Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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"Oh... I wouldn't mind on what would happen... not when I have time on my side. And... about what to call the other me..."

Esper simply brushed off that threat, an idea popping up in his head. Wonderful timing it was, that Mastermind finally shows up.


"There you are. For a second, I thought you were planning on killing that girl..."

Mastermind knew he had to sacrifice one of his many drones to protect that girl, but he certainly wasn't prepared for this next bit from his time traveling counterpart.


"Of course not... Addy."



"... excuse me? Did you just call me... ?"

Mastermind was not pleased.

@Hospes @Bomb @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum

Seeming to ignore Add's comment in response to her threat, the god patiently waited for Esper to continue with what to call the other Add, only for the man in question to pop up.


Smiling brightly and tossing the Mastermind a playful wink, Kofuku abruptly stopped rocking on her heels, instead moving to.... Tacklehug both of the Adds, aiming to pull them into a group hug. "You must be the other Addy-chan!" she exclaimed, snuggling both of the Add's affectionately if her hug hit it's goal. "I'm Kofuku~"

@The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Lizzy
"So... What's goin' on here?"
Still sitting down with her head in her arms, Haruka didn't even look up to see who'd come over.

"Fighting, destroying things, you know, what boys do..." she mumbled. She'd had more than enough of this. But as she heard more and more people approaching and speaking up, she finally raised her head, though was a bit surprised by the appearance of her new company.



Two super huge guys, their tag-a-longs, and the skeleton guy had all gathered somewhat near her while she was sitting down. And then the other guy, Broly was it? He stopped his simulation fight and landed around too. Was he going to pick another fight? There was just no end to it, apprently.

A little intimidated, Haruka decided it was a good idea to keep quiet for now.

Karasu eyed the ever-increasing group near Haruka warily from over where Starman and the like were.

@Kakarot! @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7 @Josh M @shuttle bay​

The huge, lumbering Bubba watched from the sidelines, obviously waiting for their battle to end. Normally, Bubba would attempt to protect Shepard as an important ally...but, something in the oaf had changed. He seemed more intent on just minding to himself rather than helping and protecting others that arent Little Sisters. And, even then, sometimes he wished the Little Sisters would just leave him be. However, they are all he knows as true friends. Even if they have some rocky beginnings.

Once Shizou had walked off after finishing his beatdown, Bubba would lumber over and grab Shepard's small hand, immediately pulling the woman to her feet in one seamless pull. The strength of the Big Daddy was made clear to Shepard, because if Bubba had pulled any harder he would have probably teared the womans arm right off. Makes you wonder how much damage he could do with that drill..

Letting out another groan of confirmation, Bubba abruptly turned around and began to lumber away from from the Shuttle Bay, choosing to explore the Normandy for abit. The oaf was making his way to the Med Bay.

He passed by the Joestar's on his way out. Those are probably some of the most muscular people Bubba has ever seen.

At least, Joseph and Jonathan are. Johnny is a fucking dweeb.

@Verite @DBZ7 @TheColourlessRainbow @The Tactician @SHUTTLE BAY PEEPS @MED-BAY PEEPS

Mordin seemed nonplussed as the lumbering Big Daddy came in with Shepard. "Hello there, big fellow, haven't seen you around, oh Sherpard injured, must be Tuesday put her on the bed over there to look her over. *Sharp inhale* Tougher than she looks."

As they walked over Mordin would scan Bubba with his omni-tool to research later. Right now he needed to check over Commander Shepard to see that she doesn't have any lasting damages.

@TheColourlessRainbow @CrunchyCHEEZIT

Seeming to ignore Add's comment in response to her threat, the god patiently waited for Esper to continue with what to call the other Add, only for the man in question to pop up.


Smiling brightly and tossing the Mastermind a playful wink, Kofuku abruptly stopped rocking on her heels, instead moving to.... Tacklehug both of the Adds, aiming to pull them into a group hug. "You must be the other Addy-chan!" she exclaimed, snuggling both of the Add's affectionately if her hug hit it's goal. "I'm Kofuku~"

@The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum @Lizzy

"Now wait just a minu-!"

Mastermind wasn't able to say much once he and Esper were pulled into a surprise group hug. While he did have more body mass than Esper, Mastermind felt like the hug was a bit much for him. Though, judging from the girl's speech, Mastermind figured that Esper got the idea to call him... that from Kofuku.


"Yeah... I'm Add as well. Though, at this rate, I hope it's not a bother that I prefer to be called Mastermind..."

Not wanting to be seen as rude, Mastermind did speak with a pleasant demeanor compared to Esper.


"But Addy, it's only a nickname. You know what they say: 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words won't hurt me.' You're pretty picky with what you want to be called anyways... kekek."

You could just hear the repressed anger and annoyance that Mastermind had in him right about now.

@Hospes @Gwazi Magnum @Lizzy
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Simulation!Goku didn't seem perturbed at all by Broly's constant rage towards him. Was this how the real Kakarot would have reacted? With such bravery in the face of his demise?


Broly didn't believe that for a second! Kakarot would have been shaking in his boots! Begging for the end to come and for the pain to stop. But Broly would not grant that request. Kakarot had made a slight against him that would not be mended by time! His incessant crying as a baby helped shape Broly into the insane brute that he was now and for that Kakarot would suffer torment like none he had experienced before! Or rather his holographic simulation would! Spreading his feet apart, Broly hurled energy blast after energy blast at the Simulation who simply raised his arms as explosions completely obscured the simulation from view.


As the smoke faded, Simulation!Goku's gi had been burnt to cinders with blood running down his face. Still, beyond a cosmetic outlook the Simulation's composition didn't seem too disturbed by the onslaught of energy blasts. If anything it looked annoyed at Broly's energy blast spree. Cupping it's hands together, the Simulation!Goku began to speak those familiar words again.


But Broly had already gone through that once. He wouldn't be going through the paces again. Leaving imprints of his boots in the floor, Broly raced across the floor much faster than one might expect with someone of his build. Both Haruka and Skeletor would have noticed a huge energy blast expand inwards into a smaller more condensed version that Broly reared back and prepared to smash into Simulation!Goku when he drew close enough. Though it didn't seem like he'd get that chance.



The blast engulfed Broly and his energy blast. The Shuttle Bay was illuminated in a bright blue light and extended to the end of the bay. As the energy faded away, Broly stood triumphant with burns scattered all over his chest and the same murderous smirk remained on Broly's face as Broly smashed his energy blast right into the Simulation!Goku's face. Knocking it onto the ground, Broly leaped high into the air. Gathering more height than one might thing someone as big as him would be able to do as he landed on the Simulation!Goku, leaving another indent in the floor.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HOW DOES IT FEEL KAKAROT?! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE CRUSHED UNDER MY POWER!? HAHAHAAHA-...WHAT?!" Broly exclaimed as the simulation dissipated as it had taken all the punishment it could muster from the Legendary Super Saiyan's rampage. Looking around at where his blasts had ricocheted off and then glanced around at the new beings who had entered the shuttle bay and cackled.


It seemed Broly had gotten too into his sparring that he couldn't tell the difference between what was a simulation of Kakarot and two different beings. Flying towards the Joestars, Broly landed on the floor, looking down at them only to frown as he turned his head to the side.

"..You're not Kakarot."

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7


"Such keen eyes you have..." Skeletor snarked at Broly's remark.

"Never mind that. Are you quite with done your histrionics, or is there more pent up aggression that you need to let out?"

@Kaykay @Kakarot! @Verite @DBZ7


"Never heard of him"
The squid seemed to have sped away from Ruby, taking her silent, stern gaze as a sign she no longer wished to speak with him, and he'd instead headed toward the noise

"So, who's this Kakarot guy you're speaking of?"
Despite apparently not knowing who Broly was talking about, Koro Sensei now donned an outfit similar to one you'd expect to see on Vegeta, perhaps he knew more than he cared to let on?

@Kakarot! @Jeremi @Verite
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"Now wait just a minu-!"

Mastermind wasn't able to say much once he and Esper were pulled into a surprise group hug. While he did have more body mass than Esper, Mastermind felt like the hug was a bit much for him. Though, judging from the girl's speech, Mastermind figured that Esper got the idea to call him... that from Kofuku.


"Yeah... I'm Add as well. Though, at this rate, I hope it's not a bother that I prefer to be called Mastermind..."

Not wanting to be seen as rude, Mastermind did speak with a pleasant demeanor compared to Esper.


"But Addy, it's only a nickname. You know what they say: 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words won't hurt me.' You're pretty picky with what you want to be called anyways... kekek."

You could just hear the repressed anger and annoyance that Mastermind had in him right about now.

@Hospes @Gwazi Magnum @Lizzy


Either oblivious or merely uncaring about Mastermind's objection, Kofuku quite happily snuggled both of the Adds, seeming quite content. Rather carefree and excitable, the god appeared to quite enjoy affection, be it her showering others with it or- especially -others giving it to her. So the more hugs and praise you gave her, the better off you were, since it could quite possibly earn you an overprotective friend.

Moving on, the pink-haired 'young woman' just kept snuggling the two, even as Mastermind spoke up. "Nice to meet you, Mastermind," she hummed, seeming to respect his wishes... For now. It was likely she'd unintentionally- or, being rather mischievous, intentionally -start using the name once more.

Kofuku totally agreed with Esper's sentiment, but refrained from commenting just yet.

"So are you two twins? I love twins," she started, probably the first question of many.

@The Great Detective @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum

"Right then," The Doctor said, nodding and stepping back a bit. "If anybody needs me, I'll be cleaning my TARDIS." True to his word, he turned around and walked over to his TARDIS, pulling out a sponge from one of his pockets and proceeded to clean the recharging blue box. It's not like anybody cared anyways, he was just an ancient alien that nobody paid any mind to.

@Shuttle Bay peeps or anyone who wants to interact with the Doctor​
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Mordin seemed nonplussed as the lumbering Big Daddy came in with Shepard. "Hello there, big fellow, haven't seen you around, oh Sherpard injured, must be Tuesday put her on the bed over there to look her over. *Sharp inhale* Tougher than she looks."

As they walked over Mordin would scan Bubba with his omni-tool to research later. Right now he needed to check over Commander Shepard to see that she doesn't have any lasting damages.

@TheColourlessRainbow @CrunchyCHEEZIT

Bubba's portholes suddenly flashed a hostile red as Mordin attempted to scan him-- it seems the big fellow doesn't like it when somebody tries to find out whats under the suit. Dropping Shepard and taking a swift step back, Bubba interrupted the scan and made it clear he didn't want Mordin to try again-- making a startled roar and revving his gargantuan drill arm. Salarians are easy enough to snap open when your a human-- how easy would it be for a Big Daddy?

If Mordin Solus is as smart as he is acclaimed to be, he should know that question is best not answered. Curiosity killed the cat, after all.

If Mordin had backed off, then Bubba would glare down at the beaten up Shepard and give a slow moan, turning around and beginning to stomp through the door. After visiting the Med-Bay, Bubba made his way down to Deck 4: Engineering. Loud moaning and ship-shaking footsteps warned everyone in the deck that Bubba was approaching.

@Jeremi @TheColourlessRainbow @Atomyk @ENGINEERING PEEPS @MED-BAY PEEPS

Bubba's portholes suddenly flashed a hostile red as Mordin attempted to scan him-- it seems the big fellow doesn't like it when somebody tries to find out whats under the suit. Dropping Shepard and taking a swift step back, Bubba interrupted the scan and made it clear he didn't want Mordin to try again-- making a startled roar and revving his gargantuan drill arm. Salarians are easy enough to snap open when your a human-- how easy would it be for a Big Daddy?

If Mordin Solus is as smart as he is acclaimed to be, he should know that question is best not answered. Curiosity killed the cat, after all.

If Mordin had backed off, then Bubba would glare down at the beaten up Shepard and give a slow moan, turning around and beginning to stomp through the door. After visiting the Med-Bay, Bubba made his way down to Deck 4: Engineering. Loud moaning and ship-shaking footsteps warned everyone in the deck that Bubba was approaching.

@Jeremi @TheColourlessRainbow @Atomyk @ENGINEERING PEEPS @MED-BAY PEEPS

Mordin would notice the hostility and take a step back raising his hands. "Nothing to worry about, wont hurt you obviously, am doctor, not soldier." Even so he kept the fact that the scan was already finished to himself and let Bubba do his thing before going to check up on Shepard.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"Never heard of him"
The squid seemed to have sped away from Ruby, taking her silent, stern gaze as a sign she no longer wished to speak with him, and he'd instead headed toward the noise

"So, who's this Kakarot guy you're speaking of?"
Despite apparently not knowing who Broly was talking about, Koro Sensei now donned an outfit similar to one you'd expect to see on Vegeta, perhaps he knew more than he cared to let on?

@Kakarot! @Jeremi @Verite

As it became evident to Broly that he was being mocked by this strange squid like creature, Broly's energy flared up. If this creature didn't watch it's tongue, Broly might have torn him limb from limb. It'd been too long since he fought for his prey after all. But then Koro made a terrible mistake when he slipped into a suit of armor that seemed similar to the saiyan' solider's typical armor. The same armor that the man who stabbed Broly in the stomach as a baby wore. Leaving him and his father to lay out among the waste as Frieza destroyed the planet around them.


The wound had long since healed given Broly's immense power but he could still remember that day vividly. Kakarot's crying had kept the young Broly up day in and day out. Then when King Vegeta decided Broly was far more of a risk to them as a baby with a power level of 10,000 he was slain. Or so it was assumed by the king. Now, this freak stepped before him and put on that same armor. So this creature decided it was going to mock him, eh? Well then Broly would just have to show him the proper response that'd garner from someone like him.


Broly's aura flared up as he flew towards Koro, his outburst of energy likely knocking back anyone who had been close to him. Once he drew close enough to Koro, Broly swung his massive arm to try and catch Koro and smash him into the nearest wall.

"You think you can mock ME!?"


@Verite @DBZ7 @Jeremi @Kaykay @DapperDogman
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"Woah there, big guy."

Holding out a hand was another alien, this one appeared more well-equipped than the last one. He didn't seem intimidated by Bubba, or at least hid it well.


"Tali's a little busy dealing with a drone rebellion and this place isn't exactly stable at the moment." Lowering his hand, the Turian cocked his head back toward the bowels of the engineering room. "Guy like you, I can't be sure you won't accidentally knock something over and blow us all to hell. I'm afraid you'll have to go."


As it became evident to Broly that he was being mocked by this strange squid like creature, Broly's energy flared up. If this creature didn't watch it's tongue, Broly might have torn him limb from limb. It'd been too long since he fought for his prey after all. But then Koro made a terrible mistake when he slipped into a suit of armor that seemed similar to the saiyan' solider's typical armor. The same armor that the man who stabbed Broly in the stomach as a baby wore. Leaving him and his father to lay out among the waste as Frieza destroyed the planet around them.


The wound had long since healed given Broly's immense power but he could still remember that day vividly. Kakarot's crying had kept the young Broly up day in and day out. Then when King Vegeta decided Broly was far more of a risk to them as a baby with a power level of 10,000 he was slain. Or so it was assumed by the king. Now, this freak stepped before him and put on that same armor. So this creature decided it was going to mock him, eh? Well then Broly would just have to show him the proper response that'd garner from someone like him.


Broly's aura flared up as he flew towards Koro, his outburst of energy likely knocking back anyone who had been close to him. Once he drew close enough to Koro, Broly swung his massive arm to try and catch Koro and smash him into the nearest wall.

"You think you can mock ME!?"


@Verite @DBZ7 @Jeremi @Kaykay @DapperDogman


The giant yellow squid-like being panicked, flailing his arms around, before vanishing, and reappearing behind Broly "I-I'm sure there's been a misunderstanding, I thought you liked cosplay too!"

"Perhaps you prefer Naruto?"

He sped away from each attack, hoping his Mach 20 speed would keep him away from the crushing grip of the muscled giant before him

@Kakarot! @Verite @Jeremi @Kaykay
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As it became evident to Broly that he was being mocked by this strange squid like creature, Broly's energy flared up. If this creature didn't watch it's tongue, Broly might have torn him limb from limb. It'd been too long since he fought for his prey after all. But then Koro made a terrible mistake when he slipped into a suit of armor that seemed similar to the saiyan' solider's typical armor. The same armor that the man who stabbed Broly in the stomach as a baby wore. Leaving him and his father to lay out among the waste as Frieza destroyed the planet around them.


The wound had long since healed given Broly's immense power but he could still remember that day vividly. Kakarot's crying had kept the young Broly up day in and day out. Then when King Vegeta decided Broly was far more of a risk to them as a baby with a power level of 10,000 he was slain. Or so it was assumed by the king. Now, this freak stepped before him and put on that same armor. So this creature decided it was going to mock him, eh? Well then Broly would just have to show him the proper response that'd garner from someone like him.


Broly's aura flared up as he flew towards Koro, his outburst of energy likely knocking back anyone who had been close to him. Once he drew close enough to Koro, Broly swung his massive arm to try and catch Koro and smash him into the nearest wall.

"You think you can mock ME!?"


@Verite @DBZ7 @Jeremi @Kaykay @DapperDogman


"NYEHAHAHAHA! Seems like we'll be getting roasted calamari any second now!"

"Woah there, big guy."

Holding out a hand was another alien, this one appeared more well-equipped than the last one. He didn't seem intimidated by Bubba, or at least hid it well.


"Tali's a little busy dealing with a drone rebellion and this place isn't exactly stable at the moment." Lowering his hand, the Turian cocked his head back toward the bowels of the engineering room. "Guy like you, I can't be sure you won't accidentally knock something over and blow us all to hell. I'm afraid you'll have to go."

Bubba halted and stared down at Garrus. Another alien, huh-- Bubba didn't seem too fazed by the fact there were aliens. He lost a concept of what was human and what wasn't, more so gained a concept of who was a friend and who was not a friend. Evidently, Garrus is not a friend in the eyes of the Big Daddy. Staring down the soldier for a few long moments, Bubba let out a moan and began to turn its mass around, lumbering back down the hallway.

He'll have to check out what is going on there later on. For now, Bubba began stomping down to the Crew Quarters.



Either oblivious or merely uncaring about Mastermind's objection, Kofuku quite happily snuggled both of the Adds, seeming quite content. Rather carefree and excitable, the god appeared to quite enjoy affection, be it her showering others with it or- especially -others giving it to her. So the more hugs and praise you gave her, the better off you were, since it could quite possibly earn you an overprotective friend.

Moving on, the pink-haired 'young woman' just kept snuggling the two, even as Mastermind spoke up. "Nice to meet you, Mastermind," she hummed, seeming to respect his wishes... For now. It was likely she'd unintentionally- or, being rather mischievous, intentionally -start using the name once more.

Kofuku totally agreed with Esper's sentiment, but refrained from commenting just yet.

"So are you two twins? I love twins," she started, probably the first question of many.

@The Great Detective @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum

"I wouldn't say twins... it's more of the fact that we are the same person hailing from two drastically different timelines."

Mastermind couldn't even imagine how a day-to-day basis would be like around this version of himself. Thank god he didn't decide to take up time travel, because now he knew what would become of him.


"If you think the idea of twins is something to look forward to, Mastermind. I could've brought along another version of ourselves from another timeline, and from there, we could be seen as triplets!"

Esper wasn't exactly helping with the fact that he was going along with the twins assumption that came from Kofuku. All the while he happened to have the cute little Apocalypse drone in his arms as if it were another cat.


Well, Mastermind had a thing for cats too, which is probably why this particular drone was designed with cat-like aesthetics.

@Hospes @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum
View attachment 98568
A deep sigh was heard, flying above you all was a creature that looked to be form a world like Applejacks. He looked right at the Earth Pony;

"One of the elements of Harmony survived?" he asked in a annoyed voice.

"That's just my fate; those dam Reapers can't even end the magic of 'friendship'' annoyingly shot the creature.

@Archmage Jeremiah @Bomb

Looking up at the flying edgelord itself, Applejack cocked her head back, viewing it with a confused glare.


"...Now...just what the hay're you s'posed to be? Ya look like a changeling that got caught at the center of a Rainboom," the farmpony started, only to have her little sister join in, "And then a buncha parasprites spat gum atcha!" This got a short snicker out of Applejack, so she raised a hoof and gave her sister a hoof-bump. "So, what's this yer sayin' about the Elements?" Applejack asked flatly, readjusting the necklace that was still laid around her neck, making sure it was secured, "Cuz if you got a problem, I'm sure we could settle it over a few sips o' cider,"


"Ooh! Ooh! Could I have some too sis? Pleaaaaaaaaase!"

@TheColourlessRainbow @Crow @Bomb @Peeps??​
Having watched Bubba leave intently, Garrus then stared at the Doctor for a long moment. "... If you say so." Turning around, the alien stepped into engineering, the pair of you passing by the window that offered a glance of the hectic shuttle bay. Garrus shook his head at this before heading down a flight of stairs where the sounds of a girl yelling could be heard beyond a large metal door. As Garrus placed a hand on on the center, the door opened with a beep, revealing a scene similar to the one in the shuttle bay.


Two drones were battling it out, electricity flying between them. Across the room and rapidly touching at a tool attached to her arm was another alien in a full-body suit. "Garrus, there you are!" she cried, body shaking with anxiety. "Something is wrong-- the drones are going haywire! Chatika isn't listening!"

Pulling a rifle attached to his back into his grip, Garrus carefully aimed at the battling drones. "I'm sorry, Tali, but I may have to take her out."


"No! I can fix this! I just--" Tali was cut off by a flurry of sparks erupting from the tool on her arm. She cried out, stumbling backward.

@Sir Ni!-ck

"I wouldn't say twins... it's more of the fact that we are the same person hailing from two drastically different timelines."

Mastermind couldn't even imagine how a day-to-day basis would be like around this version of himself. Thank god he didn't decide to take up time travel, because now he knew what would become of him.


"If you think the idea of twins is something to look forward to, Mastermind. I could've brought along another version of ourselves from another timeline, and from there, we could be seen as triplets!"

Esper wasn't exactly helping with the fact that he was going along with the twins assumption that came from Kofuku. All the while he happened to have the cute little Apocalypse drone in his arms as if it were another cat.


Well, Mastermind had a thing for cats too, which is probably why this particular drone was designed with cat-like aesthetics.

@Hospes @Lizzy @Gwazi Magnum

Finally releasing the two Adds from the affectionate hug, Kofuku took a moment to consider the words of the two, mulling the concept over.


"Ehh... Different timelines?" she asked, seeming to fantasize for a moment. She had to wonder just what alternate Hiyori, Yato, Yukine, and Daikoku would be like... Maybe even the other gods, too. Maybe Hiyori even had a bigger chest. Snapping back to reality, the god placed a hand on her hip, swaying to the side. "You should take me to them sometime," she finally responded, enthusiastically. "I bet they're both wonderful. Maybe they even have some cute people to have fun with~"

Oh goodness.

In response to Esper, Kofuku spun around cheerily. "Three Addy-chans? That sounds fun!"

@Lizzy @The Great Detective @Gwazi Magnum
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