Murder Game VIII: Legend of Zelda Extravaganza

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Ashitaka bowed his head, and gripped his sword. "We should keep moving forward."

He wasn't taken aback by Fizz. There were stranger things in Muromachi period Japan. Like, demon boars covered in worms, and a Deer god that turned into a black figure of death at night, or a boy with a cursed arm who rode an elk, and shot limbs off of samurai.

"I am Ashitaka Prince of the Emishi people." He bowed. "An honor."

USER=10578]@DapperDogman[/USER] @Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin @Crimson Spartan
"Hi!" Fizz said. "Do you know where we are, by any chance? Last I remembered I was napping in Bilgewater."

[USER=10578]@DapperDogman[/USER] @Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin @Crimson Spartan @Bomb
Accelerator & Kaori Kanzaki: Prologue - Parallel World in Real World


Everything always went according to Aleister Crowley's plans.

He was like a child, yet like an old man. Like a saint, yet like a devil. A magician, yet the creator of espers. He was a living contradiction, and the longer he lived, the greater these contradictions would become. But this was not a story about him. No, no. He was never an actor. He was the writer, manipulating the stage behind the scenes.

A few weeks ago, Touma Kamijou had reported a strange phenomena known as a Murder Game to his friend, Motoharu Tsuchimikado, who relayed this news to Crowley. A good amount of events had unfolded since then, but nothing too big yet. Nothing relevant at the very least.

"So, have you led Kaori Kanzaki back to Academy City?" Crowley, floating upside down in his tube that preserved his life, would ask the young magician standing before him.

"Yeah... I did as you asked," the magician in question, Stiyl Magnus, answered reluctantly, "But I gotta ask... What's the point of all this? What kinda stunt are you trying to pull, old man? What do you hope to accomplish by doing this?"

"Ah, but that is a secret for now, Stiyl Magnus. In time, everything will be made clear. But I will say one thing... to reach a phenomena that should not happen, you should recreate another phenomena that should not happen. That is my hypothesis."

"Tch, whatever. As long as there's no funny business..."

"Soon and very soon, you will see. Soon and very soon. I promise, dear Stiyl."

- - -

Kaori Kanzaki did not live in Academy City like Touma Kamijou did. She was one who associated with magic. So she was more of a church-goer. Usually resided in either Britain or Italy, though either way, as a Japanese woman, she stuck out from most other people. Still, that was beside the point. She was here for a reason, and then after she was done, she would leave like the wind.

According to Stiyl, Index was in trouble again, and of course, that meant serious business. She would need help if what Stiyl said was true. Index meant the world to her.

Little did she know, Stiyl's words were not true.

If she knew more about the world of science, she would be able to look through Stiyl's words, but alas, ignorance was her downfall in this case. If she were to be informed that a young man with white hair and pale skin called "Accelerator" had taken Index from her, she would believe Stiyl. Even though he were lying behind his teeth.

And that was why she was here. Her purpose was a lie. Yet the hidden agenda that even she was not aware of was very real.

Tracking down such a young man like the one known as Accelerator was easy enough. There weren't many people around with his kind of description, so he stuck out like a sore thumb, even though Academy City was quite the large area.

The meeting was simple enough. A classic misunderstanding between two souls who were normally peaceful, but often fought fiercely, driven to violence rather quickly.

Words were exchanged. Threats were made into promises.

"If you will not hand Index over to me, I will destroy you."


"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but if you're gonna keep annoying me, I'll make you regret it, bitch!"


And so the two titans began to clash.



Before they could get far in their fight, something amazing happened. Even by a magician's standards. Even by an esper's standards.

A portal had appeared out of nowhere. And despite their supersonic reaction speeds, the two warriors would find themselves unable to resist the vacuum of the portal. Before they knew it, they had been sucked in, and everything became black faster than either of them could think of anything else.

- - -

It was a surprisingly seamless transition of scenery for Kaori Kanzaki.

The same could not be said for Accelerator.

Kaori Kanzaki could feel a strange, mystical energy around the place, not unlike magic. However, Accelerator did not know of such a thing. The closest thing he had to magic energy was probably AIM Diffusion Fields, and even then, those were quite different. Either way, while Kanzaki was surprisingly calm, though still mystified, Accelerator was at quite the loss. Why did this happen? One moment, he was about to enjoy a good fight, the next, he was in... some forest? What the hell?

It clicked for Kanzaki, though.

"Hmph. Stiyl... This is why you brought me here..."

"Huh? Who the hell are you talking to?"

"It is nothing. Just a passing thought," Kanzaki replied, closing her eyes and shaking her head briefly, before beginning to walk off, "It seems that our fight will have to wait. I've lost my reason now that I realize I may have been deceived."

"What? Annoying bitch, you think you can just walk away from a fight that you started?!"


And so she did.

And Accelerator didn't do a damn thing about it.

Well, how pleasant.

Where was Kanzaki going? Well, to the other seemingly semi-conscious boy and the people crowding him, of course! Where else?

As the young woman would approach Ventus, along with the others including Cecelia and... that Zanzibar guy, she would look down at him, giving him an odd look. It wasn't exactly an apathetic look, but it wasn't overly concerned either. The boy almost reminded Kaori of Touma. The spiky hair, the dumb face... the air of willingness to protect others.

Damn those teenage boys these days.

"Excuse me... Are you alright?" She would proceed to ask Ventus, unaware of the full gravity of his situation. When she was not met with an immediate response, she would do the only sensible thing.

Poke his stomach with the hilt of her sword.

@The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Archwar

- - -

Meanwhile, what did Accelerator do? Not follow the weird bitch, for one.

Nuh-uh. He wasn't gonna have anything to do with her. Now, he was gonna go talk to more reasonable people.

Like that Scottish... knight. Oh.

Oh, boy.

Accelerator was gonna have fun in the East Log.

"Tch... what a pain. From one weird situation outta nowhere into another weird situation outta nowhere..." He would grumble to himself, facing Aeric, Ashitaka, and Astarte, "I don't suppose any of you people could explain where the hell this place is? Or why I'm here?"

What a pain.

@Raven @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Kaykay @BarrenThin
Cecelia knelt over Ventus's body. She pulled a healing potion from her inventory. "Here, drink this." She said opening his mouth. She uncapped it, and looked at Zanzibar. "He doesn't need a doctor. Leave him be." Cecelia said angrily. "He will be fine without a method done by a possible Sourcerer."


"Did you not see the heal spell I casted or did a Dreader munch on your eyes?" Zanzibar snickered.
"Did you not see the heal spell I casted or did a Dreader munch on your eyes?" Zanzibar snickered.

"I appreciate Magic, but I would advise you to not use it until I determine that you are not a Sourcerer." She said firmly. She turned to the new person. "What the hell are you doing? Whatever it is, it's probably better than his... Sourcerer magic." Cecelia just rolled her eyes, and started reading a spell book.

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"I appreciate Magic, but I would advise you to not use it until I determine that you are not a Sourcerer." She said firmly. She turned to the new person. "What the hell are you doing? Whatever it is, it's probably better than his... Sourcerer magic." Cecelia just rolled her eyes, and started reading a spell book.

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Ha, ha, ha! You believe in that hokey pokey type magic? This magic is far more different! I can do this!" Zanzibar pointed to himself and a dark beam hit his head transforming it into a mangled cat's head with flesh ripped apart and blood streaming down of the eyes."I am now a undead kitten! HA!"
"Hi!" Fizz said. "Do you know where we are, by any chance? Last I remembered I was napping in Bilgewater."

[USER=10578]@DapperDogman[/USER] @Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin @Crimson Spartan @Bomb

Ashitaka shook his head. "No. I'm sorry. I don't know where we are." He said. "Last I remembered, I was riding Yakul and freeing a village." Ashitaka shrugged. "This forest kind of reminds me of the one back home."

"Ha, ha, ha! You believe in that hokey pokey type magic? This magic is far more different! I can do this!" Zanzibar pointed to himself and a dark beam hit his head transforming it into a mangled cat's head with flesh ripped apart and blood streaming down of the eyes."I am now a undead kitten! HA!"

Cecelia muttered something, and kept on reading.
@East Log
@DapperDogman @Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin

As you walk soon the path seemed to change seeming like perhaps something more normal for you if you've ever traveled and seen paths in the woods. Maybe it leads somewhere or just to more trees.

This was all new and it seemed some more had joined them. First the creepy fish guy introduced himself as Fizz, Then the male introduced himself as Ashitaka, Finally the female who had joined them introduced herself as Astarte. "....I am Raven....These.....woods....lots of ambush spots..........Be careful....." Raven spoke and then took a second to look around as he moved with them. He was already keeping his sword close to him but also kept his Nasod arm behind him. After all of this he fell silent and let the others talk as they did. Chances were he wasn't much of a talker

@Kaykay @Raven @Bomb @The Silver Paladin @Verite @Wedge Antilles @Apologies if I missed anyone.
Zanzibar smiled, oh how fun this was going to be. He brought up a foot and brought it down onto Cecelia's head, intending to simply get her attention.

Cecelia fell to the ground, tossing the book, and ripping out several pages. Zanzibar had cut her forehead, and made her already dark red hair even redder. Cecelia fell on the ground. She rubbed her eye, and looked at the blood on her hand. Cecelia lay on the ground for a moment in pain, before fiddling for her dagger. Cecelia cried out in pain.

@Verite @anybody
Ashitaka shook his head. "No. I'm sorry. I don't know where we are." He said. "Last I remembered, I was riding Yakul and freeing a village." Ashitaka shrugged. "This forest kind of reminds me of the one back home."

This was all new and it seemed some more had joined them. First the creepy fish guy introduced himself as Fizz, Then the male introduced himself as Ashitaka, Finally the female who had joined them introduced herself as Astarte. "....I am Raven....These.....woods....lots of ambush spots..........Be careful....." Raven spoke and then took a second to look around as he moved with them. He was already keeping his sword close to him but also kept his Nasod arm behind him. After all of this he fell silent and let the others talk as they did. Chances were he wasn't much of a talker

@Kaykay @Raven @Bomb @The Silver Paladin @Verite @Wedge Antilles @Apologies if I missed anyone.
"So that's a solid no... Fucking hell," Accelerator cursed, running his hand through his hair. He gave Ashitaka a strange look. Prince? Village? Yakul? The hell was this guy on about? Was Accelerator stuck with someone down with chuunibyou? Because someone suffering from delusions and shit is the last thing he needed at the moment.

... Still, that sword looked a bit authentic. Like that Kanzaki woman's.

"So this means I'm stuck with all of you against my own will. Great... So then, what the hell are we gonna do in the meantime?"

@The Silver Paladin @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Wedge Antilles
Zanzibar frowned when the boy gave a ngh. He could still respond to stimuli, but must be in pain. He held up his hand and light swirled around it before jumping to the child's anime-styled head. The light gave off a sweet chim as it wrapped itself around the head and then traveled down the body enveloping him in a cocoon of light. The doctor didn't want his patients to die before he could get their yummy genes!

"That heal spell should beat the pain with a stick and make you feel all better! Note, sideeffects may include slight pain, nasusa, and temporary blindness." Zanzibar said, a grin on his face.​
Cecelia knelt over Ventus's body. She pulled a healing potion from her inventory. "Here, drink this." She said opening his mouth. She uncapped it, and looked at Zanzibar. "He doesn't need a doctor. Leave him be." Cecelia said angrily. "He will be fine without a method done by a possible Sourcerer."

"Excuse me... Are you alright?" She would proceed to ask Ventus, unaware of the full gravity of his situation. When she was not met with an immediate response, she would do the only sensible thing.

Poke his stomach with the hilt of her sword.

@The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Archwar


The keyblade bearing boy was unable to respond to any of their questions. "Sorry," he thought to himself. "I don't think I'm injured, just really weak. I must have been asleep for a long time. Maybe a few days, or something. Ngh, Aqua is really going to tease me about being a sleepy head now." No, kidding. Ven had been asleep for a very long time. In fact, he was off on his estimation by about eleven years. However, he had yet to find this out.

A yelp escaped the blond's lips when he was poked with the hilt of a blade. Ouch! He was sensitive to just about everything in his current state. If being touched hurt, how in the world was he even going to stand or move?

Thankfully, those around him decided upon coming to his aid. One of the people healed him, which was enough to stimulate his body into being able to move again, while the other offered him a potion to drink. Feeling the stiffness bogging down his body beginning to fade, Ven sat up slowly and gratefully took the potion. With his weak, tired hands he could hardly hold the potion though. It slipped from his grasp and fell to the ground in front of him, spilling.


"Oh! Sorry about that," he sheepishly mumbled, rubbing the back of his head. "I didn't mean to drop it. Guess I'm just really groggy and stiff. I think I've been... sleeping for a while," he said his voice coming out slow and tired sounding. He yawned loudly, affirming his statement. Ven then glanced to the woman who poked him with the hilt of her sword. "Ah, I think I'm okay now." He paused, taking a moment to look around where he was sitting. "Oh, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Ventus, but call me Ven!" he chirped, a bit of pep returning to his voice. "Do any of you... know where we're at right now?" he questioned.

@The Silver Paladin @Archwar @Verite
"So that's a solid no... Fucking hell," Accelerator cursed, running his hand through his hair. He gave Ashitaka a strange look. Prince? Village? Yakul? The hell was this guy on about? Was Accelerator stuck with someone down with chuunibyou? Because someone suffering from delusions and shit is the last thing he needed at the moment.

... Still, that sword looked a bit authentic. Like that Kanzaki woman's.

"So this means I'm stuck with all of you against my own will. Great... So then, what the hell are we gonna do in the meantime?"

@The Silver Paladin @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Wedge Antilles

"I-I don't know." Ashitaka said calmly. At that moment, his arm started acting up. The Ink black worms appearing. He quickly grabbed it to keep it under control. "Do any of you have water." He said straining the words.

@Crimson Spartan @Bomb @Kaykay @Wedge Antilles
Cecelia fell to the ground, tossing the book, and ripping out several pages. Zanzibar had cut her forehead, and made her already dark red hair even redder. Cecelia fell on the ground. She rubbed her eye, and looked at the blood on her hand. Cecelia lay on the ground for a moment in pain, before fiddling for her dagger. Cecelia cried out in pain.

@Verite @anybody
Zanzibar chuckled upon hearing the sweet music of pain and Cecelia fiddling with her dagger, but only cried out in pain. Anyways, he guessed he should just heal her and show that he wasn't all bad, just a lonely insane undying creature that needs love. Once again light went from hand to head healing the wound. It wouldn't matter if the woman hated him, since he had just obtain a bit of blood. A small amount of it was splattered on the ground and so would collect it once everything was sorted out. As for the boy, he came to calling himself Ventus or Ven for short. Apparently the boy was unaware that he had just injured Cecelia or their present location. This was going to be fun.

"We have died and have ended up in a very dark place. It may look like sunshine and rainbows, but there are very dark creatures here that will eat your heart out!"

@The Sliver Paladin
Zanzibar chuckled upon hearing the sweet music of pain and Cecelia fiddling with her dagger, but only cried out in pain. Anyways, he guessed he should just heal her and show that he wasn't all bad, just a lonely insane undying creature that needs love. Once again light went from hand to head healing the wound. It wouldn't matter if the woman hated him, since he had just obtain a bit of blood. A small amount of it was splattered on the ground and so would collect it once everything was sorted out. As for the boy, he came to calling himself Ventus or Ven for short. Apparently the boy was unaware that he had just injured Cecelia or their present location. This was going to be fun.

"We have died and have ended up in a very dark place. It may look like sunshine and rainbows, but there are very dark creatures here that will eat your heart out!"

@The Sliver Paladin

Cecelia quickly breathed. "So, I guess you aren't a Sourcerer after all. A Sourcerer would have just left me to die." She sheathed her dagger. "Don't lie to him."She said plainly. "He doesn't deserve that."

She looked at Ventus. "My name's Cecelia. I'm a Source Hunter. We currently don't know where we are, but we will figure it out soon, ok?" She gave Ventus a smile.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
This was all new and it seemed some more had joined them. First the creepy fish guy introduced himself as Fizz, Then the male introduced himself as Ashitaka, Finally the female who had joined them introduced herself as Astarte. "....I am Raven....These.....woods....lots of ambush spots..........Be careful....." Raven spoke and then took a second to look around as he moved with them. He was already keeping his sword close to him but also kept his Nasod arm behind him. After all of this he fell silent and let the others talk as they did. Chances were he wasn't much of a talker

@Kaykay @Raven @Bomb @The Silver Paladin @Verite @Wedge Antilles @Apologies if I missed anyone.
"Ambush? No one can ambush me! I ambush them!" Fizz said confidently. "But anyways, hi Raven."

@Kaykay @Raven @The Silver Paladin @Verite @Wedge Antilles @Crimson Spartan


The keyblade bearing boy was unable to respond to any of their questions. "Sorry," he thought to himself. "I don't think I'm injured, just really weak. I must have been asleep for a long time. Maybe a few days, or something. Ngh, Aqua is really going to tease me about being a sleepy head now." No, kidding. Ven had been asleep for a very long time. In fact, he was off on his estimation by about eleven years. However, he had yet to find this out.

A yelp escaped the blond's lips when he was poked with the hilt of a blade. Ouch! He was sensitive to just about everything in his current state. If being touched hurt, how in the world was he even going to stand or move?

Thankfully, those around him decided upon coming to his aid. One of the people healed him, which was enough to stimulate his body into being able to move again, while the other offered him a potion to drink. Feeling the stiffness bogging down his body beginning to fade, Ven sat up slowly and gratefully took the potion. With his weak, tired hands he could hardly hold the potion though. It slipped from his grasp and fell to the ground in front of him, spilling.


"Oh! Sorry about that," he sheepishly mumbled, rubbing the back of his head. "I didn't mean to drop it. Guess I'm just really groggy and stiff. I think I've been... sleeping for a while," he said his voice coming out slow and tired sounding. He yawned loudly, affirming his statement. Ven then glanced to the woman who poked him with the hilt of her sword. "Ah, I think I'm okay now." He paused, taking a moment to look around where he was sitting. "Oh, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Ventus, but call me Ven!" he chirped, a bit of pep returning to his voice. "Do any of you... know where we're at right now?" he questioned.

@The Silver Paladin @Archwar @Verite
Tentatively ignoring the... whatever was going on between Zanzibar and Cecelia, Kanzaki would keep her focus on Ventus for the time being. Hmph. Even when in a bad state, he was capable of being upbeat. Just like that other spikey-haired boy...

Offering a hand, Kanzaki would speak again.

"My name is Kaori Kanzaki. My apologies for... surprising you with my weapon," she said, "Though I am in the dark as much as you might be, I am sure that if we work together, we can find out where we are, and why we are here."

Strange. None of these people looked familiar, nor did their terminology. Sourcerers? Source Hunters? Sounded like hogwash to Kanzaki. She was familiar with terms like "Saints" and "Magicians," but... this was new.

Could this be what Tsuchimikado hinted at?

The bridge of different worlds? No, no. That was too far-fetched, even for a magician like her.

... But was it really?

@The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Archwar
"So that's a solid no... Fucking hell," Accelerator cursed, running his hand through his hair. He gave Ashitaka a strange look. Prince? Village? Yakul? The hell was this guy on about? Was Accelerator stuck with someone down with chuunibyou? Because someone suffering from delusions and shit is the last thing he needed at the moment.

... Still, that sword looked a bit authentic. Like that Kanzaki woman's.

"So this means I'm stuck with all of you against my own will. Great... So then, what the hell are we gonna do in the meantime?"

@The Silver Paladin @Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Wedge Antilles

"..." Astarte stared blankly at the others for a little while.​

"Location check. ...Failure. Location not recognized." It appeared her idea of "something to do" was try to see if she had any idea where she was. Naturally, she didn't. Now the fish, the strange sword men, and this albino boy all held her attention. What a strange bunch.

@Bomb @Crimson Spartan @The Silver Paladin @Wedge Antilles @Raven @Verite
Tentatively ignoring the... whatever was going on between Zanzibar and Cecelia, Kanzaki would keep her focus on Ventus for the time being. Hmph. Even when in a bad state, he was capable of being upbeat. Just like that other spikey-haired boy...

Offering a hand, Kanzaki would speak again.

"My name is Kaori Kanzaki. My apologies for... surprising you with my weapon," she said, "Though I am in the dark as much as you might be, I am sure that if we work together, we can find out where we are, and why we are here."

Strange. None of these people looked familiar, nor did their terminology. Sourcerers? Source Hunters? Sounded like hogwash to Kanzaki. She was familiar with terms like "Saints" and "Magicians," but... this was new.

Could this be what Tsuchimikado hinted at?

The bridge of different worlds? No, no. That was too far-fetched, even for a magician like her.

... But was it really?

@The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Archwar
Cecelia quickly breathed. "So, I guess you aren't a Sourcerer after all. A Sourcerer would have just left me to die." She sheathed her dagger. "Don't lie to him."She said plainly. "He doesn't deserve that."

She looked at Ventus. "My name's Cecelia. I'm a Source Hunter. We currently don't know where we are, but we will figure it out soon, ok?" She gave Ventus a smile.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Zanzibar chuckled upon hearing the sweet music of pain and Cecelia fiddling with her dagger, but only cried out in pain. Anyways, he guessed he should just heal her and show that he wasn't all bad, just a lonely insane undying creature that needs love. Once again light went from hand to head healing the wound. It wouldn't matter if the woman hated him, since he had just obtain a bit of blood. A small amount of it was splattered on the ground and so would collect it once everything was sorted out. As for the boy, he came to calling himself Ventus or Ven for short. Apparently the boy was unaware that he had just injured Cecelia or their present location. This was going to be fun.

"We have died and have ended up in a very dark place. It may look like sunshine and rainbows, but there are very dark creatures here that will eat your heart out!"

@The Sliver Paladin


Naturally friendly, even at a time like this, Ven was more than willing to reach out and shake Kaori's hand. "Hi there, Kaori, a pleasure to meet you. Don't worry, it's okay. I have a feeling any movement or touch would've startled me a moment ago. My body felt... kinda sensitive," he said, placing his free hand over his heart. Could sleeping a few days really weaken him that much? Perhaps he had slept longer and hadn't really been aware of it...

"Anyhow, if we're both confused with what's going on right now, I wouldn't see any harm in exploring this area. Wanna come with me? Maybe we can find something out," he suggested. He then glanced at Cecilia as well, offering her a friendly smile. "Cool! Would you like to come explore this place too then, Cecilia? Uh--"


The teen paused, narrowing his eyes frustratedly at Zanzibar's lies, along with the fact he had attacked Cecilia. "Hey, knock it off! This isn't a good time to be hurting anyone!" He frowned, grumbling for a moment. "And, it's not like I'm ten. Quit lying to me. I know we're not dead." If there was one thing Ven hated, it was being treated like a kid.

@Verite @Archwar @The Silver Paladin
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