Lurking in the Dark [OOC]

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  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
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  1. No Preferences
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Historical, Shounen-ai and Shoujo-ai, Psychological, Steampunk and... well, I'm actually up for most kinds of role plays.

IN THE BEGINNING, humans and monsters could peacefully coexist, living, laughing and loving together. However, as all beautiful things are fated to crumble, eventually even this truce came to an end. A war that would change the entire future broke out between the two races. For many years they fought. Villages were burnt down to the ground, families were shattered and countless lives were lost. Humans gained victory, and the few remaining monsters were forced into hiding. As time passed and the human society evolved, the tales of wars and monsters were lost. Eventually monsters became a mere forgotten legend.

Until about twelve years ago. One particular group of the monsters had grown tired of having of living in the shadows of the human race. They wanted the right to exist, the right to live their lives peacefully without resorting to secrecy and lies to keep themselves safe. So they revolted. Hundreds of human lives were lost in the attack during what would later be known as Bloody Friday. Yet in the end it was still the humans who came out victorious. And the lives for many of the monsters would change drastically.

In response to the attack, the government formed the MMW (Ministry of Monster Welfare), and introduced Operation Fox and Hound. One by one they would hunt down the perpetrators of Bloody Friday and deal them the punishment they deserved. However, it did not end there. Due to Bloody Friday the government views monsters of all kinds, whether aggressive or benign, as potential threats. Because of it we monsters live in constant fear of being captured and brought to what we call 'The Facility'. What goes on behind those walls remains a mystery, even to us. All we know is that few who have entered, have ever returned. And those who did... were no longer the same.

Whether human or monster, it appeares that we have reached a point where no one is safe.

So, what is your part in this story? Are you fox… or hound?

[btn=modd|]The Role Play[/btn]​

  • YOU KNOW THAT crooked old lady walking past your window every day, or the ugly little man rummaging through the garbage cans outside that one restaurant? Haven't you always felt that there was…something off about them? The way her heavy coat wraps around those sort of strange looking bulges around her waist, or how he always makes sure to keep his forehead and ears covered up? Well, chances are they are actually monsters.

    Every monster has a human which is dominant at day, and a monster form which is dominant at night. Despite me calling their day form human, they actually tend to look rather different to us. Even if the details are small, if one pays enough attention to them they become rather obvious. For one, they tend to be slightly anatomically off (although this is not always the case). Added to that, all of them have features which hint at what they look like in their true forms. For some it might be that they are extra hairy, have different colored eyes, have an extra eye, have long and pointy ears, their backs are covered with scales, their nails resembles claws, their tongue is forked, their feet are large, an extra pair of arms, they only have four toes and four fingers… the list is endless, and full of possibilities. Some have features which are easier to hide from the public eye, others tend to stand out more.

    Every night when the clock strikes twelve, monsters turn into what they truly are. The transformation is short but somewhat painful, as they go from domestic to feral. In this form it is completely up to your imagination what they look like. Monsters come in all forms and sizes. However, what (almost) all of them have in common is that they look bestial, grotesque, and monstrous. I do not want beautiful monsters (if you find a really good picture or have a good idea for this, I might make an exception. Also, freakishly beautiful monsters are an exception). They should look as far from human as possible, and I don't want anything generic either. In other words, the monsters should look freakin' amazingly creative. I don't want my role play swamped with wolves, foxes and other typical appearances. For this form, I prefer creativity over luck, and therefor would rather have it that you write a description if you are unable to find a suitable picture, than go for the first, best thing you find out there. I might allow one or three wolf/cat/fox like characters, but would certainly prefer it if you find something else. Hunched backs, long fangs, five eyes, yellow claws and toad like skin is what I'm looking for! Not only, of course, but you get the picture. Be creative!

    About how monsters age: Monsters live about twice as long as humans, and age at about half the speed. That means that if the approximate lifespan of humans is eighty years, the approximate lifespan of a monster is one hundred and sixty years. A long lived monster could even go into the two-hundreds. An easy way to think is that if your character is twenty, they should look ten.

  • ♥︎ Carnival ♥︎

    General: Ringleader Conquest
    Location: An amusement park outside the city
    Description: Carnival use their appearances and abilities to perform. Their objective is to try and gain peace with the humans through methods that allow them to interact with masses. They try to get their attention and to prove that they are safe and peaceful. They don't want to be in control, they just want to peacefully coexist with humans. The circus allows them to expose their true selves to the humans, at least to a certain extent, since it is all just 'part of the act'. Carnival has a special treaty with the MMW which allows them to keep existing the way they do. However, this also means that they are constantly under heavy surveillance by the MMW. Their relationship to all of the other factions is okay, though they are often looked down upon for loving humans – especially by The Rats. Their strongest relationship is with The Aristocrats, and they are on neutral terms with The Watchers.

    ♦︎ The Aristocrats ♦︎

    Madame/Monsieur Famine
    Location: High and Middle Class parts of Cities
    Description: The Aristocrats are often seen as greedy corrupt by the other factions. They have settled amongst humans, living a good and comfortable high or middle class life. The majority of the aristocrats have made it far as CEO's of big companies, politicians and other positions of power. They believe in living peacefully amongst the humans, though manipulating the course of society from the shadows. The Aristocrats tend to look down on all the other factions, seeing the The Rats as filthy savages, The Watchers as foolish hermits and Carnival as clowns. That said, their relationship to Carnival is the strongest, as they don't really interfere with one another. Many monsters who happen to stand out too much to be part of The Aristocrats, often transfer to the Carnival, because of their good relationship. They are also known to have worked together on several occasions.

    ♣︎ The Watchers ♣︎

    Lady/Lord Death
    Location: Underground City (caves)
    Short Description: Within the hidden city of The Watchers, is where the Monster Court is located. It is The Watchers who act as a kind of police force/mediator for the monsters, and most larger disputes are solved within The Watchers walls. They ensure that the rules the four factions have decided upon together are followed, and any offenders will be taken there to receive punishment. They are by far the strongest of the four factions in terms of physical power, and make sure that none of the others create too much exposure that could reveal the whole network to their enemies. They are the most neutral out of the bunch, and look upon humans with neither love nor hate. The only thing they care about is living safely in their hidden city. That said, should a true war break out, The Watchers would probably still aid War over the other two factions.

    ♠︎ The Rats ♠︎

    General War
    Location: The sewers
    Description: The Rats are by far most aggressive faction in the network. Perhaps it is not much of a surprise that the majority of the survivors of which were involved with Bloody Friday, later became The Rats. Based in the sewers, they try to think of ways that will allow them to remove the humans from power. Their objective is to take over, their method is bloodshed. They are brutes that have lost far to many to even consider a more peaceful approach, and will always argue for starting a war against humans. Although The Watchers disagree with total elimination of the humans, these two fractions have a good relationship because of their shared views on protecting one's own. The Rats despise The Aristocrats, and Carnival for their love of humans even more so.

    The Drifters

    General: None
    Location: Spread out, usually living a low or middle class life. Many reside in the slums.
    Description: Some monsters belong to neither of the factions, and simply mind their own business. These are usually refereed to as 'the drifters'. Being on neither of the sides, these are treated with neutrality by all groups. However, some work as freelance info brokers etc. causing them to regularly get in contact with the other factions.

  • MISLEADING NAME, WOULDN'T you agree? The ministry of monster welfare is a secret organization working directly under the government. They operate from several bases around the country, and have highly trained and skilled agents working for them. The agent's job is, more or less, to round up monsters and bring them to the facility. Workers for the MMW tend to either have had bad experiences with monsters, or were hired because of their aptitude for the job.

    After capturing them, the agents are tasked with brining the monsters to 'The Facility'- preferably alive. However, monsters that prove to be more trouble than they're worth are usually simply killed.What goes on behind those walls is unknown even to the majority of the agents. There have however been rumors of experiments and an attempt to find a cure to these 'abnormalities' floating amongst the MMW members.

    Zachary Harold Sutcliff

    Status: NPC
    Minister Johan E. Wolf is the man in charge of the MMW, and is known to run the organization with an iron fist. He answers directly to the prime minister.


    Status: Currently NPCs
    The commanders are the best of the best, and also have most insight in what happens to the monsters, besides the scientists and the director himself. Having earned the Minister's trust, they answer directly to him and him only. They have the troops under their command. Currently, there are only three Commanders: Commander Roy F. Jenkins, Commander Annabelle Johnson and Commander Bryce Wilkes. They excel at both tactics and combat, lead a wealthy life and most of their expenses are paid by the ministry. Commanders don't generally work with hounds, as it is not necessary for them. They only join missions if it is absolutely needed and/or important.

    1st Rank Agent

    Status: 3/3 taken
    Everyone is looking to one day become a first raking agent. Not only do they have stellar reputations and excel at their job, but all of them (like the commanders) also live a luxurious life, having most of their expenses paid by the ministry. Currently, there are only three first rank agents, and each of you work with a hound by your side. You are the only ones eligible for working with hounds. Each of you answer under one of the commanders, and is somewhat like a right hand to them. First rank agents are sent on the most dangerous/challenging missions.

    2nd Rank Agent

    Status: 0/6 taken
    You are not quite on top, but you are good enough to have risen this far in rank. If not out in the field, hunting beasts, you are most likely the one to take on the job of being a teacher to the trainees, or instructor for rookies. Currently, there are only six of you, two of which are no longer in the field but serve as teachers whole-time. 1st rank agents who can no longer serve the agency to their full potential are usually demoted to this rank, where they can still live comfortably whilst being useful in their own right.

    3rd Rank Agent

    Status: Unlimited
    The vast majority of Ministry agents eventually reach this rank, and they are also the largest in number. Reaching 3rd rank means you have completed your trainee period, and are now considered a full-fledged member of the MMW. You usually go on missions in smaller groups, though when larger missions are ahead you join the troop of the commander you were assigned to when you received your 3rd rank badge. 3rd rank agents who show a lot of potential, may eventually be assigned to a 1st ranking agent as their helper.


    Status: Unlimited
    Good job! You just finished the basic training program, meaning you are now considered an agent. However, you are only just spreading your wings and still have a lot to learn. Therefore, you are assigned to a 2nd or 3rd ranking agent who will act as their instructor. After assessing a higher ranking agent for a year, you will take a test which amongst other things, also includes capturing your first monster. After completing the test, you will earn your 3rd rank badge.


    Status: Unlimited
    You have just signed up for the basic training program at the ministry of monster welfare and are still wet behind your ears. Before you can call yourself an agent, you'll need to spend 3 months at the school bench.


    Status: 3/3
    Ah, the monsters. Loathed by their own kind, officially on the bottom of the food chain. You are a monster who has turned their back their kin and been reduced to a mere dog, obedient only to their master. Despite your low rank, you know your master/mistress well and have probably been his/her companion for years. Your relationship is most likely good, and you lead a rather easy life by his/her side.


    Status: 1/3 Taken
    Besides the minister and his commanders, they are the only ones who truly know what is happening behind the walls of the facility. All of them graduated as stellar students in various scientific fields associated with what they are currently researching.

  • The Watchers

    The Leader


    The Rats

    The Leader


    The Aristocrats

    The Leader



    The Leader


    The MMW

    The Minister

    1st Ranking Agents


    3rd Ranking Agents





  • We are currently looking for new role players! Preferably monsters belonging to one of the four factions.

  • I. Godmodding is under no circumstances permitted.

    II. Mary Sues and Gary Stues are not permitted. If you believe your character is running the risk of being one, please consult one of the GM's or moderators of this role play.

    III. Proper grammar and spelling is a requirement. Mistakes happen and there are exceptions, but text talk (unless it is in character or your character is messaging someone), is prohibited.

    IV. I expect a minimum of at least two decent paragraphs (about seven sentences per paragraph) per post. Not everyone is a writing god (I certainly am not), but this is for the sake of keeping things going. Be as descriptive as your abilities allow.

    V. Don't be an ass. This should be a given, but I will say it anyway. Drama IC is encouraged, drama OOC is prohibited. Should a conflict between players arise, do not hesitate to talk to me, Gladis, or Aka if I am not available. We will do our best to solve the conflict. Bad behavior overall is treated with zero tolerance.

    VI. Romance is fine, even encouraged, but as soon as clothes start flying and things get steamy I ask you to either fast forward/fade to black or move your conversation to PM. Remember to only role play libertine content with members of your own age group.

    VII. Just because there is a special abilities section in the character sheet, doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want. The abilities should still make sense with your character and somehow is related to the kind of monster they are. As long as you make sure it fits, go crazy!

    VIII. Inactivity is a decease that spreads among role plays like wildfire – and just so happens to the most common cause for role play deaths. To prevent this from happening I will expect at least one post a week. Anyone unable to keep up, will be removed from the role play along with their character. There will be exceptions – however, if your absence turns out to be too disruptive of the stories flow, I reserve the right to kick you out. If you don't think you'll be able to post frequently, don't join.

    IX. By joining this role play, you will be expected to keep up to date with the news and announcement tab.

    X. If there is anything you need help with or have any questions, don't hesitate to consult either me, Aka or one of the moderaters.

    XI. I won't limit how many characters you may play, but I would like to see an equal number of members in each faction. That said, I also want a verity of characters. If I think your character is too similar too an already existing character, I may not accept them.

    XII. If you are interested in the roles of any faction leaders, please send me a PM.

    XIII. Every character has to at least have some sort of pre established relationship with a minimum of one other character by a different player. This way, all characters will somehow be connected. Please work this out via PM – and if you don't know whom to ask, ask either me or Aka for help.

    XIV. To prove that you have read the rules, please include the word bubblegum somewhere in your PM containing your CS.

    XV. Last but not least… Don't forget to enjoy yourself and let your imagination run wild!

    Continued offenders of these rules stated above will get expelled from the role play.

  • Note that your character sheets are not to be posted here, but instead sent to me via PM. That means no fancy formatting, ya' nerds. >:D Once your character has been approved, I will ask you to add them to this album. In doing so you will be given a fancy banner as a reward, and he'll also show up on the front page.

    Full Name:
    Title: (A name based on their personality/background or rumors about them. Like "The Mad Scientist" or "The Human Monster". Something that explains your character in two to three words.)
    Brief Description of character: (That will be posted on the front page. Like the blurb of a book, sum up your character in a paragraph)


    Hair Colour:
    Eye Colour:

    Body Type:
    Monster Features (which they retrain in human form):
    Monster Appearance:
    Monster Picture:
    Human Picture:


    5 Positive Traits:
    5 Negative Traits:
    Brief Personality Description:


    Other Relationships:
    Living Accommodations:


    Weapon of Choice:
    Skills of Note:

    Anything else you might want to add!



    Full Name:
    Title: (A name based on their personality/background or rumors about them. Like "The Mad Scientist" or "The Human Monster". Something that explains your character in two to three words.)
    Brief Description of character: (That will be posted on the front page. Like the blurb of a book, sum up your character in a paragraph)


    Hair Colour:
    Eye Colour:
    Body Type:
    Notable Features:


    5 Positive Traits:
    5 Negative Traits:
    Personality Description:


    Other Relationships:
    Living Accommodations:


    Weapon of Choice:
    Skills of Note:

    Anything else you might want to add!



    Full Name:
    Title: (A name based on their personality/background or rumors about them. Like "The Mad Scientist" or "The Human Monster". Something that explains your character in two to three words.)
    Brief Description of character: (That will be posted on the front page. Like the blurb of a book, sum up your character in a paragraph)


    Hair Colour:
    Eye Colour:
    Height (cm):
    Body Type:
    Notable Features:


    5 Positive Traits:
    5 Negative Traits:
    Personality Description:


    Other Relationships:
    Living Accommodations:


    Skills of Note:

    Anything else you might want to add!

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I'm not sure about the watchers
Of course - I was relying on the Aristocrats to be pretty neutral, but as far as I could tell the Watchers were a form of Police form - though if The Tradler Sister's services would be of use to the watchers then I'd gladly branch out to them and try and make some more relations, even if it IS only business clients.
Also important to note; it's not as if they're going to go around kicking puppies in the middle of the carnival. They expect that sort of pre-determined hostility in a peaceful entertainer's amusement park but I think Mio would see that the sisters treat her carnies with the utmost respect, even if some of them wish that they'd go die in a hole somewhere.

@Gladis What about Andrew's power? It'd be a bit weird and almost mary-sueish to describe his magical voice and how perfect it is without a decent explanation. Any chance I can put that into the album so people know when they interact with me?

and...I always assumed that the Watchers wouldn't like the two of them because they're, well, bounty hunters. And the Watchers seem like monster police.
Mio would be thrilled that they treat her carnies with respect but that still won't keep her from being suspicious until she can figure out their motives in doing so for herself. She hopes for the best and plans for the worst.
And Rekeren's just really judgmental sometimes. c:
The best way to win her over would be to gain acceptance from the rest of the Carnival, including Rekeren.
Befriending Rekeren may be a pretty big issue if they've been declared "enemies" Perhaps it's not meant to be.

As for the Watchers..

@Wingless_Angel - Of course your Character's not certain on Humans, so perhaps Alice isn't the right person for a friend, but of course as a drifter building relations, so perhaps Wren could be a Client of the Tradler Sisters, or perhaps a visitor of their shows. Of course a friendship is allowed, just thinking perhaps not likely with Alice, perhaps Andrew will be more his cup of tea.

@Aka~Kitsune - Your character seems quite strict to the "Rules" So maybe Bounty Hunters aren't her sort of thing OR perhaps they're the perfect tools for supporting those exact rules. So there may be a possible client of the Tradler Sisters? A contact in the Watchers may be very useful.

that still won't keep her from being suspicious
Of course, I hardly suspect everyone will be friendly with a pair of Bounty Hunters in the first moment they meet them. In fact I don't expect that from anyone.
And Rekeren's just really judgmental sometimes
And the Tradler Sisters will have to find out the hard way.
One thing to remember in all of this planning is that you don't have to be strictly friends, enemies, lovers, etc. Most relationships are gray. Just a thought since it seems like things are set in stone.
Befriending Rekeren may be a pretty big issue if they've been declared "enemies" Perhaps it's not meant to be.

It's not the only way though. If they can prove themselves to have pure motives and being genuine in their respect she will still accept them and accept Rekeren's attitude towards them as just a difference in opinion.
Most relationships are gray
I suppose that I'm just trying to get where the characters are most likely going to stand, because of course all these characters would have lived in proximity to each other before the IC starts. So that way when I start actually RPing I know how to have Alice react (generally) with most characters and then their relationships can develop during the RP into more detail.
Plus, it eases the problem of everyone trying to find their place in the world at the start of the RP -- this way, everyone has a foundation to work with and we can get the story rolling faster.
I understand that. Wasn't being like "NO RELATIONSHIP TALK." I was just stating that it's okay if everything's not set in stone. I just woke up after a terrible headache, so I could have been misreading, but a lot of the talk as I understood it was "If they aren't friends, they are enemies." When that doesn't necessarily have to be true.
As requested, you can now access each individual characters profile by clicking on their banner in the character section on the front page. ^^

Of course - I was relying on the Aristocrats to be pretty neutral, but as far as I could tell the Watchers were a form of Police form - though if The Tradler Sister's services would be of use to the watchers then I'd gladly branch out to them and try and make some more relations, even if it IS only business clients.
You would have to discuss their relationship to the watchers with @Aka~Kitsune, since she plays the leader, Noelani.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I understand that. Wasn't being like "NO RELATIONSHIP TALK." I was just stating that it's okay if everything's not set in stone. I just woke up after a terrible headache, so I could have been misreading, but a lot of the talk as I understood it was "If they aren't friends, they are enemies." When that doesn't necessarily have to be true.
Nah, Rekeren would have an active dislike towards any bounty hunter, really. I just hadn't noticed there were any until a friendship with them was suggested.
"If they aren't friends, they are enemies." When that doesn't necessarily have to be true.
That's a pretty good point - To be honest I hadn't been thinking like that. Most likely due to their dangerous job I'd just assume that if the peaceful people didn't like them, they'd automatically become enemies. I suppose I thought that way because the Carnival goers are the most peaceful so it would be easy of me to assume that's how it would go.

Nonetheless now that the carnival is pretty much sorted with relationships I'm pretty much waiting for replies from the Aristocrats and the Watchers for possible pre-established relationships then I should be good to go. Whew being a Drifter's harder than I thought it'd be!
Meanwhile I sit back and reap in all of the rewards from Jessikka's hard work.

EDIT: I don't think I got an answer from you, Gladis - what's your stance on me explaining what Andrew's power does so I don't look like I'm stroking my own ego by boasting about his aforementioned golden voice? Just want to sort that out before the IC.

Speaking of, since things seem terribly confusing with the relationships...I'm going to propose that we follow Lannister's advice and remember nothing's set in stone. Who knows, maybe you'll love or hate our duo when you meet them, contrary to your previous beliefs.
EDIT: I don't think I got an answer from you, Gladis - what's your stance on me explaining what Andrew's power does so I don't look like I'm stroking my own ego by boasting about his aforementioned golden voice? Just want to sort that out before the IC.
You'll still have to get confirmation from Gladis, but I believe characters are allowed to have powers so long as it goes along with their monster form. So like a shadow monster can have shadow powers, ice monster can have ice powers, etc. You're kind of looks like a siren, so siren powers XD idk lol
Who knows, maybe you'll love or hate our duo when you meet them, contrary to your previous beliefs.
Yeah I'd like to see what you actually think of them, since their personalities aren't open to view, it may be that you hit it off, despite your character supposedly hating them, or your character absolutely despises them, despite you deciding that a friendship would be great.

That doesn't mean I don't want the find out what the Aristocrats and Watchers say though haha. I like being organised.
That's a pretty good point - To be honest I hadn't been thinking like that. Most likely due to their dangerous job I'd just assume that if the peaceful people didn't like them, they'd automatically become enemies. I suppose I thought that way because the Carnival goers are the most peaceful so it would be easy of me to assume that's how it would go.

Nonetheless now that the carnival is pretty much sorted with relationships I'm pretty much waiting for replies from the Aristocrats and the Watchers for possible pre-established relationships then I should be good to go. Whew being a Drifter's harder than I thought it'd be!
Elizabeth, my character and Madame Famine, would mostly keep their relationship at a purely professional level. She doesn't easily make close friends, and though she acts kindly towards the members in her own faction, she tends to keep outsiders at an arms length. Of course, there can always be exceptions. Though... I'm not sure how well she'd get along with Alice especially. On a personal level, I mean. o-o
Sorry, the thread is moving so quickly x.x
Yes, it's okay for you to add in the reason.
Personality descriptions in general are fine to add in as well. ^^
Though... I'm not sure how well she'd get along with Alice especially. On a personal level, I mean. o-o
Of course, if you'd prefer keeping it strictly professional, that would be beneficial too, since a company always needs customers. Unless you decide that our characters get along rather well, I'm completely fine with a simple, business only relationship.
Yeah I'd like to see what you actually think of them, since their personalities aren't open to view, it may be that you hit it off, despite your character supposedly hating them, or your character absolutely despises them, despite you deciding that a friendship would be great.
I just want to note that I keep my characters' wants and my wants completely separate. I actually think Andrew and Alice are pretty great characters, but I won't let that stop me from playing someone that judges them harshly for reasons completely unrelated to their personalities.
I just want to note that I keep my characters' wants and my wants completely separate. I actually think Andrew and Alice are pretty great characters, but I won't let that stop me from playing someone that judges them harshly for reasons completely unrelated to their personalities.
Aha of course, I don't accuse you of that at all! In fact I was actually hoping to find a good enemy, I'm only surprised that it was a carny, is all! I'm actually quite looking forward to seeing how a fued between two inherently violent characters, and another, very peaceful character will go about. Especially when Alice will prevent any fights breaking out so I imagine it will be a lot of sulking at each other from a distance. We'll see in the IC - which I'm really excited to get started with now, all this build up is making me hyped.
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