Leionas: City Born of Dragon

  • Thread starter HelloBeautifulChild
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6:45A Sunday, August 12, 5082
It was early when the sun burst into the bedroom home of James and Jennifer Touche, but James was already awake. Raised by a family of mages, James was used to getting up at 6:30A every Sunday. However, when he had woken up to find his wife laying on his chest and sleeping, he didn't have the heart to make her get up any earlier than he had to. They had had a lovely Saturday, spending it lazing around and listening to the radio before ordering take out.

"Jenn," He said, no longer rubbing her back lightly and rhythmically. "Wake up, we've got to go to church, pick up the kids."

Jennifer looked at her husband now, having been awake almost as long as he had. She knew he didn't want to bother her but he always lightly rubbed her back, and while it wasn't a bad or disruptive feeling, it did wake her up. She wouldn't tell him that, though, because it was one of her favorite ways to wake up.

"Yeah, I know," She said. She sat up then, stretching and yawning. She laughed as her husband did a quick squeeze on her boob with a smirk on his face. "Oh no, c'mon, get your shower and I'll make some tea."

James faked a groan and followed her out of the bed, hugging her close to him from behind.

"Again, c'mon, we have church, the kids'll be waiting," She said. "Take your shower."

James made a final, fake, defeated groan and marched himself to the shower. He wasn't upset though, it had been about 20 minutes since he'd wanted that anyway and she was right, they had church to do. He washed up as Jennifer made tea, coming out to see her hair unbraided and damp from the shower before. She was also dressed in her favorite dress, a dark blue that matched her eyes. He kissed her lightly before taking his cup of tea while she brushed her teeth and otherwise got ready for the morning.

When she was done they headed to church, bringing with them a hot pitcher of the tea for the pot-luck. When they got there James' little sister, Susan, found her way to him.

"Good morning," She said, "I hear you talked to Jamie(@Ace)." She looked over at her best friend, Mary, and smiled. "She seems to be looking for him right now."

"Well good," Jennifer said, "I hope they're happy tog- oh gosh!" When Jennifer looked at the time, 7:06A, she panicked and headed to the nursery room. Though children attended all of the same things as the adults, the kids that were not yet 5 had their own room and classes, which were run with the help of Jennifer.

James laughed as he watched his wife run off and looked to Susan, "Yeah, he sounded nervous though, did he already ask?"

"Oh, no," Susan said. "He left her a message at her office, and to be fair she is usually there."

"True," James said. "Well, I hope she doesn't find him until after, otherwise you two will spend the whole sermon gossiping and dad'll have to call you out again."

"Oh no, we wouldn't be able to do that," Susan said. "I tried to talk with her last week, she wasn't very specific but something to do with work and she couldn't give out such a bad impression?"

James nodded, a lot of stuff (when you worked in the government) was hush hush, especially with Mary's job.
7:01 AM Sunday, August 13, 5082​

Waking up Sunday morning was a startling experience. It was not slow, or by any means, a transition from the infinite depth of sleep to the flat waking world. He felt groggy, and blinked several times to rouse himself.

Sunday, his brain reminded him as he pushed himself up out of bed. Already he was being tossed into the day. Jamie took a deep breath to wake himself, and took a few moments to stretch. A series of satisfying pops made him feel good, like everything was realigning. When he left his room to brush his teeth, shower, and shave, his mind decided to focus on the church breakfast potluck. He had cartons of eggs and packages of sausages he planned to make up in bulk.

The man left is bathroom feeling sufficiently steamed and cleaned, and dressed in his Sunday best. Every Sunday he wore the same white shirt and wore two or three different colored three-piece suits. Dress pants, a vest, and a two-button jacket. No tie, a loose collar, and the jacket to drape over his arms unless it was particularly cold that morning. He could vividly remember Rose picking out for him. She said it was stylish, and looked good on him... the vest was somewhat slimming. He remembered buying it because style was something that would help him seem appealing as an elected representative. Since he wears a different uniform, something more military-grade, his campaign outfits were recycled for Sundays.

Jamie didn't take too much time to get dressed, because he knew making enough eggs and sausages to be useful was going to take some time. He immediately heated the stove in the kitchen with a gesture and a closed fist. A fire started as it did every morning, and after shuffling for the large enough pan, he set it on the stove and assembled the eggs, sausages, and a stick of butter. He started another fire and found another pan, then poked his head around the appropriate cabinet for a couple spatulas.

Eventually, Jamie had a sizeable helping of scrambled eggs in a large, light weight clay bowl, and another smaller bowl holding sausages about the length of a grown man's palm. He placed a sealing charm over both bowls, set the bowls down, suddenly remembered the file on his kitchen counter from the night before, ignored it, put on his shoes, and left his apartment and out the door to the world outside.

It was almost 8, so he walked briskly, trying to take the most direct route. When he got there, he made his way to where the other food would be, gently making his way around people and trying not to brush into them. He set his eggs and sausages down. The representative realized all too late that he'd neglected to bring a serving spoon, and he sighed as if existentially disappointed.

He was feeling a little lightheaded, having skipped breakfast to make breakfast, and grabbed one of the muffins available and moved away from the table. As he ate, his eyes skimmed the many faces in the church this morning, wondering if he would see Mary here. Or Rose—she occasionally visited on Sundays, when she had time. Jamie was always happy thinking of his beautiful older sister. If she was here today, he'd have to ask that she visit for dinner with his parents tonight.
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Ace said:
He placed plastic saran wrap over both bowls
Hey @Ace, I loved your post, but there's not saran wrap in Leionas. How would they make it? It would be a short walk however, so it is possible that he wouldn't wrap them up at all. There would also be bags, plats to place on top, and glassware that would be used as tupperware.

Sorry to be so picky, but I think it's important we stay to the same general theme of progress with what all the city has.

Other than that the post is great, :)
Don't worry about being picky! I should probably try being more magically-inventive anyway, I feel like the mindset has escaped me. I'll edit out the saran wrap no problem ^^
7:33 AM Sunday, August 13, 5082
Mary's eyes brightened when Jamie came into the church, dropping off his food at the pot luck counter. She had to remind herself to be calm as she headed over, fidgeting with her dress and hair. She hummed the calming tune and took a deep breath when she got closer, liking the way his clothes looked on him. I wonder what they look like off of him? A voice rang through her mind, Mary's eyebrows and eyes jumped up in panic at the voice, had she thought that? No, she wouldn't think something so scandalous. NO, but then that meant she was hearing voices, oh shit she was crazy.

Instead of announcing herself or casually making herself known to Jamie, Mary found herself staring in his general direction but not saying anything as she overprocessed, and worried about the 'phantom' thought.

"Mary?" Susan's mother, a kindly old woman, asked with concern. "Do you need Jamie?"

Mary blushed so hard her face was bright red and it hurt, "Oh, Mrs. Touche, no, uh, Jamie((@Ace)) just left me a message yesterday and I-" She really hated Susan right now, somehow making this her fault. She was a book worm, not some harlot, guys were not her specialty. Especially when it wasn't guys but men, as Jamie was. Of course, at 23 she couldn't claim herself a child.
7:30A Sunday, August 12, 5082
Lilica was up early, not that she ever woke up late in the first place, but Sundays were special. She took out her best dress, which was still extremely shabby and well-worn, and her most uncomfortable shoes and headed down the hill. Bypassing Hamilton Mill completely, she made her way to Trinity Corner, trudging quietly. The only thing she took with her was a very threadbare Dresiden bible and a small percentage of all the money she had. She slipped into the solemn congregation by the back, at eight o'clock on the dot. A few of the people closest to where she was sitting cast her scandalized glances and scooted further away. Lilica was used to this behavior. She got it every time she came here. One would think most of them would be used to this dirty, unkempt urchin slipping in every Sunday at precisely eight, but somehow they never did. She herself wasn't sure if they were even the same people, but their reactions were always the same. They stared at her a bit, avoided her, and whispered uncomfortably while casting her scathing glances until the congregation started. She couldn't blame them, though. They probably could just tell that something was wrong about her... different, unholy. But despite this distinctly hostile behavior, she felt most calm in the church. She might be a sinner and the least worthy individual in the entire building, but at least here she could throw herself at the feet of mercy, accepting the fact that she was a monster without having to face it alone.

"All rise." In a great wave of motion, every one of the well-dressed individuals stood and opened their hymn books as the leader instructed they turn to a page in their hymn books. There was one in the pew in front of her, but Lilica did not dare touch it. She'd washed her hands and face as thoroughly as she could, but she still felt too dirty to do anything that bold. This was how she spent every Sunday anyways. While the others sang, she kept her mouth shut and waited for the giving of tithes and the ensuing sermon. Today's was about stamping out the evil in ourselves and in our community. How apt. She kept her eyes forward, listening to the preacher carefully, ignoring the people around her. She tried to absorb every word, wanting to get as much as she could from this. Suddenly, a little boy ran up next to her. It seemed he had escaped from his nurse, who was hurrying through the doors after him, trying to be as quiet as possible. He looked up at her with his beautiful, innocent eyes and put one hand idly on her leg. She flinched.

The nurse took one look at her and snatched the child away as if Lilica had been opening her mouth to bite him. There was no indignation in her chest for this behavior, merely a sort of bland understanding. She made no move to stop the woman from backing away. The child in question, however, was not so inclined. He opened his mouth and began wailing. The preacher stopped the sermon and suddenly, every eye was on her and the nanny trying to wrestle the little boy under control. Almost as a matter of course, people went from looking pityingly at the nanny, to looking at her with accusation. They all thought she had done this. Had she done this? Had she hurt the child? Was that why he was crying? Panic shot into her system, and she could feel it coming, the demon the magic. No. Not here. God no, please.

Lava burst from her glowing red palms splashing onto the ground and burning through the wood of the pews. People were screaming, running. The preacher was thundering words of retribution and sin. She tried putting it out, tried stopping it, but it just spread. It was just one thing after another, wasn't it? First, her hut had been destroyed, now this. She stood and fled, lava still trickling from her hands, tears filling her eyes.
As he was eating the muffin, Jamie noticed Mary eventually. He hadn't planned to walk up or say anything to her, still hinging on the time he had left before she called him back, but it worked out anyway, because she seemed to be in a discussion with a lady he didn't recognize. Jamie looked away and focused on his muffin.

The sweet, breaded pastry, delicious as it was, quickly disappeared. A muffin wasn't meant to hold a grown man's attention, especially when he was hungry. So once it was gone, his attention was cast to the choir and the Mage Representative. He was thinking of work, government, mundane things, when there was a gentle hand on his arm and a familiar voice.

"Jamie!" it—she—said with a smile. He turned to see his elder sister, and didn't hesitate to envelope her in a hug.

"Rose, I'm so glad to see you!" he pulled away, kissed her on the cheek, then gave her a good once-over at arm's length. "How are you? You look as beautiful as ever." She was wearing a red infinity dress that went down to her knees. A red bow, attached to the dress, decorated her lower back. The dress had no sleeves, and a collar was formed by tying two bits of cloth together, to form a halter.

She laughed. "Jamie," the woman sounded chastising, but he was all smiles. The bond between him and his older sister was the closest one he had to anyone. "I'm very well, and yourself? How's work?"

"Good," he slid his hands into his pockets. "Busy."

"Me too," she said and looked at the podium. "It's been a while though, I thought I'd make time."

"That reminds me, I called Mom yesterday and invited us over for dinner, do you think you'll make it?"

"I'm sure I can set something aside." she responded casually.

They talked about work and the things that happened recently. There was only so much that Jamie could share, but he did talk about the government ball, nearly asking her to come with him if he didn't remember Mary. He wondered if she was done speaking with that lady. He thought to glance around, but Rose seemed to be noticing his brief distraction, the way that her words trailed off in equal parts patience and impatience. Instead of making her feel like she should ask, he jumped back into their conversation.
7:30A Sunday, August 12, 5082
GM Post

He was dressed nice today, and it was on purpose. Today he'd start with his creations, he smiled as he closed his eyes and opened them again. They were fully white now, a side effect of the spell he used to watch his creations go throughout life, as he had done since they were born. He blinked again, ending the spell. He snapped lightly, sending a burst of magic throughout the city. After checking his looks in the mirror, dark hair, clean shaved, and a clean black suit with a red tie, white shirt, and gray vest, he decided it was time.

He laughed as he sent thoughts to Mary, such a prude after her life growing in a church.
I wonder what they look like off of him?

He headed to where he knew he'd find the first, Lilicia, with her red hair and long dress. She was running away from the Dresiden church, and though he was amused he kept it to himself. He didn't make himself known, simply needing to see her in person to finish activating her magic. When she was little, and getting ready to be baptized by the Dresidens, he had been forced to put camouflage on the magic so they wouldn't find it and kill her. It was still there, of course, but it was time to take off the camouflage. He wondered lightly as she finally got into his eyesight if it would hurt her at all, but with a shrug he undid his spell. He didn't really care if it hurt her, though as a precaution he headed away with haste, in case she destroyed the town.

7:50A Sunday, August 12, 5082
Mary gave up, her face still pained from the blushing, and went to Suze and James.

"Hey," She said, slightly deflated, but eating a muffin so things could be worse.

"So..." Suze said, "How'd it go with Jamie?"

"I, uh, stared at him and blushed so hard my face hurts." She said.

"Why?" James asked, confused. "You've never been nervous around him before."

I thought a disturbing thought, one that's not appropriate for a non-married woman... "Bad morning," She said.

"Oh well, he'll talk to you after the sermon, I'm sure." Suze said, trying to bring the conversation to a lighter note. "Oh, by the way, I left my blueberry lotion at your place yesterday, do you have it?"

"No, I can bring it to you later though," Mary said.
"Let's get settled now," John decided when he looked at the clock, 7:59AM and slowly ticking closer to 8AM, start time. The choir, a group of fellow mages singing calming tones. "Everyone take a seat."​

"See you," She said to the siblings before going to her seat, next to her brother and parents. Just as she sat down, however, she felt a wave of magic. Soon after, neer the end of everyone sitting, she saw a man walk in and sit all the way in the front row right next to her. She looked at him with confusion, not recognising him or his bright red tie. He only winked, making her look at her fingers in nervousness.

James looked over at Mary as he and his sister sat down, noticing the magic and then the entrance of the strange man. He didn't like it.​
The Military Representative and his lovely sister turned their attention to the podium at the front of the room. The conversations in the room seemed to fade in chunks, and Jamie took the time to find a seat with his sister. They picked a row closest to them, in the middle of the room, and sat in the chairs closest to them, at the far left seats in the end of the row.

Though it wasn't immediately clear to Jamie, a presence in the church began to affect him. He was struck with this feeling of being watched, at first, because the sensation could only be described as an acute awareness of something vague.

At first it was like a shiver, his skin reacting to something sensitive. Then it felt like an itch as his mind tried to dismiss it, pretend it was nothing. He began to scratch the back of his neck, and despite himself, turned to look over his shoulder. Jamie had no idea what he was looking for, but whatever it was, he only saw Wiccians present for church.

"Are you okay?" Rose asked quietly, tugging his sleeve for his attention. Startled, he turned to her, hand awkwardly resting over his neck as if to flatten his bristles. "You seem very distracted," she mused, her red lips pursed, eyes momentarily searching him for someone to blame, like when they were younger and Rose was his primary support for everything.

Rather than lie, he said, "I've had a busy couple of days." The feeling had eased since his distraction, but he got the feeling it was still there, just in a different spot. Trying not to prolong the conversation so that neither would be rude to Mr. Touche, and those trying to listen to him, Rose slipped her arm in a gap between Jamie's torso and his elbow. It was meant to be comforting, and all things considered, it was. She whispered, "We'll talk about it later." to him, and the conversation was over as they put their attention on the sermon.
Alex walked around to many different shops. He never bought anything, but it was fun to see what prices his own shop was up against. He paid no attention to other people as he just tried to clear his mind that was still swarming with notes from his book. He never did get to finish it all in one night like he wanted to, but he didn't have too much left to read, he could be done in an hour once he got back home.

Alex looked towards a wall clock that he could barely see in the back of a furniture shop. He squinted his eyes, barely able to see the where the clock was pointing at past all of the tall furniture, and then gasped when he realized it was 7:55. 'Crap, I've never been late to these things!' He started mentally scolding himself as he ran out of the shop towards the church. 'They're not going to think too highly of me if I'm late...'

A noticeably less amount of people were out, as they were most likely already at the church. Alex still ran past any shop and stands that he saw, quickly glancing in one of the shops at the clock as he was running past: 7:59.

The church was only a couple minutes away, he could make it. He ran faster, thankfully this street had only one or two people that could see his frantic running, as he ran up to the entrance of the church. He paused, trying to control his breathing and smoothing out his clothes, as he calmly entered the doors like nothing happened and took a seat in the back.
8:01A Sunday, August 12, 5082
John smiled when the group of people settled down, re-stacking his papers and getting ready to start when a young man quietly came in. The Mage Representative decided not to point out Ethan's (@MissChoco) lateness. He was a good kid, and obviously did not intend to be rude as he sat as far back as he could in an effort to not disrupt the group.
He looked and nodded at the Choir, the group then stopped their humming and sat down, signifying that now was truly the start point for the sermon. After looking at the people once more, some dressed nice and most who weren't Mage born or devout in their normal clothes, he began.
There was a wave of magic through the hall, and he imagined the city, that he would be impressed if anyone else noticed. Being one of two Class 1 Mages, he looked towards his colleague to find that his pupils, too, were expanded with the magic. It was odd for magic to flow like that, and with a look to the sky, John determined it was an act of the Deity.
He was surprised to see that few others had noticed the magic, others like his son, Mary Adams, and Jamie Williamson(@Ace). Those are some powerful children, he thought to himself, yet again wishing lightly that his son, James, had followed in his footsteps. He decided then to change the start of his sermon, something he had done only once before, when he'd happened to find out that his wife was pregnant with his first child right before the sermon.

"Good morning," He said, using his magic to spread his voice out evenly through the large meeting hall but not mess up the radio. "It is a wonderful morning today now isn't it? The kind of day that feels almost as if the magic is flowing throughout the city." He cleared his throat then, his voice too old for speeches. He got back on track then, "Of course, it is hard to look at that side of things. It's hard to look and be grateful for the sun, for the magic that surrounds us, and for the prosperous city that we live in. We forget the miracle that life is when faced with the bills and other tribulations that parenthood also encompases.

"There is so much joy though, and it is important to recognise that. Have you ever noticed how anger or fear affects your magic? As a father of three I can confirm that teenage angst is not the only negative emotion that controls magic. It is when we are the saddest that our connection to magic, our connection to each other and our families, is the weakest. Our magic won't work right when we're sad or panicking. Our friendships will falter when we are sad and push them away with harsh words and ignoring acts. Our families, as well, suffer when we are angry and sad because it hurts them to see us sad, and because our angry words and actions are not thought out and tend to cause pain in those we love the most."

John continued to speak on the dangers of ignoring the good. It was an uplifting sermon that left a generally happy mood. He went on until at was 10:30, but the way he spoke was entertaining. It was his favorite type of sermon, the type where he could watch people learning as he spoke. It was a sermon with few people looking bored out of their minds, and he took that as a success.

10:01A Sunday, August 12, 5082
Hey everyone! So the Sermon is done, and it is 10:01A. Everyone in attendance should post something about their response to it, and reference the burst of magic (Jamie (@Ace) will notice the different magic because our mysterious man sitting next to Mary (@HelloBeautifulChild) also possesses his own magic, his own personality of it. Keep in mind that our main characters also have their own personality of magic, and no-one else does.)

Lilica was screaming like some kind of banshee, doubled over on her knees. It wasn't unusual for her to make noise when her magic was going out of control, but this was different. She was screaming like she was being murdered, a bone-chilling, ear-splitting sound that was driving away all the animals in the vicinity. Or rather, had already driven. She'd been screaming on and off for the past couple hours. Unlike her usual horror at what was going on, she was screaming from the pain that came in and out. As she'd run, spurts of lava still falling from her fingertips, she'd passed a man, and suddenly a jolt of pain had speared through her. She'd made it past Hamilton Mill and back to her cabin without letting a sound through, as the pain crashed over her in waves. Rather than getting to her cabin, however, she struggled her way past it and practically rolled and tripped down the hill into the forest. She was lost, now, but that didn't much matter to her, as she could easily find her way back. She didn't think she'd fallen far.

Nor was that her top priority. Her powers were quite suddenly going crazy, smoke pouring out of every pore of her skin, objects popping out of the space all around her. Before, it had only been elemental objects. Water, mist, fire, simple things. What was coming now were bricks, rocks, little clumps of metal, jewels, mysterious gases, though nothing organic or very complicated yet. Not only were her hands glowing red, every part of her she could see was glowing. Every time the pain came, the rate at which things were popping out of the air around her increased, then slowed down again. Her blood pounded in her ears, her head throbbing and her vision slightly marred by a red haze of pure agony. All the colors were vivid and sharp, and yet so dull at the same time. Were the colors of her own creation, as well? Was she dying to give birth to a world? What would come next? Why were things falling down all around her? Her mind was no longer working properly.

Okay, if I make the world for you, kill me off. Make it stop, let this be the end of me. I don't care anymore. I let it go. And very abruptly, just like that, everything stopped all at once. Sweat dripped off the end of her nose, the sound of it splashing into the leaves deafening in the sudden silence and calm. The distraught red-haired girl, looked around herself, curled up into fetal position and wept, though she did not know whether it was from pain, anger, or relief.

@HelloBeautifulChild , I have so far limited her creation magic to simple things. I'm assuming that when she learns to control it and concentrate, she will be able to make more complicated objects, at least things she is familiar with. For now, I haven't decided how far her power truly extends. Can she make living things (like seeds, roses, logs, living trees, homunculus, rabbits)? If she were to gain full control of it, would she be able to create whole buildings? Is it limited only by the extent of her imagination, or by what can be found in the real world (I don't mean she's going to summon up a gatling gun, but could she, for example, make a spear of a design no one's seen before or a gigantic cucumber)?
firejay1 said:
@HelloBeautifulChild , I have so far limited her creation magic to simple things. I'm assuming that when she learns to control it and concentrate, she will be able to make more complicated objects, at least things she is familiar with. For now, I haven't decided how far her power truly extends. Can she make living things (like seeds, roses, logs, living trees, homunculus, rabbits)? If she were to gain full control of it, would she be able to create whole buildings? Is it limited only by the extent of her imagination, or by what can be found in the real world (I don't mean she's going to summon up a gatling gun, but could she, for example, make a spear of a design no one's seen before or a gigantic cucumber)?

@firejay1, I like the limitation there, it's good to have. Now, once she has accepted and mastered her powers she will be able to create life such as large trees (like, KND club house size large tree) and other things of that sort. She'll be in control of creating plant life and (depending on her personality, this part is up to you) also be very close to animals. However, she cannot create animals. The spores and such for plants are everywhere, and they are much less complicated organisms on a cellular level. She also won't be able to blink and create a building, or anything non-living for that matter. She can control the elements fairly well, think of her as a 'Mother Earth' type figure except with the ability to control and create fire, rain, etc.

Before she can do any of this though she has to accept her powers and practice practice practice. She can't be afraid of her powers or of magic at all. She has to reach a sort of peace, otherwise her powers will continue to act in a more destructive manner.
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Rist couldn't help but feel like there was someone suspicious in the church. She suspiciously looked at the people surrounding her for a few seconds before she gave up and just decided that she was just tired and that her mind was messed up today. Besides, the uneasy feeling didn't feel like it was on her side of the church anyways. She focused back to the mage representative(@HelloBeautifulChild) before her mind was caught off guard yet again. She didn't exactly know what she just saw, but it was like a wave of energy - most likely magic - that glided through the hall. However, just as soon as Rist thought she had noticed it, her concentration on it was gone. She was back to thinking that she was just tired and her mind was playing tricks with her and she went back to focus on the sermon.


Alex had a hard time paying attention as he was still trying to memorize his notes from the book he read, despite not having his notes. He would never admit that he could get too obsessed and dedicated to projects, but that is exactly how he is. Even though he always enjoyed the sermons and looked forward to them, he couldn't help but replay what he memorized from the book over and over again. Alex was practically oblivious to everything around him. To anyone else, he would've looked focused on interested on the sermon, in reality his mind was off in another land of memorizing notes.

Alex didn't even notice how long he was lost in his own world until everyone else started to stand and leave. Alex had a quick moment of panic but quickly regained himself as he jumped up and followed the crowd. Alex got out of the line of people leaving and stood to the side, looking like a lost puppy as he searched for any signs of Rist in the crowd.

When Rist and Alex made eye contact, Rist internally groaned as Alex felt overjoyed, mentally fistbumping himself. Despite Rist's seemingly negative mood, she actually was looking forward to having something to do today (which was helping Alex with his magic). Rist only groaned at how tired and out-of-the-mood she was from her slight lack of sleep; She would probably be fine towards the afternoon, but for now she was craving sleep.

Alex jumped in right next to where she was and started walking with her, "Is this a good time? I almost finished the book. I got a ton of notes and I could barely pay attention because I was trying to study what I learned - oh wait! The notes are at my home, show we go and get them? We should go and get them." Alex babbled on and nodded to himself, more overjoyed than usual as he grabbed Rist's hand without thinking and started to quickly walk to his house, ready to grab his notes.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait," Rist shook her free hand dismissively. "That's great and all that you read most of the book and learned a lot," Rist yawned in the middle of her sentence, "But that book was just some extra help. No need to dedicate your life to it."

Alex shrugged at her, "C'mon, I need to show you that I am a worthy student!"

"If I didn't think that you were a worthy student then I wouldn't be around you right now." Rist said blankly, feeling bothered as he still tugged her along with his unrealistic optimistic and perky attitude. "What's up with you today? Are you normally this happy?"

"Hmmmm... No, not really. But I'm just really proud of myself and need to share my happiness with you!" Rist was given no choice but to be dragged along with Alex as he was only focused on getting his notes, which honestly weren't even that big of a deal...​
10:01A Sunday, August 12, 5082
Mary smiled throughout the sermon, loving it. She had grown up in the church and it was a part of her, and a sermon like todays made her feel especially safe and at home. Once the sermon finished she sat for a second, taking it all in.

"Good sermon today, yes?" Her father said, standing up and grabbing her mothers hand as she stood up.

With a shrug, her little brother, Jones, stood up and yawned. "Yeah, sure,"

"Jones!" Mary said, slightly appalled. "I think it was a great sermon, it'll be something to help you through the transition to adulthood."

"Could you be more lame?" Jones said, trying his best to scuff up his uniform. A group of people from his school walked by and he groaned, embarrassed. Jones wasn't like Mary, not studious and clean. He was a normal kid, not a rebellious one, just an awkward teenager looking for life. He was about to be an adult, and nervous. He was working on puberty and starting to want girls and friends and all of that other stuff. Mary looked at him, his dark brown hair (scruffy, by deity he needed to cut that shorter) and vividly green eyes on his tired head. (LOOKS LINK) She hugged him then, laughing lightly and stepping away.

"Go," Her mother said to Jones then, "Get changed, you've got plans today with your friends right?"

"Thanks, see you!" He said, running off to their rooms.

"So, uh," Mary said, looking around for Jamie (@Ace). She really hoped he would talk to her, but she also really didn't want it to be so... in public, with her parents right there.

"You alright Sweetie?" Her mother asked, as always putting her hand on her forehead. Mary had always asked why the Healer Mage used her hand rather than her magic to test her temperature, and her mother had always replied that healing needed a personal touch. 'Healing is more than a physical thing,' She had insisted. 'Healing is about making a person feel good and comfortable inside and out, which requires a personal and almost un-professional touch.'

"Oh yeah," She was blushing as she hoped for Jamie to come over some more. "I've gotto see someone, I'll see you at dinner."

"Of course, we love you," Her father said. "We'll see you then."

She wandered off them, looking through the crowd for Jamie(@Ace). When she found him, she took a second to calm herself before tapping his shoulder lightly.

"Uh, Jamie?" She asked, her hands wringing the end of her skirt. "You called?"
10:01A Sunday, August 12, 5082
GM Post

The sermon had amused him, his mind not really paying attention. He kept his mind on his creations, watching their reactions. He was happy to see that Lilicia hadn't killed herself, not wanting one of his toys to die. He wasn't sure what course of action he needed to take, Alex and Rist (@MissChoco) were doing exactly what he needed them to do, training Alex. Jamie (@Ace) and Mary (@HelloBeautifulChild) were hopefully going to talk after the sermon, and just to be sure he sent thoughts of her his way. He didn't really have anything for James (@HelloBeautifulChild) right now, and besides, the other group was more important.

He thought of Lilicia(@firejay1), she needed some help or she'd become completely useless to him. He decided to use Ethan (@SereneDeity) to help her. Ethan (@SereneDeity) needed to use his magic more so he'd develop his magical personality anyway. He closed his eyes as he slipped out of the church, sending thoughts to Ethan (@SereneDeity).

Go find the red haired girl in the woods, help her.
I'm a little confused about this omnipotent voice thing - When it sends me this message, is it just a voice, or will it guide me? For example, does it show me an image of the girl laying down, or guide me to where she is, or is it just a voice, telling me my task and nothing else?

Ethan woke with a start, looking around his room with wide eyes. I actually dozed off, Ethan thought, yawning and getting up. Looking at the clock, he determined it was still before work, so he had more time to be bored. Right as Ethan was about to resign himself to boredom again, there was a piercing voice in Ethan's mind.

Go find the red haired girl in the woods, help her.

Ethan's eyes widened in shock, and he fell back into the chair he had just risen from. He gasped for breath, finally muttering, "What the HELL was that?" His mind felt... violated. His own voice was the only one allowed in there, and that was surely not his own voice. However wrong the whole situation felt, however, he had the urge to comply with the voice. Someone, somewhere, needed help, and he was called to help them, however strange that seemed. "This has 'trap' written all over it," Ethan said, rising up and quickly dressing in a casual t-shirt and khaki shorts, "But I've got nothing better to do." He sighed as he said that, and burst out the door.

Go find the red haired girl in the woods, help her.

The voice said that the girl was in the woods, so he would begin by searching in the woods, of course. Ethan gazed towards the north side of Hamilton Mill, where he knew there was a forest popular amongst hunters. It was the only lead he had, so Ethan ran as fast as he could. He felt invigorated, and generally much better than yesterday, although he had no clue why. Ethan decided to question this later - he had an important job to do.

Soon enough, Ethan reached the gate of the city, stopping to take a breath. People were starting to pour out of church by that time, but Ethan's attention was focused on the woods he could see from the gate. It seemed very large - he had no idea how he could find a girl there! He had barely ever even been out of the city, to be perfectly honest - the last time he had been was on a field trip 5 years ago. Regardless, Ethan pressed on towards the woods, more cautious than before and less sure of what he was actually supposed to do.
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8:01 AM
The wave of magic was unpleasant. Like a breeze on a very humid day, only the breeze was also hot and lazy. Jamie shivered as it rolled over him, but then he grew used to it as time passed. Perhaps it was only so bad in the first place because something anxious gripped his heart. He forced his attention on the Mage's sermon, and let himself be taken by the old and respectable man's words.
By the time it was over, Jamie had been completely swept into the moment. As he stood with Rose, their arms still linked, he found himself thinking about the feeling he'd gotten and John Touche's comment on magic in the room at the beginning of the oration. Now that Jamie thought about it, perhaps that was what he'd felt. He mentally shook his head, dismissive. If he was going to pursue this line of thought, he would ask the proper people for answers. Jamie could very much imagine himself having a quiet conversation with the Mage Representative and seeking his opinion on the matter.

"Are you ready to leave?" Rose asked as she shrugged on a black, knee-length jacket that had large, fashionable buttons and a strip of the same fabric made to tie around one's waist like a belt. It looked thick and had a collar, a bit much for this time of year, but Rose was always sensitive about the cold.

"Sure," he said, staring down at the jacket draped over his arms. It struck him as funny that she had been very prepared for the chill and he had the thin cloth of a suit to protect him. He thought to tease her about it, when he noticed her attention shifted off of him very suddenly, her eyes clearly focused on something about neck-height for him. He thought to turn, but felt the tap on his shoulder heartbeats later.

Mary Adams ( @HelloBeautifulChild) , standing in a pretty white dress. She looked flattering, but more immediately, he noticed she looked nervous. Jamie was good with others' nerves, maybe because he knew them all too intimately himself. His heart gave a little flutter when he realized his time had run out, but he had sat down the night before. He'd prepared for Monday, so he was prepared for today too. He smiled warmly, and hoped it was disarming.

"Yes, thank you for getting back to me so soon," he said, facing Mary now. "I was hoping I could speak with you about something." Jamie remembered his sister in the form of her arm looped through his, and he turned his warm smile into a happy one. "Mary, please meet my sister, Rose. Rose, this is Mary Adams, she's a researcher at the library."

Rose was not social; she had close friends, and no acquaintances. Jamie always thought she had two expressions—friendly and professionally polite. He searched for which face she would wear, the way she would compose herself, and did not know what to think of her genuine, toothless smile, and the soft expression around her eyes. Rose did not look this way when shaking the hands of her coworkers, nor did he think she looked this way greeting him or her other few friends. Perhaps there was more to his sister than he thought. Jamie also knew that Rose was no fool either, and if she sensed something in the air, it was tied within the openness of Rose's greeting.

"Nice to meet you, Mary." She stepped closer to shake Mary's hand, and it struck Jamie that the two women were at least a forehead in height difference. It never struck him, or Rose for that matter, as being tall until compared to someone of normal height.​
Sorry everyone for the slow reply, I got a mini-stomach flu and was half asleep/half dead for a couple of days. It's all good now though so yay!

@SereneDeity At this point 'he' just sends that one message. No picture, no smell, no nothing. Now, as all of our characters are mildly drawn to each other that may play in but unless 'he' decides to do/say anything else all you've got is "Go find the red haired girl in the woods, help her."

10:06A Sunday, August 12, 5082
Mary blushed lightly at Rose and Jamie, mostly Jamie (@Ace), and fiddled with her skirt some more after she spoke. For some reason the five seconds between her words and his seemed like an eternity and the entire time she wished her white dress was longer. What Rose must think of her! Not that she knew Rose that well, beyond her name Mary knew nothing about the girl. In fact, they only reason she knew her was because she was the sister to a Representative. Still, her skirt could have gone down farther past her knees, rather than showing the knobby things off. And what about her chest? She hoped her dark blue sweater was baggy enough to hide them, but her breasts were still showing and she knew it. Rose must hate her, calling her a whore or a temptress, which she was!

"Yes, thank you for getting back to me so soon," he said, facing Mary now. "I was hoping I could speak with you about something." Jamie remembered his sister in the form of her arm looped through his, and he turned his warm smile into a happy one. "Mary, please meet my sister, Rose. Rose, this is Mary Adams, she's a researcher at the library."
Mary decided to smile back at Rose, a little helped by the genuine smile on the woman's face. She planned to say "Hi," but she wasn't sure the word was audible. She was surprised that Jamie knew she was the researcher, or wait, a researcher, that's right, she hadn't taken the promotion yet. She was going to though, she had decided at some point during the sermon to do so the next day. As her mind wandered its healthy amount she found herself calming down.
"Nice to meet you, Mary." She stepped closer to shake Mary's hand, and it struck Jamie that the two women were at least a forehead in height difference. It never struck him, or Rose for that matter, as being tall until compared to someone of normal height.
Mary took her hand, shaking it lightly and stopping her fidgeting in the process. It was the one thing that didn't bother her about this situation was her height, probably the only thing about herself she wasn't belittling at the moment.

"Nice, Nice to meet you too," Mary said, this time the words loud enough to be heard. She spoke up then, "W-What do you do?"
Ethan neared the forest, gazing into the endless sea of tall oak trees. Ethan noticed a house far away from him, on a hill near the forest, and decided to head towards that. Any sort of landmark was important in this case.

Much later, Ethan reached the hill. It was a short hill, with the ruins of a modest hut atop it, next to another intact cabin. It was a start, so Ethan climbed up the hill, and knocked on the door. "Hello?" Ethan called out. "Anyone home?" Ethan waited for a few minutes, knocking a few more times just to make sure no one was home. When still he heard no answer, Ethan decided to walk around the house, to search for any clue. On the side of the hill facing the forest, Ethan did notice some rocks knocked around, and a flat path in the grass headed towards the forest, almost as if someone had rolled down it. Ethan decided to follow it, and made his way down the hill.

When he entered the forest, a strange sight awaited him. Strange objects were scattered all over - bricks, some jewels, and other miscellaneous objects that should never have naturally popped up in a forest. Something fishy is going on here, Ethan thought, and continued on, very cautious and wary of his surroundings, and quite a bit scared.

Then, in a small clearing, he saw her, curled up.

The girl had long, flowing dark red hair, and a shabby long dress that looked just a little singed. She seemed to have a long sword attached to her waist, although Ethan couldn't tell from his angle. One thing Ethan could tell, however, was that she was beautiful, even more beautiful that the girl from the library. She looked like she had been crying, as her eyes seemed a bit puffy. Soon, Ethan realized he had been staring, and ran over to help. "Hey, are you alright?" Ethan asked, a little dismayed.
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