Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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In the bright sunlight, of a city that had its secrets, I noticed a large gathering of people in front of me. Odd people. Some I recognized from their picture - cripes, there was one from an old Detective Comics! I turned about, to go back in through the white door and give Pete . . er, Death a piece of my mind. The afterlife? This wasn't afterlife, this was three o'clock the next day, after a night spent in the bottom of your whisky bottle!

The door wasn't there. I was out, on the street, with folks crazier than a Minnesota loon out on the lake under a full moon. I pulled my trench coat around me, and shoved my hands into the pockets - only to discover that my roscoe wasn't there. I don't know why I was surprise at the gun's absence - in my line of work, the dead normally don't take their guns with them. I should be glad I still had my hat.

There was one there, short, in a tan jacket, who was waving his hands over his head, as if that would make him seem taller. Keeping one eye on the rest of the bunch, I walked up to within arms-length behind him. "So, friend, what's the scoop? Lost your dog?"

@Ozzie Chanter
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Marcus looked at a stranger talking, in his direction.

"I don't know. I really don't know. I don't have any memories before coming here. I have this phone, some pins, and my name."


Marcus looked at the pins in his possession. "I think I'm a decent fighter, but it would be hard to part with one of these powers."

He thought for a moment. "I'm not giving up much right now with this pin so I'll drop the 'Me Time is Free Time' pin. I'd better get something good out of this."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
The voice sighed, starting to sound exasperated. How many of these players were going to ask him for gifts? At this rate, he was going to feel like Santa Claus.

"Okay, I guess I'll give you something too," he said to the next player who tossed in one of their pins.

In a puff of smoke, a coupon appeared in Marcus' hand.


"That's for one free hot dog. You can buy them at the town square. You can't get there right now because you're trapped in this area, but that's not my fault. I hear there's something special about the hot dogs in this town though. Maybe you should go check the place out when you can."

You gained: Coupon for one free hot dog. Cash it in at the town square when it becomes accessible at the start of round one!

You lost: Me time is free time pin for 2 rounds. (The prologue round and round 1.) The pin will be returned to you at the start of Round 2.
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The pain in Gajeel's eyes didn't fade, yet it was slowly accompanied by joy as she kissed him, the red mark on his face feeling as if it were nothing, despite her still fairly intense strength. All that mattered to him what the fact that it really was her, and, after she kissed him once more, his eyes shown with new purpose as he spoke, staring into her own.
"I did that because I love you, Shorty, and I'd gladly give my life for yours again in a heartbeat."

Clasping her hands within his own, he kissed her this time, returning his gaze to where it had once been as he gently broke away. "I want to be with you. Whether it's in life, death, or oblivion, I will always be with you, and, if not physically, then I'll always be in your heart."

@Levy McGarden
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"I think I gave a memory up too. There's just something missing from my mind."

Hurley glanced down at his pocket.

"Do you want to try out these super powers?"

@Wedge Antilles
Marcus nodded with interest. "Yeah, go for it" he replied.

He had thrown one of his pins, one of his powers into the well, but he was also curious to see what he had left in the bag.
Rocket grinned seeing him run off into a room. 'I bet I have him now.' She thought and opened the door to look for him. "Come here you little...." She said trailing off in search for him not sure what she would find while searching.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Training Room #2


You enter the room and the first thing you can see is a giant running track. There appears to be a group of young high school students running around the track with sweat dripping down their beat-red faces. At the start of the track, you can see their instructor...


"That's it! Five more laps and you'll feel the burn in the back of your legs like the one time I went hiking at the Great Smokey Mountains! Uh... but I'd rather not talk about it..."

The door shuts behind you. It appears, for the moment, you're stuck in this room. And the mysterious man you've been chasing is nowhere to be seen for the moment. He probably ended up getting mixed in with the students running around the track...

Talk to the instructor? Y/N

@Atomyk @Raven
The voice sighed, starting to sound exasperated. How many of these players were going to ask him for gifts? At this rate, he was going to feel like Santa Claus.

"Okay, I guess I'll give you something too," he said to the next player who tossed in one of their pins.

In a puff of smoke, a coupon appeared in Marcus' hand.


"That's for one free hot dog. You can buy them at the town square. You can't get there right now because you're trapped in this area, but that's not my fault. I hear there's something special about the hot dogs in this town though. Maybe you should go check the place out when you can."

You gained: Coupon for one free hot dog. Cash it in at the town square when it becomes accessible at the start of round one!

You lost: Me time is free time pin for 2 rounds. (The prologue round and round 1.) The pin will be returned to you at the start of Round 2.
"This sucks," Marcus said. "I don't even feel hungry, might be useful later."
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"You know, light travels faster than sound. That's why people appear bright before you hear them speak," the juggler said with a chuckle. "You happen to be one of those, my dear. That answer is wrong~ Care to try again? Also, if you don't like that riddle I have others you may try," he said, loosing control of one of the balls he was juggling. The ball flew and hit Marie on the head. "Sorry," he said with a laugh.
She frowned when she found she was wrong- she did hate being told that. A ball knocked her in the head and she jumped. "Ow!" Politely, though, she picked it up from where it had landed after bouncing off of her head and handed it to him. Then, she sighed. "I honestly don't know. Maybe another riddle?"
Minato's visage was emotionless, set into stone as he gave no mercy to the fake. For a few moments after he finished killing the thing, he stayed there, watching for any sign of movement in it. He nodded and stepped off the clone once he was certain he had finished the job. Extracting the blade from the fake's wound, Minato pulled out a piece of soft cloth and wiped the bleed of even fluids that may have remained, "I'm fine, Shiki, though thank you for your concern. Ciel, I apologize for making you back down then acting how I did. I should have let you dealt with it."

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Well, the deed is done now. Just let me train and see how I fare against the dummy," Ciel said. She was curious about this shifting ability that the dummies seemed to have, and wondered who would appear if she were to face it. Approaching another dummy, she hit it with her sword, before quickly stepping back to maintain a safe distance.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Training Room #2


You enter the room and the first thing you can see is a giant running track. There appears to be a group of young high school students running around the track with sweat dripping down their beat-red faces. At the start of the track, you can see their instructor...


"That's it! Five more laps and you'll feel the burn in the back of your legs like the one time I went hiking at the Great Smokey Mountains! Uh... but I'd rather not talk about it..."

The door shuts behind you. It appears, for the moment, you're stuck in this room. And the mysterious man you've been chasing is nowhere to be seen for the moment. He probably ended up getting mixed in with the students running around the track...

Talk to the instructor? Y/N

@Atomyk @Raven
Rocket shrugged and headed toward the instructor. "So um... Excuse me sir. But have you seen a kid with a water gun?" She asked the man.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk
Hurley took the sexy (seriously Klutzy) pin out his pocket and held it in his left hand while extending his right to the man in the trenchcoat.

@Wedge Antilles
"What, am I supposed to hold you hand?" Marcus asked, a bit weirded out. He didn't have much memories but having a lot of space on a hard drive doesn't make a computer than much more efficient.

He put his hand against the stranger's.
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The Joker laughed as Kanye got closer. He found the man's threats unbelievably amusing.

"You know, I remember gouging out someone's eyes the other day. He looked a lot like you," He said cheerily. "Now, now, don't get your panties in a twist. I wouldn't want to have to do the same to you." The man clearly didn't intimidate Joker in the slightest.


The Joker was a bit too busy to pay much attention, but he winked at Maxwell suggestively.

Kanye looked away and scoffed. "Psh, maaaan, I ain't got time for you. I got things to do yo, got money to spend and shit. So get yo ass outta my face man, I aint feelin like smackin you up." He turned away from the Joker, waving him away with a gesture of his hand before walking off.
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"I don't know dude. It just feels...right, you know. Its like I can feel instructions coming from the pin."

When Hurley's hand contacted the other man's the Sexy pin sent out a pulse of energy, nearly uprooting all the nearby vegetation but leaving the two men curiously unaffected.

@Wedge Antilles
Minato's visage was emotionless, set into stone as he gave no mercy to the fake. For a few moments after he finished killing the thing, he stayed there, watching for any sign of movement in it. He nodded and stepped off the clone once he was certain he had finished the job. Extracting the blade from the fake's wound, Minato pulled out a piece of soft cloth and wiped the bleed of even fluids that may have remained, "I'm fine, Shiki, though thank you for your concern. Ciel, I apologize for making you back down then acting how I did. I should have let you dealt with it."

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Well, the deed is done now. Just let me train and see how I fare against the dummy," Ciel said. She was curious about this shifting ability that the dummies seemed to have, and wondered who would appear if she were to face it. Approaching another dummy, she hit it with her sword, before quickly stepping back to maintain a safe distance.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty


"Good call. I'm curious to see what the dummy will look like when she attacks it too. You know, when I attacked it, it turned into someone I hated. So, I guess it doesn't always make you attack people you like..."


Shiki let out a scowl "Really? I can't believe you guys keep attacking that thing! It's awful!" She said, sighing after a moment. "It made me attack my best friend, Eri. I couldn't do it... There was no way!"

When Ciel attacked the dummy, it came to life in the form of another young man. But this time, unlike the other dummy, it blocked Ciel's attack and sprung at her with a knife--actually attacking.


//ooc: One Shiki was already in here... couldn't resist bringing in more. XD​
@Gummi Bunnies
@The rest of ya!

Booker had remained quiet as more people joined his group and Elizabeth had somehow communicated with this, girl. Booker had been busy sizing this helmet wearing stranger. She was taller, only by a few inches though, regardless, if he did talk to her, he would to look up to make what he guessed Eye contact.

While the others farted around and Elizabeth was busy helping the "big sister" as she called her communicate, Booker sat down and pulled out a pack of "Old Gold" Cigarettes. He lit up and took a long drag as he watched the situation unfold in front of him.
She frowned when she found she was wrong- she did hate being told that. A ball knocked her in the head and she jumped. "Ow!" Politely, though, she picked it up from where it had landed after bouncing off of her head and handed it to him. Then, she sighed. "I honestly don't know. Maybe another riddle?"
The juggler took his ball back before thanking Marie. "Oh, another riddle? Very well here's a riddle that you might be able to google search more easily figure out. Smell me, buy me, and deliver me. I won't change. What am I?" he asked, grinning as he began to attempt juggling again.
"And it made me attack mine, Shiki. Remember, this thing is a doppelganger of some kind, not the real thing," the casual remark was juxtaposed by the on-edge stance Minato had taken when he witnessed the dummy transform again. It seemed this persona it had taken on was more aggressive against trainees and had to be dealt with carefully. He readied himself to step in if need be.

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Good call. I'm curious to see what the dummy will look like when she attacks it too. You know, when I attacked it, it turned into someone I hated. So, I guess it doesn't always make you attack people you like..."


Shiki let out a scowl "Really? I can't believe you guys keep attacking that thing! It's awful!" She said, sighing after a moment. "It made me attack my best friend, Eri. I couldn't do it... There was no way!"

When Ciel attacked the dummy, it came to life in the form of another young man. But this time, unlike the other dummy, it blocked Ciel's attack and sprung at her with a knife--actually attacking.


//ooc: One Shiki was already in here... couldn't resist bringing in more. XD​
"?!" Ciel blinked in surprise as the dummy transformed once again. She prepared to advance further, until she got a good look at the person that the dummy transformed into. The young woman gritted her teeth a little. Something inside her told her not to attack, that she knew who this was. But she couldn't remember. Maybe it had something to do with that damned entry fee.

It was as Minato went through; having a doppleganger of someone he seemed to know appear, and it seemed that the others had gone through the same. That's right. This was only a copy... so whoever this was, friend or foe, it wasn't the real deal anyway.

Shaking her head briefly, she rushed forward, swinging her sword at the dummy's neck, starting simple, trying to push the fact that she knew who this was out of her head.
"I don't know dude. It just feels...right, you know. Its like I can feel instructions coming from the pin."

When Hurley's hand contacted the other man's the Sexy pin sent out a pulse of energy, nearly uprooting all the nearby vegetation but leaving the two men curiously unaffected.

@Wedge Antilles

"Nice" Marcus said as he smiled at the resulting devastation. He quickly pulled out the Happy Beam pin and shot it a few times at a nearby wall.

"I'll save the other one for later," he said, "but you can try out your other ones."

@Thuro Pendragon
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