Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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Ratchets um...lovely trip on the airplane is now followed by yet again, another vote to execute people, Yet even more so, It seems River Somg managed to find something VERY IMPORTANT to Ratchet...HIS OMNIWRENCH!!! He wanted to just go over there and slap her himself! But, it seems that was unnecessary, as she has been in a previous fight with, what seems like ROBIN! HE IS ALIVE,YES!! He thought happily, He then scowled at the bear Monokuma, And waved his hands in the air; "Why do you insist we vote to kill our own people anyways? Why don't you let us go already? You've had your fun, drama and crying included, now lets all stop torturing ourselves...AND BREAK THIS SYSTEM!!! What if we all voted for ourselves Mr.Bear? Huh? Would YOU have to do the killing, which would be done by your own bidding? I say LETS NOT VOTE ANYONE!" With that, He scrolls over to his own name, Ratchet and hits the big 'ol vote button, Honestly, the only one he thought could have committed the killing were Jack and Wuya, Why? Because Monkey Jack is pretty small in comparison to everyone, Including Ratchet himself, so he could be the 5 foot strangler & electrocutioner. And Wuya, well with all the powers she's shown us, she's bound to have a fire spell somewhere.

But screw this voting. He's had enough of it.
@ anyone intrested

"How noble of you, but do you really think everyone will abstain? I laugh just thinking about it!"

And he does.

@El Presidente
Current Votes

Natsu - Jack/Wuya
Jack/Wuya - Jack/Wuya
Kotomine - Natsu
Poirot - Natsu
Ratchet - Ratchet


Natsu - 2
Jack/Wuya - 2
Ratchet - 1

Umm, wow. "You dumb salmon! You're going to do something you'll regret if you keep that up!"

Oh whats the worse that can happen? They killed Yang. They killed Ruby. What are you going to do? Kill me? I would just absolutely love to so you try you waste of life. *To Natsu that was the worst thing to be called. He valued all life equally. Even enemies that threatened to kill him. He then taps the tablet again*
Oh whats the worse that can happen? They killed Yang. They killed Ruby. What are you going to do? Kill me? I would just absolutely love to so you try you waste of life. *To Natsu that was the worst thing to be called. He valued all life equally. Even enemies that threatened to kill him. He then taps the tablet again*

"Is that so...? Well then, aren't you foolish. For your information, I haven't killed a single person that you guys didn't choose for me."

Natsu taps the tablet once again, activating a feature most of you aren't aware of-- A radar. A handy map showing you where you can find just about any of the students! There are others to see, of course, but do you even need to see them?

"And that is why a vote where everyone abstains is not possible, you weird little space rat."

@El Presidente
@The Pimp Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
@Iowan Corn
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Not at all," he says, waiting.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
River nodded. She went to erase her last message on the chalkboard and wrote a new one.

This message is for Cosmo, written by River Song on behalf of the survivors. We need your help. More innocent lives are going to be lost if we cannot learn the secret identity of the remaining traitors soon. If you feel any guilt in your heart for the loss of my life at your paws? XD hands, the life of your friend Arya, and all of the others who have died we beg that you'll help us. Give us a clue, hint, or any information you can at all. We'd greatly appreciate it. -The Survivors aka "Students"

It was a big message and River had to write really small for all of it to fit, but somehow she managed. I know there's no way that would all fit, but just go with it. XD

@El Presidente

Also, River glanced to Ratchet who seemed to be making a fuss. She realized he was probably upset that she had taken his wrench earlier. She coughed into her hand and gestured over to the ground where the wrench was lying to subtly show Ratchet where it was. There was no way she was going to talk to him while he was this angry; she would apologize later.​
It might seem like, at first, that Frank is considering opening fire on the group as he raised his gun. He screamed at everyone, "What is the fucking point!?"

He waved the gun around as he spoke. "We're gonna die anyways! If not at the hands of a traitor, to hunger, sickness, exposure! WE'RE FUCKING DEAD!"

Robin gave Frank a grim frown, "If you're going to play the nihilistic defeatist, then kindly shut up and remove yourself from this discussion."
Instead of responding verbally, Frank aimed the gun at Natsu. His aim shook visibly before he slumped against the wall.

He'd gambled with death, and he had lost. "An innocent woman is dead because we- because I - turned on her. How are we any better than the murderers?" The angry light had left his eyes.

In fact, all light had left them.

@The Pimp Tactician
"Simple - We're honestly not. Do you want me to go on an existentialistic rant or can we move on?" Robin was tired of this, he just wanted to get the vote over with.
Whoa what is this? I can see everyone with this... Weird. *He looks at it and sees others that aren't in the group. He begins to look for the others. One could be Yang by some weird chance*
@Atomyk @ItsToppyTippers
Instead of responding verbally, Frank aimed the gun at Natsu. His aim shook visibly before he slumped against the wall.

He'd gambled with death, and he had lost. "An innocent woman is dead because we- because I - turned on her. How are we any better than the murderers?" The angry light had left his eyes.

In fact, all light had left them.

@The Pimp Tactician

"Because our actions are influenced by the murderers. Think of it like this; we are mere puppets, and our strings are being pulled by Monokuma and the traitors," he spoke, remaining calm in spite of the alarming situation he found himself in. Of course he wouldn't be bothered by taking an innocent's life. He had taken and ruined so many lives that it was like second nature to him.

"When you punish criminals, do you think people are scared of your gun, or you? It does not matter what the tools are, if in the end, everything is controlled by a certain person or group of people," Kotomine said, "And that is precisely what we are. Tools. Tools to be used by the traitors. Look at it this way; we are like molotov cocktails. We inevitably explode when the traitors toss us at people, and that results in them dying. There is a small chance that we'll explode right in the traitor's faces occasionally, but that's why they're careful. So for now, we must stick to playing this game of chance, hoping we'll explode in front of the traitors. Isn't it a useless gesture to give up when the game is still going on?"

As much as he was amused by the sight of someone going crazy, he didn't really need this right now. Or anyone else for that matter. He would rather get out of here alive. The priest could tell that this twisted game was taking a toll on the sanity of the others, but lucky for Kotomine, he had no sanity to prey on.​
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Hmm, let's take a look at this radar. Robin tapped his ID and brought up the new feature.

"Simple - We're honestly not. Do you want me to go on an existentialistic rant or can we move on?" Robin was tired of this, he just wanted to get the vote over with.

This statement was really the wrong thing to say to someone that punishes killers as his career. It could have gone many ways.

"No," He said quietly. "That was all I needed."

In one swift motion, Frank did what he was meant to do; he Punished someone for their wrongs.

Only this time, it wasn't some lowlife gangster or rapist.

This time, Frank was the one lying in a pool of blood with a hole in his head, still gripping the gun he did the deed with.

"...Honestly... I may feel bad about causing that, but however, I kind of saw it coming," Robin was shocked by that surprise, but after dealing with everything in these games, he had expected someone to kill themselves eventually.
This message is for Cosmo, written by River Song on behalf of the survivors. We need your help. More innocent lives are going to be lost if we cannot learn the secret identity of the remaining traitors soon. If you feel any guilt in your heart for the loss of my life at your paws? XD hands, the life of your friend Arya, and all of the others who have died we beg that you'll help us. Give us a clue, hint, or any information you can at all. We'd greatly appreciate it. -The Survivors aka "Students"

The Bucket Knight's Epitaph...


[River's name written in Gallifreyan]
This message is for Cosmo, written by River Song on behalf of the survivors. We need your help. More innocent lives are going to be lost if we cannot learn the secret identity of the remaining traitors soon. If you feel any guilt in your heart for the loss of my life at your paws? XD hands, the life of your friend Arya, and all of the others who have died we beg that you'll help us. Give us a clue, hint, or any information you can at all. We'd greatly appreciate it. -The Survivors aka "Students"

@Josh M
Whoa what is this? I can see everyone with this... Weird. *He looks at it and sees others that aren't in the group. He begins to look for the others. One could be Yang by some weird chance*
Yang has died, so she doesn't appear, but neither does Robin or the others that revived, for that matter. Are you going to keep pressing buttons?

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This statement was really the wrong thing to say to someone that punishes killers as his career. It could have gone many ways.

"No," He said quietly. "That was all I needed."

In one swift motion, Frank did what he was meant to do; he Punished someone for their wrongs.

Only this time, it wasn't some lowlife gangster or rapist.

This time, Frank was the one lying in a pool of blood with a hole in his head, still gripping the gun he did the deed with.

"Such despair! I'm almost tempted to have a second execution! Upuhehehe!"​
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This statement was really the wrong thing to say to someone that punishes killers as his career. It could have gone many ways.

"No," He said quietly. "That was all I needed."

In one swift motion, Frank did what he was meant to do; he Punished someone for their wrongs.

Only this time, it wasn't some lowlife gangster or rapist.

This time, Frank was the one lying in a pool of blood with a hole in his head, still gripping the gun he did the deed with.


"Wha--?!" Kotomine uttered in surprise as Frank so suddenly taking his own life, "Curses. I could have stopped him too. He was quite the valuable ally," he scowled in a similar fashion to when he stumbled upon the corpses of Robin, Erika, and Dlanor, "Looks like I'll be handling the majority of the fights by myself again..." He murmured in a somewhat annoyed tone, before sighing tiredly, "Of course, that's assuming he doesn't just come back to life several hours later..."

"I assume you'll clean this mess up, bear?" He asked, facing Monokuma as he calmed down a bit.

Yang has died, so she doesn't appear, but neither does Robin or the others that arrived, for that matter. Are you going to keep pressing buttons?

Well it was worth a shot I guess... *He begins to press buttons as if you were in his mind*
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