Luricshia: Element's Chaos

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What a fine opportunity to disappear. Lance grabbed the hand of the bright girl and smiled gently as to show that he meant no harm.

"I'll protect you. Light and Lightening, we can make quite a pair, you think?" Rekki let out a snort and Lance gladly ignored it. They all had points. The four of them had no business being in the same location.

The one's of which you despise draw near.

The warning came from a red sparrow above Copper.

"Come little one."he called and the little bird soared down towards him. Perched on his finger, Lance held his hand out and showed the bird to the dark haired girl. "This one has confirmed my fear. They are coming. We either stand and fight," he said sneaking a look to Rekki, "or we leave. Choice is yours."
Coppers fiery personality is what kept her rooted to the spot.
"I'm staying personally." She looked at the bird. "I'll make them barbecue" she crossed her arms.
Copper wasn't going to run,now that she had a fine opportunity to fight she wasn't going to pass it up in a hurry.

"And, I think if we together and fought we'd have more of a chance than if we were to fight separately.
She's not stupid enough to trust any of these people, but maybe she'd fight along side them, it could be an alliance, a short one, but an alliance all the same.

Easily led by the blond man, Erika watched him with the bird and smiled, reaching out one finger to stroke the feathers of its back. They'd guessed her easily and Erika grinned, shrugging to all of them. As for fighting, Erika wasn't so sure about that. She'd never tried to harm anyone before, she'd always kept to herself.

"I dunno. I've never fought anything before" Erika said casually, watching the other three. Even if they stayed and fought, she thought with some irritation, she wasn't going to stay here. Fighting brought about emotions from all sides that could very easily drive Erika mad, she thought. She's always escaped from situations like this before. The war between a sick pleasure in the fight with terror... it was hard.

"Light and lightning, huh? Sounds like a good idea to me" Erika told him, still her eyes focused on the bird. If he was swayed by the girl with red hair, like no doubt the hot head Water would be, she'd have to leave on her own. Not that they would make it hard for her, it was only too easy to manipulate the light into shielding her from sight. Erika's stance changed subtly, her muscles prepared to lash out even as she smiled to all of them.
"Water, lightning, fire, and light...

And all in the same location...


Braeden watched from the shadows as the four of them bickered about unimportant things, and then finally decided to be friendly. At the mention of them he tensed up a bit. If they were going to be here, then Braeden would not... But he felt a strange connection with the other Poised. For some reason he could not leave them as easily as he could the rest of humanity. His gut told him to save them, for he knew that if they stayed to fight, they would surely be slaughtered. He couldn't point out any of the poised who had enough control to fight.

Suddenly, the shadows from the trees around the four began to move, stretching out until they formed a perfect square around them. When the square was complete, it shot upward, creating four walls of complete darkness around the group. Out from the wall came first a foot, and then the rest of Braeden's body.

"You can not fight. If you stay here, you will surely die." His tone was serious, almost emotionless but with a touch of passion. He didn't understand his need to warn these people, it wasn't like him.
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"Wait! Woah woah woah! Yall can't start this without me!"

Jazz floated down on a gust of win, somersaulting before she landed. After watching the group of teens for a while, she was getting bored hiding in the trees. There wasn't enough action in Luricshia nowadays. Sure, the warriors were after them, but they were all so easily defeated. Wind made a great companion, but Jazz was starting to get lonely. There had to be a ot more companionship than atmosphere with Jazz. And that's when she spotted them. When the water boy, Rekki was attacked by Lance, her interest suddenly sparked. Action! Yes!

Unfortunately, the fight didn't last long until two women came and broke up the confrontation. Poised, huh? All of them? Haha! This is going to be--
"I'll get the red haired one. She ain't nothin'!


"You gotta be kidding me."

The vision flashed in her head in mid somersault, causing her to cascade into the man of shadows.
Copper looked around at a thudding sound and saw another girl possibly around their age she couldn't see properly, and then she noticed the man who had spoken earlier, hidden so easily in the shadows.
He had said something about them not being able to win, that they would all die, but in all honesty Copper wasn't going to even answer this man, he seemed considerate enough in warning them, but the warning seemed odd, why would he care?
She turned back around to the others and looked at Rekki, he hadn't said whether he would fight or not.
The whole ordeal was a yawn to Lance. Warriors struck no fear in his eyes. The past encounters of the men were uninteresting and a bore to him. Danger was raised on an immensely high bar to Lance. There is no telling where or when an attack can come from so one must be on his guard at all time. Now that Miss Sunshine has graced herself into his presence he knew she wasn't much of a fighter. Plus or minus; that was unreadable. Although that fact was a pestering nuisance, Lance could not afford to have any more deaths on his conscious.

She is Ericka of Light.

Lance gave the red bird a curt nod before sending it off to the skies. Despite the entrance of two newcomers, both poised he might add, he still stood close to Ericka. Copper stole glances at Rekki while the boy was scanning the area. So, we will stay and fight. Interesting.

"Do not fret. These warriors will not harm you or any others. Besides, if worse comes to worse, Droplets over here can give them a bubble bath."he snickered and tactically stepped out of the way of the rushing river.

Now is not the time to make more enemies.

Trees. Lance felt that he was forever being watched by the eyes of nature.

"My apologies."he replied aloud, not sure if it were to the trees or Rekki.
The brown haired girl tumbled into the boy of shadows on seconds after he had finished his statement. Water, Fire, Light, Lightening, Dark, and Wind, all in the same area.

"You idiots!"he snapped. Rekki had suddenly lost the will to control his fustration. The stupid little bird that flew from Lance's hand was right. He could detect movement at the end of the river, towards where Ericka and Copper were only minutes before. From the looks of it, they were in a group of four. Even though they outnumbered them, one of them couldn't fight, and the other two were rolling around on the floor.

Rekki was also not much of a help. He had just come to grips with the manipulation of water. He couldn't just hop into battle completely untrained! The wave of water he threw to Lance was only luck.

"Besides, if worse comes to worse, Droplets over here can give them a bubble bath."

Rekki was three seconds away from drowning him before an apology followed.

"We don't have time to joke around! We need to come up with some sort of plan!"he said, clenching and unclenching his fist. That was the only form of stress reliever her had at the time. Ericka was still smiling at everyone and Lance looked bored with the whole thing. He couldn't get a glimpse of the new Poised due to the fact that they were pretzled at the moment. That leaves...crap.
With no other option, Rekki turned his attention to Copper. She annoyed him but his choices were growing thin.

"You said you'd barbeque them. I hope you were right. We need as much help as possible."he said biting his tongue between sentences.
Copper genuinely smiled this time, it changed her appearance quite a bit, from someone you tolerated, to someone you wished you knew.
" Alright there, anyway from what I've seen you can control water when you're emotions are high, if I boiled the water to the temperature of well over 700 Fahrenheit and you shot it at them, the scolding and blister may be enough to distract them before we can do anything else?" it wasn't much of an idea, but it was something.
Copper looked over at the river then back to Rekki, waiting for his review on her idea her arms hung at her sides, fists clenched keeping the anxiety down.
"Get off of me!"

Braeden fell into shadow below, and then raised back up a foot to the left, standing on his feet. He brushed his jacket off with his hand, and glared his yellow eyes at the wind girl.

"We're not starting anything. This is life and death, Not some foolish social group where the poised can gather and show off their power."

He looked over to Copper and Rekki. "If they are resistant to your power, or you just fail to control it, I will hide us in the shadows. Take your time and focus on your element."
"New guy has a point." Lance chimed in. He wasn't so into the battle as the others. Ericka's mood seemed to rub off on his own. "This entire matter needs to be strategic. It is quite obvious that our elements are not with us the way we want them to be."he went on, motioning to the wind girl. She merely picked herself up and dusted herself off.

Copper and Rekki did not appear pleased at the shadow man's anger and harsh words but the words he spoke rang true. The warriors should not be underestimated.

"As far as tactics are concerned, Ericka, you stay behind. Copper and Koda, you too are apparently the power house elements. You two need to stick together." Rekki was about to retort but Lance just went on. "Shadow man, nice plan. Windy. Uh."

Lance had nothing to say about her. She only flew in on her own accord.

The blond one was staying. Erika felt conflicted - she'd been so ready to run away before but now that she saw that they were staying to fight, she felt somehow compelled to help them. They were devising a battle plan and Erika felt completely helpless as she was relegated to the back of the group. She's said that she had no will to fight, but they were assuming she was useless. Erika made an angry face and slid next to Lightning boy.

"What exactly do you plan to do, huh? I can help, I just thought that it'd be better if we didn't stick around here to try to get beaten down. I can blind them. Maybe not all of them, but I can make it easier for you, you know." Her tone was nearly sulking and she hated being sent to the back of the fray.

On a whim, Erika wandered closer to the shadowy one. "Shadows, huh? Guess you must be like my opposite or something. I'm Erika, by the way." She didn't wait for him to answer, she was too busy looking over the wind girl. Erika didn't have anything to say to Miss Wind, though, so she simply sat down at Copper's feet once more.
Copper still stood, she didn't really like shadow man, it was something about his tone, and how he was ordering them about.
Foolish social group her ass, they all met by accident they haven't banded together to chat about the weather and sip tea, she glared at him quietly fuming, biting her tongue so that she doesn't say anything else, enemies weren't on her list of things needed.
When Lance said that she and Rekki had to stick together she shrugged, she had no problem with him, he just seemed a bit of a whiner.
Looking at the brown haired girl Copper had no impression on her, so far she just seemed slightly clumsy, she nodded to her in acknowledgement and then continued to glare at Shadow man.
"What I want to know.. is why you suddenly think you can make points on how silly we are to think we have a chance." she was looking at him now, not glaring as such, but she wasn't smiling either.
"I'm sorry to be an optimistic, pessimism isn't my style."
"My deepest apologies, sunshine. We..."

The sentence drowned off and was replaced by the sound of splashing water. Great. Times up.

"So much for strategics. I understand you can help, but we need as much time as we possibly can afford. Lightening at a time like this is not good. The storm clouds would only interfere with your Light. We will eventually end up fighting one another."

Lance was beginning to understand that he himself was the only one coming up with a plan. The sound of his voice was all he heard at the moment.

"That's all I got." he finished after finally leaning against the tree that warned him of the danger ahead.
"Braeden Erora." He said to the girl of light. He noticed her carefree attitude. "Yes, opposites indeed."

He turned his attention to the question of the red head. "I can make points about things like that because I can read your power. Even if I couldn't, you could hardly even control your heat radiation earlier, that was the real give away to your lack of experience. I've fought powerful warriors before, and with no experience or control you'll just become another victim to their cruelty. Please excuse my concern for your life." His last sentence had a touch of sarcasm. He took a moment to compose himself, but then continued.

"However, I may have underestimated our combined power. There is a chance, if we work together, that we can win. But we are running out of time. We need to act now."
Copper rolled her eyes.
"I had an idea earlier, but I guess it went unheard or, got scratched out."
She looked to the river and just as a slight precaution began to heat it up, slowly to the heat levels of molten lava.
"Would that keep them back for a little bit longer, its not much but we need a plan."
She sighed. "I'm Copper, just to let you know. Thanks for asking"
She looked at the others to see if they had any plans.
Jazz finally got off of the ground, dusting herself off.

"Geez! Sorry about that!"she apologized and looked up at all 5 of the people in front of her. Oh my, what a party, she thought and sat quietly. It was only a matter before she learned the names of each and every person in a matter of moment thanks to Lance. Lance was surprisingly talkative for someone so laid back. Rekki and Copper both shared the same anger and annoyance for Braeden. He yelled at her too, but for good reason. The vision had caught her by surprise right in the middle of her descent to the Poised group. The vision!

"Copper."she exclaimed, turning to the girl with red hair. "You need to be careful. I saw--"

"No one cares what you saw." Rekki retorted, flexing his fists. Jazz sent a glare to him and held her hands out.

"If you all need time, I can blow them back for a while."she objected in despite Braeden's words.


Everyone had come up with their own type of plan. They were all sketchy and out of order but they were all plans. Only Rekki could see the reality of the entire situation, however. Once these warriors flaw our plan, we'll all start freaking. Everything needs to be unorthodox. If he got in the way of Copper's fire, there would be some dire consequences to pay. Consequences Rekki did not want to get wrapped up in at the moment or any moment it. Ericka wanted to help but Braeden had made it clear of his actions. The opposites were not working well with one another. I wish it were just me...

"Well. This is obviously not working. So I'll ask again."he snapped, getting more impatient by the second.
Copper turned to Rekki and glared, taking a few steps towards him she stopped when they were a few centimetres apart.
"Well we're making a plan, you could pitch in at any time, you know instead of yelling" Copper knew his annoyance was just because of the predicament, but if they were going to fight they need to stick together, not fight amongst them selves.
"We all need to just calm down before do anything though, if anything Shadow over there is right." she jerked her thumb towards him.
Copper shrugged and turned away from him slowly, and looked at Jazz, she tried to warn her of something a minute ago she was sure?
"You see I think with the combined help of me and wind girl we can at least keep them occupied long enough for us to form a real plan, because..if not.. we're going to be toast."

Listening to the others for a change, Erika felt like sulking. She'd chosen not to run, to stick by these people, and she was being entirely disregarded as any use at all, told to simply stay back and watch anyway. Being sad did not suit Erika well and she soon funneled it into anger. Despite her misgivings, she'd offered to help them and if they didn't want her help then fine. Erika scowled darkly, intent on her purpose.

With focus, and anger to fuel it, Erika bent the light away from her, rendering her invisible while she had her tantrum. She didn't want the others to see that she was hurt at not being considered useful. With quiet tread, Erika made her way over to sit a the base of a tree and watch the others make their plans. When the anger began to abate, though, she began to give up on the invisibility and slowly she could be seen again, six feet away and frowning at the base of a tree.
They were all going insane over a couple of soldiers. Copper, who he figured would keep a level head, but then again, the girl was a sauna of anger and impatience. She only wanted to rid the threat as soon as she possibly could. Lance had given up on constructing a plan and talking as he leaned against a tree. Ericka...well...where is she?

Rekki did a full on 360 until he noticed her at the base of a tree. Her face didn't show any obvious expressions so Rekki assumed she was either scared of the upcoming battle or she didn't want no part of it. The girl of wind was pumped up and I don't think she will take no for an answer. Braeden's attempts at settling the group down were completely ruined as it seemed that ever individual had their own plan. Contradictions and retorts flew left and right. There was just no agreeing to anyone!

Rekki was enraged beyond belief. All he wanted to do was cross a river and now he was confronted with this! With a clenched fist, he decided he was going to show anyone that he was a push over. Starting with Copper.

He swiveled over to face her. His face was a clear painting of anger.

"For one, I did not yell. And secondly--"he seethed before a blur of movement crossed his vision. Of course, the movement was yards away, but it wasn't mistaken for anything other than the warriors. They were on the offense already and the 6 of them only sat pulling one another's hair out. Rekki didn't hide the fact that he was one of them.

"Listen, Copper..."


"No time! We have guests!" Jazz exclaimed, putting one leg behind her in a offensive stance. Jazz's attire fit her perfectly. Her shirt was low cut and not to mention the shorts with different items contained inside each satchel attached to her hip. Wind was not the strongest element, but it had many advantages. It was an amazing transporter and it also a time saver.

Jazz smiled and kicked off of the ground, when she jumped, the air under her allowed her to float lightly. Jazz tried to settle herself straight with her hands, but it kept throwing her off balance.

"I'm..uh...sorta new thi-this..." she exclaimed, wobbling in the air. The only reason she ascended herself was to get a better look at the warriors, but she was about to kill herself before she even had the chance.

"Woah! Woah!"she said, her balanced breaking her concentration.