidget had her mind set on this... But, with any luck, if she actually tries anything, Dust will keep her in check.​
"I-I'm sure there's been a misunderstanding, I thought you liked cosplay too!"

"Perhaps you prefer Naruto?"

He sped away from each attack, hoping his Mach 20 speed would keep him away from the crushing grip of the muscled giant before him

Skidding to a stop as he smashed into the wall he had been intending to put Koro through. The wall met legendary super saiyan and came out of the meeting wishing they hadn't met. Mainly due to the huge Broly-shaped indent the saiyan had left due to the power behind his charge. It seemed this creature moved faster than Broly would have expected. But he wasn't the legendary saiyan for fun! He had the power to back it up!

As his feet moved off the ground, a green dome of energy appeared around Broly's person as he held his arms up and let out another savage scream. Just then the dome faded away as a rapid series of energy blasts flew from it and bounced off the walls/floor to head wherever Koro would go next.

Once that was done, he'd fly after the squid with another energy blast ready for send off in his hand.



@DapperDogman @Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7
Tali groaned as she stood up, one hand held to her shoulder as if it was sore. She didn't seem to register what the Doctor was saying at first, only really paying attention once he was aiming his Sonic screwdriver down at the inert form of Chatika. "Are you out of your mind?!" she exclaimed, rushing forward to grab the Doctor. Deciding to intercept, Garrus slipped in-between the pair. He gives Tali a measured look before turning around to face the Doctor.

"Look, thanks for the help, but... she's right, this isn't your tech to tinker with."

"Chatika is more than that. I think she's okay-- I think an outside source was affecting the drones."

Garrus turned back to Tali with a curious glance. "Are you suggesting a kind of sabotage?"

Crossing her arms, Tali nodded toward Chatika. "My suit was picking up a strange signal moments before they went haywire. It has to be related."

@Sir Ni!-ck
Fortunately, this time the problem resolved itself with neither Haruka nor Karasu having to do anything. Well, kind of solved itself. Whatever Starman was doing had a pretty good chance of invoking Broly's rage once more. If the damage would affect Haruka. the Dragon Torque would probably prevent it, but it was best not to test it out.

"Geez, is it possible to not fight here...?" Haruka sighed, more than a little disappointed with the conduct of most of the people here.

Karasu in the meantime didn't have much interest in the squabbling. Unlike Haruka, he couldn't care less if they beat each other up. As long as one person was safe, that was all he cared about. So wordlessly, he just walked to a corner and sat down, keeping his eye on Haruka just in case.

The two evils weren't exactly the kind of company Haruka was looking for. What kind of adults wore silly costumes, ran around half-naked, gave themselves weird titles? And she thought she was the kid around here. With nobody to talk to that didn't seem like a total creep, she simply took a seat next to Karasu.

By now, Haruka understood they were no longer in her universe nor in La'Cryma. If that was true, where were they? She needed to get back, or soon everyone would be in a panic looking for her. Bringing her knees up and wrapping them with her arms, she just nestled her head in her arms and let out a sigh. So tiring. Maybe she'd just take a na-


She suddenly jolted up as she heard a loud scream, which proved to be the crazy spiky-haired guy. Pouting at him once more, she shot back a shout of her own.

"Can't you at least not yell,!"

Nothing good would come of that, Karasu figured. Starman's confusion however had piqued his interest. Rising from his slump against the wall, he slowly made his way over to him. As the Dragon Torque had already proven it would react to that "Broly" person, he figured Haruka should be alright for now in that regard.

"No matter how hard you look, some things you just won't find," Karasu told Starman as he approached the group. "It's just not possible. Not possible at all. You're best off forgetting about it."

@Kakarot! @Jeremi @Atomyk @Mari @Josh M @Cromartie Sarkissian @shuttle bay​
The remark made by Karsu jarred at Thom's faith, however, his mood seem to change.

"You're wrong! Nothing is impossible! Nothing! Believe me, I've seen lighting strike twice!!" I've seen hope prevail over sadness! Well, I think! Still, A true hero never loses faith!"

Turning to Rey, Starman nods, before noticing Joe.

"Well look at this Karate kid! I'm just trying find my mind My dream girl sent me on this mission. It's gone now! I don't think she's hero, but you can't miss her! She is the most beautiful woman in the whole multiverse! She has a star shaped birthmark! It's our fate to be together."

Starman would pose.


"Just look at me!"

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7 @Kakarot!
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Finally releasing the two Adds from the affectionate hug, Kofuku took a moment to consider the words of the two, mulling the concept over.


"Ehh... Different timelines?" she asked, seeming to fantasize for a moment. She had to wonder just what alternate Hiyori, Yato, Yukine, and Daikoku would be like... Maybe even the other gods, too. Maybe Hiyori even had a bigger chest. Snapping back to reality, the god placed a hand on her hip, swaying to the side. "You should take me to them sometime," she finally responded, enthusiastically. "I bet they're both wonderful. Maybe they even have some cute people to have fun with~"

Oh goodness.

In response to Esper, Kofuku spun around cheerily. "Three Addy-chans? That sounds like fun!"

@Lizzy @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum

"It does sound fun, now that you mention it. How about we pull that third Addy out, hm?"

Much to Mastermind's dismay, Esper began to rip open a new time rift, possibly to another timeline where a third variant of Add exists. However, before it would be able to take that specific person out, the rift fell apart, as if another outer force prevented it from happening.


"... strange. And to think I was able to travel from Mastermind's timeline and into this one no problem."

For once, Esper was worried, seeing that his time space abilities were failing him. As he was able to warp around to different places in the same timeline, maybe he had been weakened by some outer force, unable to travel from timeline to timeline. He knew he still had the ability, but it felt restrained.


"As much as I'm relieved that you don't have such a reality breaking power now, Esper, it's also worrying that there might be something trying to weaken your power to do just that in the first place..."

As if to pass time, Mastermind had made himself comfortable once he was released from the hug, sitting on his Dynamos like a makeshift chair and skimming through all sorts of data he has displayed on holographic screens that rotated around him. Well, he was a busy guy.

@Hospes @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum
  • Nice Execution!
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The giant squid would launch himself up, pressing against the ceiling to avoid being fried by the energy blast

"I didn't mean to upset your taste in media!" he'd shout, before dropping down and jabbing at the male's chest a few times

*squeak squeak squeak*
His punches were pretty limp, they probably wouldn't hurt a normal person, let alone someone as strong as Broly

He would suddenly aim several jabs at key pressure points on Broly's body, his hands a blur as he would attempt to use his knowledge of assassination to subdue his opponent

@Kakarot! @Verite @Jeremi @Kaykay
Elizabeth, Dust and Fidget would suddenly hear heavy footsteps and haunting moans approaching them.





The door slid open to reveal the hulking Bubba-- somehow ending up in the War Room despite the signs also saying Combat Information Center, supposedly it became the same room at some point? They must have forgotten to change the sign. The Big Daddy stomped into the room, lumbering and looking around at the various machinations and advanced technology. Bubba never understood what any of this mean't, but it never concerned him.

The Big Daddy suddenly halted when it saw Elizabeth.




Huh, that lady has pretty hair.

Anyway, Bubba seemed to tower over Dust and Fidget like a titan, but it seems it didn't notice the two furry creatures as it swung its body around to look at technology and occasionally to look back to Elizabeth.

@york @TheColourlessRainbow


"It does sound fun, now that you mention it. How about we pull that third Addy out, hm?"

Much to Mastermind's dismay, Esper began to rip open a new time rift, possibly to another timeline where a third variant of Add exists. However, before it would be able to take that specific person out, the rift fell apart, as if another outer force prevented it from happening.


"... strange. And to think I was able to travel from Mastermind's timeline and into this one no problem."

For once, Esper was worried, seeing that his time space abilities were failing him. As he was able to warp around to different places in the same timeline, maybe he had been weakened by some outer force, unable to travel from timeline to timeline. He knew he still had the ability, but it felt restrained.


"As much as I'm relieved that you don't have such a reality breaking power now, Esper, it's also worrying that there might be something trying to weaken your power to do just that in the first place..."

As if to pass time, Mastermind had made himself comfortable once he was released from the hug, sitting on his Dynamos like a makeshift chair and skimming through all sorts of data he has displayed on holographic screens that rotated around him. Well, he was a busy guy.

@Hospes @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum


When Esper suggested pulling out a third Add, Kofuku leaned on him randomly, watching with interest as he began to open a rift. Though, something about it put her off... "..Is that a vent?" she asked, though the thing didn't have the right feel to be a vent, seeming to briefly grow more serious. A vent, here... That would be hell. Granted, with Kofuku around, it was likely the things could pop up at any given time. However, much to her awe, the little portal fell apart without so much as a single phantom showing itself. "So, you open.. rifts?" she asked for clarification. "I wonder why it fell apart.."

Apparently brushing it off and moving on, Kofuku shifted away from Esper, looking to Mastermind instead at the suggestion of his powers being weakened. Perhaps this was the work of the phantoms...

@The Great Detective @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum
Tali groaned as she stood up, one hand held to her shoulder as if it was sore. She didn't seem to register what the Doctor was saying at first, only really paying attention once he was aiming his Sonic screwdriver down at the inert form of Chatika. "Are you out of your mind?!" she exclaimed, rushing forward to grab the Doctor. Deciding to intercept, Garrus slipped in-between the pair. He gives Tali a measured look before turning around to face the Doctor.

"Look, thanks for the help, but... she's right, this isn't your tech to tinker with."

"Chatika is more than that. I think she's okay-- I think an outside source was affecting the drones."

Garrus turned back to Tali with a curious glance. "Are you suggesting a kind of sabotage?"

Crossing her arms, Tali nodded toward Chatika. "My suit was picking up a strange signal moments before they went haywire. It has to be related."

@Sir Ni!-ck

"It's just a Sonic Screwdriver, perfectly harmless in every way. Well, sort of, depending on how well work it and stuff..." The Doctor trailed off a bit before getting back on subject and then pointing at Tali. "But, you have an excellent point. Tell me, is your suit able to trace the signal?"


  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Poe Dameron

Simulation!Goku didn't seem perturbed at all by Broly's constant rage towards him. Was this how the real Kakarot would have reacted? With such bravery in the face of his demise?


Broly didn't believe that for a second! Kakarot would have been shaking in his boots! Begging for the end to come and for the pain to stop. But Broly would not grant that request. Kakarot had made a slight against him that would not be mended by time! His incessant crying as a baby helped shape Broly into the insane brute that he was now and for that Kakarot would suffer torment like none he had experienced before! Or rather his holographic simulation would! Spreading his feet apart, Broly hurled energy blast after energy blast at the Simulation who simply raised his arms as explosions completely obscured the simulation from view.


As the smoke faded, Simulation!Goku's gi had been burnt to cinders with blood running down his face. Still, beyond a cosmetic outlook the Simulation's composition didn't seem too disturbed by the onslaught of energy blasts. If anything it looked annoyed at Broly's energy blast spree. Cupping it's hands together, the Simulation!Goku began to speak those familiar words again.


But Broly had already gone through that once. He wouldn't be going through the paces again. Leaving imprints of his boots in the floor, Broly raced across the floor much faster than one might expect with someone of his build. Both Haruka and Skeletor would have noticed a huge energy blast expand inwards into a smaller more condensed version that Broly reared back and prepared to smash into Simulation!Goku when he drew close enough. Though it didn't seem like he'd get that chance.



The blast engulfed Broly and his energy blast. The Shuttle Bay was illuminated in a bright blue light and extended to the end of the bay. As the energy faded away, Broly stood triumphant with burns scattered all over his chest and the same murderous smirk remained on Broly's face as Broly smashed his energy blast right into the Simulation!Goku's face. Knocking it onto the ground, Broly leaped high into the air. Gathering more height than one might thing someone as big as him would be able to do as he landed on the Simulation!Goku, leaving another indent in the floor.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HOW DOES IT FEEL KAKAROT?! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE CRUSHED UNDER MY POWER!? HAHAHAAHA-...WHAT?!" Broly exclaimed as the simulation dissipated as it had taken all the punishment it could muster from the Legendary Super Saiyan's rampage. Looking around at where his blasts had ricocheted off and then glanced around at the new beings who had entered the shuttle bay and cackled.


It seemed Broly had gotten too into his sparring that he couldn't tell the difference between what was a simulation of Kakarot and two different beings. Flying towards the Joestars, Broly landed on the floor, looking down at them only to frown as he turned his head to the side.

"..You're not Kakarot."

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7
The remark made by Karsu jarred at Thom's faith, however, his mood seem to change.

"You're wrong! Nothing is impossible! Nothing! Believe me, I've seen lighting strike twice!!" I've seen hope prevail over sadness! Well, I think! Still, A true hero never loses faith!"

Turning to Rey, Starman nods, before noticing Joe.

"Well look at this Karate kid! I'm just trying find my mind My dream girl sent me on this mission. It's gone now! I don't think she's hero, but you can't miss her! She is the most beautiful woman in the whole multiverse! She has a star shaped birthmark! It's are fate to be together."

Starman would pose.


"Just look at me!"

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7 @Kakarot!

"WHOAAAH!" Joseph could only exclaim in surprise as the hulking beast of a man known as Broly would appear faster than Joseph would be able to process, startling the young man. When the giant would seem to grunt that none of them looked like carrot cakes or something, Joseph would come back to his senses.

This guy talked as big as his body was, but surely Joseph had faced scarier, r-right? Yeah! There was no way this weirdo could be any stronger than Kars and the Pillar Men, right?!

... Right?


Lisa Lisa just didn't say anything.

She was too cool for this shit.

Before Joseph could even think to do something he'd quickly regret, like trying to beat his chest and yell louder than Broly in an attempt to... "analyze" him like some sort of animal, some weird yellow squid octopus thing would show up, and then Broly would go back to having a fight, albeit with a different opinion.

Admittedly, Lisa Lisa was both impressed and intimidated by the sheer strength of the individuals before them. They moved faster than the human eye could process like it was nothing, exchanged blows that resounded throughout the entire room rather casually, and so on. As unstable as these individuals were, it made Lisa Lisa think... With allies as powerful as them, was the enemy honestly a threat?

She didn't want to come off as arrogant or overly confident to herself, but it did make the woman think. All of this just seemed like real overkill.

While Lisa Lisa continued to calmly ponder to herself, Joseph just kept freaking out by the sheer spectacle before him. He didn't want to use the same analogy for everything, but... Holy hell! These were sights he thought he'd only see in those science films or comics! Even the Pillar Men weren't as fantastical!

"OHH MY GOOOD! HOW ARE THEY DOING THAT? W-What's this power?!" Joseph exclaimed in amazement. One would think that because he had already gone through an event like this, he would be more used to the idea that with a multiverse as massive as the one he lived in, he would be much more open to the thought that many people had powers different from the Ripple, but...

Well, for every moment where Joseph had demonstrated the ability to be extremely insightful, he was still a human at heart, and humans were capable of being greatly fascinated by what they did not fully understand.

That being said, he would inch over to Haruka, Skeletor, and Karasu, standing behind them. If things got too heated, Joseph would be the least likely to get caught in the crossfire if he stood behind all these suckers, right?


"... I'm scared shitless by all this. I think those two guys scare me more than the actual people we're supposed to be up against," JoJo murmured through his teeth to them.

Meanwhile, Lisa Lisa would tilt her head when Starman would appear, mentioning a woman with a star-shaped birthmark. My, my. Those kinds of people just kept popping up everywhere, hmm?


"Fate is not decided by the person who believes that the universe is theirs to control. The will of causality, no matter how powerful humans may become, is something beyond our comprehension. It's quite an arrogant thing to say such a statement where you so firmly believe that causality would decree the two of you simply must be together. If the two of you were separated in the first place, then would that not in itself be contradictory to your claim?" Lisa Lisa spoke bluntly to Starman, adjusting her sunglasses a bit, before her expression, ever so slightly, softened just a tad as she would give a light chuckle.

"But then, that's quite rude of myself to say, isn't it?" She asked, before clearing her throat, "A star-shaped birthmark, you said. It wouldn't happen to be on the back of her neck, would it, Mister...?"

@Josh M @DapperDogman @Kakarot! @Kaykay @Jeremi @Shuttle Bay

The grizzled terrorist watched as a hulking abomination of steel lurched it's way through the metallic corridors of the Normandy. It bellowed and moaned, Bane himself impressed by the mass of steel's large and prosperous form. Yet the masked man felt no fear, his body an indication of it, pushed to the very peak of human conditioning. With a slight advancement, he curiously analyzed the behemoth up and down, trying to peer past those eerily lit spotlights of the armored creature. Something resonated in Bane, a feeling of familiarity, as if he had witnessed something like this before.

"Suited men among us, ah, brother. Welcome to the army...or at this rate by our commander, a brigantine of squabbling milksops." he announced his distaste once more, tightening his fist, peering at the elevator leading down to the Shuttle Bay. It would seem as if the majority of the group had ventured downwards, and by the lack of response Bane had garnered from the captain (most likely due to him being such a pessimist), the alluring temptation of adventure compelled the buff anarchist.

"Choices, choices....I am put on a ship with nothing to do, ha, chosen by sheer strength alone." the educated, revolutionariee commented cyncially, his voice foreboding, brutal, but calculating and advanced. Whilst he was far from a professor at Harvard or Oxford, the strategist was far from being solely bronze vs brains.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @TheColourlessRainbow
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Emmeryn looked at the shark. This was definitely a first.

"Hello, Sal. I am Emmeryn, the Exalt of the Halidom of Ylisse." She said. She held her staff looser. "And what brings you here?"

Emmeryn of... that was a mouthful. There was something about this woman that made her very elegant and mysterious. Was she a figure of authority wherever she was from? Sal had never heard of it - as expected - he hadn't traveled to many universes when he thought about it. "I was just exploring and found you~ But... I'm not really sure why I'm on this ship exactly..."​
Something grips me. Something new. Strange. For the first time, I've found someone who truely understand stands me. Rey has been through her crucible, and she's came out just like me...

"Nice to find someone I can relate to..." I murmur. "Not many people really understand what it's like to have to fight to to stay alive"View attachment 98584

"So where did you learn how to fly?"
@Josh M
Mobile post

Rey liked where this conversation was going. Talking about this was something she enjoyed, as it was always an accomplishment to get something working, or be able to fly something when not expected to at first.


"I built a speeder, a low altitude transport from parts acquired at junk yards and from the destroyed ships scattered everywhere from the battle at Jakku. And, occasionally, I find a older ship that works, or just needs a little fixing to fly. I think those experiences are where I learned my piloting skills, it's a combination of all those things."

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Josh M

Emmeryn of... that was a mouthful. There was something about this woman that made her very elegant and mysterious. Was she a figure of authority wherever she was from? Sal had never heard of it - as expected - he hadn't traveled to many universes when he thought about it. "I was just exploring and found you~ But... I'm not really sure why I'm on this ship exactly..."​
Emmeryn gracefully nodded. "Me neither, Sal." Emmeryn said. She smiled. "Anyway, it is nice to meet you."
Tali sighed, placing a hand to her hip. "My suit? No. But my omni-tool..." She lifted her hand to her face and touched at the device, but judging her frustrated button mashing, it wasn't working now.

Watching this for a moment, Garrus eventually shrugged and moved to hand Tali his own tool. He dropped the small handheld device into her hands. "I know it's not got the same settings, but I'm assuming if anyone can make it work, it's you, Tali."

Nodding, she began tapping at the new device. "I probably won't be able to give us an exact location, but I should be able to find out if it's a long-distance signal or not."

"Let's hope it's not too close for comfort."

"... I should have the info in an hour or so. Ugh! Why is your tool so cluttered...?"

@Sir Ni!-ck
Emmeryn gracefully nodded. "Me neither, Sal." Emmeryn said. She smiled. "Anyway, it is nice to meet you."

"Yes, indeed! Nice to meet you as well, Emmeryn~" Sal greeted with a wide smile. "Do you know anything about these... Reaper things? It looks like it's been causing a lot of trouble~"​

The grizzled terrorist watched as a hulking abomination of steel lurched it's way through the metallic corridors of the Normandy. It bellowed and moaned, Bane himself impressed by the mass of steel's large and prosperous form. Yet the masked man felt no fear, his body an indication of it, pushed to the very peak of human conditioning. With a slight advancement, he curiously analyzed the behemoth up and down, trying to peer past those eerily lit spotlights of the armored creature. Something resonated in Bane, a feeling of familiarity, as if he had witnessed something like this before.

"Suited men among us, ah, brother. Welcome to the army...or at this rate by our commander, a brigantine of squabbling milksops." he announced his distaste once more, tightening his fist, peering at the elevator leading down to the Shuttle Bay. It would seem as if the majority of the group had ventured downwards, and by the lack of response Bane had garnered from the captain (most likely due to him being such a pessimist), the alluring temptation of adventure compelled the buff anarchist.

"Choices, choices....I am put on a ship with nothing to do, ha, chosen by sheer strength alone." the educated, revolutionariee commented cyncially, his voice foreboding, brutal, but calculating and advanced. Whilst he was far from a professor at Harvard or Oxford, the strategist was far from being solely bronze vs brains.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @TheColourlessRainbow
The hulking behemoth mentioned turned around to meet Bane. Now witnessing him in face, Bubba examined the smaller being before him. Bubba has faced a variety of enemies as a protector for the Little Sisters. These, of course, in the form of plasmid-riddled splicers who come in different shapes in sizes. It isn't unreasonable to say he may have come across a buffed-up splicer that is equal to his own physical strength.

The Big Daddy was given his name for being big, and staying the biggest. However, Bane was different. He was a big guy, obviously, but as the masked man spoke to the metal titan it was made clear Bane was not just a mindless splicer that could be knocked aside.

Bane had the power of raw strength and intelligence.

The way he spoke to Bubba using long, complicated words and phrases that Bubba couldn't understand, all with a smooth silky voice muffled under the mask that gave a feeling of power and thought. His size and his mask gave a feeling a familiarity in Bubba, but at the same time Bubba knew that Bane was nothing like him. He was like a Big Daddy in his own right, but one that wielded intelligence along with strength. Intelligence is the one thing Bubba doesn't have, the one thing he wasn't made to utilize in his job.

By definition, Big Daddies are never scared. They are put through conditioning hell to completely eradicate the emotion of fear, replaced with undying rage and determination to protect. But if Bubba ever had to face something that made him truly afraid on a personal level...

That something would be like this masked man.

Bubba simply stared at Bane and said nothing, didn't even make a noise. He didn't want to talk further, even if he had to.

@Krieg @TheColourlessRainbow @york

"Yes, indeed! Nice to meet you as well, Emmeryn~" Sal greeted with a wide smile. "Do you know anything about these... Reaper things? It looks like it's been causing a lot of trouble~"​
Emmeryn shook her head. "No, I'm sorry. I don't know much about them. But we can stop them so that people can have peace."
  • Nice Execution!
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