Martini and Salsa 1.5: Sent a spy to catch a break

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The thunder of rotor blades was the first thing he heard, not unusual with helicopter tours and other civilian aircraft. But as they got louder he could distinctly make out there was more than one. He stopped and turned back to look behind them in time to see the resort parking lot turn orange under a hale of rockets from three gunships that then hovered to allow men to slide down on ropes. Everyone in the resort was now trapped between them and the sea and they had their helicopters circling.

His blood ran cold and he grabbed Cynthia's shoulder and pulled her with him getting away from the openness of the beach. He cursed himself for not having a gun with him.

"They're not the British." he said immediately his tone worried. The Josh he had been a second ago was gone and Martini was in his place. "They're here for Underground. He have to warn him."
"What the...?" Cynthia exclaimed in surprise as she saw the dramatic moment start to unfold. When she felt her shoulder grabbed, she followed Josh instantly. The sudden change from pleasent holiday to some sort of militaric chaos wa jarring. Fortunately Cynthia was good at adapting and when she heard her partner's voice she tried to think instead of just react.

Except right now all she was sure to do was follow Martini's lead. This was not a situation she expected to encounter six months ago and even now she had assumed something like this she would have more time to prepare. None the less when Martini said they needed to warn his contact, she pulled out the phone while also moving the strap of the purse so it was now over her chest in a more secure fashion. Salsa wasn't sure it would help much, but it was a chance Martin could get a hold of Underground on his phone.
"Whoever this is they're not afraid to attack the resort.. Or.. Oh Shit.." there were boats in the bay streaking towards the town and martini estimated at least fifty men had to be inside. He took his phone form Cynthia and flipped it open but as soon as he put it to his ear he took it away again and swore again. There was no signal, the tower was down or it was being jammed.. Of all the things.

"We have two choices.." he said moving away from the sight of the resort. "Lay low or find Underground. He probably knows but like I said we saved my life once and hes valuable to the agency. I'm sorry Cynthia looks like the vacation is over."
Shaking her head she gave Josh a sad grin. "Wrong place, right time. Nothing to apologize for." Was she happy, of course not, but that was beside the point. "I don't like the idea of lying low. Too many unanswered questions that way." It was safer, but she wasn't getting paid to stay safe, and even if this was technically her vacation, Josh already said it, it was over.

"So what do we do first?" Time was ticking and Cynthia was out of her depth, but that wasn't anything new sadly. At least she had a good partner that she could trust. Salsa really wished she had a gun right now though. "Do you know where he likely might be?"
"Thats a simple question with only one answer. Hes at his hideout." he moved them into foliage and onto a small hiking train that lead inland towards the mountains, on firm ground and with a clear path he set off as a quick pace. "Anyone fords us we've been hiking all morning and know nothing. Now.." he stepped over a fallen branch and an held his hadn out to her. "You're still playing my fiance only this time its no game."

He circled his arm in his and took a deep breath. "We'll have to pace ourselves anyway. Have some water." he was looking from side to side out in the trees. "Now honey, What do you say we take a hike in the mountains?"
This was the real thing. As he said this was no longer a game. Cynthia took a long drink of water trying to settle her nerves, then glanced at the man who's arm she held. With a short nod, she finally smiled. Fiancée on a walk was who she was suppose to be right now.

"That sounds lovely," her voice was clear and from a general observation there was nothing amidst with the couple. Cynthia was trying very hard to suppress her nervousness and tension by watching the trail. In fact she was doing well until she heard a repetitive metalic sound that no bird would ever make. It was the sound of gunfire. Cynthia's grip on Josh's arm tightened, but she besides the slight jump she gave from the first sound of it tried to stay in character. It was much more difficult then she wished.
He felt her tension in her grip and made a soft shushing sound in his throat. This was no game the island was turning into a warzone fast and any rookie agent would be in over their head. This wasn't a lone sniper or a mole or one man on a mission. This was a lot of men with a lot of gun on a mission and most likely ready to shoot first and never ask questions. The fact that they were even using their weapons told Martini that much.

"What caliber was that?" he asked. Just because it was a warzone didn't mean she could learn and identifying the shots would take her mind off if them and turn them into a game. "No too easy to tell from a three round burst. What gun was that. I want both the name and the nickname, and year of development. And with this gun thats an easy one."
"What caliber?" she asked looking at Josh in surprise. Cynthia responded in a soft voice though as she thought through the answer. "That's larger, um, I think it's 5.56mm." As they continued along the trail, it slopping upward as they went into the hills, Cynthia thought of what weapons she knew.

"I'm not overly familiar with types," she confessed. Cynthia sometimes forgot her childhood was abnormal though in some respects. "It almost has to be an M16 though, I'd say an M4. That would put that model being made in the 80s?" Having something to think about besides trying to not be noticed when there were so many out there with assult rifles did calm Cynthia some. She was still on edge, but not as tense as before if the grip on Josh's arm was any indication.
"Very good. But the most important thing to note is that the M4 is American. Any local groups short on money would undoubtedly use the far cheeper and more common AK 47 that a very different sound. So they have funding and access to american-made weapons." he said. They're also attacking resorts and town. Which means they're after multiple targets or they don't know where their target is. That rules out most intelligence agencies and the helicopters used mean its no major 1st world government."

He looked down at her. "Crime ring, 3rd world government that was once an American ally or American occupied. Or contractors."
"That at least narrows it down," Cynthia said. "Still though," she paused as they started going around a bend in the trail. She didn't like the fact that she couldn't see ahead, bad enough that they were going up hill.

There was more sound of gun fire, but it seemed further away then the first round. That didn't delude Cynthia enough to believe that there were no men up this way, it just meant there was litte reason for them to fire their weapons if there were any around here. "What do we do once we find him, or if we don't?"
"Both of those questions have the same answer." he said quietly, not wanting his voice to carry in the trees. "We get off the island. With or without him we don't know enough to do anything." he looked at her and gave her a soft smile. "I'm not putting us in danger more than we have to be and thats another reason to find him. If anyone knows a way off the island its him, if anyone can communicate off the island its him. If..."

He stopped and then slowly, not wanting to make any noise turned to go back the way then came for a few yards then ducked into the foliage crouching low. Then there were voices and footsteps ahead and hiding he closed his arms around his partner. A gesture to keep her calm, and quiet.
Cynthia didn't question Josh's retreating footsteps, nor when they crouched into the foliage. She glanced at him for a moment as he put his arms around her, but then she heard the voices again and she looked back at the path they had come from.

The waiting seemed to take forever as the voices came closer, their footstep getting loud and seemed very heavy. They spoke English, but that didn't mean a lot. One sounded Australian, the others that spoke were likely American, though there was a chance of costal Canadian, and not all the men spoke. They were hired thugs, not nationalist.

And still they waited. How carefully would they be looking around, or were they more concerned with going from point to point. And then she could see them.
The came slowly talking mainly about the island and grumbling about not meeting anyone yet. As they got closer Josh's arms unwrapped from around Cynthia and he signaled for her to stay low. The only interesting this to what they said was the fact that they had already been on the island for several days waiting for orders. Martini stole a look at the men and Then pressed himself against the ground. They had mixed uniforms. Probably bought from more than one surplus dealer.

They were of course trapped until the men passed and Josh cursed when one of the stopped for a piss. Any professional would have gone before heading out. But the man was facing away from them and Josh felt safe enough to take Cynthia's hand and start leading her away from the path into the jungle.
Cynthia all but rolled her eyes when one of the men stopped to take care of his business and glanced over at Josh. As he took her hand, Cynthia concentrated on being quiet. After they'd gone some distance she took the top off the bottle of water and took a drink. She wasn't sure how much longer they were going up and she wanted to make sure she paced herself as well as possible in this unknown.

The jungle was sticky, with the overgrowth of foliage as well ws the slowly growing storm increasing the already high humidity. This morning shower was a long distant memory at this point. Finally they keep to a rocky outgrowth. Cynthia wondered if they were now going to have to climb!
Josh waited for a few minutes at the foot of the slope. The vegetation wouldn't hide them ass well on it and though would be exposed. His fears were conformed when a helicopter flew over. "We're going to have to be smart about this... if I remember theres a gully running down the slop a little further along."

He turned to Cynthia. "This is the best hidden place on the island and probably the safest place for us to be right now. He gave her a smile. Next vacation I promise you this won't happen."

He squeezed her hand and took her along the bottom of the slope where there was a gully mostly hidden by foliage. "Only about two hundred meters up and he'll be on his doorstep."
Cynthia blinked then gave Josh a nod. "Holding you to that," she told him as he squeezed her hand and started to lead her down. Despite the foliage, Cynthia still felt exposed and was glad when they started heading up instead of down. However she was feeling far less unnerved as they got to what could only be described as a small landing. The rock was too smooth at their feet to be natural.

Once they got to Underground, Cynthia knew it wasn't over. They still had to get off the island, but at least they'd likely know what was going on and have the resources for a less hair raising escape. Which Cynthia was decently sure would be the case, Underground liked to be the man with information, it seemed unlikely he didn't know who these people were on the island. The only thing that bothered her was if these men were already on the island, how did it escape the criminal's attention. It was that troubling thought that was on her mind when she saw the Russian for a second time.
Josh didn't do anything. He just stood there with her. Then slowly a section of the cliff face opened inwards and a man with a gun motioned them inside.

"You are here to see the boss. He asked me to take you to him."

Josh visibly relaxed and moved inside with Cynthia into the passage cut from the rock and sloping downwards into the heart of the mountain. The man didn't speak more until they were taken to a comfortably furnished room where Underground was pacing. But seeing the spies he turned and smiled the wide smile of someone wanting something.

"Martini, Salsa, Dearest companions. How good to see you. Why do..."

"Whose attacking, Lemkov."

"Business... I see. Fine we'll do it your way. Its The Duke.. my er.. employer. Hes after my head and is willing to burn this entire i...."

"What did you do?:

"Nothing, nothing, hes just grown tired of some of the liberties I've been taking."

"Like selling his activities to agencies? Salsa and I are getting off the island. You're making that happen."

"Me too, but hey we can help eachother out, like old times. I have a boat and a ship, you have skill with a gun, both of you do. You get me to the boat and I'll take me with you. I don't have many men left and me and guns... well you know Martini."

"Betray us and I'll use my skill with guns on you..."

Josh moved closer to Cynthia and whispered to her. "What do you think?"
Cynthia glanced around, while trying to not be obviously curious. The place was crude, but it was functional. One could hold out for here for some time if there was plenty of supplies she noted.

Martini seemed to cut through all of Underground's bull shit, getting to the meat of the issue. If this Duke fellow wanted to be rid of his employee he made an awful big mess of it Salsa thought. All in all a situation no one wanted to be in the middle of. Criminal land wars is what this was coming to.

It still didn't sit right with Cynthia however.

"I'm not trusting him, but this is the best way out," she told her partner. Her face didn't betray her concern, but her whispered voice did. At least this way she would get a gun in her hands again. She just wanted this over with now.
Martini nodded and "He is the best was off. Once away we can leave and head over to another island to spend the night before contacting daddy."

He took a step towards Underground. "Concealable weapons. Something to wear that will keep out the wind and help us blend in without being obvious. For both of us." he said. "When we're on board the ship you'll take us to the illustrious and drop us off with them. We don't want to be part of this longer than we have to. This was meant to be a vacation."

The Russian nodded and the man behind them moved to get weapons and jackets. "Just like old time, to the point and never, ever, giving up a lie. Its one of the things I like about you Martini. You're an agency man. Married to the job and never compromising it for yourself. You see this." he said pointing at Martini while looking at Cynthia. "This is what training and all work and no play turns you into."
Cynthia let a smirk show. It was enigmatic enough to be interpreted any number of ways. Martini was all business now because that was the best way to stay alive, but Cynthia had seen Josh relax, and even if it was over due, she knew there were many more layers to the man then the agent this criminal ever saw.

Once given weapons and jackets, Cynthia did have to roll the sleeves up but few people would realize the wind breaker was too large for her and even then, there was little reason to stay hidden up in the hole. She was now more worried then before that this was a bad idea however. In this situation it shouldn't have mattered to Underground if Martini's story was true or not. Instead he wanted to drive in the point he didn't believe it, something he had at least pretended to buy before.

There were too many games going on.

"Watch your back," Cynthia muttered to Josh just as they were preparing to exit. Under such a circumstance it should have been Josh giving her advice, but either Martini already suspected something was going down and now at least knew she was aware, or he hadn't, but now would be.