Love in the Other Land

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"SERVES YOU RIGHT YA LITTLE BASTARDS!" The Most Powerful and Mysterious Sebastian Starweaver called up through the floorboards, "EIGHT GOLD A MONTH AND NOT ONE CENT LOWER!"
Leo nodded in understanding. He knew about the Otherland part, and about the mythical creatures and such. Though, the human emotion and interaction part was new.
Glen was lost in thought, and had barely caught what Zenariel had said, but got the jist of it. Thinking hard back to his days as a youth, Glen realized he didn't really remember it too clearly, on account of being over seventy.
Who knows? weirder things have happened. He thought to himself as he responded to Zenariel, feeling less certain this time. "Well, maybe. I reckon that most of us had an imaginary friend when we were younger, but you'd probably know better than me honestly. I don't even know what I had for breakfast this morning; my memory is starting to go, once I even forgot who my own grandson was!"

Turning to the newcomer, Glen welcomed him with a hard slap on the back and a "Welcome to the party, I'm Glen Mackenzie." Then, by virtue of being next to Leo he overheard the conversation of emotions and humanity, and gave his two cents to the discussion. "Well, I certainly have some stories to tell about humanity, considering I've lived 72 years of it. Emotions aren't complex, but they aren't simple things either. Although I'm not sure we really need to teach them about emotion, since that Asura fellow sure seemed to know a lot about anger, and mister Faerun sure knows a heck of a lot about pride and patriotism."
Abijah drifts towards Leo, his countless eyes unblinking and unwavering, "Greetings, I am the servant of the Lord known as Abijah. May I ask your name?"
"Sorry if a bothered you with my stories." Zenariel talked once again with Glen, apologizing while shrugging, and smiling. He noticed Leo was pretty calm, despite the curious situation he was threw into. These humans were very open-minded. He was also glad the angel just left him.

"Young Cadence!" Zenariel lifted his arm, so he could be noticed by the girl. "When you talk about love... you mean the romantic love, right? Because... I believe anyone here experimented at least one kind of love. Love between family; for one's race or one's country; the love for God, and the love for Nature; friendship; the desire to help others and make them happy. All this is love. But it's true that not everyone here lived a romance."

While he talked, he didn't notice light blue marks covering the sides of his face, or that his hair was getting really long, and completely white. The constant transformations from before left his body pretty unstable.
Glen's sudden pat on the back caused Leo to flinch ever so slightly. It had caught him of guard for some reason. He then turned to Abijah and gave a small smile.

"Nice to meet you Abijah, I'm Leo." He greeted. He then looked towards Zenariel as he spoke, and changed.
"Well, I suppose. I'm sure you're right that most of you probably have felt some sort of love. And, it does seem that you all know some kinds of emotions but I think Tull wants you to learn the way humans deal with them. I guess, Tull wasn't very specific, it would have been nice if he was." Cadence said to them all, and replying to Zenariel. She still didn't get why she was doing this, she didn't understand one bit.

Claudia noticed someone was coming, just as Asura decided to take them somewhere else. Once in the forest she choose to continue their talk again. "Very well, but if you ever do need any help you can come to me. I do have to learn about my different forms, but I am not in any hurry. They don't bother me much." She gave him a smile. "I suppose you should start with learning what love is and what it's like."
"Well, look on the bright side." Amelia pauses, perhaps for dramatic effect. "At least you haven't been sent on some kind of grand quest to save the world. That's how these kind of stories usually go, right?"

It's not long until she thinks up another question, though: "Also, uh. It just occurred to me... Where is everyone going to stay?"
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Asura smiled then pulled his arm away from her waist and slid it into his pocket as he nodded. "If I am in any need of assistance reassured that you will be the first I come to if I need any help." He told her with a large grin. When she mentioned about him getting started his grin faltered for a moment. " are right." The prince replied. "I better get started soon, I am on a very short deadline after all." He added.
"As a matter of fact, I've managed to secure a room at an inn." Faerun declared. "Perhaps I'll allow you lot to room with me, as a show of Elven charity. Elves are very charitable, you know."
"It is a blessing to meet you, leo." Abijah wheels slowly turn. "I've met many strange creatures today, what a wonderful day. Truly we are blessed"
"Interesting... the Elf is offering Lodging" Gor'tek muttered to herself, Hmph, what is that Elf's end game? Charitable does not apply to Non-Elves by Elves... That Elf has to be up to something. "It is a very kind gesture offering hospitality to so many individuals. I do hope you know what you may be getting yourself into, if everyone were to accept your hospitality." she said, staring at Faerun.
Cadence listened to Amelia, then the elf. "Well, you can take Faerun's offer, or you can stay at my house. It doesn't matter to me, but any of you all who need a place to stay can at my house." She told them. After all, there was three humans here now that wouldn't have a place to stay. Even she had no idea what to do when she first got there. She didn't have this house until recently.

"Yes." Claudia said in response. She hoped that Asura would feel better some time soon about himself and the situation he was in. She hoped that he would end up happy instead of worried like he has been. "Good luck, I hope you find everything you are looking for. I wish I could suggest a place to start being that this world is so great, but I am unsure myself."
"Who knows if I will even find anything, not everyone's tale ends happily after all." Asura sighed. "But I guess that depends on my actions, no one ever gets far by standing here and complaining like I am; thank you for coming to find me and cheering me up a bit." He laughed and smiled at her. "Here, I'll give you these; they're dark orbs. Break one if you ever in need of me and I will be there." The prince said as he placed four small ,black, spheres into her palm then closed it. "I better leave fath-" Suddenly a griffon flew by, whipping up debris which caused Asura to close his eyes and the sudden backlash of the beast's wings caused him to stumble. He managed to stop himself when his arms were wrapped around something and his lips were pressed something soft that felt oddly pleasant.
"Oh? That's awfully nice of you to offer, thank you." She flashes the other girl a smile. "But, uhhh... How many spare rooms does your place have?"

After asking that, Amelia stands up and stretches some. "Also, when's dinner? I could really go for some soon..."
Zenariel heard Cadence and the others talking. "I cannot help offering a place to stay, for I have none. I don't need it." He shrugged under the kimono. "But I'd like to help someway. It's part of the reason I'm here." He smiled. "I can help a little, young Cadence. While I can't teach about humans... even having some human friends... I know enough about feelings and love. I create dreams, you see... and reach a tiny part of other's hearts."

In fact, that was just part of his mission. He was sent to help the human if possible, and to learn something too vague for him to understand. He also had the impression a few deities just wanted him out of the way for some time. The other things, he would keep to himself.
When he sensed a move behind his kimono, Zenariel finally noticed the transformations he was passing by, and couldn't prevent. The blue markings covered his cheeks and neck, going down through the skin covered by the kimono, and the hair got to his waist. A silverish tail was now close to his legs, but he tried to keep it hidden, not with much success, letting a small tuft of fur escaping from under the fabric.
"You know, your shapeshifting's leaking." Amelia observes, glancing over at Zenariel as he mentions dreams and reaching hearts. "Might want to, uh... Take care of that, I guess?" She shrugs, having absolutely no clue how that even worked.

"Though, how does creating dreams and reaching hearts even work?"
Cadence continued to listen to Amelia's questions. "Well, I have two rooms. My bedroom and a guest room. Each one has a couch though so there can be more than one. I know the humans here probably don't have anywhere to stay so you're free to stay with me. Amelia, you can just stay in my room with me while the two guys get the other room."Uh, dinner well I don't have a whole bunch for everyone but I can probably whip up something soon." She said then paused and listened the other comments. "If dreams can help, then feel free to help."

Claudia's eyes suddenly widen when she saw Asura falling towards her. Though she didn't move, and found their lips were touching and his arms were around her. They were kissing, went through her head all of a sudden. It was a shock to Claudia that she really didn't mind it, so she let it go. She figured she could let him finish at least, it wasn't unpleasant in the least. In fact, it was the opposite.
Hearing Cadence's offer, Glen asked "Really? Are you sure it's okay? I wouldn't want to impose, but I'm not sure I really have a choice. Is it really alright?" Clearly he's quite worked up about having to put Cadence to any trouble at his expense.
"I could help you make dinner, I've picked up a few things, or hoped I have, from helping Martha every once in a while in the kitchen, Cadence, it's the least I could do, since you're being so friendly and helpful." Glen proposed, hoping that he would be able to help somehow.
Gor'tek stares at Candence, as she smiles from ear to ear. "Ha! If you don't have enough food, I shall venture into the woods and procure some game, if you so need." Gor'tek quickly drew her knife from her holster, and instinctively got into a crouching position, and began stalking the grounds, looking to see if there was any small game around the house.
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