Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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1.) This has been a pesky problem in the past, but PLEASE keep OOC chatter to a minimum. We have an OOC section on our Murder Group here:

2.) Your characters will keep their abilities and powers, but keep in mind these powers will be heavily nerfed, so that characters with no powers would realistically be able to take on those with powers in a fight.

3.) It's highly suggested that in this RP (And in any RP, really) that you make an effort to interact with the other characters. A lone wolf is no fun and kind of suspicious!

4.) So no one is ignored, it's suggested that you skim over everyone's posts. You don't necessarily have to read it all, but look for your character's name! Due to the amount of characters, if you can, tag those that you plan to interact with in your post.

5.) There will be moments where players are asked NOT to post; this is usually before large updates or mid-round updates. Please comply!

6.) No godmodding, no matter your role! I really hope you know what that term means. I may have to godmod players a bit for certain points in the RP, but I promise to keep it to a bearbare minimum.

7.) Important! I'd love for everyone vote every round, but I realize some people might just not have the time. At the very least, I want everyone to post at least once each round. As each round should last a few days at the least, that comes to posting at least once every few days, which is pretty fair I think. If you become inactive and don't post, your character will likely be eliminated in some manner.


"Welcome to Despair"

Your dreams are vivid and confusing.

You hurtle through space, strange images and colours swiftly passing you by. Like a kaleidoscope is being directly broadcasted into your brain, these visions are rapid and mystifying, overlapping over each other to strike at your every sense. A vision you could only describe as rotting meat is combined with the sweet smell of fresh roses. Children giggling can be heard off in the distance, but on your tongue is the metallic taste of blood, as if you'd bitten your own tongue. Your hands feel hot, as if they are near an open flame, and yet your entire body feels cold, as if you've been encased in ice.

These visions are so sudden, that you can't quite keep up with them all. It soon becomes overwhelming, your body beginning to experience sensory overload. Some of you call out at this point; Some of you attempt to move. No matter what, you find your body frozen in place, unable speak, unable to move, unable to even think. It feels like your drowning, and you begin to feel yourself choking on air--
Then, you finally awaken.​

The fluorescent lighting from above stabs at your eyes, disorienting you. It takes a moment, but you finally sit up to find that you've woken up in a rather nondescript room. It's a bedroom (Or a bathroom, for some of you), and it's not long before you discover that others are with you.

Some of you had already begun to notice that you feel weaker. How or why is beyond you, but those of you who had powers will find that they've been weakened to near mortal levels. A search of your own body will find that you're in the outfit you wear most often, or one that means a lot to you. You will find that any weapons or belongings that you may have had on you have mysteriously vanished. (This includes your items of importance! If you chose an outfit as your item, you may not wake up in that outfit!)

A search of the room will find nothing of real significance or anything in the drawers. The room does contain what appears to be a Japanese styled sword, but unfortunately for you it's just a model sword (You can take it, but you're sure it'll break after just a few uses). For those of you familiar with technology, you'll notice both a camera and a monitor affixed to the wall. Neither seems to be working. There also appears to be large metal grates bolted to the wall. You're not sure what they're purpose is, but it's likely they are covering the room's windows. As for the two doors in the room, one leads to a bathroom containing a shower, toilet, and a sink. The other door must lead outside, but you'll find that it is locked and no amount of force put upon it will open it.
Guess you're trapped, for now anyway.​


Room a: River Song and Bayonetta awake on the bed. Sting Eucliffe, Lector and Elizabeth Swann-Turner awake on the floor. William Borden awakes inside the bathroom.

Room b: Zer0, Oz and Willow Rosenburg awake on the bed. Kirei Kotomine and Loki Laufeyson awake on the floor. Lyle Dylandy awakes inside the bathroom.

Room c: Arya Stark, Erika Furudo and Dlanor A. Knox awake on the bed. Revya, Gig and Korra awake on the floor. Ruby Rose and Cosmo awake inside the bathroom.

Room d: Hanzou Urushihara and Yang Xiao Long awake on the bed. Desmond Miles and Chrome Dokuro awake on the floor. Lilia Kjaernestejd awakes inside the bathroom.

Room e: Lilith and Zane Bowerstone awake on the bed. Don Collier and Jennifer awake on the floor. Robin awakes inside the bathroom.

Room f: Natsu Dragneel and Edward Kenway awake on the bed. Chung Seiker, Ley von Crimson River and Rufus Wilde awake on the floor. Funny Valentine awakes inside the bathroom.

Room g: The Noob, The Engineer and Sandor Clegane awake on the bed. Axel, Wuya and Jack Spicer awake on the floor. Anastasia Saunders awakes inside the bathroom.

Room h: Pretty Boy and Adain Lee awake on the bed. Both Yuno Gasai and Annabeth Chase awake on the floor. Risa Megan Ward and Connor Lassiter awake inside the bathroom.

NOTE: Feel free to write up a prologue detailing what your character was doing before they blacked out. Otherwise, have them wake up and interact with their fellow prisoners!
Cast List:

@Akibahara as The Noob and The Engineer (Battlefield Friends)
@Joellie as Edward Kenway (Assassin's Creed)
@Archmage Jeremiah as Risa Megan Ward and Connor Lassiter (Unwind)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Ley von Crimson River and Rufus Wilde (Grand Chase)
@Ziogen as Revya and Gig (Soul Nomad)
@Dallas as Don "Wardaddy" Collier (Fury)
@Verite as Kirei Kotomine (Fate/stay night)
@york as Ruby Rose (RWBY)
@Zadok shadows as Zane Bowerstone (Fable)
@Krieg as Arya Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as River Song (Doctor Who)
@MrDubWubs as Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)
@StarryNight as Chrome Dokuro (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
@Raven as Wuya and Jack Spicer (Xiaolin Showdown)
@DapperDogman as Intersection's Pretty Boy (Undying Love)
@Chello as Loki Laufeyson (Thor)
@Nassione as Korra (The Legend of Korra)
@Conrad Norwood as Robin (Fire Emblem)
@Xibilation as Elizabeth Swann-Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean)
@Reaper Jack as Lilia Kjaernestejd (Innocentius Luna)
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Dlanor A. Knox (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Chiru)
@ChemicalLove as Adain Lee (Original Character)
@KayThePilotChapter as Hanzou Urushihara (The Devil Is A Part-Timer!)
@SirDerpingtonIV as Sandor Clegane (A Song Of Ice And Fire)
@penguin055 as Lyle Dylandy (Gundam 00)
@Nim as Yuno Gasai (Mirai Nikki)
@ShadowPrime as Sting Eucliffe and Lector (Fairy Tale)
@Kirah as William "Billy" Borden (Dresden Files)
@Rocket as Lilith (Borderlands)
@Thuro Pendragon as Desmond Miles (Assassin's Creed)
@SuperChocoMilk as Zer0 (Borderlands)
@ItsToppyTippers as Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
@Jeremi as Funny Valentine (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
@HelloBeautifulChild as Oz and Willow Rosenburg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
@Ryu Keiko as Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
@Mari as Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
@ElBell as Anastasia Saunders (Original Character)
@kittyluna45 as Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Chung Seiker (Elsword)
@Josh M as Cosmo (Guardians of the Galaxy)
@Atomyk as Jennifer (Rule of Rose)​
Prologue: The Noob and The Engineer

It was a dark and stormy night...


The bustling metropolis of Shanghai, 800 miles from Hong Kong, the 'capitalist' centre of China, was washed in a torrential downpour of rain. The storm covered men of Chinese and American descent, echoing the horrors of battle as cannons and automatic weapons fire lit up the city. It fell upon an M1 Abrams battle tank, the epitome of American war ingenuity, standing imperiously against the storm, it's reactive armor glistening as water dribbled down it's side...
"Are you ready?"

A man!
A Southerner, a Texas native, no doubt, peered through the protective slits of his tool of destruction: To him, an indestructible tank! To others... a mere vehicle to be destroyed and tossed aside. No, not today.

For today was too special.

He slyly grinned to himself, at the three Chinese snipers pined on a rooftop, their eyes trained upon such powerful rifle scopes, loud 'booms!' erupted with each lethal shot. Not today, he said, not today...
"No, dude. This is fucking stupi--"



Aaaaaand you know what, fuck all this serious narration. I'm done.

The 65 ton tank spun in the air, end-over-end, front-flipping toward an adjacent apartment complex via the magic power of piss poor Battlefield 4 patches thanks to DICE's laziness.


A large shadow loomed over the Chinese sniper squadron...


They looked up...



The M1 Abrams plummeted from the sky, rendering all three Chinese troopers to liquefied jelly. The resulting shockwave demolished the ramshackle building they were sniping on.

The smoke swirled around The Noob as he sat up, jittery as a junebug.

"Did you see that?! DID YOU SEE THAT?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuckin' amazing, PewDiePie. Now can we get on with the objective?!" said The Engineer, rolling his eyes, arms crossed.

Moments later, the not-so-deadly duo leapt from the skyscraper, parachutes deployed as...

Their screens faded to black.



What the fuck?



The Noob and The Engineer woke up on a bed, groaning:

"Aww what the fuck?" said The Engineer, his weapons gone, as were the Noobs. Not even the friggin' knife was spared! The Noob, however, was glancing at the overbearing Game of Thrones character laying next to him.


"Uh, this some sort of mod or somethin'?" said The Noob.

"I- I don't know, man. Let's... look around or something."

The two sat up, their U.S. Army grade boots hitting the floor as they looked around.

Wuya and Anastasia caught their attention. Meh, probably some NPCs anyway, right?


Wuya awoke first she looked around and saw Jack Spicer. 'He probable wet his pants if he saw the nightmares I just witnessed.' She gave a small chuckle and went over to Jack and stared for a moment but then immediately began to search him for any Shen Gon Wu that he may still had on him. Realizing that he had nothing she sighed and checked her pockets for her reversing mirror but even it was gone. "What!?! Where is it? I never misplace a Shen Gon Wu!" She then noticed Jack shift and grew quiet.

Jack's eyes opened and he looked up. He felt terrified of the events that his dreams just passed. He looked around and noticed he wasn't in his room. He looked then saw Wuya and for once seeing the creepy Heylin witch he relaxed. He stood up and brushed himself off. "Hey Wuya. Do you know where we are? Did Chase finally want me around?" He asked her with a hopeful look in his eye. "No Jack." Was all Wuya replied. She looked at him a moment. "Jack?" She asked to get his attention once more. "Yes?" He replied. "Do you know where we are or any of these people?" Jack looked around and noticed others for the first time. "Nope sorry." Wuya only nodded. Jack over heard someone near him and Wuya say something about NPC's and his eyes lit up. 'I wonder if they have played Zombie Killer 5.' He thought but waited Wuya to say something demanding before doing anything else.

Wuya looked around and noticed two men look her way but said nothing till turning back to Jack. "Well make yourself useful and find us some weapons or allies for now Jack." He looked at Wuya and gave a grin for this he was waiting on. "Oh you want my help? Just because Chase isn't here you come asking for me help?" He smirked. Wuya rolled her eyes. "Jack do you see any of the Xiaolin warriors here? Or any of our usual friends? I think we should stick together and get along for now." Jack's smile faded. "Fine whatever." He looked around wondering who to approach first.
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Edward looked back to Funny Valentine and only gave him a smile. "Relax. I was only joking. But aye, I am a scoundrel, if you would call me that. Quite a fitting title. Forgive me, for I have not heard of these United States..."

Hearing Natsu, he then looked back to the door and chuckled. "You're more than welcome to try, mate. Name's Edward. Pleasure." He extended his hand to Natsu, then to Valentine.

*Natsu smiled and snickered wanting to prove his strength to these new guests. He smiled and ignited his hand after balling them up. The flame was weak but none the less there. To any one not from his world would flip out after seeing them ignite from nothing* I'm all fired up! *he ran to the door and leaped before hitting it* Fire dragon Iron fist! *He punched the door expecting it to explode into little bits and pieces*
@Joellie @Jeremi

Room a: River Song (@Klutzy Ninja Kitty) and Bayonetta (@Mari) awake on the bed. Sting Eucliffe, Lector (@ShadowPrime) and Elizabeth Swann-Turner (@Xibilation) awake on the floor. William Borden awakes inside the bathroom.

It had been a late night of gaming with Dresden and the pack. Billy and Georgia had gone to bed about the time the sun started lighting the tops of the buildings in Chicago. It would be a late start that Sunday morning. Billy woke to the smell of toast. Georgia was up. He rose and got ready for the day. Not that they had much planned, but Billy was going to meet with the rest of the pack later that day to discuss some of the events that had happened the previous week. It was time things changed. They wouldn't always be able to rely on Dresden. That was a scary thought.

Billy met Georgia with a kiss in the kitchen of their small apartment. God he was lucky. A nerd like him not only getting to turn into a werewolf, but now he had this wonderful woman as his girlfriend. Just over a year ago none of that would have happened without Tera West.

He had taken a bite of his toast when he felt like he'd vomit. Vertigo. Colors. Sounds. All impossible things that only happened in games, but then again he did play Dungeons and Dragons the night prior with the only wizard in the Yellow Pages.

Billy is about to black out when it stops. The pain of hot and cold overwhelming him ceases. Instead he opens his eyes to discover he is lying in a bathtub. Had he blacked out and Georgia carried him into the bathroom, but why would she do that? And this isn't their bathroom. He's somewhere else.

Billy takes a couple deep breaths trying to orientate himself. To not panic. Almost instinctively he had started to change, but he didn't. Tera had taught them well and he had had a year of practice, which was a good thing considering the events of last week.

He heard a voice.

"Hello? Anyone there?" It was coming from the other room, it belonged to a woman.

"I am." Billy climbed out of the tub, opened the door to the bathroom and found several people lying in the room. Two women on the bed, one of them was sitting up, she must have been the source of the call out. "I'm Billy." He wondered briefly if this was some weird Fey thing. That would be bad. Especially if it was the Winter Court. He shivered slightly at the thought. "Where are we?" Billy asked even though he suspected the woman wouldn't know either.
*Natsu smiled and snickered wanting to prove his strength to these new guests. He smiled and ignited his hand after balling them up. The flame was weak but none the less there. To any one not from his world would flip out after seeing them ignite from nothing* I'm all fired up! *he ran to the door and leaped before hitting it* Fire dragon Iron fist! *He punched the door expecting it to explode into little bits and pieces*
It doesn't look like a particularly sturdy door, but your attack is nonetheless useless against it. Something about it seems very odd, almost mystifying. The door seems to mock you for being so worthless. "Even at your full strength," it seems to say. "You'd still be useless against me."

Doors can't talk, surely, but it's the feeling you get regardless.
Edward looked back to Funny Valentine and only gave him a smile. "Relax. I was only joking. But aye, I am a scoundrel, if you would call me that. Quite a fitting title. Forgive me, for I have not heard of these United States..."

Either his brain was addled or he was not of a world where his country did not exists. Either way Funny felt pity for the man. "It engrosses North America and its States. The fact that you do not know of one of the greatest countries in the world fills me with much sadness."

He looked down at the extended hand giving out his own into a firm handshake befitting a president. The man was certainly a scoundrel but Funny was an ambassador for his country.

*Natsu smiled and snickered wanting to prove his strength to these new guests. He smiled and ignited his hand after balling them up. The flame was weak but none the less there. To any one not from his world would flip out after seeing them ignite from nothing* I'm all fired up! *he ran to the door and leaped before hitting it* Fire dragon Iron fist! *He punched the door expecting it to explode into little bits and pieces*

The flames while surprising was nothing special as far as powers he had seen been performed in his own world. But these were different. He saw no Stand manifesting so either that meant the fire was inherited or he used some sort of device to use it. Either way, Funny was intrigued. "An impressing showing. To conjure up flames from thin air, I am simply awestruck."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The two of them turned from where they had been greeting the bushy haired woman, spotting the other newcomer. "Hello there too!" The two replied in unison with a friendly nod. "Was the bathroom comfortable?" Lector asked as Sting held his hand out. "And we were just wondering that too. We think it might have been a particularly powerful form of magic. Far superior to mine."


"Superior to Sting-kun's...dangerous indeed. Maybe a dark guild, Sting-kun?"


"It might be. But with how Crime Sorcière was going around...unlikely. And these people don't seem to have any magical power like us, so..."
Where am I? Robin felt tired when he woke to his new sourroundings. He didn't understand where he was as his last memories were blurred, unclear as to why he all ached across his body that was nearly set against the wall. With his memory clouded for the moment, the strategist looked around the room he found himself in. It appeared to be a bathing room of some kind, but the technology and style were unfamiliar to the man. He didn't understand how flames that cast light from the ceiling seemed to unmoving and without the roaring soul that he was accustomed to. There also was what appeared to be a bath of some kind but it seemed one would lock themselves in to be submerged. Why would someone risk drowning themselves like that?

As Robin pondered these mysteries, a splitting pain erupted within his mind and nearly forced him to drop to the ground. His memories were coming back and they held troubling images for the young man. Robin saw the Fell Dragon Grima that held his form and the army that had followed Robin and his king, Chrom, into the final clash with the dark god. Among them stood his family, just as prepared for the battle as the other warriors around them.

Further flashes showed him his wife Tharja weaving a deadly path through the enemy ranks. The quiet and dark mage held the same radiating beauty that he seen at their wedding while she almost danced along, casting hexes and curses as if she was passing out party favors. Behind her came their time-traveling daughters, Morgan and Noire, who worked as a singular unit as they destroyed the Risen their mother missed. Morgan showed her heritage from her father as she switched between summoning bolts of electricity to incenerate her foes while the normally shy Noire released her inner shield-sister, unleashing barrages of arrows that always flew true and struck hard.

Rovin's final set of memories saw him personally clashing with his copy, gradually wearing the dark god down before bringing the abomination to its knees. Robin wasted no time to gloat as he raised his sword to deliver the final blow. As the blade swung downwards, the memory ended, leaving no conclusion for the tactician to discover.

My family, what happened to them? Robin began to panic as various scenarios played through his mind of what occured after the revealed events ended. However, he collected himself quickly, knowing he couldn't panic at a time like this. Feeling strong enough to stand once the pain in his head subsided, Robin stood up and pressed his hand against the wall to stay balanced. Stumbling along as he tried to stay up, he soon reached the door of the bathroom and opened it to find a bedroom with several occupants.

Robin was on guard at the sight of the strangers and spoke in a rather frigid tone that was quite unlike his normal voic, "I suggest someone explain where I am and why."

@Rocket @Atomyk @Zadok shadows @Dallas

(Just a warning, won't be back till about eleven PM EST)
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@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The two of them turned from where they had been greeting the bushy haired woman, spotting the other newcomer. "Hello there too!" The two replied in unison with a friendly nod. "Was the bathroom comfortable?" Lector asked as Sting held his hand out. "And we were just wondering that too. We think it might have been a particularly powerful form of magic. Far superior to mine."

"Superior to Sting-kun's...dangerous indeed. Maybe a dark guild, Sting-kun?"

"It might be. But with how Crime Sorcière was going around...unlikely. And these people don't seem to have any magical power like us, so..."
Room a: River Song (@Klutzy Ninja Kitty) and Bayonetta (@Mari) awake on the bed. Sting Eucliffe, Lector (@ShadowPrime) and Elizabeth Swann-Turner (@Xibilation) awake on the floor. William Borden awakes inside the bathroom.

"Hmm, I was thinking it was Fey." Billy responded. He didn't say anything about being a werewolf. He decided that was best to keep close to the chest as he didn't know anything about these people...and cat thing. "I don't know what any of these things you're talking about are. Dark Guild 'Sting-kun'?" Billy looked at them confused. "Sounds like something out of DnD."
"Sting-kun!" Lector confirmed, paws gesturing to the blonde Dragon Slayer, who nodded and said "Hi" again. "He's also the Guildmaster of Sabertooth, one of the strongest guilds in Fiore! We were right in the middle of conflict with Dragons...I hope Rogue and the others are alright." Lector finished.

"I'm sure they are pal." He gave Lector a comforting pat on the head. "And yeah, I'm Sting Eucliffe. This lil guy is Lector. We're from Earthland...and you are?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Zane was exploring the world of Albion once again. Now bored with his little house in bowerstone. He was still a young lad in some of the eyes of the people, but he had accomplished quite a lot in his life. He was in the middle of fighting a huge scorpion lIke beast. When he was about to defeat it he fell into an abyss. He woke in a room that he did not recognize. He had noticed his sword and pistol were gone. He looked around. "Well... this is new."
"Sting-kun!" Lector confirmed, paws gesturing to the blonde Dragon Slayer, who nodded and said "Hi" again. "He's also the Guildmaster of Sabertooth, one of the strongest guilds in Fiore! We were right in the middle of conflict with Dragons...I hope Rogue and the others are alright." Lector finished.

"I'm sure they are pal." He gave Lector a comforting pat on the head. "And yeah, I'm Sting Eucliffe. This lil guy is Lector. We're from Earthland...and you are?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Room a: River Song (@Klutzy Ninja Kitty) and Bayonetta (@Mari) awake on the bed. Sting Eucliffe, Lector (@ShadowPrime) and Elizabeth Swann-Turner (@Xibilation) awake on the floor. William Borden awakes inside the bathroom.

"Nice to meet you Sting, Lector." Billy nodded to each of them. "I'm Billy. I'm from Chicago, Illinois." He wasn't sure what Earthland was, but these guys did just say they were Dragon fights, he'd just go with it. "There aren't dragons where I'm from, at least I don't think there are. I mean I did just meet fey creatures last week so why not dragons."
"Likewise!" They replied enthusiastically, Lector more so as Sting was a bit...distracted. This smell...he felt he could almost--oh probably nothing and he brushed it aside. "Chicago, Illinois...nah, don't know where that is." Sting remarked.

"Me neither!" Lector added. "...What are fey creatures?"
Wuya awoke first she looked around and saw Jack Spicer. 'He probable wet his pants if he saw the nightmares I just witnessed.' She gave a small chuckle and went over to Jack and stared for a moment but then immediately began to search him for any Shen Gon Wu that he may still had on him. Realizing that he had nothing she sighed and checked her pockets for her reversing mirror but even it was gone. "What!?! Where is it? I never misplace a Shen Gon Wu!" She then noticed Jack shift and grew quiet.

Jack's eyes opened and he looked up. He felt terrified of the events that his dreams just passed. He looked around and noticed he wasn't in his room. He looked then saw Wuya and for once seeing the creepy Heylin witch he relaxed. He stood up and brushed himself off. "Hey Wuya. Do you know where we are? Did Chase finally want me around?" He asked her with a hopeful look in his eye. "No Jack." Was all Wuya replied. She looked at him a moment. "Jack?" She asked to get his attention once more. "Yes?" He replied. "Do you know where we are or any of these people?" Jack looked around and noticed others for the first time. "Nope sorry." Wuya only nodded. Jack over heard someone near him and Wuya say something about NPC's and his eyes lit up. 'I wonder if they have played Zombie Killer 5.' He thought but waited Wuya to say something demanding before doing anything else.

Wuya looked around and noticed two men look her way but said nothing till turning back to Jack. "Well make yourself useful and find us some weapons or allies for now Jack." He looked at Wuya and gave a grin for this he was waiting on. "Oh you want my help? Just because Chase isn't here you come asking for me help?" He smirked. Wuya rolled her eyes. "Jack do you see any of the Xiaolin warriors here? Or any of our usual friends? I think we should stick together and get along for now." Jack's smile faded. "Fine whatever." He looked around wondering who to approach first.
The Engineer paused, scratching his head, "Whoooooa, maybe this IS a Battlefield mod." You could hear his footsteps trail past him, waving with a big 'ol grin at Jack and Wuya. He wasn't concerned at this unusual predicament, "Hey guys, what's up?!" A pause, "So, ah, got some China Rising DLC skins, did ya? How'd you unlock 'em?" Huh? China Rising? DLC? And what in the world was a 'skin'? The Noob idly glanced at him, unamused, "I'm sorry y'all, he's a total noob. I--"

A screen came up:


He was given four "dialogue options":

>Hello, my name is The Noob.
>Do you know where we are?
> [Hit on Jack]
> [Hit on Wuya]


He screamed at the top of his lungs like a hyena, and finally decided on an option:

>[Hit on Wuya]

"You're the only girl I love now... but in ten years, I'll love another girl. She'll call you 'Mommy.'"

The Engineer facepalmed and...

Lo and behold, he received his own dialogue options!


> [Hit on Jack]
> [Hit on Jack]
> [Hit on Jack]
> [Hit on Jack]


He exited out of his "screen".

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Urushihara groaned as he sat up from his position on the unfamiliar bed. His purple eyes were hazy, but he could see just enough in the room to notice that this wasn't where he had fallen asleep at. A fluorescent light shines above him, but that didn't bother him as much as where he was and how he got there. A quick look around revealed a Japanese sword which would be of absolutely no use to him, and nothing of significance was in the room. He tried to remeber how he got there, but was only confronted with a stabbing pain in his head.

"Man, being human sucks," He sighed, using one hand to get out of bed. If he were in Ente Isla then he wouldn't be having these.... troubles that have fallen upon him. Urushihara attempted to hold up his weak body, only resulting in him having to lean against the bedpost to the side. Vision was finally making its way back to him, but it was still blurry, and almost impossible to truly see through his eyes. Steadying himself, he brushed a bang out of his face, looking at the floor below him. A man was lying on the ground below him, but that didn't bother him as much as the girl he thought he saw lying on the bed he was just on. But Urushihara couldn't be sure just yet, as everything seemed like a dream, so he just ignored her, making his way towards the door that might not have actually been there.

He stumbled as he tried to walk, nearly tripping over someone else's leg, but, hey, it always could of been his own. When he finally reached it, he pulled as hard as he could, but was only greeted by a painful throbbing in his newly weak body. If I was still a Demon General, he thought to himself, then I wouldn't be in this situation, now would I? He leaned against the wall, sending a hard punch into the door. After closing his eyes tightly, he reopened them to not even a dent in the sturdy door.

"How did I even get here?" He groggily asked himself, sliding down the wall. "How?" He choked out before burying his face in his hands, and trying to think himself back to either Ente Isla, Japan, or wherever Maou-sama was.

@Thuro Pendragon
@Reaper Jack
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The Engineer paused, scratching his head, "Whoooooa, maybe this IS a Battlefield mod." You could hear his footsteps trail past him, waving with a big 'ol grin at Jack and Wuya. He wasn't concerned at this unusual predicament, "Hey guys, what's up?!" A pause, "So, ah, got some China Rising DLC skins, did ya? How'd you unlock 'em?" Huh? China Rising? DLC? And what in the world was a 'skin'? The Noob idly glanced at him, unamused, "I'm sorry y'all, he's a total noob. I--"

A screen came up:


He was given four "dialogue options":

>Hello, my name is The Noob.
>Do you know where we are?
> [Hit on Jack]
> [Hit on Wuya]


He screamed at the top of his lungs like a hyena, and finally decided on an option:

>[Hit on Wuya]

"You're the only girl I love now... but in ten years, I'll love another girl. She'll call you 'Mommy.'"

The Engineer facepalmed and...

Lo and behold, he received his own dialogue options!


> [Hit on Jack]
> [Hit on Jack]
> [Hit on Jack]
> [Hit on Jack]


He exited out of his "screen".

Jack and Wuya turned to see two guys come up. Wuya looked at Jack with a questioning look. "DLC skins?" She looked at Jack confused as if wanting him to explain. He gave a laugh. "No man this is how we look.... Or at least me. Her we did unlock with a mirror. Long not interesting story." He gave another laugh. "Wuya you need to pay attention to me playing games for now on." Wuya rolled her eyes at Jack. Jack laughed hearing that the other guy was a Noob which was basically Wuya's description when it came to games, and mechanics. Jack looked at the Noob confused when he was talking about an RPG mod. 'Mod but where not even playing a game are we? Is that where we are a video game? Who challenged me and Wuya to a Xiaolin Showdown? And who said Gong E Tempi?' Wuya looked at the two feeling like something strange and so she looked at them for a moment with complete confusion and gave Jack a look that states 'explain now or regret it later'. He whispered so only she could hear. "I'm not sure but I think we might be in a game or with some really big gamers. Anyways I think he just was hitting on you..." Wuya looked at Jack with an expression that said 'thanks that was no help'.

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Korra Prologue:

Walking throuhg republic city, Korra the avatar was walking with her friends discussing plans for the city. "well I think we should discuss the situation with Tenzin.. he might not like the idea of making a new temple in the vines for Air nomads" Korra said while her friends Asami and Mako nod. "No.. no that is fair enough your welcome to go talk to him" Asami said running her hand through her long hair. A giant polarbear dog wandered along behind them.


"Sounds like a plan.." Korra said smiling happily as she looked back at Naga who looked eager to get moving. "recently Naga and I run across the water" Korra mused happily. "Oh god didn't you two fall in the water last week?" Asami asked as Korra rolled her eyes and whistled as if it never happened. "yeah well that only happened once" she muttered playfully as Naga nuzzled against her then licked her cheek. "okay twice but Naga wanted the fish so it was a team accident.


Mako chuckled "okay then well you better go ask while I go find Wu...". Korra grinned knowing how much Mako hated Wu he was such a royal pain. "Well I will see you guys later!" the young avatar called out waving right before she headed off. "wait wasn't I coming with you?" Asmai yelled out. "I will see you there then!" Korra yelled out grinning as she ran off.

Korra mounted Naga smiling "Alright girl! lets do this!" she mused happily as the ran towards the water as she begun to form a path of ice across the water. Naga ran full speed ahead landing on the ice without any hesitation or sliding they moved swiftly. "Nice job good girl!" Korra said reassuring her friend. At that moment as they passed the half way things became odd for the avatar. She swayed a little as her vision went completely fuzzy. "" Vision faded Korra fell off the side of the harness and everything went black as she hit the water and bean sinking.


Intro Room C.

Half choking Korra woke up. Lying face up on uncomfortable flooring she caught her breath saying nothing raising herself of the floor Korra felt light... very light. As if her powers had been drained. "...Mmm where am I?.." She said softly as she pulled herself up the light almost burning her eyes as she peered up. Completely zoned out Korra got to her feet at first not noticing that there were others in this room with her. Having flashes of what happened earlier she froze. Where was Naga? wait where is she?. Oh god. What happened. Naga would be so worried. Hell everyone would be worried.

Still in a daze Korra stood there.​
Jack and Wuya turned to see two guys come up. Wuya looked at Jack with a questioning look. "DLC skins?" She looked at Jack confused as if wanting him to explain. He gave a laugh. "No man this is how we look.... Or at least me. Her we did unlock with a mirror. Long not interesting story." He gave another laugh. "Wuya you need to pay attention to me playing games for now on." Wuya rolled her eyes at Jack. Jack laughed hearing that the other guy was a Noob which was basically Wuya's description when it came to games, and mechanics. Jack looked at the Noob confused when he was talking about an RPG mod. 'Mod but where not even playing a game are we? Is that where we are a video game? Who challenged me and Wuya to a Xiaolin Showdown? And who said Gong E Tempi?' Wuya looked at the options with complete confusion and gave Jack a look that states 'explain now or regret it later'. He whispered so only she could hear. "I'm not sure but I think we might be in a game or with some really big gamers. Anyways I think he just was hitting on you..." Wuya looked at Jack with an expression that said 'thanks that was no help'.

(( Actually, only The Noob and The Engineer could see the "dialogue options." Technically, they're controlled far, far away by gamers on a PC. However, if your character has a form of 'Sixth sense', he could see it, too. ))

The Engineer shrugged, "Those are some friggin' sweet skins, man." He approached Jack, 'PRESS 'E' TO SHAKE JACK'S HAND'. Mm, now it resembled a single-player campaign! Whatevs. The Engineer pressed 'E' and extended his hand, "So, they call me The Engineer. Can you explain what's going on? Maybe a netcode issue? A new Battlefield 4 DLC? Beats me." The Noob, on the other hand, continued glaring at Wuya with big 'ol "<3" in his eyes...

(( Alright, heading to work! Will return in a few hours! ))

Room a: River Song (@Klutzy Ninja Kitty) and Bayonetta (@Mari) awake on the bed. Sting Eucliffe, Lector (@ShadowPrime)and Elizabeth Swann-Turner (@Xibilation) awake on the floor. William Borden (@Kirah ) awakes inside the bathroom.

River song had been so busy shuffling through a drawer looking to see if she could find any of her belongings that she hadn't realized some other people were talking in the room. She listened to them before saying, "Sounds like you folks are from two fairly different locations. I'd say different time periods and universes, even. Pardon me for interrupting your conversations, but I'm missing an important belonging of mine that could very well help us escape if it's found. I could use some aid," she requested, caring little for their idle chit-chat at the moment.
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Room C: Revya & Gig
Two people from the same world. And yet, they were from different timelines. Always together, these two couldn't be further apart. To the man, the woman was pure evil... no, pure insanity. And he enjoyed that. They wrecked havoc on the world, and brought it to its knees. But the woman had turned on him... To the woman, the man was a jerk. An incarnation of pure evil that had redeemed himself in the end, they had saved the world together.​
They awoke on the floor at the same time, and gave each other glances. For the woman, she had fallen for the man. For the man... well...​
"DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, but HELL is where you're gonna end up you bitch! NO ONE eats my soul and gets away with it! I'm the god damned death god!" Gig stood up, and Revya mirrored his action. Revya was confused, certainly. But well, talking wasn't going to solve the solution. She lifted her hands and jerked her body forward before freezing, as if to juke him out. Gig in turn did the same. There was a heavy, awkward silence in the air. "God damnit SAY SOMETHING. ... Wait. Wait."
He held his hands out in front of him. Suddenly a shit-eating grin of pure evil appeared on his face. "Holy CRAP I have a body! MY body! Ahaha, awesome! I'M GONNA WIPE THE FLOOR WITH YOU! RIP YOUR ARMS OFF AND BEAT YOU TO DEATH WITH 'EM! THEN I CAN FINALLY BURN THIS WORLD TO ASHES AND STOP THE FIRES WITH OCEANS OF BLOOD! AHAHAH!" Okay. Yeah. Gig may have an unhealthy obsession with destroying and maiming everything and everybody. He may even have a boner right now. But thankfully, he didn't have his near-unlimited amount of power. Not that he realized that as he started floating, shoulder-pads crawling down his arm and wrapping around, until the end formed a large crimson scythe. "YOUR ASS IS GRASS BABE!"
The overenthusiastic loud-mouthed sadist suddenly dashed forward, closing the small distance between himself and the woman named Revya. But she moved faster, and Gig suddenly collapsed to the ground after her knee was removed from his crotch. "OW... I FORGOT... HOW MUCH... PAIN... HURTS. .. Gggyab!"
Stomp. Stomp stomp. She just kept kicking him. "I never ate your soul, so what are you complaining about?" Gig flailed around like a kid, making Revya step back. "GRAHYRA! Stop it! Damn kid! ... The hell! Tell me first if I'm wrong! God damn now my pair of overlords feel like they'r-" Revya just sighed. "You wouldn't have listened." Gig stood up and stomped the floor. "HEY! DON'T YOU INTERRUPT ME WHEN I'M TALKING ABOUT MY BAL-" Revya wasn't even paying attention. She was looking around. It seems they weren't alone. "Gig, now that you're not a random voice following me around, I can make you shut up."
Yeah, he didn't take too well to that. "HAAH!? The hell do you mean mak-"
A repeat of the scene earlier. Gig was left covering his wounded hotpods as he groaned in pain on the ground.​
Meanwhile Revya simply raised her hand in greeting at the nearest person in the room and greeted them with a simple:​
" 'Sup? "
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