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Mundane Monster

The most uninspiring of monsters
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Animal based, Scifi, Modern, Horror, Comedy, Slice of life.
Lore - OOC - Characters

Our story begins in a foreign land, it's destiny? To become our new home.

We'd left Earth to forge a new frontier beyond the skies and create a new generation of humans.

You are either a Planetary, Maintenance and Stability Officer, a member of the military or a civilian, and Mars, is now your forever home. What you make of yourselves is up to you. But know that as a PSMO, militia or civilian, you have a duty. PSMOs create and nurture, the Military protect and regulate, and Civilians develop and populate.

Upon exiting the Atlas IV that carried you from Earth to Mars, you are reminded of your duty and encouraged to either get yourself situated or if you're a civilian, become familiar with the person paired to you. Of course, you don't have to do these things right off the bat, you can explore the settlement or mingle with those outside of your group, it's up to you. But know that in the end, we all must keep our promises.

Two people, a tall male and a short and excited female maneuvered through the crowd, oohing and aahing at every detail of the structure. Well—The female was doing most of the delighted shrieking and the male was mostly people watching and jotting down notes in his notebook.

@Spectre of the Fade (Alex Baughman)

His name was Noah Prentice and he was a writer. He had entered the United States with the intent of traveling through all fifty states when he found out that his parents had been arrested for tax fraud. Having no home to return to and no looming obligation to become a lawyer as had been planned, Noah decided to sign up for NASA's settlement project. It hadn't been very hard to drop all ties to everyone in the states because his siblings had all gone into hiding anyway, plus, Noah always had a wandering soul and what better way to satiate that feeling then to travel as far as possible? Of course, he was a little nostalgic for Earth already but mainly because Mars didn't have the same luxuries as Earth. There would be no late night take out here, no video games or binge watching Netflix…But that was okay, because being a civilian member of the settlement, Noah had a lot more to deal with than worrying about material pleasures.

Before boarding the rocket ship, 260 days ago, Noah had been given a picture of his intended pair, as well as her name and he was ecstatic to realize that he recognized her face! He was hoping that his recognizing of her wasn't a phantom feeling or that he only recognized her because he had seen her in passing on his travels. But either way—He wanted to get to know her now. Thankfully, the military and PSMOs who weren't helping organize them had drifted into their separate groups, so it was easier for him to scan everyone's face, hoping to see his new significant other…

The female was doing most of the delighted shrieking...

@Gremory (Gabriel)

Wow! It was so empty in here, that her excited squeals and whoops were bouncing off the walls and attracting attention. Rebecca paid that no mind though, because she was on motherfucking Mars, bitches! Who would have thought? Who could have guessed? She sure as hell couldn't have! And to make this even sweeter—She had a soul mate! Well…Not really. But she would be damned if she wouldn't make some magic happen. She had her mate's picture and she was on the hunt to find him and cart him off to their living quarters. Theirs! Oh, she couldn't wait to get to know him and…get to know him. Of course, she was going to wait a few days though because she wasn't that type of girl, but she was going to play twenty questions and make sure this match lasted longer than a few months. This was not going to be a repeat of that…That cowardly stupid freaking idiot of a man who abandoned her on her wedding day after whisper sweet nothing in her ear and—and!

"Okay, Rebecca, breathe. We are miles and miles away from that douche basket, and you have a new life now." She coached herself while taking deep soothing breaths. "Now, let's go find your new man." She whispered to herself before diving back into the crowd to find her intended.


In comparison to the crackling energy of the civilians, the Military was a lot more composed. Was it because of their new station? Possibly. In Amira's case, it was because she didn't let others see her when she wasn't composed. She liked to appear professional because if you looked goofy, that meant you were giving whoever was surveying you, an inch. And if you give a man an inch, he'll take a mile and Amira couldn't have that.

But she wasn't completely stone faced. She too glanced around and took in her surroundings, and she was more than impressed. She was speechless, which was good because General Argon was giving a speech on their new assignment as well as protocol.

"General Green, General Dent and I are you superiors, but we will not be hovering over you 24/7. We expect you airmen and specialists to act accordingly and appropriately. And to be sure of that, Lt. Col. Michael Wolfe," the General paused to gesture at a bearded man standing to his left. "will oversee assigning you duties and disciplining you if you have been caught disgracing what we, the air force stand for. And occasionally, you will be assigned sensitive tasks to deal with by 1st Lt. Malcolm Hayes." He paused again this time to gesture at a blonde haired man standing to Lt. Col Wolfe's left. "Now. This is a day for satisfying wonder and curiosity, because we are all the first men and women to begin making a home on Earth. So, I am giving you permission to mingle, for today but stay alert, as we might need you all for various assignments. That is all."

As the soldiers began to spread out or speak among each other, Amira headed towards where she was told the barracks were. She wanted to set up her area before things got exciting…And she wanted to write a letter to her parents, of course she would never send it, but it was therapeutic and a good recreational activity. As she headed towards her destination, she passed the PSMOs who were having a much looser version of their briefing. The majority of the PSMOs were doctors, so they mostly left to their own devices and to being their own projects at their leisure. "Heh, must be nice." Amira murmured to herself as she entered the tunnel leading to the Military Dome.

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Dae-Hyun M. Ahn
Headed to Military Domes (Barracks)
@Mundane Monster (Amira K. Mahmoud)

Dae-Hyun was hella tired. He had gone almost 3 days without sleep, all because he had to prepare himself mentally for this. In his pocket, he held a small slip of paper his mother had sent him. He switched his weight from foot-to-foot, fidgeting and wanting to go to his barrack and just relax for a little. Even if he could only sit on a bed for a minute, he would feel a bit better. After the general dismissed them, Dae-Hyun looked for anyone he could ask for directions to the barracks. Upon looking, he saw a girl that looked like she knew where she was going. Sighing in relief, Dae-Hyun pushed through the crowd of people to reach her.
"Excuse me? Excuse me, ma'am!" he called, his voice still retaining a thick Korean accent. Dae-Hyun reached his arm out and lightly tapped her shoulder, right before stumbling over his own two feet and falling onto his face. "Ah, shit.." He grumbled, pushing himself up slightly, rubbing his nose.
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Angel Cove
Inside PSMO Dome

Was it acceptable to miss out on the first brief to throw up? Angel hoped so. He was hunched over the freshly build toilet, hurling up the last of what he got. Motion sickness was a bitch, Angel wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he pressed the flush. It was impressive to see everything working. They had done such a good job, but so much had to be done. Angel really didn't feel like doing that right now, but he could already see the unimpressed face of Miguel.

Standing in front of the mirror, Angel adjusted his glasses and brushed his fingers through his hair. A shower also sounded like a good option right now. He put his head under the tap and filled his mouth with water before spitting it out, he didn't want bad breath for the rest of the day. Checking himself out once more before leaving, Angel washed his hands.

It was a good thing all these corridors were labelled, Angel had seen the place made from scratch, but being in it made a lot of difference. He walked quickly, eyes on the different directions, hoping he'd find the rest of his people. After a few minutes of searching, he found the dome. Angel walked in, interrupting one of the directors. "Sorry I'm late." Angel saw that dissatisfaction on Miguel's face, making Angel pout back. "I didn't wanna throw up on the brand new tiling." There were a couple of laughs.

Through out the talk, Angel's mind wandered. With all that nausea, Angel hadn't had chance to check out the real genius of the place. Everything looked so clean, sterile almost. But it was awesome, he was really glad he was a part of this. He also hoped he'd get chance to find Malcolm. He hadn't spoken to his boyfriend since they got here, and he wanted to check out their new living space together.

The noise of the crowd bustling took Angel away from his thoughts. The directors had dismissed them, just for a few hours. Angel would go and check things out, but he'd be straight to work. He had worked years of his life to get this place running, now he just had to keep it going.

Military dome, headed for PSMO dome ♠ Waiting for Angel (@King) ♠ Fairly worried, but refuses to look it
Malcolm postures well for the military during the General's speech, but runs off to find his significant other as soon as he's dismissed.
Off to the left of one of the American officers, Wolfe if memory served, Malcolm stood before the gathered soldiers as a statue representing the epitome of military professionalism. His dress uniform, from the green beret perched carefully atop his neatly trimmed red hair to the decorations at his breast to the gleaming boots on his feet, was perfectly in order. His posture was excellent, of course, back ramrod straight and eyes staring off into the distance. Considering he was a member of a separate branch of a completely different country's military, he felt he had to do some posturing. Prove he had earned a place here, earned his officers' rank, earned the medal pinned to his breast. Establish that he was not to trifled with and was a capable rung in the command ladder. The soft downturn of his lips? Easily put off by anyone paying attention as a frown of concentration, a result of how hard he was focused on his superior's speech.

But he wasn't paying attention, not really, not with his boyfriend likely sick as a dog in the PSMO dome while he listened to the brass prattle on about shit he had already heard over and over in the dozens of briefings they had back on Earth. Listen to the Generals, the Major, and the Lieutenant Colonel...like he'd do anyways. Make sure his subordinates weren't fucking about or breaking protocol...like he'd do anyways. The mention of mingling had Malcolm holding back a quiet snort, the exasperation showing itself in a hardly noticeable puff of air instead. "Mingle". Sure. Like he was going to socialize when he needed to check on Angel and get settled in their new quarters. The general dismissing the lot of them completely surprised Malcolm a bit, if he was honest, but he wouldn't waste the opportunity.

Politely brushing off any attempts from his subordinates to catch his attention after he determined he'd waited for a long enough time that he could leave, Malcolm walked towards the PSMO dome at a brisk pace. He didn't bother looking over the structures or admire the construction; there would be time for that after he'd found the one who had no small hand in making it a reality.

He found the room the PSMOs had claimed as their gathering place in short order, but he arrived as the discussion was ending. Worked for him, though. He'd bet that barging in during the speech, in full military dress, just to fret over one of their top engineers wouldn't impress the directors overmuch and he wanted to stay well within their good graces. It'd been difficult enough getting here to be with Angel; pissing off the directors would make it difficult to stay here to be with Angel. So, he lurked in the hallway, arms crossed over his broad chest and feet planted like he was prepared to wait in that exact position for hours. Which he would, actually, if he needed to. Anything for his engineer.[/spoili]


Standing in the entrance of the Main dome ♣ Meeting Noah (@Mundane Monster) ♣ Nervous, excited, hesitant
Alex stands awkwardly after disembarking, unsure if her new partner would recognize her, but still works up the guts to say hello when she spots him.
Mechanically following one of the other civilians as they joined the crowd gathering at the entrance to the main dome, Alex herself lost in her thoughts and in processing the importance of this occasion. This was Mars. They were on Mars. They were all members of the first human colony off Earth, and she was one of them. She had been an astronaut. She even had a place in history, no matter how small her contribution might end up being, and it was as one of the first human colonists on the Red Planet itself. The immensity of that statement tripped her up enough she hardly noticed the crowd she stood in, social anxiety forgotten for the moment. Sci-fi had been her thing since she was six and discovered Star Trek existed. Fantasy or more traditional fiction could be good, too, but she always found herself drawn back to sci-fi because nothing else had the potentially treacherous new worlds or the alien species or the hard science that Alex found so fascinating. And now? She was here, on Mars, an actual colonist and an actual astronaut. It wasn't science fiction for her anymore and the realization was absolutely exhilarating.

A loud, echoing whoop from behind her had Alex snapping back to reality, and she turned to find there was a pretty young woman expressing her apparent excitement at their successful landing and drawing a lot of attention to herself in the process. Alex was half tempted to join the woman, but the temptation wasn't enough to get over the intense fear that all the people Alex was surrounded by would start looking at her. She did allow herself a burst of excited laughter, though, a big smile crossing her face, heart hammering in her chest as she giggled quietly. She was a colonist on Mars!

It was a minute before Alex could compose herself, but compose herself she did. The realization that now she needed to find her...Mate? Partner? Temporary significant other? helped accomplish that. Before their craft had left Earth, Alex been given his picture and his name, but she'd only needed the latter to remember him. Noah Prentice, with the LOTR tattoo and the gorgeous eyes. That tattoo she remembered especially well because she'd done her damnedest to get the details perfect, unwilling to do the series and Tolkien anything less, and she'd just about accomplished it even with her high standards. The recipient she remembered especially well because he was smart and funny and chatted about his writing while she tattooed his shoulder and she'd been a bit smitten, but still turned him down when he asked her out after the tattoo was finished. "Dating a client would be unprofessional" had been her defense, then, and it felt like such a flimsy excuse.

Especially now, what with the pair of them matched up as an optimal pairing, by the scientist people, according to personality things as well as DNA factors, and yeah. They were gonna do the do at some point. The thought inspired a weird flip flop sensation in her chest she didn't particularly care for, but she went ahead and put it down to nervousness. Or maybe nausea. Could go either way, really. Anxiously chewing her lower lip as she looked around at the people around her, Alex was careful not to meet anyone's eyes as she searched for a particular face. She spotted him after a few moments, across the way from her. Nervousness reasserted itself as she hesitantly made her way through the gathered crowd in his direction. What if he had hard feelings from her rejection of him last time? Worse, what if he didn't remember her at all?

With a stuttered breath and a moment to steel herself, Alex pushed the doubt away as best as she could for the moment and stepped close enough to tap him on the shoulder, on the one she'd worked on. "Hi," she murmured, nervousness evident in the fingers twisted in the fabric of her shirt and her soft shift from foot to foot, but she met his eyes with her own deep brown ones. "You're Noah, right?" she asked, because starting this conversation off with "hey yeah I remember you creepily well from that one time I did your tattoo and you asked me out but i shut you down hah" sounded like a terrible idea.[/spoili]

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Gabriel A Reed
Inside the Main Dome
@Mundane Monster (REBECCA A. DEAN)

Gabriel was so nervous he was going to puke. As soon as he went inside the huge dome his stomach turned inside out, and goosebumps ran along his back and arms. This was something incredible. "The first Martians huh... Crazy as hell." he said to himself. The dome was something straight out of a movie. He almost didn't believe he was actually on Mars. If Gabriel slept the whole time and woke up here, he would have been sure Ashton Kutcher would have popped out screaming "PUNKED". Amazingly this was real though, and even the part about having a mate. He wasn't very good with ladies, quite often being awkward around them. Hopefully his mate would like him, or else he would have traveled a long way to be lonely. Gabriel looked down at the picture he had. "Rebecca Dean...". She was incredibly good looking, intimidatingly so. His curiosity overtook him as they told him he could search around and look as he pleases. He started his way towards where everyone will be staying, hoping to find a place to set his stuff down before looking for Rebecca.
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PSMO dome ♥ Bothering Shaemus (@Who) ♥ Energetic; also a bit homesick but sure as hell isn't gonna talk about that
Dalton paid actual attention to the talks the directors had with their people (though he really really didn't look like he did) then decided to try and bug Shae.
To say Dalton looked unprofessional as he sat in on the PSMO meeting was something of an understatement. A vast understatement. An understatement of epic proportions, even, considering he was slouched so far back in his seat that his butt was nearly hanging off the edge of his seat and his expression was blank with his blue eyes completely zoned out on the table before him. There was even the end of a (metal, black and gold, definitely expensive, even inscribed with the words "BROWN UNIVERSITY") pen in his mouth, the point of it bobbing as he played around with it and chewed on the end. All in all, he looked more like a high schooler in his least favorite class than anything remotely resembling a medical professional. As strange as it sounded, though, all three of those things were key in ensuring he could pay attention. The slouch was because he had an atypical definition of comfort, the glazed expression was so his eyes and his attention didn't wander onto any of the fascinating and brilliant people he was surrounded by, the pen was so he didn't do something more annoying with his twiddling like drumming his fingers on the table. Weird habits to fix even weirder personality quirks, but hey. At least he didn't have to take too many notes.

One of the engineers came in late, bursting in about halfway through Khan's speech, but Dalton could have dealt with that interruption without too much trouble. It was the joke the engineer made about not throwing up on the new tile that actually broke Dalton's concentration, a laugh bubbling up and out before he could try and stop it. His eyes flicked to the engineer's face and his thoughts shifted to the few hours he'd spent poring over the medical records of the colony's inhabitants and his focus disappeared so fast it was like it had never been a thing in the first place. Oh, well. He'd listened to a decent amount, heard Willard wax poetic about the significance of their position here and how proud they should all be of themselves and one another, and that was plenty inspirational for one day. Rhodes and Reyes started discussing the logistics of some agricultural project after Khan finished up, anyways, and he was curious about the conversation like he was curious about everything but he wasn't genuinely interested. So, his attention wandered.

The pen that had been in his mouth ended up in his left hand, twirled around nimble fingers as he cast a look around the room. He spotted the cute child psych from Alabama he'd chatted with a couple times on the trip to Mars, then that shy-but-passionate Irish guy in Agriculture, and he even caught sight of the engineer who showed up late. The last got motion sickness real easy, if he remembered the file right, and the turbulence of entering atmosphere certainly qualified as motion. Maybe that's why he was late? And made the puke joke? Something to ask about. Dalton hummed to himself and made a mental note to check stocks and track down some nausea medication, just in case. Speaking of stocks...

Dalton straightened up, shifting so he was seated in his chair like an ordinary human being, and turned until he was facing one of the other people seated at his table: Shaemus Bernard. Doctor Shaemus Bernard, technically, but most of the people in the room (except the engineers) were doctors in one way or another so it sorta lost its novelty. Shaemus was one of the few people Dalton actually knew by name, right up there with Grant Turner and Michael Wolfe, but Shaemus stood out just because he was so damn interesting. A riddle wrapped in an enigma, a puzzle Dalton wanted to figure out piece by piece. A cute puzzle, too, tall tall with those pretty eyes and that gorgeous flower tattoo. Plus, quiet people tended to be fun to bother. "Hey, Shae," he began, leaning towards the other man with a conspiratorial smile on his face. He could hear the directors finishing up the discussion and dismissing them to settle in and work on their projects as he spoke, but he couldn't bring himself to really care. "How much you wanna bet the list of meds we got stocked is completely wrong and we're gonna have to check through all of it by hand?"[/spoili]


Military dome, headed towards the cafeteria ♦ Open for interaction ♦ Hopeful, curious for once
Callan stuck around for the General's speech and elected to scope out the cafeteria (and hopefully the kitchen too) instead of going directly to the barracks.
Two hundred sixty days since he'd last had his feet on solid floor, two hundred sixty days since he'd last taken a decent shower, two hundred sixty days since he'd last eaten food that hadn't come from a sealed package. Two hundred sixty days since he left Earth. Two hundred fifty four days since the novelty of space travel wore off and the trip turned into complete shit. For Callan, at least. Sure, his MOS and his Top Secret clearance got him put in charge of handling all the information that was transmitted to their craft (news, technical reports, personal videos and whatnot from family back on Earth, ETC) and getting it all to the right people and that was a satisfying and occasionally time consuming task. And sure, he'd made a friend out of Amira Mahmoud during the voyage, the two bonding over their mutual troubles living in space and cracking jokes about each other's military branches. Neither of those things made space any less terrible, though, just somewhat more tolerable. He still had consistent difficulty sleeping, right up til the end. Showering was still a strange and complicated process that shit him off like nothing else. Working out still wasn't satisfying in zero gravity. Worst of all, the food was absolutely awful.

He'd never recommend being an astronaut to anyone. Ever.

But, finally off the Atlas IV, solid ground under his feet, with a decent shower and hopefully real food soon in his future, Callan was feeling better than he had in a long time. Even standing at rest amongst all the other military members, stuck listening to General Argon speak about duty and responsibility while he could be exploring the nooks and crannies and cafeteria of his new home, couldn't bring his mood down. Not that he'd be adverse to listening to the speech were he in a nastier mood, mind. He'd been getting speeches from officers since he enlisted so a few more weren't going to kill him. What would kill him is the nagging question of whether or not he'd be able to use the kitchen to make his own food.

So, after the general dismissed them, Callan took the tentative promise of some free time and ran with it. His aim was to get to the cafeteria in the Main dome and see what was what. After that, he could...wow, he could do so much. He could work out. Actually work out, with the satisfying weight of a real dumbell or perhaps an actual bag. Get settled into his permanent quarters. Get to know the people he'd be bunking with. Well, he wasn't feeling particularly social, but it was still an option. He settled on exercising after the cafeteria visit, taking his sweet time walking through the halls and pausing now and again to admire the construction of the halls and the domes themselves.[/spoili]

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Location: On Way to Military Barracks
Interactions: @arcadian.gael (Dae-Hyun)

Glancing over her shoulder, Amira noticed the other airman--Day something or other--reaching out to tap her on the shoulder, then promptly falling flat on his face. Amira cocked her head to the side, and examined the floor around them, finding nothing. So he had tripped over his own two feet? Like a baby? Or a drunk person? Wow. If the internet had been in place, that would have been the most circulated youtube video in the settlement.

Reaching down, Amira extended a hand to help the guy up. "Are you alright?" She asked, then. "And did you need something from me?" Aside from Callan and 1st Lt. Hayes, Amira didn't casually interact to many others in their group. Back on Earth, she had had some friends in the airforce but they had either not been chosen for the project or they had too much to lose if they went. She had to admit, only have two friends was kind of lonely, so she resolved to be a bit more...Receptive of this clumsy individual in case he wanted to be friends or something.


Location: Entrance of main dome
Interactions: @Spectre of the Fade (Alex)

Noah had greatly underestimated how difficult it would be to spot a particular face in the crowd and he had almost been about to climb onto something tall and shout out his partner's name and risk getting tasered or something, when she spotted him. And it was then that he heard her voice and all the memories came flooding back. How could he have forgotten his muse? The young woman who he had based one of his story characters on! And the women who had shot him down after he'd asked her out. Heh. Well this was going to be more than a little awkward. At least he wasn't her client anymore...But what if that had just been an excuse for the true reason why she hadn't wanted to go out with him? What if she had said 'Dating my client would be unprofessional' and then when he'd left, she turned to her coworkers and went 'Phew! Dodged a bullet there, that guy was ugly as sin!' Oh God. She was in front of him now and his inner anxieties had dried his mouth and cause his brain to blank.

"Uh..." He wheezed out, unable to respond to her question. "Um..." He tried again but once again his words failed him, so he just nodded and thrust out a sweaty hand for her to shake. Fuck! He needed to say something! They were supposed to...Share a bed after all and...Wrestle...Under the covers...Naked. Oh come on brain! He thought frantically. He couldn't let her first--second if she even remembered him--impression of him, be that he was a stammering nervous wreck! "So are you going to do tattoos here too?" He finally blurted out and mentally face palmed. Of all things to say--Well at least he didn't tell her what character he based off of her.

Wait, shit! What if she didn't remember him? She was just going to think that he was some big creep who had researched her or something! FUCK!


Location: Headed towards civilian living quarters
Mentions: @Gremory (Gabriel)

"Gabriel? Nope, oops, sorry!"

"Ga--Oh! You're a woman! Sorry!"

"God, you're short, so I hope you aren't but, Gabriel? Oh thank god!"

Rebecca was starting to lose it, because no matter how many brunettes she grabbed and forced to face her, she could not find Gabriel A motherfucking Reed. What if he had been left behind? What if he had chickened out like her aunt and dropped out? No, no! Someone would have told her, if that had happened. So where the heck was he? She had scrutinized almost all the brunette males in the crowd, almost getting into a fight with one woman who did not appreciate Rebecca grabbing at her new man. She couldn't blame the woman of course, because that's how Rebecca would have responded if she could find her intended. Sighing, Rebecca resolved to at least have a looksee at her and Gabriel's living quarters since he didn't seem to be around. Maybe he was more excited about exploring the settlement than he was meeting her...

Holding her bag close, Rebecca started towards the civilian living quarters, head down and dejected.
Connor McKinley
Main Dome, heading towards living quarters.
Interacting with fellow PSMOs.

"No no no. It's not just the radiation we have to worry about. Of course it's still going to be a problem, but it's much simpler to solve then making the soil actually able to sustain the crops. And not to mention the giant task of transporting livestock along with food for the livestock to eat. I'm aware that multiple trips is a viable option, but what of the livestock when the exit a micro gravity environment they've lived in for almost a year? We have the benefit of being intelligent beings that are capable of going through physical training to minimize the impact of muscular dystrophy when subjected to long periods of micro gravity. Not having to build large rings that need to be constantly spinning at just the right speed to simulate gravity really cuts down on the weight and cost of the whole thing."

Connor had his head together with a few other PSMO's that were in roughly the same field as him and were currently discussing how to have more then just artificially flavored foods that were more or less just stylized nutrient paste, when the food in question is "meat". And they also had to figure out how to sustain their water supply. Filtration and recycling were good and all, but eventually they'd have to have water on a large scale in order for crops to survive. And when working on a whole field, it was often rather hard to collect all the water to have it filtered and reused. How he saw it, he and his peers were essentially tasked with tera forming Mars just so they can grow some wheat and corn.

Dressed in his best, which was almost identical to everything else he was allowed to take with him, and slightly skinnier due to the trip, he held a pair of rather large duffel bags, one on either side of him. The sheer size of the bags were at odd with the scrawny man, but whatever must have been inside them mustn't have been that heavy, because he apparently wasn't paying them any mind. In reality, however, they were extremely heavy and the straps were uncomfortably digging into his hands. He'd be glad when he got to his room and was able to just drop his bags at the door and immediately go to work to solve these problems that they were given.
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Dae-Hyun M. Ahn
Heading to military dome (Barracks)
@Mundane Monster (Amira K. Mahmoud)

Dae-Hyun accepted the girls help, lifting himself up while muttering under his breathe about how the 'gravity was weird.' He lifted his dark eyes to Amira's and bowed, a custom in Korea he hadn't really gotten over. "Excuse me for falling. I just thought you looked as if you knew where you were heading, and I'd much rather go to my bunk than stay with this." He jerked his head to the giant mass of mingling people, finally up righting himself, his hands clasped in front of him. "So, do you know where the barracks are?" Dae-Hyun felt weird, as if she was thinking something about him. Her body language seemed slightly tensed, almost like she wasn't used to these situations, but Dae-Hyun cut her some slack.
They were on Mars and he had just tripped over literally nothing, he'd feel weird too. Dae-Hyun hoped she would actually know where she was going and he wouldn't have bothered her for no reason, else he'd be really happy to go to his bunk and maybe stay there for a while. At least until she forgot him, or this event. Either way, Dae-Hyun couldn't wait to go to his bed and rest.

Entrance of main dome ♣ Chatting with Noah (@Mundane Monster) ♣ Excited, less nervous
The soft noises of nervousness Noah made after turning to face her were weirdly reassuring, and a bit of the tension drained out of her shoulders. She wasn't the only nervous one here. The realization prompted a burst of relieved giggles, too, a broad smile splitting her face, and it was a moment before she could compose herself and give his hand a firm shake, far from minding the sweatiness of the handshake. Judging by his question, he remembered her as well. That was nice. It felt nice, being remembered by such an attractive person. Whom she'd been attracted to, even, and not just because he had nice shoulders and those stormy gray blue eyes that--that were focused on her right now. Right. Way to go, daydreaming about a person who was in front of her.

"Alex," she said, in case he didn't remember that particular part. Too late, with an internal wince and another sarcastic 'way to go' thought at herself, she recalled that the names had been given out with the pictures. Change subject, change subject. "Um. No, I wasn't. Figured people would run out of skin sooner or later," she added quickly, hoping the last part came off as lightheartedly as she meant it. "If someone asks, though, sure, but I applied to be a librarian. Are...are you going to be working on your writing?" There was a joke about Mars being an awfully long way to go to get some peace and quiet for writing on the tip of her tongue, but it was one she couldn't build up the courage to make until a few moments had passed and it felt like she'd missed the opportunity.

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Angel Cove

A couple of people stopped Angel as he attempted to exit the room. It was probably because the entire journey was work for everyone. The PSMOs had been up to their eyes in their own research, and the projects. Angel hadn't been able to step foot away from his work, since he was flying in his own machine. He wanted to make sure everything was working perfectly. It also explained why he was so desperate to find Malcolm. They both could use an hour or a few away from their jobs.

People wanted to congratulate Angel on his contribution to the place,especially how well it turned out. Angel would usually collect the compliments with eagerness, but he had other things on his mind. He'd find his friends in the crowds later, Malcolm was his priority. There were so many people he had to catch up with, the farmers to make sure their supplies would be sufficient to keep everyone from starving, the shrinks to make sure everyone was not gonna go insane. Angel liked to tease everyone for their unusual career choices, but he didn't handle it very well. He spotted the highly qualified doctors who liked to remind him he was less qualified than basically everyone here. Avoiding them, Angel slid out of the door.

Right next to the exit was Malcolm, standing like he was guarding the room. Angel couldn't help but grin like an idiot before laughing out loud. "Hey, at ease soldier." Angel smirked as he walked in front of his beefy boyfriend. He really did look good. He wanted to dive in for a hug, but he wasn't a fan of anything public. Even if it was just holding hands, Angel was frigid and self-conscious. "Have you been released or is guarding the science quarter your duty?" He couldn't stop smiling. Angel was beyond happy to be here with Malcolm. A life on Mars was cool, but a life with him was better.

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Location: On Way to Military Barracks
Interactions: @arcadian.gael (Dae-Hyun)

Amira didn't think it would make the situation better for the guy, if she pointed out the signs clearly displaying their location and instead smiled wryly. "Yes I do, come on." As they walked, Amira thought of trying to start up a conversation, though she wasn't really inclined too. Plus what was there to ask? She already knew he was a fellow airman, based on what he as wearing. Though she supposed it wouldn't hurt to say something. "So where are you from?"


Location: Entrance of main dome
Interactions: @Spectre of the Fade (Alex)

When Alex laughed and smiled Noah found himself laughing and smiling too. He was glad she wasn't put off by him and happy she seemed to remember him too. "It's nice to meet you again, Alex." He said then deflated a bit when she said she didn't plan to be a tattoo artist anymore, although her reasoning made sense. When she asked about his writing, he briefly wondered if he should tell her about her 'character' but he decided against it. He needed to save some talking points for later in case the conversation went through a dry spell or something. "Librarian? Really? Well, I can see you doing that. Former tattoo artist gone librarian, sounds like the start of a vigilante story or something." He rambled, then addressed her query.

"Yeah, I--uh, I never got to be a true writer on Earth. My family wasn't so gung ho about the career prospects or lack of them, so I figured I'd achieve that dream here. On Mars. Heh. Awfully long place to go to get that, huh?" He joked, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "So did you want to um, did you want to head to our--err--the--you know, room?" He asked, blushing a bit. "I don't mean to start--like--doing the...I mean, cause we should get settled. As in put our bags down and all..."

Dr. Miguel Reyes
Location: Heading Towards PSMO Living Quarters
Interactions: @Beowulf (Connor)

Miguel didn't have time to marvel at the many achievements of the settlement, like those who were new on the planet. He had a lot of work to do, and plus although he hadn't been physically present, he had seen the making of this settlement via drone when on earth. He was proud of what his contributions to the project had made, but there was just too much to do before he couldn't truly relax. He had to delegate groups of engineers to go around the settlement and make sure everything is working right. So far the temperature gauge showed that it was 7000 degrees in the main dome, while it was really 70, so Miguel had to deal with that, although it wasn't that big of a deal since it wasn't in fact over a thousand degrees, thank God. He also had...A bit of a pet project that he couldn't give any aspiring civilian experimenters yet.

During his free time on Earth and on the ship to Mars, Miguel had been working on...The B.A.R.C (Brilliant Artificial Robotic Canine), a more advance version of the iDog back on Earth. This robot acted and sounded like a dog, without the clean up or the need to feed it. At the moment there was only one, which Miguel was cradling at that moment. He couldn't risk leaving it in the care of an inexperienced civilian, so he had decided to give it to--"Dr. McKinley!" He called as he spotted the young doctor, and hurried to catch up with him. "Just the man I was looking for!" Miguel said, grinning and placed the BARC on the floor. "As you know, I have been working on the BARC and I need someone reliable and capable to act as it's owner. Will you be that person?"

General Marshall Dent
Location: PSMO dome
@King (Angel) @Spectre of the Fade (Malcolm)

Because that idiot Argon, had decided to let the airmen 'mingle' instead of get to work, General Marshall Dent was forced to run errands that a basic should be doing. "Always wants to be the fun General...As if that exists..." Dent muttered under his breath as he entered the PSMO dome, a letter in hand. He had technically had the letter since they'd arrived on the red planet, but 1st Lt. Malcolm Hayes, one of the intended recipients had run off as soon as they'd been dismissed. Now Marshall had to find the lieutenant or the other intended recipient, Dr. Cove, so he could get back to doing his actual job.

As he rounded a corner, he was stoically thrilled to see Dr. Cove and the 1st Lt. together. "Finally." He grunted and approached, them his mouth set in a grim line. It wasn't as though he was upset or anything, he just didn't like smiling. It was his least favorite facial expression, and he only did it in pictures.

"Dr. Angel Cove and 1st Lt. Malcolm Hayes. After reviewing your relationship with each other, it's been decided that you, Lt. Hayes, will be rooming with Dr. Cove indefinitely. Here is the official letter with PSMO Director Reyes, and my signature." And with that, General Dent walked away to resume his actual duties.
Connor McKinley
Main Dome, en route to PSMO living quarters
Interactions: Dr. Reyes (@Mundane Monster )

Connor had stopped in his tracks when he saw Dr. Reyes approach with the robotic dog he had been working on since they left Earth. Now what did he want? He was in engineering, not agriculture or terra-forming. Then again, it could be argued that everyone would rely on engineering so they could make the things needed for everything. But then he'd be going to them, not the other way around. "Yes, Dr. Reyes?"

When offered to be the care taker of Reyes' pet project, Connor looked between the Dr. and his creation. Back and forth, back and forth, the information he was given soaking into that brain of his. "Can it at least walk? I can't exactly carry it right now." he finally said. And as if in answer, B.A.R.C. got up and clicked it's way over to Connor, servo's whirring to provide the robotic canine some form of locomotion. It certainly moved like a dog, he'd give it that. "Well, since it can at least walk on it's own, I suppose I can take care of it for the time being. It'd be my pleasure."
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PSMO Dome ♦ Chatting with Angel (@King) ♦ Not quite so worried, surprisingly content
Tension was already bleeding out of the set of Malcolm's shoulders before Angel even jokingly told him to stand at ease, a soft but genuine smile replacing the scowl he'd been wearing. He didn't even bother raising a hand to cover it like he would anywhere else; he'd like to think it was because he was growing out of the stupid habit, but that was untrue. It was just Angel. Angel, who he'd traveled fifty four million kilometers for. Angel, who he'd travel another fifty four million kilometers for without hesitation. Dedication made it easy to forget the bits he was self conscious about.

"Released, actually," Malcolm responded, the soft smile widening a bit as he stepped just a bit closer, habitually reaching out to gently straighten the collar of Angel's shirt but not going any further than that. He wasn't one for public displays, after all, and neither was Angel. It worked out. "I can't tell if he's trying to be compassionate or if he's trying to win the masses over early on."

A question inquiring about how Angel was feeling was on Malcolm's lips when he noticed Dent's determined approach, mouth snapping shut and posture automatically straightening. He didn't have time to snap to a salute before Dent thrust the letter out and gave him the best news he'd heard since they left Earth. His living arrangements with Angel had been in a questionable state since Malcolm had been confirmed for the project, due to their different divisions and their unmarried status, so the letter was...unexpected, on Malcolm's end. He'd been fully prepared to sneak into Engineering every night. But now, with the letter in his hand...huh.

"We're sharing quarters," he stated after Dent had strode off, turning towards Angel, his voice surprisingly level given how jubilant his thoughts were.


Entrance to main dome ♣ Chatting with Noah (@Mundane Monster) ♣ Excited, curious
Okay, good, yes. It was an established thing that they remembered one another. Alex opened her mouth to tell Noah that it was nice to meet him again, too, and nice to see a familiar face here, but he commented that her switch from tattoo artist to librarian sounded like a vigilante story before she could form the words. And that, the idea that she might be the protagonist in some daring tale of revenge, had her bursting into laughter again. She recovered her composure quickly enough, eyes focusing in on Noah's face while he spoke. Traveling all this way to get away from his parents and accomplish his dreams of being a writer...not the backstory she'd expected, honestly, and now she was curious. Something to ask about later.

"How'd you know I came all the way out here to be a vigilante hero?" she jested after he'd finished speaking, her eyes warm and her hands clasping in front of her. "I always wanted to be the gallant defender of the innocent books, valiantly struggling against the great evils of disorder and badly implemented organizational systems." She glanced around after finishing her remark, noticing the people around them, and felt her anxiety spike. "And, um, yeah. Let's go find the-"-our, she corrected internally, heat rising to her cheeks-"-room. Getting settled sounds good." Getting away from the close press of people sounded better.

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Gabriel A Reed
Civilian Living Area

@Mundane Monster (Rebecca A. Dean)

It wasn't long before he got to his destination. His room was kind of plain and there wasn't any charm. It couldn't stay that way. Luckily for Gabriel, he brought posters of some of his favorite movies and band along with him to remind him of home. Even though this was essentially a oneway trip it didn't mean they had to forget everything on Earth. The bed was together and he kind of got nervous. He already knew how awkward it was going to be trying to sleep in the same bed as a pretty stranger. Gabriel wasn't sure of his partner's tastes when it comes to movies and music so he decided not to put up any of his posters. He also snuck in some movies and cds but nobody knew about that yet. After waiting for a minute he got restless. He wanted to just wait here for Rebecca but he didn't have the will. Curiosity got the best of him.

As he went to go look around some more he saw someone start to come down the hallway. Gabriel took the picture of Rebecca out of his back pocket to make sure it was the right person. Sure enough, it was her. He panicked a little bit. He wasn't sure if he should walk out the opposite way and pretend he didn't see her, or maybe he would stay and make it look like he was just getting there to check out the room. However he didn't really think of what she was doing. Instead of checking out the other rooms like Gabriel thought, Rebecca went straight into their room. It was too late to react now though. Gabriel just froze, silent. He didn't know what to do.

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Angel Cove

PSMO Dome - Feeling smug

"Probably just trying to be the, uh, fun dad." He mumbled, placing his hands in his back pockets. There was always that one guy in authority who wanted to be liked, it made orders easier to take. Angel found it kind of pathetic, but his opinion on authority was pretty low anyway. Which was obviously different to how Malcolm felt, as a soldier. When his superior appeared, Malcolm stood straight, and gave his attention to Dent. Angel just nodded his head, saying in the same slouched over position he was in. He assumed Malcolm was gonna be whisked away again. To his surprise, the officer actually had brought good news.

The bored expression on his turned to a big grin. He had been pressing the issue to his superiors the entire length that Malcolm was confirmed as a participant. He threatened to sneak into Malcolm's quarters, or vice versa, and complained about it non stop everytime it was brought up. He assumed that had something to do with it. As quickly as Dent appeared, he strided away again.

Angel turned to Malcolm with a smug face, "I knew they wouldn't put up with my complaining for much longer." He wriggled his eyebrows. Malcolm was not a stranger to Angel's indecent whining, he probably knew they had enough of it. Even if that wasn't the case, Angel was happy to get what he wanted.

"So, wanna check out our new place? I'm uh, sure that they've blessed us with a double bed." Angel peaked over at the paper in Malcolm's hand, hoping it would specify.
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Location: Heading to Civilian living quarters
Interactions: @Spectre of the Fade (Alex)

God, her laugh was just...Beautiful. He wanted to tell her that but he didn't want to weird her out, so he just laughed a long with her. She was also giving him an idea for a story...Once he finished with his current one that is.

At the agreement to find their room--that was going to take sometime to get used to. Their room. Their room. Th-eir rooom. Wow.--Noah gathered his bags and fell into step with Alex, unsure of what else to say. Something she had done back at the entrance had caught his attention though, but he wasn't sure if he should bring it up. He was sure that most people weren't fond of others noticing that they had issues with being in the spotlight or...Err something close to it. But then again, they were about to becoming mates, so shouldn't they be open with each other? But what if she got put off by him asking that intrusive question?

Taking a deep breath, Noah asked, "Are you...Well...Do you have--" Chickening out in the middle, Noah changed his topic completely. "Do you wanna play twenty questions or something? To get to know each other I mean?"

Dr. Miguel Reyes
Location: Heading Towards PSMO Work Areas
Interactions: @Beowulf (Connor)

If he weren't so conscientious about showing emotion, he would have shed a tear as his little robot pup left with it's new owner. Now he could rest easy as he went to work on that damned temperature gauge glitch. "Thank you, Dr. McKinley!" He called, clapping the bag laden man on the back before speed walking away.


Location: Rebecca + Gabriel's Room
Interactions: @Gremory (Gabriel)

When she entered her designated room and saw the bags, she almost shrieked in excitement. Bags meant someone had already been there. Bags meant her soulmate was nearby! Wait a minute. She'd walked past someone in the hallway. Her head had been down, but she'd noticed a pair of legs. Had that been her man? Tossing her bags on the floor, Rebecca rushed back out to find herself facing the back of a man who was standing still in the hall. Without needing to take out the picture--she wasn't an amateur, so she'd memorized it right away--Rebecca's hands flew up to her mouth and she squealed. "Gabriel? Gabriel Reed?" With a delighted scream, she flung herself at the man's back and squeezed him in a bear hug. "Oh, leave it to my new sweetie to waste no time and head straight to the bedroom to make it accommodating! Oh you're so considerate!" She gushed, then released him and came to stand in front of him smiling all the while. "And tall! And handsome!" She cried, gifting him with another enthusiastic embrace.
Dr. Fiona Byrne
Location:PSMO Dome, headed to her quarters and the cafeteria
Interactions: @Spectre of the Fade (Callan)

Fiona, ever the attentive student, had taken paper and a pen to their discussion with the directors. She jotted notes here and there about their roles on the settlement, what the expectations were and such. As primarily a child psychologist, it was unlikely that she would have the opportunity to work in that field until the couples got busy, so to speak, but it turned out that she was one of the only PSMO's aboard the mission that specialized in Psychology all together. She would be tasked with the mental well-being of most, if not all, of the residents now within the settlement. It was something of an overwhelming task, but she had always been up for a challenge. If she was honest with herself, it excited her to observe what sort of mental developments would occur in their new environment.

After a short time, their meeting adjourned and Fiona had put her things away and stretched her legs. She noted the people gathered in the same room, the PSMO's that would be her colleagues for their indefinite stay here. There was the man who came in late, though she couldn't recall his name. There was Dalton, who she'd spoken with on occasion on their trip here. He was nice enough, though his eyes were very distracting. She recognized Shaemus in name only. She'd have to go through the personnel files again to memorize everybody, she sighed internally. People connected better and tended to be more open with those that recognize them.

As she stood awkwardly in the corner, her stomach decided it was an opportune time to voice it's emptiness. Perhaps they had free reign of the cafeteria, she wondered to herself as she picked up her bags, intending to drop them off in her quarters on the way to the kitchens.

She hadn't brought too many things with her. They had limitations, but she insisted on bringing her Agatha Christie collection as well as some other books she would need for her studies. Her clothing was minimal and functional so she didn't see the need to bring very much of those either. It's not like she'd be going out on some fantastic date any time soon any way.

As she made her way down the corridors, she had grown fascinated with the structure and wasn't really paying attention to the path ahead. It was unfortunate that she bumped into a very tall young man in her negligence and her bags fell from her shoulders with a hard "thump" on the floor. " Oh so sorry,", she said in her thick southern accent as she looked up. This young man she recognized from their travels as well. He had been particularly restless if she remembered correctly. "You must be Callan, right?" She asked, bending down to gather some paper that had fallen from her too heavy bags.

Grant Turner
Location: Main Dome, en route to Civilian Living Quarters
Interactions: @Who (Amelia)

Grant had found their trip to Mars extremely dissatisfying. He had never gone so long without his feet on solid ground and it was disorienting for a man so accustomed to Earth. He had spent most of his life among nature and now he felt as if he didn't know north from south. It was not a feeling he enjoyed at all. Getting to the settlement was just as disorienting for the mountain man. Mars was so far different from Earth that he almost found himself regretting his decision. But he was here now and there wasn't any going back. He'd come this far, so he should just make the best of it. Besides, what other outdoorsman can actually say they've hiked on Mars?

He'd been giving a picture of the woman who was supposed to be the mother of his children here. He had his doubts, she certainly didn't look the motherly type, but looks could be deceiving and he hoped this 'Amelia' would be just as devoted as his mother was to him and his siblings. He wanted the chance to familiarize himself with his surroundings and his...their quarters before he actually met the woman at the very least, so he followed the signs to the Civilian Living Quarters slowly, glancing up quarters, reading markers and signs as he went.

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PSMO Dome, headed to Engineering ♦ Walking with Angel (@King) ♦ Content
A quiet laugh bubbled up out of Malcolm's mouth after Dent left, hinting at how happy the soldier was. The proposal had been approved. They were living together on an official basis. It'd been something they'd been trying to accomplish on Earth, but it was a difficult thing, what with their vastly different schedules and how busy they both tended to be. Here, however, they'd both have regular hours, in the same time zone, without events or conferences or work related trips to entirely different cities. He didn't bother trying to stop the smile that appeared on his face, even with as broad as it ended up being.

"Well, yes, it looks like your whining accomplished something useful, for once," Malcolm teased gently, bumping Angel's arm, little but love and contentment in his eyes. He offered Angel the unopened letter he still held, assuming the engineer would prefer to do the honors of reading it first, then started to walk down the hall. At a leisurely pace, for once, even though he was determined to get to their quarters and give Angel the first proper kiss they'd shared since landing. It occurred to him that he needed to retrieve his bags from the Military dome, but that could wait. Would wait. "Let's take a look. If they didn't get us a double bed, I might just start whining too."


Headed to Civilian Living Quarters ♣ Chatting with Noah (@Mundane Monster) ♣ Excited, curious
Alex grabbed her bags (one large rolling suitcase packed with clothes, one large duffle bag packed with papers, posters, knick knacks, art supplies, and mementos of home, both neatly organized) and walked with Noah through the halls of the Civilian Dome, eyes wandering from the elaborate construction that protected them from the harsh environment from Mars to Noah - he's so handsome, she thought, again and again - and back again. The Twenty Questions question took her by surprise, though. Her only recollection of the game was from the road trips her parents liked to drag her and her brother on when she was younger. Specifically, she remembered Oran tugging at her sleeve and begging her to play it with him until she finally turned away from the window and gave in like she always did. She also remembered Oran insisting she was wrong whenever she guessed what he was thinking, no matter how closely her guess matched the answers she'd gotten. As much as she loved her brother, he was a shithead.

"Like, we take turns asking each other questions?" she asked after a moment, brushing her hair back behind her ear and turning her full attention to Noah. That sounded good, if she was honest. She'd get some answers to things she was curious about without having to awkwardly bring the subjects up. "I'll guess you don't mean the road trip game."


Headed for the Cafeteria ♦ helping Fiona (@kuukakulily) ♦ A bit embarrassed
Callan stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed a particularly interesting weld on one of the beams in the hall, momentarily distracted from his mission to scope out the kitchen. It was a fine weld with little porosity and no inconsistencies, but it was thick like one used on pipe work and it had a pattern he'd never seen before. It was the pattern that caught his interest. Rubbing his chin with the fingers of his left hand, he distracted himself with trying to work out the pattern the welder had used, and completely missing the young doctor coming towards him. Until she bumped into him, anyways. Callan started as he was pulled from his ponderings, more from the noise of her bags hitting the floor than the impact itself.

"Oh, sorry," he murmured, wincing internally after realizing he'd stammered out his apology after the doctor had already apologized. This. This was why he tried to avoid people. Still, he knelt down and helped her collect the papers that had slipped free from her bags in the fall, embarrassment tinting his cheeks a light pink. He should have been paying attention. Should have been expecting traffic. Shouldn't have stopped in the middle of the hall. He figuratively shoved away that pointless line of thought as he offered the papers he'd gathered to the doctor, recognition in his eyes when he got a look at her face. Fiona Byrne, one of the project's psychologists. Which meant she'd probably read his file. Lovely.

"Er, yeah. Callan. That's me," he answered after straightening up, his own accent coloring the words. One might expect that his distinctively Australian sound would have dulled after the years he'd spent living in the States, but between his parent's accents and his inherently stubborn personality, it hadn't really gone away. "And you're Byrne, yeah? Doctor Fiona Byrne? Do you, uh, want help with these?" he added after a second's pause, gesturing vaguely at her bags.


Dr. Fiona Byrne
Location: Settlement Corridor
Interactions: @Spectre of the Fade (Callan)

The young doctor brushed her hair behind her ear as she went about picking up the papers with his help. They were comprised of mostly her own notes and observations of the people on the mission thus far. She was fortunate that she had swiped up the paper that had his name as a heading before he did.

It didn't really say much any way. She hadn't really gotten the chance to know the Private as his therapist yet. She could watch him and read his file all day, but until she really got the chance to sit down and speak with him, she wouldn't know who he really was. It was the same for all of her patients. In the end, she wasn't there to pass judgement on her colleagues in this great space mission. She was there to help them and Dr. Byrne took her job very seriously.

She straightened after he helped her pick up the last pieces and she stuffed them in one of her bags unceremoniously. "Oh please," she waved her hand dismissively and smiled in an attempt to put the apparently apprehensive man at ease. "Doctor Byrne has always sounded so...formal." She made a face to suggest she didn't like the title. "Fi suits me just fine."

The southern lady glanced at her bags on the ground at his question. "Oh Lord yes! I'd love some help if it's not a bother." She exclaimed happily, another attempt at warming herself to him. If his file was anything to go by, he would be a frequent visitor to her office.
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