Love in the Other Land

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"Worry not, kitsune citizen, protecting the innocent is what I do." It placed a hand on the girl's head in an attempt to pat her. "Just make sure you inform me before climbing into my armor again, or I may have to classify it as... something illegal, I would assume trespassing."
"I know it's very confusing and it's hard to explain everything." Cadence continued. She listened to Amelia's question. "Well, actually there are books that you can read. I am currently reading one right now to learn more about OtherLand. I've only been here for a short time so there's so much more that I am learning about it. I can let you read some of the ones I have. As to why I'm the one teaching everyone, I don't really know. Tull told me to when I got here, I don't get why it's me though I would be grateful for the other humans here to help. Now, I feel the best thing would be for you all to ask any kind of question you would like to know."

Claudia didn't want to go asking questions with these other people here. She felt this wasn't needed anyway. "I will also be back when there are less people here." Claudia stated and suddenly transformed into her dark angel form. She gave everyone a smirk and spread out her wings. She went into the air and began to fly to a place where she knew someone she didn't mind would be after he had left. He shouldn't have have to leave anyway. She could see Asura on the clock tower. She abruptly stopped when she was there, landed then changed back into her human look. She stared at him.
Asura hadn't noticed Claudia was now with him and now staring at the fiery haired prince. He was to busy staring at a ball of swirling flames in his left hand and a ball of darkness in his other. "Darkness or light...which am I? Which path will I lead my people down when the time comes?" He mumbled to himself then dismissed the elements. The prince let out a small gasp of pain as his hand shot up and gripped at where the seal was located. "Damn...first that infernal mage making rude comments about her and now you're acting up." He sighed then lowered his hand before looking up at the sky. "If I learn about this 'love' could I find the answers I seek and see if I want to make her mine?" He asked the wind. "But before that will I survive long enough before the seal finally breaks and I disappear for good?"
"Oh, there are textbooks? Well that makes things easier." Well, that's more practical than Amelia was expecting.

"And, figures. Enjoy being the chosen one, I guess?" She grins slightly. "But more seriously, questions... Well, let's start by trying to pin down exactly what you're here to do. What in specific do you need to teach them? Because 'humans' is a really broad topic covering a bunch of fields. I can't imagine it's something like biology."
Leo was currently reading a book on his bed. He was enjoying some alone time while Allen was at a friends house and their parents were in the living room watching movies, on one of their "stay at home dates" when he noticed a strange bright light coming from the middle of his room. Upon looking up he realized it was a portal.

"What the hell?" Was the first thing to come out of his mouth as he examined the portal. Curiously he poked his hand in and somehow tripped and fell through the portal. He ended up in someone's backyard, it seems.

"What just happened?" He muttered to himself in confusion. He could hear voices from the front yard, and wondered if whoever was in the front yard had any answers....and wouldn't accuse him of trespassing....again.
The armor looked at Leo. "Hello there, civilian. I assume you came here in the same way as these other hue-mans, so I will allow you to stick around without citing you for trespassing or loitering."
At least the suit of armor wasn't like the grumpy old man that lived across the street from the Claymores. Old Mr. Swanson usually threatened to shoot any trespassers he sees, no matter who they were. Leo rose an eyebrow as he examined everyone in the front yard. "Hi. I'm Leo." He said rather awkwardly. When was it everyday you just fall through a portal into someones yard with a rather....interesting group there?
Cadence was just about to to answer Amelia's other questions when some other guy showed up in her yard. "What, are these portals linked to my house?" She joked. "Well, hello Leo. You're currently at my house, I'm Cadence. And, this may be complicated to hear but you're not on earth. You're on OtherLand. I know..I know.. weird but you already missed my explanation so you can either ask someone or wait until later for me to explain it to you." She then focused back on Amelia again. "I don't know, I agree. Humans, you can teach a lot about them. What I've been figuring it out as would be our emotions we're suppose to teach and how we act."

Claudia made a small smile, while the young prince was talking to himself. "You seem troubled." She then stated after his monologue was done. He seemed to be distraught about a few things, one himself, another being the heir...and this her. "I believe, you will make a great King. Whether your seal will break and how you will act, I can't say anything for that and plus I am the wrong person to discuss different forms and real selves too." She paused. "As for 'love', I don't know too much. It seems like such a mundane emotion yet everyone is suppose to feel it. If there's some woman you are thinking about prince and wondering about your feelings, then perhaps it is 'love'."
He shrugged and sat next to Amelia and Cadence, though keeping some distance from them. He didn't want to get into their personal space and he was already feeling awkward.
"They probably are, you know." She pauses to look over at the new guy, and give him a wave in greeting. "Hi." In contrast, Amelia doesn't really look awkward at all.

And then back to Cadence. "Well, that's not that bad. The best way to learn that would probably be by experience though. Plus questions whenever someone's completely stumped on something. I think it'd make more of an impression than just trying to describe everything."
"As an elf, I think I'm something of an expert on humans." Faerun said from atop his sentient armor perch. "Though, I suppose being an elf makes me more qualified than anyone else at anything. But in this case, it's knowing about humans. Go ahead, ask me anything."
"Well that's because humans secretly want to be elves. So much so, that their race subconsciously evolved to look like us." Faerun explained.
Asura was surprised by the sudden voice but calmed when he realized it was Claudia's. "Yes I am, most my age would be running around and hanging out with friends; but here I am with limited freedom or any say in my future." He replied then stood up and turned to face the angel. "It makes me feel better that someone believes in me while I doubt myself." Asura said as he approached her then took her hands and looked at them. "You may not now how to discuss it but ,like me, you are in the same predicament." Then he looked up to meet her gaze. "I think only lucky or unlucky people learn and experience love." The red head chuckled. "Perhaps it is, but could any woman or person 'love' someone who could disappear any moment to be replaced by another version of himself?" His normally brilliant violent eyes dimmed as he touched her cheek and smiled wistfully before breaking their contact. "Anyway, father has given me a deadline; I must learn what love is and find someone to become my princess and future queen before the red solstice comes and goes. If I do not, my father will arrange a selection of available noble women around my age and I will have to choose which to marry."
"Yes, experience would be the best in this situation." Cadence replied with a smile. "Though sometimes those emotions are hard to experience. Even human's don't even really understand their own emotions." Amelia was very right, the best way to learn was to feel the emotions. However, that was usually very hard to do. Some situations felt different to others.

Claudia listened to Asura and nodded. "It seems you do have a lot to think about. Though, I can't really answer anything to help you. I do not know what others will think about you but I do know your versions don't bother me after all, like you say we are very similar concerning that. Perhaps that means, someone else wouldn't be bothered either." She paused again. "If you don't want to have to choose from the woman your father gives you, then I suggest you work on finding your love. If you would like I can help, I don't know anything about it, but if you would like my assistance I am here to help. I wouldn't want to see you unhappy."
The Most Powerful and Mysterious Sebastian Starweaver entered his room at the very top of his tower, and he heard a noise. It sounded like a heavy thud, and then- talking? He reached for his staff, and gave the roof a solid whack.
Somewhere close to where Asura was sitting, there was a sudden muffled *THUMP*, followed by an equally muffled cry of, "THRICE-DAMNED GRYPHONS! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GIT UNTIL YOU COULD AFFORD THE RENT!"
This group was weird yet interesting, in a way. Leo looked towards Amelia and asked; "So, what information am I missing here?"
Amelia looks over towards Leo. "Well, apparently this is a magical world called Otherland. It's full of magical creatures and stuff..." She pauses to glance over the assembled. "As I'm sure you can see. And apparently Cadence here is supposed to help the people here learn about human emotions and interaction. And I don't know much more than that, myself."

Then back to Cadence: "Yeah, that's true. I couldn't explain everything either. Especially, well. Romantic stuff. I get the concept, but I've never really been there and done that myself."
Asura looked back over at Claudia and grinned happily as he listened to her. "At least if everyone ever turns on me I know there is someone I can always trust." He told her. "Thank for being my friend." The young prince added happily. Then he chuckled hearing the second part of her sentence and waved his hand. "You make it sound so easy by saying it like that, I doubt it will be easy with how big our world is. I would appreciate your help but no, you learning about yourself and your forms is much more important then my problems. I think I will suffice on my own." He added then walked over and gently squeezed her hand with a smile.

That's then he heard a sound then looked down at the floor boards with a curious expression. He knew that voice, it was the pervy old wizard from before; Asura really didn't feel like messing with him so he dropped Claudia's hand then wrapped an arm around her waist. "I think we have worn out our welcome. Hold on tight." He said with a smile. Shadows leaked out from under the demon prince and swirled around the pair until they were transported in the clearing of a nearby forest.
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