Lewi and RushieSlushie

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Kieara purred happily and looked for which room she wanted to make a nursery.
He follows but stood in front of the masters bedroom and marveled at the size then came back to her, rubbing her stomach from behind.
Kieara purred feeling it. "Which room should be a nursery?"
He nodded to the room right in front of theirs. "This one my love."
It was a light blue painted room with white trim, large enough for good furnishing for the baby. Colt looked to her with a smile "Already ready for the baby? We still have a long wait.."
"I know we do. Is there any way to figure out gender?"
Not for awhile my love..maybe they have a doctor here.." He nuzzled into her neck "Let's not hurry though...but what do you wish for?"
He licked along her cheek "...Hmm..maybe a girl~"
Kieara purred and went to explore the rest of the house happily.
he followed her, it had a nice size, and right outside their backdoor was a path to the cherry blossom gardens. "You can head out if you want my love I'll be looking over more."
He shook his head, kissing her deeply "I;'kll have dinner ready soon though, but you go on ahead."
Kieara purred and went to play in the cherry blossoms.
He watched her from the window, Soon she was greeted by a female reindeer who smiled to her, walking up. She had wide hips and was a bit curvy, but she smiled to Kiearra "Hi!"
The reindeer smiled and walked up. "You are the new ones with that wolf man right?"
she smiled and hugged her quickly "Yay! What's your name hun? I'm Tiffany~
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