Today at 12:29 PM
All of my roleplays are designed to be NEWBIE FRIENDLY. So don't worry about mistakes or getting confused. I'll be in the main chat area to answer any questions or help out!
Today at 12:29 PM
HOT TIP: Type fast. Write brief. People will miss details in your post if it's too long, and taking too long to post means you can miss actions.
Today at 12:29 PM
Game master posts are in this bright bold yellow, so make sure to pay attention to the content in those. There might be something important!
Today at 12:29 PM
Remember: It's just a roleplay, actions happening to characters about characters and from characters are NOT directed at their player!
Today at 12:30 PM
Write your character's name in the FIRST SENTENCE of all your posts so we know who your characters are. Using text color can also be a handy way to differentiate between characters!
Today at 12:30 PM
(◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)
Today at 12:31 PM
It's a bright and beautiful sunny day at the Macho Cafe, but -GASP- it's closed? Old Fujimotosama is in a state of panic, because her dearest granddaughter Hiromi hasn't been home or to the cafe in days. Her classmates say she hasn't been to school either, and Hiromi is a studious student! What is this poor old woman to do with her only family and heir missing!
Today at 12:56 PM
The Mood is Write:
Hiro stood outside the building in his street clothes. He kept a clean uniform in the back of the cafe, right along with where the costumes he was often forced into were kept... Including the fundoshi. He prayed that would end up conveniently lost someday, but doubted that would happen. Either way though, right now he had more important things to worry about. "Fujimoto-san really hasn't been seen anywhere?" he asked, more to himself as he thought about where she might have gone.
Today at 1:00 PM
Riku stood a little ways away from Hiro and Fujimoto-sama, a lit cigarette in his hand as he gazed around aimlessly. There was no point in him panicking, he had never been fond of HIromi, especially with how she treated the cafe. He wouldn't admit it but the place was his home. He wouldn't let anyone diss the people that worked there. Taking a drag from his cig Riku sighed, tugging on his white hair. "If she had been we wouldn't be here." Riku pointed out, glancing at Hiro.
Today at 1:03 PM
"Yeah, that's helpful," drawled Ryuuji, giving Riku an unimpressed side-eye and ashing his own cigarette. "No, and she's not answering my texts either. I thought she was just avoiding Onibaachan but at this point I'm a little concerned."
Today at 1:07 PM
Francis would turn up to the cafe and just stared at the closed entrance, what the hell happened here and why was the cafe he called home closed. He bit his lip with anxiety and looked around, seeing Hiro and walking over to him. The male did have a blush on his face as he remembered what happened last time and how he still felt about the young worker. "What happened here?"
Today at 1:08 PM
The Mood is Write:
"You don't think those thugs from the warehouse are trying again...?" Hiro asked, not that... either of the two knew firsthand who the thugs were, only to squeak as Francis approached him. His cheeks reddened violently, and he shifted his weight a bit. "Um... Fujimoto-san is missing..."
Today at 1:09 PM
"She would never abandon me and the cafe!" Insisted Fujimotosama, wringing her wrinkled wrists. "One of her friends claimed they saw her by that new private school, but that is halfway across town!"
Today at 1:09 PM
The Mood is Write:
"Then... if that's where she was seen, maybe we should look there?" Hiro fidgeted, nervous.
Today at 1:10 PM
Rei sprinted to the building, barreling full-force into the wall and falling back with a loud grunt. He thought that he'd be late, but... why was everyone outside? As he laid on the sidewalk with a bloody nose, he listened to their conversation with a frown. "That new private school? I heard that they have some tough guys there... and also a lot of smart kids, so maybe there's nothing to worry about."
Today at 1:10 PM
"So I take my bike and check it out. There's no need to go into a panic yet. The more we panic the less helpful we'll be." Riku glared at Ryuuji as the man stated how 'helpful' he was being. "Shut it old man. We don't have time for arguments either." he pointed out.
Today at 1:10 PM
He could recall what happened with the crazy lady and how she got her workbook wet which contained hours of written work. The clumsy and stupidly gay male would rub his face "She said something about quitting as her pages got wet from that crazy food fighting lady" he said to the boy. Francis had to help find her as he was one of the reasons she got her book wet in the first place
Today at 1:11 PM
The expression on Ryuuji's face was even less impressed, if that was possible. Ignoring Riku, he looked at Fujimotosama. "Don't worry, we'll track her down. Isn't that right?" He clapped Hiro on the back.
Today at 1:12 PM
"Please bring my grandbaby back," begged Fujimotosama! "She can't survive on her own in the wild of the city, she's too book smart! OooOoo!" It couldn't be sure if it was real or for dramatic effect, but the old lady swooned on her feet.
Today at 1:14 PM
The Mood is Write:
"Yes!" Hiro ejaculated, eyes wide and cheeks red. It'd been a while since Ryuuji had the same hours as him! He nodded rapidly, then yelped as Fujimotobaasan swooned. He darted forward, ready to catch her, but he wasn't very fast.
Today at 1:15 PM
Francis slowly and anxiously approached Ryuuji "I-I should h-help find her as i-im one of the reasons this h-happened in the first place" he messed with his fingers and wouldn't make eye contact.
Today at 1:15 PM
Makoto swooped in at the last second, his blue hair dancing in the wind of his sudden movements. "Careful Granny. You'll break your hip if you swoon any harder." He gave a gentle smile to the shopkeeper as he righted her gently. "I got the text. Any clues on where Hiromi is so far? Or are we all just stuck?"
Today at 1:16 PM
Jun stopped by the group of men. Checked his phone. Checked the sign on the building. Yeah, this was the place. And at the sight of an old woman in need his tough facade melted. He found himself amidst the others, full of concern and nodding his head in agreement. They had to find her! "There's a lot of us, the more the better for us to find out," he said to the group.
Today at 1:16 PM
Rei wiped the blood off of his face, bouncing back up from the sidewalk and clapping his hands together with a grin. "And so should I, because not only do I work here, but I've been to that school a few times to help tutor some underclassmen for a few bucks. You'll need my help." He turned to Makoto with a smile. "Probably at the new private school, but we can explore, if needed."
Today at 1:17 PM
"Aw crap, seriously?" muttered Ryuuji, dropping his cigarette so he could catch the old lady before her pratfall turned into a real broken hip, but Makoto came in just in time behind her. He looked over at Francis. "Hey, more the merrier. Tag along if you want."
Today at 1:17 PM
The Mood is Write:
"Should... should someone stay to watch over Fujimoto-baasan?" Hiro asked. "Just in case it's a gang thing again...?"
Today at 1:18 PM
Riku sighed. "I've got room for one more on my bike. We can canvas the area before everyone else arrives. Gives us some time to get the lay of the land. It also might benefit us to split up. Not have everyone look in the same area."
Today at 1:18 PM
He smiled "ah, thank you...I need to apologise to her" he mumbled the end of his sentence. This cafe had become too much damn work for the male and he just wanted to call it quits and back the fuck down. However he was only staying because he heard about a private school, maybe he could catch a gentleman.
Today at 1:19 PM
Splitting up was definitely a good idea, the city was large and full of terrors. ..most notably that one gang they pissed off.
Today at 1:19 PM
Rei's eyes seemed to almost glow with excitement as he whipped his head around to Riku. "Bike? Like a motorbike? Can I come with ya? Never been on a motorbike before. Also, I might run into those bad guys again, and you seem pretty tough."
Today at 1:19 PM
"Hey. You're riding with me," said Ryuuji, hooking his fingers into Hiro's shirt collar and dragging him towards where his bike was parked. "I don't wanna deal with these other assholes right now."
Today at 1:20 PM
Riku raised an eyebrow tentatively. His excitement was a little creepy. "Bike as in motorbike. As in if you don't put on a jacket you may skin your arms." He said, gesturing to the male. Whatever he was wearing he'd need a thick jacket to keep himself from becoming road meat. "I also don't plan on slowing down."
Today at 1:21 PM
Jun thought about the private school and then about the mention of a gang which made him nervous. He didn't want to see those guys again, but the old lady! And all the guys here seemed pretty worried. He was starting to worry for them so much so he'd already forgotten he didn't know them. "I parked my bike a block away, I'll go get it!"
Today at 1:22 PM
The Mood is Write:
Hiro squeaked, then stumbled after Ryuuji. "Y-yes!" he blurted, eyes wide and face bright and imagination too wild for its own good.
Today at 1:22 PM
Francis would end up having to walk at this rate and that seriously pissed him off, who did Ryuuji think he was, storming in and ruling the place! He kept his annoyance and opinions to himself though, waiting to find out who would be with who on this new journey ahead. Hopefully he didn't trip over anything and get knocked out again!
Today at 1:22 PM
Rei reached behind him to unzip his backpack, pulling out a thin athletics-wear jacket—the one that he used during soccer practice—and pulled it on. "Don't mind that. I get a lot worse when I'm just running around." But my sister might scold me if I get too hurt... he thought dimly to himself, but smiled at Riku. "And go as fast as you want, man. I'll try and keep a hold on ya."
Today at 1:23 PM
It seemed they chose their companions easily enough! Ryuuji with Hiro, Riku with Rei, leaving Francis with Makoto and Jun.
Today at 1:23 PM
Without warning, an annoying noblewoman's laughter rang through the streets, high-pitched and buzzing in the search party's ears. Then, a high-pitched - and again, most annoying - feminine voice spoke up. "Ufufufufufu~ Would you like to know where your... precious daughter went? Maybe I could te~eeell~ youuuuu~" Who could this be? The voice sounded eerily familiar...
Today at 1:23 PM
Oh no! It's the wench that Hiromi banned from the Cafe, and made her quit!
Today at 1:24 PM
The Mood is Write:
Oh god. Oh no. Everyone was here. Everyone hot was here. He buried his face in his hands and hurried after Ryuuji a bit too fast, bumping into the other man.
Today at 1:25 PM
"I hope you don't think you'll be holding me in any other sense." Riku grumbled, squashing the cigarette into the asphalt and stomping on it for good measure. Hearing the laughter Riku cursed under his breath. He did not need to deal with that woman. He hadn't been on shift the day it happened but the stories were enough to scare him. "Well let's go. And hurry before that bitch catches up!" He scrambled towards his bike on the corner, chucking on his helmet.
Today at 1:26 PM
Francis would look at Makoto and Jun but he wasn't complaining, they were two new guys that he hadn't hit on yet! He turned around in disgust when he heard that oh so familiar voice, one that had traumatised him for a fact. He scoffed under his breath, why the fuck was she here?!
Today at 1:26 PM
"How dare that wench!" was Jun's reactive response though he had no clue who Hiromi was. His bike was by his side at the ready.
Today at 1:27 PM
"Fuck's sake." Rolling his eyes, Ryuuji grabbed Hiro's hand and pulled him the rest of the way to the bike, seemingly unbothered by the collision. "Let's get out of here, she's full of shit. I don't want to deal with HER either."
Today at 1:28 PM
Makoto glanced up from where he was standing, looking for the voice that descended from above. His face furrowed into a frown. "Well that's not very nice." He mumbled, glancing around. Suddenly the cafe had turned into a motorcycle club. There were at the least 3 bikes hanging around. He had picked a bad day to walk. "Well it looks like that's our que to leave." he said, grasping Francis' hand and taking off running.
Today at 1:28 PM
Rei stiffened when he heard the voice, letting out a long, long sigh. If everyone was reacting like this, then maybe he should run after Riku. This was definitely something that had either A. happened when he was off doing non-cafe things or B. he had internally blocked out. He sprinted after Riku, zipping up his jacket and hopping on behind him, unable to hold back his cafe persona as he whipped up a good comment. "I'll be holding onto you any way you want me to, sugar!"
Today at 1:28 PM
"What did you do with my granddaughter!" Shouted Fujimotosama at the crazy lady. Afterall, she can handle one lady and text the boys important info!
Today at 1:29 PM
He looked at the women before he was grabbed by his wrist, looking at the handsome guy and going with him easily. Francis saw no problem on what was happening as long as he got the fuck away from this women.
Today at 1:31 PM
With an eagerness all too natural to him, Jun jumped on the bike and sped a few feet before suddenly braking and looking back at the old lady. "Will you be ok? Should I say? That lady looks a bit crazy"
Today at 1:31 PM
"Oh? Who do you think you are talking to, Fujimoto-sama~?" Himiko openly mocked the old lady as she stepped out from an alleyway and out of all things, curtseyed as though it were prim and proper. Things were turning out to be worse than expected... it seemed as though the dreaded rivals of the Macho Café - the evil and insidious Maid Café! - were behind Hiromi's disappearance. "Good day, obaa-sama~"
Today at 1:31 PM
Riku groaned to himself. "Another hyper sexual one." He mumbled to himself. "Call me sugar again and you'll loose the crown jewels." Riku warned, starting up his bike. With a roar of the engine Riku surged forwards, skidding to a halt as someone, a rather rude someone, stepped in the way of his bike. "Move it." He grunted angrily.
Today at 1:33 PM
The Mood is Write:
"Un...!" Hiro didn't resist, and got onto the bike with Ryuuji, face refusing to return to its normal color in the slightest before he realized... It wasn't the crazy sexy lady, it as a different one.
Today at 1:33 PM
Francis just looked at her in awe, why was there another women with a crazy laugh?! He sighed slowly as he was stressed about the situation but he did feel slightly guilty for judging her so soon. The male had never seen her before but it seemed like old Fujimoto knew her.
Today at 1:34 PM
Old Fujimotosama wasn't going to have any of that insidious nonsense. "You better tell me where my granddaughter is, or else we're going burn that whole building down!" It was safe to assume she was serious. Nobody messed with Fujimoto's family without consequence. She also made sure to send an alert text to all her employees with one small phrase. Maid Cafe.
Today at 1:34 PM
"If you ever see that lady, just run," Ryuuji advised. "Also, you might want to hang on." The bike engine revved, and then they were peeling away from the curb. Ryuuji was not wearing a helmet, nor was one offered to Hiro.
Today at 1:35 PM
Makoto glanced back to see a woman in a maid uniform. He cussed softly. "The Maid cafe." He mumbled. The private school might not be such a good place to look. Changing course dramatically Makoto tugged Francis into a local park. As much as he was athletic dragging someone else along with him had Makoto huffing and puffing. "We gotta head to the Maid Cafe building. That's the most likely place she'll be hidden." Makoto glanced up at Francis. "Sorry for dragging you out of there. It was just, a whole lot easier than dealing with crazy."
Today at 1:36 PM
Jun instinctively moved closer to Fujimoto-sama in support. He liked her inner strength, though it did seem odd why she was quarreling with a maid...
Today at 1:36 PM
Rei lightly held onto Riku's clothes so that he didn't immediately fly off of the bike, chuckling to himself. "Not hypersexual; just in the Macho Cafe mindset, y'know? At least I'm not one of those girls at the Maid Cafe, honey." He inwardly sighed, remembering how he went in there once (just to scout the enemy territory, of course) and three girls immediately jumped on him like piranhas during feeding time. He smiled at the one blocking the way, charming as ever. "Mind moving?"
Today at 1:37 PM
The Mood is Write:
Hiro shrieked, and for a moment, it was only fear and flailing before his scrawny arms locked tight around Ryuuji.
Today at 1:37 PM
"Ara~ Ara~ Obaa-sama, did you forget to take your heart medicine? And you have such rude youngsters around you~ Ufufufufufufu~" Himiko did not seem threatened or scared at all as she took a phone out of her pocket - an ancient flip phone but with a screen big enough for old Fujimoto to see - and displayed her daughter, tied up. With several thugs nearby. "If any~thing~ happens to our little~ Maid Café~ you know who is going to pay, right?" Himiko did not move and smugness practically radiated from her. She seemed quite confident in her position.
Today at 1:38 PM
He wouldn't really know what was going on, suddenly at a park alone with Makoto. Francis began to feel butterflies in his stomach, why was he alone with such a hot man. This had to be a crime. He offered a sweet smile "that's alright! Thank you for uhm.... thank you for taking me away from all the chaos, its rather frightning"
Today at 1:39 PM
That damned maid! Jun thought. "How dare you!" he barked at her as his hands held Fujimoto-sama steady from her own anger boiling over. "You will not get away with this Maid Café, Fujimoto-sama always wins!" What the hell was he talking about, he didn't know but he was feeling too passionate to care about the details.
Today at 1:41 PM
What a dreadful twist. Hiromi was in the hands of the evil Maid Cafe. Were they even feeding her something other than their dry awful cakes and bitter tea?! "Then what do you want, you fish-face goblin." Though Fujimoto was worked up, she seemed to have calmed down considerably. As if she had a plan!
Today at 1:42 PM
Despite scaring Hiro half to death with an initial burst, Ryuuji didn't keep up the high speed very long. As they slowed down, he glanced over his shoulder at the smaller boy. "So. How are you liking the job? Settling in?"
Today at 1:42 PM
The Mood is Write:
"Y-yeah, though... t-the fundoshi and the dance of the sugar buns was... too much...!" He managed, speaking up to be heard over the wind.
Today at 1:43 PM
Riku stared at the woman in the maid outfit. She was sure annoying. He was going to snatch away the phone but he needed to find the right time. His glare turned from the woman to Jun who said something so cheesy it sounded like it came straight from an anime. "That's... I just... wow." Riku mumbled, shaking his head. He reached out for the woman's phone. "I'll be taking that, thank you very much."
Today at 1:43 PM
Makoto smiled at Francis, hoping it didn't come off too exhausted. "Yeah. Those maid cafe girls are... something else. They're our rivals. Their customer tactics are... harsh to say the least. We're not big fans of them around here." Makoto paused. "Do you work with Macho Cafe? I don't think I've seen you around before."
Today at 1:44 PM
"Why, simplicity itself, Obaa-sama~!" The mocking way Himiko spoke. And then, a hand reached towards her. A hand whose owner, Riku, found himself at the business end of a taser, non-chalantly fired at him. "Ah, and keep your goons to yourself, would you, Obaa-sama~ Or else little birdy will not live for long... but but! Anyways, I ask simplicity itself..." The grin on Himiko's face became ugly, distorted and evil. "The dissolution of the Macho Café in exchange for your daughter's life."
Today at 1:46 PM
Bursting out laughing, Ryuuji grinned. "Yeah, sorry I missed that. I've been kinda dealing with some shit though, so I had to take a couple of days off. I think that's all settled down now, though. Has that guy been bothering you?" By "that guy", he meant Francis. He'd heard about that whole incident.
Today at 1:47 PM
"Fine. I will close the cafe in exchange for my granddaughter," replied old Fujimoto. When it came to her family, that was more important than the cafe! Of course, nothing was ever going to be as simple as it seemed. "Let her go, then, you cold codfish breathed harpy."
Today at 1:49 PM
The Mood is Write:
"Um... Sometimes! But... his attention wanders, so... he'll probably forget me soon enough...!" Hiro answered, only to pause. "If you need help with anything in the future, let me know...? I... want to be useful to you, since... you helped me get my dream job...!"
Today at 1:49 PM
Riku jolted as the tazer hit him. His body slumped down against the dashboard of his bike before tipping over, the bike coming along with him.
Today at 1:50 PM
He blinked, so that strange lady with the crazy laugh was an enemy. He scrunched his nose up in disgust, he didn't like the idea of crazy ladies being popular in town. All the men would dissapiar if that was the case. Francis nodded "I dont like crazy ladies, they always have the stupidest ideas.". He blinked "Oh no! I go to the Macho cafe at least once a week".
Today at 1:50 PM
M E A N W H I L E... Hiromi was tied to a chair, looking more surly than she had ever looked in her life. "When I get loose, I'm going to break every single one of your toes and get you banned from every college in the country!"
Today at 1:50 PM
"Oh my—Miko-chan, that's just rude!" Rei sighed, more inconvenienced than anything. He was pretty sure that he went to elementary school with this girl before he switched schools, and if he actually did, then that'd just be... too weird. He grunted as he was forced to steady the bike by himself, wrapping his arms around Riku and slowly bringing him to the ground, lightly patting him on the cheek as he inched them away from the bike. He looked up at the sky, doing what was instilled by him by the Anime Overlords: "Nooooooooooooooo!"
Today at 1:51 PM
Jun was in disbelief, how could a person go so far? How could she expect Fujimoto sama to choose between one of her two babies? He had no words. And in the quiet of his anger it suddenly occurred to him that sounded ridiculous. He was grateful to hear Fujimoto sama agree, which gave him a sense of back to normalcy. Jun had a tendency of getting carried away. He knew that already. But then the boy stumbled into his bike and Jun forgot about himself again and rushed to his aid before the bike gave him any more damage.
Today at 1:52 PM
"Oh? What's this?" Leaning in the doorway to the macho cafe was a five foot nothing woman with long black hair swept over one shoulder. Sparkly kicks, Adidas track pants, a black halter and a red and navy silk bomber jacket. A cigarette hung from her lips as she surveyed the happenings of the cafe from behind sunglasses. "Obaa-chan. Is this Raggedy Ann bothering you? Don't give into her demands so quickly."
Today at 1:52 PM
A record needle scratch seemed to resound in the air as Himiko blinked. All the noble lustre seemed to be gone from her. "Wait. You... surrender? That easily? You aren't going to beg for your daughter's life or something...?" She lost the annoyingly high-pitched noblewoman voice, too, looking completely aghast.
Today at 1:53 PM
Makoto nodded. How had he not noticed Francis before? Smiling he extended a hand towards the shy male before him. "My name is Makoto. I've been working at Macho cafe for some time now. I would say a few years. I'm one of the longest standing employees." His face had settled into it's usual gentle smile.
Today at 1:54 PM
"Thanks." He was quiet for a moment. "I didn't really do that much, though." As they were driving, it became pretty obvious they were actually circling back to the same neighborhood. "Hey. I apologize for the shitty cake we're about to eat, but. Maid cafe food is garbage. I'll make you something later to make up for it." With Himeko showing up, there was a pretty big hint as to where Hiromi might be... or at least where there might be a lead. It looked like Ryuuji and Hiro were going to the MAID CAFE!
Today at 1:54 PM
The Mood is Write:
Hiro blinked, then held on tighter. "I... I'll hold you to it," he murmured into the bigger man's back, not expecting to be heard.
Today at 1:55 PM
Meanwhile, in the mysterious location where Hiromi was being held at, the thugs chuckled at her. "We didn't even finish elementary school," one of them stated, quite proud of himself. They seemed to be just as sure of themselves as the evil maid... but surely, Hiromi could escape somehow, couldn't she?
Today at 1:56 PM
"My granddaughter is more precious than anything in the world!" Old Fujimoto, gestured her head towards the crazyass Maid Cafe employee, hoping her new Addidas wearing guest got the hint to start kicking some ass.
Today at 1:56 PM
Francis blinked and then smiled, letting out a small chuckle before taking the extended arm "My name is Francis, im kind of well known around here with some of the employees" he said. The male was struggling on how to act around this male, how could he look like he was sensible. He didn't want too look too gay ad scare him off.
Today at 1:58 PM
Hiromi looked completely shocked. "Wait, you haven't even been to a proper school? That's awful! Can you at least read?" Of course the studious Hiromi would be upset by such a revelation. Education was the most important thing in the world!
Today at 1:58 PM
Rei seemed to shudder suddenly, a frown on his face as he felt like someone was smacking a maths textbook across his face. It was almost like someone was emphasizing how important learning was... he had the sudden urge to study up for his Japanese test for next week.
Today at 1:59 PM
Sugi cocked an eyebrow, a hand rising to pluck the cig from her lips, blowing a slow column of smoke with a slight tilt of her chin upward. "There we go. I don't protect those who just roll over and quit." Flicking the cigarette at the maid cafe intruder, Sugi pushed off from the doorframe and strolled in, cracking her knuckles and grinning. "Should I rearrange that mediocre face or will you tell your friends to set the girl free?"
Today at 1:59 PM
"I think two plus two equals five!" Another one of the meathheads stated, again, quite proud of himself. Could they even handle the guns they have been given? Now that Hiromi looked at them more closely, they seemed more like armed gorillas than, really.. human.
Today at 2:00 PM
Meanwhile, Ryuuji's bike was parking outside of the Maid Cafe. "Well, this is it. Don't die of a nosebleed." Ruffling Hiro's hair, Ryuuji headed into the cafe. The place was... hideous. Tacky diner seating with girls in lolita maid outfits and a display case full of sad cakes. "Hi. Table for two, please."
Today at 2:02 PM
The Mood is Write:
Hiro kept close to Ryuuji as he looked around. It... was more likely that Ryuuji would cause the nosebleed than the overtired-looking maids. Did... they even get breaks?
Today at 2:04 PM
Himiko just stared. This... this was not how it was supposed to go! They were supposed to despair! How... how could she play the villain role like this...? Never mind phase tw- Another friggin' thug?! The maid stared at Sugi with a devilish grin and aimed her taser again. "You will regret the day you messed with Himiko, the Head Maid, ufufufufufufu~" Dear God, the annoying noble voice and accent returned before she fired her taser!
Today at 2:04 PM
Jun stepped back since someone had gotten to the fallen boy first. Instead, he looked to the badass girl who had shown up and was eager to kick butt. He wasn't one to hit a girl, but he could definitely stand behind this one and cheer her into beating up the maid one. "Fujimoto sama," he whispered, "what's this one's name?" and that's how he knew Sugi would be a name he'd remember for the rest of his life.
Today at 2:06 PM
Makoto smiled and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you officially Francis. It's hard to forget a customer but it seems my brain has failed me." Makoto shrugged. Having recovered he started walking in the direction of the maid cafe. "We have to go see what the maid cafe has got but we can talk on the way there."
Today at 2:07 PM
"Listen, I'm really good at tutoring," explained Hiromi to the thugs. "If you untie me, I could help you get back into school. And if you come to my grandmother's cafe, you can earn some money for it too!"
Today at 2:07 PM
Fujimoto whispered to JUn. "Sugi is in a gang, but she's a good girl." The old woman bucked up. "I hope you can afford plastic surgery, you flat chested cursed ghost."
Today at 2:08 PM
Francis would start to sweat but just nodded, following Makoto in his direction to the maid cafe. He was extremely nervous for this but that was purely because of how gay he was. He thought ladies that served customers in their maid dresses were disgusting.
Today at 2:09 PM
"Aneki pays us well," one of the meathead thugs replied. "Why would we go some place else? We get free lunch and we can grope girls' butts freely!"
Today at 2:10 PM
In the Maid Cafe a couple of very tired, but adorable young ladies bow to Ryuuji and Hiro. "This way sirs," they droned and lead them to a rickety looking table. "Here is our menu. Would you like today's special?"
Today at 2:10 PM
"Huh. Never heard of ya." Sugi smiled warmly at Fujimoto at the mention of being in a gang and blushed a little at being called a good girl. It was hard to be good when you were yakuza but she tried. She also tried hard with her training, so being tased? That was old news. The pain showed on her face but she only stumbled for a moment before she yanked the prongs out and closed the gap between her fist and the maid's face.
Today at 2:11 PM
Makoto raised an eyebrow as the male went quiet. "You ok? You seem a little nervous? I mean, it's enemy territory with really crappy food but you'll be with me. There's no need worry." He smiled, flashing his pearly whites.
Today at 2:11 PM
Rei frowned down at Riku's unconscious form, pressing two fingers to his throat and checking his pulse. ...Ah. Good. He's not dead. He nodded and smiled in satisfaction. Maybe he should call his sister? She was better with dealing with medical stuff than he was. He just inwardly shrugged, thinking of his most effective solution and slapping Riku across the face. "Are you okay?"
Today at 2:12 PM
"Yeah, two specials will be fine," Ryuuji answered, using the same polite tone he usually reserved for customers at the Macho Cafe. "And two teas. Thanks." He sat down in the shabby booth, giving the ratty vinyl seating a dubious look.
Today at 2:13 PM
Riku grunted as he was slapped, his eyes fluttering a bit before letting out a long groan. "Yeah, but in about five seconds you won't be."
Today at 2:13 PM
The Mood is Write:
Hiro looked at Ryuuji. He couldn't help but find the maids here... really sad. "I... kind of want to... make things here better..." Hiro said after the maids left them. The took a seat, careful of the rough-looking tear.
Today at 2:14 PM
"...you can get free lunch at the Macho Cafe and girls will grope your butts?" Hiromi offered.
Today at 2:14 PM
He would shudder at the very thought of the ladies before snapping back to reality "A-Ah....Um yeah! Im not worried about the food...its the ladies" he mumbled shyly. The boy took a deep breath and admitted his sexuality "You see...im really, really really gay and the idea of girls in maid dresses disgusts me" he said and gagged. Francis moved close to Makoto as they got at the cafe, scared to leave his sight.
Today at 2:15 PM
Jun saw and heard the pride in Fujimoto Sama and this made him admire Sugi that much more, but it was really her facing the maid that made him think he would be her punching bag if she pleased.
Today at 2:15 PM
"Oh, whew," Rei sighed in relief, either not caring about Riku's statement or not noticing it. "Thought you were dead for a few seconds. Okay, well, does anything hurt? Besides your face, that is." Now that he thought about it, this guy had a nice one. A face, that is. Pretty, and belying his gruff personality. Did Rei have a type? Most definitely.
Today at 2:15 PM
What the fu- Himiko barely had the time to process what was happening before a fist connected to her face. Fortunately, her nose did not break because she managed to take a step back, but it hurt like hell. Unfortunately, Head Maid Himiko knew her stuff and grabbed onto Sugi's hand, yanking it forward and stepping sideward to make the gang girl lose her balance. A melee was about to break out!
Today at 2:15 PM
"No kidding. This is a shitshow." Ryuuji ran a hand through his hair. "Maybe we should be the ones kidnapping girls. To get them away from this place."
Today at 2:15 PM
The thugs around Hiromi exchanged a couple of glances and a heated discussion started about whether it was better to grope girlbutts or better to be groped BY girlbutts. The sides were locked into a dead standstill argument-wise.
Today at 2:16 PM
In the Maid Cafe a jazzy piano number was playing while a bored looking young woman brewed some tea behind the counter. The Special was a slice of a vanilla cake that looks like it had been sitting on that same counter for a couple of days.
Today at 2:17 PM
The Mood is Write:
"Yeah. I mean... they all look like they're going to fall over if a stray breeze hits them..." Said the scrawny guy, but at least he didn't look dead on his feet ever, and got good rest and healthy meals. "Do you think... after we get Fujimoto-san free, we can... take over?"
Today at 2:17 PM
Makoto felt his body tense. Being open about sexuality wasn't a new thing but it also wasn't the first thing that came out of people's mouths. Still Makoto put on a smile and trie to calm himself. It was already one hell of a day. "Well that does pose some problems. Are you sure you're going to be alright with this? I don't want you passing out on me in there. Plus with that and the food you may puke."
Today at 2:17 PM
It probably HAD been sitting on the counter for a couple of days.
Today at 2:17 PM
Riku groaned. "My face hurts. Everything hurts really." He mumbled, flexing his hands. It was like he got a massive muscle cramp all over. Even his balls hurt. "Is the bike ok?"He was vaugely aware that he'd fallen over on his bike.
Today at 2:19 PM
"Yeah, maybe. I'm not sure we can convince Onibaachan, but... I got a few ideas." He glanced up as Makoto and Francis entered. "Oh hey. Glad you guys could make it."
Today at 2:19 PM
Hiromi was going to die in this place, she just knew it. How many days had it been and her first interaction with someone that wasn't one of the rude bored maids had to be a bunch of idiots. They were dumber than some of the boys in her grandmother's cafe! As they argued Hiromi worked on hopping her chair across the room. They likely wouldn't notice her.
Today at 2:20 PM
Sugi stumbled, yanked forward by that unexpected response! So the maid could dance a little. Good. That made things far more exciting. "Alright, Barbie. You wanna dance? Let's dance." Fighting the urge to throw the chair her hand had landed on in her stumble, Sugi instead swung around and brought a swift and powerful kick right toward the maid's stomach. She pushed off of the chair and rushed forward, taking advantage of the space opened up, getting her fists up and guarding with that wild grin on her lips.
Today at 2:21 PM
Rei looked to the bike, which he had gently let set down on the ground. He didn't want to damage it, after all—beautiful motorbikes first, humans second—then looked back to Riku. "Yeah, she's all good. I can give her a more thorough examination, though, if you want. And I should probably grab the first aid kit from my bag if everything hurts on you. Do ya mind if I give you my own examination?"
Today at 2:22 PM
The Mood is Write:
Hiro looked up, eyes wide, then waved to Francis and Makoto. "O-over here...!" he called, then paused. Weren't they here to rescue Hiromi? Should they really be stopping to eat cake and drink tea??? He paused and looked to Ryuuji, then around the maid cafe.
Today at 2:22 PM
Francis nodded "Y-Yeah, It will be okay.....I-I need to be able to apologise for breaking the textbook, it was important to her after-all" He smiled. The teen almost jumped out of his skin when he saw Hiro and Ryuuji "y-yeah... you too"
Today at 2:22 PM
Makoto smiled as he spotted Ryuuji and Hiro, waving to the two of them. "Then let's power through it." He stated, offering a hand to the nervous black haired gay man.
Today at 2:23 PM
The thugs kept up their argument, seemingly completely lost in their stupidity. Hiromi could swear she actually heard the words "but being groped by girls is more MANLY than groping girls" before her brain locked them out - in favour of the blunt, but perfectly functional kitchen knife in one of the corners!
Today at 2:23 PM
Riku looked at Rei and raised his eyebrow. "Knock yourself out." He mumbled, leaning back on the ground.
Today at 2:25 PM
The purple haired man would gently hold Makoto's soft hand, feeling much at ease. He sat down and continued to hold his hand, gagging slightly.
Today at 2:25 PM
Jun rushed over and picked up a broom that lay broken in two. He split it up completely and threw the two sticks into the mix, "Sugi! You're doing great!" He had meant to throw the sticks to weaponize Sugi, but in his excitement he threw them too far and they landed near the Maid instead.
Today at 2:26 PM
"Sick," Rei grinned, lightly patting Riku's chest as he gently nudged him off of his lap to stand up. "I'll make sure that you two are in tip-top condition, Kawasaki...-san? You're older than me, right?" He cleared his throat awkwardly going over to the bike and lifting her up to give a more thorough inspection. He didn't touch the bike more than necessary, but he glanced over at the fight that was going on with mild amusement as he quickly checked her over before flipping out the kickstand and allowing it to stand on its own. He jogged over to his backpack, grabbing the first aid kit before running back to Riku with a grin. "Lift up your shirt for me?"
Today at 2:28 PM
Himiko sidestepped the kick easily before once again, grabbing hold of Sugi's leg and yanking forwards and upwards, turning the assault into a somersault. The Head Maid might not have the strength of a man, but she played well with momentum, trying to turn Sugi's force against herself and attempting to piledive her into the pavement! The sticks went unnoticed, but in the hurried motion, Himiko's flip phone slipped out of her pocket and fell to the ground. It could be grabbed by a sneaky outsider.
Today at 2:28 PM
The bored maids served up Ryuuji's order with a little extra for his friends. But something was amiss! Without warning they had frying pans and with a CLANG, both Makoto and Riku were knocked out! "Get 'em, girls!"
Today at 2:28 PM
The Mood is Write:
Hiro squeaked and ducked beneath the table.
Today at 2:30 PM
There's maids inside, outside, and what's this, maids backing up the Head Maid too. There's a hoard of maids ready to fuck shit up.
Today at 2:30 PM
Francis was now alone in this cafe with Hiro and Ryuuji which scared him and messed with his nerves. The boy screamed when he saw the frying pan, hiding underneath the table "I-I HATE WOMEN" he yelled out like a dramatic teenager
Today at 2:31 PM
"Oh my god," Rei just sighed, checking Riku's conked-out head briefly to see if he was badly hurt, keeping himself close to his unconscious companion just in case someone tried to come for him again. "The second time! Can't you just give a guy a break? He's already hurt!"
Today at 2:31 PM
"What the fuck?" Ryuuji was on his feet in a second, grabbing the frying pan from the nearest maid and using it to swing the girl back several feet before disarming her. He turned to face the other waitress, ready for another attack. "Oh HELL no!"
Today at 2:31 PM
The Mood is Write:
Hiro hurriedly dialed 119, like a responsible citizen, eyes wide as someone picked up on the other end, but he didn't answer in his fear of being next.
Today at 2:32 PM
Francis just stayed underneath the table, he did not want to come out right now, this was like his worst nightmare. The male rocked his body back and forth as he hugged his knees, purple hair standing out from underneath the table.
Today at 2:33 PM
Jun dived for the flip phone as maids showed up out of nowhere! "Shit!" he said rolling on the ground as he pulled his leg back before his kick connected.
Today at 2:33 PM
Hiromi spied the knife and tried to use her mouth to get it off the counter. Once she had it, the dang thing slipped, landing on the chair between her legs with a THUMP! She shrieked and thanked her stars it didn't land on her leg.
Today at 2:34 PM
Rei, rather than calling emergency services, did the logical thing and called his older sister for help, fingers quickly dialing the number as he fended off a pink-haired maid with his other hand. "...Aneki?" He paused, blinking as he heard his sister's voice from the other end. "Uh, yeah, but—oh, you're already on your way—oh, okay. Cool. See you." He ended the call after a few seconds, spotting Jun grabbing for the flip phone. "You go, dude! Pass it here!"
Today at 2:34 PM
Old Fujimotosama had taken a seat at one of the outside tables. She was popping a cough drop into her mouth. "Get her!" she added helpfully.
Today at 2:34 PM
Up and over Sugi went, slammed to the ground by the crafty maid. The wind was knocked out of her...but she'd gotten a grip on the maid's hair as she was being lifted and well... Struggling to breathe and rolling away, Sugi stumbled back to her feet sans sunglasses but with a wig in her hands instead. "Oh honey. Someone needs to teach you how to properly pin a wig." The phone went unnoticed by her, too caught up in the fight as she charged again, throwing the wig into the maid's face and going for a leg sweep.
Today at 2:36 PM
The thugs froze at the sound as though they were one. "Hey, the girl is trying to escape! GET HER!" If the Macho Café's employees could not hear Hiromi shriek, they certainly COULD hear a hoard of thugs thumping their way across the room with the force of a rhinoceros.
Today at 2:36 PM
These maids may have looked bored and without energy, but in reality, they seemed to be highly skilled bitches. They also had a lot of kitchen weaponry.
Today at 2:36 PM
"Fujimoto?!" Ryuuji recognized that shriek. "Hiro, stay down." He kicked a maid back with a booted foot and pushed his way towards the back of the cafe. "Fujimoto! Goddammit, hang on!"
Today at 2:36 PM
Yuko Tokieda, her schedule unusually free, entered the scene with her baseball bat as she slammed it into the stomach of a young maid, swatting her away from Fujimotosama's general area. She gave the older woman a small nod of respect. "Ma'am."
Today at 2:36 PM
Francis heard the shriek from Hiromi and looked around from where he was currently rocking. The male observed his surroundings and tried to get out from the table but he soon got back underneath it. He couldn't even bare to look at these disgusting humans.
Today at 2:37 PM
Jun threw the flip phone as was told before someone pulled his hair, "waaahh!" he said in pain. His hand scrambled to grab a leg and pull successfully felling a maid though sadly it was not the one who was giving his neck a good stretch.
Today at 2:38 PM
The Mood is Write:
"We're tracking your location," a voice at the other end of Hiro's phone said, "Please remain calm."
Today at 2:38 PM
The Mood is Write:
Hiro could not, though, especially with the shriek. "Was that her!?" He started to follow, but Ryuuji told him to stay down, so he did, grabbing a discarded tray to use as a shield.
Today at 2:39 PM
Rei successfully caught it in his hand, grinning at the young man whose hair was being pulled. "Got it!" He clasped it to his chest, grabbing Riku's body with his other hand and dragging him away from the action. The phone would be safe with them, hopefully.
Today at 2:39 PM
The male looked around and saw a clear path from the table next to him. He started to crawl until he got to a table that seemed rather safe. Francis just wanted to get the fuck out of here.
Today at 2:39 PM
Yuko, spotting someone else in need of help, bounded over to the maid pulling some poor kid's hair and whomped her across the face with her baseball bat, watching as she fell to the ground and her fingers untangled from the boy's hair. She leaned down, looking him in the eye. "Are you alright?"
Today at 2:40 PM
The Mood is Write:
"Francis!" Hiro called, then slid the tray toward him, which... only served to trip a maid who was on her way to do... he didn't want to know what.
Today at 2:40 PM
Hiromi hopped in her chair again trying to hop her way to freedom, and wound up falling right through the kitchen doors into the main dining room with a bunch of thugs on hot her heels. Naturally she shrieked again. This was ridiculous! "You're all going to be banned! Forget every offer I made about tutoring you idiots!"
Today at 2:41 PM
Ryuuji, meanwhile, had fought his way through the maids just in time to catch Hiromi before she fell on your ass. "Hi, princess. I'm here to rescue you." With a grin, he tossed her over his shoulder and greeted the first thug through the door with a fist to the face.
Today at 2:42 PM
*her ass
Today at 2:42 PM
It was like another angel descended from heaven, Jun thought as his eyes saw stars around the second badass of the day. "Y-yeah, thanks," he said scrambling up to his feet. What were the odds of seeing two goddesses in one day!
Today at 2:42 PM
The Mood is Write:
"Fujimoto-san!" Hiro gasped and looked around, then started to fling cake, tea, and dishes at the thugs and maids he felt he could hit without getting any friendlies in the way.
Today at 2:42 PM
Finally, reinforcements arrived! Himiko grinned as she drove Sugi into the ground, reveling in the Maid Café's supreme victory. Unfortunately for her, the staff of the Macho Café fought fiercely and someone grabbed her hair, ripping her wig off in the process. That still left her natural, and embarrassingly short hair, but now she was furious and so she tried to smash Sugi in the stomach with a haymaker! However, she was not very good on the offensive...
Today at 2:42 PM
Yuko nodded in acceptance, pointing to the side. "Wait there. Stay safe." With that, she ran off to beat more maids with a bat. This was very good stress relief.
Today at 2:43 PM
The thugs tried to rush after Hiromi, only to barrel into a bunch of maids... who immediately hit them in the face with their frying pans, thinking them the enemy. Apparently, Himiko had forgotten to inform them of their presence and since they were buff dudes, they looked liked Macho Café employees!
Today at 2:44 PM
"Where have you idiots been, you ginormous JERK." Of course Hiromi was going to complain about being rescued, it was Hiromi. "They only fed me old cake and dried fish!"
Today at 2:45 PM
Francis tried to grab the tray but a maid had slipped on it. He noticed that Hiromi had been rescued and safely in the arms of Ryuuji. The poor male wouldn't be able to run towards them, still cowering under the table but only Hiro had noticed him. He blinked before seeing these Buff dudes, finally some men!
Today at 2:45 PM
"Don't let them get away with the nerd!" Shouted one of the Maids. They really were just trying to clobber anything with a penis. It was brutal.
Today at 2:47 PM
Jun was by no means a weakling, but Sugi and the new arrival were just so reliable they made him feel... delicate. It was nice. He moved to the side, looking over to the fallen boy and the one hugging the phone. "I'm Jun by the way!" he said with a slight bow though introductions seemed pointless after what they were going through. He pushed an approaching maid away and she stumbled but Jun couldn't make himself do more than that.
Today at 2:47 PM
"Sorry. I'll feed you something nice to make up for it." Ryuuji wiggled his eyebrows. Shutting the door to the back of the house, he slid the frying pan he'd taken through the handles, effectively locking it. He started to fight his way back to the front exit. "Right, let's get you out of here!"
Today at 2:47 PM
"You telegraph your offensive so well!" Sugi laughed as she dodged to the side, her black hair whipping about like a tail with her quick movements. But Sugi played dirty, so of course she cloths-lined the head maid. And wasn't it a hilarious sight to see those tacky heels go out from underneath that tacky skirt? Fuck yeah. Sugi was quick to get down on the floor with the villainess and get her into an armbar. "Give up! I fought boys all through high school and defeated them! Banchou of other schools! You're just a bit of fun~"
Today at 2:48 PM
The Mood is Write:
Hiro waited for them to get past, then flipped the table onto the maids before he ran to Francis and offered a hand. "Hurry! Let's throw the table at them and go!"
Today at 2:49 PM
Old Fujimotosama didn't have the same trouble as Jun. Whenever one of those maids came close to her cozy little seat, she tripped the wench and clobbered her with a napkin holder. She had quite a collection of bodies piling up.
Today at 2:50 PM
Francis would shakily take Hiro's hand, rushing with him to try and get away from all these ladies. As they were running, Francis just happened to trip which made him slip from Hiro's hand and land straight into some maids. He screamed and shrieked in total fear, instantly passing out from all the stress.
Today at 2:52 PM
Himiko really did pay for her choice of attire now. She had meant to be the ultimate noblewoman, against whom none would stand - and now she found herself face-first, locked in an armbar out of all the things. However, the Head Maid grit her teeth and refused to give up. She pulled up one of her legs and awkwardly, but firmly kicked Sugi in the stomach, her high heels sinking deep.
Today at 2:53 PM
Once Ryuuji made it to the door with Hiromi in tow, he was almost to his bike when one of the maids tackled him from the side! Her frilly skirts were so heavy and cumbersome that they tangled around his legs, tripping him up. "Fuck!"
Today at 2:54 PM
"Nice to meet you, Jun-kun!" Rei chuckled, nodding in thanks for his defense. "You can call me Rei. This, here, is Kawasaki-san. Thank you for your help!" He waved the phone around a bit. "What should we do with this?"
Today at 2:54 PM
The Mood is Write:
Hiro was pulled in as well, thanks to the power of gravity and comedy, and he struggled to escape not only the tangle of girls, but also to free poor Francis. It took a few moments, but he finally had to... flee. Without Francis. It was the only way to escape the lovecraftian lump of maids.
Today at 2:54 PM
Francis was sadly left behind but he didnt know that as he was passed out on the unhygienic floor. The male looked like he hadn't woken up in years, apperance all messy.
Today at 2:56 PM
Both Ryuuji and Hiromi hit the ground, surrounded by evil maids that all seemed to be skilled at street fighting. With Francis trapped inside, can Hiro save the day?!
59 minutes ago
"Nice to meet you Rei. Just Jun is fine," he said as he pushed another maid a little too strongly she fell backwards and knocked back the ones behind her. "Check the history," he said, "or if you can mimic the maid's voice try calling the last number and give an order," he suggested.
58 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
Hiro burst from the door of the cafe, only to stare at the ring around Ryuuji and Hiromi. Oh no! He sucked in air, then charged at the maids with a shriek. He wasn't a fighter, not really, but he could be a disruption!
57 minutes ago
Bleeding? Yup. Definitely bleeding. This bitch had drawn blood and Sugi was seeing red and gods above and below her husband wasn't here to stifle it. Shifting onto her knees (and probably making the puncture wound worse) Sugi slipped her arms around the maid's neck in a chokehold. "Shhh. No more stabbing. Only sleep." She glanced up at the peanut gallery with a clear look of 'you fuckers want to help?' in her eyes.
57 minutes ago
"Untie me so I can run on my own legs!" squealed Hiromi. Cause running was the only thing she could do. The girl was constantly getting bullied at school, by none other than many of these very Maids!
56 minutes ago
Rei grinned. "Good idea! I'm pretty good with impressions, so I'll do both eventually." He flipped open the phone, looking through the history as he cringed mildly. "It seems like everyone in her contacts is named 'Maid' with a number next to it—Maid 1, Maid 2, Maid 3, and so on." Meanwhile, Yuko was whopping more maids over the head, using Hiro's distraction to her advantage as she bonked maids that were startled by the shriek.
56 minutes ago
Ryuuji twisted and tore at the massive skirt, only to find MORE LAYERS beneath! "What the actual fuck is this?! How do you even walk?!" Giving up, he took her suggestion and untied Hiromi's legs. "Get my bike! Onibaachan's at the cafe."
55 minutes ago
"Who would like a nice hot drink?" called out Fujimotosama, standing up from her chair and pulling out her keys prepared to open up the cafe. Somehow, she just knew things were going in her direction.
54 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
Hiro lunged at the skirt-maid head-first, eager to get her off his companions, even if it meant a concussion for himself.
54 minutes ago
And then, a resounding wham exploded in the Macho Café. As Himiko found herself losing air, one of her henchmen whammed Sugi square on the head with a frying pan, thus giving the Head Maid some much needed air and space. Knowing it would be wiser to escape, she tried to scramble away as her hand sunk into her pocket, ready to press the emergency... where the hell was her phone?!
54 minutes ago
Francis started to sturr as he looked around, seeing many girls in all directions and not a single damn man. The poor boy couldn't take it and ended up fainting again, what the hell was he supposed to get out this dump if he fainted every god damn time.
53 minutes ago
"I'd like one," Yuko answered Fujimotosama calmly, knocking a maid unconscious with her baseball bat. She stood close to the older woman in case maids came after her, but she was also curious to see more of where her little brother worked.
53 minutes ago
Clocked clean upside the head with a frying pan would probably knock out just about anyone. Sugi was no exception to that, crumpling on the floor with a bump already forming on the back of her head.
52 minutes ago
Success, Hiro and Yuko were just enough distraction to give Hiromi the space to run for Ryuuji's bike. None of these maids really expected to get their asses kicked by a bunch of gay-ass dancing cafe punks, so they were getting desperately dangerous!
51 minutes ago
Hiro's attack was the distraction Ryuuji needed to clonk the maid on the head and wriggle out from her labyrinthine mass of skirts. He caught Hiro before the kid hurt himself, holding his face to check for damage. "Are you okay? Where's Francis?"
51 minutes ago
Jun grinned back at Rei, but also felt bad for the maids. Here he was shoving them away but the poor things didn't even have names. Why did they even fight for such a person? "Ah yes! Thank you Fujimot-sama that sounds ni-" a frying pan hit him square on the shoulder and he felt it move out of its socket. "-uck" he cursed.
51 minutes ago
"There's no helmet!" screamed Hiromi as she hopped on, but she wasn't about to leave all by herself. "How many of you idiots are there! RUN HIRO C'MON!"
51 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
"He's still inside...! Can you help me get him out...!?" This close, with his face cradled like this, he felt like he'd MELT.
50 minutes ago
"Go with Hiromi, get her out of here!" He looked for a minute like he might say something more, but instead he pulled his hand back and made a dash back into the maid cafe. "I'll be back!"
49 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
"O-ok!" Hiro nodded, then hurried over to Hiromi. "There aren't any helmets," he informed, "Do you know how to ride it?" Hiro sure didn't. "The police, I think they're coming soon, too...!"
48 minutes ago
Francis lay on the floor with two puddles surrounding him. One was of course a puddle of drool but the other was a puddle of piss, very unfortunate for him.
48 minutes ago
"Better bring in Sugi before she ends up kidnapped too," called Fujimotosama. Keeping an eye out for any more maids. They seemed to all be escaping now!
47 minutes ago
"Nope, but it's like any machine with buttons right?" was Hiromi's alarming reply. She figured out how to rev the bike quick enough, and both she and Hiro nearly fell off when they went speeding away!
46 minutes ago
"Holy fuck," sighed Ryuuji, and reached down to grab Francis's arm. "Come on, get up!" He pulled him onto his feet, then turned to scoop Makoto's lifeless body up from the booth. "Fujimoto's safe, it's time to split."
46 minutes ago
Himiko made a face as she saw the ensuing chaos. Her beautiful plan! It had been reduced to this... to this... to this absolute clusterfuck! And she still did not have her phone. Gah! However, the Head Maid soon composed herself. Withdrawing her wig so she could be just as noble as before - if a little scarred by battle - she made a shrill, whistling noise. A small squad of maids surrounded her immediately, acting as bodyguards.
46 minutes ago
His attention turned to Sugi and caught between the pain of his shoulder, his personal struggle to not hit a woman, and the fallen Sugi, Jun threw a punch that broke a maid's nose as he said, "I got her!" and rushed forward.
45 minutes ago
Francis was however still unconscious so he did not get up when Ryuuji asked him too.
45 minutes ago
"Checkmate, Himiko!" exclaimed Fujimoto Hinata. "Take your gang of pudding faces and get off my street."
44 minutes ago
Apparently, Francis was not just being dramatic. "...Goddammit!" Grunting with the effort, Ryuuji hoisted Francis up in his other arm, thankful he wasn't too heavy, and dragged both unconscious forms outside.
43 minutes ago
Yuko, seeing that the kid might need help once more, swept to his side and bonked a maid that was raring to get him dead. "I think you have bad luck."
42 minutes ago
BEEWOOBEEWOOBEEWOOO. Whatever Hiro had told the cops couldn't have been good, they were definitely on their way to the Maid Cafe. Hopefully Ryuuji could make it out carrying two dead-ass bodies on his own. Also, Francis smelled worse than the maid cafe's fish pie!
41 minutes ago
"Do you truly think you have checkmated me? Ufufufufu, obaa-sama, you have guts!" Having lost access to her phone, Himiko had no way of getting the information that Fujimoto's daughter had escaped. "No, the terror has just started! My demands still stand and your daughter is still on our hands ufufufufufu~. "And with that, Himiko tripped Jun so she would not reach Sugi. "And we have another host~age~"
40 minutes ago
"I've been told that before," June laughed though it distracted him long enough for the Head Maid to trip him. He fell and winced with the pain of his shoulder.
39 minutes ago
Francis would need at least eight showers to get the stench off him....disgusting!
38 minutes ago
Yuko let a faint scowl appear on her face, eyes snapping to Himiko and readying her stance. She swung her bat at Himiko, her days as the manager for her school's baseball team coming back to her fluidly.
38 minutes ago
"I think you might need to check on your cafe, Himiko!" Fujimotosama pulled out HIMIKO'S PHONE? Somewhere in the fray, the old lady had found it. The was a flood of text messages from the staff saying the Maid Cafe was WRECKED.
37 minutes ago
On his knees, dislocated shoulder and all, he looked back at Rei, "any luck?!" he yelled. Turning back to check on Sugi, he was glad to see the bat swing.
37 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
Hiro shrieked as they took off, and then gripped Hiromi around the middle. One hand touched the underside of her breasts, and the other squeezed the side of her shirt as he clung to her in panic at the sudden speed.
35 minutes ago
Rei looked to Jun, fingers closing around... air? Huh? Rei looked to Fujimotosama. Somehow, she'd taken the phone right from his hand. Was she magic?
35 minutes ago
Meanwhile, Sugi was stirring on the ground. Nap time was over.
34 minutes ago
Hiromi couldn't even yell at the boy, she didn't want to end up with a fly in her mouth! She was also a wretched, awful driver and nearly got them into several accidents speeding their way back to the Macho Cafe.
34 minutes ago
Ryuuji definitely did not want to have to explain why he was dragging unconscious people out of the scene of a brawl. Pulling out his cell phone, he made a call, and it was almost instant that a dark car with tinted windows pulled up to the curb. He loaded both of them into the back seat, then leaned in to speak to the driver. "Drop them off at the hospital. I'll walk." Rather than walk, he hightailed it, taking the back streets to the Macho Cafe.
33 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
Hiro didn't realize where his hands were, or how hard he was gripping her. Air tugged at his face, comically distorting it as they rode in chaos. Bug guts spattered on his face as they went.
33 minutes ago
Another record needle scratch. What? That could not possibly be. The Head Maid's supposedly superior posture shattered. Both figuratively and literally as a baseball bat hit Himiko square in the stomach and she doubled over in pain, incapable of believing her misfortune. How was it possible that her perfectly orchestrated plan fell apart right at the seams?! It should have been perfect. Flawless! What is more, she could not even call in her last gambit due to her phone having been stolen.
30 minutes ago
Jun gripped his dislocated shoulder as he stood up, ready to throw another punch. He saw Sugi stir and moved closer in case she needed support, though in his state the only thing he could do for her was probably give her his body to throw at the maids
30 minutes ago
Francis began to stir and looked around, where the hell was he? The males bones ached and his head pounded, he must of hit it on the hard floor when he fell unconscious.
29 minutes ago
SCREEEEECHED! Speaking of nearly crashing into a bunch of dumpsters (okay, actual crashing into a couple dumpsters, but at least it just knocked them over) Hiromi and Hiro made it back to the cafe safe and sound! "Obaasan! I'm alive! Hey-HEY! It's that awful girl who jumped me on my way home from the Cafe last week!" She pointed at Himiko.
27 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
Hiro laid there among the dumpsters and the bike, stunned, and though he tried to grab onto Hiromi again, she easily slipped from his grasp. He was defeated—not by the enemy, but by the very girl he'd gone to help save.
25 minutes ago
The car where Francis woke up had an expensive-looking interior. Makoto was passed out on the seat beside him, head bleeding and bruised. "We're going to the hospital, sir," a voice from the front seat said. A glance at the mirrors showed the top of a bald head and dark glasses. "Hirohata-san called this car for you."
25 minutes ago
He let out a sigh of relief when he found out that he was going to the hospital, relaxing his tense body. Francis looked over to see Makoto, the male who had journeyed into Macho cafe with him, hoping that he was going to be okay. He wanted to confess his love to him!
22 minutes ago
"MY GRANDBABY!" with Hiromi back, Fujimotosama didn't give two fucks about Himiko! She tossed the Head Maid's phone down the alley and then rushed to hug her precious granddaughter. "You're skin and bones! You've probably been poisoned!"
22 minutes ago
"Gods, I need a drink." A lump on her head and a stiletto heel stab wound to her side, Sugi groaned and wobbled to her feet and rubbed the bump on her head like it was the worse of the two. At least she wasn't in berserk mode anymore? Surveying the scene told her that the Maid had lost and-- "Oh hey Hiromi-chan~ Figured you'd find your way back here eventually. Tough woman, just like Obaa-chan here." Drip drip, blood on the floor.
22 minutes ago
Fortunately the cafe was not a far way to run, and Ryuuji was jogging up not long after--although his jacket was missing, having been stashed in a dumpster due to the smell after carrying Francis. "A drink sounds great," he agreed with Sugi, panting.
19 minutes ago
Having been completely defeated, the maids had no choice but to flee. However, Himiko could not just abandon everything like that. Glaring straight at Fujimoto, she gathered her last strength. "THIS IS NOT THE LAST TIME YOU HAVE HEARD OF THE MAID CAFÉ, OBAA-SAMA," she shouted at the top of her lungs - before she collapsed and her maids carried her away, fleeing the scene!
19 minutes ago
Yuko just sighed. Another day at the cafe, huh? She went over to Rei and helped carry Riku to the cafe's entrance. She looked simply exasperated. "Are there alcoholic beverages at this establishment?"
18 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
Written in ketchup from some discarded packets, Hiro wrote on the ground: 'Fujimoto Hiromi killed me..."
18 minutes ago
"YOU'RE BANNED HIMIKO!" shrieked Hiromi at the fleeing girl. "IF YOU COME BACK TO MY CAFE I'M GOING TO BURN YOURS DOWN!" Huffing under her breath, she reaching down to helped Hiro back to his feet. "Get up you dummy, you're fine."
17 minutes ago
"What happened to him?" asked Ryuuji, ducking to examine Hiro. "Your driving can't be THAT bad, Fujimoto."
16 minutes ago
"Anybody know how to fix a dislocated shoulder?" Jun asked, relieved to see the maids flee. He wondered, if or when they came back, if he'd be willing to punch one in the face again even if he felt bad for them. Probably. If Sugi or the other gang girl told him to, he'd do it.
16 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
He yelped and struggled to his feet, garbage clinging to him as he blushed and stammered, trying to find an excuse, only to squeak as he saw Ryuuji arrive.
16 minutes ago
"Hiromi-san is pretty terrifying," Rei chuckled, looking nervously to her. "I wouldn't be surprised if she just looked at Hiro-kun and he died from fright."
15 minutes ago
"We made it here in one piece!" defended Hiromi with her face red. She plucked banana peels and burger wrappers off Hiro and dusted him off. "I think everyone deserves free drinks today."
15 minutes ago
"You've got a little something..." Reaching over, Ryuuji pulled a crumpled candy wrapper out of Hiro's hair, smiling wide. "There we go."
14 minutes ago
Yuko looked to Jun, letting go of Riku and going over to the other boy. "I can. Hold still." She put her hands on his shoulder without much warning, jerking her hand up quickly and hearing the bone click into place. She patted his back. "All good. Don't scream."
14 minutes ago
"Yes, yes, everyone come sit down! I will serve you all myself. The Fujimoto special!" The old woman rushed inside and go to bringing out treats as quickly as her old legs could bring them. Tea and booze and somehow a full beef roast?
13 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
Hiro, bright red now in shame for making a big deal of it and needing to be cleaned off by others, stood there like a lump for a few moments before he cleared his throat. "Um...!" His voice crackled. "Let me... get my work clothes on...! So I don't... uh... smell...!"
13 minutes ago
"You better have whisky in there, sweetcheeks," Sugi laughed at Ryuuji and wandered on into the cafe once the doors were open. She settled at a table near the front and shrugged out of her jacket. Pristine irezumi decorated from the elbow to the shoulder and down her back, disappearing under the waist of her pants. Two wolves made of smoke were the centerpiece of her back. She was content to sit and apply napkins to her wound and watch the quirky crowd interact.
13 minutes ago
Rei, relatively unscathed, rushed to help out Fujimotosama. "I can handle it! Just rest, ma'am; this was pretty stressful."
12 minutes ago
Francis was dropped off at the hospital, meanwhile, by the mysterious driver--along with Makoto. "Do you know his family name and next of kin?" the nurses asked. The driver hadn't stuck around after briefly talking to the hospital staff.
12 minutes ago
He grunted from the pain but only slightly as his attention has been on the warrior goddess instead. "What's your name," he asked and then it occurred to him he didn't know most of these people, but it was too late for that. He was already walking into the the Macho Café with everyone.
12 minutes ago
Yuko just blinked, walking next to him and going in just behind some others. "Ask Rei." She tossed her brown hair over her shoulder before going over to harass her younger brother.
11 minutes ago
Francis looked over at Makoto "No....I do not know his kin" he said in no louder then a mumble, the boy just wanted to go home and watch some gay show on Netflix, was that too much to ask. He let out a groan of annoyance.
11 minutes ago
"No, no, you let me take care of you boys and ladies. Doing such a good job for the cafe and saving my precious girl. She's going to run this cafe when I'm too old and frail, you know!" she explained, hefting out her big roast. When did she even make it?
10 minutes ago
"Oh, I see," said the nurse. "So you're no relation?" They were already wheeling Makoto away!
10 minutes ago
Hiromi, still red in the face and huffy, turned Hiro on his feet and pushed him into the cafe so he could change his clothes. Then she immediately sank into a chair. What an exhausting day! "The cafe was awful. No one should run a cafe like that. I think I was poisoned."
9 minutes ago
"Are you sure?" Rei asked with a worried expression, about to insist once more before Yuko grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to a table. "Wha—Aneki! Stoooop! I have to do my job!" The sister in question simply grunted, pushing him down into a seat and sitting across from him to squeeze into some family time.
9 minutes ago
Jun followed her to sit near Rei, the only person he'd really introduced himself to. Jun looked around to have a look at the gathered crew and smiled. This place was nice.
8 minutes ago
He would shake his head sadly and watched as his crush was taken away, Francis wished he could of spent more time with the other.
8 minutes ago
"This is why we need you, Fujimoto," Ryuuji told her, sitting down next to her and slinging an arm around her shoulders. "You want this place to end up like that? It'd be a mess without you."
7 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
Hiro hurried to the back and changed, only to shriek in alarm and fear.
7 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
When he emerged, he was in a maid outfit, face BRIGHT red and miserable. "Not this again..." he whined, slumping.
6 minutes ago
Sugi looked around at the three sitting at her table...and cracked a smile. "Well that was fun."
6 minutes ago
"Alright sir, let's get you cleaned up. We can wash you and get you a change of clothing," the nurses assured him. They pushed him and shoved him towards a room.
6 minutes ago
"It's already a mess!" she gestured towards Hiro, turning even redder than before. Point perfectly proven!
6 minutes ago
Rei smiled at Jun, bright as the sun. "Hey, there, Jun! Have you met my sister?" He gestured to Yuko, who seemed quite disgruntled. "This is Yuk—oh my god, Hiro-kun!" He bounced out of his seat, zapping over to the maid-costumed boy with a wide grin. "Ohhhh my god! You're adorable!"
6 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
"No!" he groaned as he covered his face. "When did he even get back there...!? Why was he waiting for me...!?"
5 minutes ago
"Oh hey," Ryuuji drawled. He let go of Hiromi only to stand up and walk over to Hiro for a closer look. He leaned in, giving the smaller boy a long once-over. "You know, on second thought... Maybe maid skirts aren't too bad."
4 minutes ago
Francis was discharged once he had been cleaned, smiling softly as he walked back to the Macho cafe. He walked in to Hiro wearing this adorable maid's dress and smirked. The male didn't waste any time with approaching him, tugging the skirt up a little "Hey there cutie, it sure has been a while".
4 minutes ago
It was here that Jun finally understood the name of the Macho café and the reason for the Maids' vendetta against them... As per usual, he'd let himself be carried away by the action. "Yuk? That's a name I haven't heard of before," he said awkwardly and suddenly very aware of his being a nobody among this group. Why was he even here at all?
4 minutes ago
"On him, it's quite fitting," Rei nodded in agreement, bending down at bit and looking at the underside of the skirt. "Cute and innocent—just like him!"
3 minutes ago
Sugi spotted Hiro and whistled. "Nice legs!" Cackle, cackle!
2 minutes ago
"When I am in charge of this cafe, the poor staff won't have to wear any more silly costumes!" insisted Hiromi, grabbing up a table cloth to toss over Hiro. "You're all a bunch of perverts!"
2 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
Hiro's red face only became moreso at the praise, and he clamped his hands tighter on his face. "Nooo," he whined, trying to back away, but as the raised skirt revealed, there were fluffy bloomers beneath.
2 minutes ago
Yuko just sighed. She wished she had tea or coffee or something to sip while she looked coldly over the men of the cafe, but alas. "That's not my name. It's Yuko. You're Jun, yes?"
2 minutes ago
The Mood is Write:
"Fujimoto-san is an angel...!" he cried as he wrapped the cloth around himself, nearly in tears from embarrassment.
2 minutes ago
"You're a real stick in the mud, you know that, Fujimoto?" Ryuuji sighed. "Come on, Hiro. I owe you that cake."
1 minute ago
Francis would whistle as he caught a glimpse at his fluffy bloomers, getting a nosebleed before his fun was ruined by yet another women. What a day!
1 minute ago
Rei slung an arm around Hiro's shoulder, lightly poking him on the squishy cheek as he grinned widely. "Aw, don't cover yourself! You're so adorable!" He lightly pushed him towards Ryuuji. "You two have fun, kids."
1 minute ago
The Mood is Write:
"Have kids!?" Hiro misheard, voice cracking harder as he stumbled after Ryuuji, stunned.
A moment ago
This scene of her employees and guests and granddaughter all having a grand time made Fujimotosama the happiest old woman in the world. Nothing was better than the family brought together by the Macho Cafe. ...but someone outside the window was watching the beautiful scene with a frown. "...soon." TUNE IN NEXT TIME FOR... ANOTHER RIVAL? THE HOST CLUB MOVES IN.