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So for about a month now I have been playing Mass Effect Andromeda and it has sparked this urge for a mass effect rp. I've played through 2 and 3 and even though Andromeda isn't what we deserved it's not all that bad. I enjoyed it.

I'm just curious to see how many of you would realistically want to join this. It's going to be cannon for the most part but some small things might be different. For those of you who are interested in helping me make this rp a reality more quickly than I could do it myself just msg me. I would love to have a co-gm or 2 depending on how popular this is.

This is going to be set in the Milky Way instead of Andromeda although if enough of you want it, it would definitely be a possibility.

Ok Im sure we all know the story of the original series

Should we take down ideas for the parts that will be modified
I am interested in this.
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Ok Im sure we all know the story of the original series

Should we take down ideas for the parts that will be modified
Sure we can do that. But also keep in mind nothing has to change. It's just a choice
I am also interested in being a CO-GM for this if it goes ahead.
Well I would like to create a faction within the masseffect but to do it Im looking to make a particular type of leader for this faction and certain Canon events the thorian and his relation with Cerberus project overlord

It's an interesting idea I've been working with its not to complex but it does require altering the events surrounding both missions a bit
Or perhaps, the Normandy S2 came out of the Omega 4 relay with almost no survivors. Maybe Shepard and most of his team gave their lives to stop the baby reaper and blow the Collector base.

Now it's up to the Normandy's new crew to take up the fight.
Interested. I have played ME from the first til' the last installment and I'm planning on getting Andromeda the next weekend, but the things said about the game makes me doubt about buying it. Is it really that bad?
Andromeda is actually a really fun game, it was just rushed. They've been polishing it over the past month and it looks *far* better than it did when it first came out.

But if we do a Mass Effect RP, I'm not going to do a 'Succession Game' thing where the canon characters die off and we're the replacements to take up the tasks done in ME3. I'm way more comfortable playing a bunch of randos that did other stuff elsewhere. I mean, it's a big galaxy. Not everyone was trying to save it, and the people that were weren't always talked about.

Shepard and his crew just did a *lot* of the heavy lifting. Presuming to take over that role with some OC's just feels... irreverent.
There is plenty of unchecked lore that can be followed through and built into a grand scheme...if we play it right.

Honestly, I just wanna play my little biotic champion that I will make for this rp.
Same here the faction I'm making isn't big just some scattered remnants of different character groups but who have some ties with Cerberus

I've even mostly worked out how to link them the thorian is a key character him being plant based creature Instead of having him dead I thought of just having him hibernating while having injuries exogeni takes his body off feros Cerberus makes a play and gets a hold of the thorian and moves him to their base on pragia the planet where jacks loyalty mission takes place there in the rich soil environment it heals and within a few months expands and awakened !

project overlord uses the thorian plant spores on david archer to help his mind endure the vi merger
The spores hive mind effect connects David to the thorian between the two of them they become the leader of my faction they become overlord now my faction history is a little sketchy right now but they cut ties with Cerberus at a point I'm working out the rest
? Has everyone been working on a character I'm close to being ready
Need a CS skeleton for that
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