Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, etc.

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I'd really like to see a cool Ghost Rider show or movie. I know they already made two movies, but I want a cool one.
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- Do you have a preferred company?
Nope. I like DC and Marvel.
- Do you believe that one is better than another?
Nope, they are both great in their own ways.
- If you think one is better, could you explain why?
Nope. As stated they are both really good in their own ways.
- Are you active in the fandom (blog, cosplay, etc.)?
- Have you been in debates over Marvel v. DC (or other companies)?
Not really much about the companies vs the characters and who I believe would or wouldn't win in a fight. Thus far it mostly depends on situation.
- Do you subscribe to the belief that DC only does gritty/angsty comics and Marvel is repetitive and too focused on fantasy/unrealistic worlds?
Yes at times. Than again there will always be a reason to bitch about one flaw or another. Both are great either way.
- What are your favorite comic series?
This is hard to pick since I hardly even hold any comics due to focusing my finances on more important things... like port. The few that did interest me though was some of the Joker & Batman, a few of the JLU, some of Spiderman, Some of Avengers and a couple on Spawn.
- Who are your fave heroes?
DC: Raven due to how her story went during the good ol' Teen Titans show. Flash goes into a quick second by a fraction since he not only destroyed brainiac in JLU but also can go so fast he travels through plains of existence if wanted.
Marvel: Captain America total bad ass of a hero in my honest opinion. Groot though wins second place for his own bad assery.
- Fave antiheroes and/or vigilantes?
Easiest to pick.
DC: Deathstroke, a MAJOR badass and one of my favorite characters overall.
Marvel: Eddie Brock since I like the symbiots and his story overall is the most interesting, especially with all the development he had with being a host to Venom and now slowly switching over to becoming an anti-hero by hosting with Toxin. Lobo however comes as a close second as well.
- Fave villians?
DC: The Joker. Nuff said.
Marvel: Venom. Again, Nuff said.
- Do you read comics, watch cartoons, and/or watch comic movies?
I guess a little of 'all of the above'
- What comic series or character would you like to see a show/cartoon/movie adaptation of?
I don't know, either they already had a show or were represented in one, had a movie or something of the like. So I'm good with what I have.
- Who do you ship?
the old bat gotta get some young luv 2

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