Murder Game VIII: Legend of Zelda Extravaganza

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"Wait, so that's all? You never age? Wow, this place really is like Neverland," said Ven, mostly mumbling the last comment to himself. In all honesty, the blond teen wasn't sure what else to ask them. He rubbed the back of his head, glancing toward Kanzaki and Aeric. "Uh, what next? Anything else we should ask them or is there something else we should do? I'm drawing a blank here..."

@Verite @BarrenThin @Raven
"They mentioned Link." He paused before looking at the children. "Have you seen him recently?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Thuro The Assassin Potato
The Kokiri look and nod. "Yes he had gone to go find the Princess Zelda." They replied. "But we also think perhaps we saw him arrive with all of you but that doesn't make much since to us." One explained a young girl who seemed related to perhaps one who was near the shop.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin
@Bomb @Librarian Cat

There appears to be a ladder to climb down and once more two logs to chose from. One leading right to move forward it would seem and the one for you to return back where you came which was the beginning more than likely.
@Crimson Spartan @Verite @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Others at Ghirahim/The Figure

Ghirahim simply smirked as he listened to the new threats and more questions. "Ah your thoughts might change as your journey continues." He stated looking at all of them not seeming to get up once more from his seat just yet. Well one could say Ghirahim sure does like taking his time with his foes that's for sure. "Why am I here?" He repeated then finally stood the chair vanishing.

"Well first I wanted to see if any of you were smarter than well the Hero Chosen by the Godesses in many different times. Always a boy with the same traits as the last. Now they pick those who feel may stop me yet once more it appears to be mere children?" He commented. "I came here to observe more or less. But being you all wish to fight that thought has come to mind." He replied arms extended as if willing to take the challenge of them all it seemed.


He shrugged at Ashitak. "For your people? I have done nothing to them. Yet you see." He commented and gave a grin. "Interesting thought that may be however. Now anger makes you stronger? That's a interesting little note my dear boy." He expressed. "But tell me who's anger for I have none as of now." He stated still a grin on his face.

Finally putting his arms down he turned his head slightly to Astarte. "Do I really seem hostile already? Well what a pity. I was hoping to perhaps learn more about all of you but if you really insist." He vanished once more yet again going behind the group. "Then alright. But I'll go easy on you for now." He stated with a smile once more bringing up his sword.


He then vanished and appeared even closer to Astarte. "But I'll just beat you with an inch left of your lives." He whispered yet all could still hear his tongue once more out this time rather close to an ear.


Jen was not pleased. If this was the cycles again.... She was going to kill the overseer. Period. There was no Mal this time. So, vote people off, presumably to their deaths. This wasn't going to be fun. Scree followed Ven silently. It seemed he had grown somewhat attached to the child. Jen followed silently.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"They mentioned Link." He paused before looking at the children. "Have you seen him recently?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Thuro The Assassin Potato
The Kokiri look and nod. "Yes he had gone to go find the Princess Zelda." They replied. "But we also think perhaps we saw him arrive with all of you but that doesn't make much since to us." One explained a young girl who seemed related to perhaps one who was near the shop.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Thuro The Assassin Potato @BarrenThin


"You're probably talking about Lank," Ven suggested. "He's a young man who looks like Link, but apparently isn't. Anyhow, is there a way to find Princess Zelda from here? If she spoke with him last, maybe she'll know where he is." Not only that, but a princess would know a lot about this world. Maybe she could explain why this large group of people had mysteriously been brought there or what exactly was going on...

@Verite @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Raven @BarrenThin
@Crimson Spartan @Verite @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Others at Ghirahim/The Figure

Ghirahim simply smirked as he listened to the new threats and more questions. "Ah your thoughts might change as your journey continues." He stated looking at all of them not seeming to get up once more from his seat just yet. Well one could say Ghirahim sure does like taking his time with his foes that's for sure. "Why am I here?" He repeated then finally stood the chair vanishing.

"Well first I wanted to see if any of you were smarter than well the Hero Chosen by the Godesses in many different times. Always a boy with the same traits as the last. Now they pick those who feel may stop me yet once more it appears to be mere children?" He commented. "I came here to observe more or less. But being you all wish to fight that thought has come to mind." He replied arms extended as if willing to take the challenge of them all it seemed.


He shrugged at Ashitak. "For your people? I have done nothing to them. Yet you see." He commented and gave a grin. "Interesting thought that may be however. Now anger makes you stronger? That's a interesting little note my dear boy." He expressed. "But tell me who's anger for I have none as of now." He stated still a grin on his face.

Finally putting his arms down he turned his head slightly to Astarte. "Do I really seem hostile already? Well what a pity. I was hoping to perhaps learn more about all of you but if you really insist." He vanished once more yet again going behind the group. "Then alright. But I'll go easy on you for now." He stated with a smile once more bringing up his sword.


He then vanished and appeared even closer to Astarte. "But I'll just beat you with an inch left of your lives." He whispered yet all could still hear his tongue once more out this time rather close to an ear.


"You may not have done anything to them, but you have committed other atrocities." Ashitaka said. "It takes anger from around me. If you did not wish to fight now, I will not fight, for that may come later." He sheathed his sword.

Ri felt glad to see some familiar, friendly faces among those at the tree area. She looked to Hanji and smiled, greeting him. "Hello again, it is nice to see you here Hanji." She turned to Levi though, with some concern as it appeared like he had been injured. She went to his side, putting a hand to his shoulder. "Are you okay? Is there anything I could do to help?"

Then, the Deku tree spoke. Hearing a tree speak... it caught Ri somewhat off guard. She had one question that had been on her mind, so it came to her lips right away, almost.

"I would like to ask on behalf and with the concerns of the Kokiri people. Where is their hero?"

@Lizzy @Jeremi @Raven @Archwar @Librarian Cat @york @The Tactician @Wedge Antilles

Levi paused in what he was doing to look at Ri's hand, then who it belonged to.

"I'm fine. See?" Levi said as he moved his jacket off his shoulder enough for the leather strap on his shoulder to be seen.

"This kept me from getting hurt in the end. No harm done, the only thing I really need to worry about is this." After fixing his jacket Levi would gently tap one of his gas canisters on his 3DMG.

Hanji would come behind them and pinch Levi's cheek.


"He's fine. Besides his gas canisters the other things he'd probably worry about is filth, Titans, and getting back home. So he can kill Titans." Hanji said calmly. After a moment or two Levi brushed Hanji's hand away.

@Mari @Raven @Archwar @Jeremi @Librarian Cat @Wedge Antilles @The Tactician @york
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@Crimson Spartan @Verite @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Others at Ghirahim/The Figure

Ghirahim simply smirked as he listened to the new threats and more questions. "Ah your thoughts might change as your journey continues." He stated looking at all of them not seeming to get up once more from his seat just yet. Well one could say Ghirahim sure does like taking his time with his foes that's for sure. "Why am I here?" He repeated then finally stood the chair vanishing.

"Well first I wanted to see if any of you were smarter than well the Hero Chosen by the Godesses in many different times. Always a boy with the same traits as the last. Now they pick those who feel may stop me yet once more it appears to be mere children?" He commented. "I came here to observe more or less. But being you all wish to fight that thought has come to mind." He replied arms extended as if willing to take the challenge of them all it seemed.


He shrugged at Ashitak. "For your people? I have done nothing to them. Yet you see." He commented and gave a grin. "Interesting thought that may be however. Now anger makes you stronger? That's a interesting little note my dear boy." He expressed. "But tell me who's anger for I have none as of now." He stated still a grin on his face.

Finally putting his arms down he turned his head slightly to Astarte. "Do I really seem hostile already? Well what a pity. I was hoping to perhaps learn more about all of you but if you really insist." He vanished once more yet again going behind the group. "Then alright. But I'll go easy on you for now." He stated with a smile once more bringing up his sword.


He then vanished and appeared even closer to Astarte. "But I'll just beat you with an inch left of your lives." He whispered yet all could still hear his tongue once more out this time rather close to an ear.


"Spare me your base villainy!" Motochika exclaimed as he moved closer towards Girahim. "I already told you, let's see how well you do against all of us in a continuous assault." The creature was really starting to get on Motochika's nerves. "If I were a betting man...I'd say you're all out of luck!"

"I don't wish to fight." Talim replied holding her arm blades high. "But there doesn't seem to be any other way for you to see reason!"

@Crimson Spartan @Verite @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Raven
@Crimson Spartan @Verite @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Others at Ghirahim/The Figure

Ghirahim simply smirked as he listened to the new threats and more questions. "Ah your thoughts might change as your journey continues." He stated looking at all of them not seeming to get up once more from his seat just yet. Well one could say Ghirahim sure does like taking his time with his foes that's for sure. "Why am I here?" He repeated then finally stood the chair vanishing.

"Well first I wanted to see if any of you were smarter than well the Hero Chosen by the Godesses in many different times. Always a boy with the same traits as the last. Now they pick those who feel may stop me yet once more it appears to be mere children?" He commented. "I came here to observe more or less. But being you all wish to fight that thought has come to mind." He replied arms extended as if willing to take the challenge of them all it seemed.


He shrugged at Ashitak. "For your people? I have done nothing to them. Yet you see." He commented and gave a grin. "Interesting thought that may be however. Now anger makes you stronger? That's a interesting little note my dear boy." He expressed. "But tell me who's anger for I have none as of now." He stated still a grin on his face.

Finally putting his arms down he turned his head slightly to Astarte. "Do I really seem hostile already? Well what a pity. I was hoping to perhaps learn more about all of you but if you really insist." He vanished once more yet again going behind the group. "Then alright. But I'll go easy on you for now." He stated with a smile once more bringing up his sword.


He then vanished and appeared even closer to Astarte. "But I'll just beat you with an inch left of your lives." He whispered yet all could still hear his tongue once more out this time rather close to an ear.


Alright. Fun's over. Or maybe it was just getting started.

This guy was all talk. It annoyed Accelerator, and apparently, the others as well. This Ghirahim guy was all talk, and even with his powers, Accelerator doubted this self-proclaimed lord could take everyone in the area on. If this was the extent of the so-called demon lord's usefulness, then what a shame. It had seemed that they had all wasted their time here.

Damn. Why was he ticked off so much this time? Was he really that much of a sucker for girls? Tch. Maybe Last Order was rubbing off on him, and in turn, that was why he thought of her in someone like Astarte, even though the two did look and act rather differently. Not that Accelerator was any sort of lolicon or anything.


"Oh, don't hold yourself back for our sake. I'm sure we can handle it," the young man grinned, activating his powers, before proceeding to make the first move.

Dashing forward at high speeds, being the first to move presumably, he'd brush past Astarte and straight towards Ghirahim, throwing a powerful straight punch, manipulating the vectors to that the force would equal that of a truck going at least 60 miles per hour, should the attack manage to land on the intended target.


@Crimson Spartan @Jeremi @Kaykay @The Silver Paladin @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Raven
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"What?! When did you two get here?!"

He had seen these two humans before when he was possessing Kratos. But he hadn't expected them to arrive in his temple as well! The Dinofols were no match for the combined onslaught and soon there would have been nothing but mutilated bullet-ridden carcasses laying at their feet. Skull Kid had used his power to simply keep any bullets fired his and Goht's way at bay. Once the last Dinofols fell, Skull Kid flicked his wrist forward and the bullets he had frozen in place scattered outwards.

Standing up and doing a little bit of quick-stretching before facing those gathered to oppose him, he sighed. It was clear that he was none too pleased with this new development. Not to mention that it completely ruined whatever suspense he may have had going with Yuno. How could he be expected to focus on dealing with her in the climatic battle that she deserved, that they both deserved with those meddling law men? He supposed he could just fling them through the wall and let nature sort them out. Though one of them could apparently fly which could have put a kibosh on that plan.

"Would it not be easier on you if I were to deal with the newcomers, Lord Skull Kid?

"Eh, I suppose if you really feel so inclined! I just want Yuno all to myself because I'm the bad guy she's going to wish to slay! But there won't be a happy ending to this story, ehehehee!"

"Very good, Lord. May we proceed?"

"Of course, Goht."


With that Goht's gears finally began to turn as the mechanical beast floated off the ground slightly. Most likely due yet again to Skull Kid's magic so he could keep up with the flying cop. Turning his wrinkled old visage onto the officers, Goht lowered his horns and charged at him leaving Skull Kid to giggle happily as he was more than pleased with his creation.

"I'm happy they're preoccupied now. Because it means I get you two all to myself. Now I heard that you said you weren't a fan of killing. I'm not either believe me! But you'll kill me unless I get rid of you first!" Skull Kid proclaimed as he floated up into the air and a dark aura glowed around his person yet again.

"Let's finish this, hee hee!"


@C.T. @ResistingTheEnlightened

Both police officers looked at the glowing Skull kid. Otherworldly was the word Harvard (A nickname of Jamie's) needed. Once Leo looked over to Jamie, he tossed over the AK before taking out The Belt: The Remington shotgun used in order to kill a dreaded member of Umbrella. As quick as it came out, was as quick as it begun to fire, Leo giving little care to both male and pink haired female: Crossfire or not, apparently that kid was Jamie's and Leo's objective, and thus, NATO Rounds and small metal balls began to carefully pepper the area infront of both of the officers.

@C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher
@Bomb @Librarian Cat

There appears to be a ladder to climb down and once more two logs to chose from. One leading right to move forward it would seem and the one for you to return back where you came which was the beginning more than likely.
After climbing down the ladder, Fizz saw two more logs.

"What's up with logs and this place? Did they not think of making a bridge here?" Fizz said.

Whatever, Fizz took the right one.

@Librarian Cat @Raven
After climbing down the ladder, Fizz saw two more logs.

"What's up with logs and this place? Did they not think of making a bridge here?" Fizz said.

Whatever, Fizz took the right one.

@Librarian Cat @Raven
Rocket snorted, "Why not just put an escalator straight to it! Saves the frustration!"

He also took the right log.
@Raven @Bomb
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Balto heard the Deku Tree's wise words, now he's seen it all, even the plants talk, but it did give valuable information, the world we are in, its current state, and what we need to do to save it: Find this lost hero.

He followed RI to help find the lost hero.
@Mari @Jeremi @Archwar @Raven @york @The Tactician @Librarian Cat @Lizzy
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The boy looked at the furr ball the up to the cat. "The Great Deku Tree wouldn't allow you and neither wood No Fairy there." He commented glancing at Lank who knew that was the only name him and Link shared.

Mitten just coughed up another hairball straight onto the boy's face and before he could wipe it off, the cat general strode passed them. Guards these days were both idiotic and foolish. After finding his Lord, both of them found a giant tree with a face. They weren't surprised, such things existed on Eartherous though they were more into the vore side instead of speaking in riddles. The two kept quiet, silently observing the tree for any signs that it might try to eat them, but thankfully no roots, or worse, tentacles, suddenly sprouted from the ground to grab them. However, the Deku Tree wasn't the best of helpers, instead just saying that Zelda was in a deep sleep as a result of her own creation.

The group seemed to have decided to head to Skyloft, but several of the winged kittens fluttered down hissing and meowing information at Zanzibar.

"Well, looks like we found the Gay Lord! Though, it would appear that some of our own allies are trying to defeat him, or her, not sure which. AND QUIT YAPPING! I GET IT ALREADY!" Zanzibar growled at the kittens who stopped their report.

"Milord, I can lead a battalion of warriors to the aid!" Mitten pulled out his sword and fire erupted from it.

"Oh no my friend," Zanzibar smile kept growing till the sides of his head,"I will deal with Gay Lord myself! You just help out our allies."

"And keep an eye on the group. All of them could use a little boost," Zanzibar added telepathically.

Mitten nodded and stood a position near the others. Zanzibar, meanwhile, held out his hand and a staff materialized. Dark Psionic energy crackled and weaved around the weapon, delighted to be of course once more instead of residing in the mind of a mad man. The gem that laid ontop flared a sinister dark green. Before anyone could either talk or stop Zanzibar, he ran like a energetic pup on drugs. His intention, head towards the Demon Lord.

@york @Librarian Cat @Raven @The Tactician @Lizzy @Jeremi @Deku tree guys and gals
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"You're probably talking about Lank," Ven suggested. "He's a young man who looks like Link, but apparently isn't. Anyhow, is there a way to find Princess Zelda from here? If she spoke with him last, maybe she'll know where he is." Not only that, but a princess would know a lot about this world. Maybe she could explain why this large group of people had mysteriously been brought there or what exactly was going on...

@Verite @Thuro The Assassin Potato @Raven @BarrenThin
"Ah perhaps so." One replied the other gave an odd look but shook as if they didn't seem to remember Lank. Probable because of how easy it seems for some to mistake him for Link. "Well you might can see her. You just have to head to the castle at Hryule fields I think." One young girl said. "Unless he ended up seeing a different Zelda." A little boy stated. "The Great Deku Tree Did say our world is changing and it appears others have become connected in many different places one in fact is our Lost Woods."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin @Verite @Thuro The Assassin Potato
Mitten just coughed up another hairball straight onto the boy's face and before he could wipe it off, the cat general strode passed them. Guards these days were both idiotic and foolish. After finding his Lord, both of them found a giant tree with a face. They weren't surprised, such things existed on Eartherous though they were more into the vore side instead of speaking in riddles. The two kept quiet, silently observing the tree for any signs that it might try to eat them, but thankfully no roots, or worse, tentacles, suddenly sprouted from the ground to grab them. However, the Deku Tree wasn't the best of helpers, instead just saying that Zelda was in a deep sleep as a result of her own creation.

The group seemed to have decided to head to Skyloft, but several of the winged kittens fluttered down hissing and meowing information at Zanzibar.

"Well, looks like we found the Gay Lord! Though, it would appear that some of our own allies are trying to defeat him, or her, not sure which. AND QUIT YAPPING! I GET IT ALREADY!" Zanzibar growled at the kittens who stopped their report.

"Milord, I can lead a battalion of warriors to the aid!" Mitten pulled out his sword and fire erupted from it.

"Oh no my friend," Zanzibar smile kept growing till the sides of his head,"I will deal with Gay Lord myself! You just help out our allies."

"And keep an eye on the group. All of them could use a little boost," Zanzibar added telepathically.

Mitten nodded and stood a position near the others. Zanzibar, meanwhile, held out his hand and a staff materialized. Dark Psionic energy crackled and weaved around the weapon, delighted to be of course once more instead of residing in the mind of a mad man. The gem that laid ontop flared a sinister dark green. Before anyone could either talk or stop Zanzibar, he ran like a energetic pup on drugs. His intention, head towards the Demon Lord.

@york @Librarian Cat @Raven @The Tactician @Lizzy @Jeremi @Deku tree guys and gals

"I haven't seen anyone run that fast since you heard about Bean and Sonny's deaths." Levi said to Hanji, who looked a little saddened by the mention of the two experiments she lost shortly before the encounter with the Female Titan.

"They were my babies Levi, my BABIES! They helped me learn so much about the Titans and I could have learned some more too...if they were still around I could have probably compared how many differences they have to Titan Shifters! Oh what amazing discoveries there could have been!" As Hanji began to rant at least a bit, Levi only listened halfheartedly.

@Mari @Raven @Archwar @Jeremi @Librarian Cat @Wedge Antilles @The Tactician @york @Deku Tree peeps
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@Those Exploring Kokiri Village

Walking a bit around you see a lot of tall grass. A shop, a garden it seems. A vine that leads to a giant log. Many houses thought one appears to be a Tree House. There is also a bridge above.

Note: Two are already gone to the log up the vine which is the lost woods​
After climbing down the ladder, Fizz saw two more logs.

"What's up with logs and this place? Did they not think of making a bridge here?" Fizz said.

Whatever, Fizz took the right one.

@Librarian Cat @Raven
After climbing down the ladder, Fizz saw two more logs.

"What's up with logs and this place? Did they not think of making a bridge here?" Fizz said.

Whatever, Fizz took the right one.

@Librarian Cat @Raven
Heading right there well seems to be another log but it seems blocked by a door. Interesting at least you may be getting somewhere. You notice it seems there are small but giant plants what could they be?

Head Near the Plants? Y/N

@Librarian Cat @Bomb

"I haven't seen anyone run that fast since you heard about Bean and Sonny's deaths." Levi said to Hanji, who looked a little saddened by the mention of the two experiments she lost shortly before the encounter with the Female Titan.

"They were my babies Levi, my BABIES! They helped me learn so much about the Titans and I could have learned some more too...if they were still around I could have probably compared how many differences they have to Titan Shifters! Oh what amazing discoveries there could have been!" As Hanji began to rant at least a bit, Levi only listened halfheartedly.

@Mari @Raven @Archwar @Jeremi @Librarian Cat @Wedge Antilles @The Tactician @york @Deku Tree peeps
"Psionics are a powerful tool where we come from. It puts the normal person on equal footing with gods, if they practice with it long enough and Lord Zanzibar has had a long time to learn. Though, he mostly deals in necromancy and genetics, often combing the two to create monsters. Not man eating monsters, mind you, but monsters nevertheless," Mitten said proudly, though there was slight sadness in his tone.
"I haven't seen anyone run that fast since you heard about Bean and Sonny's deaths." Levi said to Hanji, who looked a little saddened by the mention of the two experiments she lost shortly before the encounter with the Female Titan.

"They were my babies Levi, my BABIES! They helped me learn so much about the Titans and I could have learned some more too...if they were still around I could have probably compared how many differences they have to Titan Shifters! Oh what amazing discoveries there could have been!" As Hanji began to rant at least a bit, Levi only listened halfheartedly.

@Mari @Raven @Archwar @Jeremi @Librarian Cat @Wedge Antilles @The Tactician @york @Deku Tree peeps
Serge tilted his head at the two strangers as they argued, confused by their words? Do they mean something like those giant monsters people talk about in legends? Deciding that would be a question for another time, he waved at the two with a questioning look, "Shouldn't we be going?"

@Mari @Raven @Archwar @Librarian Cat @Wedge Antilles @york @Lizzy
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