Last one To Post Loses Volume 1

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*writes in his journal about this beautiful day and posting last, as it's important to accept loss as it comes*
*sips some coffee* I think when I get my own place I'd like a nice little writing desk. I'm slowly becoming an old lady without realizing it because I really wanna write letters to people.
sometimes I prefer writing things on paper before writing them on computer. the process just feels different.
Yeah absolutely. I LOVE writing things on paper. I just like writing on paper in general. I love having lots of pens and using them.
*doodles on lined paper*
*they are ugly doodles but it's fine since nobody will see them*
*proceeds to attempt to fix a joycon because it's broken*
how good/expensive is nintendo hardware support?
I haven't had any experience with the switch. But I did send in a 3ds once and they took great care of it. Fixing joycon drift costs like....12 bucks total (that includes the tools)
hm, not bad at all.
I didn't pay for my 3ds to get fixed. So I'd say it's not horrible. Just wish they'd chosen better joysticks for the controllers.
at least it's not the N64 joystick *shivers*
True. But these wear out faster.

I post and lose in silence.
If I wasn't awake you might have managed it
what if you were playing ffxiv
I mean.....that IS what I'm doing right now. Working on relics because why not.
*sends monks to take the rest of the relics on the map and bring them back to the Monastery*
Too late man. I already have all the ARR relics. *evil laugh before switching to monk class* come get some!
Sets up a hammock and lays lazily here.
*shouts a war cry*
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