Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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"Kid with a-- What? Who are you even?! I'll answer your question if you drop and give me ten!" the man exclaimed.​
Rocket looked at the man. "Ten?" She asked confused then thought a moment. 'He must me push ups or sit ups. Something I had to do in school...' She paused before deciding in her thoughts. "Well first I'll answer your question. Names Rocket. And yeah kid with a water gun. He tried a prank and now I want to well teach the kid a lesson. And I think your a little old to be trying to tell someone my age to do a child's exercise but whatever." She got down on her hands and knee. 'The things I do for people. Especially men...' She thought to herself. 'Blue really has changed me some...' She thought but didn't mind doing something childish she had ran away when she was still a teen so this was her catching up some one might say. She began to do the push ups hopping that was what the man meant. 'One, two...' She counted to ten then stood once more. "Okay your turn answer my questions on the kid please sir." She said no longer smiling.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk
"Nice" Marcus said as he smiled at the resulting devastation. He quickly pulled out the Happy Beam pin and shot it a few times at a nearby wall.

"I'll save the other one for later," he said, "but you can try out your other ones."

@Thuro Pendragon
Hurley quickly took out one of the other ones and concentrated. Activating it. His hand caught on fire.


Hurley started to shake his hand around trying to put it out. Eventually he flung it so hard the flames flew off his hand and onto the nearby building. Lighting it on fire.

@Wedge Antilles
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Hurley quickly took out one of the other ones and concentrated. Activating it. His hand caught on fire.


Hurley started to shake his hand around trying to put it out. Eventually he flung it so hard the flames flew off his hand and onto the nearby building. Lighting it on fire.

@Wedge Antilles
Marcus laughed. "That was hot," he said as he laughed.

"You got one more to try, right?" he asked.

OOC: stepping out into the city for the afternoon, feel free to drag Marcus wherever you go

@Thuro Pendragon
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"And it made me attack mine, Shiki. Remember, this thing is a doppelganger of some kind, not the real thing," the casual remark was juxtaposed by the on-edge stance Minato had taken when he witnessed the dummy transform again. It seemed this persona it had taken on was more aggressive against trainees and had to be dealt with carefully. He readied himself to step in if need be.

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"?!" Ciel blinked in surprise as the dummy transformed once again. She prepared to advance further, until she got a good look at the person that the dummy transformed into. The young woman gritted her teeth a little. Something inside her told her not to attack, that she knew who this was. But she couldn't remember. Maybe it had something to do with that damned entry fee.

It was as Minato went through; having a doppleganger of someone he seemed to know appear, and it seemed that the others had gone through the same. That's right. This was only a copy... so whoever this was, friend or foe, it wasn't the real deal anyway.

Shaking her head briefly, she rushed forward, swinging her sword at the dummy's neck, starting simple, trying to push the fact that she knew who this was out of her head.

The young man quickly ducked to dodge Ciel's attack, countering with an attempted jab at her using his knife. "You don't want to do this, Ciel," he said to her, as if he knew her...


"You can do it, Ciel!" Shiki cried, watching the young woman before glancing to Minato. "Are you and Ciel partners in the game?" she asked, curious.

@Verite @The Pimp Tactician
Jenny continued to make her way through the city for a pretty long time. Everything she saw was so new and impressive, all of her attention was directed to the buildings around her. She didn't even care about the people. After a while of wandering around the city and taking everything in, her smile grew even wider when she saw a Training facility. If she was going to explore anyway, why not start with the area she was most familiar with?

With big, confident steps, she made her way inside the building and started looking around for any proper places to test her skills.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Rocket looked at the man. "Ten?" She asked confused then thought a moment. 'He must me push ups or sit ups. Something I had to do in school...' She paused before deciding in her thoughts. "Well first I'll answer your question. Names Rocket. And yeah kid with a water gun. He tried a prank and now I want to well teach the kid a lesson. And I think your a little old to be trying to tell someone my age to do a child's exercise but whatever." She got down on her hands and knee. 'The things I do for people. Especially men...' She thought to herself. 'Blue really has changed me some...' She thought but didn't mind doing something childish she had ran away when she was still a teen so this was her catching up some one might say. She began to do the push ups hopping that was what the man meant. 'One, two...' She counted to ten then stood once more. "Okay your turn answer my questions on the kid please sir." She said no longer smiling.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING OLD!?" The man cried fiercely. "I'll have you know, I'm in the prime of my youth. Why, just the other day I ran ten laps around this entire school building wearing a weighted vest. I'd rather not talk about it... but still, I did that!"

He folded his arms and grumbled, watching Rocket perform the push-ups. "There, now that's more like it. Now, you're asking about some fellow with a squirt gun, eh? I haven't seen a squirt gun, but I saw some man in a trench coat running around the track with the students. Maybe if you run a few laps and catch up with them, you'll find him... The name's Jim, by the way. I'd rather you call me that then an old man."

@Atomyk @Raven
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Ashabel, the Dancer

Scene 1: The Battle Rages
Ashabel awoke with a slight pounding in her head. The transition from life to death had not been an easy one for her. For a few moments, she lay on the hard ground and reflect on her final moments. Images swam in her mind: landscapes stained cardinal with the blood of men, dancing past and in between swords or spears, and the path of destruction that followed her as she flowed through the battlefield. It left men cleaved in twain. She danced and spun, flowing like a lethal liquid, crushing bone and rending flesh wherever she went.

But then there was the pain, starting in her abdomen and travelling up her spine. Poison. The assassin quickly scampered through the battlefield, leaving a small dagger protruding from her side. Disoriented and already succumbing to the effects of the toxic substance, Ashabel was powerless to stop him. It wasn't long before the increasingly large maroon stain against the white of her bodice attracted the attention of her handmaidens, who deftly removed her from the battlefield. Diana and Narya. These two girls had been with her for a number of years. She had found them as orphans outside her salon in the Canton, and in one of her more charitable moments, decided to adopt them and teach them her ways. Part of her believes even this act was selfish since there was such a large void to fill after her husband passed. The girls dragged to her to a small clearing away from the fighting.

Scene 2: The Death of the Dancer

"Narya! Hurry find an antidote!" Diana screamed, tears beginning to well in her eyes. Panicked and scared, Narya fiddled with twelve vials produced from a leather satchel. Narya read the label on each, administered her mentor a few, however it could not stop the poison ravaging Ashabel's body. After Diana tipped Ashabel's head forward to try a third antidote, Ashabel raised her hand in protest.

"That is enough, darling. There is naught we can do," Ashabel said calmly and patiently, realizing these were her last moments. She was not the only one. Narya hung her head as tears began streaming down her face.

Diana watched on in disbelief. She began, "No! Mother, you can't! You can't gi-" Ashabel raised a single finger to Diana's mouth.

"Hold my hand, both of you." Ashabel said quietly. The girls obediently complied, Diana taking her left hand and Narya her right. "Join me in song one last time, my darlings." Although they struggled due to the snot clogging their nose, the girls managed to produce a sweet, lilting melody, which Ashabel harmonized with, feeble as her own voice was. Together, they sang a song that was not flawless, but beautifully marred by its own mistakes.

After some time, Ashabel quieted, content to listen to her daughters sing. Their clear voices filled the air with a sense of peace. They gripped the sleeves of her dress tightly, reminding her of the children she had found clutching at a pile of blankets in the fierce winter cold. It was enough to comfort Ashabel as she began to fade from consciousness. She smiled up at her girls, saying, "We are but shadows at the close of day." The dancer was finally at rest.

Scene 3: New Beginnings
Of course, it was too good to be true. She rose from the ground, as the phoenix rises from its own suffocating ashes. Taking a survey of the area, Ashabel was surprised to find herself in the middle of what appeared to be a large city, although it was a far cry from the tranquil villas found in the South. It was loud, bustling, full of lights and noise. And, distractions. There were flashing lights, although whatever strange power fueled these lights was unknown to her. She reached into the folds of dress, fingering the player pin that had been given to her. What was she to do now?

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Minato nodded, still not stepping into the fight, "Yes, we are. That's why we're together at all, because we needed to find partners quickly. Why?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite

"Well, I was just curious because partners are important, even if you meet them pretty quickly. I've learned that forming a bond with your partner can be very important. Like Neku and I, we don't always get along, but he's not so bad once you get to know him. As a player who has been playing the game for a while, that's my advice to you. The stronger you bond is, the stronger you are as a team. Just like Neku and I, we make a great team. I like being his partner!"


Neku blushed and looked away after Shiki spoke. "Wh-Whatever, Shiki," he said, keeping his gaze averted.

@Verite @The Pimp Tactician

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING OLD!?" The man cried fiercely. "I'll have you know, I'm in the prime of my youth. Why, just the other day I ran ten laps around this entire school building wearing a weighted vest. I'd rather not talk about it... but still, I did that!"

He folded his arms and grumbled, watching Rocket perform the push-ups. "There, now that's more like it. Now, you're asking about some fellow with a squirt gun, eh? I haven't seen a squirt gun, but I saw some man in a trench coat running around the track with the students. Maybe if you run a few laps and catch up with them, you'll find him... The name's Jim, by the way. I'd rather you call me that then an old man."

@Atomyk @Raven
Rocket held in a laugh and stared at the man. When he finally answered her question after her push ups she nodded. "Thanks that trench coat kid is the one." She looked at the track then to Jim. "Jim? I like old man better pops" She said finally giving a chuckle. "Don't feel to bad though Jim. I'm sure I can't say to much about age much longer. And I better get back to catching that kid if he really did join your um... Students?" She said the last part in a little bit of a question. Then before he could tell her to do more push ups she headed off and began to run as if she was trying to not get caught by Blue.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk

The young man quickly ducked to dodge Ciel's attack, countering with an attempted jab at her using his knife. "You don't want to do this, Ciel," he said to her, as if he knew her...


"You can do it, Ciel!" Shiki cried, watching the young woman before glancing to Minato. "Are you and Ciel partners in the game?" she asked, curious.

@Verite @The Pimp Tactician
"Huh...?!" Ciel flinched as she was blocked and called by her name, barely able to dodge the counterattack and dash backwards to briefly get away.

So it seemed that the dummy could collect information. That would prove to be troublesome, especially if she wanted to pretend it was any other opponent, but she shouldn't let it deter her, or else she might lose the fight for all she knows. After all, it does seem like the dummy is a learning opponent.

Deciding it'd be useless to try to respond to the dummy like it was a responsive entity, she decided to try again, running over to the side and trying for a slice at the dummy's side!
A reaper sees Emma sitting on the ground all alone.


"Hey lady, don't look so glum. I'm sorry that bench broke. The repair reapers around here haven't been doing a good job lately. Cheer up and go find something to do. There are a few things the reapers have set up for the players while they wait for the games to start."​
"Well dear," Emma Frost replied to the reaper as she stood up, "don't fret about me. Fret for the imcompetent repairers. Do give them my worst regards."


Emma then looked around. "What now?". She saw some person with a street performer, that looked at least a little interesting, so she walked towards the street performer.
"Don't worry, I understand what you mean. Back in my home, the powers I used relied on the bonds I forged with others," a smile tugged the corner of his lips, "You could even call me a professional friend with how many people I met and bonded with."

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Jenny continued to make her way through the city for a pretty long time. Everything she saw was so new and impressive, all of her attention was directed to the buildings around her. She didn't even care about the people. After a while of wandering around the city and taking everything in, her smile grew even wider when she saw a Training facility. If she was going to explore anyway, why not start with the area she was most familiar with?

With big, confident steps, she made her way inside the building and started looking around for any proper places to test her skills.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Training Center

When you approach The Training Center, you see a small sign hanging in front of it's door.

Afterlife Exercise

Open: Monday - Friday from 8am to 10pm
Free classes for Pin training available now!

You push the door open and walk inside to be greeted by the receptionist.

"Welcome to Afterlife Exercise! To your right you will see our free exercise area and training equipment. We have treadmills, weights, punching bags, and all other equipment imaginable. You're welcome to use anything in the room as target practice to test out any of your new pins. To your left, are three rooms where our Pin training classes are held. You may choose any of the three rooms to visit if you would like. If you have any questions, just ask me," she says.

You look to the right and can see the gym area.

You can also see a pair of young teens who appear to be talking with Minato and Ciel.


Oh yeah, and there is a very interesting set of training dummies set up in the gym.

A. Speak with the teens
B. Speak with the man in the trench coat.
C. Target practice or use any of the other gym equipment. *wink wink* *hint hint* :3
D. Choose Training Room #1
E. Choose Training Room #2
F. Choose Training Room #3
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Rocket held in a laugh and stared at the man. When he finally answered her question after her push ups she nodded. "Thanks that trench coat kid is the one." She looked at the track then to Jim. "Jim? I like old man better pops" She said finally giving a chuckle. "Don't feel to bad though Jim. I'm sure I can't say to much about age much longer. And I better get back to catching that kid if he really did join your um... Students?" She said the last part in a little bit of a question. Then before he could tell her to do more push ups she headed off and began to run as if she was trying to not get caught by Blue.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk

"O-Old man? Pops!? Now see here, you disrespectful brat, I'll have you expelled for this nonsense! And you won't be finding any kid in a trench coat!" he shouted, truing to run after Rocket. He wheezed after a few steps, however, and was left far behind as she ran.

The man in the trench coat could be seen running between in a big group of students. Rocket was gaining on him! If she reached out, she might be able to grab his coat!

@Raven @Atomyk

"O-Old man? Pops!? Now see here, you disrespectful brat, I'll have you expelled for this nonsense! And you won't be finding any kid in a trench coat!" he shouted, truing to run after Rocket. He wheezed after a few steps, however, and was left far behind as she ran.

The man in the trench coat could be seen running between in a big group of students. Rocket was gaining on him! If she reached out, she might be able to grab his coat!

@Raven @Atomyk
Rocket barley heard the man but his threat was pointless to her. 'I'm in my twenty's the old fool.' She thought giving a chuckle as she ran. She passed a few people and made them get out of the way soon getting right behind the boy who played the prank. She reached out her right hand and tried grabbing his trench coat and hoped to stop him or slow him down enough to catch him.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk
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"Don't worry, I understand what you mean. Back in my home, the powers I used relied on the bonds I forged with others," a smile tugged the corner of his lips, "You could even call me a professional friend with how many people I met and bonded with."

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Shiki chuckled. "A professional, huh? Well in that case, I guess you have nothing to worry about! Hey, we can even be friends if you want. It never hurts to have more players around you can trust."


"Yeah, cause you never know when your own partner could bite the dust and you might need a backup," Neku snickered.


"Hey! That's not the reason I was suggesting we be friends at all, Neku! I'm not that selfish! Sheesh!"
"Huh...?!" Ciel flinched as she was blocked and called by her name, barely able to dodge the counterattack and dash backwards to briefly get away.

So it seemed that the dummy could collect information. That would prove to be troublesome, especially if she wanted to pretend it was any other opponent, but she shouldn't let it deter her, or else she might lose the fight for all she knows. After all, it does seem like the dummy is a learning opponent.

Deciding it'd be useless to try to respond to the dummy like it was a responsive entity, she decided to try again, running over to the side and trying for a slice at the dummy's side!


The dummy tried to dodge Shiki's attack, unable to completely dodge it, however. Her attack sliced open his side. He stopped for a moment to grab his wound, letting his guard down for a split second. Now was Ciel's chance to finish him off!​
"Well dear," Emma Frost replied to the reaper as she stood up, "don't fret about me. Fret for the imcompetent repairers. Do give them my worst regards."


Emma then looked around. "What now?". She saw some person with a street performer, that looked at least a little interesting, so she walked towards the street performer.
While waiting for Marie to respond, the street performer watched as Emma walked up to meet him.

"Well hello there, care for a riddle?" he asked with a wink. "If you can get my riddle right, I'll give you something special!"​
Asha ended up losing interest in the creature and the person, and headed for the well, staring down it to see if there was anything.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Josh M @Levy McGarden


When you approach the wishing well that a few have visited already, you hear that he is still offering gifts.

"Toss in one of your pins and I will give you a gift."

Pins are very important to you, because they are your only method of fighting. Although if you toss one in, there's a chance you may not get it back. However, the free gift could possibly turn out to be something handy.

Do you toss in one of your pins? Y/N​
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