Lord of the Rings

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Nadia follows after Zaos closely. She stops next to him as she looks upon the dead Orc and to the elves before them. She noticed the head elf approaching, he seemed familiar to her but she wasn't able to place him.
When the man approaches Zaos he looks at Nadia and then back at Zaos . Zaos bows his head " Haldir of lorien"
Haldir smirks " you know of me" He says raising an eyebrow , He turns towards Nadia " still traveling i see"​
Nadia nods her head, "As always." She says with a small smile.
Zaos looks at the rest of the elves before he looks back at Haldir " were are you headed? "
Haldir looks back at his troops " we are marching towards Helms deep"
" for what purpose ?" Zaos asks with a worried tone.
Haldir smirks again " we were intrusted by lord Elron to aid in the defense of the keep"
"You are going to battle?" Nadia asks. She glances over to the other elves and then back to Haldir.
Haldir turns away " yes , and we little time " he says as he holds up his hand ordering his troops to begin marching. He turns his head " would you care to lend your bows ?"
Zaos looks at Nadia " what do you want to do?"​
Nadia glances to Haldir "I would gladly accompany my allies in battle." She smiles and nods in acceptance, then turns to Zaos. "Unless you would rather us continue our journey?"
Zaos nods " alright" he says as he returns to shadow.
Haldir turns back around and nods " then welcome" Haldir study's Zaos as he turns away, " you have faced the Nazgul "
Zaos stops when he hears Haldir but does not turn around, " yes" he says as he walks away.
Haldir noticed the black veins that were starting to spread up Zaos neck .
Zaos pulls his mask over his face as he walks up to shadow and climbs on.​
"How does he know that..?" Nadia thinks as she hears Haldir speaking to Zaos. She looks to Zaos with a concerned expression but says nothing. Ka'rok stars at Zaos knowingly. Nadia remounts her horse as she follows the Silvan elves to Helms Deep.

Ka'rok falls behind her and walks next to Zaos.
Zaos just follows behind staying quiet as they rode to helms deep

( you should take control of Haldir lol)​
It was night time whence they had arrived at Helm's Deep. The Silvan elves sounded their horns, signaling their arrival. The guards above on the stone walls glanced at them, one man could be heard shouting to open the gate. The hooded wood elves marched into the keep. Haldir was in the main front leading them, Nadia and Zaos were following behind him in front of the rest of the elves. Haldir stops, Nadia and Zaos follow his lead as the rest of the hooded archers pass by them. Suddenly a man appeared; it was Théoden, King of Rohan.


"How is this possible?" Théoden looks in disbelief at the elves and to Haldir. The marching elves stop suddenly as their leader spoke.

"I bring word from Lord Elrond of Rivendell. An Alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance." Haldir looks up to see Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli appearing before him.

"Mae govannen, Haldir. You are most welcome." Aragorn says and then embraces Haldir, who hesitated for a moment but smiled as he hugged back.

The elves suddenly avert their postions and turn all at once. Haldir turns to the King of Rohan, "We are proud to fight alongside Men once more."

Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli turn their attention to Nadia and Zaos. "Hello again." Aragorn nods his head with a smile to them both.

Legolas smiles as well. "What are you two doing here?" he asks as he approaches them, "Princess." he bows his head, and turns to Zaos, "Nin mellon." (My friend)

"We've come to aid our allies." Nadia answers dismounting her horse. Ka'rok approaches and stands next to her, causing Théoden to stare wide-eyed.

( Will do lol)
Zaos nods towards the group before climbing down from shadow. "yes.. what she said"
After a few minutes the rain starts to fall making Zaos look up and sign " o the irony" he mutters to his self. As the others set up there battle stations Zaos takes a walk around the hold . When he finds a spot were he is alone he leans back on the wall and takes a deep breath before pulling his down so he could see his chest which was now starting to get covered with the black veins .
" it was not just one of the 8 " Haldir says as he steps out from the shadows.
Zaos looks at Haldir in surprise
" you crossed blades with the Witch king" Haldir says as he steps closer to Zaos to examine him.
Zaos covers his self " it is nothing" he says as he trys to walk away.
Haldir pushes Zaos back up against the wall with one hand " do not be foolish , you are in no condition to fight"
Zaos swipes Haldirs hand away " Dina , amin uuma mali " (be silent , i dont care)
" you must seek the lady of Lothlorien if you wish to do away with the plague that consumes your body" Haldir says as Zaos walks away.He turns his head " or you will become one of them"
Zaos stops and thinks for awhile before walking back into the keep.​
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Nadia had followed after Zaos and over heard the conversation between him and Haldir. As she seen what happened she clenches her fist and slumps away before either of them had a chance to see her.

She stood by herself, looking out into the distance as she thought to herself. "Nadia?" she turns her head to see Legolas. He gives her a concerned look as he notices the expression on her face. "Is something troubling you?" Nadia immediately tries to hide the fact she was upset and worried over Zaos. "No. I'm fine, Legolas." she tries to assure him but he gives her a unconvinced look as he walks up next to her. Nadia turns as she leans against the stone. Legolas joins her. "So, why exactly are you and Zaos traveling together? I always thought you traveled alone." he tries to strike up conversation. "Things can change." she tries to avoid the subject. Legolas glances over to her. "You know you are still welcome among me and my people. My father would be very happy to have you there. And you could have a chance to carry on your bloodline. I wouldn't ever let you be alone again. You've been alone for too long as it is." he says, causing Nadia to flinch slightly. "I appreciate the offer, Legolas. I know your intentions are only of good heart, but... I'm not as alone as you think I am." she thought for a moment, and was a bit baffled at Legolas's words. Legolas gives her a suspicious look, "Are the two of you...?" Nadia then turns and begins to walk off, acting as if she hadn't heard him. "I'm sorry, Nadia. I shouldn't have pried into your life... I just don't want to see you alone for all of eternity." Nadia stops for a moment "It is fine... Good luck in the battle." she avoids anymore conversation as she continues forward, and stops at another area where she is off to herself.
" what troubles you" Zaos says from above, He was sitting on the ledge of the upper level of the hold. Zaos looks down​
Nadia looks up in surprise at Zaos, he had startled her. She hesitated for a moment and thought, but only looked away as she answered him "Nothing."
Zaos slides of the ledge and lands near Nadia . The rain begins to come down harder
" nadia" He says turning her face so she would look at him " what is it?"​
Nadia stares at Zaos for a moment before she speaks. "How are you feeling?" She asks as she glances toward his next and chest then back up to his eyes. "Are you sure you are well enough to fight in this battle?" Suddenly her head drops and she shakes it lightly "Why did you not tell me?" She whispers loud enough for him to hear.
As soon as Zaos hears Nadia ask how he was feeling he knew she found out about his condition. " nadia" His eyes widen when he hears her whisper. " ......" Zaos pulls his mask down and takes a deep breath " because it is my burden" He says he looks up at the rain " forgive me"​
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"Am I not by your side now though?" She looks back up, "Can you not come to me?" She pauses for a moment. "So you can kiss me, make me feel for you but you choose to leave me in the dark..." Aragorn and Haldir suddenly signaled that the enemies were approaching in the distance. She turns to look out in the distance before she takes a deep breath, she turns back to Zaos. "I care for you more than anything. It is not only your burden, as long as I am by your side it is both of ours." She states before turning to walk away.
Zaos did not know how to respond when he hears Nadia, He knew she was right and it was selfish of him to keep it hidden.
As Nadia trys to walk away to human archers step in front of her. " Legolas has requested your presence on the outer wall" one of the archers says to Zaos.
Zaos walks up to Nadia " we will speak about this when this is over" He says as he walks past the two archers.
The other archer closes the gap between them so Nadia could not pass " im sorry my lady, we have orders to escort you to the keep"
What Nadia did not know was Zaos pleaded with Legolas to keep Nadia out of harms way during the battle.
Zaos turns his head to look back at Nadia not saying a word.But his eyes express nothing but guilt and sorrow like they were screaming sorry. He pulls his mask up and makes his way to Legolas and the others .

( lol sorry)
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