Monster Onsen! (Please see OOC)

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By the time Shiki unpacked her things the sun had began its desent. Trying to busy herself to forget that embarassing moment she had - breaking an entry, while in a trance no less!
Everything seemed to be laid out in its proper place, until her brown eyes met with an unopened box hiding in the corner of the closet. Shiki sighed wearily as she dragged herself to unpack the last box.
How could she forget? It was her tea! She realized now she really did need this vacation. Carefully placing the smaller boxes of flavours in the closet shelf, she fell over onto her bed happy and relieved to be done unpacking. Though there was not much to unpack she hated the job. But now was the time for relaxation and knew the very spot to do it.

The springs, Shiki's mouth curved at the very thought.

Sliding open the door very carefully, Shiki peeked her head out in case that handsome man might be taking a stroll.

Nobody in sight, although she could hear a comotion down the hall. More guests must be arriving as she could hear the nervous voice of the owner. She looked around for signs to lead her to the girls bath rooms for the springs and followed them. Taking a towel she got undressed and replaced her clothes with the towel and tip-toed into the springs.
With no one around, Shiki felt very much at ease. She hadn't been able to relax for some time, she realized. Sinking down deeper into hot water, eyes closed, she let her mind disappear.
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