Legend of Renalta 2: Reborn

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since Laenaia isn't very solid with combat magic
Just let her learn how to do exploding shadow trick mid-mission. :cheeky:
Jorick. Shush >: ( you make me a sad bear.

Besides, Brovo did encourage this one more from character perspectives than from team compositions I believe? Or that it at least did not really matter.

Oh. Right. And Fahim is NOT a tank.
I know, but Holmi mentioned not taking other missions into consideration, so I did an OOC assessment to counter that. I also happened to make my character choices fit in with those choices, because Zin would like to have a big tanky anti-magic guy on the team for general purposes and Kasim is down for having two more ladies on hand to flirt with. Remember, Brovo did say it was totally cool for mission choices to be made OOC and then justified IC after the fact, so I applied that same logic here. :P

As for Fahim not being a tank though, oh well. I knew it was probably a long shot.
Just let her learn how to do exploding shadow trick mid-mission. :cheeky:
Or we could not take chances. Crazy idea, I know.
lrn2read scrub. :p
I am well aware of the rules. Just because we are not permitted to vote outside our influence, does not mean that we cannot attempt to coordinate our efforts.

My main worry is that if we all vote entirely independently of one another's votes, we'll end up screwing ourselves over. For example, say everyone in Tuleria wanted a tank, but each voted for a different tank—we could very well end up with no tanks at all.

Of course, I am well aware that we've never been much good at the whole coordination thingy, and so my intent was to tease, not to chastise.

Now, that being said, I'm revising my vote to Nyla and Otto. I might be willing to modify my vote to include a mage (or Gabriel)—either Veira or Quar (or Gabriel). Quar doesn't seem like he'll likely to boost Yuri's unique, as he wouldn't be fighting alongside her, but his abilities seem useful for battlefield-style combat. However, for that to happen, some kind of agreement would have to be reached between my allies, so for now Nyla and Otto it is.
I figured it was gonna be like mission votes, where we vote in character rather than bothering with OOC conversation. We saw how well that worked out though, so...
Seeing as most of our characters have next to no relationship with most of the companions, I figured OOC would be more logical.

That being said, I found your reviews of the current situation very useful. I wasn't really expecting anyone to attempt to comply.
Cen votes Otto for Renalta. A giant, plate wearing, mage smashing berzerker? Literally perfect.

EDIT: Oh, and he'll take a magic-breaker.
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Seeing as most of our characters have next to no relationship with most of the companions, I figured OOC would be more logical.

That being said, I found your reviews of the current situation very useful. I wasn't really expecting anyone to attempt to comply.
Yup, most of the companions have little connection to any of us. Also, I can see a lot of wiggle room for justifying IC votes because of that: any character with even a smidgeon of tactical sense would want to shore up group weak spots with companion bro abilities, thus squishy groups would really want someone who can take a hit, groups lacking range should want some ranged fighters, etc.

You're welcome. I go above and beyond the call of duty. 8D
I vote Nyla for amazons. We need a tank character, her being the only one other then Otto. Otto would be suitable too however. Any other amazons want to weigh in their thoughs?
Oh. Right. And Fahim is NOT a tank.
He's a health tank technically. He stands up poorly against fire and struggles against hard hitting blows. Light attacks (ex: a dagger) he can generally shrug off a few of those. Benefits of being a shapeshifter is he can just replace his organs if he loses them. :ferret: Still wouldn't tempt fate too often with him though. He can run out of energy and die.

REMINDER: You can vote for up to two companions. You can only vote for one companion if you're in the Renalta mission, because Mikan is guaranteed for you.

Here, a spreadsheet so you can see what you're doing so far visually.


Quar & Eric getting no love. Poor buggers.
Actually erithos (sp?) may suffice. He doesn't have defender or endurance but he has dodge and those combat uniques. Thoughts @Rain of the Night
Oh? I thought I had mentioned that Elrithos would actually switch over to Tuleria after the Veto was put down. Though, I think The Amazon will be better for Elrithos with his set of skills.

For clarification, Elrithos has:

- Dodge Rank II (Also boosted by Ancient Aavikkanian Warfare)
- Endurance Rank II (Slightly boosted by Aavikkanian - The Runners of the Desert)
- Ancient Aavikkanian Warfare Rank III (Lots of bonuses in combat)
- Stand your Ground Rank II (Very hard to make fall)
- Desert Raider Party Tactics Rank I (Attacking few targets with one or more allies grants bonuses)
- Rapid Blow Rank I (Helps on the foes that are unarmored or only lightly armored)

Plus, with Free Runner Rank II on top of the Ancient Aavikkanian Warfare bonus that allows to move freely even in difficult types of terrain.

Sooo he's a versatile warrior, but I wouldn't call him a tank. He's be great paired with one or many heavy hitters too.
@Maxim @Rain of the Night

Okay so Elrithos brings physical damage and possibly an off-tank to the table, Gremlock brings ranged damage (musket) and magical damage (his potions), Sonia brings magic defense (Turtle Charm Unique) and possibly some offensive magic (hydromancy and mysticism).

I think a defensive character would be useful then, and maybe a support or CC.

After some re-thinking I don't think Fahim would be a bad choice. A Tank or another Offtank would be useful, but since we don't know for sure that our mission will be heavily combat oriented I think my intial first choices of Nyla or Otto would be better spent elsewhere.

For a second choice maybe Quar or Listener Unamo.

Quar brings survivability to the group with healing magic and CC support with snares. Listiner Unamo may be useful as an amazon in an Amazon temple, the spirit summoning will come in handy for an extra source of damage since we have a small group, and If we are in a foreign temple I think someone with knowledge of the Amazonian culture and problem solving skills would be beneficial.

If we were to grab Quar and Unamo that would leave us with Elrithos being the primary Tank character. Like I said earlier, we don't know for sure what we'll even be encountering, so it's likely Elrithos would do just fine. However, if we want to play it safe...

There is still the possibility of @Chrononaut 's character joining us. I think there's a choice between Tuleria and Amazons, but all things considered I think a stealth character with slippery fingers would do good with us in case this turns into a race to retrieve the documents or if the enemy gets them first.

EDIT: I ment to say Fahim WOULDN'T be a bad choice.
Double posting but who cares.

After looking at it some It's doubtful we'd be able to pull Otto or Nyla anyway. Otto looks like a sure thing for Renalta, he already has two votes there and they have quiet a few votes left. Then it looks like Goblin Holds may pull Fahim and Nya as well. That would leave Gabriel as a possible defensive character whom I see Maxim has voted for, but my reserves for pulling him was that one of his main benefits was the ability to fly. An ability which may be moot if we're inside a temple.

I think Unamo would be a solid grab. Another melee character to supplement Elrithos as well as being familiar with the Amazon culture.
Yeah so I'm actually a little confused...didn't I resign up for the Tuleria mission instead after realizing that Tuleria might be a good idea to take? For some reason I'm still listed in the Imperium mission.
Yeah, I too did the same thing Maxim, although I am to wonder how to undo this whole ordeal.
And I think Brovo just did a veto action and left you after annexing the Underdark and forcing everyone there to reassign.
I think the idea is that when he veto'd the Tuleria vote, the voting period itself was already complete—therefore, your votes were already locked when you attempted to renege on them.

As it stands, there are two of you and one slot left in Tuleria—and even if one of you got to switch, it would screw over the Imperiazon mission. (Though the Underdarkers would likely help fix it, but let's just ignore that fact.)

I think the point is that you changed your mind too late, and so these are the consequences, minor as they may be.
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I think the idea is that when he veto'd the Tuleria vote, the voting period itself was already complete—therefore, your votes were already locked when you attempted to renege on them.

As it stands, there are two of you and one slot left in Tuleria—and even if one of you got to switch, it would screw over the Imperiazon mission. (Though the Underdarkers would likely help fix it, but let's just ignore that fact.)

I think the point is that you changed your mind too late, and so these are the consequences, minor as they may be.

It's pretty much this.
@Maxim @Rain of the Night

Okay so Elrithos brings physical damage and possibly an off-tank to the table, Gremlock brings ranged damage (musket) and magical damage (his potions), Sonia brings magic defense (Turtle Charm Unique) and possibly some offensive magic (hydromancy and mysticism).

I think a defensive character would be useful then, and maybe a support or CC.

After some re-thinking I don't think Fahim would be a bad choice. A Tank or another Offtank would be useful, but since we don't know for sure that our mission will be heavily combat oriented I think my intial first choices of Nyla or Otto would be better spent elsewhere.

For a second choice maybe Quar or Listener Unamo.

Quar brings survivability to the group with healing magic and CC support with snares. Listiner Unamo may be useful as an amazon in an Amazon temple, the spirit summoning will come in handy for an extra source of damage since we have a small group, and If we are in a foreign temple I think someone with knowledge of the Amazonian culture and problem solving skills would be beneficial.

If we were to grab Quar and Unamo that would leave us with Elrithos being the primary Tank character. Like I said earlier, we don't know for sure what we'll even be encountering, so it's likely Elrithos would do just fine. However, if we want to play it safe...

There is still the possibility of @Chrononaut 's character joining us. I think there's a choice between Tuleria and Amazons, but all things considered I think a stealth character with slippery fingers would do good with us in case this turns into a race to retrieve the documents or if the enemy gets them first.

EDIT: I ment to say Fahim WOULDN'T be a bad choice.

Bringing Listener Unamo or Nyla along on the Imperium/Amazon mission might not actually be the best idea. Remember, the reason the Queen's Blades are being sent at all is to avoid people claiming biased sabotage or what have you (which is also my IC reason for Yuri not going... both sides could say she's biased against them)
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