M. University

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It seemed that exhaustion had pulled at Daniel and nerves had racked Ginny's composure as well. Before the dancing began Emilia pulled the new Queen aside.

"Virginia, I have been watching you two throughout the dinner. I can tell you are ready for some peace and quiet after the last few weeks we've had. Go ahead and head out. Dante will be escorting you to your new estate. I have had rooms prepared for both yourself and Prince Hjevok. His team also has rooms in the home. With you will be travelling Gio and Marx. They are your two heads of guard. There will be one with you at all times, the other will head the rest of your team in patrols and keeping you safe always. As Queen still in Uni the courier has been sent to notify the professors and dean, superintendent and chancellor of the school. Things may be very different for you there. I love you, I will visit soon."

Ginny smiled hugging her mother tight before heading back to her room. She changed into that one shirt that started it all, singed with holes and smelled of a mix of Daniel and herself. She smiled as she zipped her coat over it, and black yoga pants. She pulled the hood over her head and took a look around her room once more before heading out. She clambered into the SUV and waited for the others, her head resting on the window of the van
Shawn nudged Daniel. "Hey...we can head back to Uni. There's a car waiting for us."

Daniel nodded, exiting the ceremony. His team had grabbed the bags and were ushering him towards the car. He slid in, curling up on the chair. "The usual...let me fall asleep for a day."

Shawn cleared his throat and nodded at Ginny.
The new home was just a ten minute walk from campus. It was surrounded by a metal fence and had armed guards that patrolled the grounds.

It had a den, a sitting room, five bedrooms with their own bathrooms, spacious kitchen/dinjng room and its own pool.

Ginny walked into the house and moved to the first bedroom. They were all the same as the maid told her and she tossed herself into bed. It was early morning and she needed sleep
Daniel didn't care which bed he occupied. He hadnt slept enough to care. He looked at the couch, a deep groan of longing and he tried to make his way there. "Woah there..." A hand stopped him and he let out a tired but fierce growl. He looked into Shawns eyes with a huff. "We need to get you a bedroom."

Daniel looked back at the couch and then to Shawn. "Ginny"
The door opened and Ginny groaned looking up with one eye. She saw that it was Shawn helping a very tired Daniel along. she looked out the window the full moon illuminated the night. She moved her covers so he could get placed in her bed and she tucked him in beside her as Shawn left her room.
Shawn looked at Ginny with an apologetic glance. He had helped Daniel out of his jacket and shoes before he fell into bed.

Daniel didn't care when Shawn disappeared. He curled against Ginny with a small shudder that the moon was still full. "I wanted nothing more than to celebrate your coronation but I'm too tired."
Ginny smiled against his cheek. "I just want to sleep. I don't care about celebrating anything. Goodnight baby." she whispered with a yawn.
Daniel was already asleep, looking as if he had died. His body had shut down to conserve energy.
Ginny woke the next morning, later than usual. She saw Daniel out cold right beside her. She decided today she would explore the home. She stayed in her pajamas, for the first time in weeks she had been able to be a normal person. She walked out of her room alarmed when she was met with three staff members bowing immediately. "Queen." she said all at once.

Ginny rubbed at her neck. "Thank you." she said before moving on. Everything was top notch from the plush carpets to the drapes, artwork on the walls and molding on the ceilings. She explored every room, except those being used by Daniel's team of course. She made it to a large sun room that had a pool in what seemed like a green house. All the windows could be opened and with a flip of a switch the ceiling above the pool could be retracted. She looked at the pool longingly, glad it had a heat gauge. She was cold but what really had her excited was the hot tub a few feet away, bubbling in warmth.

She changed in her room not disturbing Daniel and heading for the hot tub. It was a little too warm at first but once she had settled within she relaxed.
Daniel wasn't aware of anything around him. He finally woke mid-afternoon with a groan. He had been so still his body had stiffened. He looked around, confused as the exactly how he got there.

Ginny was resting her head on the edge of the hot tub, her eyes closed, soaking in the heat. She heard Daniel and jumped at how nervous he sounded

Hey, goodmorning. I'm in the hot tub... you okay?
'Hot tub?'

Daniel's body rippled joyfully. He sat up, eyes sparkling with energy.

'Is there a room that catches a lot of sun?'

As soon as he sunbathed he knew his energy would spike again
That's where I'm at sir. The sunroom. There's a pool and a hot tub here. Makes not living in the dorms worth it if I do say so myself.

Ginny smiled basking in the warmth again, resting her head back on the edge.
Daniels eyes popped ppen and he stood to his feet. He moved to his room and changed into a tshirt and swim trunks before finding his way to the sun room. He looked at Ginny with a smile and moved to join her. "Good morning Queen Ginny "
Ginny opened one eye and then the other when she saw it was him. She was in a deep red colored bikini. She smiled. "Please... when it's just us and at uni just Ginny. I'd like to feel not changed when I'm with you." she murmured.
Daniel slid in beside her, his body going limp until he was submerged in the water. He popped back up, eyes glowing. "Phew I feel better!"
Ginny laughed. "I feel not ready for school. I have a feeling everything's going to be quite different. I don't want to get through college with people thinking I'm getting an easy pass because I'm the Queen." she sighed.
Daniel slid towards her with a smile, kissing her softly. "You'll be fine."
Ginny smiled and kissed him back. "It's going to be weird falling back into the routine. I mean seriously we've been gone a while and after living like royalty to get back into uni, normal me mode is going to be awkward. I'll have to go see Leah and get all my stuff from my dorm." she said settling against him. "See now I don't have to use you as a personal heater. Not that I mind it one bit, I have the water heater if need be." Ginny teased.
Daniel pouted. "But....I was your water heater..."
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