Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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Annabeth looked at the elf. Well... this honestly did not surprise her at this point. What was more surprising was the amount of medication the elf was shoving into his bag. "You know... that seems like a lot for just yourself," she said.

Billy was also looking at the Elf, but said nothing for the moment.

@Kirah @Mari @Josh M @Krieg @Atomyk @Verite @any one else there
"An Elf? A demon?" The clearly elf-like figure with a pointy hat looks at Kotomine, then to Bayonetta. "I'm not the one who needs some medication." With that he opens a bottle of pills and pours them down his mouth. "Just gettin' my vitamins. Ya Remind me of my dog. Always nipping at my heels... until I got a divorce! Ha!" Thinking himself clever, the small guy rewards himself with another mouth-full of 'vitamins.' "And it ain't shopliften if I got the prescriptions!" He wags a pad of doctor prescriptions... empty ones that haven't been filled out.

Robin followed his group mates onto the elevator, dragging the Noob along with some difficulty. He tried to remain calm after the fight, but every time he so much as looked at the sorceress leading their group, he felt heat begin to rise in his face. Get a hold of yourself, Tact, you're a married man! Besides, I doubt Morgan would be happy if a redheaded clone of her followed me home.

Now standing inside, Robin felt an odd sensation in his head. He knew this feeling, he had felt it when his future daughters had appeared. Opening his mouth, the man voiced his concerns, "Watch out, everyone, I feel shenanigans are about to occur. Trust me when I say this is about to get weird."
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Elizabeth clenched her jaw as she stepped forward into the small room, following the people in front of her. The fallen undead crunched underneath their feet, and she cringed.


"Where are we to head after this? I see no exit." Clearly, Mrs. Turner didn't understand the concept of elevators.

Robin followed his group mates onto the elevator, dragging the Noob along with some difficulty. He tried to remain calm after the fight, but every time he so much as looked at the sorceress leading their group, he felt heat begin to rise in his face. Get a hold of yourself, Tact, you're a married man! Besides, I doubt Morgan would be happy if a redheaded clone of her followed me home.

Now standing inside, Robin felt an odd sensation in his head. He knew this feeling, he had felt it when his future daughters had appeared. Opening his mouth, the man voiced his concerns, "Watch out, everyone, I feel shenanigans are about to occur. Trust me when I say this is about to get weird."
Wuya once in the elevator turned to see who all was well in her group. 'So Jack, new guy, Robin, Noob... Is that all? Wait.' She did a mental count and found it strange that it was her who had such a large group. 'Wait who is leading this? I know Jack will only obey me so I guess to keep my eye on the others. But Robin seems okay. Noob I deiced by that strange look he will be useful. And Jack shows jealousy which for me is a bonus ah I love when I'm the reason for chaos.' She though to herself.

Jack piled in after Robin with the Noob how he was so far behind Wuya he wasn't sure. He didn't like knowing the Noob was here but he knew he would have to ignore him for now. Jack deiced to ask because he was near the buttons. "So what number would you all like for me to press? Or just one that's well down?" He asked tiring to ignore that he wasn't the only guy with Wuya.

@Akibahara @Conrad Norwood @Xibilation @KayThePilotChapter @Dallas @DapperDogman
"An Elf? A demon?" The clearly elf-like figure with a pointy hat looks at Kotomine, then to Bayonetta. "I'm not the one who needs some medication." With that he opens a bottle of pills and pours them down his mouth. "Just gettin' my vitamins. Ya Remind me of my dog. Always nipping at my heels... until I got a divorce! Ha!" Thinking himself clever, the small guy rewards himself with another mouth-full of 'vitamins.' "And it ain't shopliften if I got the prescriptions!" He wags a pad of doctor prescriptions... empty ones that haven't been filled out.


Kotomine was practically 75% done with this shit right about now. This elf creature seemed more mysterious than he had imagined. He had never encountered such a Dead Apostle in his life before... but then again, he didn't even want to know what this thing actually might be, assuming the frightening possibility that this weird-ass... entity was not some weird demon that went crazy or something.

"...May as well make good use of what's already gathered. Give us your supplies and we won't hurt you," he said, immediately resorting to threatening the poor elf, like a bully threatening a scrawny nerd to hand over his lunch money.​
Seiker didn't trust much of the add ons to the group and would prefer to leave those that were not Ruby, Erika, and Natsu behind. He couldn't seem to trust even some of the first people he met, but none-the-less he would deal with the impending doom right now and deal with the his ideas on the group later. "Ruby, Your weapon. You don't need it, you're an excellent fighter so use what you have." Seiker charged at the undead and leapt up latching onto the sealing then down, he did this repeatedly three times causing a indent in the ground. I say that, but if I had my cannon... With the zombies out of his way he readied his fists for them to get back up.
@york @MrDubWubs @Gummi Bunnies @Xibilation @ItsToppyTippers
Jack looked at him a moment confused. "um.. Maybe from earlier in the weird but safe school. Or maybe on t.v. depending on where your from me and Wuya are popular in a way when it comes to media." Jack glanced back at Wuya and noticed all the zombies were dead thanks to her and his Jack Bot he gave Wuya a smile of pride."Um.. Come on I think we might want to be with the others. We where headed for the elevator to explore." And with that he went once more to Wuya's side.

Wuya looked at the boy she had saved only for a moment. "Don't mention it." She said with kind but serious voice. She then looked back to where the zombies where she gave a smile and let her hands no longer be in-cased in her green fire. The Jack Bot she noticed hadn't yet stopped for it was looking for another target. "Jack turn that thing off before it hits Robin or one of the others." She said with strangely a voice of concern as if she was telling Jack off on Chase. Jack looked at the bot and said. "Jack Bot stop for now." The bot obeyed and Wuya gave a smile. "Well Jacky your bots aren't a waste all the time after all." She looked at all the destruction together they had caused and as a witch on the Heylin side she couldn't be happier. She motioned for Jack and the new boy to follow her to the others and the elevator.Jack nodded and followed.

@Conrad Norwood @KayThePilotChapter @Akibahara @Dallas @DapperDogman
"Alright," Urushihara whispered as Jack--he heard Wuya say--left to Wuya's side once more. They seemed like they would always stick together; they were a team. Zombies weren't something he had ever encountered, even being the Great Demon General Lucifer. And something supernatural he had no experience with was rare. Recalling what Jack had said, Urushihara scanned through his memories. He knew what a TV was, but had never actually gotten to use one to watch shows or movies. He had only ever had his computer and game console.

Wuya motioned for Jack and himself to follow her into the elevator, and he obliged obediently.

@Everyone else at elevator
*I soon boarded the elevator with the rest of the group. I held the Engineers dog tag in my hand, and then placed it into my pocket. I exhaled, and tried to ignore the stench of the dead bodies that were spread across the floor. I've smelt worse...that's for damn sure.*

@The elevator crew

Elizabeth heard a loud 'pop!' originate behind her: The Engineer, sporting standard U.S. Army Military Gear, cursing to himself. You swore, his corpse hadn't "vanished" yet outside, "Fuck! Fucking shit! I should've seen that coming!" Huh? The Noob side-glanced over his left shoulder, lazily waving at his Battlefield Friend, "Yeah, that zombie really owned you didn't she? You noob." He rolled his eyes...


"Soooo, where should we go..."

If no one pressed a button, The Engineer idly pushed Wuya aside, clicking the 'F1' button - or 'Floor One'. Does anyone interrupt him? Y/N? If not, let's see where Monohoho has planned for us!

@Conrad Norwood

Your brief ride in the bloodstained elevator is filled with some very lovely elevator music. It's quite the contrast to the blood and guts of the zombies that once occupied this small space.

The elevator stops at the ground floor, and it seems here and the rooftop is the only two floors it will reach. Stepping out you find yourself in Wonderland Plaza, and it seem Christmas cheer is in the air!


Soft pleasant Christmas music washes over you all. You expect the scent of gingerbread, but instead the smell of rotting flesh permeates the mall. So much for Christmas, this mall is totally infested!​
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Everyone's ID flash to life, showing the new map--



Blue/Light Blue: Electronics/Music

Orange: Gym/Sporting Goods

Peach: Food

Lime: Optics Stores/Toy Stores

Yellow: Camera and photo development

Magenta: Cosmetics

Grey: Shoes

Turquoise: Kid's Clothing

Dark Grey: Men's Clothing

Pink: Women's Clothing

Crislip's Home Saloon/McHandy's Hardware: Hardware/Home and Garden

Ned's Knickknackery: Antiques

Huntin' Shack/Ripper's Blades: Gun Store/Blades Store

Colby's Movieland: Movie Theatre



North Plaza


Seon's Food & Stuff: Where the air duct crew landed. There's a ton of food here!

Crislip's Home Saloon: A bloody mess of a hardware store.

Huntin' Shack: Guns, guns, and more guns.

Ripper's Blades: Blades, knives, and more swords.
Wonderland Plaza


The Coaster: A dazzling coaster and kid's play area sits in the middle of the plaza!

Philo's Photos: Some loud noises are coming from this store...

Lovely Fashion House: It honestly sounds like a pigpen in here.

Tyke n' Tots: Looks like this store is having a sale for the Christmas season!

The Entrance to the Food Court: It seems to be heavily blocked off for now.

NOTE: LEISURE PARK and the FOOD COURT are blocked off for now! Do some exploring and maybe they'll open to you!
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Elizabeth heard a loud 'pop!' originate behind her: The Engineer, sporting standard U.S. Army Military Gear, cursing to himself. You swore, his corpse hadn't "vanished" yet outside, "Fuck! Fucking shit! I should've seen that coming!" Huh? The Noob side-glanced over his left shoulder, lazily waving at his Battlefield Friend, "Yeah, that zombie really owned you didn't she? You noob." He rolled his eyes...


"Soooo, where should we go..."

If no one pressed a button, The Engineer idly pushed Wuya aside, clicking the 'F1' button - or 'Floor One'. Does anyone interrupt him? Y/N? If not, let's see where Monohoho has planned for us!

@Conrad Norwood
Wuya didn't care if the Engineer had just died pushing her was not wise on his behave. "Watch it buddy." She said anger in her voice. Jack did not have time to react for the Engineer had already pressed a button. Jack did however give him an evil eye look. He looked at Wuya who's expression said. 'Someone is on my kill list.' Jack gave a gulp.

@Everyone in the Elevator
"It's only for emergencies," Frank says. "I'm not the best shot, I'm just a journalist."

The psychopath interrupts them, yelling, "You can not tell me, can you? Oh yeah... I know why... It's because you're both Viet Cong! I'm right, aren't I? You are nothin' but filthy communists!"

Frank rolls his eyes. "Anyway, if you gotta take the shot, do it, but it's going to draw those zombies toward the store. Some of them are already on their way, I'm sure." With a deep breath, Frank aims his camera. "Watch."

The journalist reaches over and knocks an item off the shelf. The psychopath roars and runs down the aisle, but Frank peeks around the corner and takes a picture. Th psychopath, blinded, runs past the pair and runs into the back wall. Frank begins to run and nods for you to follow him. "That's what I've been doing to avoid him. I thought he'd go down eventually, but he's like a wrecking ball!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
River sighed. "Well I'm an archaeologist and I still know how to handle a gun myself," she mumbled, frowning when the psychopath interrupts them. She rolled her eyes, folding her arms for a moment. "Zombies, eh? Oh, I'll take the shot regardless. If they're drawn to noise it won't matter if I shoot the gun or not, sweetie. They're already on their way. Loud mouth here has insured us of that." She unfolded her arms and slowly walked toward the man who had run into the back wall.

"Only room for one psychopath in this place," River said to herself, shooting the man in the back. "I call dibs." She had been half tempted to blow his head off, but decided to leave him half-alive. That way, he would be good bait for the zombies to be attracted to if such creatures really were on their way. She wore a cold expression on her face. River had no problem hurting someone else. Especially if it meant getting away and living to see another day.

"Problem solved," she said, turning back to look at Frank. "Now then, if this place is dangerous, how do we escape?"

Robin did not stop Engi as he simply sighed, "See, everyone, shenanigans. I doubt it's time travel like with my family or resurrection in the case of my father this time so maybe these two, I don't know, can't be killed unless it's by a traitor? Goddess, I'm only twenty and I'm already too old for this crap," the tactician was beginning to wonder if anything would ever be normal for him. Honestly, in the eyes of the once destined to be fallen god vassal, nothing could begin to surprise him. Looking to Wuya and Jack, he began to make small talk as the elevator dropped down, "Is this kind of thing normal in your world? Not zombies, I mean the whole resurrection thing Engi just pulled?"

@Akibahara @Raven @Dallas @DapperDogman @Xibilation @ShiroKiyoshi @KayThePilotChapter
"An Elf? A demon?" The clearly elf-like figure with a pointy hat looks at Kotomine, then to Bayonetta. "I'm not the one who needs some medication." With that he opens a bottle of pills and pours them down his mouth. "Just gettin' my vitamins. Ya Remind me of my dog. Always nipping at my heels... until I got a divorce! Ha!" Thinking himself clever, the small guy rewards himself with another mouth-full of 'vitamins.' "And it ain't shopliften if I got the prescriptions!" He wags a pad of doctor prescriptions... empty ones that haven't been filled out.

"Vitamins? You don't need a prescription for those." Bayonetta asked the elf. " And you seem to be taking more than the recommended dosage. Would you be so kind as to tell us why you take in so much of them?"


"And, not that I'm a policewoman, but don't those things need to be paid for? And if you're not paying, isn't that considered shoplifting?"

Bayonetta noticed the priest... somewhat threatening the elf. She was curious to see what would come of that.
@Ziogen @Atomyk @kittyluna45 @Josh M @Kirah @Jeremi @Archmage Jeremiah @Krieg
Robin did not stop Engi as he simply sighed, "See, everyone, shenanigans. I doubt it's time travel like with my family or resurrection in the case of my father this time so maybe these two, I don't know, can't be killed unless it's by a traitor? Goddess, I'm only twenty and I'm already too old for this crap," the tactician was beginning to wonder if anything would ever be normal for him. Honestly, in the eyes of the once destined to be fallen god vassal, nothing could begin to surprise him. Looking to Wuya and Jack, he began to make small talk as the elevator dropped down, "Is this kind of thing normal in your world? Not zombies, I mean the whole resurrection thing Engi just pulled?"

@Akibahara @Raven @Dallas @DapperDogman @Xibilation @ShiroKiyoshi @KayThePilotChapter
Wuya gave a smile. "Resurrection yeah sure I guess. I for one am well immortal." She paused and looked listened to the music a moment. "Ugg I hate Elevators and malls." Jack for one was excited and couldn't wait when he heard the elevator say ding he was the first out and waiting for Wuya to join. Wuya stood waiting for everyone else first she was going to walk out last or at least that was her plan.

@Elevator crew
Crap. The others went in the elevator without me. I don't know if I can open it ag-...

Duh. Think like an Assassin. I walked over and pried the doors open. Time for a Leap of Faith.


Perfect landing. Prying open the grating on the top I looked in.

"Hey guy's. Thanks for waiting."
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