Lord of the Rings

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Nadia nods at Zaos, and grips onto her wolf as tight as she can. Ka'rok looks to Zaos, "I've picked up on their scent, follow me, I'll lead you to them." he growls before turning and beginning to run steadily to the West.
Zaos did not really trust the riders but they needed something to fight the infection , He follows behind Ka'rak making sure to keep an eye on Nadia .​
Nadia was suffering in silence on the ride, every move Ka'rok made sent a shock of pain through her side. She took one of her hands and clutched it tightly. "It feels like my body is on fire." she thought to herself. Ka'rok could hear her trying to stifle her pain and turned his head slightly as he continued to run, "Nadia?" he growled. "I'm fine, don't worry." she lied.

After so long they came across the camp. Men were standing around as they watched Nadia and Zaos approach the camp.
Zaos jumped off of Shadow and walks up to one of the man which moved out of the way to reveal the same man that Zaos spoke with. The man walks up to Zaos " something wrong?" He looks up at Nadia who was on her wolf before looking back at Zaos " is she ok?" Zaos goes back to Nadia and helps her off of Ka'rok " her wound is infected, she needs healing" The man walks back to his tent " bring her" He says before entering. Zaos takes Nadia into the tent were he lays her down on a fur hide that was on the ground. The man looks down to see her cut and orders one of his men to bring there healer. He takes a knee and looks at Zaos " what are you two doing at the edge of are borders" Zaos places a wet rag over Nadias head " we were hunting " He lies. The man study's Zaos for awhile " hunting .. right"
Nadia looks up to the man. "We're just passing through. We were hunting and those Orc attacked us." she attempted to back up Zaos's claim. She tensed up slightly, hesitant to let the others look at the wound, she slightly held onto her clothing, keeping herself concealed except for around the actual wound. She did not want any of them to see any of her scars. She looked up to Zaos for a moment before turning away.
The man stands up " i do not care if you are lying to me, as long as your not orcs" He said as he watches an old man walk in to the tent. The old man walks over and begins looking over Nadia. Zaos looks down at Nadia " i will go check on Ka'rok" He says before he leaves the tent. The other man looks down at Nadia " a silver elf hunting with an ..." He thinks for awhile " what exactly are you "
"Haundo elf." She answers as she closes her eyes. "A race that has long since passed."
" and yet you lay here " He says sitting down on a near by crate. " i am Eomer the lord of Mark" He looks back at Nadia he "and Men of the Mark do not lie, therefore they are not easily deceived" He says referring to there claim about hunting.​
"I am the last." She adds at his first comment. "I apologize, Lord Eomer. We mean no harm... We are merely passing through, on a journey." She states. "I am Nadia. Former princess of the Haundo elves." She introduces herself.
" a princess" He says with an unconvinced face " yes and im the king of mark"

( omg i totaly screwed up lol he was suppose to become the king of mark after the war in Gondor ...XD at this current time he was suppose to be banished by the king of mark lol)​
"I see." Nadia turns her head and looks up at the top of the tent above her. "I don't exactly consider myself a princess anymore."

(Lol it's fine, you could always edit it or just pretend you didn't screw it up and go with it like it didn't happen xD)
The old man finishes his inspection and hands her a bottle with green liquid in it. " this and some rest will do the trick my lady" He says before standing up and walking out . As the old man leaves Zaos enters " how do you fair?"
Eomer looks up at Zaos " she will be find, take a seat " he says gesturing at another crate . Zaos takes a seat before taking a deep breath . " thank you" Eomer examines Zaos robes " i was led to think an elven ranger was gifted with healing properties " Zaos shakes his head " my powers are failing me, ever since i was attacked by Nazgul"
Hearing Nazgul made Eomer a little worried " black riders? here?"
Nadia takes the bottle from the old man and nods her head. "Thank you." She sees as Zaos walks in and pushes herself up, leaning back on her hands for support. Nadia heard Zaos say his powers were failing him and she stared at him in slight shock and worry.

"No, not here. Further North. But I suppose it's possible that they could be anywhere now." Nadia answers Eomer.
Eomer thinks to his self for awhile before looking Nadia then back to Zaos " and were you two heading?"
"to a elven camp near the white mountains" he says keeping a strait face. Eomer nods his head " i see, then you may stay the night " He says as he stands.
" why are the riders of Rohan so far from your king?"
Eomer stops at the exit and turns his head " he is are king no longer" he says as he exits. Zaos looks at Nadia with a worried look​
"It seems as if every kingdom in middle earth is falling." Nadia speaks as she looks to Zaos. "Your powers of healing... I'm sorry they've been weakened... Is everything else alright aside from that?" She asks and then begins to lift herself up from the bedding.
" rest nadia" he scolds her when he she trys to sit up. " and drink it" he says looking at the bottle in her hand. " there is no reason to be sorry, im sure my powers will return" he says as he looks down at his hands.​
Nadia sighs as she opens and drinks the bottle and then lies back down. "I hope so." She takes a deep breath before looking back to Zaos. "We need to leave as soon as we rest."
Zaos nods " alright" He stands up and walks over to the lantern and puts it out. He looks at Nadia " get some rest" He says as he walks towards the exit​
Nadia doesn't say a word as she watches Zaos. Her mind was cluttered with everything from the last few days, and the days to come.
Zaos walks up to Ka'rok " shes in the tent" He looks at Ka'rok and does a head gesture trying to tell him it was alright to go in. Zaos walks over to Eomer who was at the camp fire . " mind if i take sit" Eomer nods while he drinks from a cup made from a horn. " want some" Zaos takes the horn and drinks from it but immediately hands it back " wine?" Eomer smirks " yup, wouldn't leave home with out it"​
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