
Alexi shot him a glance before walking behind him. He never seen this kind of mutant in the tunnels before and he cringed inwardly. The arrivals of new things always led to something very bad. He hoped that the station ahead was alright but if not they had no choice but to direct their mission away from VDNHk. "Ryan! If the station is gone, we can't travel to VDNHk, we'll have to go to Polis, to warn them, the danger is close if it is destroyed."
"Exactly Alexi." Ryan nodded, eyes darting around. "Sound off."
The group continued to the next station. It was deserted and there was no blood. He couldn't understand what was happening. This was a largely populated area but no one was around. "Where is everyone?" he asked his gun held at the ready
Well I am not sure if I count as everyone but I am here and HUMAN! Kevin said in a slight English accent, he wore a brown leather jacket, boots and raggedy jeans with a rifle slung over his back and a hunting knife on his hip. I didn't think I would see normals ever again.
"What happened here?" He asked pointing his gun at the new arrival glaring in suspicion "Where did they all go?"
Normals? "Who.. who is that?"Vladimir wondered quietly to himself, clutching his gun tightly to his side. Kevin's voice sounded so familiar, but Vlad was absolutely sure he had never seen this man's face before at any of the stations. Cautiously Vladimir stepped forward. "Did you do this?" The more Vladimir strained to remember, the more distrust he felt for the man before them."How long have you been down here alone?"