Mage Clans -- [Forgotten Eight.]

Yes there is still an opening, but you should probably wait for official word from Aurelia. But, don't let that stop you from making a character.
Will do, much appreciated. I should have it done and up within the hour.
Character Sheet

Name: Ninoorut Glacialis Ilonrian

Nickname: Nin

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Race: Mage


The Glacialis Family, rooted itself in the heritage of the Ilonrian Tribe. The families ability traced back within the affinity towards the manipulation of fluids, water and things of the like. However the Glacialis Family took this manipulation further and bridged into the domain of Ice. The tranquil purity of water combined with the bitter harshness of ice, gave birth to a more combative usage of the element. Those trained within the ways of the Glacialis were taught to utilize the element with a great deal of precision; harnessing the fluidity of water and using it in tandem with the sharp rigidness of ice. Their ice possessed the pure cleansing ability trademark of the Ilonrian's despite not focusing their faculties to the healing aspect of their ancestors. Their pride lay in their swordsmanship, as every member of the clan, from a very young age, were trained in the families signature sword style: Glacialem Hysteria. They were taught that their blade was not merely an extension of themselves but a conduit for their magical ability. The style relied heavily on swift and precise strikes, infused and enhanced by their magical ability.

When calamity struck and the Glacialis family took part in the war. Their magic augmented towards combat ends, they were undoubtedly an asset. However this existed as both the clans driving force for success and the cause for their extermination. The enemy saw to it that all those within the family were to be eradicated; all but one. Ninoorut was the sole descendant of the Glacialis family. Having escaped death thanks to his family's endeavors, he was given the task of both enduring the genocide of his clan and with persevering and carrying on their legacy. As a child, such an obligation weighed heavily upon him. However age taught him that this responsibility was not a burden, but a duty, one in which he prided himself with. He was chosen, albeit through the brutality of war, to ensure that his clan would not be drift into the realm of history, but that it would soon flourish and prosper again. Ninoorut devoted his life to this, his resolve strengthened by the hopes of his people. Amassing what remained of his family's knowledge, he immersed themselves in their teachings, absorbing them through years of training. By the age of 19 he'd become an adept in their ways and in the 5 short years that followed he'd managed to master their arts and swordsmanship.

Coincidentally it was around this time that he had caught wind of the gathering of the clans. He saw it as a perfect opportunity to stake his family's pride and bring about the restoration of his clan. He set out, his sights on the position of the Arch Mage.

Soooo.. I noticed our number of players is getting a little high. I feel like the ideal number for any one thread would be between three and six, so I had a thought.

It seems to me like the mages in our group might not all work well together and likely end up splitting. Maybe there could be a second thread, where one group could go about their dealings apart from the others. Even if everyone is tolerant enough of their fellows to work together for a time, you could still divide the groups with different tasks. Like say, Kyle could take a few members with him to search for water while Euphemia leads a party to hunt or gather materials. We could have everyone regroup at certain points in the story, but keep them separated until the time for everyone to duke it out comes around.

Again, just a thought. I'm perfectly fine with everyone posting in a single thread, just thought I'd put that idea out there.

Oh, and as far as the new characters who missed the fancy teleportation spell go, I think they could easily just explain that they'd made their own way there ahead of time or something.
@LVL1337N00B I was wondering about that actually. Didn't know if I had missed the deadline to join.
Sign ups are still open, for the spots that are still open. I might consider the idea of nine people, seeing as there are nine shards. As for having a second thread, I'll probably that one when I see fit, or as the roleplay would progress more deeply. Since we've just been at the starting point of things, I'd delay it for the meantime until everyone else is settled in the rp, I'd divide all of us more clearly after that.
Hi there! If I can still join, I'd like to apply for the Airith clan!


Name: Ershi Fandos'leneth

Nickname: 'Spectre'

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Mage

Allegiance: Airith

Biography: One of the most defining traits of the Airith clan is their ability to overstep the boundary of life and death, calling forth the souls of the deceased to do their bidding. One group, the Leneths, were fanatics when it comes to this tradition. The Leneths were one of the longest families ever to be assigned to guard one of the deadliest secrets of soul summoning, as such, the Leneths were held in utmost regard.

However, this honorable bloodline fell from grace when their youngest son, Ershi, was born. Every newborn in the Leneth displayed such skill in soul summoning, and this feat gave the family respect... However, Ershi, on the other hand, displayed mediocre skill. He could only conjure one spirit at a time, as compared to his predecessors. To add insult to injury, Ershi is easily exhausted by just summoning a single soul.

To sum things up, Ershi was the failure that disrespected the Leneths. His parents were quick to decide on expelling him from the family, hence the addition Fandos which was Ershi's original name before his kin knew of his failures. Due to this, Ershi opted to wear an extremely mysterious attire... One that hides his identity so that he could shame his family no longer.

As an outcast, Ershi tried to do things to gain recognition. He developed technique after technique all in the name of being accepted back into his bloodline. As he grew strong, so did his family's fear of him... After years of being isolated from his family, Ershi strode through the hallowed halls. He was met by his family's eyes, such cold gazes. In front of him was his elder brother, the one who had taken the initiative to banish him. With one word, the two engaged in a duel, the victor stays in the family, the defeated leaves.

The battle was long and intense, but after a while, the elder brother fell to the floor, defeated. As the members gathered to acknowledge Ershi's return... The youngest sibling renounced his allegiance to the Leneth, claiming that he never needed his family to get stronger... He became stronger on his own. Throwing the mantle of the Leneth down to the ground, Ershi went off on his own, not as a Leneth but as himself... a true mage, and a new candidate to the Archmage position.

"When all things seems over and dark... The only person you can count on is yourself."
-Ershi Fandos'leneth

Usual Attire

Mask Removed
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Cablance, are you applying for an Arch Mage or a normal mage? The IC thread mainly centers around the arch mage interaction, so for now, there isn't much to do for normal mages in terms of the roleplay. Either way, your character is accepted.
First of all, thank you so much for accepting my application :D It's my first time roleplaying here. Question though, if I do make my character an archmage, and I change my biography, would it still be accepted/possible?

Anyway, I'm reading the IC frequently, so no worries.

Cheers, cablance
all right! I'll be making changes to the character soon!

Ah, and cablance, please don't forget to join the group and complete the ability build. The link is in the first post of this thread. The additional information thread in the group has some things in there, such as a basic map for reference.
Okay then, I have already sent my request to join the group. Thanks!
Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. The holidays have gotten kind of busy. I will post as soon as I can.
Hey there! I'm new to iwakuro, and so I don't have all the formalities down. If I'd like to join this, do I just put up a cs for review, and then jump in if it gets accepted?
Hey guys! I got sick during the holidays and am recovering now. I'll try to post tonight or as soon as possible. Sorry everyone!