{MiNaGi} Time Flies By. {Kyysucara Namosaka}

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She cuddles up to him. "I have work tomorrow."
"Okay... please be safe." He said in a soft voice, kissing her forehead.
"I'll try. Won't say I will be since last time I was wrong." She laughs. "But I know you'll save me!"
"Of course I would save you. But please be safe, vampires smell me on you a lot after... after we've done this, and they like to take what's mine."
She nods. "I won't fall for the same trick twice."
"That's good, I want you to be able to feel safe out there."
"Uhm... I... I don't know." He said softly. "You? You need more than I do." He commented with a small smile.
"Ya." She stands up and fixes her hair in a ponytail. "I'll make something."
"I just don't want to... you know, feed on you too often. It doesn't feel... right." He said nervously as he looked at her, especially at the marks on her neck. He felt his stomach turn just slightly.
She nods. "Its fine. I understand. That's why I'm not pushing it."
"Thanks, I really appreciate that." He smiled a little as he kissed her forehead.
She smiles and cuddles up to him. "I love you."
"Love you too." He whispered as he stroked her cheeks, trying not to look into her eyes.
When she dozed off, he couldn't help but grab her and hold her close to his chest. He kissed the top of her head, stroking her hair just so lightly. Nothing else happened. He eventually fell into a sort-of slumber with her in his arms, and he hadn't been so calm for a long, long time.
Cecil ran his hand up and down her back as he looked at her with a little smile playing on his lips. He kissed her cheeks as he finally fell asleep with her in his arms. He didn't really sleep, rather just rested.
Saki wakes up late and smiles. "Good morning hun." She giggles and nuzzles up to him. "You're comfy."
Cecil blinked as he looked down at Saki, kissing the bridge of her nose softly. "Good morning, Saki." He whispered as he smiled at her. "And you're so cuddly today." He commented sweetly.
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