Metamorphosis ~Dragons!~ All full!

  • Thread starter The Lady Avaritia
  • Start date
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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The Lady Avaritia

Original poster


The History:

Long since the dawn of time, in the shadows there has lived a creature. Some see the ferocious flames and the teeth like swords, the scaled armour like a thousand mail vests that seem nigh impenetrable. But there is beauty, in majestic wings and startling colours than shine the purest ever seen. Roiling eyes that show the passion of a race beyond our comprehension.

Until now.

Centuries ago, a treaty was signed that was never honoured. A treaty between the greatest king of Earth and the mightiest dragon of the age. 10 young adults were to be accepted into the deepest folds of draconic culture and reborn as the warriors, the liaisons between humanity and the world of dragons. On that treaty day, those children were given the latent powers they would receive once they were accepted into the draconic community. But a great war took place, the treaty neither completed nor abolished. Many humans died, the race of dragons fled into hiding and for the past 300 years, no contact has been made between the two great races.

Until now.

On the horizon, there dawns a new age that shall be decided, in a war so great against an enemy beyond the scope of imagination. A war that threatens both humanity and dragons, a war that shakes a foundation that has stood strong over the millennia. The treaty is to be honoured, to create the fiercest warriors of both races and to unite their peoples to defend their very lives and freedoms.




This is a medieval-fantasy based RP!

The 10 positions, according to elements and powers:

Warrior of Light (Taken)
Warrior of Dark (Taken)
Warrior of Fire (Reserved)
Warrior of Water (Reserved)
Warrior of Earth (Reserved)
Warrior of Air (Taken)
Warrior of Poison (Taken)
Warrior of Ice (Taken)
Warrior of Lightning (Taken)
Warrior of Steel (Reserved indefinitely)

The 10 warriors had one child, each generation only ever having one child. The blood of the grand dragons who had chosen their ancestors remained undiluted and so, their descendants are ready to take their places in this new war.

Your character MUST:
Have a human form
Have a Dragon Form
Only TWO elemental powers at the start, more can be added as the plot develops and the group grows in strength.


General rules apply, don't get into sexual situations with teen members, fade to black, yadayadayada.
Try to post at least once a week. If you haven't posted in a week, I will wait 3 days and then if a post has not been made, your character will be replaced. However, you let me know you are going to away, I will save your character there.
Maximum of ONE CHARACTER per player, unless we need to make up numbers.
There will be a vague posting order that will be followed.

Character sheet:


Name (& pronunciation):

Date of Birth (& age):

Place of Birth:


Species/Racial Origin:

Social Class/Community Status:


Physical Description *Human*





Limb Dexterity:

Typical Clothing/Equipment:


Physical Description *dragon*

Size of Wings:
Scale colour:
Species type: (Dragon Types)
Eye colour:
Horns: Yes/No
Spines: Yes/No
Tail: Long, short, thin like a whip, thick like a club?




Power 1:

Power 2:


Most Hated/Dislikes:
Regular Routine:
Philosophy of Life:
Attitude Toward Death:
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:
Education/Special Training:

Brief history:

Additional Notes

Character sheet:


Name (& pronunciation):

Date of Birth (& age):

Place of Birth:


Species/Racial Origin:

Social Class/Community Status:


Physical Description *Human*





Limb Dexterity:

Typical Clothing/Equipment:


Physical Description *dragon*

Size of Wings:
Scale colour:
Species type: (Dragon Types)
Eye colour:
Horns: Yes/No
Spines: Yes/No
Tail: Long, short, thin like a whip, thick like a club?




Power 1:

Power 2:


Most Hated/Dislikes:
Regular Routine:
Philosophy of Life:
Attitude Toward Death:
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:
Education/Special Training:

Brief history:

Additional Notes

My character:
Character sheet:


Name (& pronunciation): Akila, Ah-KI-la.

Date of Birth (& age): 19 September, 26

Place of Birth: The Great Tree

Gender: Female

Species/Racial Origin: Forest-dweller, the product of the union between humans and the long extinct Elves of this land. Often treated with derision or scorn.

Social Class/Community Status: Forest-dweller, hunter class. A warrior of sorts.

Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: No living family, but she has a pet of sorts, a jungle cat named Timbre.

Physical Description *Human*

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 63kg

Hair: Long, straight, blonde

Eyes: Dark Blue

Limb Dexterity: Very flexible.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Tunic with leggings, typical forest-dweller's outfit. Carries a bow and a short sword/very long dagger.


Physical Description *dragon*

Height: Standing horizontal, about 60m. Upright, about 90m.
Weight: Almost nothing, she's basically made of air. About 140kg
Length:80m but can alter size
Size of Wings: 120m
Scale colour: White
Species type: Greater Eastern Dragon
Eye colour: Pale blue
Horns: Yes
Spines: Yes
Tail: Long and thin


Element: Wind/Air

Power 1:WIP

Power 2:WIP



Some skill with a bow
Handy swordsman
Can cook adequately.

Nature around her
The breeze

Most Hated/Dislikes:
People who look down on her kind
Rabbit stew

Just survive, to be honest. She doesn't like to plan for the future, but she plans to settle down and marry fairly soon.

Can handle a bow
Strong, mentally and physically
Can work in a team
Is a strong leader

Hates to take lives of humans

Hates being in hot, dry places with no water or food.

Hobbies/Interests: Training, reading, practicing her talents.

Regular Routine: Hunt during the night, prepare the meat/skins and sell it in the closest human market.

Philosophy of Life: Live every moment, lest it be your last. Enjoy everything life has in store for you, because you are still living.

Attitude Toward Death:
It's gonna happen at some point, don't dwell on it too much.

A believer in the ancient lore of her people, of dragons and spirits.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Not really.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
The death of her parents and the reality of being in control of her life, being independent and being strong for herself.

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:
Doesn't believe in casual sex or unattached sex. Omnisexual.

Education/Special Training:

Brief history:


Additional Notes

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Character sheet:

  • Name : Cadreinth Alba(Cid rin Alba)

    Date and Age : 2nd May (25 Years)

    Birth Location : Triestam Valley, house of Alba Family. Alba family already owned the Triestam Valley for more than 5 generation since the Great King, Raigor's death. the land consist of a couple of mountain range and a big lake in it's center named Vanima that's mean Beautiful in Elven language. His family land spread from the east mountain range through the western forest where the Elven often wandering in the past. now after the disappearance of the Elven kind, the forest is now seems vacant.​
    Gender : Male​
    Race : Human​

    Social Class: Noble Family of Alba House. a few centuries ago House of Alba founded after his great great grandfather Erigur helped their kingdom won a Massive battle against invader of their homeland. He received the right to become a Noble Family after protecting his Great King from the enemy who ambushed them in the battle of Black River thus many called him 'Hero of Black River'.​

    Community Status: Current Head of Alba House. After his Father death, Cadreinth become the next Head of the Alba House thus destroying his dream to become a great explorer. But in his death bed his father, Eorlund asked him to protect their house against the power hungry relative of them that only seek the fortune and the power which his family protected with every drop of their own sweat and blood for many centuries. unable to refuse his father last word Cadreinth accepted and become the next Head.​
    Family :​
    1. Eorlund Alba : The former head of the house of Alba and also Cadreinth beloved father. he died after ruling for almost 40 years. He was a wise ruler and beloved by his people. In his hand The Alba land become a prosperous and rich land only in a couple of years thus he called 'The Golden hand' by his people.​
    2. Olvina Alba : Olvina was Eorlund's Wife and also Cadreinth's mother. She married Eorlund in the age of 16 arranged by her family and Eorlund's. after Eorlund died she helped his son Cadreinth to ruling over house of Alba. people called her 'Goddess' because of his kindness and her beautiful face.​

  • Height: 5 feet 8 Inch

    Weight: 160 lbs

    Hair: Dark Brown

    Eyes: Clear blue

    Limb Dexterity: Normal like other trained human

    Typical Clothing/Equipment: Royal Clothing (look like the picture bellow) and An Epee he got from his family treasury



  • Height : 198 Foot (Standing two feet)

    Weight : 7320 lbs

    Length : 394 Foot (with Tail)

    Size of Wings: 253 Foot (Spread)

    Scale colour : Black and Brown

    Species type: Black Dragon

    Eye colour: Red

    Horns: Yes

    Spines: Yes

    Tail: Long and Thin



  • Element: Dark

    Power 1: Dark Mist - His surrounding Area always covered with thick Dark Mist when he use his Dragon Form. This Dark Mist slowly corrupting anything that it's touched, Effective against living objects.​

    Power 2: Dark Breath - Like other Dragon do, he can use up his inner energy inside his tremendous body to eradicate his opponent in a single breath attack. But his Dark Breath didn't bring destruction upon his enemy but made them either become a Living dead or Rot in hell. Usable by both form however in his human form the density of the breath reduced to 10% from it's maximum.​

  • Personality/Attitude : High and Mighty

    Skills/Talents : Swordsmanship

    Favorites/Likes : Drinking Tea in the Morning

    Most Hated/Dislikes : Troublemaker, unnecessary fight

    Goals/Ambitions : Traveling around the World, become a Great Explorer

    Strengths : Leadership

    Weaknesses : Cat Like behavior

    Fears : Claustrophobia

    Hobbies/Interests : Reading

    Regular Routine : Combat training

    Philosophy of Life : There is nothing Eternal

    Attitude Toward Death : Interesting

    Religion/Beliefs : Atheist

    Fetishes/Strange Behaviors : None at the moment

    Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience : Locked inside a giant Chest for 2 days

    Sexual Preference/Experience/Values : Hetero or Straight.

    Education/Special Training : None

  • Cadreinth Alba the current head of Alba house. after his father death Cadreinth hold a promise to his beloved father to protect his family and become a ruler greater than him. when he still a child he was inspired to be a great explored some day when he grown up. however he didn't have any choice but to lock his dream deep inside his heart. sadly after his father burial ceremony his relative took an uprising and tried to murder him but failed after he took down the leader of the uprising himself, his own uncle. another blood spilled in his family tree, but as a leader he mustn't show any mercy toward betrayer or another Earl will see them as a weak.​

    After a couple of years Cadreinth fulfilled his promise. Triestam Valley now become more prosperous than before. Many traders and traveler visit their Town every year. however this prosperous land inviting jealousy from the other. Many people tried to conquer his land he ruled but because his brilliant battle plan and well trained soldier their invasion can be repelled without many casualties from his side.​

    one day after his usual tea ceremony in the morning Cadreinth found a book written by his own deceased father. the book described a new way to open the hidden potential in the Alba's Blood but he also wrote the risk of this power clearly. the book also taught him that his father didn't continued this research because of the risk he found and stopped when the research hit the 60%. curious about this power Cadreinth continued his father research in his place. He also realized that it will take a couple of years to complete it, however Cadreinth didn't know what horror he might bring.​

    Additional Notes
    (No one knew what research will bring neither himself or the writer..)

Done at last... ^___^
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Name (& pronunciation): Arthur Sumia (Arth-ur Sue-ME-uh )

Date of Birth (& age): 17 May 7

Place of Birth: The outskirts of Vakimara City, near a wooded area. Few miles from the west coast of the continent.

Gender: M

Species/Racial Origin: Human

Social Class/Community Status: Traveler, Hunter.

No pets

Father: Gerald, 45. - The one that taught Arthur to use a bow. A very joyfull person. Hunts for a butcher in the city.
Mother: Alisa, 43. - Taught Arthur to treat everyone with respect.

(Don't really plan on having his parents show up in the story though. so Don't ask me. I just didn't want to go the cliche route of being an orphan.)

Physical Description *Human*

Height: 5 ft, 7 in

Weight: 142 Ib

Hair: short, curly brown.

Eyes: brown.

Limb Dexterity: slightly above average.

Typical Clothing/Equipment: Has a bow and a quiver of arrows, and a small hunting knife. Prefers to wear a (white) tunic and (light brown) leggings under a (black) cloak. Also has a knapsack.



Physical Description *dragon*

Height: 180ft tall when on all fours. (about 54.864 meters)
Weight: 7 short tons (6350.29 kilograms)
Length: 358 ft. (with tail.)
Size of Wings: Wingspan is 200ft.
Scale colour: electric blue
Species type: Western Dragon
Eye colour: blue
Horns: Yes
Spines: Yes
Tail: Long, thin like a whip.



Element: lightning.

Power 1: Static redirection. -- Takes the static particles out of anything, like from the air or water, and then can redirect it, causing a shock to where he redirects it. Can even use it to absorb electricity for later use.

Power 2: tempest shock- A powerful beam of lightning is sent out of either Arthur's hands or mouth, depending on his form. If in dragon form, it will come out of his mouth, and make him slightly more exhausted. From his hands in human form, this attack will take a considerate chunk of Arthur's energy.


Personality/Attitude: friendly, equalist, determined, likes to try new things.

Skills/Talents: Archery, climbing trees, hunting,

Favourites/Likes: archery, thunderstorms, calm nights, being around people at times. Trying (some) new things.

Most Hated/Dislikes: people who are full of themselves, up close fighting, things coming at him unexpectedly.

Goals/Ambitions: To learn about the world and see it's sights.

Strengths: Great archer. Has a strong mind, and can get to be quite determined.

Weaknesses: He's not that good in close combat (human form), using tempest shock in his human form will often leave him more tired than if he uses it in dragon form.

Fears: Drowning- Arthur can't swim all that well, so when he does come across a deep body of water, he will often try to go around it.

Hobbies/Interests: Archery/hunting, cultures,

Regular Routine: Will tend to hunt at about a bit after sunrise, midday and a bit before sunfall. Will cook the meat after the hunt, and will save what he didn't eat in his knapsack.

Philosophy of Life: Make the most of it... you never know when your time will come.

Attitude Toward Death: It will come, more often than not, unexpectedly.

Religion/Beliefs: He's not really sure what to believe in, at the moment.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: none.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: straight, however he has not had any experience in the sort really. Believes that 'it' should only happen between two that think they are ready.

Education/Special Training: Was trained in using bows while he was younger. Mainly hunting.

Brief history:

Arthur was born near Vakimara in a time of peace. With his father a hunter, and quite a good one as well, they had a good amount of food and money. (as some of the meat was sold to a butcher.) Gerald soon decided that Arthur should learn how to hunt, so he too could provide for the family, in a case of need. He did enjoy it, however, the people that truly inspired him were traveling merchants that shared their experiences. He found the cultural differences between lands quite interesting. So one day, with his parent's somewhat reluctant permission, Arthur set out, willing to learn of the cultures in the world. He has been on this journey for about three months now.

Additional Notes
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The signature character of my novel series is a dragon. Time to bring him out.

Name: Daird Shagranoz (Yes, folks, this is where my screen name comes from)

Age: 29

Birthplace: Markford Mountains

Racial Origin- Human

Social Class- Noble

No living family or friends

Human Form

Height: 6 foot 2

Weight: 250 pounds

Hair: Curly black

Eyes: Blue

Clothing/Equipment- Bright green armor and a warhammer

He's very well-muscled and basically looks like he stepped out of one of those fireman calendars.

Dragon Form

Height: 170 Feet on two legs

Length: 400 Feet

Wingspan: 450 feet

Weight: 220 tons

Species: Greater Western Dragon

Scale color: Bright green

Horns: Yes

Spikes: Yes

Eye Color: Green

Tail: Thin, with a club on the end

Overall, he's thick and stocky, rather than serpentine. His horns come out of the back of his skull and point straight backwards. A double row of spikes run from the base of his head to the tip of his tail.


Element: Poison

Power 1: Breath of Corruption- Daird breathes out a heavy, green toxic mist that affects most life. However, if you can get up high enough, the poison will settle below you and you'll be fine.

Power 2: Toxic Torrent- Daird breathes out a vile mixture of thick, sticky acid that burns and corrodes all it touches. Maximum range: 150 yards


Attitude: Quiet and reserved

Skills and Talents: Excellent tactician

Likes: Fighting, travel, new experiences

Dislikes: Rain, large crowds

Goals- becoming the strongest fighter he can

Strengths- well, his physical strength

Weaknesses- doesn't always speak up when should

Fears: None

Hobbies: enjoying fine food and drink

Regular routine: Prefers to make it up as he goes

Personal philosophy- There is nothing better than a life lived joyfully

Attitude towards death- It's coming anyway, don't worry about it

Religion- not something he's thought about much

Fetishes/Strange behaviors: none that he's aware of

Most painful experience- watching his closest friend die in an accident

Sexual preferences- hetero, somewhat conservative

Education/Training- none

Bio: Lived in a small mountain town for several years, made friends with a human named Marie, who was killed by a runaway horse. Now dens in a mountain cave.
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The signature character of my novel series is a dragon. Time to bring him out.

Name: Daird Shagranoz (Yes, folks, this is where my screen name comes from)

Age: 29

Birthplace: Markford Mountains

Racial Origin- Human

Social Class- Noble

No living family or friends

Human Form

Height: 6 foot 2

Weight: 250 pounds

Hair: Curly black

Eyes: Blue

Clothing/Equipment- Bright green armor and a warhammer

Dragon Form

Height: 170 Feet on two legs

Length: 400 Feet

Wingspan: 450 feet

Weight: 220 tons

Species: Greater Western Dragon

Scale color: Bright green

Horns: Yes

Spikes: Yes

Eye Color: Green

Tail: Thin, with a club on the end


Element: Poison

Power 1: Breath of Corruption- Daird breathes out a heavy, green toxic mist that affects most life. However, if you can get up high enough, the poison will settle below you and you'll be fine.

Power 2: Toxic Torrent- Daird breathes out a vile mixture of thick, sticky acid that burns and corrodes all it touches. Maximum range: 150 yards


Attitude: Quiet and reserved

Skills and Talents: Excellent tactician

Likes: Fighting, travel, new experiences

Dislikes: Rain, large crowds

Goals- becoming the strongest fighter he can

Strengths- well, his physical strength

Weaknesses- doesn't always speak up when should

Fears: None

Hobbies: enjoying fine food and drink

Regular routine: Prefers to make it up as he goes

Personal philosophy- There is nothing better than a life lived joyfully

Attitude towards death- It's coming anyway, don't worry about it

Religion- not something he's thought about much

Fetishes/Strange behaviors: none that he's aware of

Most painful experience- watching his closest friend die in an accident

Sexual preferences- hetero, somewhat conservative

Education/Training- none

Bio: Lived in a small mountain town for several years, made friends with a human named Marie, who was killed by a runaway horse. Now dens in a mountain cave.
Awesome, accepted once you add photos if possible.
Can I be the warrior of light please? i'm interested. :)
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I'd like to put a hold on ice *is about to go to work so can't make a CS*
Character sheet:


Name (& pronunciation): Yoshitsune Minamoto

Date of Birth (& age): 16

Place of Birth:
Yoshitsune is the youngest son of the late Minamoto no Yoshitomo, who was defeated and killed by Taira Kiyomori during the Heiji Rebellion. Never knowing about his father's death, he has spent a lonely childhood at the remote mountain shrine of Mt. Kurama. After one day being attacked by members of the Heishi Clan, who were seeking possession of his Amahagane, sixteen year-old Yoshitsune follows a mysterious warrior down the mountain to find his destiny.

Gender: Male

Species/Racial Origin: Japanese

Social Class/Community Status:
very genreous, friendly, caring person and helps people in need

Minamoto no Yoshitomo (Yoshitomo Minamoto), (who was defeated and killed by Taira Kiyomori during the Heiji Rebellion.)

Yoritomo Minamomo (Yoshitsune's older brother, leader of the Minamoto clan. He has planned to restore the Minamoto clan to its former glory ever since the defeat of his father Yoshitomo at the hands of the Heishi.)


-Benkei Musashibo:
A giant warrior monk who was loyal to the Minamoto clan and now roams the land, fighting against the Taira in the hopes of one day serving the Minamoto again. Benkei uses his superhuman strength to pulverize his enemies with a giant war club that is taller and heavier than most full-grown men. Even though they were defeated in the Heishi Rebellion, Benkei dreams of the day when the Minamoto clan might return to power.
The Amahagane bring Yoshitsune and Benkei together through a great duel. Benkei loses to Yoshitsune, and in doing so he realize his life's true purpose. He swears to protect the young Minamoto, and fight by his side as a brother in arms.

-Lady Gozen Shizuka:
Known as the "Priestess of the Tamayori", she is the only person who can use the magical power "Yosegane" rite to enhance the power of the Amahagane. She is targeted by the Heishi, who wish to take advantage of Yosegane. To evade them, she fled far from civilization and now lives quietly in hiding with Kiichi Hōgen.

-Kiichi Hōgen:
Leader of the Tayamori clan and guardian of the Amahagane. He helps to rescue Yoshitsune and teaches him about his kamui powers.
He is the chief of the Tamayori clan who are charged with guarding the Amahagne. It is the duty of this clan to see that they are not used for evil purposes. Kiichi Hogen is a master Buddhist mystic, and has enchanted Shizuka's hiding place to help hide her. He is one who asks Yoshitsune to help the Tamayori retrieve the Amahagne that have fallen into the possession of the Heishi.

-Princess Minazuru Hōgen:
She trains with her father, Hogen, hoping one day become a full-fledged Tamayoribito. Although she has not yet developed special powers like Shizuka, she still a bright young girl who is well liked by all the townspeople. She often carries rumors and information from her town to Yoshitsune.

Physical Description *Human*

Height: 5ft tall 2 or 3 inches (i guess? I don't know exacit height)

Weight: 123lbs? (I don't know his exact weight

Hair: black

Eyes: brown

Limb Dexterity:
Yoshitsune is your archetypical fast and agile warrior, making up in speed what he lacks in strength. He is able to jump on small platforms. He wields two swords, and can also use his sword to 'hang' onto a ledge before jumping again, allowing him a double jump of sorts.

Typical Clothing/Equipment:
A thin light samurai armor.



Physical Description *dragon*

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Length: Unknown

Size of Wings: Unknown

Scale colour:
glowing bright golden yellow

Species type: (Dragon Types)
Tien Lung is an enormous celestial dragon, or lung. They support the foundations of the celestial temples of the gods. Some sources claim they held up the high palaces of the gods, while others claim that the celestial dragon holds up the entire heavens, guarding the mansions of the gods.

Eye colour:
Glowing White

Horns: Yes

Spines: Yes

Tail: Long, short, thin like a whip, thick like a club?



Element: Light

Power 1: Light of the Gods- A beam of light the comes the dragon's mouth that decinergrates enemies that has an evil heart or do evil deeds

Power 2: The Godly Stare: A special ability that allow the Dragon to make his enemies do what he tells them to do.


Calm and Collected.

Yoshitsune is your archetypical fast and agile warrior, making up in speed what he lacks in strength. He is able to jump on small platforms. He wields two swords, and can also use his sword to 'hang' onto a ledge before jumping again, allowing him a double jump of sorts.

His lover is Gozen Shzxuka

Most Hated/Dislikes:
when people let power go to their heads and use that power for evil instead of good.

to restore peace to the world and make sure it remains that way

able to fight multiple enemies

losing the one that he cares and loves

enjoys be at pease and with others

Regular Routine:
stays to himself meditationg

Philosophy of Life:
living in peace is the way of life

Attitude Toward Death:
(depends on the situation)


Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
Losing his best friend Benkei
Seeing his brother braying him

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:

Education/Special Training:

Brief history:
Yoshitsune is the youngest son of the late Minamoto no Yoshitomo, who was defeated and killed by Taira Kiyomori during the Heiji Rebellion. Never knowing about his father's death, he has spent a lonely childhood at the remote mountain shrine of Mt. Kurama. After one day being attacked by members of the Heishi Clan, who were seeking possession of his Amahagane, sixteen year-old Yoshitsune follows a mysterious warrior down the mountain to find his destiny.
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well here's the first part of it done. :)
Not sure I'll be able to find images. My Google Fu is notoriously bad, and I always write with mental images rather than physical ones.
Not sure I'll be able to find images. My Google Fu is notoriously bad, and I always write with mental images rather than physical ones.
That's fine! Just provide a more detailed description and you are good to go!
Well, I was thinking about joining as the Fire Warrior...but there isn't much of a plot to go on, and the character sheet requires a great deal of detail where there isn't a whole lot of backstory to go on.

I'm not sure I'm making much sense. I've been left with yet another headache. I'll have to go see my doctor about it...they're getting terribly bad. >.<'

I guess all I'm trying to say is I'd love to join, but I don't want to go through the tremendous effort of creating an epic char without knowing a bit more about the backstory and what the characters will be doing, etc. I've had many RPs die after I created a beautiful character, and now many of them sit shelved. Quite sad, really. T_T
Well, I was thinking about joining as the Fire Warrior...but there isn't much of a plot to go on, and the character sheet requires a great deal of detail where there isn't a whole lot of backstory to go on.

I'm not sure I'm making much sense. I've been left with yet another headache. I'll have to go see my doctor about it...they're getting terribly bad. >.<'

I guess all I'm trying to say is I'd love to join, but I don't want to go through the tremendous effort of creating an epic char without knowing a bit more about the backstory and what the characters will be doing, etc. I've had many RPs die after I created a beautiful character, and now many of them sit shelved. Quite sad, really. T_T
That's all good, I am still working on the in-depth plot which will be out just before we start but... If I send it you, the basic draft at the moment, would you consider it? :3
Yes, indeedy, I would! If it has dragons, I'm typically there. They're my favorite! <3

Char sheet will come along tomorrow if I do decide to join in. I like my aesthetics, so I'll need a great deal of time to work on it...but as long as I'm hyped about it tomorrow, I should get it in before going to bed tomorrow night. So, just reserve me the Fire Warrior, and I'll certainly look into it.

You are also very welcome to discuss with me any problems you may have with plot. I've seen many GMs feel unsure about their plot, thus not making enough key points to keep the story going and players interested. This oftentimes leads to the death of the RP, and while no one can guarantee the life and full completion of the story, I can offer any help I might be able to provide.

I look forward to reading deeper into this story. ^^
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Yes, indeedy, I would! If it has dragons, I'm typically there. They're my favorite! <3

Char sheet will come along tomorrow if I do decide to join in. I like my aesthetics, so I'll need a great deal of time to work on it...but as long as I'm hyped about it tomorrow, I should get it in before going to bed tomorrow night. So, just reserve me the Fire Warrior, and I'll certainly look into it.

You are also very welcome to discuss with me any problems you may have with plot. I've seen many GMs feel unsure about their plot, thus not making enough key points to keep the story going and players interested. This oftentimes leads to the death of the RP, and while no one can guarantee the life and full completion of the story, I can offer any help I might be able to provide.

I look forward to reading deeper into this story. ^^
Ah, I love you! Not creepily but you are one of the most helpful users I have ever come across! :) Thanks, I would love to get someone to read through it and make sure it is all up to scratch and exciting enough! You are right though, I have hit a certain point where I am not sure where to head off from! :)
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