Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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//ooc: River votes for Lilia. She doesn't need to hear an explanation of why she should vote for her either. Because she was with Lilia when she saw that she had a knife. So it shouldn't be hard for River to suspect her. :3
~Towards the Gym~

The heated debate among the newly-formed group had ceased, at least from Arya's perspective when the mentioning of food was brought up. Normally, the girl would pursue forwards with her conversations, in particular the bear's overall rudeness and egotism. However, for the sake of not wishing to piss off the stuffy plushie that could explode into shrapnel, Arya kept her mouth shut. Walking with the others, occasionally glancing behind her to ensure nobody was lurking suspciously, the preteen abruptly remarked.

"Anyone remember what they were doing...before this?" Arya brought up, trying alleviate some sort of hope among some of the members. Being in a war was one hell, but accusing each other of the hideous crime of murder with no clear evidence was a thousand hells. Mothers turned against daughters, brothers against sisters, and any semblance of friendship seemed utterly expendable. All-in-all, Arya felt like she was losing the game before it had even begun.
"I was having breakfast with my girlfriend." Billy sad. Sadness was prevalent in his voice as he thought of Georgia. What was she thinking right now?
"Oh, dear. It appears that the wounds were worse than I had initially thought," he said, getting a look at her hands, "I'm afraid I don't have anything on me at the moment that could help to alleviate your wounds, unfortunately. Do you suppose there might be something of use in this very room?" Kotomine inquired, deciding to play the part of the good priest for now, though despite his concerned words, his tone and facial expression seemed to imply he was either more amused or neutral towards her condition.
Elizabeth was about to reply, but she froze when she noticed his facial expression. Was he... laughing at her? A shot of anger flashed through the hot tempered woman, but she quickly composed herself.

"Perhaps we try to stop or block the blood by digging the glass into the wounds further? Or maybe we could use gum so it could stick onto the glass and we could yank the pieces out easier." She wasn't serious in the slightest bit, but she hid her facial expression to seem as if she did mean it. Elizabeth did love playing dumb.

"Last thing Cosmo remember he was goink was sleeink. Also Arya, we must go to gym to get your sword! Cosmo promised to retrieve it!"

Before he left, Cosmo turned to Bayonetta.

"He desecrated the body. We have no other real clues, but destroyink crime scene is good enough reason for Cosmo."
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Annabeth paused and sighed. "I was getting ready for school... Not this school, but school none the less... I was also going to see my boyfriend today... I mean yesterday, I mean... argh... I wish he was here..." She frowned a bit. "What about you?" She asked.

@Mari @Kirah @Josh M @Krieg @Atomyk
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With his vote changed, Robin set off, taking the elevator up and sprinting out of the steel cage. He needed to spread his theory to everyone and keep the innocents alive.

(Just imagine he comes in for five seconds so he can tell his theory then he'll leave to spread it some more.)
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With his vote changed, Robin set off, taking the elevator up and sprinting out of the steel cage. He needed to spread his theory to everyone and keep the innocents alive.

(Just imagine he comes in for five seconds so he can tell his theory then he'll leave to spread it some more.)
"Convince Arya to change her vote first, then I'll change mine," the Hound said stubbornly.

With his vote changed, Robin set off, taking the elevator up and sprinting out of the steel cage. He needed to spread his theory to everyone and keep the innocents alive.

(Just imagine he comes in for five seconds so he can tell his theory then he'll leave to spread it some more.)
"Does this blade match hers? Is she missing one?" Billy opens the cloth to show the knife he had saved from the scene before anyone else had entered it. @Conrad Norwood
Elizabeth was about to reply, but she froze when she noticed his facial expression. Was he... laughing at her? A shot of anger flashed through the hot tempered woman, but she quickly composed herself.

"Perhaps we try to stop or block the blood by digging the glass into the wounds further? Or maybe we could use gum so it could stick onto the glass and we could yank the pieces out easier." She wasn't serious in the slightest bit, but she hid her facial expression to seem as if she did mean it. Elizabeth did love playing dumb.
"Oh? Is that so?" He asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow briefly, before curling his lips into a smirk once again, "If you insist, I will not stop you if you try," the priest said, handing her some of the gum, though his smirk made ambiguous what he was really thinking.​
Robin looked the knife over and nodded, "Yes, that's the one, sir. Please, help spread the word of this so we can prevent any more unneeded bloodshed."

(Wait, are Arya and the Hound in the same room as Billy or not?)
"Noob?" Bayonetta asked. "Why do you think it was him? It seems he is a person of decent standing. His companion though... I would have more question towards the Engineer. Or Commander Snuggles, as he asked me to address him."

@Josh M @kittyluna45 @Krieg @Kirah
As the group walked to the gymnasium:

Bayonetta thought about Arya's question. "So many things have happened here, it's a wonder I hadn't forgotten where I was previously. I was in the city of Vigrid, fighting my way through an army of Angels. Searching for something, of which I'm not sure. Something to do with my past, and possibly my future."

To Cosmo, Bayonetta answered, "I don't agree with your opinion. I would like to... but Annabeth's theory is one that has more sense. And anyone can work to destroy evidence."

@Kirah @kittyluna45 @Josh M @Krieg
Robin looked the knife over and nodded, "Yes, that's the one, sir. Please, help spread the word of this so we can prevent any more unneeded bloodshed."

(Wait, are Arya and the Hound in the same room as Billy or not?)
"If someone else agrees with you I'll put my vote for her then. I'd prefer several people to agree. Because three people are the traitor and one of them could be you." Billy wraps it back up.

(Idk about the hound but Cosmo and Arya are)
(Can't tag on phone stupid thing)

"I try," River replied, with a flutter of her eyelashes, when Edward commented on her being courageous. If there was one thing she liked being complimented on about just as much as she did her good looks, it was her courage or her skills.

When Edward began to pick River up, however, she was surprised. She wasn't hurt and actually could walk. But, what the heck! River absolutely loved attention, so she didn't stop him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stayed close to him. "Oh, I wouldn't say I'm as honest as you think. I've been lying to my parents and Doctor for as long as I can remember. And I'm actually in prison most of the time. I just tend to... escape to get a bit of fresh air from time to time," she admitted.

River pulled her map out when he asked where the healer might be. She pointed to the infirmary on the map and handed it to him. "There you are, sweetie. Just follow that and it should take us to the right place. But, in the mean time, maybe you'd be so inclined to tell me a tad bit about yourself. I was so busy enjoying the... view... when we first met I hardly took in anything else," she said with a smirk. She then leaned in and whispered in a flirty manner with her lips against his ear, "...and I can walk, you know."
Edward took a look at the map while River held it. It didn't take him too long to figure everything out before he started walking, following what he judged to be the shortest way to the doctor's office. As River talked about being in prison and escaping whenever she felt like it, a wide smile grew on his face once again. "River Song, I have a strong feeling there's many things you keep from me. I do like a woman of mystery."

When he was asked to talk about himself, he did manage to keep his smile, but his expression, mostly his eyes, seemed a little less happy. "My life's little more than pillaging and plundering" he simply said. It didn't look like he really wanted her to know much else. Secretly, he felt bad about the life he'd been leading so far. There were too many things he left behind, not only people but also morals and dreams. "A pirate's life should be nothing of interest to a lady. And aye, I know you can walk, but having such beauty in my arms is as good as holding a treasure."
*not caring that the question was aimed to him or not* Well that would be a good idea. We should get to know each other while we look for our stuff. *Natsu recommends as he starts to walk back to the elevator*
@ItsToppyTippers @Gummi Bunnies @ShadowPrime
"I guess so. There's nothing we should really be doing here since we don't have our weapons right now," replied Yang, who had snapped out of her previous thoughts. They had to find something to defend themselves with if there were traitors roaming around them. Kicking and punching wasn't really that best an option for Yang if she had to fight. "Maybe we could head back to the gym to see if there's anyone else there."
@ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies
Ruby nodded eagerly, though she looked towards the others wondering if they were going to come along as well before heading towards the elevator, turning towards the people who haven't responded yet "Come on you guys! I think we'd be better off sticking together!" she called, stopping in front of the elevator doors, she waited for the others to make their own decisions, bouncing up and down impatiently.
"Oh? Is that so?" He asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow briefly, before curling his lips into a smirk once again, "If you insist, I will not stop you if you try," the priest said, handing her some of the gum, though his smirk made ambiguous what he was really thinking.​
Elizabeth raised her eyebrows at the gum, before she smiled, too. "Oh thank you!" Playing it dumb was harder than she thought. She opened the package, inspected it, and opened one of the gum wrappers. "Hm. They've changed gum's appearance since my time." She made a fake pouting face. "What a shame. It won't work like I thought." She popped the stick of gum in her mouth, but immediately wanted to gag. She held her composure, though, and fought through spitting out the stuff. "Perhaps there's a more reasonable place to go for this fixing up kind of stuff?" She discreetly yanked out the biggest shard of spherical glass, her peripheral vision showing her wound was bleeding more. Why was she playing dumb, again? Oh. Right. :)
Robin looked the knife over and nodded, "Yes, that's the one, sir. Please, help spread the word of this so we can prevent any more unneeded bloodshed."

(Wait, are Arya and the Hound in the same room as Billy or not?)

You find Sandor Clegane in the middle of a hallway, covered in blood, as the corpses of atleast 6 of the little demon children lie around him, utterly murdered.
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@ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies
Ruby nodded eagerly, though she looked towards the others wondering if they were going to come along as well before heading towards the elevator, turning towards the people who haven't responded yet "Come on you guys! I think we'd be better off sticking together!" she called, stopping in front of the elevator doors, she waited for the others to make their own decisions, bouncing up and down impatiently.
Well you are a bouncy one. *Natsu said as he watched with a smile*
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Edward took a look at the map while River held it. It didn't take him too long to figure everything out before he started walking, following what he judged to be the shortest way to the doctor's office. As River talked about being in prison and escaping whenever she felt like it, a wide smile grew on his face once again. "River Song, I have a strong feeling there's many things you keep from me. I do like a woman of mystery."

When he was asked to talk about himself, he did manage to keep his smile, but his expression, mostly his eyes, seemed a little less happy. "My life's little more than pillaging and plundering" he simply said. It didn't look like he really wanted her to know much else. Secretly, he felt bad about the life he'd been leading so far. There were too many things he left behind, not only people but also morals and dreams. "A pirate's life should be nothing of interest to a lady. And aye, I know you can walk, but having such beauty in my arms is as good as holding a treasure."

"Oh, if you like mystery I'm certain you'll be pleased to know that I happen to be the queen of mystery. There are so many things that I am not allowed to talk about that I could write a book based off all I know if I wanted to. There are so many things I could do to cause so many different people to suffer. And yet, I don't choose that route. I keep a leash on what needs to be kept."

River smiled. "And I have a feeling there is also more to you than meets the eye. You'd think a pirate's life would not interest a lady, but on the contrary, I'd love to hear about it sometime." She paused. He didn't really seem like he wanted to tell her much of anything though. And she wasn't about to force him if he wasn't interested. River was in fact married to the king of closed books. She was used to knowing little about the person she cared for. "Although, I do happen to understand there are things others intend to keep private. I shan't ask about you again unless you feel the need to tell me anything. I was simply... being friendly," she added with a wink. She chuckled. "The kind of friendly that involves more moving of the lips and less taking off of the clothes, if you get what I mean." She sneaked a kiss to his chin afterwards, mostly as thanks for carrying her.
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