Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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After untying Ruby, River sat on her knees examining the fork she had found on the ground. Once she had looked at it for a moment, she looked back over at Ruby who had fallen to the ground. "It will pass," River stated with a nod. "You just... died didn't you?" She ran a hand through her curly blonde hair and sighed. Why did more of the survivors keep dying? She knew either Ruby was there because she had been killed by a traitor or voted out of the group. Those were more of the likely reasons. "Let me be the first to welcome you to the afterlife, aka, eternal frustration," she said, slightly grumbling. River didn't like this place, she didn't like it one bit.

@Atomyk @york
Ruby just nodded at what the woman said, right now she didn't seem to be in any danger, and that feeling of pain began to pass despite her sometimes getting rather gruesome flashbacks to the few moments before she had died. "A-afterlife?" She asked, suddenly looking around the room again, she didn't see her mother around anywhere which dissapointed her before she looked towards the woman again "I guess it's not as I'd imagined... I can't see my mother around anywhere." she said, there was a deflated sort of tone to her voice. Then, curiousity overtaking her, she looked up at the woman again "Um... What's your name? I don't think I've seen you before." she said, the child-like tone starting to become a bit prominent in her voice again, slowly but surely, she was returning to her usual self despite the situation.
Dlanor had nothing to say as she silently helped Robin up, but immediately after that, she began to make her way over to Yang. Along the way, she pushed Kotomine aside as she...hugged Yang tightly.

"I hate to see you like this, miss Yang. Please take this to consideration, that we are only here to figure out the truth, and that is why everything does not seem to make sense to any of us. ...without love, it cannot be seen. I can't say too much as I do not know much of your sister, but I can tell that it has taken great effect to your 'love' with her. However..." Dlanor said as she was actually comforting her, and since Erika was too far away to say anything to stop her, she whispered in a deathly voice,"...between you and me, I will tell you who had thought and voted for Ruby. ...Furudo Erika had voted for her, but had pretended this entire time that she had defended her. At least, you know the identity of who had done you will not harm those that had nothing to do with it all. I am telling this to you, despite the possible punishment I will soon take from Erika..."

With those words, Dlanor stepped away from Yang, possibly preparing for what Yang would do after this bombshell of a reveal.

@Conrad Norwood @Verite @ItsToppyTippers
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"Of course, I bet you don't even know how to use it!" Erika said as she crossed her arms, calming a bit down to revert back to her calm self. More or less, it was a tool to be used by a detective such as herself, and not some other person that would never understand it's true use!


"It's just as well I give it to you then," Bayonetta replied as she gave the duct tape to Erika.

"Should you come upon a set of four guns, I hope you would be so kind as to give them to me as well."
Ruby just nodded at what the woman said, right now she didn't seem to be in any danger, and that feeling of pain began to pass despite her sometimes getting rather gruesome flashbacks to the few moments before she had died. "A-afterlife?" She asked, suddenly looking around the room again, she didn't see her mother around anywhere which dissapointed her before she looked towards the woman again "I guess it's not as I'd imagined... I can't see my mother around anywhere." she said, there was a deflated sort of tone to her voice. Then, curiousity overtaking her, she looked up at the woman again "Um... What's your name? I don't think I've seen you before." she said, the child-like tone starting to become a bit prominent in her voice again, slowly but surely, she was returning to her usual self despite the situation.
River could tell Ruby was shocked, but she couldn't blame her. This whole thing was still shocking to her too. It was strange being dead; it and wasn't how she imagined it would be either. "I'm afraid the only people who are here are those who have died recently and have come from our group of survivors," she explained. When Ruby said she had never seen her before River added, "My apologies; how rude of me. I'm Professor Song." She offered a handshake to Ruby. "I'm sorry this has happened to you, but to be honest I'm quite relieved to see another face who I can speak with." She wanted to ask Ruby how she had died and what had happened recently with the group, but she wasn't sure if that would be uncomfortable for Ruby to talk about so soon.

"It's just as well I give it to you then," Bayonetta replied as she gave the duct tape to Erika.

"Should you come upon a set of four guns, I hope you would be so kind as to give them to me as well."
Erika's eyes sparkled as she received the duct tape back, and nodding in happiness,"Thank you, now I can finally investigate with these again...such as using these to find our traitors."

Once she put the duct tape in her pocket for safe keeping, she heard Bayonetta's question, and shook her head,"Sadly I don't, not sure how I would keep four guns with me, but I can keep an eye out for them." Maybe she was only being this nice to Bayonetta because it was her that gave her duct tape back.
"I'll help you in the hunt, Miss Erika, though I suggest we leave now. The avenger there cannot be reasoned with and the way your partner just leaned to whisper to her, I believe you've been ratted out," If Robin knew one thing, it was that someone whispering near you but not to you meant they were conspiring against you.

@Gummi Bunnies
Dlanor had nothing to say as she silently helped Robin up, but immediately after that, she began to make her way over to Yang. Along the way, she pushed Kotomine aside as she...hugged Yang tightly.

"I hate to see you like this, miss Yang. Please take this to consideration, that we are only here to figure out the truth, and that is why everything does not seem to make sense to any of us. ...without love, it cannot be seen. I can't say too much as I do not know much of your sister, but I can tell that it has taken great effect to your 'love' with her. However..." Dlanor said as she was actually comforting her, and since Erika was too far away to say anything to stop her, she whispered in a deathly voice,"...between you and me, I will tell you who had thought and voted for Ruby. ...Furudo Erika had voted for her, but had pretended this entire time that she had defended her. At least, you know the identity of who had done you will not harm those that had nothing to do with it all. I am telling this to you, despite the possible punishment I will soon take from Erika..."

With those words, Dlanor stepped away from Yang, possibly preparing for what Yang would do after this bombshell of a reveal.

@Conrad Norwood @Verite @ItsToppyTippers
Yang was prepared for Dlanor if she were to attack her, but what she didn't expect was for the girl to hug her. Weird. She never knew Dlanor would ever show as much sympathy; nor did she know that she would get hugged by her. The girl always seemed so. . .distant.

After hearing the red truth that the purple-haired girl had confessed to her, Yang's eyes widened. So it was Erika. After what the detecttive had told her. . . it was actually her all along. Yang felt the rage built up in her but then the word punishment came from Dlanor's mouth. The bolnde raised an eyebrow and asked, ". . .Punishment? What do you mean?"
River could tell Ruby was shocked, but she couldn't blame her. This whole thing was still shocking to her too. It was strange being dead; it and wasn't how she imagined it would be either. "I'm afraid the only people who are here are those who have died recently and have come from our group of survivors," she explained. When Ruby said she had never seen her before River added, "My apologies; how rude of me. I'm Professor Song." She offered a handshake to Ruby. "I'm sorry this has happened to you, but to be honest I'm quite relieved to see another face who I can speak with." She wanted to ask Ruby how she had died and what had happened recently with the group, but she wasn't sure if that would be uncomfortable for Ruby to talk about so soon.

Ruby had a sad expression on her face, but she nodded, looking up at her again when she mentioned being relieved about seeing someone else she could speak with "We'll find a way out of here... Somehow. We still haven't found a single one of the real killers." she said, there was a sort of upset look on her face before it returned to the bright and cheerfull one she uusally had. "Hey! I don't think we're alone though, we should look for a way out of here, maybe a way to bring us back to life too!" She said, seeming to have suddenly cheered up, she still felt sad on the inside about dying like that and leaving her sister, but she knew they had to have some way of getting back, dying like that just felt... Worthless, while they were here though, maybe they could find some leads on who the true killers were here.
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"I'll help you in the hunt, Miss Erika, though I suggest we leave now. The avenger there cannot be reasoned with and the way your partner just leaned to whisper to her, I believe you've been ratted out," If Robin knew one thing, it was that someone whispering near you but not to you meant they were conspiring against you.

@Gummi Bunnies
"..that little..." Erika whispered to herself for a moment, knowing that the Witch Hunter would eventually disobey her.

"Dlanor! Be a dear and come here," Erika covered it up with that smile of hers, but it was obviously that she wasn't pleased with Dlanor.

Yang was prepared for Dlanor if she were to attack her, but what she didn't expect was for the girl to hug her. Weird. She never knew Dlanor would ever show as much sympathy; nor did she know that she would get hugged by her. The girl always seemed so. . .distant.

After hearing the red truth that the purple-haired girl had confessed to her, Yang's eyes widened. So it was Erika. After what the detecttive had told her. . . it was actually her all along. Yang felt the rage built up in her but then the word punishment came from Dlanor's mouth. The bolnde raised an eyebrow and asked, ". . .Punishment? What do you mean?"
"...I am her servant. I had been ordered to show silence on the topic, but it seems that she doesn't seem to have good control over her own servants..." Dlanor explained with a quiet voice, making it sound like that there was something different between the two than an investigation pair. Upon hearing Erika, she had no choice but to immediately go over to the detective.

"So, I see that you managed to speak a bit of sense into Yang, but what exactly did you talk about?" Erika asked with a smile, but she really just wanted to know if Dlanor had said anything to Yang that shouldn't been said.

"I only comforted her. People cannot think clearly when in intense emotions, and it wouldn't be productive for people to be at each other's necks," Dlanor explained, but before she could explained much more, Erika put a finger on Dlanor's lips as if to silence her.

"Alright alright. Anyways, we're supposed to moving along, we can't stay here for too long. Right, Robin?" Erika said, changing the topic. She could tell that Dlanor was hiding something from her, and she didn't like that one bit.

@Conrad Norwood @ItsToppyTippers
"Agreed, Miss Erika, let's get going. Also, a word of advice, if you want your troops to be disciplined, you must remember to punish them for their mistakes," Robin made the comment offhandedly as he began to walk toward Tunnel D, cradling his hurt arm against his chest.

@Gummi Bunnies @ItsToppyTippers @Atomyk
Ruby had a sad expression on her face, but she nodded, looking up at her again when she mentioned being relieved about seeing someone else she could speak with "We'll find a way out of here... Somehow. We still haven't found a single one of the real killers." she said, there was a sort of upset look on her face before it returned to the bright and cheerfull one she uusally had. "Hey! I don't think we're alone though, we should look for a way out of here, maybe a way to bring us back to life too!" She said, seeming to have suddenly cheered up, she still felt sad on the inside about dying like that and leaving her sister, but she knew they had to have some way of getting back, dying like that just felt... Worthless, while they were here though, maybe they could find some leads on who the true killers were here.

River fingered the fork she was holding for a moment before folding her arms. She frowned. "That's quite a shame. I fear it was one of the traitors that killed me. Before I died, I found myself blind and disoriented. I was unable to remove. They did something to me. Either one of them has a weapon or an ability which allowed them to do it," she said, narrowing her eyes angrily. "And I will find out who did it. I swear I'll find out and make them pay for this. I-I wasn't supposed to die this way..." she said, stammering nervously at the end. She shrugged, however, when Ruby said they should look for a way out and possibly a way to return to life. "Perhaps. That would be lovely, however, I've been wandering this bloody afterlife for a while now and have found little to no hints as to how I can escape. In fact, much of it hasn't even made any sense." She ran a hand through her hair. "Still, I'm willing to give it a shot. It's better than sitting around with nothing to do."
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Kotomine followed Robin and the gang silently, deciding to be serious about this for once. How many people had died now? How many innocent people had perished at the hands of the traitors? The numbers were quickly decreasing, and if he wanted to live, he may as well contribute to the votes that everyone else participated in.

Thinking quietly to himself, the priest held his chin in thought, wondering who else might be a likely traitor if no one else. Off the top of his head, there was no one he could suspect off the top of his head, as the people he had allied himself with proved to be fairly good-natured people who he couldn't imagine as traitorous and deceptive. Of course, many people were not as they appeared.

Bayonetta seemed very relaxed about the situation, but she also seemed like the kind of person where that seemed like exactly the reason why she wouldn't be the traitor, if that made sense. Cosmo and Arya were unlikely because they were too emotional and gregarious. He could probably say the same about Robin and Yang, among other people.

But the more he thought, he began to suspect one person. One person who he had encountered that interfered with his earlier plans to inspect the body of the first victim. Even if it was by accident, it seemed rather convenient, and in this place where only the law of the jungle mattered, it was better to be safe than sorry, not that he would be sorry if she was innocent anyway.

"So it could have been her..." He absent-mindedly said, beginning to suspect Elizabeth Swann-Turner as a traitor, "I see now. Clever girl..." The priest continued, smirking to himself.

@Conrad Norwood @Gummi Bunnies @ItsToppyTippers
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"So, Kotomine, any thoughts on the case?"
"It may or may not be a new development, depending on if my hunch is correct. After all, we don't want to jump to conclusions again, do we?" He asked with a knowing smile, before clearing his throat, "Shortly after the first murder occurred, I went on my way to inspect the body to obtain clues about it, but before I could get far, I was interrupted and subsequently led astray by a woman. She appeared American... Yes, I believe her name was something along the lines of Elizabeth Swann-Turner," the priest said.

"She ended up leading me away from the path I was taking and into a new hall, and distracted me up until those imps in the school appeared and attacked everyone. It wasn't until now that I thought about it... It was all likely an act to prevent me from examining the body, as I was the only one who seemed to intend to do it, as I encountered no one else but her, and she didn't seem like she was interested in the body," he reasoned, "What say you on the matter?"
"Wow, that's actually rather compelling," Robin voiced. Kotomine may have actually been on to something with his assessment, it was odd behavior on Elizabeth's part, "Plus, though she was a friend with River, Elizabeth didn't have to necessarily have to take part in her murder. Dammit, she may have even planned with the other traitors to become friends with River to throw off suspicious... However, let us wait till the next vote before we decide if she's guilty or not, agreed?"

@Verite @Gummi Bunnies
"...Good...very fits into the story well, and if we are correct, this is the missing piece to our mystery that we haven't figured out..." Erika said to comment her thoughts out on what Kotomine had to say, and for once was impressed by it.

"I believe I'll keep an eye out for Elizabeth, see if she slips up as time goes on," Erika said, wanting to see for herself if this was true or not.

@Verite @Conrad Norwood
"Indeed," he nodded, "This may be our big break, but I shan't act right now. We must wait for our next chance," Kotomine said, folding his arms behind his back, his lips curling into a smirk, "That dame thought she had me, but her luck has run out."

And in the small chance that she isn't a traitor, it simply means she drowned in an even bigger puddle of misfortune for being at the wrong place at the wrong time...

"Besides her, have either of you begun to suspect anyone else?" He inquired curiously.

@Conrad Norwood @Gummi Bunnies
"Honestly, with how creepy you are, Kotomine, I suspected you for a time. However, I doubt that thought now, leaving me with no one other than Elizabeth to choose," Robin explained calmly, not expecting Kotomine to act up.

River fingered the fork she was holding for a moment before folding her arms. She frowned. "That's quite a shame. I fear it was one of the traitors that killed me. Before I died, I found myself blind and disoriented. I was unable to remove. They did something to me. Either one of them has a weapon or an ability which allowed them to do it," she said, narrowing her eyes angrily. "And I will find out who did it. I swear I'll find out and make them pay for this. I-I wasn't supposed to die this way..." she said, stammering nervously at the end. She shrugged, however, when Ruby said they should look for a way out and possibly a way to return to life. "Perhaps. That would be lovely, however, I've been wandering this bloody afterlife for a while now and have found little to no hints as to how I can escape. In fact, much of it hasn't even made any sense." She ran a hand through her hair. "Still, I'm willing to give it a shot. It's better than sitting around with nothing to do."
Ruby frowned hearing about Rivers death, despite how gruesome her own was, she figured it wouldn't hurt telling someone about it either "I think I was picked to be executed... I don't remember much, I had my weapon, but there were too many robots... It all happened so fast and..." Ruby suddenly stopped speaking as her throat had tightened, but instead of lingering on the moment for too much, she just reverted to her cheery normal self as if nothing had happened. "Nevermind though! Let's go find some clues! Or at least see if we can find a way to escape." She said, starting to walk around, looking for any possible way to get out of here, maybe a clue at least, or something to tell them where they were, right about now, the only things she had noitced in the room with them was that fork River was holding and that strange bucket knight. Maybe if all else failed, they could ask "him" and see if they'll get a response or something?

Pretty Boy saw the great suffering behind Yang's anger

He approaches her and hands her the oilatoes "You look like you need some good news, follow me...we can talk away from the others" he gives off an air of overboverbearing seriousness

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