Murder Game VIII: Legend of Zelda Extravaganza

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Ven felt a little awkward as Aeric questioned the old man, not interjecting when he spoke. He almost seemed as if he were bickering with the old man, so Ven really didn't have anything to say. When the conversation was over and the man marched off, he glanced to Kanzaki. "Uh, should we follow him into the bee house? Or should we go somewhere else?"

@Verite @BarrenThin
"Sanctuary? Can you point me to that?"

"Yeah so you go to the Balcksmith's which is just to the right of town then head North and finally take another right which is east." The man replied. Hearing the description you should come to realize that is where you found Lank.


Ven felt a little awkward as Aeric questioned the old man, not interjecting when he spoke. He almost seemed as if he were bickering with the old man, so Ven really didn't have anything to say. When the conversation was over and the man marched off, he glanced to Kanzaki. "Uh, should we follow him into the bee house? Or should we go somewhere else?"

@Verite @BarrenThin
Lank shrugged. "I have a feeling you guys won't find the Link fellow if that's who he's looking for. No one ever does once they seem to find me." He replied. "But um if you guys don't mind I'll stick with you." He stated.

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin
"Yeah so you go to the Balcksmith's which is just to the right of town then head North and finally take another right which is east." The man replied. Hearing the description you should come to realize that is where you found Lank.


Again, Aeric's fingers found the bridge of his nose. "Going in circles." With that, he went outside and explored the town some more.

Again, Aeric's fingers found the bridge of his nose. "Going in circles." With that, he went outside and explored the town some more.

The Bee man simply shrugged seeing the man leave soon looking at his other bees.

When Aeric begins to explore town he will notice once more the Bar, some shops, and then a lady standing outside who had been speaking to another a bit earlier.


Ven felt a little awkward as Aeric questioned the old man, not interjecting when he spoke. He almost seemed as if he were bickering with the old man, so Ven really didn't have anything to say. When the conversation was over and the man marched off, he glanced to Kanzaki. "Uh, should we follow him into the bee house? Or should we go somewhere else?"

@Verite @BarrenThin
The Bee man simply shrugged seeing the man leave soon looking at his other bees.

When Aeric begins to explore town he will notice once more the Bar, some shops, and then a lady standing outside who had been speaking to another a bit earlier.

"Well, it appears that his business in the bee house is over, but I suppose if we want to get somewhere, we should follow wherever he goes," Kanzaki spoke, following Aeric around.

"Hmm... where to go next..."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin @Raven
The Bee man simply shrugged seeing the man leave soon looking at his other bees.

When Aeric begins to explore town he will notice once more the Bar, some shops, and then a lady standing outside who had been speaking to another a bit earlier.


"Oh, for the love of..." Grumbling, he paused, and took a deep breath... before looking for some sort of perch. Anything he could climb on top of, really.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Looking for a perch it seemed basically all the houses were the same size and set up. The only way to get on top it seemed would be to jump from the small hill.


The hill would do. Moving up it, he looked around, and, just as it seemed he was looking for something, he faced the sun and struck a pose.

"Praise the Sun!"


And he just stood there like that, for upwards of five minutes.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"...Whoa. You can fly, hmm?" She digested this fact casually, the gun already dropped and a small blade out in it's place. This was going to be more difficult since they were bullets but she could still do it. Easily. Moving in a blur of motion, her blade hand swung in and out, diverting and parrying every bullet with almost casual ease, her bright smile never leaving her face. This was all good fun and protecting Yuki made it all worth it.


When the gun clacked empty, she slowly lowered the knife with a giggle. "I can do that too!" She levitated off the ground. "See? Tee hee hee."

Lifting his head slightly when he heard himself being addressed, he gulped. "She's just doing what she thinks will protect me. I can't fault her for that even though it's getting out of hand. She is devoted to me. I--" He blinked as his diary interrupted, another new event about to come. Pulling it out, he gave it a swift look over. "Oh no."

And the big swordsman did, making an entrance that caused the very walls to shake and crumble. The shockwave from the entrance knocked Yuki back, tumbling over and over backwards, eventually slowing to a stop even farther away than he had been. "Owwwwwww." He moaned. No major injuries though and his diary was intact.

"...He's trouble." He answered the kid's question. "I just hope that...she'll be alright." He gulped again, raising his head to look over at them.


She glanced over when Kratos spoke up, her gaze immediately drifting to his eyes. "...That wasn't his eye color." Her vision shot to the side, at the balloon...yes. "They're the same." She turned back to Kratos. "You're under the influence of the mask." She commented, more to herself than anything. "That means I don't have to hold anything back. That mask is central to saving this world. I don't care about it in the slightest...but if there was no world, Yuki would die. Unacceptable." She slid her knife into it's sheath.

"YOU SEE YUKI? NOT EVEN THIS ONE PROVED TO BE ONE YOU COULD TRUST! HE SUCCUMBED! FURTHER PROOF, YOU AND I TOGETHER ARE ALL WE NEED!" She shouted before settling into her less emotional state once again.


"Cops, leave or stay so that we can finish this later. But do not get in my way." She warned, rising further into the air with her flight. Before she launched forward like a bullet herself, soaring through the air and seeking to grab the possessed Kratos and slam him into the ground as they went.


@TheSpringwoodSlasher @ResistingTheEnlightened
Leo simply stared at her. Contempt to keep a simple man alive. Not the strangest he's seen but, it was strange. But the fact she had so subtly asked him to stay, haha, okay. No. "You mistake me for an idiot. And I am no idiot.." He would follow up behind her, firing the AK at Kratos (Skull kid? Somewhat confused, am I.). He flew straightforward with a somewhat sadistic smile. He turned his head for a moment to look at Jamie before nodding at him. "I hope you follow, in aid."

Jamie quickly began to ran where the fight begun to ensue, holding the Police Cap before placing well controlled shots at the enemy, all the while trying to ignore the girl who shot at them.

@C.T. @TheSpringwoodSlasher

(If this is late, then I suppose you could send a message and I will fix)

Looking for a perch it seemed basically all the houses were the same size and set up. The only way to get on top it seemed would be to jump from the small hill.

The hill would do. Moving up it, he looked around, and, just as it seemed he was looking for something, he faced the sun and struck a pose.

"Praise the Sun!"


And he just stood there like that, for upwards of five minutes.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Kanzaki looked at the sun. Then at Aeric. Then back at the sun. Then at Aeric again.

"... Are you alright?"

@Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin
Kratos didn't even make a sound as Yuno tackled him out of the building. He remained quiet as the knives were plunged into him. As his vision finally became clear once more, he could see Yuno sitting atop him with the look of a wounded beast ready to strike out once more. He couldn't blame her for her anger. After being possessed by the spirit within Skull Kid's mask, he couldn't help but feel that he had yet again been made a pawn by a force far beyond him. Which was why he didn't resist as Yuno began to pound his face into mush. Once Yuki finally got her off him, Kratos ripped the knives out of his person and flung them to the side. His face was an absolute mess with a broken nose, blood smeared his face and various puncture wounds running down his chest.

Looking towards Yuno and Yuki, he huffed before drawing his blades and looking at the remaining guards. The ones who had avoided being sucked up in the tempest or being frozen to death. They shook in their boots at even a look from the spartan who in all honesty still had energy left in his reserves. But getting hit in the face repeatedly by a pissed off goddess did drain a bit of his energy.

"Leave. Now."


The guards didn't even have to think twice and quickly deciding screwing with Kratos or Yuno wouldn't lead to a long and healthy life, they threw down their weapons and ran for the hills. Spitting out a tooth, Kratos winced as he turned to face Yuno and Yuki.

"I attacked both of you and I was wrong to do so. The spirit within that mask burrowed it's way into my head, misdirected who the real enemy is and played on my past to achieve it's control. But it seems that it's host in the child has been found and spotted. Therefore it's grasp on me became too weak to sustain and I was released. Your response was more than warranted. I look forward to the day if one arises where we may fight each other without one side being manipulated. Your strength is enough to rival that of Zeus himself." Kratos admitted before stumbling as the two cops unloaded their guns into him.

Kratos was durable to say the least and although the bullets stung like a son of a bitch, he stayed on his feet and glared towards Jamie and his partner. He had no time for these fools and their projectile launchers. Someone had found the Skull Kid and was engaging him and he wouldn't lose this chance. So raising one of his blades, he'd slam it down as a section of the ground erupted and a thick wall of ice rose up to separate Jamie and Leo from him and Yuki/Yuno. Sparing another glance towards the odd couple, Kratos took off in the air and looked towards where he could barley make out figures leaping from rooftop to rooftop.

"If you've still the energy to fight then the one we share a mutual hatred of is within our grasp."

Then without waiting for a response, Kratos soared off in the direction of the Clock Tower and the buildings near it. Skull Kid was busy with his own problems. Hanji and Levi certainly were a persistent bunch. Flying could only get him so far when they had those nifty gadgets of theirs. So he decided to try and even things up. Swervng past particularly tall buildings, Skull Kid used his power to drag the buildings down to try and smash them down onto the two. As far as he was concerned, Victor and the two currently chasing him were nothing more than pests while the real threat lied in Yuno and Kratos.

But he was so close to Termina Field! He just had to lose them in the wilderness there and the natural disasters or the hostile fauna would take care of the rest. As he toppled building after building in an attempt to slow down Levi and Hanji or possibly crush them, Skull Kid returned to the rooftops as he was more than nimble and agile enough to leap from them without any fear of falling or being caught from behind. Even when he was in a hurry like this, this was still treated like nothing more than a game after all!

"You're all moving sooooo slow! I'm growing older by the second! If you three don't hurry up, I might keel over before you can even catch me! Hee hee!"

@C.T. @Lizzy @FireDrake150
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"..." He could be bruised, battered, stabbed, bleeding and overall looking like a train had hit him and spat him back up...but one fact remained. This guy was still fucking intimidating, despite all those injuries. Or perhaps because of them. The punishment he had just taken, to still be standing and talking and was very intimidating, to be frank. As if he needed more reason to be glad Yuno was with him, a hair breadth's away.

Yuki listened carefully throughout the explanation, grateful that they were back on the same side. For however long it lasted. If the kid could take him over while he was robust and in perfect condition...why not now? Yuno on the other hand was completely skeptical. She didn't care what she said. He had still proven to be more of a threat. If the time came, she would not hesitate to do what needed to be done. But for now, he was right. The mutual enemy needed to be dealt with.

She started forward, about to take off through the air and follow. "Stay here, Yuki. I'll be back. It's safer here." But no sooner than she had levitated off the ground did she feel a hand gripping her own and tugging her back down. She glanced back at him.

"You can leave. You can fight. You can be the craziest person I've ever known. But don't pretend that this place is safer when we both know the truth. The safest place is at your side. Doesn't matter how beat up you are or who you're fighting. I know that. So please don't go. Not without me." He pleaded.




She nodded, holding out her hand. He grasped it and they took off, soaring on after Kratos.

"Don't worry about beds! I can always improvise with corpses of the fallen foes I defeat and besides, I wouldn't kill random people, I would kill random murderous plants and animals then proceed to make game boards out of them. Anyways, I would like to learn more about the history of this world like how was it created? Who are some of the Big Bads? Some of the Big Goods? Anything that might help us? And what would cause the Goddess to reveal herself to us? And also, who the heck is Link?"

Meanwhile Mitten smiled,"I am called Mitten, serving my Lord Zanzibar who is conversing with the Old Lady down yonder. Your name is Balto correct? I have heard that name in a story. Back in the Age of Hate a disease spread in a town somewhere called Alaska before fire consumed my world. A wolfdog of sorts helped deliver medicine to save the town, but unfortunately that story had been lost for perhaps thousands, if not millions, of years. The Immortals had kept the stories of old until after the War of Races."

Mitten then switched to his normal langue, one Rowan would understand.

"And you could be a threat, but you are not likely to strike without reason unless you conspire for your own gain, but tell me, why have you taken an interest in Balto?"

@Librarian Cat @FireDrake150

Balto's mind exploded upon how much this cat knew about him... how did he know? It's rather much too annoying to think about, and doing so even further hurts his brain, at least he only knew of what he did, and not anything of his personal life or crazy stuff like that. He's still wondering who leads who in the relationship here...the human or the cat.

Victor chuckles. "What do you think I am? You may slingshot around, But I have my own abilities too." *He starts running after levi, Before drawing his swords and spinning like a bladed top, Climbing the building with it, Before sheathing them and drawing his guns, Firing them at Skull Kid. the two may use razors, But he has something FAR more effective at range.


Rowen nods, Storing the ball for later, Petting balto some more. "So, Balto, Where to?" If noting else, the Butler would at least be able to protect Balto.

@Librarian Cat.
Balto nodded at the man, and went to where Zanzibar and the Old lady were, hoping Rowen could speed up the conversation for everybody.
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Well everyone with him was heading towards the cave so Raven had no choice was to head to the cave as well.


@The Silver Paladin @Verite @Wedge Antilles @Kaykay @Bomb

The cave is dark. Several Deku babas attack, but Ashitaka and Kaneda clear them. When you exit, you enter a large wood.


You all notice a kid with a stick playing with a monkey.


"Let's go!" The kid swings the stick, hitting vines, and runs off with the monkey into the woods.

The woods look dark and scary.

Do you enter?

@Verite @Kaykay @Bomb @Wedge Antilles

Ven went quiet, watching Aeric praise the sun. Why did he do that? Bizarre...

"You're strange, mister," Ven bluntly spat out, following after him with Kanzaki until they reached the entrance of the bar.


"W-Wait, should I really be going in there? That's a bar, isn't it?"

Being underaged, Ven had never once been in a bar before. But, maybe it didn't matter? He stepped closer to the door, although hesitant.

@Verite @BarrenThin
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Ven went quiet, watching Aeric praise the sun. Why did he do that? Bizarre...

"You're strange, mister," Ven bluntly spat out, following after him with Kanzaki until they reached the entrance of the bar.


"W-Wait, should I really be going in there? That's a bar, isn't it?"

Being underaged, Ven had never once been in a bar before. But, maybe it didn't matter? He stepped closer to the door, although hesitant.

@Verite @BarrenThin

"Why, thank you!" Aeric called over his shoulder. He got very confused at the question. "How do you go into a bar? Isn't that a piece of metal?" Lordran didn't exactly have bars.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
  • Nice Execution!
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