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Jexel was amazed at the feat. He wasn't expecting such sudden results, but there it was, a wave had appeared in the still waters of the lake. He returned Isabelle's kiss with one of his own, holding her tightly to savor the moment. When he heard her reciprocate his feelings for her, his heart pounded, and the knot in his stomach returned ten-fold. "I... I love you too." He said with a heartfelt smile. What else could he say, or do? He was over the moon with adoration for Isabelle, and it had only been a little less than a month. Jexel worried now more than ever about what should be done next. He wanted to be with her more than anything, but he understood the price they would both pay for it. There was no time to think about that now. He was too overjoyed to be spending this moment with Isabelle to wrap his head around anything else. With that, he held her close and kissed her again, relishing each second.
Isabelle's body temperature was beginning to rise in reaction to the passionate kiss she was sharing with Jexel. The knot in her stomach intensified and she was extremely nervous. Their breaths were coming heavier the longer they kissed and held each other. Isabelle pulled away and looked into Jexel's amber eyes, "Are you generating heat? It's really hot out here......or maybe it's just me." Clearing her throat she stepped back and away from Jexel, "Ahem, yea...so that was me using magic....umm. How about you? How's your training going? Your little clearing isn't far from here, wanna show me what you've been up to?" she said nervously. She had never felt this way before. She never had her body react to a man this way. She didn't know what to do or think. She couldn't really think either, her mind was a little cloudy. She just knew she needed to clear the air and going to Jexel's training ground would help with that.
Jexel blushed and took a step back as well. Rubbing the back of his head nervously, he began to speak. "Um, y-yeah, I've made some progress... Right, this way." He said as he lead the way to the field. The field had been glazed black over the past few weeks from fire, like a giant plain of obsidian in the midst of the greenery of the wilderness. Stepping in to the center, Jexel grinned at Isabelle before igniting the ground once again. Having an entire field of fire to work with made everything more convenient. As he raised his arms, the fire congealed into a solid mass and began to rise, lifting both he and Isabelle up on a pillar of blaze. Putting all his focus into the fire, he raised the pillar higher than the treetops, almost in time for the sunset. He wanted Isabelle to see it from the highest, clearest spot in the sky. After reaching an astounding height, he began to speak with difficulty. "H-Hey, are y-you doing alright? T-Take a look a-around! Th-This is the best view in the e-entire wilderness." He grinned, hiding the mental stress he was under for holding them up.
His clearing was black now, probably burned from all the fire he used. It was a beautiful contrast however against the greenery that surrounded it. Isabelle stepped into the center with Jexel, unafraid of his fire now, knowing it would not hurt her. He created a large pillar of fire and used it to raise them both into the air. They rose higher than the tree tops and Isabelle couldn't help but open her mouth wide in awe. "This is amazing Jex! WOW!" she said as she turned in a circle a top the pillar. She could see past the trees, over the communities and the sun was setting. The skin was a beautiful hue of orange, red and yellow. It looked beautiful. She also noticed Jexel was struggling to hold them up. Not to make him feel bad she said with a smile, "Hey...bring the pillar down some. You don't want to alert both communities of a huge fire in the middle of the wilderness. I don't want anyone coming to interrupt our night together. Thanks for this. This was amazing. Now let's go eat venison."
"R-Right..." He said, lowering his arms slowly. His breathing was heavy, but he wore a smile on his face. After the pillar came down and the fire petered out, he took a breath and began to lead the way back to the hut. Reigniting the campfire, Jexel pulled out a few cuts of meat wrapped in large leaflets along with an open-fire grill made of sticks and vines. Taking out a sort of sack filled with water, he soaked the grill, laid it over the fire, and set the meat on it. "The water is to keep the grill from burning up in the fire." He explained, regaining his mental stamina. "Without metal or fireproofed materials, ya gotta improvise, ya know? At least materials are easy to find, so there's a lot of room for error... So, do you think you learned anything?" He said with a chuckle. It was fun seeing her attempt to learn the ways of the wild, and he was continuously impressed with how fast she picked things up.
Isabelle followed closely behind Jexel, always making sure she paid attention to his direction. It would be easier to navigate this area of the wilderness if she remembered the paths he took. Arriving at the hut, Jexel lit a flame over his make shift grill. She loved the way he made things out of nothing. She had a new purse, three brand new sharp daggers, a little hut to share with Jexel if she wanted and now he made a grill. He really was amazing and he was so easy to love. Maybe she could tell Regina about him, he was so sweet and kind, there was no reason why Regina would not love him, except for the fact that he was a half-breed. The meat was cooking nicely and the aroma filled the air making her stomach rumble. "I learned a lot. Thank you for teaching me. I know with practice, you and I will one day take down a buck together." The venison was cooked, and she helped Jexel serve the meat. This she knew how to eat. Biting right into it, she closed her eyes, "Mmm, so good." she said and continued eating. "I don't think I've ever made my own food before today. Everything is always prepackaged for us and easy to make." she said taking another bite of the deer.
Jexel smiled at the compliment to his cooking, and began to eat a bit of the venison himself. After a few bites he chuckled at Isabelle's statement. "You know, I was always raised to think that humans were completely opposite of half-breeds. I was told that your kind was soft, and weak. All you were to me back then were bags of skin with bones as thick as a fish. I was built up to hate your kind, and I probably still would if I hadn't had the life that I did... And to top it all off, I meet you, here, in the one place I thought I was safe from unfamiliar faces. If it weren't for my curiosity, we probably never would have met. And if you had been like the humans I always heard about, we wouldn't be sitting here right now... Isn't that weird?" He thought on, amazed at the turn of events that had altered his life so much.
Isabelle nodded, "Well if it wasn't for my own curiosity about half-breeds and my rebellious little spirit, I would've never entered the wilderness. We are raised to hate you guys too. My dad taught me that half-breeds are uncivilized, savage creatures wishing they were as intelligent as humans. I was taught that no matter what I had to keep away from half-breeds...a half-breed would kill me without a second thought and eat me. If humans ever go into the wilderness, they are heavily armed, ready to take down whatever walks on four legs or remotely resembles a half-breed. The thing is I started paying attention to the news stories and they looked...edited. That's what started my doubts and I just decided to just go out for myself. I've always been to that tree and I never met anyone else there, until the one day some half-breed decides to check me out and make me fall from a tree." she said as she nudged him gently with her shoulder. "And here we are, a human and a half-breed in love with each other. If our communities got a look at us...who knows what they would think, let alone do. I shutter to think." Their relationship was strictly prohibited. It was law in both communities. The races were never to be mixed together. "I think your worth the risk though." she said, swallowing her last bite and leaning in to kiss him again.
Jexel laughed and leaned in to meet Isabelle's lips. After their kiss, he continued. "Yeah, I got an earful of that from Regina the last time I saw her. As for the whole man-eater rumor, we do it as often as we must. We don't eat people, we just defend ourselves...but sometimes, the difference between our intelligence is more apparent. Our instincts may be honed, but humans know all of these different machinations and how they work, and they use it to stay safe and keep comfortable. Those two, safety and comfort, don't mix in the world of a half-breed...Oh, and I'm sorry, by the way. It would have sucked if you hit the ground from that fall...Your dad would have killed me. Actually, he'd probably kill me now too, but you're worth the risk." He said, nudging her back and grinning. "I wouldn't have it any other way... well, maybe if I was a human we wouldn't have so much of an issue with all the secrets..." He trailed off, leaning his head on hers as he looked toward the early-risen moon. He didn't want to tell her that finding a way to change was a thought that often entered his mind. There had to be some way, but Jexel wasn't sure how to go about finding it. Even if he knew where to look, he was afraid of how Isabelle would take it.
"Don't mind Regina, she's just like every other human in the community, only she has no tact." She informed him and laughed. "Oh and my dad would probably kill you even if you were human. No one is good enough for his baby girl. He never liked any of the guys I liked, or any of the suitors either. Maybe it would be easier if you were human but then you would lose all the things I love about you, like your big amber eyes, your gentle fur...and if you were human you wouldn't have your powers, yea maybe we wouldn't have to be a secret but everything else would change. Who knows...maybe I only like you because your not human" she teased him. Isabelle crawled onto Jexel's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, laying her head close to his and watched the moon with him for a while, "So what do you do at night when I've already gone home?"
Jexel blushed as he pushed the thought of becoming human deep into the recesses of his mind. "Oh, uh, well... I don't do too much, to be honest. I build the tools I think I need, work on the hut, keep the fire going...pretty menial stuff actually. I keep myself busy as a distraction, so I might as well be productive. If that's not the case, then I'm usually wearing myself out in one way or another." He said casually, putting his arm around Isabelle. "What about you? What is your day like? And don't tell me it's boring, because anything is better than running until you pass out! Come on, give me a rundown of your day." He was eager to hear what human life was like inside the community. After seeing the inside of Isabelle's house, he figured everything must be heavenly inside their community, so he listened attentively for Isabelle's answer.
Isabelle smiled and responded, "Let's see. I wake up, get ready and go to school where I spend most of my day. I have about six classes a day, each class is a different subject matter. In one class I learn Science, in another Math, English, History, Political science -- my dad's idea by the way, and finally a fitness class to keep me active. Some of the courses are interesting, some are a bore, especially political science. I hate that class. After school I hang out with friends, we talk, eat, laugh. About a month before I met you, we had a really big dance party. That was really fun, we need to have one of those. Recently, I've been getting about three to four hours a day on magical training from Regina. She usually screams or yells at me for not paying attention. After Regina leaves, I spend about another hour with my parents, mostly my dad. He shows me different aspects of the community, new laws he's planning on passing and how to uphold them. I tell him all the time I do not want to take over but he says he doesn't trust anyone else. I'm the least person he should trust anyway...I've been fraternizing with the enemy." she said kissing him lightly. "In between I'm thinking about or spending time with you...then bed...then the day starts all over again. It's all very boring. See you don't want human life. Everything is very...structured. Everyone has their roles and you better not deviate from them. I hate structure, so I run away into the wilderness and spend my time kissing a half-breed. Now that's the fun part" she said with a big smile and then looked over at the hut. "I think I'm seeing things but I think the hut looks bigger. It wasn't like that yesterday right?"
"Human life doesn't sound that bad. It seems...equalized. The only reason half-breeds behave themselves is because of the influence of humans. Those who are still isolated in the wild go by the belief of our ancestors, that the food chain is the only rule of dominance. If someone eats your kind on a regular basis, then you submit and die. Why do you think you don't see many bunny half-breeds? ...but I guess I can't argue about the whole kissing the half-breed part of your day." He laughed, giving her a squeeze before answering her question. "Oh, yeah. I took some time to expand the hut. I figured it would be nice if we could both fit in comfortably instead of crawling over each other to get in and out, ya know? I threaded in a bit of padding too, so it should be a bit more comfy than dirt and twigs... What do you think?" He asked with a smile.
Isabelle smiled and returned his hug, "I wouldn't mind crawling all over you though," she said with a smirk. Raising from his lap, she walked over to the hut and bent down to get inside, "I must say Jex, you're a regular happy home maker huh? It's pretty cool that you know how to do all this stuff. I can't even fix a hole in my jeans when they get messed up from climbing every day. I wouldn't even begin to imagine how to make myself a little house. Your mom must've been pretty smart to teach you all this...Let's put it to the test shall we? Then I'll tell you what I think about it." Isabelle got on her hands and knees and crawled through the hole leading inside the hut.
Jexel blushed at her compliment. "Aw, shucks. You really know how to flatter a guy, ya know? I just have a good memory is all... My mom had plenty of time on her hands, what with my pops hunting all the time, so she drilled as much as she could into me before my dad could take me out with him. Then again, I perfected it all by myself. Most of the stuff my ma taught me wouldn't last a night in the rain, so I learned from trial and error." He spoke as he entered the hut. It was still a bit cramped, but there was room for two bodies to sit around comfortably. The leafy padding was smoothed, washed, and layered heavily, giving an almost blanket-like texture to the ground. "So...what do you think? It's nothing like your home, that's for sure, and I still have a lot more to improve on. I mean, vines wont last more than a couple of days in the rain, and branches become brittle really fast. It's no permanent solution, but it's nice to have something over your head..."
Isabelle looked around, it really did have some extra space from the day before. The padding underneath was soft and nice, a much better improvement than the prior day. "I think I love it more than my house" she said with a smile, "but it's missing one thing..." He looked confused but she answered quickly, "Flowers...my side...remember? You know I'm pretty simple, I don't ask for much. I just want some flowers to decorate my side of the hut. Oh yea...I said it...my side! You officially have to share with me" she said with a laugh, crawling closer to him to kiss him more passionately. She absolutely enjoyed being in his arms, she loved when he caressed her and was sweet to her. They were so different yet they were perfect for each other. Different. Remembering her conversation earlier with Regina, she decided to clear her mind of a question she had concerning Jexel. Pulling away reluctantly from their kiss she said, "I have a really really really really awkward question to ask you and I hope you don't mind. Umm...You're a half breed which means you are part human. Other than your instincts, physically the only difference I see is your arms, legs, tail, ears and eyes." She started to blush a bright red before continuing, "I-Is...is everything else...like a regular man and do half-breeds...umm...you know...like humans do...?" She was very nervous and hated asking but she had to be sure.
Jexel blushed heavily at her question. "Eh, w-well what's there to know? As far as I know, the rest of me is just like a human. I mean, I've seen some historical human art on TV, and nothing seems different aside from my arms, legs, and ears." He rubbed the back of his head nervously and chuckled. "Uh, so...Why do you want to know?" He asked obliviously. Letting his curiosity take over, he inched closer to Isabelle, looking deep into her eyes as though he could find his answers within those shimmering emerald pools. Once again stopping his face inches from hers, he kept his breath quiet and his eyes open wide. He began radiating warmth again, though not on purpose, in reaction of being so close to her. The silence could have been broken by a leaf in the wind.
Jexel was inches away from her face, his amber eyes locked with her emerald eyes. Isabelle couldn't think anymore, couldn't concentrate, her body's instincts taking over and controlling her actions. Her temperature was rising, her heart was beating faster, he was pulling her to him and he hadn't even moved. Every inch of her body desired him and she didn't want to fight it anymore. They were alone in his hut, they were together and this would probably be the only chance she would have in a while to spend such an extended amount of time with him. "Because I want you," she managed to say before grabbing the back of his head and pulling him into a deep passionate kiss. It hurt to want him so badly but he conceded to her, desiring her just as much as she wanted him. It only took a moment before they were both on the ground, breaths coming harder and more labored, Jexel above her. She loved him so just then, a quick smile before continuing. They removed each others clothing and before long were physically manifesting their love for each other. It was passionate, it was wonderful, and it was in the wilderness, where they felt the most comfort, where they first met, they first fell in love, and now...where they first made love.
At Isabelle's voice, Jexel's heart began pounding and his breath became heavy. All he wanted was to be with her at that moment, and he could tell she felt the same way. Passion flooded his being when they kissed, and it consisted for the rest of the night. He knew, more than anything, that there was no turning back from his decisions now. His loyalty tightly secured, the night drew on.

Jexel awoke early in the morning with Isabelle by his side. Recollecting the night's events, he smiled to himself. Not wanting to wake her because she was sleeping on his arm, he cuddled closer to her to keep her warm. This was the first time he felt like staying still, just taking in everything that happened. Leaning over, he kissed Isabelle's head softly as the light of morning graced the hut.
Their night together was infused with passion, love and Isabelle reveled in every second of it. It wasn't her first time with a man before but it was the first time she was ever made to feel the way Jexel did. It was the first time she was really in love and it was a half-breed that made those feelings arise in her. The morning came, the sun rising slowly, its rays filling the sky and beginning to shine on the hut. Isabelle had cuddled close to Jexel and fell asleep on his arm. She didn't feel when he kissed her, she was exhausted from their night. The sun eventually found its way into the hut and it's rays began to wake her. She grunted, unwillingly to wake, she was tired and Jexel was so comfortable. She buried herself deeper into his chest in an attempt to hide her face from the sun but it wasn't working well. "You need a door or something to cover that hole," she said grumpily, still trying to find a way to keep sleeping, knowing she would have to get up anyway.
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