Last One to Post Wins Volume 3

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Oh, well. Fine then. I might as well give up.
The spirit of dooooooom!!!!! XD
I think a second villain would bring some drama to this thread.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: fudgecakez
Hm... Yes, ok. That's an acceptable addition.

Dammit, I need to stop procrastinating.
What r u procrastinating?
My search thread.
I've had it open all day... And all I've done is put some stuff in a scrolly box.
I should've finished it hours ago ._.

I mean.. It shouldn't even be that hard. Mostly all I'm doing is copy and pasting all the info from my old ones into a new one because I'm a lazy bastard. And adding a couple snazzy boxes to make it look more colorful
Stupid useless brain
Gotta make everything difficult ;c
I should be almost done, mostly
I just have to finish off some tabs
so probably like
5 hours, knowing me
I keep thinking "maybe alcohol will speed things up" But I know if I go to the liqueur shelf my productivity will grind to a halt completely and I'll end up on Fallout until 3am then realise I have clinic tomorrow and that I'm fucked xD

Ahh.. welp.
I know one thing. Villains don't always win, but they get shit done! heheh. Good luck on your search thing! Don't be too hard on yourself!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Straix
"Why not?" hahahahahah
@Laivindur Fuck off, hoe! The Demon Wizard is the one and only king of villains here. Didn't you saw all the any times I tried to kill him? He just refuses to die.

Also, I don't care in winning this anymore. I just want to see how many pages a thread in Iwaku can hold. XD

Let's break the server and blame Straix! O vO b
Mmh... I'm pretty sure this is the moment where you argue and confront me for trying to blame you for something. Just saying, dude.
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