Little White Lies (A battle of two bands) (OPEN)

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I'm sorry if my chars a bit too bitchy
(; ^ ;) everyone and I'm hoping no one takes offense to my chars comments, also I gotta go for tonight and will be on tomorrow at about 1pm tomorrow to continue to Rp with everyone, since I have a half day tomorrow. Anyway goodnight everyone.
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Anddddddd this is the part where everyone realizes why on Belle's character sheet it said she's friends with "Anyone willing." I kinda want her to tell at least one or two of her bandmates about her DID, or have them figure it out; just so they back her up on the fact she isn't really a bitch, and so that they don't totally hate her, and realize that deep down? She's completely alone... *Tear tear.*

Anyways... Sorry for any cut-offs with my posting. I'm trying to keep awake, and I wanna make sure I don't fall completely behind when I fall back asleep. SeLf cOnFlIcTiOn iS CoNfLiCtInG.
I'm sorry if my chars a bit too bitchy (; ^ ;) everyone and I'm hoping no one takes offense to my chars comments, also I gotta go for tonight and will be on tomorrow at about 1pm tomorrow to continue to Rp with everyone, since I have a half day tomorrow. Anyway goodnight everyone.
Honestly, I can't complain, considering my character is bitching right back. XD
I think we're all smart enough here to differentiate characters from their role players, no need to apologize.

to reply or not to reply
/sways with indecision

but yes good night sweet dreams you lovely folk you <33
@Sav The Zombitch

those claws...i've never seen anything that sharp o_o

also next post (if i make one) will be the last for the night. gotta get some sleep for work/class 2morrow. i really enjoyed today.
Yup. XD Belle isn't like that; ever. Which, of course, nobody actually realizes that it isn't her.

Thus the previous statement of:

Anddddddd this is the part where everyone realizes why on Belle's character sheet it said she's friends with "Anyone willing." I kinda want her to tell at least one or two of her bandmates about her DID, or have them figure it out; just so they back her up on the fact she isn't really a bitch, and so that they don't totally hate her, and realize that deep down? She's completely alone... *Tear tear.*
Yup. XD Belle isn't like that; ever. Which, of course, nobody actually realizes that it isn't her.

Thus the previous statement of:
hopefully krim can make it there for her to be comfortable enough with him to tell him. long road ahead
hopefully krim can make it there for her to be comfortable enough with him to tell him. long road ahead
Yeah. ^_^

I'm pretty sure we have no idea... 'Long' is likely an understatement. XD
And before I pass out....

~Bloodrayne Daily Fun Fact~

Here, we have.... Bloodrayne's ring splints. Due to her EDS, Bloodrayne is required to wear these twenty-four-seven, lest she wants her fingers to cramp up and ache more than usual. Along with these EXTREMELY expensive silver ring splints(she feels incredibly guilty for making her parents pay for all of the things her plethora of medical issues require her to have), she also almost constantly wears both a left and right knee brace, left and right ankle braces, a back brace she does her best to conceal, and a right wrist brace. Because of this, she faces constant bullying, part of the reason she is so withdrawn, timid, shy and quiet.

(("Aww, if it isn't the little brace-girl.."
"Ask me to back off again, and by the time I finish with you.. Let's just say if you need a wheelchair now? You'll be on life reserves when I'm through with you."
"How much did you say these rings were worth, twerp? I'm sure I could use em to buy things worth much more than your pitiful health.."
"Chronic illness or not; even if you're my little sister.. You're a disgrace. Pathetic. A waste of air, time, money, and space; so scram."
"What was that, scrawny? Did I hear you say... Stop? Oh, no... We aren't stoppin yet; the fun has only just begun."
"Oh, please! You can't even save yourself! What's to make ya think you can save some other lowly street rats?"))
What time zone are you guys in? I feel like most of you are a few hours ahead of me

(Random I know)

Also, I don't have practice tomorrow which means I'll have a few extra hours that I can use to finish everything and get my first post up! Sorry it's taking so long, but monday tuesday and wednesday are the hardest days to find time to do anything :(
I'm in CST ~ nwn

ALSO, I probably won't be around much this weekend.
I have a field study on Saturday morning, then going home for a family reunion on Sunday, then going back... etc.
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@AtomoSK and @Lilpuff , lol Liona may be like that a lot only if someone pisses her off pretty badly.

@Pine , Yes I understand that but it still makes me feel bad especially since my chars nothing like my char. And reading my chars actions and words makes me feel a bit bad about it later. I see arguments like the ones the chars just had happen everyday in school and within my entire family and seeing that even causes me to feel sad and sorry. So it's not a matter of everyone's intelligence but my own emotions vs my writings that made me feel bad and feel the need to apologize. Additionally have a wonderful time at your family reunion!

Finally I'm in the Eastern Time Zone as well and I just wanted to reply to everyone's post directed towards me before I head out to school. Bye-bye everyone and I hope you all have a great day!
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I understand what you're saying. /pats
I don't know if there's any way to change the way you feel, but just try not to feel bad, yeah?
We understand.

As for me, personally, one of my biggest pet peeves is people associating myself with my characters, because my characters are jerks 90% of the time, so obviously if that's the way people perceive how I think and feel... that's not a good thing, haha.
Though for role plays, ESPECIALLY a role play like this, we're kind of all out to stir up some sort of drama, y'know?
Idk, I'm a lover of conflict when it comes to role playing, and something where everyone got along so perfectly and could hold hands and sing the song from How the Grinch Stole Christmas would bore me to tears.
So I'm not getting onto your case for apologizing, but just know that none of us are mad or anything. c:
I'm on pst :/ but it won't be an issue for long because I'm moving to VA in two weeks
*nods* Yes I understand. And thank you as well for being understanding. (*^ν^*)
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sorry whats happening, was at school
It's all good.
I don't think anything significant has happened as far as the ooc goes.

This was something I just bugged Adira about, but could you possibly tell me the exact role of a manager versus the band leader?
I'm assuming that the manager is in charge of trying to broker deals for them or w/e and the leader is in charge of the band itself...?
also knowing who recruits members and decides what they do would be helpful

sorry for stupid questions orz
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