Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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( Nothing but the clothes on her back! Her previous wounds are healed however )

A little girl in boy's clothing spins sharply toward River at the sound of her voice. River can tell that's a much younger Jennifer, for whatever reason. Beside her is Lilia, and beyond them, in the middle of the clearing, is a small shack. "You're.... you're..." Jennifer can barely bring herself to speak.

There is a barking sound once again, its origin clearly the tiny shack...

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Reaper Jack
River's eyes widened when she saw the two figures standing there. Her jaw dropped, even. "How are you even--" She paused, looking Jenifer and Lilia up and down with confusion. "Well, to put it bluntly, the two of you died. I saw your bodies. How are you still alive? And... where are we?"

@Reaper Jack @Atomyk
Funny knew for a fact that there was nothing behind him. No...could it be possible? "Stay your hand!" Funny commanded putting up his hand to stop Desmond. "What you see is my Stand, it is what allows me to use my amazing powers. An extension of my will to reach my goals. Only other Stand users may see a Stand, but it appears that is only true in my universe and the worlds that resemble mine."

@Thuro Pendragon
"Alright. If it helps us get out of here I don't care."

It's a clean kill, the cultist not having any idea what hit it. More emerge from the shadows now, able to seemingly avoid the undead with ease. In addition, you all see Frank bashing his way through a group of them.

Then, someone else-- the other reporter, Leia. She flies into action, spinning her staff like a baton to clear a swath of enemies from Frank's path. He thanks her, though he doesn't look too happy about the amount of times he's needed saving today. The pair then join the rest of your group to join in the fighting.

"These things just don't stop!" Leia yells.

"And those claws," Frank responds. "What the hell?!"

Careful observation would reveal that the cultists are coming from a location across the park-- a lone hut once used by the groundskeeper.

@Gummi Bunnies
@Archmage Jeremiah
@Thuro Pendragon

There was the reporter. Needing saving again. He was glowing blue in my Eagle Vision. A confirmed ally. Then something unexpected happened, Altiar walked across the field to a lone shack. The cultists appeared to be comoing from here.

"Anybody have anything that can take out that shed. Or are we going to fight our way across." I shifted my weight to my injured leg, testing it. Still damaged.
Korra smiled slightly " I can use more than just fire" she mused standing beside him. "Name's Korra don't think I have met you before" she said looking around.

And others.
The angry man who stepped forth from Edward's mirror lifted him in the air, screaming at him.
"You were supposed to protect her, and you let her die! You let my wife die again! I'm going to make you pay for your betrayal! Do you hear me?!"
The man threw Edward some distance before walking over to him, kicking him in the side.
"Get up! I'm not done with you yet! I lost her, and then she had a chance to finally have what she always wanted, and you went and let her die! Get up and face my wrath!"
Edward took too long to realize what was going on, and was thrown around before he could react. After he got kicked in the side, he quickly rolled away from the strange man and got up, raising his hands defensively. "Easy there, mate! You don't want to be fighting me! Just calm your mind and talk to me" Edward asked of him, slowly backing away. The man mentioned River being his wife, so Ed figured he was that Doctor fellow. However, with the stories River told him, he couldn't believe that he would actually harm, not to mention kill him.
It's a clean kill, the cultist not having any idea what hit it. More emerge from the shadows now, able to seemingly avoid the undead with ease. In addition, you all see Frank bashing his way through a group of them.

Then, someone else-- the other reporter, Leia. She flies into action, spinning her staff like a baton to clear a swath of enemies from Frank's path. He thanks her, though he doesn't look too happy about the amount of times he's needed saving today. The pair then join the rest of your group to join in the fighting.

"These things just don't stop!" Leia yells.

"And those claws," Frank responds. "What the hell?!"

Careful observation would reveal that the cultists are coming from a location across the park-- a lone hut once used by the groundskeeper.

@Gummi Bunnies
@Archmage Jeremiah
@Thuro Pendragon
"Alright. If it helps us get out of here I don't care."

There was the reporter. Needing saving again. He was glowing blue in my Eagle Vision. A confirmed ally. Then something unexpected happened, Altiar walked across the field to a lone shack. The cultists appeared to be comoing from here.

"Anybody have anything that can take out that shed. Or are we going to fight our way across." I shifted my weight to my injured leg, testing it. Still damaged.
"Not exactly..." Erika sighed. If she only had the Chiesters at her command at the time of this happening, she could have them blast that shed into pieces. Looking over, she saw that Dlanor was juiced out, using that many Red Truths had taken a toll on her. Looks like she would be out of it for now...

@Mari @Jeremi @Archmage Jeremiah @Thuro Pendragon
William could not hear her cries, or if he could, he was not listening.
Thrusting towards her with all of his might, he meant to fight her to the death.
Elizabeth gasped as Will swung his sword at her, and she quickly whipped her sword up to block it. The hatred in his eyes made her feel nauseous, and her heart pounded in her throat. She was still recovering from the shock of him trying to hurt her when he swung again.

And again. And again. And again.

She was backing up as she blocked his swings. She didn't do anything to attack him back, and her eyebrows were furrowed in sorrow, her face contorted in that of emotional pain. Elizabeth felt as if a thousand weights had been pressed into her chest. She never thought she would have to see that much hate etched into the handsome face of her husband, the man she loved, the man who's smile made her heart flutter with every flash of his teeth and dimples, the man who cared for her more than her own father. Yet she did.

He was swinging mercilessly, and her arms grew heavy with every parry. Tears streaked down her face, and every word she tried to choke out was caught in her throat. He was the man who taught her how to fight, and she knew she was no match against him. Blocking his swings wouldn't keep her alive.

Every stab she parried made her feel as if it had actually hit her heart.

"William..." She choked, and more tears streamed down her face. If there was a wall or something behind her, she would have surely backed into it. He gritted his teeth as he hit her sword with brute strength, making her stumble a bit. She gasped in effort, and grunted when she finally made his sword slide down her blade and past her body. "Please." She was pleading with him, desperate, even. She wasn't sure if this man was actually her husband or some sort of clone. Or maybe he was a trick of her mind. Her sword hung by her side and she waited for him to respond. She panted, exhausted emotionally and physically from the fight.
Korra smiled slightly " I can use more than just fire" she mused standing beside him. "Name's Korra don't think I have met you before" she said looking around.

And others.
I'm Natsu and i'm sure I haven't you either. Though lets talk more later. I have no idea what these things are and I prefer not to get caught off guard. *He turns back to the entrance taking a sniff to check for the claws*
@york @Atomyk @ItsToppyTippers @ShadowPrime
Kotomine stood face to face with his father, a look of sorrow and pity in his eyes as he stepped forth, grabbing the mirror behind him and swinging it at his child.
Hmph. Odd. The last thing I remember, I was making my way over to the Leisure Park, but it seems I'm too late. Someone... or something for that matter has teleported me to this strange realm. What a bother, he thought, more mildly annoyed than horrified for now, as if it was just a minor annoyance, Of course, there's nothing to say this isn't just some mere illusion. As far as I know, there aren't any mages powerful enough to create new dimensions, and a Reality Marble user is unlikely...

Once Kotomine found himself facing his father, his expression barely changed. He was mildly surprised at the odd turn of events, but wasn't swayed away by what he perceived to be a mere illusion. His father was dead, so obviously, this was a contradiction to a reality. Therefore, it must be a meaningless illusion, he calmly reasoned.

Dead people should stay dead, Kotomine thought calmly, easily swiping the mirror aside with his bare hand, before immediately charging towards what appeared to be his father.

He didn't feel any personal hatred or disgust for his father. But he simply never cared for him. He simply went with logic; a dead person cannot be alive, so he must correct that inconsistency. Like a robot, he works to fix irregularities within the system.

Of course, I shouldn't underestimate illusions. No matter the enemy... just like the zombies, adjust power to their level or above as to not exert too much energy.

With that, he began simple; jumping into the air and performing a spinning kick, intending to slam right into his "father's" head!
River's eyes widened when she saw the two figures standing there. Her jaw dropped, even. "How are you even--" She paused, looking Jenifer and Lilia up and down with confusion. "Well, to put it bluntly, the two of you died. I saw your bodies. How are you still alive? And... where are we?"

@Reaper Jack @Atomyk
Unsure of herself, Jennifer looks toward Lilia. "That's... what she said." Jennifer turns her head to look down at her hands. "But I don't understand. If you're dead, you can't... talk, right?" Jennifer truly didn't understand.

Perhaps to change the subject, or maybe she was feeling uncomfortable, Jennifer points over to the shack. "There's something in there. It's calling... me."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Reaper Jack
River's eyes widened when she saw the two figures standing there. Her jaw dropped, even. "How are you even--" She paused, looking Jenifer and Lilia up and down with confusion. "Well, to put it bluntly, the two of you died. I saw your bodies. How are you still alive? And... where are we?"

@Reaper Jack @Atomyk
Lilia shook her head at River when she said they'd died. She knew that full well, but Pseudo-Jennifer did not, and Lilia worried that it was important somehow. She pulled River off to one side for a moment and spoke in low tones to her, so that Jennifer did not.

"Yes we are, as best as I can tell, dead. Jennifer doesn't seem to know, and she's a child now, I think that's important; I've been here a while now, and if you've only just haven't started where I did. This feels worryingly like a game to me."

At that she held up the Monokuma teddy to prove her last point.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@The Dark Dimension (formerly Child's Play):

The mirror Pretty Boy had broken began to melt, the shards forming into a pool behind him, which slowly rose from the ground.
A kneeling figure rose to its feet behind him, a smile on its face as its stole away whatever items he was carrying, eating them as it did so, finally tapping him on the shoulder and punching him in the face, standing ready to fight.

Being punched in the face is a shock, being 7 feet tall he was used to slightly lower strikes, nevertheless he smiles and lashes out with a long arm, striking the creature in the temple
"You fucked up gypsy"

(Someone better get that reference)
@Atomyk @Reaper Jack

River's eyes widened upon hearing what Lilia said to her. "Dead? Y-You mean... I'm dead too?" She chuckled nervously. "That can't be right. I-I'm not dead. That's daft! I don't even remember dying! I'm not supposed to be be dead! I-I mean, I was supposed to die eventually, but not in a strange place run by that Monokuma bear!" River breathed a little faster, almost panicked. She really wasn't supposed to be dead! River was supposed to die saving The Doctor! If she didn't, he would die and many worlds would be in danger. This was wrong! It had to be some kind of trick!

River cursed under her breath and touched a hand to her forehead. She had to at least keep calm for now or she wouldn't be able to figure out what happened.

"I-I suppose we explore this place then, yeah? Let's give the shack a go and see what's inside," she suggested, still breathing a little faster, very uncomfortable with the news of her death.
"What right have you to tell me what to do?! I couldn't save her and I let her die, but when she finally lived again and had a chance to be happy, you failed her!"
He lifted Edward to his feet, punching him in the gut repeatedly and kneeing him in the chin before giving him another chance to speak.
"It was my job to protect her, and I failed her. Then you went and did the same, you bloody idiot! I know you loved her, and I know she loved you, so why couldn't you save her?! WHY?! Why?"

The Doctor fell to his knees in tears shaking his head before releasing a primal scream, ending by slamming his fists into the ground.
"She didn't deserve this... I lost her, and you found her. You could have been able to finally make her happy, and she died again instead... Why must we fail those we love? Tell me, why?!"

A smile covered Will's lips as he allowed Elizabeth to knock his sword away before sliding down the blade of her own and gently kissing her, his once hate filled eyes now gentle, the man she loved standing before her just the way she remembered him.
As he took a step back, he pulled the sword from his chest, reaching his hand inside the wound and removing a small, heart-shaped locket, which he set in her hands, kissing her once again before stepping away, mouthing the words "I love you" before disappearing into the darkness, which slowly swallowwed her as well, yet it didn't feel cold as the first time, it was filled with warmth and love.

A sign appeared before her that read "You have passed your first test, yet there are still more ahead, do you wish to continue?".
Two paths now appeared, one leading to a door marked "YES", the other to one marked "NO".

Kotomine's father smiled as he slid down his leg and embraced his son, his arms held tightly around his shoulders as he spoke.
"I always wanted what was best for you, son, but you always held onto the pure beliefs of logic, and never were able to understand emotion well. I blame myself for this, because I know I could have done better for you. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard and shown you more love. I should have allowed you to do more when you were a child. I see all of this now in death, but I wish that I had had the heart to figure this out while I still lived. It may be too late for me, here in this living Hell, but it's not too late for you."

The being mirrored his strike after it had landed knocking it back slightly, a smile on its face as it stared into his eyes, hoping to make the same connection his blow had.
@Atomyk @Reaper Jack

River's eyes widened upon hearing what Lilia said to her. "Dead? Y-You mean... I'm dead too?" She chuckled nervously. "That can't be right. I-I'm not dead. That's daft! I don't even remember dying! I'm not supposed to be be dead! I-I mean, I was supposed to die eventually, but not in a strange place run by that Monokuma bear!" River breathed a little faster, almost panicked. She really wasn't supposed to be dead! River was supposed to die saving The Doctor! If she didn't, he would die and many worlds would be in danger. This was wrong! It had to be some kind of trick!

River cursed under her breath and touched a hand to her forehead. She had to at least keep calm for now or she wouldn't be able to figure out what happened.

"I-I suppose we explore this place then, yeah? Let's give the shack a go and see what's inside," she suggested, still breathing a little faster, very uncomfortable with the news of her death.
Lilia nodded in agreement and set off after River, happy to let someone else potentially smarter than her figure this out. Not that she wasn't intelligent, but her brain needed a rest from all this crap for a while.
The being mirrored his strike after it had landed knocking it back slightly, a smile on its face as it stared into his eyes, hoping to make the same connection his blow had.

Being struck in the same way, he grins, figuring out the gimmick "You mimic my strikes..." he mutters, going on the defensive and countering his enemy's attacks
"Not exactly..." Erika sighed. If she only had the Chiesters at her command at the time of this happening, she could have them blast that shed into pieces. Looking over, she saw that Dlanor was juiced out, using that many Red Truths had taken a toll on her. Looks like she would be out of it for now...

@Mari @Jeremi @Archmage Jeremiah @Thuro Pendragon
With attention directed toward the shed, Frank pointed toward it. "Okay, that's where we're going!" he yells, before bashing aside a few zombies with a baseball bat.

Leia is at his side, assisting, but it's not enough to turn back the tide. "Someone keep them off us!" she cries.

@Gummi Bunnies
@Archmage Jeremiah
@Thuro Pendragon
Lilia nodded in agreement and set off after River, happy to let someone else potentially smarter than her figure this out. Not that she wasn't intelligent, but her brain needed a rest from all this crap for a while.

@Atomyk @Reaper Jack

River began to walk a couple steps ahead of the group, keeping her face shadowed from the other two until she could compose herself. She would figure out a way out of this if it was the last thing she did.

"Very well, girl, let's take a look at that shack," River said to Jennifer, walking to the shack and opening up the door.
"What right have you to tell me what to do?! I couldn't save her and I let her die, but when she finally lived again and had a chance to be happy, you failed her!"
He lifted Edward to his feet, punching him in the gut repeatedly and kneeing him in the chin before giving him another chance to speak.
"It was my job to protect her, and I failed her. Then you went and did the same, you bloody idiot! I know you loved her, and I know she loved you, so why couldn't you save her?! WHY?! Why?"

The Doctor fell to his knees in tears shaking his head before releasing a primal scream, ending by slamming his fists into the ground.
"She didn't deserve this... I lost her, and you found her. You could have been able to finally make her happy, and she died again instead... Why must we fail those we love? Tell me, why?!"

A smile covered Will's lips as he allowed Elizabeth to knock his sword away before sliding down the blade of her own and gently kissing her, his once hate filled eyes now gentle, the man she loved standing before her just the way she remembered him.
As he took a step back, he pulled the sword from his chest, reaching his hand inside the wound and removing a small, heart-shaped locket, which he set in her hands, kissing her once again before stepping away, mouthing the words "I love you" before disappearing into the darkness, which slowly swallowwed her as well, yet it didn't feel cold as the first time, it was filled with warmth and love.

A sign appeared before her that read "You have passed your first test, yet there are still more ahead, do you wish to continue?".
Two paths now appeared, one leading to a door marked "YES", the other to one marked "NO".

Kotomine's father smiled as he slid down his leg and embraced his son, his arms held tightly around his shoulders as he spoke.
"I always wanted what was best for you, son, but you always held onto the pure beliefs of logic, and never were able to understand emotion well. I blame myself for this, because I know I could have done better for you. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard and shown you more love. I should have allowed you to do more when you were a child. I see all of this now in death, but I wish that I had had the heart to figure this out while I still lived. It may be too late for me, here in this living Hell, but it's not too late for you."

The being mirrored his strike after it had landed knocking it back slightly, a smile on its face as it stared into his eyes, hoping to make the same connection his blow had.
Edward cursed himself in his head when he allowed himself to get caught by the man again. After getting a knee to the chin, he fell onto his back and rubbed his jaw, his eyes now fixed on that man. He wasn't going to fight anyone, but this man was asking for it. Edward got up and raised his fists, his guard now up, he wouldn't make any more mistakes now. "Alright mate, let's settle this then."

He was still angry over River's death, and that alone would have been enough for him to attack this man if he didn't know who he was. But even if he was her husband, Ed wouldn't hesitate to knock him out. "Get up then. I'm not fighting a crying man. If this is really the way you're going to mourn her, even after all good she spoke of you, then aye, I'd be glad to oblige, you filthy gobshite!"
@Atomyk @Reaper Jack

River's eyes widened upon hearing what Lilia said to her. "Dead? Y-You mean... I'm dead too?" She chuckled nervously. "That can't be right. I-I'm not dead. That's daft! I don't even remember dying! I'm not supposed to be be dead! I-I mean, I was supposed to die eventually, but not in a strange place run by that Monokuma bear!" River breathed a little faster, almost panicked. She really wasn't supposed to be dead! River was supposed to die saving The Doctor! If she didn't, he would die and many worlds would be in danger. This was wrong! It had to be some kind of trick!

River cursed under her breath and touched a hand to her forehead. She had to at least keep calm for now or she wouldn't be able to figure out what happened.

"I-I suppose we explore this place then, yeah? Let's give the shack a go and see what's inside," she suggested, still breathing a little faster, very uncomfortable with the news of her death.
Jennifer, feeling shy around the presence of two older people, just goes quiet as she is led to the shed. It is completely silent as your group approaches. Jennifer holds back at first, but once River opens shack's front door, she rushes inside.

Inside is unremarkable. There's no light source, so you only have the moonlight from the open door for sight. Someone's been using this for storage, as you see some general gardening equipment scattered about. There's also a few scattered buckets, stray pieces of wood, a few discarded crayons, and...


It's the Bucket Knight.
He stands in the middle of the shed, looking a bit more battered than usual. At his feet is a chalkboard with a piece of chalk attached to it by string. On the chalkboard are the words, "ARYA STARK OF WINTERFALL, THE YOUNG WOLF, Everlasting." And just below that is the name, "Bayonetta."

"Bucket Knight..." Jennifer says slowly, apparently familiar with it.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Reaper Jack
A smile covered Will's lips as he allowed Elizabeth to knock his sword away before sliding down the blade of her own and gently kissing her, his once hate filled eyes now gentle, the man she loved standing before her just the way she remembered him.
As he took a step back, he pulled the sword from his chest, reaching his hand inside the wound and removing a small, heart-shaped locket, which he set in her hands, kissing her once again before stepping away, mouthing the words "I love you" before disappearing into the darkness, which slowly swallowwed her as well, yet it didn't feel cold as the first time, it was filled with warmth and love.

A sign appeared before her that read "You have passed your first test, yet there are still more ahead, do you wish to continue?".
Two paths now appeared, one leading to a door marked "YES", the other to one marked "NO"
Elizabeth saw his expression change, and relief flooded through her. As he leaned towards her she met him halfway, her hand going to the back of his neck as she kissed his lips, her own wet and salty with tears. So many emotions swirled through her, and his caring gesture like the loving man she knew he was made her feel as if her broken heart was being threaded back together. She was thoroughly disappointed when he pulled away. Confusion clouded her eyes, and she realized he had impaled himself on her sword. Her eyes widened.

"No! Will, Will, no, please!" The careful stitches that held her heart together split, and before she knew it, tears started to run down her face. Her voice was full of desperation, and his warm, red blood slid down the blade of her sword, dripping and blossoming on the dark ground beneath them. It dropped from her hand. She put her hands on his shoulders, unable to fully think, wanting to do something, anything-

She felt him place something cool and metal in her hand, and she stared at him in confusion before he kissed her softly once more. "Will...." The three words he mouthed caused tears to flow from her eyes more, and he slipped from her hands, into the darkness.

"N-No! Will!" she shrieked, and ran after him. "Will, come back to me, please! I-I love you too! So, so much!" She stumbled as she ran, until she fell, sobbing as she hit the warm, dark ground. The darkness slowly swallowed her, and she wept even harder, curling into a ball, wishing this was all a dream....

After the pirate wept for what seemed like hours, she sat up, wiping her eyes and gasping from her violent sobbing. She still trembled as she stood.

The strong woman tried shaking it off, brought her shoulders back, and looked at her two options. All evidence of heartbreak slowly cleaned itself up. Slowly but surely, she walked towards the path marked YES.
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