Lord of the Rings

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Based in the world of The Lord of the Rings in Middle Earth.

Character Information:

Name: Nadia Gentleleaf
Race: Elf
Age: Quite old, but appears to be in her late teens - early 20's.
Origin: The Elves of Haundo. Her home and people were wiped out during the war between Middle Earth and Mordor's Sauron. Now alone, she lives her life hunting and killing Orcs and saving innocent's from evil.
Weapon of choice: Bow & arrows, also a sword.
Companion: Dire wolf.
Ability: Can speak to animals.


The sun began to set in Middle Earth, it barely grazed over the landscape in the distance as it sank lower and lower out of site - the sky growing darker with every minute that passed.
Off in the distance of the setting sun rode a young she-elf sitting atop of a beautiful and large white horse. The horse was walking at a steady pace, in no hurry to get to their destination. The young elf kept her dark brown hood pulled over top of her head and pulled down towards her face - hiding her eyes from anyone's view. She kept a relaxed posture, and held onto her horses reigns firmly.
Following very closely to her was her companion; a Dire Wolf called Ka'rok. He stood roughly about 5 and a half feet tall on all 4's - his fur was a very bright silver which almost illuminated in the setting sun's light. He tagged closely along behind his master's horses heels.
They were headed to the nearest town - Bree, to stay for the night at the Prancing Pony. She had just slain a group of Orcs earlier that evening and was in need of a comfortable place to rest, rather than the usual routine of sleeping in the forests. Slowly she approached the town, right as soon as the mood had risen in the purple-colored night sky.
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Through the forests of Lorien Zaos chases after an orc . As he closes in on the orc Zaos leaps over a fallen tree trunk with his bow at the ready. It only takes secondes for his arrow to find its way into the orcs lower back causing it to stop running and turn slowly around. While Zaos approaches the creature he tilts his head when he noticed the orc had already bin injured. The orc growls and begins to speak in its tongue only to be silenced by another arrow to its chest. Zaos walks up and knees down next to him holding out his dagger. " consider your self lucky filth " Zaos digs his dagger slowly into the orgs chest , The org gives his last screams before choking on its on blood . " death is to good for you" He wipes the blood on his dagger on the orcs fur armor before sheathing it.
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Nadia packed her things back onto her horses saddle. She felt refreshed after a night of being able to sleep in a comfortable bed for once, but it wasn't something she was able to do very often, since hunting Orcs and slaying vermin were her whole life. Ka'rok was still lazily laying on the ground, at the sound of his masters' footsteps he raised his large head, and let out a soft roar as he yawned, pushed himself up and slumped over next to her, tongue hanging out of his mouth and panting heavily. "Where to now, mi'lady?" he spoke aloud - his voice was gruff and had a slight growl that was hidden in his voice. *[Think the wolves from Princess Mononoke, if you have seen it.]*

"We are heading to the east, towards Mirkwood." she explained, "I need to get new supplies and better weapons." she grunted as she took hold of her horses saddle and pulled herself up, mounting him.

"We may come across Orc on the way, it's a day and a half's trip to get there."

"I'm counting on that." she answered in a serious tone, "No matter, I will eliminate every last one of those despicable creatures." she did not say another word and pulled her hood over her head. She gave her horse a kick and exited the small town - heading towards Mirkwood.
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As Zaos gets closer towards his hidden camp the smell of decay begins to get stronger. He stops and faces the direction the wind was blowing closing his eyes . after an hour of following the smell Zaos finds his self looking at a small camp. He ducks down in some bushes when he hears voices. around the camp there were pieces of what looks to be a horse. His eyes widens when he learns who inhabited the camp ~ what?~ These were not simple orks they were a band of Uruk-hai . He pulls out a charm from his shirt . He starts to remember the night his love was taken from him by the very same creatures that now stood before him. He takes a deep breath before moving closer to the camp. there were only a few Uruk-hei that in the camp which means that the others were scouting the area looking for food. He draws his bow watching as one of them heads over to the horse carcass and begin ripping some meat off. He stands up bow at the ready and fires an arrow catching the urakhai in the head. The remaining two immediatly run over to investigate. Zaos rushes at the two fireing another arrow at one of them before pulling out his dagger and rushing at the last urukhai. The last urakhai swings his battle axe aiming for Zaos ribs. Zaos drops to his knees and slides limboing under the axe while slicing at the creatures leg. He quickly stands back up and places the dagger to the Urakais neck who had fallen to its knees. " the half faced Urakhai... where is he?" Zaos demands while pressing the dagger a little deeper into its neck. The urakhai lauphs making Zaos slit its neck in anger. He looks around at the dead creatures trying to find any marks that resembled another band of Urakhai that were led by a urakhai with a face that had a face that was badly damaged. This was the same urakhai who led the attack on his old kingdom and killed the woman he loved.
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It was almost nighttime now, and Nadia had to find a place to settle to rest for the night. Suddenly, she noticed some tracks on the ground, "Daro!" (Halt) she commanded her horse while tugging on it's rains, she wasted no time to dismount him as she rushed over to the tracks to inspect them. She knelt down and examined them, lightly brushing her fingertips along them. Then the scent of Orc was strong. "Ka'rok!" she shouted at her wolf, "Did you pick up on the scent of Orc?" she asked. He looked at her, "Yes, it's all over this area." he growled. "Why did you not tell me?" she asked, raising up from the ground, walking back towards her horse. "I knew you would pick up on it yourself." he retorted. She glanced down at him. "I was going to set up camp for the night... but, if there are Orc nearby, I will just have to deal with them instead." she sighed, remounting her horse as she lightly kicked him, urging him to move "Gwaem!" (Let's go) she commanded.

She rode her horse to a safer area, and removed it's reigns and saddle, "There you go." she lightly stroked his head, "A hauta sinomë." (Rest here) she then turned and took hold of her bow turning to her wolf, he came to her and turned his body for her to mount him. She climbed onto his back and gripped her free hand with his fur to secure herself as he ran towards the scent of the Orc.

The moon was now full, Ka'raok walked to the edge of a mountainside, his eyes glowing bright yellow and his fur illuminated in the moonlight. He growled as he looked down onto the view of a large camp fire, and the sound of Orc could be heard. He lowered his head and growled. Nadia loosened her grip on his fur and began to pet him on the back. "I smell man." Ka'raok stated. "They have humans with them." Nadia scrunched her nose in disgust. She hated Orc more than anything, they had destroyed everyone she had loved, and she was left alone in the world. True there were other elves in the land, but none of them were her family, or her people that she had grown up with for many years. She narrowed her eyes and pulled her hood down over her head and took hold of the mask that was around her neck, pulling it up to cover her face. They took off down the mountain towards the Orc.

When they were close enough, they were quiet and examined the Orc's camp, there were quite a few - maybe 20, probably more were out in the forest somewhere to hunt. Nadia glanced over to the side of the fire, 2 human children were tied together, and 3 Orc were terrifying them talking about how they were going to eat them and who got what. She sneered at them in disgust and then eyed who she believed was the leader since she was much larger than the others. "Now!" she whispered to Ka'rok, immediately he lunged forward, the Orc's didn't hear them or notice until an arrow caught one of the Orc through the neck, they all stared into the forest and roared as they seen them leap from the darkness of the forest and Ka'rok growled as he pounced onto an unsuspecting Orc, taking hold of his head in his mouth and silencing him with a sickening crunch of his jaws. The Orc began to shout to one another and hurried to get their weapons, but in that time, Ka'rok had already taken down quite a few of them - along with Nadia hacking away at any Orc in her path from Ka'rok's back. A stray Orc lunged at Nadia, She prodded Ka'rok - commanding him to jump quickly - he did. Nadia quickly jumped off of his back, and began running at full speed at the remaining Orc, she quickly readied her blade as she sliced and stabbed one by one with ease, dodging every blow thrown her way. When it was down to just one, he stared at her in fear and began to run for the forest in the opposite direction. Nadia smirked under her mask as she took hold of her bow on her back, along with an arrow, she pulled it back and lined her sites on the Orc, she released the arrow - and she watched as he fell to the ground a mere second later. She stared in satisfaction for a moment before turning to the 2 children who were crying still, terrified of the new threat. She walked towards them, as Ka'rok followed behind. She knelt in front of them. "Shh. It's all over now." she cooed, taking hold of her blade once more, "Now be still, I don't want to cut you." she commanded. They froze as she sliced the ropes, freeing them. They both suddenly flew into her, holding her and crying "Thank you!" the oldest boy cried. She placed a hand on both of their heads as she motioned to Ka'rok to come closer. Once she had calmed them down, she took them with her to set up camp for the night, in the morning she would return them to their homes.
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Zaos was already ready starting to pack up his things from his camp. He loads it on to his horse before mounting the horse and heading north . A few hours of riding he finds his self upon another orc camp but this one had already bin cleared. He leaps of his horse and examines the camp again looking for signs of the Half face orcs banner. He takes a knee when he discovers some tracks . He looks in the direction were the tracks lead. He imminently mounts Shadow and follows the direction of the tracks
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Once back to the location of her horse, Nadia prepared a fire and set up camp for the night, giving the 2 young boys her bedding by the fire to themselves. She'd hunted some rabbit and roasted it over the fire for them, and sent them to bed. Now her back was leaned up against a rock, she kept one leg stretched out, while the other was curled up where she rested her arm as she stroked Ka'rok's head gently. She gazed into the fire and over at the 2 children who were now sound asleep. Suddenly Ka'rok's head jolted up as he turned his head, staring off into the forest. "What is it?" she asked. "I smell someone closeby." he answered in a growling voice. "An elf." he stated. "We aren't far from Mirkwood, so it doesn't surprise me." she answered lazily. Ka'rok growled lowly. "They are getting close... very close. Why would they be coming up this mountain at this time?" Nadia sighed, and pushed herself up. She knew he was right, who would be coming up here at this time of night? She had to be wary of strangers, especially since she had 2 children in her care at the moment. She quietly walked to her bow and arrows that were propped up against her bag of supplies, and began to walk into the forest. "Stay here and protect the children. I will scout the area and see if it is a threat." she ordered.
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As the Zaos follows the tracks picks up the scent of something that was not common in these forests . [BCOLOR=#000000]" daro " ( halt) [/BCOLOR]His horse stops walking. Zaos hops off of Shadow and walks in front, He closes eyes and trys to figure out what the scent was from. A few seconds later he turns toward his horse " shadow drego " ( flee) His horse turns around and immediately runs in the other direction. He turns around and draws his bow because now he was sure it was a wolf. Zaos continues to follow the tracks taking his time . After a few minutes he quickly ducks behind a tree when he hears something in the distance. He waits until it gets closer before coming back out with his bow at the ready " uh..." He was surprise when he sees it was a she elf. Still holding his bow out he steps closer " DARO! ... MAN CARAT?" ( stop,what are you doing)
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As Nadia continued to walk deeper into the forest, she took hold of her mask and pulled it up to cover her face, followed by her hood. She moved as silently as possible, with her bow and arrow lowered, but ready at any time. She swiveled her head back and forth, examining her surroundings. Suddenly, she flinched as she sees a single figure come from behind a tree, with a bow drawn towards her. She quickly lifted her own in retaliation at the stranger. She stood her ground as she watched him come closer.

"Mankoi lle irma sint? Mani uma lle merna? Ya ier lle?" (Why do you want to know? What do you want? Who are you?) "Lower your bow now!" she shouted.
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" ava quete " ( be silent ) Zaos shows no intention of lowering his bow. He examines her atire to try and figure out where she hailed from. " Naneye Zaos of mirkwood " ( i am ) " who are you ? where you the one responsible for those orc? " He asked in a demanding tone. He pulls the string of his bow a little further back. " Mankoi Lle holma ve'edan " ( why do you sell like a human) Zaos did not trust humans so it bothered him that the she elf had there scent on her.
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When Nadia sees this strangers reaction, she pulls her bow back farther. "Naneye Nadia." She answers. "Last of the Haundo Elves. And if you are referring to those vermin down the mountain, then yes that was me." She shouted to him. "I have 2 small children with me. The Orc murdered their family and had them tied up at the camp - they were going to eat them, so I have them with me until I can get them somewhere safe." She explained, not taking her sites off him for a second. "So, Zaos, it is only common courtesy to explain why you are here."
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Zaos does not ease up when he hears her explain her self. " i fear you will not make it far with them" He says with a serious tone. Zaos slowly lowers his bow but still kept it drawn " i was following tracks .. i thought it was a warg i was following" He takes a step back before raising his bow
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"I've done it before countless times." She replies in a calm tone. Her eyes widen when she sees him lower his bow and then raising it again, she narrows her eyes not knowing what his next move will be - prepared to fire any moment.
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Zaos fires his arrow but it zips past Nadia to pin a Huge spider to the tree behind her " countless times huh" he says tilting his head. " but this is not why" He says as he walks past her towards the pinned spider. " have you not notice yet all the scouting camps " he says while pulling out his dagger and looking back at her " i take it the dark lords army shall be upon us soon" Zaos drives his dagger into the spider ,killing it.
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Nadia gasps as Zaos released his arrow and she heard it zip past her. She didn't release her bow, for some reason unbeknownst to her. She stared at him for a moment before turning to see a spider that he had shot. She sighed as she retracted her arrow and placed it back into the quiver slung on her back as she held her bow at her side. "I've noticed." She stated. "I have been wiping out as many as I can with my dire wolf" she stated. She watched as he came closer, walking behind her and killing the spider. "Thank you." She thanked him.
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" Is that so " Zaos says as he pulls out the dagger and cleans it with a cloth he pulls from his robe. " do not thank me yet" He says looking around to see Spiders slowly creeping down from the trees that surrounded them. " there starting to grow bolder by the day" He says before whistling. Seconded later Shadow appears from the shadows of the forest stopping next to Zous. He leaps onto his horse before turning his head and extending his arm " they will just keep coming" He raises one eye brow " or is lady Nadia slayer of countless orcs going to waste time killing spiders " He says in a jokingly tone.
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Nadia stared at him in silence, then glanced upwards to see more spiders working their way down from the trees toward them. She jolted her head back towards Zaos as he whistled and glanced at a horse running out of the shadows of the first to his side. She gazed up at him as he extended his hand to her. She hesitated for a moment but reached out her hand to him, taking hold of his.
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Zaos pulls her on to her Shadow in front of him " hold on" He says as His horse takes off. After a few minutes of riding He slows Shadow until he just started to walk. The scent of the wolf started to get stronger. " your wolf.... he does not eat horses does he? " He asked getting a little worried as they crept closer to her camp.
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"No." Nadia answered. "He listens to me, I can speak to him. He will not strike unless I give the command." She tensed up slightly, not used to being around or speaking with anyone like this, let alone another elf. She turned her head slightly to face him, "Le'
hannon." (Thank you) she thanked him again. "May I ask who you are, Zaos?"
Zaos just gives her a silent nod when she thanks him. He uncovers his face when she asks him who he was. " a ranger from mirkwood .... well was...." He pulls out a piece of cloth that had a symbol on it and holds it in front of Nadia . " im searching for a group of orcs who carry this symbol as there banner"
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