Mafia 2.0: Day Thread Game #7

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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Overall Policies

Do not discuss the game with other players outside of the in-game PMs and day phase thread, at all. You are free to discuss it with people who are not playing.
Do not edit or delete posts. No, not even to correct typos or to remove double posts. While I know that this is frustrating, it is too easy to cheat otherwise. If the current "hall monitor" (@Shizuochan) or I catch you editing or deleting posts, we will revert your edit or undelete your post.
Do not talk in night chats during the day phase, and vice versa. This should be fairly self-explanatory.


Inactive means no activity in the day thread or responding to night action reminders.
If you are inactive for 1 full cycle, you will receive a warning.
If you are inactive for 2 full cycles, you will be roleblocked.
If you are inactive for 3 full cycles, you will be killed. I will state at the beginning of the discussion phase that you were removed for inactivity. If you have a power role and there are any vanilla team members alive and active, one of them will randomly receive your role.

The game will start with me using a RNG to assign roles to players. I will then PM each player to let them know what their role is and ask them for their first night action if they have one. Once you receive this PM, the game has officially begun.

The game consists of three phases: the night phase, the discussion phase, and the voting phase. The discussion and voting phase are referred to collectively as the day phase. The night phase will take place solely in PMs, while the discussion and voting phases will take place on a public thread. Each phase will be 72 hours long, starting and ending at 5:00 PM MDT. A maximum of two single-day extensions each may be requested for the discussion and voting phases. The discussion phase will also end early if requested. I may also extend or end the day phase if I believe discussion is still active or has ended, respectively. You are still allowed to discuss during the voting phase.

At the start of the night phase, I will PM each person with a night role asking how/if they would like to use their night action. Once the night phase ends, the night actions will resolve and I'll enact any results. For example if person X is killed, then at the end of the night I will inform X that they have been killed, and add/remove them from any PM chats as necessary. Most PMs are between the player and myself only, however some players have the ability to communicate with others at night: if this is the case, it will be stated in their role description.

Next comes the discussion phase. Every discussion phase will begin with me announcing who (if anyone) died the previous night, that it is now the discussion phase, and when the discussion phase will end. In the discussion phase everyone is able to talk about who they think is what role, who they want to lynch, and whatever else may be relevant to the game. I may jump in with rule clarifications if I believe someone is confused about the rules. At the end of the discussion phase, I will announce that the discussion phase is over and that it is now the voting phase, along with when the voting phase will end.

In the voting phase everyone may vote on who they want to lynch. In order to vote you must publicly announce in the day phase thread that you are voting to lynch X player. People are allowed to cancel or change their vote, but keep in mind that you are not allowed to edit or delete posts. If someone is voted on by the majority of players (majority = (Total Living Players/2)+1, rounded down when total players is odd) before the end of the voting phase, then that player will be lynched. I will post announcing that X player has been lynched, state their faction (town, mafia, or neutral), and add or remove people from PMs as necessary. If nobody receives a majority of the vote before the end of the voting phase, I will announce that nobody has been lynched. When either somebody has been lynched or the voting phase ends, I will announce that the voting phase has ended and the night phase has begun. I will also state when the night phase will end.

Any questions people have during the game can be asked in this thread, in the day phase thread if it is currently the day phase, or via PM. I would prefer that you ask any role-related questions via PM to prevent cheating, though this is not strictly necessary.

The game ends once either all the town or all the mafia are dead. Once this happens, the game will end and I will announce the results in the discussion and voting phase thread. The results consist of who won and a complete role list. After the game is over, the discussion and voting phase thread will be archived, and players may discuss their thoughts on the game in this main thread. We will generally start planning the next game and pick the next GM and "hall monitor" at this time.

Mayor: The mayor may reveal themselves anytime during the day phase. After they are revealed, their vote counts as 3 votes.
Detective: The detective may visit one person every night. They learn the faction--town, mafia, or neutral--of the person they visit.
Doctor: The doctor may protect one person from being killed every night. They have two self-heals.
Medium: The medium can communicate with the dead. They will be part of the dead chat. While they can always see the dead chat, they are only allowed to talk to the dead at night. After they die, they will be able to send one message. They may choose who to send this message to at any time. The message will be sent at night.
Lookout: The lookout may visit one person each night. They will see who visits that person. The Lookout has a night chat with the Tracker.
Tracker: The tracker may visit one person each night and see who that person visits. The Tracker has a night chat with the Lookout.
3 normal townies

Mafia and Neutral
2 Mafiosos: The mafia vote on who to kill each night. They may decide who visits the target. If they do not choose, one of them will be randomly picked.
Consort: Mafia-aligned. The consort may visit one person each night. The person they visit can not use their night ability and will be told that they were blocked. If there are no other mafia alive, the Consort becomes a Mafioso.
Executioner: Neutral. The executioner gets a randomized town-aligned target at the beginning of the game. Their goal is to make sure that person is lynched. If their target dies at night, they become a Jester. The Jester's goal is to be lynched. Both the Jester and the Executioner are immune to night kills.
Survivor: Neutral. The survivor's goal is to survive throughout the game. They get three self-heals that they can use at night.
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Sorry guys, I'm back online.

Taking baby steps in moving in with my girlfriend - we're spending the week at her place (which is why I was moving on Sunday), and then we ended up out of town visiting my new baby niece Tuesday evening until late yesterday which is why I'm only back now.

Which can be partly verified by anyone checking if I was online during that period (I wasn't!) or who is in one of the many many roleplays I'm hideously behind on (and sorry people, I will try to do better!).

Reading back on the last few pages I can't make heads or tails of some of the arguments but one that seems to be cropping up is that I'm secretly working hand in hand with our Medium? No I didn't say that - or I didn't mean to say that - and if what I said is read that way then that's (another) sorry from me.

No secret comms.

Elle convinced me early on that she's who she says she is, and so I've largely been following her lead down the line and watching the wordplay to see who's been most intent on questioning her role. In the absence of any kind of investigative powers (I seriously miss my magnifying glass of Detect Evil this game) all I have to go on is what people are and aren't saying. It's clearly not a perfect science (I was far more lucky than smart in my first game) which is why I was so stunned when Joan came out and attacked me earlier in the round.

Why can't the bad people all be murky and confusing and have curly moustaches while the people who seem good actually be good?

With regret, J'accuse Joan (and vote that way).

Right, right, forgot you were pretending you aren't maf. Carry on.

@Joan, anything you want to add before the vote?

I would like @Anguissette to provide evidence of one time that I claimed that I was the tracker, because she still has not responded to that. I would also like to ask @Starlighter to extend the voting phase by one day to give her a chance to respond and for people to vote accordingly afterward.

Also, I would like to point out something I noticed when pasting the logs but forgot to mention...Pen watched Angui the night that neo was supposedly roleblocked and that she didn't go anywhere. Since neo was mafia, this, to me, is further evidence, but there are many other ways to interpret that, and since nobody counterclaimed neo's roleblock claim...
Yes, the mafia can apparently kill and roleblock each other (not how I would rule it, tbh), but the much, much more common strategy is to just hold back on roleblocking for a night so that nobody can counterclaim.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Joan
Right, right, forgot you were pretending you aren't maf. Carry on.
Nice way of deflecting my completely reasonable explanation.
I would like @Anguissette to provide evidence of one time that I claimed that I was the tracker, because she still has not responded to that.
I think that was just a silly mistake.
Also, I would like to point out something I noticed when pasting the logs but forgot to mention...Pen watched Angui the night that neo was supposedly roleblocked and that she didn't go anywhere. Since neo was mafia, this, to me, is further evidence, but there are many other ways to interpret that, and since nobody counterclaimed neo's roleblock claim...
Yes, the mafia can apparently kill and roleblock each other (not how I would rule it, tbh), but the much, much more common strategy is to just hold back on roleblocking for a night so that nobody can counterclaim.
That's a very poor. Let's put what you're saying in the most simplistic form I can manage.
1) According to you, on that night, Angui did nothing. (This assumes you were telling the truth, which we did not know)
2) Neo later claimed to have been roleblocked on the same night. (This is a given)
3) Neo was definitely lying and was not roleblocked. (Quite an assumption)
4) Therefore, Angui is more likely to have been consort, since no-one was roleblocked on that night. (Poor reasoning)

The very foundation of this argument is based on your fabricated logs. Then you assume that Neo was lying, and also that no one at all was roleblocked on that night. Finally, what about the other people you watched who did nothing? Are they not equally suspect?
Nice way of deflecting my completely reasonable explanation.

I think that was just a silly mistake.

That's a very poor. Let's put what you're saying in the most simplistic form I can manage.
1) According to you, on that night, Angui did nothing. (This assumes you were telling the truth, which we did not know)
2) Neo later claimed to have been roleblocked on the same night. (This is a given)
3) Neo was definitely lying and was not roleblocked. (Quite an assumption)
4) Therefore, Angui is more likely to have been consort, since no-one was roleblocked on that night. (Poor reasoning)

The very foundation of this argument is based on your fabricated logs. Then you assume that Neo was lying, and also that no one at all was roleblocked on that night. Finally, what about the other people you watched who did nothing? Are they not equally suspect?
I find it hard to believe, especially after we specifically said Pen had lied about which half of the duo he was. I'll wait for her to defend herself, though.

As for that, I'm mostly pointing it out since I quite honestly hadn't noticed it before I went to paste those logs. The most I can say for the other people who didn't visit anybody (really only @LuckycoolHawk9 since Pen was roleblocked two nights in a row) is that I doubt they have a role with a night action.
Of course we're going to vote for people who are trying to directly incriminate us! How else are we supposed to defend ourselves? We're the only ones who can know for certain if what you level against is true, and if I do deem it to be untrue, then it's obviously most pertinent to vote for the people we think are mafs because of it - you, Pen, and your partner in crime Joan. You were the ones that levelled the accusations, and you act surprised when retaliation happens?
I suspect an innocent, the innocent retaliates. I suspect a mafioso, the mafioso retaliates. This isn't really a telling situation, dude. Nor is it really a valid point either. And did I look surprised to you?
3) Neo was definitely lying and was not roleblocked. (Quite an assumption)
Neo was maf, they could have been lying to their heart's content. In fact, that this was in fact a ruse orchestrated by the rest of the mafia is a lot more probable than it being coincidental.
I suspect an innocent, the innocent retaliates. I suspect a mafioso, the mafioso retaliates. This isn't really a telling situation, dude. Nor is it really a valid point either. And did I look surprised to you?
You acted as if this was a damning thing, for the accused to defend themselves. Don't change what you say halfway through an argument.
I find it hard to believe, especially after we specifically said Pen had lied about which half of the duo he was. I'll wait for her to defend herself, though.

As for that, I'm mostly pointing it out since I quite honestly hadn't noticed it before I went to paste those logs. The most I can say for the other people who didn't visit anybody (really only @LuckycoolHawk9 since Pen was roleblocked two nights in a row) is that I doubt they have a role with a night action.
This is still assuming Angui is the consort, making it a circular argument.
Neo was maf, they could have been lying to their heart's content. In fact, that this was in fact a ruse orchestrated by the rest of the mafia is a lot more probable than it being coincidental.
Alright, so it's not a guarantee but it's likely. How about every other argument I presented?
You acted as if this was a damning thing, for the accused to defend themselves. Don't change what you say halfway through an argument.

I merely pointed out what you were doing when we came with evidence incriminating you, in no way referencing what this means. Don't change what I said halfway through an argument.

How about every other argument I presented?
Might be because I've just half-mindedly kept my attention on this thread, but I've... kind of forgotten your main arguments. I would go looking, but I'm going away pretty soon, and staying away from internet for the whole weekend. A summary would be lovely.
This is still assuming Angui is the consort, making it a circular argument.

How is just pointing a thing out an argument?

@Starlighter I would like to request the second extension, please.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Kiilgore @7.39 @CloudyBlueDay I know at least some of yall are unsure who to vote for, but you're running out of time. The vote will end tomorrow if Star accepts my request. Right now, according to my math, if there isn't a lynch tonight and if the mafia kill tonight, the only way the town can win is if the survivor sides with them.
What are the total votes right now?
@Starlighter I would like to request the second extension, please.

Sure can do!

The voting phase will end on Saturday, April 28th, at 5:00pm MDT; no more extensions may be requested.
The very foundation of this argument is based on your fabricated logs. Then you assume that Neo was lying, and also that no one at all was roleblocked on that night. Finally, what about the other people you watched who did nothing? Are they not equally suspect?

I mean, yeah. Rule of mafia: Trust no one but yourself. Also, my voting problem goes deeper than I don't trust anyone of the main four who are possible mafia. It's more that if Joan is lynched and is town, then mafia gets two kills tonight and the same goes for Angi being town. Assuming that survivor and jester are left, if two townies are killed in any way, town is fucked. Right now, we got two neutrals, two mafia and five townies or one neutral, two mafia and five townies. If by a mislynch, we kill a town and mafia kills a town our numbers go down to a 4 to 3 with town in the minority. Even if survivor decides to side with town, it puts us with barely a majority. I honestly don't think lynching today is benefical to anyone. Let's assume that the mafia is playing smart and attacks a semi-active instead of the obvious kill. ( Obvious kill would also be suspicious death of Joan, Pen, Mr_J or Angi) At this point, it might be smart to not lynch and have the look-out watch a townie ( any townie would work, but I suspect that the next death will either be 7.39 or CloudyBlueDay as outside of Elle who killed their brethren and held vital information, only the semi-active to quiet have been killed. Of course, I could be wrong and be the next to die or Kiilgore or even Lusterine) My point is this, either way, we got one more day IF we don't lynch someone today.
I mean, yeah. Rule of mafia: Trust no one but yourself. Also, my voting problem goes deeper than I don't trust anyone of the main four who are possible mafia. It's more that if Joan is lynched and is town, then mafia gets two kills tonight and the same goes for Angi being town. Assuming that survivor and jester are left, if two townies are killed in any way, town is fucked. Right now, we got two neutrals, two mafia and five townies or one neutral, two mafia and five townies. If by a mislynch, we kill a town and mafia kills a town our numbers go down to a 4 to 3 with town in the minority. Even if survivor decides to side with town, it puts us with barely a majority. I honestly don't think lynching today is benefical to anyone. Let's assume that the mafia is playing smart and attacks a semi-active instead of the obvious kill. ( Obvious kill would also be suspicious death of Joan, Pen, Mr_J or Angi) At this point, it might be smart to not lynch and have the look-out watch a townie ( any townie would work, but I suspect that the next death will either be 7.39 or CloudyBlueDay as outside of Elle who killed their brethren and held vital information, only the semi-active to quiet have been killed. Of course, I could be wrong and be the next to die or Kiilgore or even Lusterine) My point is this, either way, we got one more day IF we don't lynch someone today.
We get one more day if survivor sides with town or if the mafia hits jester, executioner, survivor, or doc heal (if doc is even still alive). If they hit a town, we'll be at 4v4 if survivor doesn't side with town--and really, why would they? In that position, I would side with town since I like town to win, but not everybody would.
At this point, it might be smart to not lynch and have the look-out watch a townie ( any townie would work, but I suspect that the next death will either be 7.39 or CloudyBlueDay as outside of Elle who killed their brethren and held vital information, only the semi-active to quiet have been killed. Of course, I could be wrong and be the next to die or Kiilgore or even Lusterine) My point is this, either way, we got one more day IF we don't lynch someone today.
My main issue with this is we'd have to rely on the survivor townsiding or the mayor still being alive if we no lynch.

For now...

Votelynch @Anguissette
My main issue with this is we'd have to rely on the survivor townsiding or the mayor still being alive if we no lynch.

For now...

Votelynch @Anguissette
I honestly completely forgot about the mayor, since they've barely been mentioned...

In that case, I would like to ask mayor to reveal if we don't have enough votes to lynch anybody, since we're fairly dead otherwise.
how many votes do we need to lynch?
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