Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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Edward didn't resist when River started attaching the thing to his ear. He knew she could be trusted. He also knew that the device did more than just relieve pain. But it was probably for the best that he would be able to shut off false memories when he wanted to... It was just still hard to believe they were false. "Right... I'll keep that in mind." he simply replied. He wasn't feeling too well about this, knowing that he hasn't been who he thought he was all this time.

When River presented him an outfit, something sparked in his mind, and a few memories reappeared. He grabbed it and held it out in front of him, staying silent for a short while. "I know whose outfit this is. I've done research on him, but I can't remember why..." Lowering it, he gave River another serious look. "He's a killer, River. Hundreds have died because of him. The deadliest member of an already incredibly deadly group of deadly people..." And you'd choose to have him over me. He felt like saying that out loud, but decided he wouldn't.

Another short silence followed, and whatever River replied to him, it seemed like he would simply have ignored it (unless it was something important). "We should move on. Find those answers we were promised."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Joellie @Atomyk

When Edward spoke seriously, calling himself a killer through The Doctor's memories, River went silent, looking at the outfit she handed him. "You should... wear it. Because that's you. I know he has--you have--done some bad things in the past, but I still desire to give him a chance. Please let me save him. He has given me something I realized that I had lost a while ago: passion. The Doctor has given me much too--and I adore him--but he's different. The Doctor is like the sun. I feel like if I move closer to him, I'll burn into a pile of ash. He's like an fleeting, ageless god, a god who is one day going to leave me for good. If not a god, he's an angel or a saint. I'll never measure up to him. Ed may leave too for all I know, but he isn't like the sun. I can touch him and he isn't fleeting. I... love him." She went silent again, starting to walk when Edward stated they should move on.

River went silent for quite a while afterwards, feeling awkward after saying what she said. She walked a step ahead of him, avoiding eye contact; she was afraid of his reaction. She continued to walk along so they could catch up with the others or at least discover something more...
he scoffs at the angry little boy and his lips curl into a wicked smile "So...tell me, traitor" he stands and fixes himself slightly "How is that is she? A little hot headed?"
He chuckles coldly as his taunt sinks into the boy's head "I hope you know, Yang won't be too happy that you're perusing her when you already have someone...that's not very fair on her, is it?"

"Ah, so it appears that we are truly not alone in this place," Kotomine spoke, feeling some sort of hostile intent from the girl. Perhaps it was paranoia, but he could never be sure in his line of work.
Doesn't it suck being right all the time?

One of you may know her, but something's off here, regardless. She doesn't reply to Bayonetta, instead recoiling, a strange weapon flashing into her hand. Key-shaped in appearance, the 'teeth' look like they could cause you some major damage. Like an acrobat, she leaps into the air, spinning in order to disorient you. She comes down hard, her weapon aimed down at Kotomine's head.

@Ryu Keiko @Verite @BarrenThin @Mari @KayThePilotChapter @Nassione
Ruby looked surprised, quickly trying to use her semblance to help dodge out of the way as she tried her best to jump out of the way of the robot arm that had suddenly started attacking her "Waah! What kind of place is this?!" she yelped as she did this.
More of the machinery begins to move on its own. The factory doors begin shutting on you, about to cut River and Edward off from you guys.

You also spot a shadowy figure running along one of the catwalks above.

@Joellie @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @ItsToppyTippers @ShadowPrime @ShiroKiyoshi @Dallas
The rat nods and turns away. They all begin to gather at the back of the chapel, circling around the feet of a newcomer--


Oddly, her eyes have no pupils.

@The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Iowan Corn @CrossingCassie @TheColourlessRainbow @penguin055
"Mon Dieu!" Poirot lifts his gaze to the strange girl with no pupils. "No, but Miss Erika, have we not seen this person before?" He keeps his feet on the kneeler - there was no way of knowing if any of the rat creatures were still lingering about - as he twists in the pew to study the newcomer. "But she had no pupils, Sang Sacre! If I believe in such things, this woman is possessed, if not by the Devil Himself, then by Ours du Diable!"

Which, when Poirot thought about it, could be the exact same thing.

@The Pimp Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
"Um, Erika, you wouldn't happen to know this girl, would you? If you do, I say you handle the talking part of this," Robin was on guard as the blonde Witch appeared. Checking his pocket, he found his hunting knife and grinned as he drew it, "Don't worry, I'm ready for a fight if need be."
Upon settling her eyes on this new arrival, a spark of recognition came to her eyes.

"L-Lady Lambdadelta!" Erika said with upmost shock, what was the Witch of Certainty doing here? She remembered the traitordata files from earlier, but she knew that the Witch was just around for the fun of it. Taking a step forward, she decided to ask her some simple questions.

"Now seriously... what are you doing in a place like this? You know that Lady Bernkastel wouldn't be pleased to know that her partner in crime had been sticking around in some lifeless kakera, right?" Erika inquired, something about that look on the Witch's face didn't seem to be good news. Dlanor, despite being unarmed, was ready to prepare the Knox's Decalogue if the Witch were to strike...

@The Pimp Tactician @Iowan Corn @penguin055 @Atomyk
"Um, Erika, you wouldn't happen to know this girl, would you? If you do, I say you handle the talking part of this," Robin was on guard as the blonde Witch appeared. Checking his pocket, he found his hunting knife and grinned as he drew it, "Don't worry, I'm ready for a fight if need be."
The girl moves to speak, her mouth opening wide...

You hear static. Then--

"Heelloo... He-- Lo."

She can't speak too well.

@The Pimp Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Iowan Corn @CrossingCassie @TheColourlessRainbow @penguin055
Robin stepped up to Dlanor's side and began whispering, "Is there anyway for me to help you and Erika? I have a feeling my knife won't do much here." Lambdadelta's voice set him on edge. No animal and especially not humans should have static in their voices.

@Gummi Bunnies
Doesn't it suck being right all the time?

One of you may know her, but something's off here, regardless. She doesn't reply to Bayonetta, instead recoiling, a strange weapon flashing into her hand. Key-shaped in appearance, the 'teeth' look like they could cause you some major damage. Like an acrobat, she leaps into the air, spinning in order to disorient you. She comes down hard, her weapon aimed down at Kotomine's head.

@Ryu Keiko @Verite @BarrenThin @Mari @KayThePilotChapter @Nassione
His eyes widened briefly as he laid his eyes upon the key-shaped weapon, before the girl would approach him in a somewhat flashy way. It was time to move. Quickly side-stepping, Kotomine evaded whatever came at him, beginning to circle around the strange girl. Drawing his three Black Key swords, the priest closely examined the girl, her features, her weapon, everything. Before he would attack, he had to get a good idea on what she was capable of, and how capable she is at that.

Wait a minute... Kotomine thought, still running around, hoping to distract her while perhaps Bayonetta would act, Young girl. Blue hair. Key-shaped weapon. Heh. Almost like the girl mentioned in the Gotham City Incident Report, submitted to the Mages' Association by Aoko Aozaki.

All the familiar faces, eh? It's a shame the report didn't contain the girl's attack patterns. Then again... there's no confirming if this is the same girl.

@Ryu Keiko @BarrenThin @Mari @KayThePilotChapter @Nassione
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Wuya saw a guy who looked like Jack might have made him. She shrugged and went over while Jack seemed to slowly follow. She then waited for the man to reply to the one who first talked.
The man doesn't respond to John, simply choosing to tilt his head to the side as he examined Wuya. Then--

He pulls out a gun, it looks to be a pistol of some sort. He fires it rapidly at Wuya, before suddenly turning, rushing in on John at an amazing speed. In his other hand is a knife, which he moves to stab into John's neck.

@Raven @El Presidente @John-117 @SirDerpingtonIV @The Gil @Bubba Koji
"... I cannot be certain if this is the same person that Erika thinks it is... or that this is an elaborate illusion," Dlanor whispers to Robin, keeping an eye on both the Witch and Erika.

@The Pimp Tactician

"Oh great. Can you at least remember me Lady Lambdadelta? You know, the detective that worked on the Rokkenjima case," Erika groaned, and then waving her hand as if to get the Witch talking.

The man doesn't respond to John, simply choosing to tilt his head to the side as he examined Wuya. Then--

He pulls out a gun, it looks to be a pistol of some sort. He fires it rapidly at Wuya, before suddenly turning, rushing in on John at an amazing speed. In his other hand is a knife, which he moves to stab into John's neck.

@Raven @El Presidente @John-117 @SirDerpingtonIV @The Gil @Bubba Koji
Wuya watched as the shots were fired at her and created a barrier to protect herself. She then looked for the man and where he went then she began to think on what might work a smile on her face. She then shot a light shock toward the man to give the gear a little shock.

@The Gil @Atomyk @Others
More of the machinery begins to move on its own. The factory doors begin shutting on you, about to cut River and Edward off from you guys.

You also spot a shadowy figure running along one of the catwalks above.

@Joellie @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @ItsToppyTippers @ShadowPrime @ShiroKiyoshi @Dallas
Ruby looked towards River and her unfamiliar companion with a desperate look "Come on! We need to stick together!" she called, she looked upwards towards where the catwalks were for a moment, spotting a creepy looking shadowy figure running along the catwalks above her... Where were they exactly?
he scoffs at the angry little boy and his lips curl into a wicked smile "So...tell me, traitor" he stands and fixes himself slightly "How is that is she? A little hot headed?"
He chuckles coldly as his taunt sinks into the boy's head "I hope you know, Yang won't be too happy that you're perusing her when you already have someone...that's not very fair on her, is it?"

*Natsu's face quickly grew in anger* Don't you dare talk about Lucy! *He raised his fist to go for a punch, but that was to syke him out. He then raised knee, hoping PB took the the bait, to the mans crotch. Making fun of his friends was something he did not tolerate on the smallest of scales*
@DapperDogman @Atomyk
His eyes widened briefly as he laid his eyes upon the key-shaped weapon, before the girl would approach him in a somewhat flashy way. It was time to move. Quickly side-stepping, Kotomine evaded whatever came at him, beginning to circle around the strange girl. Drawing his three Black Key swords, the priest closely examined the girl, her features, her weapon, everything. Before he would attack, he had to get a good idea on what she was capable of, and how capable she is at that.

Wait a minute... Kotomine thought, still running around, hoping to distract her while perhaps Bayonetta would act, Young girl. Blue hair. Key-shaped weapon. Heh. Almost like the girl mentioned in the Gotham City Incident Report, submitted to the Mages' Association by Aoko Aozaki.

All the familiar faces, eh? It's a shame the report didn't contain the girl's attack patterns. Then again... there's no confirming if this is the same girl.
Wordlessly, silently, the girl recovers from your sudden dodge, rolling back into a standing position. Her weird eyes scan you, following you without wavering. Raising her hand, she begins to shoot rounds of freezing ice magic your way.


@Ryu Keiko @BarrenThin @Mari @KayThePilotChapter @Nassione
PB watches as the man's limbs are grasped by his ghostly hands and held in place, holding him in the air as the boy reaches out and runs a hand up to Natsu's throat,, before lowering it "I could kill you, but I want answers" he says coldly

"Why would you betray Lucy like that? Did you think she'd never find out about the other blonde in your life?" he leans toward the boy's face and his smirk grows "But you killed her makes sense why you'd keep going after Yang...but still...what would she think if she knew you meant to be unfaithful to the woman you loved?"

He chuckles coldly, a little mist forming form his breaths "You didn't think anyone would find out, that anyone would know..."

He tuts and wags his finger, the hands tightening around his wrists and ankles "And to might have gotten away with it too..."

*Natsu's face quickly grew in anger* Don't you dare talk about Lucy! *He raised his fist to go for a punch, but that was to syke him out. He then raised knee, hoping PB took the the bait, to the mans crotch. Making fun of his friends was something he did not tolerate on the smallest of scales*
Brown barks at the both of you. "Please!" Jennifer exclaims. "We should be focusing on getting you out of here!"

@Joellie @Atomyk

When Edward spoke seriously, calling himself a killer through The Doctor's memories, River went silent, looking at the outfit she handed him. "You should... wear it. Because that's you. I know he has--you have--done some bad things in the past, but I still desire to give him a chance. Please let me save him. He has given me something I realized that I had lost a while ago: passion. The Doctor has given me much too--and I adore him--but he's different. The Doctor is like the sun. I feel like if I move closer to him, I'll burn into a pile of ash. He's like an fleeting, ageless god, a god who is one day going to leave me for good. If not a god, he's an angel or a saint. I'll never measure up to him. Ed may leave too for all I know, but he isn't like the sun. I can touch him and he isn't fleeting. I... love him." She went silent again, starting to walk when Edward stated they should move on.

River went silent for quite a while afterwards, feeling awkward after saying what she said. She walked a step ahead of him, avoiding eye contact; she was afraid of his reaction. She continued to walk along so they could catch up with the others or at least discover something more...
More of the machinery begins to move on its own. The factory doors begin shutting on you, about to cut River and Edward off from you guys.

You also spot a shadowy figure running along one of the catwalks above.

@Joellie @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @ItsToppyTippers @ShadowPrime @ShiroKiyoshi @Dallas
Edward didn't quite expect River's last words. They took him completely by surprise, and for some reason made him feel bad. He knew that he wasn't actually the Doctor, and he should be happy because River basically just said she loved him, but still, he felt like she was talking about someone entirely else. The silence between the two lingered on for a little more.

That is until the situation became a little more chaotic. Not only were the machines starting move more and more, but what seemed worse was the door in front of them starting to close. Maybe they could still make it if they were quick though. "Run!" He quickly called out, starting to sprint toward the door, also making sure River was with him. He wasn't going anywhere without that girl.
Wuya watched as the shots were fired at her and created a barrier to protect herself. She then looked for the man and where he went then she began to think on what might work a smile on her face. She then shot a light shock toward the man to give the gear a little shock.
The man stops his attack, flipping backwards as the blast of light flies past him. Spinning, his pistol is out again, firing at you. He comes your way, rushing forward and taking shot after shot. He seems to be forcing you to concentrate on your barrier.

@The Gil @Raven

@El Presidente @John-117 @SirDerpingtonIV @Bubba Koji
Chung rolled out of the way of the swinging arms and followed Ruby. He barely noticed the figure out of the corner of his eye. "Agreed."

@york @ItsToppyTippers
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