Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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@El Presidente @sierra

Unfortunately for them, the streets seemed to stretch on - and no turn brought them back to any place they recognized. Maybe there's a hint somewhere that could help them...

@Ryu Keiko @Jenny

The being kept glaring at them. "Yes, I am that selfish. I'm sorry if I have mouths to feed and a home to pay. And you ARE going to make it up to me - I would have kicked you out, but there's a Noise alert right now. And I don't buy it - you DEFINITELY had to know you needed to pay. So... what shall be your task..." He started laughing softly, never even blinking while watching them.

Alarmed by the screams from outside the store they were in, Ciel barely registered the forced teleportation of Joker and Asha, standing in front of the young Minato, as if to protect him. "Stay behind me. Don't wander too far off no matter what. Am I understood?" She asked the boy sternly, her usual coldness returning as danger seemed to return.

@The Pimp Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anyone else in the Shady Store​
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"Yes, Ciel-chan," Minato managed to squeak out as he grabbed his pins to get ready for a fight. Ciel's coldness shocked him as he wondered if this was how she always acted. Maybe it's just when she's fighting?


@Gummi Bunnies


The place is quite lively - full of people sheltering from the Noise. Of interest, she finds a stall selling CD players, and a shoe store.

@El Presidente.

Garrus finds nothing.

For a while.

But then he starts noticing patterns... Every few streets, there is a square decorative brick pavement, with arrow patterns at the edges. All of them are red, except for the northern one, which is blue. The center of the square features what looks like an analog clock.
~The Streets~

The Big Sister had been on the prowl for any sort of information and resources that she could efficiently use in this strange world. The Department Store offered little to the frightening enigma, especially considering as far as she was aware, she could not remove her helm nor the visor to consume such food. Yes, the Big Sister may have traumatic flashbacks and hinge on her sanity at times, but she was a very logic young woman under her circumstances. Call her a bit of a pessimist if you will, but profusely slamming Mochi cakes against her visor didn't seem to bode well for her and the rest of the "players" struggling to survive as a whole.

Pausing in her misadventures lonesomely throughout the streets, the Big Sister dug into her pockets, pulling out the buzzing, vibrating cell-phone and scanning through a recent text given to her by the Reapers. What the contents of the text said was shortly revealed as a piercing sound filled the sky, the insiginas of those damning, marked, red forces of energy descending onto the city below. In a panic to find cover, the Big Sister dove to a nearby shop oddly named, Shibu-O-Heads.

Hastily trying to either shut the door, set up a barricade, or both, the strangely beautiful, strong behemoth had no plans to perish today.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Anyone in that shop

"Well... I was wondering if we should go..." Yuka started the sentence but stopped as she saw that there was a whole bunch of those Noise creatures outside. While she didn't want to experience that whole attack again, she still thought it was fine to go off and explore the other areas.

"How about we head on for that music place? You know... since it's all boring and quiet here," Yuka said, not remembering the name of the location, but of course, she was obviously referring to the AMX location within Shibuya. With no warning at all, she runs straight out of the art museum, blindly running out in the dangers of the Noise attacking her this time. You could say it was dumb luck that she happened to narrowly avoid the Noise after her without even realizing it.

@Crazy 8 Nate
"Dammit Yuka, wait!" Booker shouted after her. He watched her barley avoid the Noise and run off to god knows where. Booker groaned and chased after her, didn't she know that this place was dangerous?

Shibu-Q Heads

There was very little to barricade the door with - all of the aisles were cemented. All she could do was ponder whether to check the party supply area or think about how would she ingest medication from the drug store.
Bakura followed Garrus still leading Ryou. His rust colored eyes narrowed in annoyance, "do these roads even lead anywhere? Don't get me wrong I enjoy a good alleyway but this one just doesn't get me," he said looking around.

Ryou opened his eyes and rolled them, "well that's a surprise," he said sarcastically. He gave an emotionless expression when Bakura glared at him.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @El Presidente @Yiyel
@Gummi Bunnies


The place is quite lively - full of people sheltering from the Noise. Of interest, she finds a stall selling CD players, and a shoe store.

@El Presidente.

Garrus finds nothing.

For a while.

But then he starts noticing patterns... Every few streets, there is a square decorative brick pavement, with arrow patterns at the edges. All of them are red, except for the northern one, which is blue. The center of the square features what looks like an analog clock.
"Dammit Yuka, wait!" Booker shouted after her. He watched her barley avoid the Noise and run off to god knows where. Booker groaned and chased after her, didn't she know that this place was dangerous?
Not noticing that Booker had chased after her, Yuka was suddenly interested by the CD player stall, and decides to see what was there in the first place. It was like she hasn't been allowed to see these before, maybe because this might be one of the few times she was going around without her parents. Not to say she didn't like them, but she felt a lot more free to explore. plus that happiness curse has some fault for her behavior here...

@Crazy 8 Nate @Yiyel
Batman gave him a look. Then he thought. "Thats true.. his toys, joy buzzers are gone...he may of had a point." He looked at joker and took a glance at the clock and put the phone away putting a smoke bomb down clouding the area and disappearing with a final verdict "I'll be watching you Joker." He then found himself on the roof of the building. "To fully assess the situation I'd have to be at the seen of the crime... So then he looked at the phone. This was his time off so he did what he pleased and that was solving this mystery. @BarrenThin
In the art museum


Teresa blinked at the next painting to come up as she pulled Ash and Hurley along, stopping in her tracks. She blinked owlishly, staring at the work in silence. "..." There was a long pause as she stared, before she finally spoke up. "..Seriously? Are you fucking kidding me??" she queried, rhetorically. "Who the hell drew this? And who's Thomas?" she muttered, bitterly. Since she'd traded in Thomas as her token... She couldn't recall the dark-haired boy.

Suddenly, however, her attention was pulled away. Without warning, she felt..- Well, actually, it was what she didn't feel. Within seconds, Ash had vanished right out of her grasp. There was a slight delay before the girl reacted, frowning. "What the hell..?!" she demanded, whipping around on heel to face where the male had just been. But, of course, he was gone.

Furious, the seventeen-year-old whipped out her beeping phone, scanning over the latest message. These people thought... Ash was a traitor? This.. is... Ridiculous.

@Ozzie Chanter @Thuro Pendragon @The museum crew​
@Gummi Bunnies

Unsurprisingly, the CD Player stall held... portable CD players. For sale. With a free disk inside. They were unremarkable - rounded, gray, with a window to see your spinning disk and a display showing what music was playing. It also toted a skip-protection feature.
"Noise?" Marcus asked. Then, it hit. "What with that noise?!?!" he yelled towards Marie. "I hope that rouses that Captain J out of his hideout!".

"I-I-I..." The noise was affecting Marie a lot. She had pretty sensitive hearing. Her hands went up to cover her ears. She was almost in pain. "I-I do, too."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Realizing that Marie seemed to be suffering worse than he was from the noise, Marcus went to put his hands over Marie's, as now two pairs of hands would try to keep her from suffering from the noise.
@Gummi Bunnies

Unsurprisingly, the CD Player stall held... portable CD players. For sale. With a free disk inside. They were unremarkable - rounded, gray, with a window to see your spinning disk and a display showing what music was playing. It also toted a skip-protection feature.
Yuka felt like these were portable CD players that her big brother's friend would use a lot. Well, she was somewhat curious to know what was the song that was playing on one of the portable players, if she could even recognize it of course.

@Yiyel @Crazy 8 Nate
@Ryu Keiko @Jenny

The being kept glaring at them. "Yes, I am that selfish. I'm sorry if I have mouths to feed and a home to pay. And you ARE going to make it up to me - I would have kicked you out, but there's a Noise alert right now. And I don't buy it - you DEFINITELY had to know you needed to pay. So... what shall be your task..." He started laughing softly, never even blinking while watching them.[/QUOTE]

Ryu watched the... Thing? .... Carefully. "Make you shouldn't the so damn selfish then..." He said as he grumbled, wondering what they could do to get out of this. I mean, they could fight. Well he knew could could fight, but what about Jenny? He didn't want to put her in any danger. Then again, what would that large being have them do? What if that was dangerous? Damn, Ryu mind was going a mile a minute. "What do you, task?" He asked, narrowing his eyes n

@Jenny @Yiyel
@Gummi Bunnies

Yuka didn't recognize the music - but it was smooth, and most definitely not made with any instrument she knew.

@Ryu Keiko


It stopped laughing, now looking slightly worried. "Does... does neither of you really not understand the concept of a shop?"
"Huh.. I don't like the sound of that.." Claptrap commented on the "Noise" That emitted throughout Shibuya, He took action right away as to go in-doors.

A few minutes pass as Claptrap Approaches a rather Large CD Store named AMX, Claptrap was instantly hooked.

"Ooh! a Music store! Just my kind of place!" Claptrap trotted cheerfully as he "Unce Unce Unce'd" his way into the store, Making his presence apparent.

@Gummi Bunnies @Yiyel @Crazy 8 Nate
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