Murder Game VI: Fusion

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Tails remembered part of his memory...

How he died.

How it happened.

And most importantly... his role.

However he wasn't able to see who it was. It happened too suddenly.

He did left a dying message... It was someone's name. But he can't remember who he wrote down.

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"...u-ugh..." Patchouli grumbled as she was finally waking up, and even though she was healed earlier... she felt sore everywhere. This was why she never liked going outside, because getting hurt mean really getting hurt.

"... yeah... it is."

Oh wait... the trial was starting?

Thankfully waking up in time to hear the strangely discolored bear explain some things to expect on the trial and some clues, Patchouli instantly began to think of those possibilities.

As much as Tails happened to be a cultist, someone that was working behind the scenes against them all possibly, Patchouli knew that this trial could mean a lot of things. For that, she began to think more in thought. That's when she looked over at Pietro, her tired look on her face easy to tell.

"Pietro... I... I apologize if... this stirs up unneeded problems... but with what we know..." Patchouli sounded pained, and that would be assumed that maybe it would be her tired complexion. However...


"... I fear... that it is possible... that you could had done this to Tails... even though he happened to be doing work behind our backs..." she spoke about her actual suspicions towards her lover. She didn't want to say so, but she hoped that it was only possibility and that she was wrong. The violet-haired librarian didn't want to live with a fact that her first romantic turned out to be a killer...

@Wedge Antilles

Pietro smiled. "You can be suspicious of many things with me. But I wouldn't kill a soul. Especially not Tails. Our friend. I have no need to kill when I have other skills to get what I want."

He thought, no better time to clear any lingering doubts in his mind while Patchouli was doing the same. "For equality. I'll ask if you haven't been killing others while I wasn't looking? I don't know what I would do with myself if you did."

@Gummi Bunnies
Now that they all had a moment to breath, Cole couldn't let that accusation by Nanami fly. He stepped up to one of the podiums, for that seemed like the most sensible thing to do. "I don't care what that message may or may not say, I didn't kill Tails. How could I? I've lost all my powers... I couldn't have, at all, grab the kid, put a rope around his neck, and then throw him up there or whatever. Not without everyone noticing me, anyway. It's bullshit to even suspect me." Letting out a frustrated breath, Cole pointed to Nanami. "Let's think about who could have done this... Who has those kinds of abilities? Who has powers that could assist them in this? I think I'm looking at someone with all of that and more right now!"

@Ziogen @All​
Pietro smiled. "You can be suspicious of many things with me. But I wouldn't kill a soul. Especially not Tails. Our friend. I have no need to kill when I have other skills to get what I want."

He thought, no better time to clear any lingering doubts in his mind while Patchouli was doing the same. "For equality. I'll ask if you haven't been killing others while I wasn't looking? I don't know what I would do with myself if you did."

@Gummi Bunnies
Considering how he died, Tails couldn't help but think that Pietro might be his killer.

"Pietro... Did you kill me?" Tails asked.

@Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies
"Finally, what a lame-o boss battle that was! For toppling the American government, I think it's time we heed The Prophet's words and get voting! He gave you those expensive tablets to use, but I have something a bit more subtle in mind!"

Monokuma raises his hands, and the bridge is nice enough to start changing shape. Don't fall off, as a circle of many wooden podiums and one throne pop up from the ground. The stuffed with fluff bear takes his place on the throne, for who better to oversee this bullshit? Each podium has a name for each and every one of you engraved on a bronze plaque. On the inside, facing the stool where you guys have the option to sit, is a screen and keyboard. This is where you'll input your votes!

In the middle of the circle rises an American flag. We shed a tear for the president lost today. And the three copies of said president.


"Yeehaw, it's time for a trial! You guys have been doing these already... I guess. Poor baby trials that really needed a bear's touch. Never send a cat to do a bear's job, I always say! Now, you have to determine who among you is a traitor! Apparently you've been really bad at that so far, so I expect that pattern to continue! Shout at each other, point out contradictions, go, fight, win!"

"Oh, and can someone hand out the clues or something? Someone usually does that and I'm way too important to bother!"

There's an awkward silence following this, but Jade eventually steps forward with a sigh. "... Very well."

"Tails died most certainly by being hanged. He suffered no other external injuries."

"As Tails was with us when we entered the B-D.O.M. room, he certainly died in there without any of us knowing. Whoever committed this crime was undoubtedly capable of great dexterity and finesse."

"Furthermore, as we didn't hear a thing, one has to wonder if the person behind this is not professional trained, but that's just a theory. This could also be capable through some kind of magical means, of course."

"Most interesting is that Tails managed to leave a dying message for us. He must have been quite determined to manage that. It's doubtful the message was modified before we noticed it as it took place right next to us, but who can say for sure? In any case, the message was..."


"Nanami has already pointed out that Cole or Cult could fit, but I suggest we think of every possibility before we so hastily go ahead."


"Jeez, enough talking! I wanna lay down some rules, yo! Remember, anyone who votes for The Prophet will get a traitor hint, courtesy of me, the cuddly bear! Keep in mind that you'll die. Upupu, think of it as a sacrifice for the greater good! All hints will be given to next of kin in case of death, so I hope you all have been shipping! With that in mind, remember that everyone must vote, and choosing not to vote will result in automatically voting for yourself! No way around this one! It's an official bear rule!

... Oh! And of course, anyone who has a monocoin may make a second vote! Let's see... ah, that's Springtrap and... Tails?! Oh well, what a waste of a monocoin!"​
"Tch! What is this?! I'm not gonna vote for this screwed-up stuff! Even if I were to guess correctly with my vote, I'm not gonna vote to kill someone! That's not gonna solve anything and it's just gonna beget more despair in the end! I--" Touma began to object, slamming a fist against the screen, speaking up against the monotonous, senseless killing and murdering. He wouldn't care if it would mean he'd get a vote placed on him. As long as it meant some poor, innocent fellow wouldn't have to die. However, before he could finish his rant, Kotomine cleared his throat, speaking up instead.

"If you do not have the nerve to take a life, or at least try to contribute to this investigation to track down those who are responsible for killing the other tourists under our noses, then stay out of this. This is not a place for petulant children. This is a matter of tradition for these sorts of Games, and if you cannot play by the rules, you are disqualified... in a painful manner," the priest spoke, clearing his throat, eyeing Chris as well for a brief moment, as the soldier was also unwilling to vote. What a coward. That hypocritical man could so easily shoot down menacing looking figures if he could tell himself that they were zombies or infected, but others? Well, that was just out of the question! Tch, what a hypocrite a hero like Chris Redfield could be, it seemed, "In any case, let us see what fruits will sprout from our little discussion by stating the facts. Whoever was able to simply take someone who was nearby us, hang him until dead without any visible signs of struggle or sounds to alert the others, and was able to quietly return to the rest of the group without raising any eyebrows, has to indeed be extremely quick on his feet, as Mr. Curtiss said," Kotomine said, taking the discussion from here like he used to. Oh, the good old days. When were those again? "Though the message written in blood is indeed suspicious, we cannot jump to conclusions just yet. As Mr. MacGrath had stated in his own defense, it is unlikely that he could have done the deed himself. Though he may be quite agile in his own right, this level of speed is too great for someone like him. No... I believe that logically, the only person who could have done this is Mr. Pietro Maximoff," he spoke, eyeing the speedster without any regrets, uncaring of what the young man might say or do to defend himself, "To move at speeds surpassing the speed of sound is quite a remarkable feat, and certainly enough to perform the task of murdering someone right beneath our noses. On top of that, he exhibited strange behavior according to the silent testimonies of other tourists, running off and doing God knows what... What say you all? Hmm?"

@Wedge Antilles @Atomyk @The Tactician @Librarian Cat @Raven @TheBombMan @Gummi Bunnies @Nate Dawg @ALL OF Y'ALL​
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"Just going to pick this up..." Naoki casually muttered as he picked up Tails's monocoin and claim the right to vote with it. Without a moment's hesitation, he placed a vote towards Cell and went back to watching shit go down in the group.

@Atomyk @Verite @DapperDogman @Librarian Cat
"Well I always believed I would be cast as suspicious. However, I'm not particularly attached to this body that brings me so much pain. I doubt I'll have the grace of actually dying, so I ask that one of you banish my ghost after all of this is over. And thusly, I vote for the Prophet. My clue will go towards Mr. Sadao, though personally I'd rather it be announced to everyone. Haah... to die and become a ghost is rather bad. Or is it good? I won't have to suffer the pain of my body while I'm a ghost, will I?"

And with that, Nanami sacrificed herself for the greater good. Fuck you, Prophet.

@Librarian Cat
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"Tails... No, I wouldn't kill you. I liked having you with me and Patchouli. We were a great team. We still could be."

@Gummi Bunnies
Tails couldn't believe it.

With the concept of the Murder Games and his death, he was lost. He can't believe anyone that he trusted. So this was what Destiny warned us, Tails thought.


Saddened, he went over to Cole and Nanami and talked with them about their conversation.

"I don't think that Cole could've murdered me." Tails said.

"However, if my memory is correct, the person whom I wrote wasn't my killer, but a name of a traitor, I believe.

@Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Verite @Ziogen
Pietro smiled. "You can be suspicious of many things with me. But I wouldn't kill a soul. Especially not Tails. Our friend. I have no need to kill when I have other skills to get what I want."

He thought, no better time to clear any lingering doubts in his mind while Patchouli was doing the same. "For equality. I'll ask if you haven't been killing others while I wasn't looking? I don't know what I would do with myself if you did."

@Gummi Bunnies

"I can't see the point of killing one, taking their life... when it does more bad than good. I have no gain for committing the act of murder, the world is already cruel enough to cast down this predicament to us all. In addition... I would never throw away the trust that you have towards me, and I know that you wouldn't do that either. We just... need to survive this... we really do..." Patchouli never understood the justification that most humans would use when it came to murder. While it was something of common knowledge in Gensokyo, it still brought concern to Patchouli that people were willing to take another's life on a whim.
Considering how he died, Tails couldn't help but think that Pietro might be his killer.

"Pietro... Did you kill me?" Tails asked.

@Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies
"Tails... No, I wouldn't kill you. I liked having you with me and Patchouli. We were a great team. We still could be."

@Gummi Bunnies

"T-Tails?..." this caught her by surprise, possibly because she assumed that he wasn't a ghost for she didn't seem him like this immediately after his death. However, she got herself together, she was used to seeing ghosts at this point. Hell, she was close friends with the Ghost Princess for crying out loud.

"... excuse my surprise," she smiled,"I just... didn't expect you to come around like so. I do feel disheartened to know that you were a cultist... but, I can forgive you. For all I know... you could had been made into a Cultist against your own will... However, your main concern is to find your killer."
"Tch! What is this?! I'm not gonna vote for this screwed-up stuff! Even if I were to guess correctly with my vote, I'm not gonna vote to kill someone! That's not gonna solve anything and it's just gonna beget more despair in the end! I--" Touma began to object, slamming a fist against the screen, speaking up against the monotonous, senseless killing and murdering. He wouldn't care if it would mean he'd get a vote placed on him. As long as it meant some poor, innocent fellow wouldn't have to die. However, before he could finish his rant, Kotomine cleared his throat, speaking up instead.

"If you do not have the nerve to take a life, or at least try to contribute to this investigation to track down those who are responsible for killing the other tourists under our noses, then stay out of this. This is not a place for petulant children. This is a matter of tradition for these sorts of Games, and if you cannot play by the rules, you are disqualified... in a painful manner," the priest spoke, clearing his throat, eyeing Chris as well for a brief moment, as the soldier was also unwilling to vote. What a coward. That hypocritical man could so easily shoot down menacing looking figures if he could tell himself that they were zombies or infected, but others? Well, that was just out of the question! Tch, what a hypocrite a hero like Chris Redfield could be, it seemed, "In any case, let us see what fruits will sprout from our little discussion by stating the facts. Whoever was able to simply take someone who was nearby us, hang him until dead without any visible signs of struggle or sounds to alert the others, and was able to quietly return to the rest of the group without raising any eyebrows, has to indeed be extremely quick on his feet, as Mr. Curtiss said," Kotomine said, taking the discussion from here like he used to. Oh, the good old days. When were those again? "Though the message written in blood is indeed suspicious, we cannot jump to conclusions just yet. As Mr. MacGrath had stated in his own defense, it is unlikely that he could have done the deed himself. Though he may be quite agile in his own right, this level of speed is too great for someone like him. No... I believe that logically, the only person who could have done this is Mr. Pietro Maximoff," he spoke, eyeing the speedster without any regrets, uncaring of what the young man might say or do to defend himself, "To move at speeds surpassing the speed of sound is quite a remarkable feat, and certainly enough to perform the task of murdering someone right beneath our noses. On top of that, he exhibited strange behavior according to the silent testimonies of other tourists, running off and doing God knows what... What say you all? Hmm?"

@Wedge Antilles @Atomyk @The Tactician @Librarian Cat @Raven @TheBombMan @Gummi Bunnies @Nate Dawg @ALL OF Y'ALL​


By seeing this vote being cast, Patchouli did feel disturbed inside, but yet, she didn't want to hinder the voting either. It was better to let everyone place their own opinions than to manipulate things to your own liking. that would be plain selfish of her.

This also reminded her that she had to vote... despite the many chances that this could take by who could be executed.

"... someone... who could had done a thing like this..."

Then she instantly placed it together with past murders. In that sense by applying the manner of C-3PO's death with Tails's death... especially with that message.


"Naoki... was it? Your vote is going towards Cell... It actually makes sense that way..."

@everybody fuck it​
"Well I always believed I would be cast as suspicious. However, I'm not particularly attached to this body that brings me so much pain. I doubt I'll have the grace of actually dying, so I ask that one of you banish my ghost after all of this is over. And thusly, I vote for the Prophet. My clue will go towards Mr. Sadao, though personally I'd rather it be announced to everyone. Haah... to die and become a ghost is rather bad. Or is it good? I won't have to suffer the pain of my body while I'm a ghost, will I?"

And with that, Nanami sacrificed herself for the greater good. Fuck you, Prophet.

"I knew someone would do it! You'll get your hint once your dead!"

"Shit, no! Nanami-- shit, stop! Change it now!" Cole was vainly reaching out from his podium, fully aware that wasn't doing anything with Nanami across the circle from him. "You shouldn't have to die like that!"

"Well I always believed I would be cast as suspicious. However, I'm not particularly attached to this body that brings me so much pain. I doubt I'll have the grace of actually dying, so I ask that one of you banish my ghost after all of this is over. And thusly, I vote for the Prophet. My clue will go towards Mr. Sadao, though personally I'd rather it be announced to everyone. Haah... to die and become a ghost is rather bad. Or is it good? I won't have to suffer the pain of my body while I'm a ghost, will I?"

And with that, Nanami sacrificed herself for the greater good. Fuck you, Prophet.

@Librarian Cat

"To sacrifice you, the few, for the needs of the many... How novel indeed. You are more adorable than I had imagined."

Yeah, Cole's anguished pleads also pleased Kotomine. Mmm, helplessness and despair.

@Ziogen @Atomyk
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"Bear. You have no idea what despair is. I keep my vote." She ignored Cole's call and Kotomine's... kotomineness.

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"I can't see the point of killing one, taking their life... when it does more bad than good. I have no gain for committing the act of murder, the world is already cruel enough to cast down this predicament to us all. In addition... I would never throw away the trust that you have towards me, and I know that you wouldn't do that either. We just... need to survive this... we really do..." Patchouli never understood the justification that most humans would use when it came to murder. While it was something of common knowledge in Gensokyo, it still brought concern to Patchouli that people were willing to take another's life on a whim.


"T-Tails?..." this caught her by surprise, possibly because she assumed that he wasn't a ghost for she didn't seem him like this immediately after his death. However, she got herself together, she was used to seeing ghosts at this point. Hell, she was close friends with the Ghost Princess for crying out loud.

"... excuse my surprise," she smiled,"I just... didn't expect you to come around like so. I do feel disheartened to know that you were a cultist... but, I can forgive you. For all I know... you could had been made into a Cultist against your own will... However, your main concern is to find your killer."



By seeing this vote being cast, Patchouli did feel disturbed inside, but yet, she didn't want to hinder the voting either. It was better to let everyone place their own opinions than to manipulate things to your own liking. that would be plain selfish of her.

This also reminded her that she had to vote... despite the many chances that this could take by who could be executed.

"... someone... who could had done a thing like this..."

Then she instantly placed it together with past murders. In that sense by applying the manner of C-3PO's death with Tails's death... especially with that message.


"Naoki... was it? Your vote is going towards Cell... It actually makes sense that way..."

@everybody fuck it​
"As much as I don't like being a cultist, I did it...

So I can see Cosmo again..." Tails said.

"When she died, she gave me a seed. It was my only memento."

"However during one of Dr. Eggman's wars, it was destroyed. That is why I am a cultist. To bring her back." Tails finished strongly.

@Gummi Bunnies
"As much as I don't like being a cultist, I did it...

So I can see Cosmo again..." Tails said.

"When she died, she gave me a seed. It was my only memento."

"However during one of Dr. Eggman's wars, it was destroyed. That is why I am a cultist. To bring her back." Tails finished strongly.

@Gummi Bunnies

"... so that's why..." Patchouli remembered of how Tails had spoken about someone named Cosmo, and given how he felt for her and how he reacted at times to Patchouli's intimacy with Pietro... she could understand the desperation he had to see someone that was dead.

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Hope is shocked at the death, and walks back over to the Doctor, making sure to smite any zombies in the way, his brand glowing blue again. Hope, you better look out, if you don't get it under control you'll have to Fight Alexander again. he stands beside the Doctor, waiting for instructions on what to do next. it seems he is being very quiet, having been nearby Tails when the murder happened, but having no part in it. Besides, none of his abilities could create a blood spatter like the one plaguing his newest friends corpse. "...The hell with it. If this continues, I'm going to become a Cie'th, and then everyone will have to deal with that....." His fists are clenched, and he casts his vote publicly for Monokuma , Not having any fucks to give at the flak he is liable to recieve for this. Thinking to himself, he determines that the blood spatter resembles the Red eye of Monokuma, and bases his vote on that, the ONLY evidence he seems to have. glancing again at the Doctor, it seems Hope is fairly angry, as well as traumatized. Blaming the Prophet for all of this internally, he prevented himself for voting him under context for not getting murdered by one of the Prophets schemes of dealing with those that try to vote him out. "This is NOT a tour, its a Massacre..........We're all here for one reason, to die......." he remembers Snow and how, in Hope's eyes, he murdered Hope's mother, and uses that in addition to his feelings here as fuel for the fire powering his anger.

@Atomyk @Librarian Cat (For the Vote)

@Mighty Roman (For content)
"Bear. You have no idea what despair is. I keep my vote." She ignored Cole's call and Kotomine's... kotomineness.

"Nanami-- no!" Hands gripping at the podium, Cole moved to leap over it so that he could walk over to Nanami.

"No roughhousing or jumping all over the podiums!" exclaimed Monokuma. "Like a circus in here if I don't tell you guys that. And not the good kind with bears!"

Cole glared at Monokuma, before turning back to Nanami. "You-- you're letting all that--" Cole cut himself off, clearly wanting to say more. His face was furious as he stared Nanami down. "I don't care about the pain you're going through. You're being a coward. You're weak. All that power and you're so weak. When you offered to help me, were you bluffing, Nanami?"

Current Votes

Pietro - 1
Cell - 1
Monokuma - 1
The Prophet - 1
Hope is shocked at the death, and walks back over to the Doctor, making sure to smite any zombies in the way, his brand glowing blue again. Hope, you better look out, if you don't get it under control you'll have to Fight Alexander again. he stands beside the Doctor, waiting for instructions on what to do next. it seems he is being very quiet, having been nearby Tails when the murder happened, but having no part in it. Besides, none of his abilities could create a blood spatter like the one plaguing his newest friends corpse. "...The hell with it. If this continues, I'm going to become a Cie'th, and then everyone will have to deal with that....." His fists are clenched, and he casts his vote publicly for Monokuma , Not having any fucks to give at the flak he is liable to recieve for this. Thinking to himself, he determines that the blood spatter resembles the Red eye of Monokuma, and bases his vote on that, the ONLY evidence he seems to have. glancing again at the Doctor, it seems Hope is fairly angry, as well as traumatized. Blaming the Prophet for all of this internally, he prevented himself for voting him under context for not getting murdered by one of the Prophets schemes of dealing with those that try to vote him out. "This is NOT a tour, its a Massacre..........We're all here for one reason, to die......." he remembers Snow and how, in Hope's eyes, he murdered Hope's mother, and uses that in addition to his feelings here as fuel for the fire powering his anger.

@Atomyk @Librarian Cat (For the Vote)

@Mighty Roman (For content)

"I'm sure you think you're clever, don't ya? Let me tell you, I've received so many votes, they've lost all meaning! Yours is just as meaningless, and may as well count as not voting at all. If you're fine with essentially voting for yourself, then that's fine by me!"

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