Matched. Placed. Perfection. (OOC and Sign-ups!) Sorry! Closed Now!!

I hope my reply was okay and acceptable. I can understand if it seems it was far too lucky given the situation, but we'll see what happens.
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Ok, people [and I use the term loosely since you're all so eager to rebel against the Society which has given each of you so much]. ;p

I have been chosen to help motivate y'all to remain active. In an effort to do so, I have given you all a small memo to play with while we wait for our fancy dinner date.

I should be able to get a post up for Loch this weekend, though it will involve none of you.


@Adira Will we be time skipping to the Matches Dinner?
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If it is confirmed that there will be a time skip, I will post, as Gail is at home currently and didn't go to the meeting.
I've been trying to post for a few days but Iwaku hasn't let me. I will post tomorrow from my other laptop.
Question. The next time we post, we'll skip forward in time correct (to the dinner?)? Next, @Adira , can you post first, here or on the ICC, so we know what the plan if for the next parts?
You can time skip to the next day when you will meet your match.
Except for me 'cuz Tem is on hiatus. Fear not, I have a Boss Lady approved plan... XD
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I will have my post up soon if that is the plan. I wanted to wait until the ceremony to post, since my charrie didn't go to the Resistance meeting.
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Whoa. Creepy Aiden dream. I've gotta ask, why does Delilah fear of him?

And I'll work on a post later...
Whoa. Creepy Aiden dream. I've gotta ask, why does Delilah fear of him?

And I'll work on a post later...
Well, idk where it is REALLY stemming from, but it's just character development I guess. Also it's kind of irony because of her job and all too. Can't wait for everyone to post!
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Plot twists make the world go 'round, Zeon.

Awesome post, Punky!
I'll have a post up soon, hopefully in the next few days.