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Love Triangle

Alexis was pleased when the guy said this and sighed in relief when no one was looking at her anymore and watched as he sat down and her heart melted at his smile and she felt her knees get weak and she gave him a smile back and sat down on the chair near him "I'm Alexis, but you can call me Lexi if you wish" she said looking at the boy
His head was forward but his eyes looked over at Alexis, Its a pure pleasure to meet you Alexis, Im Summerset Alexander Hope, soon to be class rep." His hand flowed to Alexis flawlessly and awaited a hand greet.
Alexis smiled at the boy "You have a really cool name, my real name is Alexis Lily Grey, might of heard of my parents with that last name" she said shrugging and smiled, but look down at his hand and reach her own hand out and placed it in Summerset's and shook it gently with a smile on her face
His hand was warm and welcoming, almost a protective. She's a Grey? he thought, she has the eyes but i can't sense an ounce of wolf in this girl. Such a strong family. Summerset ended the hand shake up forgot to let go, he was focused on the Dean walking up to the stand.
Alexis smiled at his touch and she could feel her heart rate speeding up and looked at him and knew then that he knew her family and sighed a little, she didn't even know what they was and he did, she didn't think that was fair and wondered if he would tell her what her family was, she took her hand away when he did and "Do you know what my family are?" Alexis asked out of random
Summerset was confused, is this a trick question he thought. Then at last he answered, There werewolf, a very high clan. im surprised youd test my knowledge being son of the supreme Alpha Alexander Corvbin Hope."
Alexis looked at him and her face went white as she never knew what her family was as they never told her "Woah, wait werewolves are real, then what are they" she said pointing to another person who looked not human, Alexis couldn't believe she was never told this and she felt angry about this and her eyes turned to a darker black "They lied to me" she said more to herself
"There vampires, we naturaly don't get along." Summerset puts his hand lightly on Alexis's soft cheek. "Don't fret, its not easy being told your not mortal. Judging by your eyes id say your still asleep in that beautiful shell of yours, Stay strong Alexis."
Alexis glanced at the people again and raised an eyebrow "Vampires, mmm no wonder i'm getting dirty looks" she said and was shocked at his touch on her cheek but smiled "I guess not, i'll admit it i do growl sometimes out of nowhere" she said shrugging and smiled "I'll stay strong if you help me through this, you seem to know my family and they won't tell me anything" Alexis said looking at him
"Ill gladly take care of you, i am leader of my pack so its my job"
Alexis smiled at him and nodded "Thank you Summerset" she said smiling and kissed his cheek before turning around where she was sitting and text her dad to say she knew and he needed to explain to her
June and Barren laughed almost falling out of the chairs, Summerset needed to keep straight though he loved the affection he showed no expression. "I plan on leading all the clans, first ill start with this school."
Alexis heard two guys laughing behind her but ignored them and put her head down on the table and rested it on her arm and closed her eyes, not bothering to hide her face at all, she didn't care if she got caught, and raised an eyebrow at what Summerset said and then put it back down "You better home that you are that powerful then to get people to listen to you" she said to him with a smile and kept her eyes closed and her head on the table
Summerset leans to her ear and whispers very softly almost seductive and speaks "Sweet Alexis, the wolves already listen to me, its the vampires who will learn"
Alexis felt his breath on her ear and knew he was going to talk to her and it didn't scare her, but she smiled at his voice and fells her heart rate speed up again "Mmm what if i'm a werewolve and don't want to listen to you" she said smiling and sort of teasing him at the same time
"If you want to learn about your real self its suggested to learn how we live as a pack, you don't want to be viewed as outcast, there worse then vampires" Summerset's lips touch Alexis's ear for a split second, she could sense the abnormal amount of power from his scent, touch and voice.
Alexis sighed "Fine, just be lucky i'll listen to you Summerset" she said and raised an eyebrow "have you ever had outcast?" she asked intrigued by this and felt his lips on her ear and stiffened a little at the touch and could fell all the power he really did have and sighed a little, she was really falling for him but didn't know if that was such a great thing to do
"They chose their fate either left to another school or i personaly handled them, its Law all wolf follow the alpha, unless outcasted, or if one challenges current leader." Summerset gets up and sits at his seat, the laughing stopped with only a glance
Alexis was actually curious about this and wanted to learn more about werewolves "Oh okay" she said smiling and noticed the two guys stop laughing and she laughed lightly that all he did was glance and they shut up and then hid her face in her arms and yawned a little, actually tired as she went to be late and wondered if she fell asleep, she would get told off
"Summerset is just a puppy" someone blurted out, June Barren and all the upper class fell silent, the two freshmen looked around and stood up "There wasn't even a fair vote to elect this guy to lead us" and with that the teacher laughed and walked out. Summerset stood up and asked calmly "Is this a challenge pup?" June grabs Alexis, and pulls her aside next to Barren, the class forms a circle. The freshmen then changed, his bones snapped and reformed, his scream turned to a howl and there on all fours a feral wolf, twice his normal size. Summerset grined "Your tiny"with that the room went black and the loudest howl tore the room. When light came back there was a giant three headed pitch black wolf, bright yellow eyes, he could fit the freshmen in his mouth. the three heads spoke in unison "i'll give you one chance" The fear in the dogs eyes ripped into the hearts of everyone, he without a yelp lowered his head and turned back, he quietly sat down. Summerset turned back embracing the bones reforming.