• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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All right, all right, I'll stop having fun just as soon as I can, but right now I'm falling off my chair due to laughing.
Is that a silencer? I think that it is. Well, that's pointless now that we all saw who holds the gun. *nods sagely* I'd take that off, I think it lessens the velocity of the round.
I liked it better when you supplied me with gore. :P
I race and have chats with my fellow contestants all the time :3 all the way up to the finish line, but there ain't no finish line for this! xD
thank you Aigilas, have you given any thought to the list of junk food while I was gone?
Yes, but I even answered back then. If you add popcorn to the list so I can have something to vote down, I will participate. And/or hamburgers, if those count. I already have things to vote up, and the things I don't know about I will eventually discover hopefully.
np you are very kind I hope I picked the right ones to remove though
I don't recall now which were there to begin with, but now I have things I know I like and things I don't like, so I can definitely participate in the war.
it really gets fun, messy and fast if several peeps are doing the game at the same time and have different tastes lol
Haha. I'm considering saving the candy cane. I only ate one when I was little, but I think I liked it. :D
Yeah, she's a bit of a downer. Think about it this way, then. If you talk to the other people, you post more often and have a greater chance of winning.
That's what I'm doing. :) Especially since I'm usually either waiting for answers or thinking about how best to phrase a post myself. During that time it's convenient to answer all the board games until the word I'm looking for comes to me.
Well, I barely get any responses during the day time. So, I come here and chat.
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